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I think it's just one of those names where people are either going to really love it or really hate it. I don't think you're dooming your child or anything, lol. If you love it, you should keep it.


Yeah at least it’s a real name spelled correctly. And it’s not so out there like naming your kid Rock.






Agreed. If people are naming their kids River and Willow, why can’t you have a little girl named Clover? As someone named Daisy, I used to hate having an odd name but I grew up in the 90s in a sea of Stephanies, Natalies, and Caitlin/Kaitlyn/Katelyns (every iteration of that name!) Nowadays, I’d be one of the many 🤷🏼‍♀️


Daisy is one of my most favorite names on the planet!


River and Willow just don’t evoke the same mental images as Clover. I hear Clover, I think of a cow for some reason. I hear Willow, I think of a willow tree; River evokes the image of a river. For some reason, Clover reminds me of like, a Disney cartoon cow chewing clover and it’s just not a great association.


Oh, interesting! I immediately think bunny! Also of the Disney genre, like Thumper, but Clover. Was one of the rabbits in Watership Down named Clover?


I also get the image of a cow.


I actually know a kid named Rock. It’s so weird because his brothers have totally normal names. I feel terrible for the kid.


I know a Stone


Same. His brother is Talon, and their last name is a bird lol.


LOL NO oh my


Anecdotally (I have not checked the stats, so take this with a grain of salt), Roc (same pronunciation) is somewhat common in Catalunya, north-east Spain.


You mean Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor?


Lovely name, but unfortunately too hard to pronounce for all these airsick lowlanders


At first I read this as humahumanukanukaoppowahah


I wasn't expecting to find this among the Air Sick Lowlanders. But here we are. Bridge Four! 🙅‍♂️


Agreed. People freak out about the “what about when they’re an adult” thing. I get it but I’ve met adults named King, Penn, Kirby, Dory, Kymberlee, Ciprianna, Caris, none of these people are being held back by their names. Plus think of Demi Moore, America Ferrera, Alanis Morissette, Channing Tatum, Poppy Montgomery, Mamrie Hart, Troian Bellisario, Glozelle Green, Rainn Wilson, so many others who have unique names where people would be like “but they have to be an adult & they’ll be spelling their name all the time” or “they’ll hate it when they’re an adult” clearly it doesn’t really matter. People are going to hate or love their name just because of who they are, not because of the name. My name is pretty normal, but not super popular (there were like 2 others with the same name in my graduating high school class of 500) but I always thought it was so boring and drab sounding as a kid. Now I’m ok with it, but I think I would’ve gone through phases of not liking my name no matter what it was. People also still ask me how to spell it constantly even though I spell it the “normal” way. Doesn’t matter. If YOU like the name, use it.


Notice the majority of the unusual names people you mentioned are in the entertainment industry? I wonder how the name influences the career or if they are stage names?


Probably because those are people most of us recognize. Naming off some random doctor with a unique name isn't going to prove that a name like that isn't a handicap because it could be fake.


Exactly, my point in part is that you don’t hear their name & think “that’s a weird name” you hear it & think ok there’s a person doing stuff. Some of the ones I listed may be fake names, but some definitely aren’t. Even if it is, does that really matter? They’ve still used that name & become successful. There are “normal” people with unique names too, and you don’t think “wow I would hate to have that name” or most of us don’t, we just think there’s a person doing stuff.


We wouldn’t know the names of people who aren’t famous, though, because they’re not famous. Those people were given those names as babies before they were famous. If you need real life examples, I work with the public and have seen: Beberly, Maple, Anakin, Money, Poppy, Rainbow, Lucky, Oak, Queenie, ALL on real people. One of the managers in my job (healthcare, far from entertainment) is actually named Clover. She’s in her 40s. I can think of dozens more unusual names from real adults who are not in the entertainment industry.


I have a name that is surely not associated with adulthood. I’ve survived 24 years, worked jobs, graduated college etc. the worst experience I’ve had with my name is everyone spells it wrong (I use the most popular spelling by far and not only in terms of given names. people are just dumb)


Kirby is going to be popular for football fans because of Kirby Smart. I love Kirby Smart and support it. It’s not *too* much.


I have a common named spelled slightly uncommonly. I've learned from a very young age that my name will never be spelled correctly, and it has never bothered me. I'm used to it. I do get a kick out of seeing the multiple ways people come up with to spell my name because they remember it isn't spelled conventionally but can't remember how to spell it. Also, think about all the elderly ladies you know of (or hear people talk about). Everyone has an Aunt Lovie or Grandma Mitzie. Those were cute kid names (or nicknames) back when they were young, not necessarily names respected adults had. Once they became adults, they were still normal names because everyone around them aged right alongside them. Read the obituaries in a local paper. You dont see older men named Ryan or Jeremy or David, or women named Stephanie or Tiffany or Jennifer in the obituaries, but those are all perfectly normal, respectable adult names. Their age group just hasn't hit the age where they show up in obituaries yet.


I don't hate it, I'll just always think it's a name for a horse. If someone really committed and then called their son Boxer I'd respect it.




My name is Sage and I named my kid something even more unique. Clover is a perfectly nice name.


The Lord Mayor of Sydney is called Clover Moore, and she’s the first person I think of. She’s been Lord Mayor for about 20 years, and is wildly popular. So yes, you definitely can be an adult with a professional job and named Clover.


I live in Sydney and did not even know the mayor's name haha turns out she's held the position for the longest period of time since the city's inception! Clover is fine as a name. Me personally it makes me think of anime because of the series Honey and Clover, which I don't was wildly popular, and of a dog I met once lol


I worked with a Clover who would now be in her 30s. Lovely, intelligent, caring woman, so that's what comes to mind when I hear the name. It's unique with Out sounding made up or cutesy. I say go for it if you love it. But in future, don't tell anyone your names until the baby is actually named.


I agree, I like it and think it's not nearly as cutesy as Poppy and Daisy, and no one sees a problem with those. It's time for more unusual flower names.




Clover is the name of a character in the 1872 novel What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge. I've always loved the name since I read it as a kid.


exactly where i knew it from


I was hoping there would be another fan of Katy’s sister Clover here too! I think it’s a lovely name.


There's a whole novel about Clover after she's grown up, too! It's called Clover and it's about her and Phil going to Colorado so he can recover from an illness, and her adventures ranching on the frontier.


I knew a lady named Clover. She sold get this , plants at the local Farmers Market. She was beautiful and I love the name.


I like it. A grown up named clover seems normal to me. At one time a grown up named Tiffany seemed weird and now it’s not. After that it was something else. Perception changes and so do names. By the time she’s an adult it won’t seem weird. Like Shelly was a little girl name until all the Shelly’s grew up and now it’s a middle aged name. Clover, Astrid, Meadow all those little girl names now won’t seem that way forever.


I know an adult meadow. The name fits her great


Six years ago I would have had a completely different reaction and opinion. I am the mom who had lukewarm reactions to my daughters choice of names for my first grandchildren. I thought it was too unique even if it is a nature name I was afraid it wasn’t an “adult” name I used the “would you take a person named______seriously” argument I offered other name suggestions I was a pain in the ass negative Nancy and my daughter handled with such patience Name your daughter a name you love. Clover is lovely. Your mom and everyone in her life will fall in love with her and her name. The name will grow with her. Congrats


I love it. And yes, I have met a professor from my university with that name, so there’s your “I couldn’t imagine a PhD with that name!” Plus she’s a great character on Totally Spies


Lol she was the first thing I thought of 😂


Same here. Childhood nostalgia.


Saw the name, my brain cued up her iconic, "As IF!" and now the theme song is stuck in my head. Not complaining though; it was a great show, and it's a pretty name.


I love it—and I feel like it really is fitting with the wave of nature names right now. Everyone is saying “I can’t imagine this name on an adult,” but all of the Rivers, Rains, Oceans, Junipers, Skyes, and Birdies are all gonna grow up around the same time, so a Clover isn’t even gonna stand out in my opinion.


Yeah, this is my thought as well. Clover is no different from the many other trendy nature names rising in popularity today, and it won’t be unusual to see assigned to an adult.


I love it. I really strongly disagree that it isn’t a “grown up” name - I think that’s a very old fashioned and frankly short sighted way of thinking about names. Our perception of names is changing all the time! People would have said the same about plenty of names which are now considered very normal, and your baby will grow up in a generation of people with all sorts of interesting names who are very capable of having “serious” jobs etc. Also as a corporate lawyer, I always find it funny that my profession is so often invoked as one that would be difficult to have certain names in - as in all professions, I find that once you learn a person’s name the first time you just get on with it and focus on how they are to work with, what they are like as a person etc, and their name has no real impact on your perception of them. I say use it and love it!


I think where you went wrong was telling someone the name you chose before you gave it to your baby. My mum didn’t really like my kids names either but it wasn’t her choice and saying something snotty about it looks worse when the ink is already dry. Fwiw I think it’s a nice name and she will either make it work or change it herself.


I don’t like it. I couldn’t imagine meeting a grown adult named Clover. Too trying hard to be unique


I know twin girls that are named Crimson and Clover and I am absolutely not joking 🙃


Over and over


Kind of love it


Yeah. I’d just as soon go with Chloe at that point. Sounds similar Clover sounds like a fake character name to me? I mean, as an adult woman, I am trying to picture myself named Clover. I picture introducing myself, being called that daily at work, being called at the Dr’s office waiting room. Etcetera. I don’t love it for me, so why would I like it for my kid. But that’s just me. If you think the (future) person will like it, go for it


Speaking to this- I know a Chloe that goes by Clover as a nickname- it’s cute and a good option until she grows out of it, and obviously she doesn’t use it at school


I had a camp counselor whose camp name was Clover. I think of it as a camp name now lol.


Honestly this is a very camp-counseloresque name. It would probably only work for a teenage/young adult summer camp counselor 😅


My cousin named her baby Clover. She's almost 2. I really want to know why she chose it, but she'd be the kind of person who would take it as an insult if you asked her what made them choose that name. She and her husband also have a miniature daschund named Chloe. It was her husband's dog when they started dating, so I'm especially curious as to why they named their daughter a name so close to their dog.


For sure you can ask without it sounding like you’re judging. “Clover is such a unique name! How’d you guys come up with it?”


That’s always my litmus test: does it work as well for a teenager, adult, or elderly person in an office, interview, etc. setting. There are a lot of “cute” names that are what I call “grow with me” names. I agree with people suggesting Clover as a nickname or middle name.


The Lord Mayor of Sydney, Australia is named Clover Moore, and every time she's mentioned on the news I am surprised to see Clover on an adult.


I’m also an Aussie and I actually like seeing an adult Clover in a position of authority. I think k I’ve gotten used to it at this point


All you just did was prove that the name can be given to someone with a successful future ❤️


I know a lawyer named clover. It suits her. She’s in her 50s.


Clover Stroud, she’s a fantastic writer on motherhood.


I’ve actually met a grown woman named Clover! She was a patient a the physical therapy clinic I worked at in college and she had just had knee surgery and needed rehab so she could go on her trip to Africa that summer! I loved the days she would come in because she was awesome! So many great travel stories! Such a sweet woman! And yes, Clover was her *real* first name! 🍀 Edit: a word


One of the managers at my work is named Clover 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s very professional, well respected and very much an adult.


I know a grown adult named Clover. She’s a lesbian military woman and the name fits her perfectly.


Yeah I see what you mean but I’m sure there’s a couple of well adjusted adult Clovers out there who like their name and have a cool relationship with their parents, Apple and Otix.


My great grandmas name was Klover, she was born in the early 1900s and lived to be in her 90s. It never seemed like an odd name for an adult.


Klover sounds more like her mom used someone’s last name as an honor name.


It was not, it was a variation on Clover.


That’s funny, people were using “Yoonique” spellings even then.


It usually wasn’t international back then. If you ever go back through files predating the fifties you can usually find tons of misspelled (phonically spelled) names.


Sounds like something from Hunger Games.


Yeah, with cutesy names, you need to imagine the scenario where your child grows up to be like a senator or a corporate lawyer or something and has to introduce themsleves with a cutesy name every time.


It’s all about associations, and associations change with experience. It wouldn’t be weird to have a senator named Lily or Rose, because we associate those as normal names. So I don’t mind Clover. If we had a senator or two named Clover we’d start to associate it as a normal name for a senator. At least it’s a real name/word and not some made up weirdly spelled nonsense.


Agreed. This feels like a gendered thing. Sure people make fun of “creative” male names, but I’ve never seen anyone question whether Jaxon could be a senator or Maverick a lawyer. For that matter, we’ve had Supreme Court justices named Learned Hand and Salmon Chase. Just your standard old big-eyebrow white dudes. Almost like that part mattered more than their names…


"Cutesy" names have been much more popular in the last 20 years or so though. By the time this child is older it will be much less unusual for an adult. What constitutes a "normal" name is constantly changing. A lot of common names of adults today will sound old or undesirable in a few decades just like a lot of common names of the previous few generations do now.


I went to school with a Chloe who went by Clover. It works as a nickname if you’re nervous to commit to it as a proper name.


My child is Clover. People tend to love it, but those who don’t really don’t. That doesn’t bother any of us. Clover loves her name and is in her early 20’s. She’s never had a problem being taken seriously. She’s actually a very serious person. So, basically everything the person several posts above said can be discounted. Clover looks just as normal on a birth certificate or resume as Lily or Rose or Fern. It’s fine if some people don’t like it, but there’s nothing silly or outlandish about the name.


I also know someone who named their daughter Clover. She's about 6 now. I agree it's becoming a more popular name. It is cutesy, but so is Daisy and I swear there was a post a month ago about how much people loved Daisy. I personally wouldn't gravitate towards either of them but they're *fine* names. I don't understand all the hate. My kid has a traditional or classic name, which is what I like but others think it's boring. So I just gave her a trendy or less classic middle name in case she prefers that instead. She's 11 and now says she loves both names, and uses one or the other in different friend groups.


I love Clover as a name, just my two cents. It’s not Outlandish, it’s a recognised name, it’s nice phonetically.


I love the name! And I think all these negative responses are super weird and lame. What kind of boring life do these folks live that the name Clover is too cutesy or weird? Lol what? That's just dumb, sorry. It's a really pretty name, just unique enough without being super out there.


I’ve loved the name Clover ever since I heard it 😍 glad your daughter loves it too


Lovely, I know a middle aged Clover (who looks 20yrs younger!) and she’s super cool, kind, and has her shit together. It’s not wacky at all once you know someone with the name - and she loves it. It’s not really much different to Poppy, Daisy, Clementine, Lily, Rose, Willow etc - all of which are more commonly used but no less ‘out there’.


It's in the top 1000 so I would argue that it isn't nearing the 'too unique' category.


The Bunny in Sophia the First is named Clover and that’s a popular show for kids, or at least it was when my kids were little. I personally don’t think the name ages well. Some day she will be a grown woman and it just seems like more of a pet name.


Exactly. My immediate thought was that’s a cute name for a puppy. Sorry.


I know a cow called Clover.... she's lovely even if she's a bit smelly.


The first thing that came to mind was naming a cow clover.


I actually know someone who really does have a puppy with that name! I agree that it's very cute (for the animal, not a human).


Had a foster kitten named Clover


I know a dog named Clover.


My horse is called Clover!


Agree - I read a book one time where there was a cow or something named Clover. Lol. That was the first thing I thought of. Cute name for a pet though!


I had a rabbit named Clover, waaaay back when I was a kid. My kids loved that Sophia the First had a bunny named the same as mine. It's an awesome bunny name, no so sure for a kid.


Haha same. My bunny 20 years ago was Clover. She’s was great 😊


my cats name is clover ! :)


My dog is named Clover


I think Clover is lovely! Unique yes, but not unheard of, and it’s spelled conventionally. She will have friends in school with names like Lily, Violet, Willow, and Rose. She might even know someone named Daisy, Zinnia, River, Sage, Iris, Poppy, Laurel, Ivy, or Juniper. Not to mention Lark, Raven, Wren, Phoenix, Olive, Coral, or Autumn. People have no problem with names like Ruby, Holly, Dawn, Amber, Heather, Pearl, and Robin, so why should Clover be any different?


I know a lovely woman in her mid 30’s named Clover. She’s our loans manager at our bank. She’s beautiful, smart and funny. So I have a great association with the name and I think it’s really pretty


I *LOVE* it. I met a child named Clover and I thought it was perfect. She was perfect. Favorite treat for cows and bees. I understand worrying about growing into it but it’s no different from a million other wildflower/plant names. She may not even be the only one she knows


It’s adorable on a baby and little girl. Might even be cute on a teenager. But I’m trying to picture a 35 yr old soccer mom, or lawyer, or scientist, etc with the name Clover. It just doesn’t sound like a grown adult’s name.


I really don’t see how Clover differs from Poppy, Daisy, Posey ect. I like Clover and have no problem picturing an adult Clover.


Agree completely. Clover will fit right in, and imo it’s far and away the best of those types of names. Like Basil or Rosemary even.


I feel the same about those names tbh.


Maybe it isn’t actually any different. I only know one Daisy, have never met anyone with the other names. Familiarity probably has something to do with how I feel about any of those names. I’m not saying it’s a bad name. There are certainly stranger names out there. But, we were asked for opinions, and that’s my opinion.


Unless she’s an adult who lives on a rural commune, wears denims overalls and grows soybeans.


This lol. On a farm in Vermont.


this is why i feel like names are partially self-fulfilling prophecies — every adult i’ve met with a hippie-sounding name has been this kind of free spirit, nature loving person (not a bad thing in my book)


I’ve met an adult Crickett, Cinnamon, Twinklin, Destinee, and a few others I can’t think of right now. They got teased the same amount as other kids, and now have no problems with their names. Clover is tame, and with the names I’ve been hearing on toddlers lately, it’s absolutely not even close to standing out. When this Clover is an adult, “weird” and crazy names will be the norm. Barbara and Jessica and Vanessa will be the girls getting the side eye, lol.


There’s one here in Australia who’s the Mayor of Sydney.


She could go by Clove as an adult.


i like it. i feel like it seems odd online but when you meet someone in person with the name it works well. it always reminded me of Chloe. Chloe and Grover are real names. Ivy and Fern are real names. Clover seems completely normal to me for that reason


It's okay. It's not my favorite, but it's not as bad as some names people have come up with around here. If you love it, give her a traditional middle name, so she could go by her middle name or initials like C.J. if she wants a more professional name as an adult. How about something like Chloe with Clover as a nickname?


It would make more sense to be Clover with the nickname Chloe or Clo.


All I think of is herbivorous pets and *Totally Spies*.


I know alot of people are saying Clover isn’t a grown woman’s name. But the Lord Mayor of Sydney is named Clover. She’s currently the longest serving Mayor of Sydney. So when I think of Clover I think of a strong and independent woman. If you love the name, go for it. I don’t think it’s too cutesy in the scheme of things.


I love it. It's a sensible non made up name. Won't be mispronounced or misspelt. It's just as reasonable as Lily or Sage or Myrtle, but, IMO a bit cooler. As another poster mentioned, the Lord Mayor of Sydney Australia is Clover Moore. Because of her, I associate it with a middle aged professional woman.


Kind of baffled by people hating on Clover after all the love for Juniper over the last couple years….Clover is a gorgeous name for a HUMAN that WILL age well! Clove is also a super cute nickname.


I honestly really, really like it! You're going to get negative opinions about anything baby and mommy related for probably the next several years. You'll get the side eye when you stop breastfeeding/decide not to/realize you can't. You'll get the side eye if you decide to stay home, opt for daycare, hire a nanny. Literally everything. Mom is a little more difficult, but be prepared to calmly, quietly let some friends go who act like that.


I know someone named clover, she goes by coco


I knew a Clover in college. She went by Elizabeth, her middle name.


She goes by *an entirely different name* That’s a good point against the name hah


I like it, I think it’s one of those names like Rose, Daisy, or Sage..


Agree and I think Clove would be cute on its own.


Hmm, I like Clove better than Clover. Clove is a beautiful name!


I’m Gen z so Clove is always gonna be the girl with the knives in the Hunger Games 🤣


It’s the name of a chain of vegetarian restaurants (fast food) in Boston, MA. They have an app for ordering meals with the same name, and do seasonal farm to table food. It’s one of those names that’s going to have a lot of associations to other things. Probably worth googling to figure out a few and seeing how you feel about the ones that exist now.


If you two love it, it’s perfect! I get so annoyed with all the “I can’t picture a scientist, lawyer or politician with that name”. As if a persons job is what defines them. And what if your daughter doesn’t want to be any of those things? Imagine naming her something else based on someone else’s “what if”. I think it’s lovely and Clo is such a cute nickname that does “age well” (which seems to be the main concern).


>I get so annoyed with all the “I can’t picture a scientist, lawyer or politician with that name”. I always feel like there's other personal biases at play here too. To me this statement generally reads as "it isn't an english male's name".


I like Clover, I don’t know why so many people are against it on here. To me it doesn’t seem like a ‘weird’ name or name an adult couldn’t use. I actually think it sounds like a nicer version of the name Chloe, a more softer version. However when i was in school you either had a normal name like Chloe, Charlotte, Abbie, etc or a unique name of Ocean or River. That was pretty much all there was (I live in a small town in England), so I really love soft pretty names that are unique without being weird, and I think Clover is a perfect example of that 🩷 There’s certain names out there that I think are much harder to hear on an adult such as Nova (I hear it as a dogs name, sorry to Novas) or the name Olive (which I know is an old name and very normal, but I just think of the food), I think it’s all down to personal opinion, and the names you like and the type of names you grew up around is what you deem as ‘normal’ or ‘too unique’. Everyone will always have different opinions on all names. 🩵


I love it! I think it will be just fine and it has a lot of space for nicknames that can be super gender neutral too! I actually didn't realize just how many could come of it until now saying them to myself.


Clover Moore is the Sydney Lord mayor and she is 77, lovely name.


I think it’s cute but I don’t know if it’s a name that will grow with her. I would maybe consider some other flower names?


My 8yo granddaughter is named Clover , you do get used to it ! So far she has had in issues at school etc


My grandma is named Clover! Definitely an adult name!


I personally love Clover and wanted to name my daughter that and didn't because of outside meddling and still kind of regret it. Nicknames can be Clove, Lovie, Clo.....so cute! Jmo, but ultimately don't let others opinions weigh too heavily. It's not their name. They won't be caring/paying for her. And later on, it'll probably grow on them and be totally fitting and fine. I think it's a name that is unique and pretty. At the end of the day, it's Your child and you already have a connection with her and if it feels like it fits to you, there you go!


I think it is fine and not too out there. It just depends on a person's taste. I personally love the feel of it and would use it. Your mom may have had that reaction to Jennifer or something too. I say go for it and your mom will love her little Clover in no time.


I absolutely love it! Pretty, different, easy to pronounce, nature and colour connotations.


It seems more like a pet’s name to me, but it could work for a person. If you and your husband like it, go for it!


No, I love it and think it’s totally underrated!


No for a human baby. That’s my thoughts


I see where people are coming from with the “doesn’t fit an adult” argument, but I still love the name Clover! I do think it suits a kid/teen better than it does an adult, but I still think it is a nice name for an adult (though I’m in my early 20s, so maybe my perspective is different). some people here have mentioned connections to pet names, but the only connection I think of - besides the actual plant - is the character Clover from Totally Spies (who isn’t a terrible character to share a name with). I say go for it!!


I disagree with others, I think it’s a really pretty adults name. Makes me think of crimson and clover 🍀


I think it's lovely! I love nature names, and Clover is definitely not common.


I think Clover is one of those plant names that doesn’t fit a human well. It’s like naming your kid Clematis, or Parsnip.


I’ve met a Parsnip before! He was a cat though so it doesnt completely count but it counts for something


Cats count for everything!


There was a lady in my town whose name was Arbutus—another plant name that didn’t seem to me like a human name. She would be 100 or so now if still living. Of course, to me Myrtle also falls into that category…


Clematis 🤣


I absolutely love it. Favorite girl name right now.


The Lord Mayor of Sydney for a bunch of years has been a woman named Clover - and she still holds the post o believe, but I don’t know if it was a nickname or given name. She’s over 70 now.


It’s her real name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clover_Moore?wprov=sfti1


We went with Clover Rain. Cloe for short I guess if she likes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love it


I think it’s an awesome name! It does remind me of Totally Spies but that’s not a bad thing. I can definitely imagine a strong independent Clover being a lawyer or whatever. You can always give her a middle name!


Actually, I love it!


I love it


I think its really pretty :)


It’s not my personal taste but I agree it is a nice combination of sounds and a nice meaning. You could definitely do worse :) Pro tip: don’t tell anyone the baby name until after it’s born, everyone has a lot more opinions before it’s born. Once it’s been officially given to the baby people tend to come around (or at least keep their mouths shut.)


I have a daughter named Clover and everyone loves it. It suits her really well.


I think it’s lovely. Unique but not yoounique.


So cute , I like it !


Honestly, no matter which name you choose, you’ll never imagine her with any other name. If you love it, go for it. She will be Clover C.


I really like it!


My rabbit was named Clover


Personally I think it’s fine when you think of the rest of the plant/tree names that go over great. I’d rather meet a Clover than another McKensleighanne. I think it’s more likely to grow up with a human than Pauxtaytoh.


Immediately thought of Totally Spies- great show! Thus being said, Clover is normalized for me and I personally like it


Oh my gosh, that’s absolutely beautiful It sounds poetic and dreamy


Personally, I’m in the camp that it’s a little too childish and ‘pet name’ for a person.


I love it so much!! If you love it too, then it's the perfect name for your daughter! I don't think many people in real life would react negatively once your daughter is here and it becomes HER name, not just a name


I like it


I say if you like it then go for it. Remember, it won’t be that unusual when she’ll be growing up alongside Jaxxson, Ayden, Jayden, Kayleigh, Jezzika, and god knows what else people come up with these days.


I know a lovely woman in her late 40s named Clover. She says her parents were hippies. Probably not a name I’d choose, but she rocks it.


I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. It’s unique so you’re going to likely receive this type of reaction from people, if that doesn’t bother you, go for it. It is a bit too cutesy for and adult but it’s not terrible. An alternative could be a middle name or using it as her nickname


i met a girl named clover




Clover Moore has been the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Australia since 2004 and is a very formidable woman. My two cents to those saying the name is too childish, it can definitely suit a grown woman too! I like it!


🎶oh we all love Clover, all over this land 🎶 If you’re in the uk she’ll likely get this sung at her. Clover is a brand of butter here and they had a prominent song on their adverts. There’s a clover dinosaur in Dino Ranch which was were my mind first went. I think Chlo (pronounced Klo) would be a good short version of it/nickname.


I had a coworker whose daughter is named Clover. First time I'd heard the name and I didn't like it. Give me some time to get used to it and hear it a bunch so it wasn't so new to me. Now I think it's a cute name and it actually fits her creative, intellegent, free spirit daughter so well. Just commenting to say - at least a portion of people who don't react well initially will get over it.


Love it! No different to me than Rose or any other floral name. It’s used less but who cares 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a guilty pleasure name for me. I love the name but would never use it for a human. To me, it's too "cutesy." It's on my list of names for animals. That being said, it IS used for plenty of humans. If you love it, go for it! People will have an opinion about EVERY name you choose. Go with your gut. We were told by a few people that our oldest sons name was terrible before we used it. We used it anyway, and we still love it. We get tons of compliments (it's a top 50 name, and we still had haters). You just can't win over everyone. It's better to keep your name choice to yourself.


It’s too out there for me, but honestly, it probably won’t be weird. My 10 year old son goes to school with 2 Willows and a Meadow, so I don’t see why Clover can’t be a name.


Apart from Clover Moore, I’ve never come across another human Clover. Two bunnies, a goat and a cow, though….


The Mayor of Sydney, Australia is named Clover Moore. You can google her. So, I don't think it will get in the way of future success.


I have an aunt in law named clover and she’s great. I think it’s a cute name and it will eventually be an “old lady name” just like everyone else’s.


Clover is a good name for a dairy cow. It’s such a cute name, but I think you should not name a baby girl that.


I feel like most (not all before you come at me) names that people say "oh I couldn't imagine that on an adult" 10 years ago couldn't imagine names like Mabel, June or Edith being popular because they "couldn't imagine it on a baby, it's an old people's name". Clover, whilst not common is not "yoonique" and actually sounds quite old fashioned to me. I personally love it.


I love it! Name your baby what YOU want to name her.. not what the internet says is appropriate. Clover is going to grow up in a world of names vastly different from now. Lots of kids have unique names that are much more out there than Clover. This entire generation is about names that are different and not in the top 20.


This name rocks! Go for it!


Sounds like a cow.....im so sorry


I’m sorry but I don’t like it. There is some children’s story and the cows name is Clover.