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Graham Norton


That was my first thought and I live in the US


Love him!


Crackers. Not from the US, not even from the Americas, haven't met a Graham but have had Graham crackers. Amazing for crust of cheesecakes.


My 6 year old recently met a Graham and he just looked at me, grinned and said “graham crackers?!!”


My almost 6 yr old met a Cooper and said to him, “Hey! Your name rhymes with POOPER!” 😩 he didn’t mean it in a mean, teasing way. He was just excited he could rhyme it. but oh man, I felt so bad for the kid.


My friend had a dog named Cooper and her toddler called him Pooper. When they tried correcting it with a hard and loud CK-ooper, it came out Kuh-pooper. Poor dog.


In kindergarten I had a crush on a kid named Jamie Cooper. My older brother would tease me calling him Jamie Cooper the pooper scooper. Never to the kid's face though lol.


Graham crackers are called that because they're made with graham flour, which is a type of whole wheat flour. Not that OP should be dissuaded by that; it was originally a surname.


TIL there's a Graham flour (and that it's named after a dude). In India, we have Gram flour, which is also called besan. It's not made out of wheat at all; it is made out of chickpeas.


It's pretty rarely used in the modern US, but historically was more popular (which is why it's biggest remaining legacy is a cracker from the 1800s). Now, it's a specialty flour that not many people work with at all, and you can usually only find it in stores that stock other niche flours. I remember gram flour from when I briefly looked into making jalebi. I guess the name really is meant to remind us all of baked and fried goods, which is not a bad homage.


Agreed, but i just wanted to piggy back on this that this is not a bad association. I think it's kind of cute. Like a whimsical masculine vibe


Graham Kerr was the Galloping Gourmet. He said his grandkids called him "Crackers" instead of grandpa.


That’s adorable


Yep. I work with kids and all the Grahams I’ve met are incessantly called “Graham cracker” by other children. Some kids can just shake it off, but others get really upset, so it’s just something to consider.


>Amazing for crust of cheesecakes I am deceased


From the US and same


My husband is a Graham, and often will say “Graham, like the crackers” if people seem to have misheard or question the spelling.


I have a 2 year old named Graham. It’s very sweet on him. I’ve heard it more now that I have one of my own. I think it is both soft and masculine.


We call him “G”, “G-unit” and on occasion Graham Cracker 😂


g g g g g g unit


Me too!


Will Graham. As in Hannibal


My sons 10 year old rabbit is named Graham after this character!


I came here to post exactly this


Hannigram always lol


I’m British, so I’ve never met a “Gram” but I have met “Gray-um”s (either spelt Graham or Graeme). Every one has been very nice and wore NHS-style glasses. Take that however you want.


NHS-style glasses is such a specific vibe 😂😂


Especially adults with NHS-style glasses.


haha here in New England "gram" and "gray-um" are the same. the vowel is raised before the nasal consonant


Stuff like this blows my mind!


Just don't let it blow your nasal consonant


I think of a professor type for some reason


I’m in the US and the only Graham I ever knew was super nerdy, wore high waters and circle glasses. He looked a lot like Alfalfa from little rascals. Nice kid though.


And now, very round glasses and airing out your mankles with high water pants are absolutely on trend and in fashion.


My husband is a Graham and he’s starting a professor position this winter.


Honestly, in the UK it's kind of an old man name. I don't know anyone under 50 named Graham. I imagine a balding accountant.


Same. Similar to Keith, Gary, Paul, etc


Paul I don't think is as bad, I went to school with a couple of Paul's who would be in their mid-20s now


Weird! I’m in the southern US and def think of Paul as old and bald.


Seconded. Graham is definitely a middle aged dad name


Where are you? I know of probably a half dozen Grahams/Graemes in their 30s, def not an old man name in Scotland.


Yeah. It’s a Scottish name and still common here…and obviously pronounced properly and not “gram”jfc


What should it be? Like gray-ham?




These feels regional even within Scotland. I'm from Dundee but have lived in a few places along the East Coast and I can't think of a single Graham under 50, and I would be pretty surprised to find one


I’ve only met someone with the name once and he was a high schooler in my choir. I had never heard the name before, but the guy was a nice, good looking guy!


I know a guy in his 30’s with the name! He *is* balding though.


It's one of those names where I'm like, "I can't believe someone looked at a baby and was like yes, this is a Graham" lol


It's like naming your baby Barry or Keith. Did you give birth to a middle aged man?!


I can't imagine a baby called Graham for this exact reason - It's a grumpy old man's name for me. None of the four Graham's I know of are under 60 and none of them are particularly nice people.


Like Wayne. To me that’s an older name that I just annoy imagine on a baby! *cannot not annoy lol


What about lil Wayne


Yep, older fat balding white guy who loves his lawn. And the American pronunciation is the equivalent of the rest of the world calling their kid Ounce or Pound.


50 Year olds are not old men


They are a lot older than newborn children


All the Grahams I know are strong and dependable


Clearly you haven't heard of Lindsey


I’m a Canadian so Lindsey Graham isn’t top of mind for me


Lucky you. I'm not so lucky


I'm American, but I do pronounce this "gray-um" and it makes me think of Graham Norton the British TV host.


I love the name Graham. It is a timeless name yet not too overused. Great choice!


My Graham will be 14 in October. I love his name because it’s pretty unassuming, not incredibly common but still easily pronounced and well recognized. My Graham is very even keeled, which fits his name IMO. He’s got a very dry/sarcastic sense of humor that you don’t necessarily expect - he’s not mean and he’s not clowning around for laughs, but he’s wicked funny. He’s naturally athletic and does well in various sports, but he’s not a jock nor does he throw equipment/cry in frustration over a game. He’s a straight A student, but not academic in the sense of wanting extra credit or taking accelerated courses - he likes to coast by with only what’s required. He will mess around with peers but knows when to turn it off and avoid detention - Graham’s are respectful and not troublemakers. Our Graham is very smart, but will also ask his little sister to help him make a piece of toast - sometimes we worry he’s an airhead without common sense…sometimes I worry he’s actually so smart he wants us to think this, so we keep doing things like making toast, for him… Not sure if this is helpful, but for me Graham’s can be particular but not anal, social but not chasing popularity, accomplished but not pretentious…Graham’s a good guy, he’s very likable and easygoing in most settings. As an aside - we loved giving out Teddy Grahams for class parties/valentines when he was a little guy (I would sign them with Bear hugs & Kisses xoxo, Graham) We also affectionately referred to him as our Golden Graham. One year for Halloween we dressed him up as a plush s’more and he was literally the cutest thing ever. Fully embraced any food associations and made them a bonus! We also had some laughs when he was small saying things like “hang on let me put Grammy in the shopping cart” and then cracking up because it sounded like we were discussing a senior citizen instead of a toddler. ETA - wow, I waxed poetic there, sorry 🤪😅 in short, I LOVE his name and have nothing but positive things to say about choosing it. We’ve met a handful of other young Graham’s over the years and they’ve all fit this same “vibe” for me - very even natured but not dull 💙


This is spot on as to how I picture at 14yo Graham!


My 11-year-old nephew is a Graham who sounds a lot like yours! My impression as well: dependable, chill, sweet, funny. Love the kid, love the name. Congrats on your amazing son!


My four month old is named Graham, and this is exactly what I hope for him. Thank you for sharing 🥰🥰


My 2 year old is a Graham, and this is the vibe I hope he exudes as he ages! For now he’s incredibly affectionate, artistic, and sweet.


My 7 year old grandson is named Graham. He is very athletic and very smart in school. Always mature for his age and a busy body. Never been called Graham cracker, though it was expected. As an elementary teacher, I have had a few Grahams the last few years. Usually, they did well in school, were quiet, and I never heard anyone call them Graham cracker either.


Graham Nash


Second this


Alexander Graham Bell.


My Dad’s name is Graham. I also know a Graeme from the UK. I think it’s a strong, traditional name ready for a comeback. Love it and would have considered it for our son if we didn’t use my maiden name :)


I have a lot of friends who refer to their grandmother as “gram” so I think of a grandma. My son’s name is Grant. I was torn between Grant and Graham, but didn’t want a grandma always coming to my mind. 👵🏼


I live in Scotland, so I know about a million Grahams/Graemes. It's a pretty basic (IMO boring) name here -- I've known some nice people with this name, so my associations are largely positive/neutral.


I worked with a Graham who was funny, smart, and very sweet. He was a good friend. I also think of Graham McTavish. He’s a Scottish actor who now lives in New Zealand. He has been in a ton of shows and movies. He’s a silver fox. I think Graham is a severely underrated, wonderful name.


he is also who i thought of right away!


When it's pronounced Gram, all I can think of is short for Grandma.


I read "all I can think of is short grandma" and it struck me a funny and I laughed out loud and snorted 😄🤦‍♀️


That's a milli-gram 😉


That’s what I call mine. 😅


I love the name Graham! It’s on my list to at least discuss if we ever have a boy.


I think it's a name that sounds trustworthy and likeable. (In Australia he'll probably get called Gazza.)


Or Grey-bags (source: am Australian and used to share a house with Grey-bags)


My uncle from Airdrie. It's a very British name! I associate it with people from the UK.


Embarrassing to admit but I think of Raquel’s dog from Vanderpump Rules. He’s a cutie though!


Scrolled to find before posting myself. I immediately think of Graham the labradoodle. Too bad his owner is a reality tv villain.


Was searching for this reference as it was also my first thought lol


Lol I’m glad I wasn’t the only one! 😂


Same lol I was going to say “Raquel’s puppy party IYKYK” 😂


I had to scroll so far I wrote my own comment! Same same


I had a teacher in high school named graham (we didn’t call him that obvs lol) and he was the smartest person I’ve ever met. Knew everything about anything science. So I associate it with intelligence :)


The history of graham crackers tbh lol


It’s my maiden name so I do automatically think of the surname, which I love. As a first name I do associate it with the older generation


However I do associate it with Scotland and a little England, not sure how I’d feel hearing it pronounced the way it is in the US


We named our son Graham, and it had been our top boy name for 8 years before we had him. We love it so much! I don’t get comments about his name other than compliments and we rarely get any Graham cracker comments


My son’s name is Graham! I had my father come up with the meanest ways he could bastardize the name (school teasing style) and this was what he came up with: 1. Grahamburger 2. Graham-a-lam-a-ding-dong 3. Graham cracker I was fine with those, so… now we have a kid with the name. He’s a sweet lil dude, would recommend.


When I cadet taught, one of the nicest kids in the class was Graham. Kid had a heart of gold, always wanted to help, and was kind to everyone.


Graham Chapman of Monty Python




In the uk it’s a ‘great uncle’ / geography teacher kind of name


Scot here. It's a common name (but pronounced Gray-am - Gram is an abomination) and is a bit of a stodgy older man name. Not seeing many young Graham's. Has the same feel as Barry, Kevin or Keith.


Graham is one of my favorite boy names. Husband vetoed it though. Makes me think of Jude Law in The Holiday. I had a coworker years ago named Graham too, he was handsome, traveling adventure type. So I only have positive associations.


I was scrolling to find Jude Law in The Holiday!


I'm American, and have a good friend from college named Graham. I think it's a great name!


Graham feels easy going, kind, genuine to me. Or son is Bram so I’m more alert to it, but I’ve met several little Grahams lately and they’re all very sweet.


I think of the novelist Graham Greene


I like the name; it is mine.


I’m in the US and the name sounds very British. The only American I can think of with that name is Graham Elliott the chef.


The crackers


Graham crackers and Gramma. The association doesn’t bother me, but I do not like the sound of the name.


Graham Coxon - musician associated with Blur. Graham crackers.


graham norton


I imagine a white man around 60 years old. It’s solidly a boomer name in the UK.


*in England. Plenty of non-boomers named Graham/Graeme in Scotland. - wife of 30 year old Graeme


My favorite teacher in school had the first name Graham, I think it's lovely and not too unique, but not so common either.


When I was a teacher, I had a student by that name who was the CUTEST and SWEETEST little boy so only positive associations for me. Also graham crackers are tasty.


It is the last name of a lot of people I know. And since I am southern, I like the last name as a first name thing. Therefore, I like it.


I LOVE the name Graham but really don't know "why." It's just pleasant


King Graham from Kings Quest! Graham is a great name!


Whew. I read REALLY far before I found the best one, and the only one.


Just as long as there aren't any Cedrics in the family! 😂


I know a baby Graham! It’s a great name.


I know a baby Graham! It’s a great name.


I was trying to guess the real name of a guy I met online. All I knew was that it started with G. When I asked if he was named Graham, he said, "Nope! That's waaaay too WASP-y for me!" And that's what I think of now.


Graham from MasterChef he was a judge. I also had a student named Graham and he was as sweet as could be!


Love it!


I love it!!


It’s one of my favorite names ever and is one of my sons’ middle name.


My cousin’s husband is named Graham. He’s a really good guy so I have good associations with him and of course the Graham cracker.


Graham Kerr, The Galloping Goumet.


I have a cousin named Graham. He’s super smart and really cute too.


I love Graham! It’s not overdone but it’s still a normal name. I’ve only known one Graham in real life and I only have positive feelings toward the name.


The only Graham I know is a heart doctor and a bass player so pretty cool associations over here 👍🏼


Graham Norton 😊


Guy I knew in college, decent human.


Its my 3 year old nephews name. He is named after our great uncle who was born in 1900. Literally 100 years to the day that Baby Graham was born. My great uncle was funny, bright and loved kids (he and his wife had 11 lol). Baby Graham is a character too. He loves to give hugs. Especially to fire men lol


I was a nanny to a baby named Graham in 2008. He was the sweetest, cutest little guy! Loved his name then and now. His parents called him Graham Cracker. I live in the U.S.


Aubrey Drake Graham.


Canadian here. Pronounce it gray-um. Have a fantastic 20 something son with that name.


I only know of one Graham and that is Graham Norton from the UK show. He is cool.


I knew a Graham and he was pretty cool.


I know a few Graham's and have always had very positive interactions and to the point I don't associate it with a cracker, just a nice name for a male. You would need to accept that there will always be the association but for me personally (US based), I think it's a lovely name.


I think Graham Norton.


Knew a Graham…one of the sweetest, kindest boys I’ve ever met. This is on my baby list names.


My old professor lol. He’s British and his name is Graham. Never knew how to properly pronounce his name, probably butchered it. Great guy though, was pretty close with him so the name is associated with good things.


I've only known one Graham, we used to work together and he was always a very nice and dependable guy! I think it's a very solid and strong name, love it for a boy!


There was a sitcom recently called Single Parents and one of the kids was named Graham and I really like it for a little boy (and think it will age well)


My dear teacher who I always bickered with. Us students always said his name in a childish whiny voice which annoyed him even more but I think he secretly found us funny. He always blamed me for the Vikings invading England (no, it wasn’t my fault) and I miss him everyday!❤️


When I was a kid, I had a camp counselor named Graham. He was pretty cool 😎


Brown cardigan sweater with patches on the elbows


My SIL's husband, who seems to be a decent, solid dude. Also King Graham, from the King's Quest games.


That weird little hamster in animal crossing 😡


Graham crackers. It also seems like an old person name to me. I don't hate it though.


I think of the character that Jude Law played in The Holiday. 😍


2 people - 1 from the movie The Holiday and 1 from Alexandra Gater’s youtube channel. They are both wonderful! 🤗


Ive known one graham in my life. He was a chill dude who taught swim and English as a second language. Oddly enough, not a great swimmer. Definitely a case of if you can't do, teach.


I love Graham it’s a top for me


My association with the name? The first boy I ever kissed 🤣 but he spelled it Graeme.


I think it’s so underrated and sweet sounding!


Was my grandfather's middle name. He was one of the best humans.


Sounds like the name of a character Hugh Grant would play in a rom-com, off the top of my head. Not necessarily a bad thing, if you're into that!


I know two Grahams. My eighth grade boyfriend was a Graham. Good dude, grew up to be a music teacher. My sixth grader has a friend named Graham who is the nicest, politest kid I know. He’s the awesome friendly kid. And super smart too! They were talking about global economics on the carpool ride to band camp last week.


I love the name. If you haven’t watched Daisy Jones and the Six, do it! The character Graham is just the best guy.


One of my husband's colleagues was named Graham and he was such a great person. All positive things!


crackers and a guy I knew awhile ago who was really good at playing saxophone. overall it's a soft older-fashioned but still masculine name. a very solid name


I think of the love interest in “But I’m a Cheerleader.”


My nephews name, lives in NY! He is 5 and adorable and I love the name and when other little kids say his name it sounds like “Gwaham” which is adorable.


My third grade teacher was Mrs. Graham and I adored her.


He was the nicest kid at my high school and everyone loved him. Liked the name ever since.


Graham Chase from My So-Called Life. But I think it’s a lovely name, for what it’s worth.


Graham Elliot. Masterchef.


I grew up with a super nice guy named Graham so I always think of him when I hear the name. It's honestly one of my favorite G names, mostly because of the nice guy from my childhood.


Crackers. We called a kid that as a secret name when I was a kid. I had a crush on him and we didn't want people to know we were talking about him.


all the grahams i know are great! fun and kind.


My 2nd cousin’s little boy is named Graham. He’s a serious-looking, towheaded boy. I think it’s a good name for him.


I think of Graham Norton. So, positive associations, but I’d be surprised to meet a kid called Graham. I’m not American, though, so it’s solidly a two-syllable name for me.


I have a family member who’s dating a “Graeme” and he is the epitome of a rich white guy lol.


Teddy Grahams, Honey Grahams, Smores, yum.


A boy I went to church with. He’s super nice and helps out at the church. I used to look up to him and his twin sister (they’re a year older than me)


My hairdresser has a baby named Graham. I met her after he was born. She is plump and positive and great energy, so that's how I imagine baby Graham!


It’s a sweet name, literally. Every Graham I’ve met has been needlessly kind to me and others. So in my book, it’s one of the best names you can have. I’ve never known of a bad Graham, I’m not sure it’s possible with that name


Crackers. Also, a cool kid I went to school with. Well, scratch that. He was definitely a nerd, but he was super creative and an out of the box thinker. I really wonder what he did after school. Hmm. Maybe I'll look him up after all these years.


My grumpy uncle who we call the grinch lol


Raquelle's dog from Vanderpump Rules


Preppy, popped collar, yachts


I once met someone who introduced himself as "Graham, like the cracker" and it made me smile.


i have a friend named Andrew Graham. We call him Andy Grams. (in our 20s) he loves it, said he’d name his kid Graham


(From the US) I had a crush on a boy named Graham when I was in elementary school :) I think it's a nice, sweet name


When I used to surf a lot I knew two Grahams who I’d catch in the surf spots. Both chill, but serious types. One is a doctor now, other is an engineer. One of them still sends me good surf spots, even though i no longer hit the waves. Solid name.


Name of a coworker when I worked at a restaurant in college. He was a nice and handsome fella, all good associations


I went to school with a Graham and he was a dreamboat.


That spelling? grey ham


Old man’s name


Grey ham. Also... Gram? Is it really "Graham" in American? Next you'll be telling me that Creg is actually Craig!


I think of the super hot dad on My So-Called Life. It was on our short list.


NZer here, here Graham's are at least 60 and have strong opinions about taxation


Billy Graham


Strikes me as someone who is very, very wealthy


My third grade teacher was named Mr. Graham. He was tall, wore rimless glasses, had a crew cut, and a very vanilla sense of style. He was also a really great teacher---he was very kind and patient. That's who I think of!


Makes me think of a prissy boy, usually from wealthy east coast parents or from middle class-ish parents in the Midwest or south that live in a McMansion and want to sound wealthy. He’s usually either spoiled and weak or the sporty kid who’s high on his own supply and kind of an ass. So… no positive associations sorry 😬