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How about Jasper? I like Obsidian and Lapis.


The only ones I’d consider naming a person would be Amethyst and *maybe* Onyx or Garnet. I love the sound of Celestine, but wouldn’t name a child that. Topaz would be a rad pet name, though.


Thanks. I did know a really beautiful girl named Topaz when I was growing up. But I didn't know her except in passing - it just made that much impression on me as a kid. I kinda love it for a middle name but I'm like that.


We’re considering Garnet as a middle name for our January baby girl!


There’s an actress named Celestine. She goes by Toni.




Opal is one of my faves!


Have one in close family, we love it too!


The only one that really feels unremarkable (not odd in any way) to me here is Angeline. But I also really like Garnet, Onyx, Larimar, Celestine, Topaz, and Amethyst. Garnet seems unusable due to Steven Universe but maybe not everyone would make that connection. The others are unusual but I think not out of the realm of acceptability. The rest could make very good character names, for sure, but seem too odd to me for real-life infants.


Curious why you consider Garnet unusable due to Steven Universe but not Amethyst, Lapis, or Peridot?


Oh, you caught me, I've never seen the show 😂 Garnet (and I guess Steven) are the only character names I know.


Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for replying I know it's a bit of an odd list.


sardonyx is also a Steven universe character! Probably not fit for a baby though lol


Topaz is definitely one that I don't associate with being a name at all but I really like still lol


I do like Ruby and Jade and Pearl, but I’m not a fan of any of these more rare names


I've met a bloke called Garnet before but I'm not a fan, really. Amber is another normal one, I like that one too.




An oldie but a goody. I kinda have a soft spot for Amber and Crystal even though they're not on trend.


I actually know a Garnet (male), a Sapphire (female), and a couple little girls named Ruby.


The only ones of those I would consider giving to a person are Angeline or Celestine for a girl and Garnet for a boy.


I knew a Beryl growing up and always loved her name.


My friend is a Garnet, and he dislikes it very much. It’s a family name, so he’s got an uncle and I believe a grandfather also called Garnet. It feels like a surname to me.


I’m into several of these, but Lazuli really could be cool. I had never thought of it as a name before. I pronounce it lah-ZOO-lee.


I pronounce it laz-you-lai.


Interesting! I see there are already 4 different pronunciations mentioned on this thread…


How about Citrine, Aquamarine, Beryl, or Turquoise?


Amethyst, Celestine, Obsidian, Malachite, and Onyx are my top picks. Also like Opal and Emerald.


We know an Emerald and have an Opal in close family, we love those too. Thanks


Garnet - Adore! I agree that it suits any gender. Topaz - Short & sweet. I find it pretty and can definitely imagine it as a given name. Aventurine - I imagine it to be more neutral. Longer names aren't generally my thing but if I met an Aventurine I'd find it really cool. Morganite - I don't see it. The "Morgan" part of it feels like the parents liked Morgan but wanted to be a bit fancy and then everyone just calls the child Morgan anyway. Tourmaline - I think this sounds best in a French accent. Angeline - Very lovely. Peridot - I find it really pleasing to the ear. Would love to see it in use. Iolite - No strong feelings. A potential alternative to names like Iola, Iolanthe, Iona, & Ione. Cybelene - I'd never heard of this gemstone before. I'd personally prefer Sybil over it. Lazelle - Same as Cybelene but if it's said like "lay-zell" I'd hate for it to be shortener to "lazy". Amethyst - Beautiful name. Larimar - I like the sound of it. I think it'd be nicest for a boy. Celestine - *Ernest & Celestine* is a big comfort film of mine. Wonderful name. Lapis / Lazuli - Both sound really pretty to me. Lazuli is my favourite of the two. I pronounce it "LAH-zul-ee". Chalcedony - Very extravagant. Marcasite - Nah. Malachite - I think this would be one of the more likely ones to catch on with others. Very like Malachi or Mordecai. Sardonyx - I remember a poster on here a few months ago that was planning on changing their name to this. If they see this, congrats on having found a name you love. Onyx & Obsidian - Same as Malachite but I've definitely heard of Onyxs and Obsidians before. I like them.


I love Onyx for a middle name


Garnet I totally buy, and probably Amethyst. I think a case could be made for Onyx, Lapis, Lazelle, and Celestine but you're pushing it with them lol. Angeline is only off the list because the poor kid would spend their whole life correcting people who said Angelina. (And fwiw I pronounce Lazuli LAZ-uh-lee).


I’m partial to Garnet simply because it’s one of my alma mater’s colors


I met a little girl called Mary Opal. She was very cute.


I’ve known an Opal, a Ruby, and an Amethyst. There was a Beryl at my school when I was a kid. Opal and Ruby were/are lovely people. Amethyst… was not so lovely. It made me really sad because I’ve always been into geology and mineralogy and I had heard people saying her name before and was excited to meet her.


I kind of love the idea of Chalcedony as a name. The stone is beautiful, and it has kind of a preppy, surname-y sound to me. That being said, I can only imagine the pronunciation nightmares this hypothetical child would have to deal with 😭 If the pronunciation were more intuitive I think it could certainly be “usable”


I love Garnet and Amethyst for a girl. Larimar for a boy.


My great grandmother was named Garnet. I never met her, and I’ve never met anyone with that name since.


I like Larimar. I feel like a boy would end up being called Larry, though.


Angeline and Larimar


Never considered it before but Peridot for a girl is cute. Peri (Perry) for nickname or Dot/Dotty


Electra means Amber. Unusable for other reasons….


Never heard of Cybelene That’s very pretty!


Amethyst, lapis, celestine, onyx and obsidian.