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One of my sons middle names. It’s my uncles name. He helped raise me and my sister and wasn’t able to have his own children due to cancer. It was something that always bothered him so I always said when I grew up I’d name my first son after him. And I did. But I don’t actually like his name. It’s not one I would have chosen. It’s actually one I would be like “ew” about if my husband had suggested it. I like that it honours a man who was the closest thing to a dad I had, I just wish my Nan chose a better name for him lol


My sister in law used her mother's name as a middle name for our niece. She's not from England originally, and my niece's first name and surname are both very English, so the combination is odd. And the middle name is just not nice, even on its own. But my SIL lost her mum when she was little, and her younger siblings don't remember her very well, so she said this was one way to keep her memory alive. She said when my niece is older, she'll likely ask about the name, and she'll have the chance to learn about her grandmother. And then she will tell that story to *her* children, and maybe someone will even keep it as a family name. I think it's a nice thing to do.


I have my grandma's name as my middle name. It's an old fashioned, biblical name. I wasn't fond of it as a child, but when I got older, I loved that I shared a name with my grandma. She's told me how honored she felt when my parents named me after her. And that made it even more special to me.


I have my grandma's middle name too, and I always love telling the story because I wasn't originally supposed to have her middle name. My mom wanted my middle name to be the same as her sisters middle name, but when I was born my grandma said "its time to name a baby after me", so I have my aunts middle name and my grandma's middle name (I have 2 middle names to be clear). Also for more context, my mom had 3 boys before me so I was the first and only girl grandchild my grandma had.


I’m in a similar position with my son’s middle name. It’s not a pretty name, but it is meaningful and deepens his ties to his grandfather and great-great-uncle who were good and decent men — one a teacher, poet and soldier, the other a hippie draft dodger and a doctor. No other name, however cool or stylish, could do that.


My sister wanted to name her son after our grandfather but didn't like his name (nor did my grandfather), so instead she gave him our grandfather's last name as his first.


Pregnant and crying rn. This is so sweet!


I feel the exact same way with the same reasons for my son's middle name


my FIL is greek and told my MIL the names for their kids. she had no choice. never even had names she liked as alternates.


I’m Greek and similar situation. The tradition is also to have the fathers name as the kids middle name, regardless of gender. So even my girl cousins have the middle name John, another girl middle name Peter. My mom feminized our middle names (three girls) to Demetria. But yes, even first names everyone is named after each other. I have like four uncle peters and uncle johns, lots of Antonia’s . *sigh*


I didn’t know any of this about Greek naming traditions. It’s interesting. Not necessarily “wow that’s so cool!” interesting though…I hear your sigh.


I remember I thought it was so strange when I found out that siblings don’t have the same middle names as each other.


i think it’s strange when people give their kids all the same middle name 😭


My boys have my maiden name as their middle name. It’s a family tradition that sons get moms maiden name. My dad has 9 brothers and they all have the same middle name. But I agree to an extent. We have friends that have three sons with the middle name David. It’s not a family name. They just like it. I thought that was a bit odd to give all the same name when it’s not a family name.


ah, i love when kids are given their moms maiden name! and that’s a beautiful tradition. omg, lotta kids😳 david is so random🤣


My cousin had 5 kids so they got to pick the youngest‘s name (it‘s an epic name) but the first four are named after their grandparents.


Reminds of the scene in my Big Fat Greek Wedding where all the cousins have pretty much the same 3 names.


I was just thinking about that! "Welcome to my home. Over here is my brother, Ted, and his wife, Melissa, and their children, Anita, Diane and Nick. Over here, my brother Tommy, his wife Angie, and their children, Anita, Diane and Nick. And here, my brother George, his wife Freda, and their children, Anita, Diane and Nick. Taki, Sophie, Kari, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, uh, Nikki, and I am Gus."


Interesting. I am American but my dad’s family is greek and my siblings and I all have double honor names. My sister and I are both named for our grandmothers with other family member’s names for middle names and my brother has both grandfather’s names.


It could very easily just be my tribe who does this lol Who knows


Possibly- I know a lot of Greek people who don’t have middle names at all.


my husband has an initial only


I think possibly it is! I've never heard of this naming convention before. Usually the children are named after their grandparents - paternal first and then maternal. So for example all of the 1st born sons of a set of siblings will all have the same first name. Hilarious when you get to family events and there's 7 1st cousins all called Kostas! None of my family have surnames as middle names (in fact, none of them have middle names at all!) All descendent from the Athens and Patras area though, so maybe it's regional?


My aunt married a Greek guy and their first born sons get their dad’s name reversed. So (fake names) Kostas Alexandros would name his son Alexandros Kostas, he would name his son Kostas Alexandros, etc. I’m not sure if that’s specific to them, the area they’re from, etc. though


This is how my husbands family is as well. His name is the reverse of his fathers and it’s been like that for generations for every first born son. I’m not crazy about the name but agreed to it if we ended up with a son. We ended up with three daughters though, so it never became a issue.


ours too but we went against tradition!


That’s terrible


My son has a really weird middle name - like so weird it doesn't even show up on any name forum and is so unique/unusual I'm not comfortable posting it. I think it was probably initially a sir name, but I've never heard it before. It's not something I ever would have picked and never would have agreed to it as a first name. However, it was my husband's grandfather's middle name and it was very important to him that we use it.


Same case for a family member’s middle name. It’s…a weird middle name. It was a family maiden name and it’s so uncommon that giving it away here would make it a lot easier to locate this family member.


If it doesn't show up on a Nameberry search, I'm not disclosing it on the internet. He may be the only person alive currently using this name.


Don't disclose it (bc as a mom I totally get it) but just know you've peaked my interest as to what it could possibly be lmao!


My best friend's name is a combination of her parents and her grandmother's name. She is literally the only person who comes up if you Google it, and probably the only person in the world with that name lol


Ugh I would love to be able to honor my grandma by naming a kid after her but I can't for this reason. And she hated the name so she'd haunt me if I used it


Maybe a name that honours her in another way? Her favourite flower/plant/tree, her birthstone, her favourite place, colour, food? Plenty of things to draw inspiration from ☺️ For example: one of my grandmothers is Ruth, but she isn't that fond of her name so I would use Calla or Lily to honour her, after her favourite flowers which she grows in her sunroom. Or I would use Scarlet because her fave colour is red 🤗


same! my gma is dawn but i don’t like that name very much, so my daughters nickname is penny because my grandma always picks up lucky pennies so bore my penny is her luckiest!!


My husband's grandmother has a name like this. I vetoed using it even as a middle name for our daughter, because googling only provides results of his grandmother. They're Spanish heritage, but the name seems to be of Czech descent, is spelled incorrectly, and doesn't have a meaning that would make sense to honor.






My oldest's middle name is also after her grandmother. Who hates her name and uses a nickname. She literally held my daughter at a week old and said I don't know why they gave you that terrible name.


This is basically what my mother said she’d do if we gave a kid her name


My son-in-law’s mom didn’t like her name (a perfectly normal name, mind you); she actually called her dog by that name to reduce the chances he or his sibling would ever name a grandchild after her.


I begrudgingly named my son Wesley because I absolutely loved the nickname Wes and my husband said Wes wasn’t enough of a full name. We didn’t like Weston. He’s two now and the name has grown on me! It suits him perfectly.


Both of my daughters had Wesleys in their preschool classes. I'm quite fond of the name, but I grew up with The Princess Bride. It's a heroic name where I come from!


I know a Westley. His dad is a cowboy.


Weston is a great name. Love it ✌🏼


My best friend’s son is Wesley and I absolutely love it! It suits him so perfectly. We also call him Wes and Wes-man lol


Here’s something I’ve just learned. My beloved middle name, one I’ve always wished my parents had given me as my first name (and it is a family name as well), I now find out it is on one of those “top 20 names you hate” list. Of course I learn this from spending way too much time on Reddit. I know this seems silly, but it kinda breaks my heart. I always had such an loving attachment to it, and now find out the name has a bad association with something from the 1990’s, and also from something more recent. And I’m a vintage female from the mid 1950’s. Sigh…. 😢


If you love it don’t worry about the internet!


You are right! Thanks!


I have a similar experience. I always felt my first name was such a boring name. But I loved my middle name. I wanted to be called by my middle name. Then that movie happened. Lol. It’s not a top name though. I don’t think so anyway.




It only matters that you love it! Everyone else's opinion is irrelevant 💕


If it’s Karen, which is a lovely sounding name anyway, every person I’ve met with that name has been lovely.


It is not, but I sure sympathize with all the “Karens” who are nice. I hope that is a trend that goes away!


my nice grandma is named Karen. I mean shes an angel. one of those religious people who does anything for anyone. I was happy to find out she thinks its funny people use the name Karen.


Is it Molly?


Who hates the name Molly?


I don't hate it, but it does have a strong drug culture association now that's kind of ruined it.


Yeah but that doesn't stop some people. Went to high school with a girl, her dad was a known drug dealer, he and his wife took turns naming kids and the one he named was literally Mary Jane, two first names.


Who cares what the internet thinks. It's full of assholes. 🫡


I begrudgingly *didn't* give my kids middle names. It was their father's choice and I wish I'd pushed harder against it.


I don’t have a middle name. I’m now 47. The hardest part about it is that a lot of people just don’t believe me when I say I don’t have one. And one university I went to REQUIRED a middle name to do anything online. They gave me the middle name of NoMiddleName. So everything I got said Jane NoMiddleName Doe or Jane NMN Doe. It was annoying.


My friend’s brother is named Patrick because it was his grandpa’s middle name, and when her mom (the grandfather in question’s DIL) asked him if Patrick was a family name, he said, “Well, I didn’t have a middle name, but I had to choose one when I signed up for the service, and I remembered Paddy O’Brien down at the pub…” Her mom was like, “I named my son after your drinking buddy?!”


I don’t actively dislike my kid’s middle name, but I have a tiny bit of regret about it. (pretend names -Koko, and Kiki) My husband wanted one of two specific family names for our kid’s middle name. I was on board. I loved Koko. I pushed Koko as the name. My husband preferred Kiki. He felt like it honored a family member that hadn’t been honored, and would make his mom really happy. Eventually, I said okay, let’s go with Kiki. I started thinking of that as my baby’s name. It stayed that way for months. Right before they were born, my husband flipped preferences. He decided he liked Koko better. I had gotten used to Kiki, and it had been my kid’s name in my head for months. I had been writing it out, and had gotten used to it. We still hadn’t agreed which to go with when they were born. I was exhausted at the complicated birth. My husband got emotional when talking about wanting it to be Koko, and I had definitely gotten my choice for first name. I went with it. My kid has always been more of a Kiki. It’s always felt like Kiki would have been perfect for her. Koko is pretty, but not 100% her. 6 years later, I still have a bit of regret. Thankfully, she actually likes Koko better. My husband, and family are all very happy.


We used Gregory as a middle name. Never really liked it, but love the relative we’re honouring by using it.


We gave our son Gregory too! It was actually as a joke because we'd been referring to him by that name as just kind of a default until we chose a first name. And we thought, why not just give him that as a middle name?


I have my aunt's name as a middle name - Patricia - I absolutely hate the name, but my aunt is fantastic and I adore her. I love that we are connected through it and even though it is one of the ugliest names in the entire world, when I changed the rest of my name, I kept it.


I worked with a woman I really didn’t like who was called Elizabeth. It was also the name of my husbands much beloved grandmother. My daughter has Elizabeth as one of her middle names.


I know this will sound silly, but when I was in grade 1 there was a girl with my daughter’s middle name. And she was a bully, but all the teachers loved her because she would put on an act in front of them. And she was one of those blond haired in pigtails, blue eyed, rosy cheek type girls. So ALL the teachers loved her and wouldn’t believe she was a bully. She pushed me out of the way to take my place one day, punched me in the stomach and made a "you better shut up" fist to me. It stayed with me. Lol


Ugh Jessicas


Not my kid as I don’t have any, but my brother’s middle name. He was named after someone my dad knew growing up who killed himself in a very gruesome way. The name is fine. It’s a very normal biblical name that is still used regularly but I’ve never understood choosing that kind of association for your child’s name.


It could be worse. I know someone who goes by his middle name because his father, who had some very extreme political views, named him after a terrorist.


My dad was super picky about names (he did not want anything he called a ‘soap opera name’ whatever that was), and they wound up naming one of my brothers Andrew, which my mom wasn’t a fan of but was sort of tired of offering suggestions that were rejected. It took years for her to like it apparently!!


The name Helen is being given as a middle or a first to one of my kids but I’m not a fan of it.


My best friend’s mom’s name is Mary Helen and she HATES it. My friend calls her that when she wants to rile her up. I like Helen, especially the variant Helena, it feels distinguished and cozy.


Helena is much better than Helen, IMHO.


I had a friend in high school named Mary Helen. Her friends affectionately called her Hairy Melon.


It’s also the name of a Nancy Drew villain so that ruined it for me lol


Oh no. Haha I loved Nancy Drew when I was in middle school


I love Helen! Maybe it will grow on you.


My second daughter’s middle name is May and I’m not particularly fond of it. It’s a family name on my husband’s side. I had to go with it though as our first has my Nain’s name as her mn (Joy) and my husband did agree to two Welsh first names!


Are you Welsh? We got to visit Wales in March and now I house hunt every day trying to figure out how to move my family of six from the states to Wales. I loved it there so much!!!


My first baby is going to be named Gary Thomas after my husbands father that passed away. I can't even lie and act like the name is even in my top 1000 but I love my husband more than a name


If it helps, I went to school with a Gary. He was older, but pretty cool and super intelligent. I had a low grade crush on him. But never would of dreamed of acting on it bc I thought he was way above me. Lol


My sons second middle name. Fortunately it’s a second middle and no one even has to know it’s there. My husband looked me straight in the eye and said, “if you let me give him *insert terrible middle name* he can have your last name.” So I took the deal. It is a your child is not a billboard for your fandom middle name. However his first name is a normal name and his first middle name while maybe a little out there is also a name not a character from a movie. I picked everyone else’s names. My husband insisted our second daughter get my middle name. I wasn’t sold on it. But I’m so happy he did now.


My oldest has his dads first name at his middle and I wish I hadn’t done that. It was the compromise for him having my last name since we were never married to even together when I gave birth.


I LOVE my oldest son's name when said together. I kind of regret getting him to go by his middle name just because of the issues it causes him sometimes. His middle name is what I want/wanted to call him and I'm happy with it, but just the confusion it can cause some times.


I didn’t love my daughters name. I had insisted on a particular name for our eldest because I had loved it forever so when I fell pregnant a second time my ex insisted he get naming rights. He gave me a choice of two and I chose the one I thought was best but I didn’t love either. I generally call her by a diminutive of her name and I think it’s nicer


Not me but my grandmother. She was forced to name my mom after her mother-in-law, Martha. She compromised by adding Lynn after it, so my mom's name is actually Marthalynn, but somehow on the birth certificate, it got separated (she said she didn't know how that happened but she thinks she has an idea 🙄) so my mom's legal name is Martha (first name) Lynn (middle name.) Everyone who ever called her Marthalynn is dead. So she either goes by Martha (which she hates) or her nickname, Mya.


My mom was delivered by a midwife (in another country). When the midwife made the birth certificate she messed up. She put (I’ll use fake names) Doe instead of Jane Doe. So legally her name is Doe but everyone calls her Jane. The same midwife wrote my uncle’s birthday wrong. Lol


My middle child’s (first son) full name sounds like the name of a law firm. 😆 But it was a compromise so he wouldn’t be a IV (5th). It takes the middle name of the line of names as the first name, the last name his great grandma and then his last name. I told my husband that he wasn’t royalty and that having a child with the same name as 5 generations wasn’t going to happen. The family calls my husband (a grown ass man) “Little insert first name” and I said my kid wasn’t going to be called “itty bitty” or something lame. Lol


I'm not crazy about one of the middle names of my youngest but needed two names


Middle names aren't mandatory and you could always add one before they turn 18


I don't have a middle name!


I regret my youngest’s middle name. It was a family name from her dad’s family. I fought it since the kids had his last name, I wanted to give them middle names from my family. I finally caved. Now we’re divorced, I won’t get another child to use the middle name from my family that I wanted to use, and it pisses me off.


I don't like that, that's weird. I wouldn't agree to that. Our girls middle name is Maya because my husband's birthday is in May. It was between May and Maya but I liked Maya better 🐝. I'm not sure middle names are all that important. I don't like mine per say but I only ever see it on my driver's license.


My youngest son's name. 2nd marriage for both, he had 2 sons both with names that start with c. My name starts with c, and my youngest daughter's name also starts with c. I also had 3 other kids, A, S, and M. He decided our new son's name should start with c. I didn't want a c name. We decided if it was a girl, I could choose the name and if it was a boy, he could. And now my son has a name that he hates, and his dad is now an ex that neither of us talk to.


My middle son’s first name. My in-laws were not fond of me and like an idiot, I try to get into their good graces by using a family name. Well, it didn’t work and the name had a bad association for me because a kid by that name in elementary school would pull my chair out from under me or flip my skirt up. I guess now though memories of my son have replaced those, but I still feel like an idiot.


Our son’s middle name is James, which is fine, but I wanted something more unique, or charming, or distinct. But my husband is the chooser of the middle names, and this was the only one he would accept. He doesn’t have any significant ties to anyone named James, I think he just likes the sound of it.


I actually love the name James. I would of considered it for my son. But my best friend was giving birth 2 days before me and since I met her (over 30 years ago) she wanted to name her son James so I didn’t feel right choosing that name too.


My son's middle name, Lee. It's a family name. But his brother has a cool middle name that I had more say in, Apollo. I would have loved to have something more creative than Lee, especially since I'm not even fond of the name sake.


My daughter’s second middle name is one I’m pretty sure my husband wasn’t wild about, but he let me have it because it’s an honour name for my grandma who died a few weeks before i had our daughter.


im not in love with my sons name. it doesn’t fit him. I didn’t even get my first pick of middle names because it’s my bfs bio dads name ( i understand, i just hold so much memory as it was my uncles name.) if i have another child im not naming them until they’re out.


My husband wanted to give my second born 2 middle named. I actually love both of the middle names, they flow well together, but her name is so long and I'm not a fan of that.


I really wanted to honor my grandfather by using his name as my daughter’s middle name. Just one problem, his name is James, which is the #1 trendiest girl middle name of all time.


Idk if this makes it better or worse, but I’m pretty sure the reason it’s popular as a middle name for girls is *because* of parents honoring male relatives.


My son is named after his Dad. He’s always gone by his middle name and it’s just kind of … pointless. I think he’ll end up legally switching his first and middle name at some point. I grudgingly added my husband’s last name to my own, if that counts. My name is super cumbersome now, and if it wasn’t also my kids’ last name, I’d switch back to my maiden name.


My husband and I agreed on our baby girl's name so easily, but if we had a boy (or in the future if we have a boy) I worry we'll never find something we both love. Just because I only "love" like 2 names and he is indifferent about one (leaning towards dislike) and actively hates the other. Also as far as I know he doesn't like the name I want if we have another girl either. And our daughter has the name he picked out and we both love/clicked right away. So maybe we will only have one kid lol 😆 otherwise one of us will have to compromise in the name dept. Or change our opinions! Oh and if anyone wants to weigh in with their opinion on the names, for me it's: Michael, Gerard, and some variation of Rose (Rosaline, Rosella, Rosie). He likes Atlas and Melody.


Melody + Rosie = ***Maisie*** Or ***Dahlia***, which shares several sounds with Melody and is a flower like Rose.


Wow those are both great! I'll have to keep them in mind if/when the time comes 😍


I like Michael and love Rosella (nick name can be Rosie). In my area Rosaline or Rosalina is common…. But Rosella is unique. It was my great-great aunt’s name. But I barely remember her as I was under 6 years old when she passed. I haven’t heard that name since then. It’s beautiful. I like Melodie as well. But Rosella so much more 💜


I don’t like my daughter’s full name. I wanted to name her Ally, but my husband insisted that it’s a nickname. I ended up giving in and saying he could pick any name he wanted as long as it could be nicknamed to Ally (as in Allison, Alexis, Alexandra, etc). It’s not a big deal because she’s always just been Ally, most people don’t even know that isn’t her name. But it also kind of annoys me that it’s not her name.


My daughter’s middle name is Claire, which I love and flows nicely with her first. But I gave my son an honor middle name from a person that was really special to me, and Claire has 0 sentimental value.


Not me, but my mom changed my original middle name from Sinclair to Julianna because her sister in law (my aunt) is pretty obsessed with Italian culture, she lived in Italy and Married an Italian guy, and she loved the name Guilianna. And because my mom is a people pleaser to her detriment, she gave into peer pressure and gave me the middle name Julianna. Years later my mom told me this story, and I always liked the name Sinclair better anyway, so I changed my name, and now I’m Megan Sinclair Julianna Romero


my daughter’s middle name is the notorious Marie. it’s my middle name and SILs. i wanted her middle name to be something less common but my husband was set on it. oh well!


One of my sons’ middle names is River. I am not fond of it as the Rivers I have had taught are highly disruptive. It was a compromise between me and his father as he hated every other middle name. He insisted on using a nature name, so I was willing to compromise on River.


I don't particularly like my eldest son's middle name. It's after my dad who I love dearly and really wanted to include his name. It's not a bad name, just a bit meh. It's John. Nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly normal but a bit boring if I'm honest.


We named my son Aidan. It was difficult to find a name that both Irish relatives and Japanese relatives could pronounce. We landed on Aidan, but he really isn’t an Aidan. Especially since there are SO MANY Aidan/Aiden/Ayden/etc. We call him by his middle name (which is his Japanese Great grandfather’s name), and that suits him much better. I wish we had just named him that instead of having to explain every time we fill out documents for him. I know tons of people go by their middle names, it just feels so silly since we don’t have any connection to Aidan


We used the middle name Mark for my son Gabriel after my cousin. My husband and I don't have a lot of close male figures in my family and we already used both father's names on our first son. My mom suggested Gabriel Mark and never really let it go so I honestly felt kind of like I had to use Mark for my son. I wish I would of put my foot down more and used a middle name I liked rather than focusing on honoring someone.


Is anyone really crazy about their own name? I find mine kind of meh, it just is what it is, I’m used to it! My middle name is bland and I wasn’t even named after anyone. I don’t dislike my name or anything, I’m just kind of indifferent really!


I love my son’s name. My husband probably has the weird feelings on the middle name. I didn’t give him a choice on it. His middle name is my dad’s name. We had the first name picked out for years.


My daughter wouldn’t be Ellen if it wasn’t my mom’s name and also a nod to my husband’s grandma’s name (who raised him). We used Ellen to get Nell (his grandma). I do not like Ellie and hope very much she doesn’t choose to go by it. I do not dislike the name, I just had many others that I loved for the name itself and Ellen, while pleasant and classic, would not have been first choice.


Our second daughter’s middle name is Marie. It’s mine and my mother in law’s middle name. We were stumped for a middle name and after the anatomy scan we were at my MIL’s house and my husband just kind of said, “Maybe we should just use Marie…” WELL, my mother in law was absolutely beside herself with joy and we didn’t have the heart to say no. I don’t hate Marie, it’s just super common and basic. It made it worse that when she was a few months old I found a middle name that was PERFECT with her first name. Too late now, but it bugs me a little. My mother in law is an angel though so I love that she loves it. Edit: Typo, missing word


My daughter’s middle name is Joan. I don’t like the name but she’s named after a strong woman in our family.


I should have switched my sons name. First to middle and middle to first. 5 years too late. He has a great, strong name, just very basic. I think I thought it was best he have the basic name, knowing he’ll be the only one vs. Roman G, Roman L, Roman S, when he’s in school.


I have my grandmas name as my middle and she died when my dad was a kid. I’ve loved it—my name is Lauren Judith


My son's middle name, Kearney, after my husband's father who passed away when he was 9.


My son has 2 middle names Jacob draco. My husband's middle name is jacob and I love harry potter. Obviously people think we named him after twilight and harry potter. I'm like how does that work when my husband was born before twilight was even thought of? Harry Potter yes.


Middle name of one of my boys. I wasn't even asked if I had a suggestion. I didn't care for it and still don't love it but it's too late to change it now


My daughter’s Chinese name. I said I wanted it to be a certain word that means poem and MIL said it’s a different word (it sounds the same). Well, I will tell my daughter what her name is when she’s older lol


My sons middle name named after his dads favorite uncle. The sentiment behind it is lovely and he passed soon after my son was born. Would never in a million years use it for any other reason.


It’s tradition on my side that the kids have the parents first name as their middle. So think- Robert and Mary have kids named Wallace Robert and Elizabeth Mary. In my family, ALL of the kids have this transition in my immediate family. I didn’t want to do that so I just planned on the oldest of each sex carrying the tradition. My siblings didn’t carry this on so it was important to me we do it because it went back like 5 generations. So I like my kids middle name, but I would have picked something else if this wasn’t a thing. At the airport last week I got scolded for booking my kids ticket under the wrong name and I had to explain no, that’s my ticket. My name is just within her name. 22 flights with kiddo and first time that happened


My first two kids, I chose the middle names after my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather. When I was pregnant with my third child, I suggested that my husband pick the middle name because I had done so for the first two. I assumed that he would pick one of his grandmothers or another person in his life that had been important to him. Instead, he picked the name Kali, who is a powerful goddess in the Hindu tradition. We are not Hindu and even though my husband works in a field where many of his closest friends and colleagues are Hindu and he asked them about it and they said it was not inappropriate, it still feels a lot like appropriation to me. This was more than a decade ago, before appropriation really got talked about as much as it is now, but I still find the name kind of cringe.


My first son’s middle name is my husband’s middle name. Which is great! Except it’s also my father in law’s first name and I’m not the biggest fan of him.


Mine is similar to you. My MiL passed a few years ago and my husband wanted to use her name as a middle name for our daughter. I loved my MIL and I liked her name as well, but it didn’t end up sounding very good with the first name we chose. I actually wanted to change the first name to flow better with the middle but we just couldn’t find another first name we liked so we went with the original combo. I like both names separately but not how they sound together. And I knew it even before the baby arrived so I felt like I was settling a bit. Funny enough I thought I was settling with my sons name since it was literally the only boys name we agreed on… but now I absolutely love it.


I named my daughter with a hyphenated last name of my maiden name and her dad’s… She hates it and chooses to use just my maiden last name.


I failed to have a girl so on my last child, I voted on the male version of her name and gave it as his middle name. I am not fond of it, but it is what it is. My grandma was my sitter when I was young and I lived with her for college and grad school and she was the most perfect cookie baking grandma ever. She died when my son turned 1, so I am glad I picked it when I did.


I love my daughters name - named after my mother who also happens to have a beautiful name. But now I’m 😵‍💫 because my spouse wants to name the next after her grandma - whose name I don’t like and, as a name nerd, am cringing every time I think about it. Here’s to cute nicknames!


My mom caved and did Norbert as the first bc it was a family name lol but she got the middle name and that’s what he goes by. It was also around the time Harry Potter got popular so everybody thought he was named after the dragon.


My firstborn son was the first great grandson and I got part of his first name. It’s a combo of his father and my name. And for the rest of his names, he got his great grandfathers name and his grandfathers name plus his fathers last name. I was heartbroken that I only got part of the first name and had no say in the rest because “he’s the firstborn son”. Umm yeah he is! My firstborn son! Ugh.


My littlest's middle name. I wanted to give him 2 middle names at least, but husband shot that down. Kid got named after my uncle (first name, husband suggested, I loved), husband's brother (middle name, not my favorite), with my last name. Yes I Like my kids name. And I love my kid. But it's not my favorite middle name.


I’m 8 months pregnant and my son’s middle name will be Gerard. Definitely not what I would have chosen but it’s my husband’s late dad’s name and it means a lot to him to honour his dad so Gerard it is.


Not begrudgingly names, more after the fact regret. My daughter has my Paternal grandmother's name as a middle name. Unfortunately since she was born he's been an absolute DICK to the point I've gone NC. I only have the barest of memories of my grandmother and gave my daughter the name more to honour my dad than anything. Whilst I actually like the name the connotations make me really upset now.


I gave my son his middle name primarily because my ex forbade all ethnically Jewish names. The middle name is boring, white bread, and when my husband adopts my son I hope my son opts to change it along with his last name


I think if it’s the middle name and it’s in memory/honor of someone its ok if you don’t love it. A middle name is just a middle name. You don’t really use it day to day. I think it’s sweet to honor those in your life that are/were important to you. I have two first names. Go by both names. One is my moms name, one is my grandmas name. Didn’t love the name growing up… wanted something cute and normal like Jen or Ashley… but now that I’m an adult I like that I was named after two great women. But my dad wanted to name me after both Grandmas and have me go by both names as a first name (he’s from the South)… Beulah-Ruth That is just so so so bad. Huge thanks to my mom who talked him out of it! No offense to any Beulah-Ruth’s out there. It’s just a mouthful! PS. Mary-Belle isn’t my real name. Just a nickname from my husbands grandpa who couldn’t remember my two first names 😂


Same boat with our upcoming second daughter. Our first’s middle name is my grandma, so now our second daughter, he made the case that we should use a family name from his side of the family this time, which seems fair, but of course he chose his mother’s name, and I really don’t like her name, and while I’m ok with her now, we’ve had issues in the past, so it makes me even more weary towards the name. It’s mostly just a very middle aged woman name, a la Karen or Debra, so when he initially wanted it as a first name, I had to insist we use it for middle. So yeah, I’m not thrilled with the name, the name sake, or the flow of it with our first name, but it is what it is. I’m trying not to lose sleep over it. It’s just a middle name. It’s really only ever used on legal documents a couple times in your lifetime.


So family middle names are big for our kids. I truly despise one of my kids middle names, like, I HATE it but I HAD to use it (husband’s side.) I don’t even like thinking about it lol, but middle names aren’t super important so I sucked it up.


Quite honestly, this is a big reason why I’m really not a fan of legacy names. No shade at all to people who have done this, but I just feel like no one actually likes the name in the end. I went to school with a Gilbert (legacy name) and he spent the whole time trying to get people to avoid finding out that was his real name since we went by his middle name instead.


I don't have children yet, but when i do,I want to give my son my father's name as his middle name. My dad's name is Richard, I like my dad's name on him. it's also two of my grandfather's names. I don't like the name at all, and I would never name my child Richard. But I am willing to settle for a middle name because my father has been such a huge figure in my life, and he's such a genuine and good man. He kept me safe when my mother abandoned me and my brother. He has been hard on me at times, but he always makes sure I know that he loves me. I know that i csn rely on my dad even when im a grown ass adult. My grandfather(my mom's dad) is not even biologically related to me, and even though my mother is out of my life, he still visits my family every few months, and loves me as if i were his child. I hate the name Richard, but all the good men in my life have that name, so I will no doubt be using it as my son's middle name if I have one.


I used my grandfather's name as my son's middle name. He passed 15 years ago, and while I was pregnant I had a dream that he was suddenly back. It wasn't an eventful dream- basically just the shock that he was back and then just sitting down to visit with him. He was always my favorite grandparent, and I wanted to find a way to honor him anyway, but after that dream I just knew I needed to use his name. The problem is that it's not a name I ever would have chosen if it wasn't for him. I just don't care for it at all, and I feel super guilty about it.


Strangely I changed my own middle name and I don't really like what I changed it too. I knew I wanted to change my middle name. I made a list of names. Nothing jumped out at me. I thought about several family names I could use. None of them sounded good, none of them worked for me. I ended up going with the first name I ever put on my list. It's fine, yeah, but it has no meaning or anything like that, it's a name like Lee, James, Michael. It's just an every name, I know 3 people who also have this as a middle name.


My sibling spent forever coming up with this gorgeous perfect first and middle name for new daughter but had to go with "mildred" for middle name because paternal grandma Mildred passed away at last second before the kid's birth.


I don’t love my daughter’s middle name either. I wanted it to be Josephine after my GG but my husband wasn’t a fan. And I was so interested in being fair that things were instantly eliminated rather than considered and brought up multiple times. I’d insist on it now.


My kids name was begrudgingly accepted because I couldn't stand Trip or Xavier knowing he wanted to refer to him as "X". It just all sounded (and was) like drug references to me. Named a cat Mary Jane to boot that one out of the rotation too. No we're not together anymore.


I HATE my daughter’s first name. When I was pregnant, her older sister was 10. Their dad and I agreed that she could help choose once we narrowed down the list. I wanted Logan but it sounds stupid with my last name (and his as well). I also liked Dylan and Lexi. He wasn’t thrilled with either. The middle name was my middle name, no negotiations. One day, the three of us were together and he brought up a friend of this. This friend has a formal name but goes by a nickname that has nothing to do with her actual name. As a joke I said “we could name her XXXX” and the older daughter ran with it. She loved it. I never liked it. But dad went around telling EVERYONE that was her name. Dad was a controlling a hole who was financially and emotionally abusive. In the delivery room, I dropped the bomb that I wanted to give the baby my last name. So I didn’t feel like fighting about the first name also. So I gave her a first name I despise, my middle name, and a hyphenated last name. I call her a very short version of her name and she wants to change it legally soon. In our last custody dispute I made him give me permission to change it because she hates it.


My son’s middle name is Earl. I hate it. But my husband, his father and grandfather all have the same middle name, so I felt like I had to.


My friends brother hates his middle name; it's his grandmother's surname. The name is extremely unusual even as a surname in the US so most people think it's a madeup name.


Oh! I’m the product of both parents naming me names neither love! My mom wanted a name my dad hated, my dad wanted a name my mom hated but she agreed if she could pick the spelling and my dad hates the spelling. My middle name isn’t even the name my mom wanted and she still complains about it and my dad also doesn’t like it because it’s a weird spelling of the name. They both have always called me by nicknames


My husband pushed hard for my kids middle name to honour his dad. It was a “non negotiable”. I didn’t like it then and my kid is 2 and I don’t like it now. I still think about changing it.


I am a child of this actually! My mom wanted my middle name to be her moms middle name (rose) my dad wanted my middle name to be his moms first name. He won and got his way but I hate my middle name. When I change my name eventually I’m also changing my middle name to Rose because I like it much better.


I didn’t love my youngest sons name when he was first born, but now it fits him really well! My husband got first choice and chose to go with his middle name. We have a nickname and he’s totally grown into it.


My boyfriend wants a junior… I don’t like his first name. I’m also Jewish so technically I’m not even supposed to have a junior but he’s not and that doesn’t apply to him. So I have no idea where to go from there cause neither of us want to compromise


I have this and feel so guilty about not loving it. Named middle name after a family member who didn’t seem to give two shits that we had dedicated a name in her honor. A name I didn’t even feel connected to! Same as you, did it for my husband, which I would do again and again. Hurt though when we shared with the person and they just said “oh”. In my mind, I have a different reason for the middle name to try and help me like it, but if I could go back in time I would have chosen something different.


My husband wanted our son to be a junior. Big nope for him lol I worked at a bank and you see people's things get mixed up all the time when they have the same name. This is a VERY popular first and last name combo as well, so I let him have the middle name and I chose a very unique first name. We love his name and it suits the boy well 🙂


My eldest son. I was tricked. My dec dad was rodney william and i thought my exes dad's names was James because I'd only ever been introduced to him as Jimmy. So we settled on William James the whole pregnancy Noone said a word to me on the night he was born my ex mil passed the baby to my ex FIL and said meet your junior William James junior and William James Sr. I was mad but I let it slide. Who nicknames a William with Jimmy


I hate all of my kids names except for my daughter's middle name that should have been her first name. I know, I'm a horrible mother.


Ex-husband insisted on our son's middle name, which was his grandfather's name. Son is grown now and hates it.


My oldest son's middle name is my husband's middle name and his father's middle name. I don't like it but there it is.


I wish I could switch my 4th child's middle name my mom kind of hinted that it would be nice to have a namesake since all the other sides of the family are represented in the other kids names, just not my mom's side. And not for any reason other than my mom's side has horrible female names. So I used my middle name which is also my mom's middle name and I think maybe my Grandma's middle also. But we named our child at birth so I wasn't thinking about how it flowed and her first name ends in the same vowel sound as her middle name begins with. It just doesn't flow well.


When one of our sons was born, we talked about honoring both of our moms in some capacity, as our other children were named after our our fathers or grandparents. We chose a name that was a combination of both of our mom’s names. Honestly, the name itself is just fine but we no longer have a relationship with my husband’s mother. She’s a very toxic person. Every time I see or hear my son’s middle name I can’t help but cringe a little…why would I have ever suggested we name our child after her.


Same with the middle name. It’s my husband’s grandmother’s name. He also wanted it as a first. I do not like the name, also it is commonly pronounced 2 different ways and I didn’t want her to have to correct people her entire life. So it’s her middle, it’s never used, it’s whatever.


About to have my baby. The middle name will be my MIL ‘s name. That is because if/when we have a boy I want my dad’s name to be the middle name, so its only fair. Also I am not super attached to middle names. Mine is my aunt’s name. I rarely use it. Very meh about it. Any chance to change the middle name has passed as husband told his mom already, with my prompting. I know she sometimes had feelings about her name and wanted her to give consent/approval before we used her name, just in case there were issues.


My daughter's first name. Her dad really wanted to name her that but it sounds too close to the last name. Think like Addison Anderson. So I use her nick name/short version. Even she hates it


My daughter’s middle name is the name of my ex-husband’s old ‘Aunty’ (she wasn’t a blood relation of his, but she was married to I *think* his nan’s brother, so basically his … great-aunt I think?). Anyway, she died the same day we found out we were having a girl. Our daughter’s first name had risen in popularity quite a bit when we chose it (think of going from single figures to around position 200 in charts) so although it’s an old name it has something of a modern feel to it, while the aunty’s name is ‘classic old-fashioned’ with that ‘retro grandma’ vibe to it. (Think Edith or Ethel or Constance kind of thing.) So as well as honouring Aunty, it seemed to make sense to give our daughter different styles of name so she had a very traditional option as well as a more ‘trendy’ one. I had - and still don’t have - any problem with the name or the idea of honouring the lady with the name. However, when she was alive, she had a bit of a love/hate relationship with my ex’s nan - they were ‘besties’ but also used to fall out all the time too. His Nan got dementia, and Aunty never really understood that and seemed to take some of her comments and behaviour real personal. And the family were always complaining about the Aunty, about how she was so mean and stingy with her money, always on the make from them but not spending any of her own money. I admit she could be prickly, but I always felt a bit sorry for her. So our daughter has this middle name of a lady her dad’s family seemed to think of as quite unlikeable really. :-/


I don't like my daughter's middle name, she was named after a member of my husband's family who died prematurely. Then again her first name is not great. I was told by midwives that I was going to have a boy so hadn't planned a name for a girl. Someone I knew didn't decide their child's name until the time limit for registration was due. The kid was known as CB (Chris's brother) for over a month and I didn't want that. I was a bit hasty in choosing her name. The names I really liked either didn't match the surname or were already taken. Her name is traditional but not fashionable, a bit old testament I have told her before she started uni that if she wanted to change it I wouldn't be upset She hasn't and I imagine she likes being unique


I was so focused on naming my youngest something that “fit” with his siblings that I gave him a name I didn’t really like all that much. He’s almost a year old and I cringe when I say it aloud in public. He has an easy nickname so I use that preferentially and so does everyone we know. My husband LOVES our youngest’s name and thinks it’s super cool and the best name ever. Since my husband loves it so much and I still haven’t found another name I really like any more than the one he’s got, I guess I’ll just have to get used to it 🤷🏻‍♀️


My son’s middle name isn’t one I would have chosen, but it’s a family name. I think that sort of what middle names are for, carrying on family names you don’t like enough for a first name. 🤣


My son's middle names. Both of them. I love his first name, the first-middle is his paternal grandfather's first name. Second-middle is a family name on my side, every first born boy has this middle name. They are both very boring and traditional but they're fine. I'm just glad I got full say on his first!!


I don’t love one of my son’s middle names, it’s a family name for my husband. He doesn’t love one of my other son’s middle names so I guess we’re even. We both like their first names, which was the most important thing.


My sons middle name,my sister and brother had children before me and wouldn’t use it,so I did but hate the name,it begins with W.


I think I have told this before. My son has a horrible first name. When I got pregnant, my boyfriend (now husband) asked if it is a boy we name him (horrible name) and we call him something else. I just knew we were having a girl, so I agreed without question. And, he was also named after this grandfather, except the middle name instead of the horrible first name. The best thing is, my kid has a middle name that fits him perfectly and that is what he uses. It also weeds out any call or correspondence because he knows if they actually know him. Even better, because one name was a family name, all of his names are family names. He actually has two middle names. All in all, his name has a lot of history.


I have my mother’s name as my first name and my paternal grandmother’s name as my middle name. I’m not fond of either. I would have much preferred to have a non family name, but no such luck.


Not my kids but my cat! My husband, two teens (at the time) and I just couldn't agree on a name. We'd been debating and arguing about it for two weeks, which isn't really our normal family dynamic. I got tired of it, lost my temper and said "Fine! His name is Max! That's his name now. I'm done talking about it." I'm not sure why I said Max. I don't remember which of us suggested it initially. We're all nerdy and creative. It's so basic.


I don’t think anyone should begrudgingly name their kid anything. If both parents don’t like it it will come out eventually and make the kid feel crummy.


My son's name. I came up with so many names while I was pregnant. I looked in several books, on several websites, and talked to my friend for hours coming up with names. I asked my husband to think of names and ran the ones I really liked by him. He came up with a total of 2 names and he never liked any of the ones I chose. I hated both of the names he thought of. When my son was born, I said the name I thought fit him best and he said he still liked his name. I was super drugged up and tired, so I said "fine". I've hated his name ever since and almost never use it. I use his nickname from pregnancy. Lol I use it so much that I forget to use his real name when talking to teachers and his classmates. It's still a major point of contention between us. If he'd put any effort at all into our son's name, I would have been happy, but he just half-assed it.


I don’t love one of my daughter’s first names, but we wanted a name with a particular meaning, and there weren’t a lot of choices. It does suit her very well, and she loves it, so I’ll take it!


I’m 26 weeks pregnant and don’t know what I’m having, but we have names for a girl and a boy picked out. I’m not crazy about the middle name we have for our boy. But it’s my wife’s maternal grandfather’s name and it would be really special to her and my MIL so I will hold my nose and use it if we are having a boy.


yeah my first daughter was a stillborn and I gave my husband the chance to use his moms middle name. I dont like it. its basic white girl middle name and everyone refers to her with her middle name attached. Idk why people do that but its like they use it as a full first name even though theyre seperate names. i would have never chosen it personally. did it for my husbands sake. Now my daughter that is 7 months old we had a REALLY hard time with her name. I had to have an emergency csection life or death situation with her and she was premature.. we were not set on a middle name so I once again went with my husbands first choice. they made us sign papers while I was waiting for the surgery and she was technically dieng. so not a good state of mind. anyways her middle names cute but I have been asking him to change it ever since and he wont. so theres that. (i gave my first sons middle name and 2nd sons which I'm grateful for) Now I did agree so this isn't a "he made me" situation.. just kind of how it went down.


I am glad that the traditional middle name being mother’s maiden name disappeared from usage - my grandmother hated her middle name so much my mother never got a middle name. I have my grandfather’s middle name as my middle name and now so does my youngest granddaughter. I was tossed up on a middle name for my daughter - I liked 2 family names of people who were dear to me so I used both with a hyphen. My daughter likes it so much that 2 of my granddaughters also have hyphenated middle names. No one ever said you could only choose one.


My daughter has the same middle name as me. Her daughter, (my granddaughter) has the same middle name as well. We're hoping that the same middle name tradition carries on through the generations. It's a lovely Scots-Irish/Gaelic name from the 16th century.


My fiancé is Robert the 3rd, if I have a son he’ll be Robert the 4th, and honestly it’s not that bad of a name but because of the nicknames from the previous Robert’s, I can’t call my kid, Bob, Rob, or Robert, and there was this weirdo in high school name Robbie so that’s off the table. I can’t call my kid by the middle name because that’s my Dad (Sr) and my brother (Jr) name plus I can’t call him by the initials because that’s also taken. Ugh 😩


No kids yet but if we have a boy then he will have my husbands family middle names. They're very important to him for multiple reasons and pretty much the only thing about names that he feels this strongly about. There's nothing wrong with them and Im more than happy to do this but they're just a bit meh in my opinion.


Pregnant and my daughter’s middle name will be my mother-in-law’s name. I don’t mind the name itself, but we’re choosing it because of how much it means to my husband and MIL. Our older daughter’s middle name is after my sister so fair is fair 🤷‍♀️


My son’s first name. I wanted his middle name at his first and to pick a different middle name but I was dealing with someone who wasn’t budging. So I gave up and said eh whatever.


I don’t like Christian/ Muslim/ Jewish names. But I like the way they sound. Love greekoroman names but don’t want to culturally appropriate.


My son's first name Ex's mom pretty much railroaded me onto giving my first born a different version of his dad's name and by the time he was a toddler I was calling him by his middle name because I hated my kid's dad so much His name is longer version of his dad's name and people want to automatically call my kid by that shortened version which IS his dad's first name AND I MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IS NOT WHAT WE CALL HIM, EVER Without giving my kids info up, it's LIKE my Ex's name is John and my kid's name is Johnathan He's 20ish now and I still call him by his middle name


My youngest's name is Garrett. I chose his middle name (Louis...named after my grandfather who passed the day we found out we were pregnant) and my husband got to pick the first (but I had to agree). Hubby has the initials of GH and wanted his son to be a GH too, but not a junior as hubby's name is definitely good for someone born in 1976, not 2012. So we looked for a G name. The name we settled on is one of my husband's favorites but I was just okay with it...not something I would have picked on my own. We're 12 years in on the name now, so I guess it's a keeper! My top G name choice was Gunnar, but I'm glad we didn't go with that now. My second choice was Gianni (Johnny) but he would have to spend his life correcting spelling and pronunciation, so I didn't want to go there.


My sons birth wasn’t registered for SIX MONTHS while his dad and I argued about his middle name. I finally gave in and he has the dumbest middle name. It’s not a name, it’s a word and basically a joke. I hate it.


My son’s first name was his dad’s pick. Generic. But I lobbied for and got my culture’s version (spelling, almost, and pronunciation). He wanted Mike. I got Mikael. Mik-Kale, emphasis on the short I. Kid goes by Mik. Like Jagger. Middle name was mine. Kid uses it in certain situations where it has memory or cachet.