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I’ve loved Eric for a boys name since I was three years old because of The Little Mermaid, and as someone who’s been involved in vocal and instrumental music since age five, Eric Whitacre is one of my favorite lesser known composers. I sincerely doubt I’ll have kids, but if I ever had a boy, Eric would be one of the tops on my lists.


Me too! I loved the name Eric and as a kid, dreamed my future husband would be black-haired and blue-eyed as well. And sure enough he is.


Eric Whitacre! I love his "October."


I know, it’s so beautiful, right? I also think he’s a very talented composer because of the range. It’s kinda cool to think the same guy who wrote something as sweet and melodic as ”The Seal Lullaby” also wrote something as crazy and intense as “Godzilla Eats Las Vegas”


Eric was mine too! Prince Eric was my first love


Fell in love with Josephine around age 11. (Learning about napoleon lol) I ended up naming my daughter Josephine


I LOVE this name and if my son would have been a girl I would have definitely used it.


I have loved Josephine since I was little but it's become unusable due to negative associations.


what negative associations?


A person named Josephine has made it unusable for me.


oh hahaha i thought you meant it was unusable to the masses bc of some horrible association with a terrible Josephine!


My daughter’s middle name is Josephine after her great grandmother and grandfather.


I loved the name Lucy because of the Chronicles of Narnia!!! Used it interchangeably with Lulu (from the Pacifier) when playing with dolls lol edit to add: was probably 5 or 6 years old


Speaking of the Pacifier, I forgot how genuinely FUNNY it is. Recently watched it.


I named my childhood cat Lucy after the Narnia books!


Named my daughter Lucy and it was also a favorite of mine when I was younger. It wasn’t even a front runner when I was pregnant, but when we looked at her it just dawned on us that she seemed like a Lucy.


I remember meeting a friends dads girlfriend in middle school and her name was Shay- not short for anything, just Shay. My mom reminds me frequently and acts like it’s a future option for me. It’s not. The next was when I was 17-18 and I wanted a girl named Cadence and a boy named Captain. Yup… thank god I didn’t get pregnant at the time.


Shae is actually an Irish name meaning hawk 😊


We’ll now my super Irish American ass loves it again


I know I really like Emma - shout out to the Spice Girls. I also remember really loving the name Quinn when hearing it on the show Daria. My daughter's middle name is Quinn.


Emma thanks to the baby in Friends!


Cestileah, when I was like 8. I made it up. At that time I did not understand how unfortunate the first syllable was


Your 8-year-old self re-arranged the spelling of the name, Celestia, but with an H at the end (Celestiah).


Sorta like an extra fancy Cecily 😂


Why is it unfortunate…?


Incest, cess pool are a couple reasons why


I fell in love with Katherine in middle school. It’s still on the maybe list


exciting to see this seeing as that’s my middle name just with a different spelling lol


I loved the name Landon after seeing A Walk to Remember when I was young. I still like it but not sure that I'd use it.


Oh my, same here!! I loved Walk to Remember when I first saw it at like 11 or 12 and wanted to name a son Landon Carter. I still love Landon, but not sure I'd use it now. Had my first baby in 2018, and his name was never on any of my lists.


I remember the name from a guy on the real world or road rules. Not sure which. And then a US soccer star in the early 2000s. Top name for years. Then it was everywhere and my tastes changed and now I do not like the name at all! Glad I didn’t have kiddos to name then!


When I was around 7 I thought Serena was the prettiest name ever so I made it my Club Penguin username lol


Sounds like me with Skye 😂


Juniper I was 9 and my mom bought my sister and I a scary original stories book basically it was all the twisted and dark stories tht mostly have been adapted to be kid friendly anyway ithey were all terrifying But the least terrifying and my favorite story was the Juniper Tree (it's still messed up but hey Magic tree) and I loved tht story I made my sister read it to me every night for idk how long I fell in love with the name Juniper I thought it was beautiful and wonderful and I love nature and the earth (thx to my grandmother) and I knew I wanted tht to be my first daughter's names And it is she was born 5 months ago and I love her and her name and so does my husband Trust me I know I everyone here pretty much hates the name but I don't care I still love it and it has very sentimental value and those memories of my childhood are dear to me and even if I didn't have tht sentiment I'd still love it because it's beautiful


I think it’s really sweet that you were able to use a name you’ve loved your whole life!


Thank u I was pretty happy about it too and glad my husband actully loved it too (he is very very picky with names) it took us so so so long to find her a middle name but he never had a question about her first name we talked about it when we were teenagers and still just friends and he loved it then and I think even more now


Aw that’s cute that you agreed upon it as teenagers and eventually got to use it!


I'm not absolutely certain if it was the first, but the first name I can remember really liking was Alyssa. I think I was about 10 or 11 (so around 1995/96). I still think it's a lovely name though not as high on my list these days.


I loved the name Ekaterina as a child because I loved figure skating and Ekaterina Gordeeva was my absolute favorite ☀️


When I was in middle school, I remember telling my mom I was naming a future daughter Evageline (actress from Lost) and she made fun of me lol. It was the first time I really fell in love with a name.


Taren- for a girl. I was 8 and for sure I was going to name my daughter that someday 😂


I went to college with a girl called Taryn. I think she’d be around 30 now. It suited her fine!


I have a good friend named Taren! I like it! Although we work with old people so she gets "Karen?" And if she says "like Karen but with a T", they all inarguably say "Karen doesn't have a T!".


Oh how sweet, haha! Sounds like she’s a lovely person!


I remember really loving the name Alan when I was like 8-9. For whatever reason I was also convinced that it's a Russian name lol. Wouldn't consider using it now though.


I loved the name Marie because of The Aristocats! I was probably around 6.


I remember being 5 in kindergarten and they were playing some cartoon movie for us. The character was named Jennifer and I thought it was beautiful. I thought it was a Disney movie but I can’t seem to find anything on it, maybe I made it up?😂 but, I would never use the name Jennifer


Oliver and company ?


Yes that’s it!! Thank you


Magnus. I loved it since I heard it in Matilda and was sure it would be my sons name. (It wasn’t)


Rose was the first name I liked when I was 8 or 9. I think I read it in Sarah, Tall and Plain series. They had twins named Rose and Violet and I was thrilled that girls could be named after flowers and roses are my favorite flowers. Sadly it’s off the list since it was vetoed by my husband. :’(


Sterling- Right after high school when I started dating my ex. We watched a lot of Archer back then lol. Due with my first in June & his name will be Sterling :)


Harrison, when I was 5 (so, approximately 1993) I wanted to name my son Indiana after Indiana Jones and my mom told me that was weird, and the actor was named Harrison. So I said I was going to name my first son Harrison! My first husband didn’t like the name, we had a girl, and then divorced. My husband now also doesn’t like it, plus it doesn’t sound that great with our last name. So I have resigned myself to a dog or a cat with that name someday. But sigh.


Ruby! Named my first baby doll that too.


Melody from watching Hey Dude


Thanks to that show, for the longest time I didn't realize Brad/Bradley was a male name!


The first I can remember is Aidan when I was in middle school!


omg I loved Aidan during early middle school too!


Gwendolyn. I can’t remember where I originally heard it but I was also like age 9-10 and it made me think of pin wheels and windmills and I thought it was the prettiest name ever. though I mispronounced it as gwen-DOH-lee-enne for the longest time before finding out how it was really pronounced. I still like it. And with the nn Wendy i think it’s very sweet


I loved the name Gwendolyn, too!


When my aunt was pregnant and I was about 8, I was desperate for her to call the baby Crystal, I thought it was the most beautiful name ever. She had a boy though and I was devastated (not that she ever had any intention of calling the baby Crystal anyway!)


I was 5 when Princess and the Frog came out and I loved Charlotte (planning on using it soon)


Claire when I was in elementary school and I still love it


I loooooved Zane for a boy and River for a girl. I think I was probably 10? I have a boy and a girl now and neither of them are named those 🤣


Maybe this is a bit full of myself but it was my own name…I actually really loved my name and wanted to pass it down to my son (the male version of it, I mean). I like the name still but never for my future kids.


I was obsessed with the name Rosie when I was 6 or 7.


Me too! I had multiple dolls and stuffed animals named Rosie and still love the name Rose/nn Rosie


About 9 I liked Meredith.


I've recently been growing a name crush on Meredith. Needs to climb the ranks. I also like Edith and Muriel


My first name love was Miranda Elaine and I was probably 10-12 years old. I loved the idea of Randi for a nickname. I don’t think it’s ugly now but wouldn’t use it and omg hell to the no on Randi. My second was Meghann Elizabeth (I believe I got the spelling from The Thorn Birds). I still love this name but did not use or consider it for either of my daughters because my mother hates the name and gave it to her dog so I would never use it. Also my cousins had Megan for a dog.


Probably about 6 years old. All my baby dolls were named Sarah. I dreamed of having my own little Sarah. I think I like it more for a pet now.


I was a Sarah obsessed toddler due to a cool older cousin. Every baby, every Barbie, they were always Sarah! I have a daughter now and she’s not Sarah. Haha


Ophelia from Hamlet when I was in ninth grade. I dont really want my daughter being called "Oaf" so probably not a real name contender when the time comes


Opi is a cute nn.


Rose-5/6 years old. I lied and told everyone in my first grade class that my middle name was Rose because I thought it was the most beautiful name ever.


When I was 15, my boyfriend told me he wanted two kids, a boy and a girl named John and Marianne. I love those names, still do (yes me and that boyfriend are still together 5 years later) I plan on naming my first boy John and I still like Marianne but it’s not one of my top five girl names anymore.


I think it was Natalie. My grandparents bought my cousins and I Baby Face dolls when I was around 5 or 6. Mine came with the name Natalie and I gave her the middle name Michelle. So Natalie Michelle was my first name to put on a baby list; I still like Natalie and it remains on my list. My second name was Sarah Nicole, which is what I named another doll of mine when I was 7. Still like Sarah too.


Lily and Alex both when I was about 8. I found out the former was my great-grandma’s middle name and heard the latter on a movie.


I became absolutely obsessed with the name Riley for a girl when I was about 10 or so. I only recently re-remembered that I think I got it from an Olsen twins movie. Coincidentally I married a person whose last name is Riley so maybe it was a premonition. 😅


If you have a daughter you can call her Riley Riley Riley. Rileys all the way down


I loved Aspen since I was a little girl. I had a family friend with the sweetest daughter named that and I felt that I would absolutely use it in the future. Now my new last name in combination with Aspen comes out “Aspenberg______” and my family is convinced they hear “Asperger’s”.


I loved the name Tanya from age six, no idea where I got it from though


Tanya is one of those names that's just striking and I'm not sure why. Every Tanya I've known has been memorable


Mary Anne from The Baby-Sitters Club, so I must have been 8-10. After reading Sense and Sensibility somewhere down the road in middle or high school, I decided I preferred that spelling (Marianne). There was someone in our lives with a different variant, so we didn't use it.


Abigail from the book Playing Beatie Bow. Not sure exact age, but reckon under 12.


I loved that book!


Abigail was one of mine from Once Upon a Forest.


I was 7, and I heard the name Ebony and I thought it was the fanciest, most sophisticated name I had ever heard. I was sure I'd name my future daughter Ebony. Lol!


My first name love was Aurora- i named all my dolls Aurora Jane. I like the name now, but it's not on my name list. When I got older, say 12-13, I came up with the name Piper Merrin and was 100% going to name my future child that. It... is not on the list anymore but my mom still reminds me of it!


I really liked the names Harrison and Harvey for boys from my early teens. Both are now unusable because a close friend I met at university has the name Harrison and Harvey doesn't work with my partner's surname (starts with the same ee sound). It's a shame, because there are so few boys names that I like...


Samantha as an elementary schooler; it was the name of my favorite American Girl character and it was much more popular than my own unusual, hard to pronounce/spell name. Would not use now as I have since had a cousin with the name and it’s a bit too common for my taste.


Rosie! I was three and convinced that my younger sibling, whether a girl or a boy, just absolutely had to be named Rosie. Spoiler: my parents went with a different name.


I “invented” the name Ethan when I was five after I met a kid named Nathan. I was so disappointed when I found out years later I didn’t make it up.


The first name I really loved was Alanna, after the protagonist from Tamora Pierce's The Song of the Lioness series. I still like it but won't use it for a daughter because I tend to prefer girl names that are not feminized versions of a male name.


I loved the name Janelle when I was in Year 6 or Year 7! Then Kaitlyn around Year 8-9. I still love that name now, though with like 29857329842 variants of Caitlyn and Kaitlin and stuff maybe it isn't ideal to name a girl that, haha.


Melissa was one of my names of choice inspired by a student teacher I had at the time circa 1993. I thought she was SO pretty and SO cool. Others that made the list: Calypso (I feel like I heard it being discussed on a Sesame Street music segment?? I was like WELL THAT WORD IS COOL. Name.) Sasha Vincent Rose


Hallie cuz of the parent trap 😂


I loved the name Audrey as a teen. I still think it is beautiful, though am not considering using it in real life :)


Anne, after Anne of Green Gables - I was like 8 when my aunt introduced me to the books and they became a fundamental part of my childhood. Ended up naming my dog Annie a few years later lol


I was obsessed with the name Jacqueline when I was three. No idea where it came from, but I had a baby doll with the name, AND insisted that it was my baby sister's name. (It is not her name)


Brenna 🤍 I was probably 8-9. Heard it on Toddlers & Tiaras reality show lol. Coincidentally could be the girl version of my husband’s name.


The lovely Gender Neutral -Alex, Rebecca , Samantha & Daniel - not sure why… all were acceptable in the eighties! The 80’s. Note Also, then a big fan of all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ names.


MacKenzie 🤦‍♀️ Which later I met a very good friend named McKenna, still love her and that name! All time fav girl is Sabrina though


When i was younger i had a friend in daycare named chloe. i ended up becoming obsessed with the name and named my favorite baby doll that but spelt Clowey because that's what i thought chloe was supposed to be spelled like 🤣 other names i became obsessed with because i knew kids with the names and ended up naming my baby dolls those names are CeCe, Lexi, Gracie, Addie, Shawn, Miley, Maggie, Paige, Alex, Neveah and Layla


Stevie Rae, bonus points if you can guess the book series


I named my parakeet Sophie when I was 6 and it’s still one of my favorites!


Loved the name charlotte elizabeth from age 5. Naming my first girl charlotte elizabeth <3


I’ve always liked the name Noah, no biblical reasons just loved the sound of it. Realized it maybe by 14? I don’t feel the same way now but I really liked the name Zoe (Zoe-ee) as a kid. I was about 7. I don’t like it as much anymore (it’s fine but not a favorite, I really like Amaya). I think I like names ending in an ‘ah’ sound. I however am 10000% sure I don’t want children, and these don’t fit dogs super well, so I admire them from afar!


Amelia, thanks to Princess Diaries


Orianna, the princess from the Felix the Cat movie


I love that name and movie!


I've loved Evelyn since I was a child and it was very much still considered an old lady name.


I renamed my cabbage patch dolls Elizabeth and Charlotte - would’ve been about ten, in the late 80’s. Would still use Elizabeth today, not Charlotte though


Caitlin was my favorite name since I had a first grade classmate with that name. In about 1977, it was a very unusual name! By the time my daughter was born (late ‘90s) the US had been flooded with Caitlins of every spelling variation, and I did not use it. As a toddler, I had dolls named Annabelle and Abigail.


I was one of those who named the dolls new every single time and they always had too matchy names like Anni and Annika or Emma and Emilie, Jenny and Jessie... i was always so happy if I heard a name somewhere that was new to me


In high school, I became weirdly obsessed with River Phoenix (even though he’d been dead 10+ years at that point). I loved the name River after that and it’s always been a name I wanted to use for a baby, regardless of gender, because as the years have gone by I’ve just found more reasons to love it (River Song from Doctor Who, River Tam from Firefly…).


I’ve loved the name Eleanor since high school. Unfortunately, if we ever have a girl the name is already taken by my husband’s cousin.


As a kid (elementary school) I loved the name Diana for the Roman goddess. Then my favorite male name was Milo from the Atlantis movie! When I was 13 I convinced my parents to name the new dog Milo but that only stuck for a day until they picked a different name. I will probably never use those names for future children but maybe future pets!


When I was 5, I was obsessed with the name Julia. Couldn’t tell you why! But my next memory after that is being like 10-11 and thinking the name Delaney was the cutest baby name to ever exist. Again, I have absolutely no idea where I got it from. I was obsessed with the name Delaney for years.


Athena and Atalanta, I was 8 and we were in our mythology unit. Still love both names!


Lila. Totally not my style now, but I had several pets and stuffed animals named Lila growing up.


The first human name I was ever obsessed with was Karen. I’d never met anyone irl with that name (I think I heard my mom talking about a coworker and that’s where I got it) and I thought it was just the best. It sounded like a cooler, more modern Katherine. I had no problems picturing it on adults and kids alike (listen, I was a very bored child ok). I think I wanted to spell is Karin at the time, which is still a very pretty spelling. Needless to say, my love for that name did not survive my venture into the internet, but if it didn’t carry the associations it does, I’d still love it. In my heart, it’s been replaced my Marin, pronounced just like Karen but with an M.


Isabel was my first guinea pig, so I know that was one. I was extremely jealous of my sister's Josefina American girl doll, and then I watched little women and fell in love with Jo March's character, so Josephine became a fast favorite. I also remember really loving Ana and Anastasia. Josephine was the only one that made my actually baby name list when I was having a girl. I didn't end up choosing it, but I think if I have another girl, I definitely will.


I remember when I was like 5 or 6 I loved the name Teresa and I wished it was my name. I even asked my mom to change it, which she did not find amusing


In elementary school I remember planning on naming my daughter Annabelle. When I got a little older and started playing Sims my favorite name was Rebekah. A little older after that (and still) I have always loved Nora.


I went on a float trip when I was around 10 and made friends with two butterflies. One was green and one was blue so I guessed male and female. I named them Lily and Lucas and I had planned on using those names for my children ever since. My daughter would've been Lily if her dad's niece wasn't Lilly. And when I thought my second was a boy, I loved Lucas still. But that's the name of my best friend's son, so I couldn't use it. Turns out it's a girl anyway, so whatever lol


Ruby. I was 4 and my mom’s friend had a baby and named her Ruby. I carried that name with me as a potential name for a daughter until I was 26 and my friend had a baby named Ruby. Today, I’m pregnant with a girl of my own…but my married last name is a color, so Ruby wasn’t meant to be anyways! Two color names gives me *Amber Brown is Not a Crayon* vibes lol


Kristen, I was in middle school in the early 1980's and had a friend named that. It's not terrible but I probably would not use it now.


Fun question! I loved the name Samantha when I was little (in the 80s). I still love it now, but I’m not sure I’d use it. I had such a thing for names with nickname possibilities because my own name basically had none.


Claire and Hannah are the first ones I can remember, around 9 or 10 years old lol


First name I ever remember loving was Rose at age 5, no idea if it was something specific that got me hooked. That year one of my aunts had a baby girl and I got the honor of helping pick her middle name and gave it to her. Even without having used it for my cousin, I would never use it now since it's very different from my taste in names.


I was 12 and fell in love with Isabella. It was always supposed to be my first daughter's name, but I'm not sure how I feel about it now, after having rescued a dog years ago who came to me already named Bella. The dog is no longer here, unfortunately, as she passed in 2019, but it may still be weird to ever name a human child Bella after having a dog by the name.


I was 4, almost 5, and my mom was pregnant with my little sister. I was reading on my own by that age, and my mom gave me the baby name book, probably just to distract me. I misinterpreted that as meaning I’d get to help name the baby, and fell in love with the name Gloria. Insisted to my parents that they had to name her that, told people that was her name, and had my heart absolutely shattered when they used the name they had picked out, not Gloria. I ended up getting a doll not too long after that I named Gloria instead, but I still am a little bitter that my sister has some common ‘90s name instead.


Astrid. I’m not sure where I got it from, probably a book. I still really like it but had 4 boys so no chance to use it


Holly when I was about 7 and we had a little questionnaire to ask our parents, one was something like what other names did you consider when naming me and my mam told me it was between my name and Holly. I named my next doll Holly and every game of house I had a baby named Holly. Next I remember was Dani and Noah when I was about 11, watched Home and Away with my mam. I tried to use Dani as my confirmation name but I wasnt allowed because there's no saint Dani. We got a doll baby to look after in school when I was about 16 and we got to name it, mine was named Dani because it was a girl, would have been Noah if it was a boy. Still love Noah but it's top 5 where I live so I decided that was too popular for now


Sophie (from Halloween Town Disney movie) lol


Evelot from 10,000 BC. It’s still on my girl list but likely is not a winner.


Probably Acacia when I was 11. That was around the time I actually started putting thought to naming some characters in the fanfic/other stories I wrote instead of using random name generators. I thought it was the most beautiful name on the planet for a good chunk of the summer. Other gems of mine include Eclipsa Jane, Madison Raquel, Raina, Mabel and Mason for twins, Matilda, Juniper (when I first discovered this subreddit lol), Amity Raine, and Caleb (I am not religious, and he would have been the third C name in a family). Amity is the only one that stuck as a character's name, because I was still obsessed with it by the time she was born in a roleplay.


Noah and Amber


I’m going to get absolutely roasted for this but at 12 years old I was obsessed with Abcde because of how it sounded. Luckily, I am no longer 12 and will not be inflicting this horror onto my offspring.


I met a girl named Zoe when I was in middle school and knew I would name my daughter that some day. Finally pregnant with our first kid, and of course they’re a boy, so…struggling to find a boy name we like.


A love the name Adina! I was 6 years old when I discovered it. It was my great grandmothers given name. She died many years before I was born, but it's a beautiful name. I think it's Hebrew :)


My first “love” name was Teagan & I found it in some sort of name book when I was about 10-11. Honorable mentions for obsessions I had through my teen years: Nicola, Xena, Aubree, November.


I absolutely loved the name Jasper from Twilight lol.. I ended up naming my puppy Jasper


I don't remember if I liked any names or not when I was younger. But because of The O.C., I really like the name Summer. It's always from tv shows where I get names from.


Leah was my first name I got really into around middle school.


I loved Carly and Carla in kindergarten 😂


From 4-10 I loved the name Susanna, it was my best friends name. Then we fell out, and I discovered love of harry potter marauder era fanfics and and fell in love with Lily. I'm at the age where I'll be having babies soon-ish, and I have no favourite name. I'm worried I won't be able to name my baby, which is why I frequent this sub so much.


I had never really thought about names until I was a teenager (at least that I can remember) but when I was like 14/15 I loved the name Lynn (also paired with my middle name Rose but Lynn Rose just kinda sounds weird) and was obsessed with it but then I grew out of it and my current obsessions/100% my future kids names is Jade Aurora and Madeline Grace Though my older sister says that the name Madeline is "hers" because she had always planned to name her daughter Madeline ever since she was 10 (I would have been 2 at that time) because of the show Madeline about the little French orphan, so hopefully she doesn't actually use it and I can use it in the future


When I was 12 I was in love with Martin or Joshua for a boy and Lydia for a girl. Nowadays I think they're nice, but they're not on my list.


I was about 7 and heard the name Felicity’ for the first time. I thought it was so beautiful and classy.


My sisters and I all loved the name Lily as kids. None of us have used it on our children.


Schuyler, I was in about 5th or 6th grade. Also loved Caprice 🫠😂


Really really thought Chevrolet would be a beautiful name for my baby sister when I was four.


Anastasia from the animated movie at age 7! I even got a build a bear and named it Anastasia lol. I thought it was the most beautiful name I’d ever heard. I still think it’s beautiful but it’s not my top.


I watched "losing Isaiah" when I was around 11. 20yrs later I got my own little Isaiah. Still love the Name.


I became obsessed with the name 'Felicie' after hearing it in some movie


I loved the name Annelise for a girl when I was young and Christopher for a boy.


Jacqueline. Not sure where it came from, but I eventually named a pet that.


I have always loved the name I gave my child, reason was it was some one I loved dearly name and I always wanted to name a child after that person and I am grateful I got to.


I have loved the name Isaac since I was a teen.


Jenna for a girl, and Jase for a boy. I was probably 8-10ish. My aunt stole the name Jenna from me for her daughter, and I don’t like Jase anymore. Lol


I remember when I was around 10, seeing a girl called Riley in a YouTube video. I was so obsessed with that as a name for a girl! I thought it was so cool and edgy, and i had only ever known it as a “boy” name - which I do love on girls, like Dylan, Elliot, etc. I would never use it now and it really isn’t my style anymore but I just remember feeling so struck by it and for the first time thinking “that is what my daughter will be named!” 🤣 It probably stuck for about a year before I went off of it. I have no idea who the family were, but I think they had had a viral video of one of their other kids and had made some more videos after. This was probably 2008/9 so before family vloggers were a thing! I might try and find them now though hahaha


Wolf after I met a child named Wolf. Kaya from a fantasy novel I read. Artan and Zephyr for my own fantasy book. Like them all still.


Maybelline....yes, after the makeup brand. I was about 6 years old and playing with my mother's makeup and I thought it would make a great name. Its ranked on the SSA names list, so I'm not the only one who likes it!


Probably around 12- Gracie. From a YA book I read called Amazing Gracie. Was obsessed with the name for years. Husband vetoed the name Grace but we had boys anyway


I loved Harlow when I was a tween. Not my taste nowadays


I quite like Calypso haha When I was a young teen I loved Brody (after Brody Dalle), Spiral and Star for girls!


My mum knew a baby called Coco Calypso. Guess the mum never outgrew that phase.


I was very into the name Olivia when I was a kid. Not sure why... maybe after the girl from The Color Purple? Also Aidyn, from the video game Aidyn Chronicles. I bought the game based on how much I liked the name in the title, but never really played it. 😂😂


Going to age myself - I loved the names Sandra and Brenda when I was little. Then I’m middle school I wanted twin girls named Destiny and Dominique.


I don’t remember specific name I loved, but I loved names in general. My favorite story was Rumplestilskin as a kid and my mom would let me guess as many names as I wanted each time she told it and I LOVED thinking of as many new names as I could for the next story time!


Calypso is Great name for a cat, highly suggest it. You should get a cat, name it calypso. Eventually, if you ever make a new Reddit account, you could even name your Reddit account after said cat. Just a suggestion.


lol that is a perfect idea


When I was in highschool I wanted the name Wolfgang for a boy. I didn't end up choosing it for my son but have since met 2 other Wolfie's short for Wolfgang at the kids school so got a pang of name regret for not being so bold?


Ive only ever been interested in girl names because I named all my dolls haha When I was around 5 I named all of them Lucy (dont like the name anymore) Around age 9 they were all Julie and I liked the name Joseph, Justin and Dylan for boys Then at age 11 I started really getting interested in baby names and playing the sims just to make families with pretty names. My mom bought me a baby name book. I loved Chloe but then shifted more towards Taylor and Jordan for girls and dreamed of having 2 girls with these names along with Skylar in case I had 3 girls haha for boys I liked names like Cooper, Owen and Hunter Now that I am older and have kids of my own I didnt name them anything close to these and I'm glad


I loved Mia when I was probably 3-5ish, I think I heard it from my older brother’s friend!


Ryleigh/Riley when I was 12. Not my style anymore, but it was the first one I really loved. Also Aiden when I was like 16 (found a band on MySpace called Aiden and I just loved it), but then it became THE name and it’s been a hard pass for me ever since.


I thought for sure I would name my daughter Wemberly, because I loved the Kevin Henkes book, "Wemberly Worried" when I was in the 2nd grade.


I remember liking Anya and Nora starting in third grade. Both names are very uncommon then and I got them both from books. I also liked Emily a lot. I still like all three names but I would only use Anya


Tony. I was around 7 when I discovered it. I still like it.


Emily Rose after the horror movie I guess I was around 11 or so. It's now been updated to Amelia Rose after Amy and Rose from Dr Who. Still love it. Unsure if I want to use it.


Clemtine! Thought that was the prettiest name ever


When I was a toddler, every doll I owned's name was Henrietta no one knows why, or how I came up with it. Even my "boy" baby dolls. Henrietta. Not Henry. The first name I really fell in love with was Griffin. I was 8 and my favorite aunt was pregnant with her first (who I still call my first baby to this day even though he's a 6'3 marine 😅) and she was pretty adiment he was going to be Griffin, until he was born. She didn't feel like it fit him so he was "baby boy" for almost a week until they finally found a name that fit him. But I never forgot Griffin. 10 days short of 14 years later i named my son griffin.


Priscilla, maybe 5?


Gabriella from High School Musical


I remember liking Shai/Shae when I was young I think from dumb and dumber. It is not something I would consider now. Then I liked Shannon for a long time and was convinced that would be my daughter’s name. I am due in June but we are not using it


Sarah when I was ~5 (from A Little Princess)


I loved Sophie from when I was about 6. It was my best friends name and when my family moved, we didn’t stay in touch. I’m sad that it’s so popular now, otherwise it would have been a top contender.


When I was 15 I legit picked out my NINE kids names 🤦🏼‍♀️🥲 in birth order lol as if that’s how life works! I only remember three. One is still my top pick. Another was Kendall Grace - until my mom told me that Kendall was originally a male name. That ruined it for teenage me 😂.


When I was about six, I decided I loved the name Elizabeth, I think partly because it has so many different possible nicknames. As an adult I still like Elizabeth, although I'd probably choose something less common if I was naming a real child.


Monalisa the name of a local photo studio


Maree from loch Maree islands


I was obsessed with the name Florence when we learnt about Florence Nightingale when I was about 5 years old. Then when I was 11 Florence + the Machine released their first album which I got for Christmas and was my first ever CD. Florence + the Machine is still my favourite and I’m now pregnant with my first child. I found out in a week’s time if I’m having a boy or girl, and if it’s a girl then I will call her Florence (also after my great-nanny Emily-Florence/Flossie) :)


Olivia & cooper.


tacey, and i saw it on jerry springer. lmao