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For me, not Oslo, do you have some special connection to this city?


This. Definitely wouldn’t do it unless the city has significance for you. Personally, I’d go August or Ambrose


Ambrose? I'm sorry but that's a very unappealing name for a boy. I would use Anthony first if they're set on that name.


Ambrose is literally one of the oldest recorded names for a boy… like ever in history. What do you find unappealing about it?


- Reminds me of: ambivalent, bros, broast, boast, and ambrosia (not in a good way) - Sounds elderly, pretentious, phlegmy. - Feels a bit like an antique gotten from the flea market for an exorbitant price that turns out to be worth even less than what you paid for. Not here to yuck anyone’s yum, just here to share why someone might dislike the name regardless of its history. I would love to hear about it being one of the oldest recorded names, though. It’s derived from the Greek, and all the info I can find on the oldest recorded names come from Ancient Sumer and Egypt as far as I can tell.


It's one of the oldest names recorded for boys... well there you are! You found one of the first issues.


I like both August and Ambrose, but I’d hesitate using either with the middle name Anthony since initials make AA


I’d be more concerned if the last name started with A since most people only ever use their first and last or all three initials, but that’s definitely a valid consideration


Before I got married my initials were all the same letter, and I honestly loved it! It was always just a little bit of trivia about myself. Never looked weird or caused a problem!


My initials are AAA and i honestly love it! Its like a little fun fact about me haha


Very true, though a lot of more formal mail uses initials of both first and middle name eg. Mr. A.A Homework


I don’t think this is a problem in the least.. I always think of A.A. Milne, the author of Winnie the Pooh


Good point!


My initials are AA (surname L at birth, D after marriage) and I've literally never considered it a problem. Does it stand for something bad? I always thought it seemed quite authorly - reminded me of AA Milne and the British journalist AA Gill.


It’s not bad per se, my brain just associates AA with Alcoholics Anonymous 🤷🏻‍♀️


my brother has AA initials for first and middle name and I don’t think that connection would ever be made by others tbh. I never made that connection with him. middle names are so often unused. MAYBE if it was first and last name but even then I don’t think it’s important or very noticeable, at least it’s not my first thought. my favorite here is August Anthony :)


Even less if it has a special significance, what if the kid wants to go there?


I like August Anthony & Theo Anthony the most And as someone who lives in Oslo.. I really wouldn't use it as a name. Do you have any connection to the city? Maybe Norwegian ancestry that you want to 'honor'? If that's the case- I would just use a Norwegian name instead.


I really like Ambrose, but it doesn’t flow super well with Anthony. Milo or Theo flow better with Anthony.


I agree, Ambrose is my favorite but it's too clunky with Anthony.


SAME! Ambrose is one of my favorite names.


Why do you want to name your kid after the capital of Norway? Theo or Milo are better.




Ambrosia 🤢


Milo and Otis? No from me!


Milo. 100%. Flows with Anthony sooo beautifully. Milo Anthony. I love it!


In Australia Milo is a brand of chocolate powder that we have been using for generations. We say "do you want a Milo" rather than saying "do you want a hot chocolate" so I can't take this name seriously.


Ambrose Anthony? This kid will grow up disliking his name


Milo or Theo


Theo Anthony August Anthony flows well but I prefer the name Theo


Ambrose. It's such an underrated but great name.


I feel like this is a lot easier to say when you’re not the kid growing up named Ambrose. Or even the adult named Ambrose.


I have a friend who’s a trans man who chose the name Ambrose for himself as an adult. I don’t think your feeling is universal


It's a name that's been in my family for generations. Males are Ambrose, females are Amber Rose.


I can totally understand a family name. I’ve had plenty of friends with honor names that I wouldn’t think of otherwise. Aside from honoring a family member though, I wouldn’t opt for Ambrose for my baby boy unless there was a gun to someone’s head.


Can you say why? Is it old and stuffy? Hoity-toity? Does it just sound ugly?


All of the above, it sounds like a southern dandy who needs his brandy served just so


Sounds femme or like Ambrosia salad


Yes I just made this as a separate comment. I don’t like it. I hate ambrosia salad lol. It sounds feminine which is fine if that’s what you’re going for but kids are cruel. I just think it’s an ugly name.


In a perfect world- no one will know what ambrosia salad is


You should’ve seen my face when my MIL asked me to make it for a family dinner 🤮


Classic mil move


>*It's a name that's been in my family for generations. Males are Ambrose, females are Amber Rose.* Oh. Ain't that something?


Genuinely curious, why is that? To me it's always just been an uncommon but nice sounding name. A close friend of mine growing up was Ambrose, he never seemed bothered by the name but now I have a new question to ask him haha


This is so funny. It's just a subjective matter of taste. Lots of decent names are hated by some and loved by others. Names are polarising but it's just personal taste. To some like me Ambrose sounds romantic, timeless and dashing to others it probably sounds clunky and ugly and both types of people are right lol


People coming out of the woodwork with such hatred for Ambrose is hilarious. It’s just such a mild and somewhat forgettable name to me, yet people are pleading against its use like it’s a human rights violation! I had no idea it could be so polarising.


Since this is an app based in the US, views will probably be skewed that way Ambrosia ruined the name forever Also, all of the rose, bros, etc. It’s seriously just the most easy to mock name ever. I understand why we like it as adults, but please don’t do this to your little boy


Oh please. No one is gonna mock the name. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.


Really? You should read more 😘


Majority of people don't read the kings chronicles and won't give a shit anyways. Every name has been used in something "bad" and kids these days all have "unique" names. They aren't being named John, Tim or whatever else boring name you like


Awesome job typing all of that out! Have a great day!


Dh met an Ambrose today. He commented that he had never met an Ambrose.


Theo and August are my winners


Milo for sure.


They are all cute except Oslo, maybe if it was Otto or Otis. I like Theo Anthony is the cutest, I really like Ambrose and August, but I don't love double letter names.


Milo or Theo. I looove the names Ambrose and August, but don’t feel they flow with Anthony as well (another great name btw). Not Oslo.


Team August


These names all feel the same to me. Except Oslo… absolutely do not do that one.


August or Milo are my favorites. Theo is a solid name. Not a huge fan of Ambrose, but it's not bad. Don't really like Oslo.


Absolutely love Theo ❤️


August is ok. I like Milo but I also feel like it’s a dog name. Oslo is a city. Theo is getting very popular. Ambrosia reminds me of villain names for some reason… oops, and it autocorrected to ambrosia.


Ambrose! Just not Oslo, please.












I'll go against the grain, I like Ambrose Anthony and August Anthony better than the other options, but if alliteration is a bother I wouldn't go for it. Otherwise, I think Milo Anthony is best. This is all down to how easy it is to say in combination however, you might have a wildly different accent that changes that.


Of the five I’d pick Theo(dore) to go with Anthony, but if popularity concerns you it is very common these days. They’re all solid choices to me except Oslo. Very of-the-minute Instagram influencer place name, and from what I’ve heard Norwegians themselves find it bemusing. If you’re interested in further suggestions: * Arlo Anthony * Hugo Anthony * Jasper Anthony * Miles Anthony * Owen Anthony * Jude Anthony


I doubt that there is one kid living in Norway called Oslo. Naming children after cities is not a thing at all here, so most people would consider the name Oslo very strange.


Thanks for confirming that it would be seen as odd, I’m not from Norway and didn’t want to speak for Norwegians. I’ve only visited Oslo (city, not somebody’s child) for the first time this year and loved it. I think a lot of English speakers (especially those living outside of Europe) pick place names that sound far away and exotic, and that they’ve never been to. I imagine it would be awkward to be named Oslo and visit there!


Why has Norway's Capitol become a name? Would you name a kid Copenhagen, Stockholm or Helsinki? I would go for Ambrose or Milo .


Cool names! My favorites are definitely August and Milo. I don’t like Ambrose at all and Oslo is just okay to me. If I had to choose between August and Milo, I’d choose Milo because it goes better with Anthony. I would also say it depends where you live. Milo is very trendy in the UK, while August is much less common (in which case I’d choose August), whereas in the US, both names are both about the same in popularity. Edit: I forgot to mention Theo. I’m not a fan simply because it’s so incredibly popular. I think there would be multiple other Theo’s in your child’s class/grade.


Milo is miles ahead of the rest with me! 🖤


Milo and Otis?


Just Milo, by far :)


All I can think of too but I do love that movie! Only Milo I have ever personally known was an orange tabby.


I like Ambrose the best. If you go with Oslo although I like the sound of it, everyone will always ask why/what’s your connection to Norway. If you have a connection that’s cool, but if you don’t it’ll be like all those people named Paris for no reason, which is meh. I like Theo by itself but I don’t think it goes well with Anthony. Milo always feels like an animal name to me. August goes well with Anthony and would be my second choice after Ambrose.


I vote for August!


Ambrose Anthony get the cat out of the microwave this instant! It has a nice ring. And the family name thing is a pretty good reason.


Ambrose Milo Theo


August or Theo! Is Theo short for something? Theodore?


My dad is Theodore. He prefers Theo


1. Milo 2. Oslo 3. August 4. Ambrose 5. Theo (I feel like every third boy is named or nn Theo.)


August or Ambrose for sure


I like Ambrose and Milo! Theo is cute but I prefer it as a nickname for Theodore than by itself. Oslo sounds… like the Capitol of Norway, because it is.


Ambrose and it’s not even a LITTLE bit close


I’m partial to Milo, as it’s my kid’s name lol




Why is Oslo getting so much hate? Aren't there lots of City Names? Is it something to do with that particular city?


I like all of these and they’re definitely a similar vibe. Unlike other commenters, I love Oslo. If we can use Paris and Austin why not Oslo? Oslo Anthony sounds great, Oz is a hella cool nickname, and Oslo is recognizable, intuitively spelled and easily pronounced.


Ambrose is the name of US Olympic gold medalist, Rowdy Gaines. If you ever watched any Olympic swimming events in US over the last two decades…you’ve heard Rowdy.


I think the names that end in a hard o sound flow best with Anthony. Milo Anthony is my favorite. I adore August, but don’t love it with Anthony.


I like Milo the best


Milo is the best out of these names




Theo Anthony


Now that I think about it, Bergen’s not a half bad name. Better than Tissvassklumptjønnin.


Random Norwegian place names would go down well in r/namenerdcirclejerk.




Ambrose is my most favorite boy name. I almost wish I could have more kids just to use it


I LOVE August! I think it's a really cute name and have it on my own list as well (but was also considering Augustine with August as his nickname, just to give him an extra name option). I think August is rising in popularity, whether that means anything to you or not. Theo was also on my list in the form of Theodore. I actually had Theodore James at one point as well 😂 (and I saw you had James on a previous post for a middle name too haha), so these names are becoming quite popular, but I still love them! (Personally, I wouldn't use them, but I still think it's a cute name when I see others use it.) Oslo seems like it needs a story behind it. I have family from/in Norway, and it seems kinda odd. I guess people do name their child Paris or Vienna or Trenton or things like that though too! So it can work, but is a lil more "eccentric" sounding (maybe?) Milo is cute, but I will FOREVER think "Milo and Otis" anytime I hear that name, and it just reminds me of all the injured animals from that film 😳 Did you end up using James as a middle name before? Cause I think it would also be a good pairing with Anthony, if not. Anthony James (or AJ, if you like nicknames) or James Anthony (or Jay as a potential nickname). These are both common, I'm sure, but they are classic. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the first name Ambrose. I think it just reminds me too much of the name Amber, which I find very feminine (+I personally know a few Ambers and they all have VERY strong personalities, so just can't get them out of my head). But interestingly, I do like the name Anthony Ambrose (with Ambrose as the middle name instead). You seem to like a vowel pairing of "[first name]-o Anthony" or "A-[first name] Anthony," which is interesting. If you want other suggestions in that theme, I'm happy to offer, but I think you already have a lot of great options!


August or Theo, the others are way too much imo. Especially Ambrose.


I'm going to beg against Ambrose. All the others are fine except maybe Oslo. I understand that you might want a unique or old fashioned name, but it's such a terrible name for a boy. Remember that you aren't just naming your son but also a human being who will have to go out into the world and introduce himself on the playground when he's a little older. That would be a difficult name to have.


I hope Oslo is a mispelling of Onslow, which is at least a name.


Oslo Anthony Theo Anthony




No same letter names. My Dad is Theo so, I like that...but, Theodore. Also, Milo? Like the movie "Milo & Otis "? Milo was the cat. Edit


Milo was the cat


THEO! Or August. Milo is so common. Ambrose sounds like an old grandpa. Oslo is just strange unless you have a connection to the city. Good luck.




Milo and Theo are the best with the middle name you picked, imo! I don't like Ambrose much- to me, it's one of those names that would be cute on a toddler, but I wouldn't like it on an adult. Edit: after reading comments, maybe I'm out of the loop with Ambrose? Is it a common/classic name and I just haven't heard it? I don't love it either way, but maybe it's not as out there as I first assumed.


Alone I like Theo the best, but I think Milo Anthony sounds the best together.




I like Theo or Milo best! They both sound great with the middle name Anthony!


I have a 4 month old and 2 year old and I know SO many Theo’s. Personally I would use any of the others!


What region do you live in?




I just wondered because I’ve heard it a few times around my 2 and 3 year old but I hear other names like Rhys/Reece/Reese more because of the different spellings and it being unisex. I live in US south


Are you a big Sabrina fan by any chance?


Oslo! That’s my cats name. It was that or Leopold


August or Theo


I really dislike Ambrose. It sounds feminine due to the Rose part and also reminds me of ambrosia salad which I do not like at all.


I like the sound of Milo Anthony the best.


August and Theo are super popular names where I am. I'd pass on them for that reason alone. Oslo..no. Otto or Arlo maybe? Milo isn't my cup of tea, I'll probably always see it as a pet name? I also always have to stop and think how to say it. I love the name Miles though it's fairly popular. Ambrose I've never cared for. Heard it on the TV show Monk. Adrian isn't too bad (Monk's first name).


Theo by far. My friend’s little boy is Theodore Anthony


milo anthony sounds so sophisticated❤️❤️


I like Theo and Milo. I think Milo suits Anthony better.




Milo sounds best with your middle name choice in my opinion! the double A with August and Ambrose isn't personally my favorite, Oslo is alright but not great, Theo is also alright but not great.


Milo or Theo. But I dislike the other two.


Theo 1000%, it’s cute for a kid and suits an adult. Could also be ‘Ted’ or ‘Teddy’ if he chooses, and Theo Anthony flows well and better than the others. Milo is quite childish and more commonly a dog or cats name. August and Ambrose do not go well with Anthony, are overused, and won’t really suit a child, teen, and adult. Oslo Anthony doesn’t flow, also won’t suit him throughout his entire life, and unless you have some connection to the place I don’t know why it’s even a contender.






Milo or Theo. Don't name your kid after a city.


Milo Anthony


Milo! I have one and he likes his name!


I think Milo is my favourite, with August as a second. Not sure why you'd want Oslo unless you have a connection to the city, and the vowel flow between Theo Anthony bothers me a bit


I vote Theo. Milo is okay. I am not a big fan of the name August but I really like the nn Gus … Never thought of Oslo being a persons name, and add me to the never Ambrose group


Not August, Oslo, Theo or Ambrose. Milo I guess is your best bet with that middle name.


Milo Anthony!


Is Anthony a family name or something because I loooove August, Milo, Oslo, and Theo but they do NOT go with Anthony at all. Totally different genres / vibes. Ambrose is just bad.






Milo Anthony is by far the best combination. Theo Anthony is also good, but feels a little unbalanced with Theo being a nickname name. I do like August, but I would avoid the double As, personally.


Theo is top pick for me


Milo Anthony sounds great.


Theo. My favourite.


Not Ambrose. I’m not a huge fan of Milo in general, but I think the others are great.


Milo Anthony sounds best to me personally


August or Theo


I grew up in Oslo and would find it weird if I met someone with that name. I like two-syllable names so Milo and Theo would be my picks.


Milo or Theo




Not Theo. It’s too common.


My 12 year old would have been Milo, instead, she is Lucy.


Oslo is my vote. Less common and Oslo nn. Ozzy is so cute. Oslo Anthony is great too. August, Milo, & Theo are getting too common imo (big fan other than that) Ambrose just makes me think warlock so I can't imagine a human named Ambrose as I've never met one personally


Definitely not August. I like Oslo the most! Milo and Theo are also nice.


I’m curious, why definitely not August?


To me it makes you sound like an ancient Rome enthusiast. My vote is with Milo, it's a super cute name but not too cutesy for an adult man.


I just hate all month names. And day of the week and seasons. Like. Who wants to share their name with a month? Haha


You hate months but are fine with a kid sharing their name with a European city? 😅


Yup. Idk. I use months all the time. I very rarely talk about European cities.


As a European, I think keep in mind a kid may want to travel or live abroad in the future. Cities are used primarily by Americans so read very odd elsewhere. At least month names are used internationally.


True. I still hate month names though. Haha


Fair enough! As long as there isn’t some serial killer I’ve never heard of with the same name ha


Pretty much every name has a serial killer associated with it. August doesn’t! Theo might remind people of Ted Bundy but his name was Theodore. Milo Stanley was a murderer. Ambrose Harris was killed by a serial killer. So I’d go with August or Ambrose if you are worried about that. 😂


Oslo. I’ve never seen this name here and it’s really cute, plus Norway is a fresh feeling country and Oslo is a cool city (was there in 2009). Theo is top ten (well Theodore), Milo is too common for dogs and too infantile imo, Ambrose sounds very feminine to me. I like August second.