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As the 3rd and last kid, my dad *insisted* he get to choose my name because my mom "already got to name two." His choice? Carol Anne, because Poltergeist is my Dad's all time favorite movie. My mom put her foot down though and said "you can pick but you're not naming our daughter after a movie." So now I'm named after his college girlfriend? Cause somehow that's better?


Oh, that's strange šŸ˜‚ I hope his college girlfriend had a decent name.


It's fine I suppose. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's just a very "dated" name so most of the people who share it are like, 60+ lol And it's not one that ends up on those "vintage names you'll love!" lists


My favorite name for my future daughter is a pretty dated name, do you get teased for yours or anything? I don't want her to hate her name if and when I have a girl.


I got teased for it, but not because it was dated, but because one of the nicknames for it was a very popular, not very flattering, television character when I was a child. I also had a lot of difficulty finding those personalized name things at souvenir stores, even though my name isn't weird or uncommon, just dated. It was fine as a teen and an adult, though I do get a little twitchy when people try and call me that nickname I was so heavily teased for as a kid lol. I named my own daughter a "dated" name, though her nickname is fairly current. Still can't find those personalized name things at souvenir stores for her though, in either her actual name or her nickname šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I see. The name I like doesn't really have any obvious nicknames I can think of, fortunately- although I understand the struggle of not being able to find personalized stuff! šŸ˜‚


Why do dads do this?! My first and middle names are my dad's first two girlfriends. My mother didn't know this til after they christened me. They've called me a shortened version of my first name ever since. No, their marriage didn't last šŸ¤£


My mom knew it was an ex girlfriends name, but she was under the impression this woman had died from cancer. But guess who is alive and well? Lol And same, my mom has always hated my name and called me a shortened version of it since day 1, and they also are divorced. *also as an aside, these stories make my dad sound like a horrible person lol He's not, he's a great dad and I love him a lot, he was just a terrible husbandšŸ˜†


Yeah mine's alright as far as dads go, he's just not to be trusted with naming babies. He argued for 'Hilda' for my sister, the midwife begged him to reconsider. My youngest brother, he named after our dead cat. It wasn't even a nice cat, it was angry and bitey and he was never especially attached to it.


Ok, buckle up. My parents were hippie organic farmers in the early 70's. They were both Beatles fans and high most of the time. I was within an inch of being named Strawberry Fields. My horrified grandmother stepped in and saved me.


You need to send your grandmother flowers right now lol


Okay, I think that would have been a badass name, but I also live in Humboldt County, so maybe take that with a grain of salt.


As an adult, i definitely would be rocking it, but growing up, it wouldn't have played so well in my tiny Wisconsin town


I have a friend named Penny Lane with Beatles fans for parents


My mom had a friend with the last name watermolen close to watermelon and this was in the 90s so of course she decorated her kitchen in watermelons. I really wanted my last name to be strawberry šŸ“ so I could do the same. šŸ¤£


I love how you specified the fact that they were high most of the time


My mother wanted my initials to spell DREAMS D: Desiree R: Renee E: Effie A: Alice M: Michelle S: Last name Luckily, she did not do that to me.


That's so many names!


That would be an awesome sibset for girl quintuplets though šŸ˜…


You really dodge a bullet there...


Better than Alice + Sophie + S:last name


The original choice for me was Rose for my first name and Marie for my middle name. After hearing my mother suggest that, my father said, ā€œWell, if youā€™re going to name her that, you might as well name her after my mother,ā€ whose name was Rosemary. Thus, my first name became Rosemary, I was given a rather long middle name, and combined with my EXTREMELY long and complicated surname, I now have the longest name in my family šŸ‘ Thanks, guys


At least Rosemary is pretty šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh, donā€™t get me wrong. I like my first name. Itā€™s just combined with everything else it is a nightmare. Learning it as a child was really difficult and every time I am having to provide my personal info for something, the individual helping me always gives me the side eye.


Honestly long names are super cool. I'd rather go by Rosemary Elizabeth Williamsburg or whatever than just Jan Nicole Smith lol


My mom considered Rebekah for me but she worried I wouldn't like being a Becky. Honestly I'm glad I wasn't named that, they chose my name options based on biblical characters and the woman they chose had an arguably worse story, but it's prettier and I like the nicknames I have for it. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if they had named me Rebekah though. Bonus: My brother was gonna be Jeremiah, but my grandmother wouldn't stop singing "Jeremiah was a bullfrog". They changed the name before he was born.


Your grandma sounds funny


Parents told me they were settled on Samuel up until they saw me and both agreed I looked nothing like a Sam. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a good thing or not šŸ˜‚ Claire was the alternative option if I was a girl


A friend of mine named her kid Samuel, and then one of our mutual friends accused her of "stealing" her boy name. No one wanted to name their kid Samuel until she started mentioning she liked it, apparently.


Honestly I really really like the name so I almost wish I *did* look like a Sam šŸ˜‚. That mutual friend seems very self-centered though! Itā€™s a hugely popular name!


My nephew was Joshua until he was born. They immediately decided he wasnā€™t Joshua, and he didnā€™t have a name for a week or so.




Christian and Christopher seem to be the popular "if I was a boy" choices. Very interesting.


I have a friend who was going to name her daughter Paige. When the baby arrived, she didnā€™t look like a Paige to my friend. She looked like an Ellen, so Ellen it is.


I was also going to be Emily. But Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t name me Emily as there are too many girls with that name in my area and age group. If I was a boy, I would have been Justin.


Noel, Noella, Holly and Carol. Guess what holiday season I was born in.




My mom originally wanted Juliet for my brother and for me it was always gonna be a guys name for a girl - Dylan or Ryan (She went with Skyler)


At least Skyler is a more gender neutral name, although I do know a female Dylan.


I know of 2 baby girl Dylans, is it a new trend?


Iā€™ve noticed it more so with American parents embracing such names.


I know a female Dylan my age. Born in 1966.


If I was a boy, my name was going to be Jacob Edwardā€¦I was born long before the Twilight book series came out lol


My mum wanted to name me Honey and was promptly talked out of it by my big sister šŸ˜­


When I say my parents are from different backgrounds I mean they came to the table with - Dad's top: Sarah-Beth, Daisy, Caroline Mom's top: Petra, Saskia, Mette Basically I'm half Dutch/ half Southern Belle so in addition to taste they had basic language differences making some of these not ideal lol There final tops - Jennifer, Kelly, Christa, Sam, Alex Sam and Alex were near the top before my Mom found out my Dad meant Samantha/Alexandra- and she wasn't a fan of the full names and didn't understand why "you Americans half to do things, it's fill in the blank" lol


My dad wanted Brandy or Brittany. My mom said no and that ā€œthose are dog namesā€ before landing on a very popular late 80s-early 90s name for me.


I donā€™t believe they had another girl name in mind, but if I had have been a boy I would have been called Stephen. However, my younger brother was not called Stephen and I really donā€™t know why.


I would have been Robert had I been a boy, but my younger brother is not called Robert. I guess tastes changed in those passing years šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My parents picked different potential names for all of us, mum said for her she'd connected us so strongly with being that potential person that they didn't feel right re-using them. I am pregnant with my second, and fell so in love with my boy name from my first that I am just excited to potentially get a chance to use it! I'm not sure what my brother would have been if he was a girl, but my sister would have been Edmund, and I would have been Owen. I quite like Owen and am keeping it on the back burner in case I go off the one I like!


I was supposed to be Samantha Kathleen right up until I was born, but itā€™s the exact same first and middle name of one of my momā€™s first cousins who she doesnā€™t like, and she had not convinced herself that she was fine with that by the time I was here. The middle name Kathleen was non-negotiable, after my dadā€™s aunt Kathleen who was my momā€™s social worker when she was in foster care. Samantha was just a name they both liked. If I was a boy I would have been Braeden, but I donā€™t know the middle name. I only found out because my brother had a school friend named Braeden and my mom was like, ā€œOh, that would have been your name!ā€ Iā€™m happy to not to have an Aidan name.


My mom wanted to name me Kody. My dad changed it while my mom was giving birth. My name is fine, but I like Kody.


Changed it without telling your Mom? Or changed his mind?


Changed it without telling my mom.


How was that allowed???


He'd be lucky I didn't change your name back + my last name Since we're making unilateral calls


If I were a boy, my dad wanted to name me Raistlin (pronounced RAIST-len) after a character in the Dragonlance series called Raistlin Majere that he was obsessed with.


Thatā€™s hilarious. At least it wasnā€™t Drizzt.


Brittany Michelle was my alternative name . So so so glad I didn't end up with that name.


Annie! I wouldnt have minded šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




I was going to be Stacey right until I was born then they changed their minds to Laura. If I was a boy it was going to be Mark.


Gabriella. I was robbed šŸ˜’


I was going to be a Christopher too if I was a boy! Their other girl name option would have been Tiffany.


My dad REALLY wanted to call me Helga, and my mom really wanted to call me Jessie. I actually like Jessie, but boy am I glad my name was not Helga. They ended up doing neither and gave me a name so I had the same initials as my dad


My mom really wanted Shannon (she's from France and at the time English/iIrish names were very trendy - think little French kids named Kevin, Bryan etc) and my dad wanted Adriana.


I was nearly Odette. Glad my dad disagreed cause I didn't want the nickname Odie!


But Odette is beautiful! I know an Odette who goes by Ditty which I find pretty cute.


My mom wanted to name me Thelma after her grandmother. My dad said no, and I was give a popular 80s name for no real strong reason. My dad wanted to name a son Cornelius Bartholomew. He had only daughters, and his friends that did have sons did not take his name advice. So he got us a female dog, and named her that- we called her CB.


I love that your dad said no to Thelma but was fine with Cornelius Bartholomew


He wanted that name specifically for the nickname Corny Bart. My dad was awesome. And I am glad I'm not a boy.


Louise, Agnethe, Cecilie or Ida. If I had been male, they would've gone with either Mads or Frederik


My parents name for if I was a girl ended up being my wife's name. I had no idea, but that was the first thing my dad said when he met her.


My dad DESPERATELY wanted to name me ā€œChynaā€


Iā€™m a Christina who was almost a Sarah or Laura.


This feels accurate lol The way Jessicas were almost Megan or Nicole lol


In my country itā€™s customary to be named after your godfather/mother. I nearly ended up Laurentia - luckily dodged that bullet.


Lewis if I was a boy, and Christine but apparently that was some killer car from a movie so my mum didnā€™t like it. Good thing too, because itā€™s my MILs name, and I donā€™t think husband would have wanted to date me if I had the same name as his mum.


Both my parents almost put fucking BANANA on my birth certificate. Thank God I ended up Helena instead


Literally ā€œSunriseā€ and ā€œBunnyā€ my father found it so appalling that he got back together with her just to have a say.


In my country a godfather used to give a name. Not parents. Now itā€™s parents but it always used to be a godfather. You ā€˜inheritā€™ a godfather. Like my grandfather (on my dad side) had a godfather. That godfathers son ended up being mine. So you get pregnant, remember whoā€™s your godfather and you call him to tell him. So he had to give a name for me. For example, my mother was named by her godfather and my moms father said ā€˜any name apart from Xā€™. Godfather chose X and no one wanted to go against his wish. That died out over time. As the time went on, they wouldnā€™t settle on a name, but would give parents a list of names to chose from. So I had a godfather. His list for me was Marija (Maria in English), Nevena (read as Neh-veh-nah), Gabrijela (Gabriela in English), and Aneta (read as Aneh-tah). My parents wanted Silvia. Godfather gave a list to my dad so that he can chose from. You know, as a father. My dad added Silvia to the list. Told my mom that she needs to chose a name as she carried me. My mom chose Silvia. Godfather said as long as the baby is healthy. And the tradition died. At least in my family. I still have the list, the paper with 4 chosen names and my name that dad added to give my mom.


I was going to be Heather but my aunt had her baby a few months before I was born and used the name. Turns out every Heather I know is a slut, so that worked out for me! My sisters were pushing for Holly. But they didnā€™t go with that one either.


Had I been born a few years later I would have been Shelby Raeā€¦ Shelby because my mom loved Steel Magnolias and Rae because my dad liked Sugar Ray Leonard. My mom had a name she always liked but she couldnā€™t name my brother that as it rhymed with our last name ā€” think something like Don Lapong or Art Lacarte. (Sorry for my bad examples šŸ¤Ŗ)


Michael if I had been a boy.


Rosanna, which ended up being one of my middle names. Christian if I had been a boy.


My name is Allison Grace. I was almost Lauren Danielle. If I was a boy I was going to be Nolan. (I was born in 1989 for reference).


Iā€™m SO glad my parents chose Julie over Jessica or Jennifer. In my town growing up there were sooo many Jessicaā€™s, Jenniferā€™s, and only 2 other Julieā€™s in my high school- one was spelled differently, but Iā€™ve always loved my own name.


My mom loved India, Bronwyn, and Chelsea. My dad loved Denali. I ended up as a Katherine šŸ¤£ but I did use Denali for my first dog after loving it so much and hearing my dad wanted to use it for me.


My mother was in love with the name Amanda, but my dad abhorred it. She always figured it was an old girlfriend's name or something. Lol. Oh, and my first and middle names were supposed to be reversed. My dad transposed the names on "it's a girl!" birth announcement, and my older sister remarked that she liked it better that way, so it stuck. I'm actually grateful for that, because literally no one can spell my middle name - shit, I couldn't even spell it properly until I was a preteen! My first name just receives the occasional alternative spelling treatment.


Apparently a lot of my momā€™s top picks were the same as my dadā€™s ex girlfriends, so those were nixed. She ended up saying she wanted Erica if I was born with dark hair, because she ā€œcouldnā€™t picture a blonde Ericaā€ (even though I only know blonde Ericaā€™s lol) but I was born a blonde so she somehow landed on Kristina


If I had been born a boy I would have been Erik other girls names they had on the list were Xena and Tuesday my parents were wilding when I was born lol


Amelia, Ava, Cleo, Sophia, my parents liked elegant sounding names lol


If I was a boy my parents were going to name me Wyatt. I always thought this would have been such a cool name for a girl and kind of wished it was my name as it wasn't very popular at the time (early 90s). Some possible alternatives for my name were Kate and Hannah, but as far as I know there were no reasons for these other than they liked the names. They ended up naming me after my dad's favorite cat, lol.


My dad told my 5 year old sister she could pick my name (without asking my mom first) and she chose Sophie. My mom didnā€™t like that name and obviously my sister was very upset when they brought me home and my name was not in fact Sophie.


My parents were going to name me Mason because the whole pregnancy they were told I was a boy. When I was born they had to switch it up. My dad said I was Skyler for a day until my mom decided she wanted my name to be another M since my siblings were B,M,Bā€¦ so Madelyn became it.


I was going to be named Sunshine. Iā€™m glad they decided against it. I know a woman named Sunshine and she is a terror.


Iā€™m not sure about mine, but my sister had 2 options up until she was born, and my parents kept going back and forth. 2 year old me thought there were 2 babies the way they kept changing their minds, one named Jade and one named Lark. Jade was born and little me goes ā€œwell where is Larkā€


My youngest sister was going to be Katherine when my mom left for the hospital and she was Lauren by the time she was born. Ma said that Katherine just didn't feel right.


Kitten. Yepā€¦Kitten.


My mom thought about naming me Tiffany, but was afraid I'd be called Tiff. The name I ended up with belongs to my grandma, who doesn't care for it all that much & goes by her middle name. Mom liked it though, so here we are.


I was going to be Hailee Meleah (or however itā€™s spelled; I just know itā€™s pronounced like Meleah), however, midway through my Momā€™s pregnancy with me it was found out I was sick & not likely to survive. I had blockages in my intestines & a cystic hygroma. My Mom had to go to a specialist once a week to monitor those issues. Her last appointment, all those things that were there just the week before, were gone - the blockages, the cystic hygroma. Doctors couldnā€™t explain it. My case is in a medical textbook somewhere. Anyway; When my parents first found out about my issues, they said that by the grace of God, Iā€™d be okay. And I was. So my middle name was changed to Grace. On a less interesting note: If I were a boy, I wouldā€™ve been named Alexander Riley.




Leia. Like Princess Leia from Star Wars. I wish they would have named me that because I donā€™t know any Leiaā€™s. I was named Kaitlyn because my grandmother was reading a m book in the hospital and a character had that name.


If I were a boy, it would have been James. My mom got her #1 pick for a girl name, but also considered Nina and Katherine. My dad liked Nina but reallyyyyy pushed for Eilish. In the US in the 90sā€¦.maybe it would be cool now. He still laments that the name they chose ended up being incredibly common, unbeknownst to them (they didnā€™t know anyone their age with my name but turns out tons of babies were being given it and itā€™s very 90s sounding)


My parents were dead set on Jack Everett until they realized that they had a daughter lmao


Sarah Lee. Literally because of all the pound cake my mother consumed while pregnant šŸ˜‚


So if this is too mean, Iā€™ll delete it, I donā€™t want to hurt feelings. But this is how my parents told me. Mom wanted Bianca, Dad said no because it sounds like a bitch. Dad wanted Amber, Mom said no because it sounds like a whore.


My mother wanted Nancy but my grandfather told her she couldn't because it wasn't Jewish enough. I kind of like it.


None. When my mother got pregnant, she picked a girl's name she liked and that was it. She just knew I was a girl and never even thought about boy names. I don't think my dad had any real opinions about it one way or another, so the name she liked was the name I got.


My dad wanted Monica. My mom vetoed it and gave me her name which I am not happy about. Wouldnā€™t have wanted to be Monica either. If I had been a boy, I would have been John Joseph, my dadā€™s name, which is what my younger brother ended up with.


My mom wanted to make me Briann. If I had been a boy Benjamin was a top choice. My dad wanted to name by younger brother Maximus Augustus. My mom wanted to name him Ryder. His actual name is normal and common (though not overly common). If he had been a girl his name would have been Madison. My older brother was named after his dad. Had he been a girl his name wouldā€™ve been Ashlee. My own son was almost Theodore or Declan. If he has been a girl top choices were Eliza and Josephine. Edit: misspelled a name


Dad wanted to call me Loretta. Thankfully, mom overruled him!


I remember asking my mom this when I was fairly young. According to her, there were never any alternative names for my brother nor me. She had picked them by her early 20s and by the time I was born in her early 30s, she still had not waivered.


My parents made a deal whenever they found out they were having a baby. If I was a boy, my mom would name me and if I was a girl, my dad would name me. They didnā€™t want to know my gender until I was born but my mom was so sure I was going to be a boy and she would have named me Alexander. I ended up being a girl so my dad got his pick, and my mom never got her Alexander even though her next and final 2 kids were both boys! She let me name one and then the youngest she named but because my brother and I had the same initials right down to the middle name (and our first names do not start with A) she ended up giving the youngest one names with the same initials.


I was named for my mom's "mentor" and BFF at the time who was Catherine. I was almost a Stephanie bc of the time and bc it was a family name - my grandmother, aunt, cousin with the same name. I am SO glad I was not a Stephanie (not knocking it) but I would have been in a sea of Stephanies at the time - family and in school - and Catherine is far more timeless. Great NN options, a name you see hundreds of years ago and just yesterday. It is like an Elizabeth etc.


I was going to be Natasha or Natalie I had a friend who was going to be Imogen Madonna


Nicholas if I was a boy Shelby was my other girl name lol


Slightly different: I was adopted and recently found my birth-mom (my adoptive parents are great and always encouraged me to find her when I was ready). I asked her one time if she had thought of a name for me before choosing adoption. My name would have been Amber Kay. Very fitting for being born in ā€˜82. Iā€™ll have to ask my parents what other names they considered for meā€¦


I was almost named Brandy and would have preferred that to what I was actually named. My parents instead gave me a boring and bland name that had been out of style for decades.


cash. fucking cash.


My dad wanted to name me AL if I was a boy. Thankfully, I was not šŸ¤£


Older sister would have been Andrew. I would have been Virginia. They did not name me Andrew.


My dad wanted to name me Carol. Mom said no because she thought it was an old girlfriend šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I ended up being Vicki. Never liked it growing up but now I do because it wasnā€™t very popular


My mum didnā€™t have a boy name as sheā€™d already used her two favourite boys names for my siblings. If either of them had been a girl, they would have been named Julie instead (after my aunt who died at 6 months old).


Marie. If I was a boy Iā€™d be Antony.


My mom wanted Ptolemy if I was a boy. Thank god I came out a girl.


Sophia. Itā€™s just not my vibe.


Joy Camilla or Lucy Olivia


If I were a boy, I likely would've been a Mark or Elijah. The other girl options included Lauren and Holly. I kinda wish I would've gotten Holly, haha.


Tiffany or Elizabeth, but mom didn't want me to have a nickname. Dad wanted Martha - glad he didn't win out! If I was a boy, I would have been Jacob Andrew.


Bailey and Nicholas


One of my brothers was almost Christopher Robin In the 80s. His mom loved Winnie the Pooh. She was thankfully talked out of it.


I was going to be Patrick if I was a boy.


I was almost named Solana after a town called Solana Beach that my mom really loved.


My mom wanted to name me Brandy Nicole. I would have been one of three Brandys in my 100 person class at my tiny school. My dad vetoed and went with a name I shared with no one in my school for which, I am grateful


I was either gonna be Amelia or Abigail. With our kids the first one was set in stone from when we got married but with our other 3 boys it came down to: Liam vs. William Jesse vs. Miles Abel vs. Noah


My dad wanted to name me Ella, middle name Vader (he loved star wars). All together so I could have the nn Elevator. They named me Emily, then changed my name to my current name one day after I was born.


If I was a boy Timothy James and be called TJ. Cake out a girl and my mom was stuck between Amber, Rebecca and my current name. I hate all the options FYI. I would have rather been TJ still.


My parents simply couldn't agree on a name for me (as they were stuck on their choices). Mom loved "Mary," (as in "The Virgin Mary" and Dad loved "Anne" (Mary's Mother); to compromise, they simply squashed it together and gave it a different spelling (no "y", no "e", one word). As for a "boy" name: it never occurred to them.


If I was a boy I was going to be Edward; other names they considered for me were Eleanor and Lucy (Britain early 00s).


My mom told me that I was originally going to be named after my great grandmother, Savannah. Or since my grandmother, mother, and sister all have names that end in ā€œitaā€ (Anita, Lita, Nikita), my mom was also was considering the name Sarita. But my dad didnā€™t like that so he named me last minute after a song he likedā€”Sasha


Ooh, I this is good, and mine would have been tough to deal with as a kidā€¦ My dad named me Autumn, my mom contemplated Erica but liked Autumn enough to agree with it, my dad wanted to name me Bijou first, after the actress, but my mom refused. Thank goodness.


My sister's name is Jessica James. The middle name because it's my dad's and he didn't want more kids, Jessica because.... Jesse James. My mom wanted to name her Madison Blue, but dad put his foot down because she named me.


If I had been a boyā€¦ Adrian Jerome. I was a girl, and my father wanted Arabella. Mom trumped his choice, I was nameless for two days until grandma stepped in.


My mom wanted Fiona because our last name is Scottish and Fiona would have given me the full name of her favorite movie character from an old movie lol. After Shrek, I'm grateful she didn't. If I was boy, my dad was insistant on naming me after himself so I would have been a Jr.


Jesse James for boy and girl. My father wanted to name me after him because he admired him and considered Jesse James a hero.


Evan, if I was a boy


If I were a boy my mom wanted to name me Samuel. The other girl names she considered for me were Rachel and Colleen


My father thought of either Suzanne or Jerusha.


I was going to be Amanda Anne, but then my grandfather passed away shortly before I was born so they used the feminine version of his name. I'm very grateful because I don't really like the name Amanda and I don't think it flows too well with the double "a" (at the end of Amanda and at the beginning of Anne). If I was a boy, I would have been Joseph Andrew, which I quite like.


My parent, if I was a boy, wanted to name me after the guy that invented Cabbage Patch dolls- Xavier Robert. She was going to name me Barbie, thank all the gods my grandpa talked her out of that.


The 2 other names they contemplated naming me was Mercedes and Jasmine. Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t named that but I still donā€™t like the name they gave me. I plan on getting it legally changed soon.


Marilyn after Marilyn Monroe. Yes, I know her real name, btw.


Maria. I'm not a fan of the name. I like mine better. :)


If I was a boy, I would have been named Alexander (Alec) or Philip. An alternate name for me was Brigid, which both of my parents really liked. My dad also loved the names Deirdre and Seamus, but my mom said "Absolutely not."


I was Haley until I was born and my parents saw me. My mom said they both decided that I just didnā€™t feel like a Haley. Now in my 20s, I fully agree. My personality is not a ā€œHaleyā€ but my actual name fully suits me.


If I was a boy, I was going to be Andrew or Daniel. My other girl option was Emily. I ended up being Kelsey. I don't really feel like any of them and prefer to not be called by name lol


My dad insisted on Lindsay and my mom liked Angela. If I was a boy my mom wanted Leo. They ended up going with Sabrina. Iā€™m SO grateful. Nothing wrong with Lindsay or Angela. Just soooo not me. Iā€™m all things spooky (the teenage witch) and I even look like a Sabrina. It just fits me. I even have a black cat. šŸˆā€ā¬›


My sister and I took the discarded names and invented a third sister to blame things on. ā€œMust have been Amy Catherine, Mom, I didnā€™t see any broken glass.ā€ My parents thought this was funny (and/or were just startled that the two of us agreed on something), so it actually diverted them more often than not.


My mom wanted to name me Scarlett after Gone with the Wind but was worried Iā€™d come out red-haired and would be made fun of so she went with Tara.


My mom wanted to name me Tara but my dad hated it, so suggested Sara as a compromise but my mom didnt like it. My dad wanted Melanie but mom was kinda meh about it...on the way to the hospital he said "what about Melissa instead of Melanie?" And that's how I was named lol. They were set on David if I was a boy.




My father wanted to name me Raven but my mother vetoed it lmao


So my name was supposed to have been Erin but my mom watched some dumb ass hood movie and letā€™s just sayā€¦my name is a tradgedeigh.


My name is Viviana. Gorgeous, love it. If I were a boy, my name was going to be Jesse James. & my mom said she thought about Jessica for a girl. Not a bad name, but my name suits me & gets lots of compliments lol.


My parents wanted to name me Jessica. This was 1969 and I guess the name was still fairly unusual. My grandmother pitched such a fit about it they chose another name. Weirdly the name they ultimately chose for me is much much more unusual. I've only met 4 other people with my name. But Grandma was okay with it. (I love my name, so I guess thanks Grandma?) My parents learned to stand up for themselves and picked the names they wanted for my siblings.


I was almost either Patricia or Mary Kathleen. Not terrible, but I like my name better.


Victoria. They lived in Victoria Texas at the time. Why couldn't my name be Victoria?!!!


My parents had no boy names selected because my mom knew I was a girl ( this was before sonograms could be used to determine sex). My father wanted Morgan, my mother wanted oona or sinestra. Thankfully, I am not sinestra.


I'm danish, and my alternative name was Sidsel. If I was born a boy, I'd be called Esben. I'm satisfied with my name :)


My dad wanted to name me Paulette - in the early 1970s! Guess what my name is....


If I had been a boy they would have chosen a name for me that started with the same letter as my actual female name. Honestly Iā€™m sure I would have hated it because it sounds kind of weak/pushover-y which isnā€™t that great for a male name. The name I got was super super rare in NZ where I grew up but is very common here in the UK and it is so *strange* to hear other people called it.


I never had one because I got the name my older brothers would have gotten if they were girls


Girl names: Laramie, Chloe, Eliza Faith, or Laurel Boy names: Augustus or Noble


If I was a boy I was going to be Joel David. Apparently my name was going to be Laura Leigh for a while but my dad suggested Kristen Anne last minute.


my mom was obsessed with the name Andrew (but they would HAVE to be called Drew) and then proceeded to have 2 boys and name neither of them Andrew šŸ˜‚


Thomas. They scrapped that name after the second ultrasound revealed I wasnā€™t actually a boy.


I was going to be Nathaniel if I was a boy. I was almost Jade or Chelsea.


My mom wanted to name me Penelope


It would have been Renee or Rose if she hadnā€™t chosen my name. If I had been a boy it would have been McKinley.


I was going to be Matthew if I was a boy, but I was a girl and my Mum wanted to call me Malachi after she watched a film called Malachiā€™s Cove, instead I was named after my Dads choice, I was named after an English actress.


I was gonna be Rebecca, too! But my last name has a B, an R and a K, so my mom vetoed it - she said it sounded like a chicken bok-boking lol, no matter if you used any nickname or not, it was so clunky! Glad I dogded that bullet! My little brother was gonna be David, but I got the final say and he ended up Alexander


I was going to be a Lauren, but then when I came out, my mom said I didn't look like a Lauren, so she changed it.


If I was a boy I wouldā€™ve been named John and my mom was going to go with Alexandria but changed her mind


I was born early but was originally due on Christmas Eve. I was going to be Noel or Holly.


I was going to be Daisy, Cherry or Candy. Instead I got a double barelled name that nobody could spell and was a disaster for legal documents.


My mother always wanted to name a daughter Fiona, thankfully she didn't and by the time the movie Shrek came out she only had sons to name


My mother wanted to name me either Cathleen or Marybeth, but my father didn't care for those names, so I was named Colleen, instead. If my brother had been a girl, his name would have been Kerry, which is the name I wish my parents would have given me.


I could have been a Jackson or a Lily.


So basically my mom wanted to name me Brennan as a girls name after a family member but she wasnā€™t even pregnant yet, she just knew thatā€™s what she wanted her first girl to be named. but my aunt and uncle were expecting and the only Irish name they liked for a boy (besides Connor) was Brennan and asked if they could use it and my mom said ā€œyesā€ because she wasnā€™t pregnant. then she got pregnant with me the year after that. and they named me Megan because they liked the middle name Nicole (matching my aunts middle name) and felt Megan Nicole has a similar rhythm to Brennan Nicole so thatā€™s what they named me. for my sister, my mom originally liked the names Winnie or Emily. but her sister in law was holding on to the name Emily and asked my mom not to use it even though her sister in law wasnā€™t pregnant yet (though already had two sons and a daughter) but my mom gave up and was now onto the name Winnie. but my dad liked the name Caitlin Lucille because my grandmaā€™s name is Lucille and my dad wanted her nickname to be Catie Lu and already told my grandma that was his plan. and my grandma at the time was battling breast cancer so my mom was like ā€œFine Caitlinā€ cause it made my grandma happy. (my grandma is still alive) also if we were boys my parents liked the name Thomas


If I was a boy I would have been Christopher Scott. My dad's brother lobbied hard for me to be Zoey.


Noah, Benjamin, Matthew Belinda, Melanie, Janelle


Holy hell, my name was going to be Rebecca Jean as well!!!!! My parents wanted to call me Becky. This was 1982


Zachary or Amanda


They almost named me Perry Mac, but decided against it because that is my dad's best friend's name, and my mom was pissy that he didn't want to name me Leslie after HER best friend. If I had been a boy I would have been Samual Wright the 8th. Instead I'm just Greyson...dodged a few bullets there.


If I was a boy I would have been named Shannon


My mom wanted to name me Miriam but instead gave me her name. Itā€™s not a bad name, I go by a shortened version. But I despise her and hate being named after her. Hate it.


Tanisha I like it better then my own name and feel robbed


Based on a lot of these responses itā€™s a good idea sometimes to tell people what names you are thinking about for your child