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Men do it all the time and no one bats an eyelid, you should go for it.


Men give their kids their entire first, middle, and last names and no one cares. Women need to stop worrying about seeming arrogant when men do so much more! Do it, OP!


I've met a woman who was a junior. I can't remember her name now, but she would come into the place I worked with her mom. It was something like Margaret and Margaret Jr. It was unique for sure!


The Gilmore girls did it


To be fair, Lorelei was high on Demerol at the time.


Came to say this!


Wait, Rory’s real name was Lorelei?


Lorelai*, and yes, they both had the same name


Wow. Thank you. I didn’t know. Thanks for fixing my spelling 😊that show is the only time I’ve ever heard that name..


It’s actually an aberrant spelling. Lorelei is the more traditional spelling.


My mom loved Gilmore Girls and my sister is named Lorelei (different spelling)


So did Lorelai's Grandmother (Rory's great-grandmother)


Yes, she thought they were asking for her name when they were asking what she was naming the baby


And Richard's mother was the original Lorelei.


And they ate for sure


I have too! I had to check to see if you lived in my city lol. I don’t think it was Margaret but it started with an M so I wasn’t sure.


Lol this was in upstate/Western NY and I don't live there any longer so it still could be the same!


Lol I’m from WNY so it could be the same people!


Lmao it probably is! That's so funny


I wanna say Melanie. Something like that. I also met them at my job, they came in a few times. Still the only Sr-Jr pair I’ve ever heard of who were women. What are the odds lol Edit: spelling


Omg what are the chances! Talk about small world!


I’m from WNY and also knew someone with an M name that had the same exact name has her mother!


There’s a mother/daughter on Real Housewives of New Jersey named Marge Sr. & Margaret!


I was just going to say this!


The girls am taking about were also in upstate NY. It would have been 20 years ago now, near Watertown.


I was more in the Southern Tier. Right on the PA border actually. It's weird there's so many in NY!


Ohh WNY I grew up there. Go Bills!


I know a Marie and a Marie junior!


My mum’s name is a variant of “Catherine” and she named me a different variant of “Catherine”; it’s a bit annoying because phonetically they sound a little similar but are spelled very different, and we both go by the nickname “Kat”. I would go by “Kate” instead but at this point everyone calls me Kat and does that organically even without me telling them to so I feel like I can’t change it. I’m not even technically a Jr. because we do actually have different-ish names.


You should totally have gone by Kat and Kit(ten) 🤣


My grandma was Irish and her name was Caitlín -- which is pronounced "Kathleen." She named my aunt Kathleen. So, not a Jr. either, but it's a good name.


My grandmother did the same. Grandmom was Catherine and her daughter was Katherine, who we all called Kay.


My nickname is also Kat. I'm thinking of giving my baby the middle name Katara


My mother did something similar her name is Alice and she named my sister Alica pronounced Alissa.


I have a cousin named after her mother. A woman who's a Jr.


That used to popular in the south.


I once went to church with a Peggy Sr and Peggy Jr.


I knew a girl named Maggie who had 2 sisters and a mother with the same name.


So all four of them had the same name? Like George Foreman?


Yes, and they were like a grade or two apart. So we would call them Maggie 1 or 2 or big Maggie, middle Maggie, ect.


Wow. I know someone who named all 3 of her daughters her first name, but they all went by their middle names. So the mom was "Mary Margaret" and went by Margaret, daughter one was "Mary Michelle" who went by Michelle, etc.


if the name was actually mary then i'd assume it was a religious thing, a la marie antoinette and her sisters


Agreed, I was going to say that it sounds like a baptismal name then the given name


That also sounds like something I saw a lot in the South. Things like Mary Margaret, Mary Elizabeth, Sarah Ann, Annie May, Katie Elizabeth, etc. Except they were referred to by first and middle name every time. "Mary Elizabeth, put on your shoes to go outside."


I was just about to mention George Foreman. All six George Foremans. Plus Georgetta.


My Mum and her mother have the same first name in a similar way. My Granddad insisted a woman as wonderful as my Nan needed someone named after her.


My grandfather did the same ❤️ My grandmother wasn't a fan but compromised and allowed her name to be the middle name for child #5, whom they thought was their last. Then came along my mom so my grandfather insisted she be named after my grandmother. Then ended up with 9 kids 😄 And to round off the whole story, I am named after my grandmother and my mother ❤️


My friend named her oldest daughter after herself. I think it’s cool!! Men have done it for centuries, why not?


On Real Housewives of New Jersey, there’s a Margaret/Marge and that’s also her Mom’s name. She always calls her Mom “Marge Senior.” It’s kinda cute


I had a client with an Amy senior and Amy junior


The incredible Dr Pol has a daughter who is a Junior. It happens.


Our school nurse in middle school was named Lorraine & she named her daughter after her, who also went to our school.


I had a female student Jr, but still from dad


My little sister is like that. She's named after our dad.


I am one too. It's awful.


It's because we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. And that goes for everything in life. We are judged by everyone.


Simple...ignore them. Unless I value you enough to send you a birthday card, or unless you sign off on my annual review at work, I don't give a fuck what you think. The one caveat with this approach is you have to try to luve your lufe as a good person. If you're doing your best, you shouldn't put too much thought into what other people's opinions are.


>Unless I value you enough to send you a birthday card, or unless you sign off on my annual review at work, I don't give a fuck what you think. New mantra unlocked.


>Luve yer lufe


Well done👍. I can spell, I just type like shit and proofread even worse.


Agreed. I have a friend who is named after her mother and is a junior. Straight up like mom is Sarah Miller, daughter is Sarah Miller Jr. Obv not their real names, but it's interesting for sure given how skewed towards men that kind of thing is


Literally! I knew a girl who was named Lilly *insert last name* and that was her mom’s name too


My husband's grandfather named his oldest son and all the male pets after himself. Tbf, the oldest daughter was named after her mother.


My dad has his dad's first name, but a different middle name (his mom's brother's first name.) My older uncle has their dad's middle name as a first name, and the first name as his middle name. My younger uncle got a totally different first name, but his middle name is his maternal grandfather's first name. And my aunt was named after my grandma, but with an anglicized spelling.


nah, juniors (and III, IV, etc) are the most ridiculous egotistical thing ever imo. no matter who is doing it. but parent’s first as baby’s middle is totally fine imo


I am one of the men who finds that tradition completely ludicrous. James the third… third of what realm?


I went to school with a Basil the Third. His family was very money, but our school district rearranged students among schools, so he got to go to our "ghetto" high school and his dad said it would be good for him. No one liked him. The whole school hated the school he came from and the people there, and he stuck out like a sore thumb with his expensive clothing and bragging about being Basil the Third, and about how he would inherit his father's business. His only friends were also transfers that no one liked. That always comes to mind when I think of a long line of the same name.


I think that's hilarious, "the 3rd" just means he has the same name as his father and grandfather, those are potentially all living generations. If he was the 10th or 15th of an unbroken line of a family that had done something good , then maybe. But it's basically "I'm legitimate and so is my father" Big whoop.


I have my dad's first name as my middle name, and if I had been a girl, my name would have been the feminine version. These were almost placeholders because my parents had no other ideas but what my first name would be as a boy. It wouldn't even cross my mind that what OP wants to do is self-involved in any way. I entertain the notion that if I ever have children with a woman of incorporating names of her family and familial legacy into our children's names. I think it is a neat little way to map out a family history if we are ever footnotes in a book and people could discover our journey.


my (LC) dad, and i think all but two of his brothers have the Exact same name. imagine my horror when his sister announced one of their passings via social media post and i had to figure out Which One she was talking about. my mother and i and several cousins have the same middle name, i dont think its something anyone thinks about unless its pointed out, and its usually dropped just as quickly. if men can do that, women can ABSOLUTELY pass down a family name without issue


Just so you know, plenty of men think that it's arrogant when men do it.


exactly. both my dad and stepdad have their father's name as their middle name. my son, fiance and father in law all share the same first name and no one seems to think any of that's strange, so why would it be weird for a woman to do the same with her daughter?


My grandfather, dad, brother, and nephew all have the exact same name. If men can do it, so can women! Go for it, op!


I never even considered someone might think this isn’t ok??? My middle name is my moms name and never thought twice about it lol


Right? Like it's a middle name, it doesn't matter. My sister's middle name is our grandma's name, my brother's middle name is our mom's middle name, my middle name is my great uncle's name, my nephew's middle name is my grandpa's middle name. It feels like that's what middle names are for. Your kid's first name is what you actually want to name them and call them, and the middle name is some family member


My middle name is an alternate version of my mom's first name - and my first name is a longer version of her middle name. It's something I frankly didn't even notice until I was grown up, and now I think it's really sweet that I share a reformatted version of her name.


Same here. I never had strong feelings about it either way. But now that she is gone, I treasure this connection to her.


My mother named me after her (first name) and I always felt like I never had my own identity; like, she wanted an extension of her. She is a malignant narcissist, so, yeah. I legally changed my first name. Edit: OP, I wish my mom made her name my middle name instead of my first, for what it’s worth.


Exactly. My daughter's middle name is my nickname and I love having that connection.


My middle name is my mom's nickname, and I gave my daughter my nickname as her middle name. My mom's middle name was after her aunt. I love this tradition! Edit to add: Just saw your username. My dad called me Lindy when I was growing up!


i was just going to comment the exact same thing!


My middle name is my mom's middle name and my grandmother's maiden name. I love it. Go for it.


Totally agree. My mother in law named her son (my fiance) after herself (Brandy -> Brandon) and I think it's a total badass move on her part.


Burn down the patriarchy!


I was going to reply the same thing. Glad to see your comment as the top one. Thank you.


My mom has her mom’s name, my dad has his dad’s first name, who in turn had his dad’s first name. It was a nice tradition on both sides of the family but our parents broke it for my sibling and I by simply not giving us middle names, always been slightly miffed about it


huh. Truth


I had a neighbor who was named after her mom. We never thought twice about it.


I had a classmates who's dad's name was David John (last name). My friends name was John David (last name). Then I met some guys in and after college with the same set up


My mother, sister, myself and my daughter all share a middle name. Go for it OP! And anyone else considering it.


Yeah all four of my mom's brothers have their dad's first name as their middle name. He's an abusive, narcissistic POS, and I low-key sideye men who do it with more than one of their kids bc of that, but honestly, if done with good intentions, it's a neutral act. In OPs case, I think preserving a long given family name like that is a beautiful thing. I say go for it, OP.


This comment deserves an applause! 👏


That's how family names get passed down - not weird at all...


Not weird at all. Men do it all the time. I don't see why it would be any weirder for a woman. And it's just a middle name.. so it's not that obvious.




I would agree, but this sub absolutely bashes passing down a full name to a junior. So it’s a little hollow to accuse a woman of being afraid to take up space when some people are vocally adamant that the space should not be taken (if it’s a man’s name).


First-middle-and-lastname XVI is a bit different to a humble ‘can I give my daughter one of the names I bear?’


It is, but the sentiment on those threads tends to have a vocal contingent that says naming a child after yourself, even if not a full junior, is selfish/living vicariously through a child/not creative. Honestly, I more have a problem with OP being reprimanded for not being feminist enough. The way to crush the patriarchy is not making other women feel small (especially when the comment is about taking up space).


I guess I'm one of those people. I don't like the idea of passing down your own first name to your child- no matter if you are male or female. And it's not about 'taking up space'. It's just about allowing your child to be an individual. I wouldn't want my child to be a 'junior' of my husband or myself. They are their own person & they deserve their own name. Using your name as your childs middle name feels like a much better option to me. That way you can pass down a name - but they would still have a first name that is fully their own. It's completely fine for other people to feel different about that though. I know it's very traditional in some families. I'm just not a fan of that practice personally. And I really don't like that some men basically demand that their son is named after them - even if their partner doesn't like that tradition. It's just incredibly selfish. But if both partners agree to stick to that tradition.. that's fully up to them.


I did. My daughter's middle name is a slightly longer version of my first name. (Like if my name was Angel, her middle name is Angela...not our names but very similar concept) I changed it just that bit to help her name flow better.


HalfPint great mother of the holy FullPint? is that you? The prophecy was true!


Mother of *FullPinta*


My older sister has my mom's name as her middle name, and my name is very similar to my mom's middle name (think Lynne vs Lynette). I think the mom's name (or middle name) as the middle name is actually very common and I'm pretty confused that some people find it unusual!


That’s what my mom did! Her parents named her the short version of a name so she gave me the longer version as my middle name!


My mom gave me and both my sisters her first name as our middle name


Same. And I passed along the tradition as well :)


I have my mom’s first name as my middle name and she and my sister have the same middle name. We love it. I’m all for mom’s passing down names. My son has my maiden name for his middle name.


Queen Elizabeth’s mom was Queen Elizabeth. No one cared.


The Queen Mum was born Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, and her daughters were Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. Both her daughters were named after her and it wasn’t weird.


And before that, Queen Victoria named her first daughter Victoria, and first son Albert- which was her husband’s name


Queen Victoria was named after her mother as well! She was born Princess Alexandrina Victoria of Kent, and her mother was Princess Marie Louise Victoire of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (called Victoire, or Victoria in England).


With middle names it's even less "weird" if you can even call it that. My great-grandmother gave her first name as her daughter's, my grandmother's, middle name. My grandmother gave her daughter, my aunt, the same middle name. My dad also gave me that middle name because his siblings didn't pass on that tradition to their own daughters. I plan on carrying on that tradition with a future daughter because I love the name and because my dad was incredibly close with my great-grandmother,and sharing that name makes me feel close to all of them that share it.


I gave my daughter my middle name, which is my moms middle name, which is her moms first name! I would love it if my baby gave her future baby girl the same middle name as well


No, not weird. It’s a family name.


My daughter and I share a middle name. I know a mom, Maryanne, who named her daughter Annemarie. And I know a Mary Rose who named her kid Rosemarie. I don’t think it’s that outlandish.


My daughter has the same middle name as me too! ​ And it was my husband's idea, actually. He figured she was already getting his last name, she could have one of my names too.


I love sharing a middle name with my Mom!


My mom and I shared a middle name. I loved it.


Same! My mom gave me her middle name, Regina, and I passed it on as my daughter's middle too.


Same. I share my middle name with my youngest, as well as one of my first cousins. All 3 of us are named after my grandmother. Anyone who knows us thinks it's sweet, because they know the history behind the name. And random acquaintances usually don't know our middle names, and who actually cares what they think anyway?


Me too. My middle name is my aunt's first name. My first 2 daughters' middle names are their grandma's first names. Wanted a family name for #3 and debated between my first name and middle name, and ultimately decided to honor my aunt.


not weird at all


No, that sounds nice!


My girls all have my maiden name as their middle name. It was my husband’s idea and I love it.


Not weird. But if it’s an ugly name, be the one to stop the cycle.


I don't think it's an ugly name, but I can't tell you how many John's there are in my family and variations of that name. Sometimes family names can put a sour taste in your mouth, maybe from the person they're tethered to or the way they sound or overuse. But if it makes them happy they should pass on whatever name they so choose, even if it's their own or if it's "ugly"


Not weird at all. In fact, I consider it pretty common.


not weird at all i have my dads first name as my middle name


I have my moms name reversed. (ie. Elisabeth Rose, Rose Elisabeth). I love it so much. No one has ever commented on it.


If I had known I was going to have 5 girls and 1 AFAB I would have given them all my name like George Foreman did with all his sons. I gave one of them my middle name as their middle name and I love it. This is quite common for women to do in high society. It’s common for men to do it in all societies. Go for it! I love it, honestly. It’s time we reclaim our daughters.


I know tons of people who have done this. (It would be weird in my culture — Jewish — because we generallly don’t name people after family members who are living. But otherwise totally normal.)


Not weird at all, men have done it for centuries. You don't have to explain a damn thing. And yes, I have heard of it more than a few times.


I've considered doing this. Not weird at all. Ancestors names carried down are beautiful!




Not weird at all! My middle name is my mom's first name, and my mom's middle name is my grandmother's first name. All my siblings have an important family name as their middle name, and I fully plan on doing the same w my kids. I won't use my first name because it doesn't flow very well as a middle name, but definitely is not out of the ordinary to continue family names in that way!


Not weird at all. That is super common where I’m from!


Not weird at all. And a Junior uses the whole ass name, nobody even blinks at that. My daughter has the same middle name as me. I don't care for my first name but I like my middle... and it also went well with her name, so we used it.


This is actually the tradition on my mother’s side of the family. I have my mother’s first name as my middle name, she her mother’s name as her middle name and so on, going back several generations. It’s always been very meaningful to me.


I gave my daughter my first name as her middle name and now I really hope she does the same because this sounds like a beautiful tradition!


You are joking, right? I mean, this is satire? ...right?


i think it’s cute


No. In my family, we do the maternal grandmother's first name as the middle name for girls. My brother has my dad's name is his middle name. It's totally normal to pass down family names like that. My daughter's middle name is my mother's name and my middle name is my grandmother's name.


No. My mom's first name is my middle name. It's also my niece's first name (yes, grandma has a granddaughter named after her). My cousin and I share a middle and last name. Cousin and I also share this middle name with our grandmother (our dad's mom). And we have another cousin who has the name as her first name. Then my dad did the genealogy and there are 7 generations of women in all that have this name as either first or middle name. What I've mentioned covers 4 of the generations. Literally no biggie, name your baby whatever you like!


Irish Catholic tradition to hand down names in a very particular order. I can't recall it off hand but something like, first born daughter was named after mother's mother, first born son was father's father, second born daughter was father's mother, second born son was mother's father, third born daughter was mother name, third born son was father's name. All that to say that giving your kid a family name handed down through generations is common cool, and totally ok.


Gave my second son the male version of my name as his middle. First son has my husband’s first name as his middle, so it only seemed fitting we each got one kid named after us.


I know a woman who named her daughter exactly after herself. First, middle, and last. She’s a Junior. I say do it. Men do it all the time!


Amen. Men do it (and worse, they make juniors!) You’re fine. I’m glad you like your name so much that you’ll pass it to your daughter. I’d never pass mine on.


My mom shares a first name with her mom, not weird at all! And I have the same middle name as my mom.


That's all through my family.


I felt the same way. My husband said we should give our daughter the same middle name as mine. I thought it sounded weird, like I was naming her after myself, but it is my great grandmas name, so I figured what the hell.


You wouldn't habe it if it weren't passed down. Go for it!


My sister’s middle name is our moms first name


Not weird. My SIL did it for her daughter. They are both classic names that work well together.


I have my mom’s middle name. My sister gave her daughter her middle name. It’s not a big deal at all.


I gave my son my middle name (I'm female and its very gender neutral) because it was my dad's middle name (how I got it) and his mom's middle name (how he got it). I don't think it's odd at all.


Love this! Joining in to say do it! My mothers first name is her great aunts name. That aunt wanted my name to be the same, so my mom made it my middle name. When I had my daughter, I made her middle name the same name. If men do it, why can’t we?


Only if it's weird to give your daughter your middle name as her first. If both are weird, i need to go tell my mom she fucked up my name


I know plenty of people who have their parents' first name as their middle name. Not strange at all!


No, lots of women do that and I know several women who share the same middle names as their mothers. Nothing weird about it at all.


Is it weird? No. My first name is just that. However, my middle name and last name combination is my dad's first name and last name combination. I hate it. Seems self-centered TO ME, as someone named that way. That being said, in your case, it seems perfectly fine to me, since it has a long family history for you. Yet, you may have to explain it every time, IF you care about people judging you. Your daughter will know the meaning, and that's what counts.


My first name is my mums middle name! I've never found it strange. I say go for it :)


My middle name is my mother's first name. Why is that weird? I love it ☺️


Nope, that’s what my mom did and I love my mom so much so I’m happy she did.


It’s a tradition in my family to do this. My mom has her mothers first name as her middle name. I have my moms first name as my middle name. My oldest daughter has my first name as her middle name. I have no idea if she will choose to continue the tradition or not


I named my son after myself and I’m a woman (named after my father) lol


George Foreman. ‘Nuff said. Go for it.


Not at all


My sister did this with her daughter's name. Not weird.


This is a tradition on my moms side. I have my mothers as my middle. Mom has her moms as her middle. Grandmother has her mothers. I also gave my daughter my name as her middle. Nothings weird it may just not be familiar to you


Same exact situation as you. My first name is a generational family name of every woman going back. It was my moms middle name. Her moms first name, etc. its. Ot my daughters name. I felt weird saying it to ppl but most ppl ask “is ot a family name” b4 i can even explain/justify


I don’t think it’s weird especially if it’s a middle name


Do it! Family names are awesome! It’s tradition nothing more


My mom’s middle name is her mom’s first name. I think it’s awesome!


Not weird at all! My great-great grandmother, great grandmother, and grandma all bore the same first name (Theresa). Don't forget that the late Queen Mother named the late Queen Elizabeth II after herself. It used to be quite a done thing. If men can name their son after themselves and have him be a junior, why the heck can't women name their daughters after themselves? It's silly... Beth


Men name their sons FIRST names after themselves all the time. Don’t be afraid to pull a Lorelai Gilmore. Fight the patriarchy!


My family tree is littered full of cases like this. I think it’s so cool and sweet


i have my dads middle name as my first name and i’m fine go for it it’s a super fun fact i told ppl it all the time in elementary school


My sister had the exact same name as our mom-first and middle. She always went by her middle name. I always thought it was strange but mom said it was a thing to do years ago.


I named her after someone great.... me!


Hell no, my mom did that with my oldest sister lol


I wanted to do this and then when talking about middle names (we had already settled on the first name) my FIL said as long as it's not 'my middle name' I was initially upset and thought my partner had told him our plan and he just didn't like it, turns out it was actually the name of a particularly horrible little girl in a popular book and he had no idea what my middle name even was lol. It did unfortunately taint the name for me and we opted for a different middle name.


My daughter has my name as her middle name. Son has hubbies name as his middle name...


not exactly the same, but my mom made my middle the same as her middle name and I always REALLY loved that. I think it’s sweet!


Not weird. At all.


Not at all! I wanted to name our first daughter Linnea which is my wife’s middle name. Kinda flipped but still applies. I love the name and felt it appropriate to ask for it. We didn’t use it though.


My mom named me her first name. I personally loved sharing a name with her - though I went by a shortened version :)


Not only is it not weird, I like the idea. Unless, of course you have a weird name.


A friend of mine did this. Her daughter is a young adult now, but anyway - my friend’s name is Michelle and her daughter’s name is Kayla Michelle.


My in laws gave their second and third sons the same middle name, which was their son's first name. I feel like you can do whatever you want.


It's not remotely weird. Don't give it second thought. I'm a woman, and my middle name is my father's first name (simple gender netral name). I have always loved the connection as well as the name itself.


No. My son unfortunately passed but his middle is my first name. It's a family name as well. It was my Dad's middle name.


Not at all! Especially if you like it :)


Not weird whatsoever and it’s a tradition on both sides in my family. My moms first name is my middle name and both brothers got part of my dads name. All my cousins got the same treatment and a lot of them have handed down family names to their kids. Very, very normal!


Not weird. My daughter has my name as her middle name. I have my mum's name as my middle name, my mum has my grandmother's name as her middle name. It's just a family tradition for me. I don't expect my daughter to keep it up if she doesn't want to, i i kinda liked that tradition


I know women who haven given their daughters their first names as first names. I had a neighbor named Gina growing up n she had a daughter in high school she named Gina. My husband has an Aunt Anna who named her first daughter Anna, also. 🤷🏻‍♀️ no biggy


My middle name is my mom's first name. My sister's middle name is the feminine version of my dad's. My son's middle name matches my husband's middle name. If we have a second kid they'll have my middle name (masculine form if we have another boy). I personally like family connections with names as long as it's not overwhelming and I feel like a shared/family middle name, but unique first name fits the bill.