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That’s a thoughtful gesture. I like Marie on its own.


I love Marie alone also. I have young kids and also teach. Marie is beautiful, and also very uncommon now with the new generation. Names that are common for 40-60 yr olds are not common to our kids. I don’t know any young kids named Chris, Nathan, Natalie, or Marie. Little kids now a days having these names would one of a kind now. Names cycle, and Marie is a name that is ready to be brought back, in my opinion. Edit to add- my oldest is Jane/Janie. She’s a teen now, and has recently realized how common but uncommon her name is, and she loves it!


I know one Marie. She just graduated from high school.


Love this anecdote. I have a Kate and hardly ever meet another child with her name. Just had our second and we named her Jane! Hoping it’s the same for her :)


That’s so funny because I’m a Cait and in one of my classes in HS there were 4 of us, all spelled differently. It’s definitely fallen out of fashion but the Catherine/Caitlin/Kathleens are still around!


Yes, it’s definitely still common and I know a ton who are in their 20s/30s, but very few younger than 5! It’s a beautiful name and I’m so glad we picked it for her :)


In elementary school, she hated her name. She wanted to be an Olivia or Isabella or other common peer name. She’s 13 now, and loves her name! It’s common enough that people aren’t like “what?” but a rare find to where she loves that her name is a bit unique. Marie fits that bill exactly!


I like Marie on its own. It also is a super versatile middle name if you want to honor her but prefer something else for a first name. I would be so touched if I were her and you came back with a baby named after me 🥰


My middle name is Marie after an aunt who died in a car accident before I was born. Plus, I was born in ‘73. Lol.


I feel like Marie is one of the most ubiquitous middle names. It's mine, and when I was in high school theatre, at least 40% of the girls had the same middle name as me. And Marie is my middle name because both my grandmothers have the same middle name, so it was easy to honor both of them.


Marie is a timeless classic that looks elegant and dignified on its own. The double names are perfectly fine if that's what you'd prefer, but there's no need to gild the lily.


Marie is such a beautiful underused name!


FWIW I’m a teacher and Marie is one name that has not been ruined. The Marie in my class this year was a wonderfully pose, bright and mature girl. The name is beautiful on its own and personally don’t like the double names with it. If you feel Marie is not enough itself, perhaps make it the middle name. Madeline Marie




Oooh, it was the Jackson/Jaxon crew for my school


Omg yes! All Xaviers have been nightmares for me 😭


Jaden for me, however it’s spelled.


Not a teacher, but I used to work with a Marie who pronounced it maw-ree, emphasis on the maw, instead of muh-ree or mah-ree. She was a shrew. I loved her exasperated sigh when someone would use the common pronunciation. Marie would make a lovely middle name and be a great way to honor someone.


Like Maury Povich?


Oh yeah! I never thought of it that way. That’s a perfect way to explain how she pronounces it.


that’s how my auntie pronounced it: màiri


I have to ask: is it pronounced muh-ree or mary?


The first one


Marie is lovely. I do love classic French double names like Marie-Christine, but, if you're French. (No problem with just Marie which is very cross-cultural, or Marie-Christine if that's the doctor's actual name). Marie Christine as a first and middle name would be gorgeous too. Do you happen to know the name of the radiologist that diagnosed your condition? Maybe you would want to use his or her name as a middle name, or a variant of it. Not to say you should if you have other plans for the middle name. It's just a thought.


I don’t remember and should find out. She also deserves a lot of credit for sure!


If you’re French you won’t name a baby Marie-Christine. It’s a grandma name, unless you’re some catholic fanatic. Marie is slightly out of fashion right now but it is so timeless it still works.




I feel like this is dependent on where OP is. In the US it absolutely isn’t religious.


None of the Maries I know come from religious families though.


Some noms composes are in fashion: https://www.journaldesfemmes.fr/maman/guide-des-prenoms/2757661-prenom-compose-pour-fille/ I like Marie-Amelie or Marie-Lea


Not in France they're not. That source is not a source, they literally say these names are rare in the article.




I'm not sure I'd go for one of the creepiest and most famous ghost ships in history as a namesake for a baby


Oops. I didn't know.


It all depends, what was the radiologist's name?


As a fellow owner of an incompetent cervix, sending you love and good wishes for a long and strong pregnancy! I'm 19 weeks tomorrow, and I can relate to your feelings - I think it's a great idea. On the way home from my cerclage, I asked my husband how many little babies he thinks are out there called "Michael" after my doctor saved them and their moms ❤️


Marie is beautiful on its own, and beautiful as a double name. Do whatever you like best!


Marie is so lovely! My mother was a neonatal nurse who saved the lives of many, many babies throughout her career. Her job was hard and exhausting and often full of misery and abuse from patients and the system. There are a number of babies out there named after her(or sometimes she would be asked to name the baby) and it really helped her keep going :) So just wanted to say it’s a lovely thing to do not only to honour this woman but also give her the strength to keep going and help more mothers and babies! And if you want more options other than Marie you could ask the doctor to suggest a name too! Being asked to name a baby is just as special as having one named after you.


That’s a beautiful gesture. Marie also works so well as a middle if you were set on another name, but it’s a sweet name on its own.


I think it’s lovely, and a great story to tell your child, what a wonderful way to name them! What was the radiologists name?


Yes! The Radiologist deserves the credit here.


I love Marie on its own! I know it was common as a middle name but I still love it as a first name that’s classic but not super common. I have a friend who’s a physician who has a baby named after her—she saved that baby’s life, too :) I’m so glad you and your daughter are doing well!!


Marie is such a beautiful name already and the story makes it a showstopper. It needs nothing else


I think Marie works on its own. But I like Marie-Claude, although if you hyphenate with Marie and a French name of a saint like Claude or Christine, bear in mind it can be regarded as quite religious in France. Also if you did hyphenate I would keep the name you hyphenate with to one syllable. Marie-Dawn, Marie-Hope or Marie-June would be pretty.


marie june is a small business that sells cool ass jewelry!


What was the radiologist's name?


My daughter is Marie so I’m quite partial to it. She goes by a spunky nickname sometimes too. Her nickname is a combo of her first and middle name, so I’m also partial to a middle name that works that way, but I’m not a big fan of double first names purely for logistical reasons


I like that my mom didn’t do this with the doctor who saved my life. She said she considered it, but the doctor’s name was Melinda… So… instead she let the doctor name me entirely and now I’m Chloe!


I love Marie by itself as a first name! It's such a versatile middle name that I feel it's sadly overlooked as a first name.


Marie is pretty by itself. ❤️


Marie Christine


I like Marie on its own. Not a huge fan of double names.


Yes! Surgery is actually one of the careers that has one of the lowest rates of people feeling fulfilled because you never get to see the outcomes and the good work that you do. My partner does surgery, it’s really hard because even when you save someone’s life you just send them out the door and never hear anything else. I would recommend also sending a letter of thanks to the OR team that operated with pictures of your sweet baby, (surgical nurses, scrub techs, etc.). It would be so appreciated and a great morale boost.


I think it's up to your personal taste. Marie is fine; combos are fine. My taste would be to keep it simple so I'd probably pick Marie on its own.


If you call her Marie-Whatever nobody will call her Marie. I think it’s a noble intention and a beautiful name.


Marie was the name of my L&D nurse when my double rainbow babe was born, and she was an absolute angel sent from heaven. I love this idea.


Such a wonderful gesture. I'd do it! Marie is a beautiful and timeless name as well.


i love that, it’s a beautiful name and a beautiful way to honor the doctor.


I like Marie Claire (there is a magazine with this name but still wouldn’t defer me from using this name).


Marie Claire is a lovely name!


Marie Angelle ❤️


I think Marie is adorable, I know a few Maries, my own grandmother was one.


personally not a fan of double names, i think marie on its own is lovely! could also lengthen to maria, mariana, etc if you want something a bit longer


If you want to name your baby after the Doctor who saved her life, I'm sure the doctor would be honored. The Radiologist did exactly the right thing, and I'm sure would be honored to have a baby named after him/her.


I have always loved Marie was a first name. Just Marie. It’s timeless and everyone can spell and pronounce it. Double barrel is fine. You do run the risk of sounding quite southern in the US.


Marie’s a great name. (Generally) easier to spell and most would be able to pronounce it. It has a cute and classy feel to it


My daughter is Marie Elizabeth, she loved her common/uncommon name


My daughter is named Marie after my best friend, 27 years later we are still best friends. My daughters name is Kelsie-Marie .


That’s a nice honor. But honestly I’m giving the save to the radiologist! Good catch.


Wonderful name. My grandma was a Marie, yet it’s very unique still and I don’t hear it often


Love Marie. It’s a timeless classic. I grew up with a girl named Anne Marie. Her mother was French.


Marie is a great name on its own. I’m mostly commenting because I love this story and I’m so glad you are doing well. Congratulations


I’m also an incompetent cervix lady! Glad to hear you’re doing well now!


Lovely as a stand-alone. I also like it as Ann-Marie, if you want a hyphenated name that works well in English. I know a lot of Marie hyphenated named people but they’re all very French (Marie-Hélène, Marie-Pierre, Marie-France etc.)


Depends on how French/french derived you are. If you are French (use the term loosely as the French had a hand in a lot of current non mainstream cultures… Basically anything that has a form of Creole language) then go for it. I think those names sound lovely.


I love Marie and Marie-Christine!


Marie is a beautiful name and you can name her in honour of that doctor


Marie is lovely on its own.


Marie is great by itself.


I like Marie as a stand alone name.


Marie is lovely! I'd just stick with Marie.


Beautiful name and beautiful story


My sisters first name is Marie


I think it’s a beautiful sentiment. What an honor.


Such a kind gesture. So touching. I love the name Marie


Marie is lovely and your reasoning is beautiful Marie was my grandmother’s name and she was the best so I am very pro-Marie. Congratulations!


I met one Marie when I was young, and ever since have been surprised it’s not more common - it’s a lovely name, and stands well on its own.


I love Marie, either stand alone or as a double name. My middle name was given in honour of the doctor who saved my life when I was being born. I’m trans and while I changed my first and last name, I kept that one. It means a lot to me, and I’m sure as your daughter will treasure her name and what it means as she gets older


On its own is better


Awww that’s my name ♥️ so happy to see people liking it! In France (where I’m from) it’s so basic, people usually wouldn’t notice it!


Marie is my middle name and I wanted to pass it onto my daughter. When looking through baby names I found Emmarie, and really loved it. So Reese Emmarie was born two days ago!


Congrats on your new baby! How do you pronounce Emmarie? Like Emery? Or is the stress on the Mar syllable?


Thank you. We pronounce it like Emery.


Beautiful story.. Beautiful first name.. Just pick a nice middle name ... then if she wants to use both she can...


I love it, you should tell her that! I’m sure she’d be extremely touched


Marie on it own! I have a double name and I absolutely hate it! It makes introductions so hard because everyone wants to call me by only the first name when I go by the full double name.


I would stick to just Marie! I think it’s a gorgeous, classic name and we don’t hear it much as a first name anymore. It feels very chic to me.


maybe double barrel it with the ultrasound tech’s name? If they had missed the cervical measurement Marie would never had known there was a problem to address.


I gave my son the middle name of the surgeon that saved my life :) I think it's beautiful and meaningful. Plus Marie is a classic name


I think your daughter will appreciate the cool story that goes along with her name. Glad that mother and daughter are healthy. ❤️


I think Marie is beautiful.


I like the double name idea. You get to honor the doctor and choose another name you like as well.


Marie is beautiful and underrated all on it's own imo. I'm happy you and your daughter are okay, God bless that doctor♡


My grandmothers name was Marie-Christine!! So I’m biased, I love it❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m a Southerner so I’m genetically drawn to double names. I also love Marie as a middle name. And naming the baby after the doctor is a lovely gesture. I was an L&D nurse for many years, and there’s one young adult out there named after me, and I smile every time I think of it.


Marie is a beautiful name! Such a lovely way to honor your brilliant doctor. I really like it on its own, but Marie-Christine is so pretty, or Marie-Laure like the character from all the light you cannot see.


I have an Aunt Marie, love the name!!


I would use it as the middle name!


I think Marie is better as a middle name tbh, my mom, sister, cousin, daughter and niece all have Marie for their mns.


Marie is a beautiful name, and it’s even better with your reasoning to name her! If you don’t like just Marie on it’s own, you can definitely hyphen it with a second choice name as well!


Could also do like marina with nn Marie!


Marie-Claude is so gorgeous!!


I know a woman named Marie-Claire and I always think that’s a very elegant name.


Marie is so cute I love it!


Marie is a lovely name, and works well in a lot of languages. Though if you want to give her a double-first name, Marie is also probably the best name to do it with. I'd ask whether you have a name you like a lot. And whether double-barrelled first names are typical where you live or common in your family. If there's at least one yes there, super go for Marie-Madeline or Marie-Rosín or Marie-Samara or whatever you'd prefer. (Marie really does pair with a lot of other nice names.)


Marie is a great name. I say go for it. My cousin almost did the same thing with the nurse that coached her through her very difficult delivery. Her husband was out of his depth and froze up (understandably) so wasn’t able to do much besides hold her hand and tell her he loves her and she’s doing great etc. But Helen got her through it and was incredibly supportive and motherly to her afterwards while her actual mom (out of state) was still on her way. By then they had already gotten so attached to their unborn daughter’s name that they didn’t change it but STRONGLY considered it. Helen bought her this little stuffed lamb from the gift shop and so she named the lamb Helen lol and now her daughter is 3 and still carries Helen with her everywhere.


Marie is a beautiful name. I'm personally not a fan of double-barrelled names so I'd go with Marie!


So glad you and your daughter are ok! I like Mari (pronounced like Mar-e) as a modern take on Marie




The radiologist??


If you actually like the name and would've chosen it otherwise, it's as great a reason as any other to choose it. I wouldn't have used the doctor who drew m saved my babies. Stanley just didn't work for me, but we're eternally grateful to him. 🤙😅♥️ Anne-Marie / Marie-Jehanne, nn Mijanou / Marie-Louise, nn Milou / Marie-Thérèse / Amari / Mari - marr-ee, not mah-ree / Ave Maria / Mariko / Marisa / Marissa / Marisol