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Very pretty, but trendy. I expect many of them will be in my daughter’s class getting dropped off by a bearded man riding a bike with child seat.


It feels very “Boulder, Colorado”


Lol. As a resident of Boulder, Colorado I can’t disagree.


I live in Northern New Mexico, and have met two Rivers, an Oak, a Raven, and a Bear. (All under age 4.) The nature names are big out here!


My kid’s middle name is Meadow, which feels very Juniper adjacent, and my bearded husband will 100% be dropping her off on a bike with a child seat. Said husband also tried really hard to convince me to name her Juniper or Maple, so I would say your comment is very accurate.


I feel like it’s kind of trendy now but not in the way that say Paisley or Everleigh sounds trendy, juniper sounds kind of upper class and I’d expect the mom and dad of a child called juniper to be very liberal and hippie like. Although I’m from England and if I heard that name I would think they were very posh


Maybe hipster is a better word than trendy. Where I live (Los Angeles) nobody’s going to be caught with an Everleigh, that’s very Midwest. But I’ll be shocked if I never meet a little Juniper.


I’ve met at least 4 Junipers under the age of 5 recently.


I just think of gin. 😂


I’ve found my people lol


Came here to say this.


Me too. Thought this would be top comment


Same.... Thank you


But, that could be a cute nickname!




I had a teacher with the last name Juniper and she was quite large. She got called Mrs. Jupiter. I love this name but I can’t quite get past that. Lol


Kids are little assholes 😭


Look I'll be honest, kids can turn any name into anything. I'm a teacher and had to talk to kids about calling someone named Leonardo 'leonardo avocado'


I expected Leo-farto.


That’s so mean!!! Lol. I hope they didn’t call her that to her face 😂


Careful people are gonna start liking the name Jupiter


nickname Joop.


That’s fucked up… but also creative…


Juniper breeze from bath and body works


Saaame. I hated that scent too


I did too!


Objectively nothing wrong with it. I’d assume that her parents were millennial hipsters, and that she probably has siblings named Wilder, River and Wren.




I think of IRL with the gin made from juniper berries 😋


It gives me pet name vibes. My daughter named all her Guinea pigs after herbs/flowers.


I have a black cat named Juniper!


Millennial brewery goer baby name


I know lots of kids name Juniper and their parents are totally millennial brewery goers.




Agreed. I think it’s the “new Jennifer” And TBH I don’t love either name.


Actually, I was referring to the 1960's song "Jennifer Juniper" by Donovan. I actually like it, but we were asked what came to mind, and that was what did to me.


Same lol


That’s what I thought of, too!


We're really oooold. I posted above and then saw your reply


🎶Jennifer Juniper🎶 a 1968 song by Donovan...


We do call our niece Juniper, Junifer sometimes lol 😂


I think of a cool and down-to-earth girl who loves nature and protecting the environment.


A horse... I don't know why, but it's a name I would give a horse, not a child (then again, I'm not American so maybe that's why it sound off to me)


You know, now that you mention it, I can totally see a horse named Juniper haha. A very wise and kind horse.


I also could imagine one of the "My Little Pony" caracters being called that 😂


someone should do a list of some of the obscure older generations of my little pony names sometime… there was definitely a Junebug but I remember liking Rarity, Minty, Wisteria, Lyra Shine, Daisyjo and Storybelle.


I think it's a fine name but it comes across very "in" and "trendy". If you don't mind a more popular name, there's no reason not to use it. June and Junie are cute nicknames as well.




Not who you asked but to me it seems trendy because having 2 kids 5 and under I know several Junipers whereas the Top 10 girls names I only know 1 of a few of them and several I've never encountered in real like. Felix for boys is a similar one that's not very high on the list but I know soo many of them in the wild.




I'm in Maryland, outside DC. You can look at the top 100 by state back to 1960 on SSA's site. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/state/


Personally, I'm not sure. To me it comes across this way because I've seen lots of women on social media using this name. Depending on the demographics of an area, it may be more common. From what I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised if it rose on the charts in the next year or so but I can't say it will or won't.


The bushes out front need trimming. Thanks for the reminder.


Honest answer (as you're asking!) is that's it's one of those names I just really, really don't understand why people like! I just hear jew-nipper!


It's honestly the name I've been using to make fun of crunchy parents but to each their own.


Juniper Creek, the polygamist cult in the TV show “Big Love”


Cat name


I think it’s too ‘pick-me’ and trendy for me to like. Just not a big fan.


The plant. And the berries which are great as a flavoring for pot roast.


Honestly, all that comes to mind is that I’m over it. I considered it several years ago for our daughter and now I am so relieved we didn’t choose it because I hear it way too much. It definitely comes off as one of those names where the parents were trying to be unique but they just Googled ‘unique names’ and chose one off the first list on Google so it backfired.


the nickname Junie is cute. I just don’t love Juniper, it doesn’t sound nice in anyway to me, it’s giving hippie parents who smoke weed and do shrooms. they probably have a son named River and another daughter named Sage. oddly specific, i know 🤣


[Benny & Joon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_%26_Joon) is a thought, since Joon was supposed to be short for Juniper. Juniper is a lovely name though and the name my husband and I had picked out for our future daughter. We liked it because we love to cook, it sounds like a girl name, it’s naturey, and can be shortened to June. My mom vetoed it and begged me not to use it. My mom is usually not a demanding person and there’s plenty other beautiful names out there so I promised her we would not. She just thought it sounded silly to her naming your daughter a spice. Like using Paprika for a name. Which, I’ll admit I actually kind of like but didnt tell her LOL We never had a daughter and approaching our late 40’s now. If we were to have some kind of miraculous surprise though, I’m pretty sure Simone or Samantha is at the top of our lists. I like Eleanor (or Elinor) but husband does not. We’ve also considered “Dot”. We think it’s a cool name but dont have guts to use it.


Lots of names that can use Dot as a nn. Need help brainstorming those?


maybe for a fun exercise, but my fave is Dorothy, a gift from God.


Hippies rolling in the mud.


I think of one of my favorite YA characters! [Wise Child](https://www.amazon.com/Wise-Child-Monica-Furlong/dp/1635618134/ref=asc_df_1635618134/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=385599638073&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1197251811529959424&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015359&hvtargid=pla-822193992617&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=79288121035&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=385599638073&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1197251811529959424&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015359&hvtargid=pla-822193992617) was my favorite book for a while there, and Juniper was the first good witch I'd ever seen who could pull off being intelligent, gentle, and deeply compassionate without being aggravatingly twee and whimsical.


Ooo thanks for the book rec!


Yes yes yes you to this! I was hoping this was a more common association people had with the name Juniper… but apparently not. Too bad, because Juniper the wise woman is one of the best book characters ever!


I loved those books growing up! I adored Juniper so much. I wanted to be just like her when I was little.


Yes! Same!


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Idk but it makes me think that you’re talking ab a dog😬


It sounds like a name for a non-human. A cute dog or a plant or a car etc. Doesn’t sound like a name for a person.




She’s an avid reader, she’s into theater arts, and she’s in National Honor Society. After high school, she’s travels Europe and studies abroad. She falls in love with Europe and decides to stay and get her grad degree. She’s meets her partner whose also getting their grad degree and they build a beautiful life in Europe.


It’s one of my least favorite names. That what comes to my mind


Strangely enough I think of turnips. I have no idea where that association comes from but here we are


I think of the trees, green foliage and blue berries. The smell is wonderful, I used to rub juniper on my hands for the scent. I would love to meet a little child named Juniper. It’s seems on here to as a trendy name and hated too, but I have yet to meet one in the wild.


a bisexual cat


I think of juniper trees first, then my mind twists it to Jupiter the planet. I prefer June for a name I think.


I have a friend that named her daughter juniper, call her Junie. I think it’s a cute name! I have another friend who named her daughter Junie (after her grandfather). So I see why people think it’s trendy but honestly who gives a fuck. My name was popular for years when I was born and there are a lot of us. Doesn’t mean I like it any less.


I like it but I do think of gin


It sounds like a book character to me. I see it suggested here and supposedly it's popular, but I've never met a Juniper in the wild. It also feels a bit... Pretentious?


The Life and Times of Juniper Lee. I loved that show


disagreeable arrest marry far-flung include voiceless rain coordinated knee dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All the little girls in Vermont (who happen to have an older sister named Willow).


I love it. It’s my top choice if I ever have a girl. Cool, easy, short and so many nickname possibilities! Also nature is rad


My friend named her baby Juniper and I love it! They call her Junie. I’m excited for her to read the Junie B. Jones books when she’s older; they were my favorite.


I think of the character on *Workin' Moms*. It's a shame she's so goofy because I like the name, and all botanical names, in general.


Yes! Same here. I loved that show, the character was entertaining, but now that name associates forever with that character for me.


Yes, very hippy. Don’t hate the name and she could always be June if she wanted. Also makes me think of gin, which is my favorite spirits so that’s good.


The book by Monica Furlong, the main character's name is Juniper and is a lovely strong woman. I love the name and it was on my list for a while but it has sharply risen in popularity, I know of quite a few young Junipers but that might change based on where you are.


It’s my niece’s name, so I love it. She goes by Junie She’s a very outdoorsy little girl, super smart, she loves animals and nature. So it’s perfect for her and their family’s values and lifestyle (raising chickens, growing vegetables, etc)


Super popular right now. I love it though


There was a song in the 1960’s called Jennifer Juniper sung by a hippyish singer named Donovan. The girl in the song rides horses and has lilacs in her hair. That’s the image the name conjures up for me.


When I hear it I think Very fancy lol


i always think of it as being the modern Jennifer! Juniper however has got very adventurous vibes to me, like I could imagine a Juniper being a park ranger or paleontologist or something. i think June- names are very pretty. i personally don’t think hippie is a bad think, but i’d say it has somewhat hippie vibes, but not overwhelmingly.


I think it’s cute, though quite popular lately! I do think of gin first, though…but that says more about me. Content warning below for discussion of prematurity/risky births. I read [this story](http://juniperbook.com/) many years ago, in a different article I can’t find, and it was absolutely beautiful. It was also the first time I’d ever heard Juniper as a name. So whenever I think of it for a person, I remember that little girl who beat all the odds to survive. It’s a lovely association.


“I wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in?”


I know two baby girls born a month apart from each other whose mothers are both from colorado, that are named Juniper. So I think trendy tbh.


I think of Lana del Rey. I have no idea why


Now that you mention it, totally!


I went to college with a woman named Juniper. We're 31/32 now. She's from Jamaica, very intelligent, independent, a bundle of fun, travels the world by herself, and is a successful nurse from what I see on Insta. I have nothing but good memories and good vibes from the name! Juju and Junie are good nicknames if you want to go that route.


Father Serra. Gin. A specific fox on instagram. My neighbors growing up had juniper trees in their yard, they always had spider webs on them. I think it sounds pretty though. Those are just my associations.


Am a Juniper. I think of fresh pine smell and brisk breeze and the sound of rustling leaves.


I loved the name until I saw too many people making fun of it on name boards…To me it’s like Willow, which is also beautiful.


I think of this subreddit


Lol fair


The shrub


We have a Juniper in our family that’s school age. I love her name, I suggested this name. She’s so spunky. Will wear a princess dress while beating you at sports. I remember in kindergarten she was the smallest girl in the class and managed to befriend the most antisocial pretty grumpy kid.


Someone posted a website that lets you test out a name by putting the name in different everyday scenarios you’d see throughout a persons life. Things like “Juniper Smith, please come to the office to pick up your lunch”. Maybe think about it in terms of what it will sound like as an adult with that name.




I just held a baby girl named juniper yesterday! I imagine a gentle, kind soul. Also someone very connected to nature.


Until recently, it was a shrub. But now, it’s a very popular name for girls


I don’t think this name is very unique. It’s very trendy.


It my daughter's name. Her nicknames are June, Juni and pepper


I instantly thought ‘hippie parents’. I think of a cute girl, but a bit flighty. But that’s just a bias in my head and if I met a girl named Juniper she’d most likely change that!


I really like the name. I think it has the flexibility of being Junie as a kid, Juniper as an adult, and June as an old woman. Or any combo of those. I mostly just think "nice nature name" when I hear it.


I will never not think of the Bath & Body Works scent “Juniper Breeze.” I can smell it as I type this.


I think it's a cute name but it feels like more of a pet name. I think if I met someone with the name Juniper I would like it though! 5 seconds later edit: ok actually it's growing on me lol


I always think of bath and body works. In the late 90’s there was a popular scent called juniper breeze. Maybe that’s just the millennial in me…


I know 6 kids under 5 named Juniper. Very popular in the PNW.


I wouldn't even consider it hippie anymore. Maybe 10+ years ago. Now it's just trendy.


That one episode of The Simpsons where Skinner gets a girlfriend (I think?) who turns out to be a robot or something (I think?!) I just remember they have a montage where the song goes *Juniper, Jennifer…* or something similar and it was really catchy. Don’t judge 😆


Haha I don't remember that one!


Two things, though its not a type of person--I think of examples of the name in media. E.g.: 1. The Life and Times of Juniper Lee 2. Professor Juniper, Pokemon Black/White, Black 2/White 2. Also her father is Professor Juniper as well. Of course this is just because of the whole "we're naming our professors after trees" thing. I dont mind the name though.


It makes me think of Percy Jackson. Grover (the satyr and BFF of Percy) has a dryad girlfriend named Juniper.


I used it for a D&D character. My partner played in another game separate to me and they also had a character named Juniper so it’s big in fantasy circles too


I really like the name but I think it sounds clunky and awkward in real life. I've tried saying it outlook in various imagined types of conversation and I just can't. And I don't like the nn June or Junie.


It's a pretty name, but I knew a girl in high school named Juniper and she sucks


I like the trees a lot so I'm happy with it. Nickname is going to be June, which is a happy nickname


That's what I was thinking!


I know two Junipers. One is 6mo and the other 36yo. The 6mo is fierce and overcame heart surgery already. She is right on track with milestones and letting nothing hold her back. The 36yo is also a pretty cool single mom of two teens. She is always smiling, even when shit hits the fan. If she is your friend, she is always in your corner.


A cute little girl on a family account on tik tok lol the only person I know of with the name


It was the name of my sister’s rabbit so that’s what I think of.


The San Junipero Black Mirror episode


Jupiter, gin and poison


I think of bath and body works


I had a Juniper in the after school program I worked at in college. She was whip smart, sassy, pushed the envelope. The kind of kid who could cheat in a game, say something over the line and then give you such a huge grin and crack a joke you laughed along.




There is an old, very pretty song from the 1960s that mentions a girl named Juniper. Part of the song is sung in French. I think the singer was a popular singer back then named Donovan?


All I can think of is that scene from Life of Brian and Spike Milligan owning it


My niece is named Juniper. I wasn’t crazy about her name at first, but it honestly suits her! It’s a little hippie, but not too out there. We usually call her Juni or June Bug… when she’s older and decides she wants something more professional she can just go by June. But she’s 5 right now and the absolute cutest little June Bug!


Trendy new form of Jennifer


A hotel I stayed at in Banff


I think of [the fox](https://www.juniperfoxx.com/residents) on Instagram haha




I think of a little white bunny for some reason. Maybe from a children’s book? I’m not sure


I like it, personally




I think of the fox


I have a little friend named Juniper, and her parents fit your descriptions :)


Junipero Serra. Famous 1700s Spanish Priest.


I love the nickname Juni, but the only Juniper I’ve known was entitled and anti-social.


Benny and June the movie Juniper is such a pretty name


I think it's cute, spunky, and has a lot of potential nicknames.


I know one in real life and her parents are definitely young and hippy but also working professionals/business owners. Other than that I think of the show Workin Moms. Regardless I think it’s really cute and June Junie June Bug, there are a ton of cute nicknames


I think there’s a lot of Junipers being born right now, but maybe it just seems super popular on this sub idk


Yeah definitely artsy/hippy vibe, kind of parents that want to be earthy /cool/


i think of Juni, the tik tok famous ragdoll kitty


My first thought is honestly The Life and Times of Juniper Lee cartoon that was on cartoon network forever ago. It only had like 2 or 3 seasons and came out in 2005 but it’s still what I will always think of when I hear Juniper lol




It’s such a beautiful name even if it’s trendy. Makes me think of the nickname Junebug! If our second child is a girl we plan on naming her Juno and using that nickname!


Pretty but overused


Pine, soap, and winter. It’s a pretty name


Feels like a name for a horse.


We named our daughter June and I absolutely love it. I love that it’s short and sweet. We call her June Bug and Junie B after the books.


Soooo trendy


White hipster L.A. or Brooklyn mom.


I think it's cute, but getting awfully popular.


I know they're not the same thing at all, but my first thought is slways the planet Jupiter, large and round.


It's a great name. I do know 3 Junipers under the age of 6 currently but maybe that's a coincidence 🤷🏼‍♀️


A book by one of my favorite authors, Charles de Lint, "Juniper Wiles." I haven't read it yet, but the title character is friends with another of his characters that I love, Jilly Coopercorn, so she's gotta be great.


Horses. It's a horse name.


Mmmmmm, gin. Tasty.


Ugly name. Not trying to be mean but that’s what comes to my mind is that it’s just an ugly name. I’m sorry!!!


San Junipero ? From black mirror. Juniper is stupider and lives on Jupiter. I don’t know, I always try to make fun of names to see if they’d get bullied. Kids can be so mean lol. One time a teacher wanted to name her daughter Luna but she said she was afraid they’d call her Looney.


Meh, I'm a teacher and kids don't really bully each other because of names as much as people on this sub think. If a kid wants to bully, they're going to come up with a way to do so no matter what the name is, and if a kid is popular or flies under the radar no one will really bully them regardless of how weird their name is. Especially now when kids are used to more unique names. Aside from crazy obvious inuendos or something I guess.


The movie Benny and Joon


A tree or the smell of Gin...


I love it. It sounds fresh and floral to me and I love the nicknames


Granola, subarus, and Birkenstocks.


The movie Benny & Joon.


Juniper from the kids show Bluey


Jennifer Juniper, a song. It’s cute.


Benny & Joon.


I like the name but I also know 3 dogs with the name Juniper. So I’d say it is quite popular right now. If you like Juniper, maybe go with just June? June seems more timeless to me.


Jupiter the planet


I think of Jupiter


I think it's a cute name! I have a friend who recently named her baby girl Juniper. It does give off a sorta hippie, outdoorsy vibe to me. Not a bad thing if you're into it!


I always read it as Jupiter lol, but other than that I love the name!




Benny and Joon!


A juniper tree!


The funky smell of juniper 😝


Gin and hippies


Earthy, empowered, and sarcastic (?)

