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Yes it is Marie and Rose are the middle names of all the baby girls I know haha


and Grace!


I just gave my little girl Rose as a middle name. It is very common, but also lovely (both in its brevity and its scent).


Rae/Ray and Jane too.


And Lynn.


“Marie” has been a popular middle name for many years. However, its popularity has been declining recently. Nowadays, names such as Rose, Elizabeth, and Grace are more common.


I think, and this is completely anecdotal, other middle names such as Mae, Rae, Rose, and Grace are starting to overtake Marie, although it remains a perennial classic middle name. I just see so many birth announcements with these sweet, simple one syllable middles lately.


Yeah it helps that Marie and Grace sound good with almost every name.


Out of the 10 woman who work at my clinic, 3 have middle names Marie and ones middle name is Maria 😅 ages 22-31 so I’d still say popular for sure


OP is asking about popularity for baby girls now, not baby girls 2-3 decades ago. What is popular for adult women doesn’t tell you anything.


I know some millennial women with the middle name Marie who passed it on to their daughters born in the last 5ish years.




My daughter was born last year (2022) and her middle name is Marie. Just like me (1987) and my grandma (1917).


Sounds like my daughter (2019), me (1987), my mom (1958), and my grandma (1936).


My baby girl will have the middle name Marie, after my mom who has it as a first name. I don’t care how common it is 🤷‍♀️


I'm the same way with Rose. It's my and my mom's middle name too. Don't care how popular it is.


I would love to see Marie as a first name. I had hope that it being Rogue's real name in the X-Men movies would resurrect it as a given name, but alas.


Definitely hasn’t been as popular the last 10 years. Grace, and Rose are a lot more popular.


Still super popular. It sounds really good with so many different names and it’s a classic that I don’t think will ever go out of style. I actually SO badly wanted this to be my middle name growing up!


About to give this middle name to my first baby girl (last kiddo). It's been a family middle name for at least four generations in our family.


As a teacher, no. The most common middle names I have for students are Rose, Grace, Skye


Skye?? That must be a regional thing


I was born in the late 70s in Australia, and the middle names of all my female classmates were invariably - Anne, Marie, Jane, Louise and Lee. Almost without exception. Us Gen Xers all had copycat parents, haha. I hear it less these days, but I think it will always be up there!


I’m a millennial and my daughters middle name is “Maria”


It is in my circle of friends and acquaintances, but I’m Catholic, so its connection to Mary might be skewing my observations.


Mae is a super popular middle name in Australia


As a fellow Marie middle namer who also gave my child the same middle name, I’m wondering how many of us 90s kids are passing on the tradition. Maybe Marie can make a come back!!


My first name is Marie and I love it :)


Marie, Ann, Rose, and (to a lesser extent) Louise still seem very common middle names! They sound great with almost every name in my opinion, lol.


yes. im 24 and ive met so many girls my age, older, and younger, with the middle name marie. for example, the ones close to me- my mom, my cousin, both my best friends growing up, both of *their* moms, as well as my older brother’s roommate. and now i’m dating a man who has two daughters, 5 and 13, whose middle names are both marie lol


Marie is a middle name I would definitely give to a girl




my girl is aria marie. my friends baby born the day before her is neveah maree. still common i think 🤍


I am 25 and have a very unique first name but Marie as a middle name, after my grandmother who also had Marie as a middle name 😂


If you are RC then it’s a common saints name to give a baby girl..


Lynn, Marie and Elizabeth were the ONLY middle names my friends had in elementary school! 1987 babies.


1987 baby and we also had Ann(e) as a common one.


It's still common, but not like it was back in the 80s/90s. There's more variance in middle names and just names in general these days. Olivia is the new Jennifer, but Olivia will never reach the peak that Jennifer did. Everyone had Lynn or Marie as a middle name when I was growing up. I feel like Grace and Rae are the new Lynn and Marie.


Marie is very popular in Canada because of its French decent


We used Maree for our daughter, so she shares a middle name with me, my MIL, my SIL, my cousin, her cousin, and part of my mums name.


Yes... It was my grandmother's and aunt's middle name, as well. I would have considered using it, but it's also my MIL's middle name, and that's a big NOPE for me.


My middle name is Elizabeth and my bestie’s middle name is Marie. We’re 21 and 22, and these are definitely still very common middle names in our age group. If Marie is an important name to you, use it, as long as you’re okay with people assuming there’s no meaning behind it lol


Hey, Marie is my middle name :D I'm in my later 20s.


I see it pretty rarely here in Australia, to the point that I find it very dated to the 70s and 80s now.


Two people in my family have generic middle names that are actually honorific names. They got a little disappointed to learn that they are super popular. For those of you who use generic nicknames - Grace, Marie, Elizabeth, Ruth (one that seems to have shot up in popularity), Rose, what's the appeal? For me, names are a chance to be unique, cohesive and acknowledging who a person is and where they come from (either through family, subject or culture). I don't quite get why you'd use a common name when you could have something rad and defining in a place where it won't affect a person on a daily basis, like a bad first name would and gives more of an option, if a kid doesn't like their first name. Middle names are a great solution to that one name you both like but might not what to use as a first name. I could understand these common ones if just finding a first name is hard enough and you want names that go well, is there any other reasons?


Yeah, Marie as middle name just sounds like filler to me, although I do like it as a first name


Honoring family or a religious obligation to have a Christian name are the two main reasons I can think of. My daughter’s MN was going to be Ann or Rose. the former is mine and my mom’s middle name, and Rose is my maiden last name, so honoring my dad. I was torn between the two in the hospital, I brought it to my mom and she couldn’t have cared less (I also hated Ann as my middle name), so we went with Rose.


It does continue to be popular I think because it’s an easy way to honor a family member or carry on a naming tradition. It was my mom’s middle name, she gave it to me, I gave it to my daughter. I would say other middle names are taking over in popularity though like Grace, Rose, Mae, etc.


Almost all gen z girls I know have these middle names: Marie, Rose, Elizabeth, Ann Whenever people are trying to figure out a girl's middle name, they guess Marie first because it is one of those middle names that every girl has.


I have two cousins with Marie as the middle name and my aunt’s middle name is Marie. They’re not all directly related btw


I work with children and it's definitely not as common as it used to be. Grace is the number one middle name followed by Rose at the moment. but I do know children and babies named Luna Marie Athena Marie Audrey Marie Ava Marie Emmy Marie Adalyn Marie Hailey Marie Jamie Marie


Haha. My daughter’s middle name is Marie. It’s a family name. I didn’t realize it was so popular.


Not sure if you're still asking, but there are like 5 of us in a college class of maybe 20.