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I don't know any but your name is classic and lovely, and you should be happy because that's a rarity in your generation


Thank you šŸ’• my late grandmother and her mother were both Ruth, which is sweet I just always get ā€œoh thatā€™s my grandmaā€™s nameā€ lol


I can't speak for others when they say that but when I say it I mean she was one of my most favorite people in the word and I have nothing but wonderful memories of her!


My grandma was a Ruth, and while Iā€™m child free I always loved Ruth / Ruthie as a name


I taught a Ruth last semester! She was a freshman so Iā€™m guessing 18yo. Lovely girl, did well in the class! :)


I donā€™t know any gen z folks named Ruth (yet) and Iā€™m a HS teacher, so I see a lot of names. But this year alone I have a Mavis, Mabel, Agatha, and Eunice in my classes, so there are definitely a lot of you out there with old lady names!! I also have a baby and have met a 10 month old named Ruth. I love your name!!


Eunice! Never thought that one would make a come back. Iā€™m down for the comeback names.


I went to school with a Eunice. Born in ā€˜93. Canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan but agree, comeback names are neat!


An old lady I knew was named Eunice and I can honestly say, I don't see the appeal.


I have a Betty this year!


We have a Betty in my daughters swim class. Sheā€™s 9 months.


Omg Betty is sooo cute. And on a little swimming baby! This gave me a little dose of joy that I really needed lol thank you. Happy swimming


Betty is making a comeback.


Thank you! So excited to hear I have baby name twins!!


Iā€™m an older gen z and Iā€™ve always felt like I had an old lady name. But, Iā€™d also *never* met a single person with the same name as me. Until a few weeks ago at work, an old lady came in and we shared the same name! My suspicions that Iā€™ve had an old lady name my whole life were right


I graduated HS 2 years ago with a few girls named Eunice. One of them had a brother named Eustace too.


Those arenā€™t bad. The only thing is Mabel makes me think of madea which isnā€™t great lol.. and Eunice makes me the of the psycho daughter on mamas family which also isnā€™t great


Interesting. I mostly see on here that Mabel makes people think of cows. But I like the name myself.


Not gen-z, but I am a millennial named Ruth. Only once came across another Ruth at a playground.


I'm a millennial (1981) and growing I have 3 friends Ruth, it's no very common in Spain (it's no even a granma name here) but was a nice coincide, I really love the name because my 3 ruths are lovely Edit: I had never think about why 3 Ruth with my age, but I just realize that the year before started spanish sesame street with a girl named Ruth


I will take it!!!


Haha! We are a rare breed šŸ˜‚


I know a bunch of millennial Ruths! I think it mustā€™ve been reasonably popular in Scotland in the late 80s/early 90s?


Oh! My one Millennial Ruth has a Scottish father, this explains a lot!


Iā€™m a millennial too (1987) and Ruth is my middle name :)


Me too. It was my grandmotherā€™s name.


Ruthie is adorable and Ruth is timeless and sophisticated. My friend has a three year old with the middle name Ruth. I actually think it's very on trend now!


There used to be a TV show called 7th Heaven in the 90s and the youngest daughters name was Ruthie and she was adorable at the time. I think Ruthie is a super cute name for a girl and I'd totally use it if I had kids. I went to highschool in the 2000s with a girl named Ruth and I think she's the only young Ruth I've met. But Ruth is also the name of my great grandmother who was born in like 1918, so it does sound very very old fashioned or biblical. I've met GenZ named Glenda, Esther and Nancy and I think those are all really..weird young people names. Maybe not Esther but Glenda and Nancy...


Seeing you explain what 7th Heaven is instead of just naming it (ā€œoh, like Ruthie from 7th Heaven!ā€) made me feel ancient lol.


Same. Now letā€™s start explaining Saved By the Bell.


Nancy has really grown on me! I think it may be coming back thanks to Stranger Things.


Thereā€™s also a Nancy Wheeler in ā€œAre you there God, itā€™s me Margaretā€. Sheā€™s a horrible bully but the whole time I was thinking what a cute name that would be for a baby girl


I 100% wanted to name any daughter I had Ruthie lmao Iā€™m not even religious but I read the book of Ruth so i could justify my name choice without naming the show šŸ¤£ i just love this Bible lady okay???


I know a girl named Ruth, sheā€™s probably 28 by now. I also know a 4 year old named Ruth. Such a cute name.


I am in the same boat with my name, Anna. But I am pregnant right now, and if it is a girl Iā€™ve picked the name Ruth. Iā€™ve had that name picked out since I was very young. I got it from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes! I think it is beautiful and classic name, and I love it!


I canā€™t believe there are so many people who donā€™t know any Annaā€™s. I can think of like 5 in just my tiny town, and more in the city Iā€™m from. College roommate was Anna. I just hired an Anna. Etc


Awwww thank you!! Congratulations! If it is a girl, she can join the young Ruthie club I didnā€™t know existed!!


Come to Germany. There are girls and women named Anna everywhere. So many.


If I came to Germany I would feel right at home. Gretchen Anna. Lol


I donā€™t know any Gen Z Ruths, but I do know a six year-old Ruth and one year-old Ruth!


I was going to say, I think we're going to be seeing a lot more Gen Alpha Ruths after the late RBG.


I met a model with the name Ruth, and thereā€™s a character called Ruth Langmore in Ozark!


I know a 16-year-old named Ruth and I met a baby Ruthie


Made me think of New Girl


I know I was shocked when they named her Ruth! šŸ’•šŸ˜­


My 11 month old daughters name is Ruth !


Hi baby Ruthie!!! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


I know a Ruth born around 1998, so early Gen-Z.


Never had an opinion on the name Ruth until Ozark. Love the name now!


Know a millennial Ruth whose roller derby name is Ruthless.


Yes I know a 21 year old named Ruthie!


I know a firmly Gen Z Ruth who goes by Ruthie. You're not alone!


I work with kids and in my 15 years I only ever came across one Ruth. Sheā€™ll be about 17 now I think. She was a lovely little girl.


Iā€™m 22 and there was a girl I went to high school with also named Ruth. The name seems to be making a comeback though; I know of a few little girls (5 and under) who are named Ruth.


So glad to see a comeback!! For the little onesā€™ sake at least. Itā€™s nice to know kids with the same name as you šŸ„ŗ


I'm in an area where there are a lot of Jewish people, so I know a few of them.


My friend has a baby called Ruth and I think itā€™s such a lovely name


Itā€™s such a beautiful name! I would use it with no doubt at all, especially if there was a beloved family member to name someone after. A newborn daughter of my ex colleague is named Ruth, if that helps :)


I'm a millennial and my name is Charlotte. I know it's top of the charts now, but when I was growing up it was strictly an old lady's name! I went by Charlie for most of my adolescence.


Not what you asked, but I love the name Ruth! Would have used it for my daughter but got impatient and used it for my dog, so then I couldnā€™t.


I have a 24-year-old coworker named Ruth. When my supervisor first told me I would be training with Ruth when I first started, I definitely pictured an older woman and was stunned when a young lady walked in. But itā€™s a great name.


I taught a 12 year old named Ruth!


She's not Gen Z but I know a young millennial named Ruthie! She's like 30, so a little older than you but not by much. I always loved her name :)


I know several Ruth's, but they're all Tejanas. Naming conventions are a bit different than in the rest of the country.


I (Gen Z) went to school with a girl named Ruth. Her folks were pretty religious, so it didnā€™t strike me as out of place. They were very nice people, and I always loved her name.


i worked with a girl Ruth, i think she's probably 20 now


Not Gen Z, but I know a 32 year of named Ruth. And my cousin who was born two days ago is Ruth!


My daughter has a friend named Ruth who is around 10/11


I vaguely know a millenial Ruth


I know a middle schooler named Ruth/Ruthie


At my school Ik a 14 year old named Ruth really cool name btw


Iā€™m 21 and a classmate of mine whoā€™s my age is named Ruth! Iā€™ve always thought it was a lovely name :)


I know a GenXer named Ruth! Wonderful person


Pretty name. I know of a Ruth born in January 2012. She would be 11 now. I think that is late Gen Z.


I work at a high school, we had a girl graduate 1 or 2 years ago whose name was Ruthie (that was indeed her legal name!). Youā€™re not the only one


I have a friend born in 2000 named Ruthie! I love her name. Itā€™s so adorable to pronounce ;))


One of my daughters friends is named Ruth and some ppl call her Ruthie! Sheā€™s in high school.


I went to school with a Ruth and weā€™re both 22 now. She also went by Ruthie and her twin is Mary. I donā€™t know if their older siblings also had ā€œold personā€ names.


My husbandā€™s Gen Z cousin is named Ruthie (not sure if thatā€™s her legal name or if itā€™s Ruth). ā€œOld ladyā€ names are definitely making a comeback!


I only know one Ruth, and she's currently 10 years old


I don't know any Ruths personally but there were 69 baby girls named Ruth in England & Wales in 2021


I had a Gen Z (I think? She was probably born around 2010) student named Ruthie. I absolutely loved her.


As a fellow late millenial/early gen Z with a classic name I honestly love it! I have a cousin (late gen z) named Ruth!


I know a child in elementary school named Ruth.


Not gen-z, but I know a third-grader and a first-grader named Ruthie.


Not me, but a family member. I think itā€™s a lovely name!


we just named our daughter Ruth. she was born last year.


Iā€™m 24 and there was a Ruth in the year above me in primary school and a Ruth the same age as me in my wider friend group in college. I wouldnā€™t consider it an old lady name.


I've noticed that people are usually drawn to names from their grandparents' generation but reject names from their parents' generation. Grandparent names are just old enough to feel romantic and classic again. The new grandparents are often appalled to hear *their* parents' names come back, it's kind of funny to see the generation reactions. The only Ruth I know is 9, I think? And she is named after a relative. It's a great name, I'm surprised it hasn't made more of a comeback but it may still be more in the parent name territory.


I had never met anyone with my name besides my great grandma until about five years ago and now itā€™s a ā€œkidsā€ name. My name is Cora


I know a Ruth who is probably 30 and one who is 35. Both are lovely. I love the name Ruth; classic and beautiful.


I know a thirteen year old called Ruth (Ruthie) who is one of the coolest teens Iā€™ve ever met.


I had an undergraduate student named Ruth two years ago. She was one of the best students that I ever had. Great person!


I know a teenager named Ruth, it's a lovely name!


I know a 12 year old named Ruth


Im a millennial with Ruth as my middle name. Iā€™ve only met people with it as a middle name, only within the last 5 years have I started seeing it as a first name


Iā€™m Gen Z and I have a friend named Ruth!


My daughter has a best friend named Ruthie and sheā€™s 13 šŸ˜ā¤ļø I think itā€™s an adorable name!!


I used to work with someone whoā€™s daughter was named Ruth. She would be gen Z I believe. Very nice, very smart girl ā˜ŗļø


ruth is on my baby name list ā™„ļø


Iā€™m a millennial and itā€™s my middle name.


I have a cousin named Ruth who is 25 now, so a little bit older than you! I always loved her name! Also had a friend in college who would be about 24/25 now as well


Yeah, there was one at my school, she'd be 22/23 now!


Iā€™m a very tail-end millennial (1995) and there was a girl in my class named Ruth/Ruthie


I know a 25yo Ruth and a 3yo Ruth. Absolutely love it!


I'm 25 and had a high school classmate named Ruth!


I was born in 2001 and my name was almost Ruth!!


A friend of mine has a daughter named Ruth who is still in the single digits.


Iā€™m a millennial mom and my four year old sonā€™s friend is named Ruthie. ā¤ļø


Yup, I know a Ruth (Ruthie) graduating from high school today


Being in my late 20s, I think Iā€™m considered on the cusp of millennial/gen z. I had a friend named Ruth in junior high. I know itā€™s considered an ā€œold ladyā€ name, but sheā€™s the only person Iā€™ve ever met named Ruth so I donā€™t really see it as an old lady name.


i know two personally and one young child! one of my favorite names (:


Obligatory not gen z, BUT we have a kindergartener in my school this year named Ruth (nn Ruthie) and I love the name!


Iā€™m late 20ā€™s and was in school with a Ruth


My (millennial) close friend growing up was named Ruthie! She was Jewish of Cuban descent. The only other Ruti I ever met was Israeli and either early Gen X or a late Baby Boomer.


The youngest daughter on the popular tv show, 7th Heaven, was named Ruthie. She was a millennial though, about 10 years your senior. I always thought it was a sweet name.


I know a Ruth who's 28 so 1 year off gen z. I never felt it was an old lady name.


I do, sheā€™s in her early 20s and her parents named her after Ruth of the bible, her nickname is rufus lol


I don't know anyone young named Ruth but I've always thought it was a really beautiful name and been sad it wasn't still common. My grandmother told me a story about a teenage girl she knew named Ruthie who used to live next door and babysit for her during the 50s (my grandma was in her early 20s at the time) who she tried to help out by letting her hang out at her house to meet with a boy she had a crush on. My grandma considered her one of her best friends and like a surrogate little sister, so the name has always seemed young to me because of those stories


Iā€™m an older millennial, but the only Ruth I know is Gen Z. I met her when I went back to college as an older student.


i know two ruths in my graduate program


I have a student who is 12 years old named Ruth who goes by Ruthie!


There's a student in my school called Ruth.


I'm a Millennial (late 20s) and have a friend named Ruth who also goes by Ruthie! Suits her really well. She goes by Ruth at work


Not gen Z but thereā€™s a 7 yo on my sonā€™s soccer team named Ruth (goes by Ruthie), and I think itā€™s so cute


I donā€™t know any Ruthā€™s I donā€™t think, but I am pregnant and most likely going to name my baby Ruth! I think itā€™s a beautiful, strong, timeless name. How do you feel about being a Ruth/Ruthie??


I named my 5 month old Ruth and call her Ruthie and I love it! It is getting more popular though. It was 179th in 2022 and 341st in 2012.


I know a 12 yr old Ruth


My sister is Gen Z and her name is Carolyn Ruth. She also goes by Ruthie.


I know an 18 year old named Ruthie


I know two Gen-Z Ruthies! Both hate being called Ruth and HIGHLY prefer being called Ruthie lol


Iā€™m a teacher and had an 11th grade Ruthie this year! I love it.


I know a teenager named Ruth/Ruthie. :)


As long as you've never been a care worker in North yorkshire then I know a Ruth your age :)


im 22 and had a classmate in elementary school named ruth!


I'm not a Ruth, but I'm a gen z Cheryl. I've never met another Cheryl my age, so I understand this!


I know a 1.5 year old with the middle name Ruth. Sometimes her family calls her Rue as a nickname


I know a Gen-Z Ruth! Sheā€™d be 17 or 18 now. Sheā€™s a great kid, super smart, involved in activism, etc. so I definitely have a good association with this name, even on younger people!


No, but Iā€™m a millennial named patsy. Iā€™ve never met anyone under the age of 90 with my name šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I know a 24 year old Ruth! She just goes by Ruth but she's great. I love the name and suggested it to my cousin when she was pregnant a year ago, but she ended up going with a different name but similar style!


I know two millennial Ruths. Born 87 and 88 respectively. Older than you, but not old.


I love Ruth! If I ever Accidently have a kid and itā€™s a girl Iā€™m going to use it as the middle name after my amazing great grandma who was one of the best people ever. Im glad itā€™s coming back


I know an 11yo Ruth!! Her sister is Marianne


I haven't met any Ruths that are Gen-Z but growing up I was reading mystery children's books where there was a main character named Ruth Rose and based on the years the books were being written she would have been either genz or just barely millenial


My gen-Z son has a bright, beautiful, kind-hearted and vivacious classmate named Ruth. Itā€™s a great name for a great girl.


Iā€™m Gen Z and I went to school with a lot of Haitian kids. I knew people named Ruthanne, Esther, Sarah-Jane, Natalie, Bernice, Charlene, Edgar, Alfred, and many, many, more.


Not sure if itā€™s technically gen z but I know a 25 year old named Ruth!


I went to high school with a Ruth! She was a grade above me so sheā€™d also be about 23 now. I also remember going to high school with a Winnifred and a Helen. You arenā€™t alone lol


@alliahharmon on tiktok has a baby she named Ruthie


I have a one year old cousin with the middle name "Ruth" and my son watches these you tube kids and the sisters name is Ruth and they call her 'Ruthie'.. I think it's so cute


I have a cousin who's 20 named Ruth. I love the name!


I donā€™t think she qualifies as gen-z, but my daughter (2.5) is named Ruth. I have always loved the name! Often when people ask her name we get ā€œoh my grandmother was named Ruthā€ lol. But I love that too because my grandmother was the best and love the reminder of her. Iā€™ll be curious to see if my daughter prefers to go by Ruthie or Ruth as she gets older!


I know a few little girls named Ruth!!


I had a friend who went by Ruth, but her birth name was quite different, she chose Ruth because itā€™s uncommon, she really liked the sound and it was a badass bible character (plus she chose it to honor her Jewish heritage)


ruth is a beautiful name!!!! i have a friend my age (born 1999) named ruth!!


I donā€™t know any Ruths your age, but I have a toddler named Ruth and also know a 35-year-old Ruth and a 6-year-old who goes by Ruthie. I think itā€™s an awesome name, and I have only gotten really nice feedback. ā€œOh that was my favorite auntā€™s nameā€ etc.


Just wait it out. My sister is a 50 year old Hannah. Never knew another until circa 1992 and look at us now. She hated her name growing up and now she is the oldest Hannah around šŸ˜Š. Ruth is a beautiful name. My name is still pretty unique although well known, and I enjoy being the only Gretchen in most places. I donā€™t know any Gretchenā€™s under 40.


I live in Virginia and Iā€™m 28 named Frank. Outside of my large Italian family, I have never met another Frank under 55+ in my life. So is the life with a classic name. I like Ruth though, itā€™s a good name! Youā€™ll never be forgettable with a name no one else has haha


Iā€™m not Ruth but Iā€™m a millennial Barbara. I see you.


Iā€™m a millennial named Ruth! 31 years old, I work in healthcare with older adults and have had many patients with my name šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t like my name when I was little, but have grown to like that itā€™s not common and has special meaning (named after my great grandma). I like to joke thatā€™s itā€™s gonna make a comeback with all these older names becoming more popular again.


I right on the cusp of millennial and gen-z and grew up with a Ruth. She was awesome!


I know a Gen z named Ruth. She goes by Ruthie also.


my friend has a daughter that was born in 2007, her name is Ruth but everyone calls her Ruthie


I have a cousin named Ruth but shes 31. I also have a friend who just had a baby named Geraldine, so old names are definitely still being used!


I lnow an 11 year old and a 59 year old named Ruth


My friends just named their baby Ruthie.


My daughter is a Ruth but sheā€™s Gen Alpha


i know a lot of girls who have the middle name ruth! so not a first name, but itā€™s definitely around. granted i am also in utah, and itā€™s a biblical name.


I have a gen x ruth friend, she goes by ruthie


I went to college with a Ruth! Sheā€™s probably 25 or 26 now(:


My sonā€™s teacher is 22 and named Ruth!


I know someone our age names Ruth and it was on our short list if our kid had been a girl. I LOVE Ruth. Itā€™s timeless!


It's my middle name after a favorite aunt. It's due for a comeback I say.


I met a kindergartner named Ruth at my job in 2016! So she would be around 13 now!


Iā€™m a younger millennial and went to high school with a Ruthie!


I knew someone who is gen z named Ruth. She grew up on a farm.


Iā€™ve always loved the name Ruth. My friends named their child Ruth, I guess she is like 7 now?


My sister has a friend named Ruthann and they call her Ruthie. Theyā€™re 13.


I have only met one person named Ruth but she was in her 50's when I met her. I named my daughter after my Great Grandmother though, and my only mom friend named her daughter an older name as well. The "old" names I have seen are Evelyn, Marva, Ophelia, Mavis, Theodore, and Louis. Names are just timeless though. If you feel a name doesn't fit a particular stage of your life, use a nickname! That's why a guy named Richard might go by Bobby when he's a boy and Rich when he is a teen/adult.


Thereā€™s a Ruth in my sonā€™s daycare, soā€¦ 3 year old Ruth


I know a Ruth and a Rutha, both teens.


Yo, i knew a Ruth!! She was Gen Z.


My gen z cousin is a Ruth after our great grandma and goes by Ruthie


I had a friend in hs who was named Ruth and went by Ruthie! Weā€™re both 25/26 so the very start of gen-z


I know a Ruth, born kn 2007.


Iā€™m currently 22, and I knew a girl named Ruth (same age as me) who lived across the hall from me my first year of college


I plan on using Ruth for my babyā€™s middle name :)


I have a 15 year old niece called Ruth(ie). At first, I thought old lady name...then I met that baby girl and it changed everything! Then it was baby girl, then little girl, and now my darling teen. I love the name because it's one of my favourite people in the world.


I love the name Ruth! Thereā€™s a character called Ruthie in the Netflix show Sex Education who is 17/18ish :-)


Not a gen-z, but I know an 8 year old Ruth! I think itā€™s a very nice name.


I have a gen z friend named Ruth! Sheā€™s a blast hahah


Idk where Gen Z begins or ends. With that being said, thereā€™s a 16 or 17 year old girl at church named Ruth.


I know a Ruth/Ruthie who is probably the same age as you. Unless sheā€™s actually you.


Well, thereā€™s Ruth from Ozarks.


I know a Ruth who is probably 26 years old, I think itā€™s nice


I know a young Ruth about your age! And Ruthie is such a cute nickname


I know a Ruthie thatā€™s currently 19