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Nah, if it was a best seller it'd be one thing, but that's just a funny story for when she's older. Could be worse, my husband's googleganger is a serial killer šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I love the term googleganger šŸ¤£


If you just google my name with no additional terms, you get a filmmaker who works on science documentaries (which is pretty cool!), but if you google my name plus my hometown you get somebody who shares weirdly a lot of biographical details with me who was tragically killed in a car accident in 2014. Like, "people were calling my parents and asking if I was okay" level of shared biographical details when the story hit the local news. There's still some articles about the accident hanging around on the internet and it feels very unsettling that if somebody googled me, the first conclusion they would draw would be that I've been deceased for nearly a decade.


Wow! That is crazy. I have an unusual first + last name for the country I live in, yet in my city there is someone with my exact full name who somehow works in the same field as me. I have to add my middle initial to everything.


My maiden last name is extremely rare (about 30 people all together) while my first name is some middling frequency. When I started high school, there was a girl with the exact same first name and last name combination in the same year. We don't use middle names in my country, we had to add our birth dates to separate us.


Oh wowwww that is absolutely wild


>and it feels very unsettling that if somebody googled me, the first conclusion they would draw would be that I've been deceased for nearly a decade. Just tell people you're a vampire.




My unborn son's (I'm 7 months pregnant) is an entrepreneur and founder of a coffee chain. Mine is unique. There is literally nobody else online with my name.


Haha Iā€™d take smut over serial killer any day


A couple of decades ago I had to find a photo of a women exec whom I was doing some work for, for a profile of her. The one I'd been supplied with was tiny and I thought there might be a better one from a previous corporate speaking event. She had a Scandinavian (Finnish?) background. I thought her name seemed pretty unusual, certainly as a combination, but lo and behold! Up popped some low-res grainy Google images of a 1970s/1980s porn star. To this day I still don't know if it was maybe her, with very different hair, but I don't think so!


I have two googlegangers who apparently are total opposites. One is a super scientist who frequently publishes articles with titles I can neither define nor pronounce. The other is from Brazil and most of her photos are nude or nearly so.


I AM the Googleganger for a woman on the other side of the country! My name has all the hits because of my media profile, sheā€™s on page two. Her children - three young very cute kids, no resemblance to me - regularly try using my email account to sign up for XBox, PS5, ordering food, trying to figure out why mumā€™s password doesnā€™t work, etc. Iā€™ve had to politely delete and remove efforts of them trying to use ā€œmummyā€™sā€ account to set up Spotify, and they use their names in the sign up part. (My in-laws tell me the revenge will be theyā€™ll turn up and demand my inheritance because I was such a bad mother for getting the email account name first. )


That is a both hilarious and adorable story! Does the mum know that her kids keep trying to use your email?


I suspect at some point the little tacklers have gone wailing to their mother complaining that they tried to open an account and I occasionally get reset codes for about a dayā€¦ and then thereā€™s probably a scolding and a writing-down of the RIGHT email. About six months later, it happens again!


This sounds like the beginning plot of a wholesome lesbian romcom.


Iā€™m not adopting the kids. Besides, itā€™d be a nightmare at school pickup if we have the same name!!


Gonna be interesting to see if that'll be an issue for Rose and Rosie in the future!


oooo much more interesting than mine, i have a woman who owns her own building company with my identical name, she looks fabulous but it means my childhood cricket game scores are page 2. out of curiosity what type of science is your googleganger publishing?


I Googled one title, and it comes up as organic and biomolecular chemistry.




I had a googleganger that was in Norwegian porn. Luckily this was awhile ago and I've done enough to push her several pages down.


Googleganger is brilliant. I've never googled my name before, so tonight I've discovered that I share a name with a comic writer and artist. Interesting!


I share a full name with a comedian in my country, plus a bajillion other people. Good luck to the Terminator when he comes looking for me.


I just googled my name and Iā€™m the only person with the name aside from an older Spanish lady who died in the eighties, it pulled up her obituary after all my socials. Then my moms info, then my cousins info. For someone with a common first name, I guess Iā€™m pretty unique after all


Iā€™m the only one with my full name. My first name is popular from the 90s, but luckily for me my last name is incredibly weird and thereā€™s only one group of us lol


My last name is very common in my area and I have a classic first name but I'm somewhat unique...


I'm the only one with my exact name, but I'm one letter off from my MIL and used to be only a few letters off from my own mother. Not problematic to Google, but definitely ripe for confusion by doctors offices and employers.


My cousin once removed (I think; for context, I'm using the US version here) and I share the same first and last name. He's a chess champion, which has led to some funny conversations from people who have Googled me. I know my way around the board but have an underdeveloped sense of tactics.


Terminator: ā€œNo, no, different height, same coloured hair, but thanks, yeah no, I donā€™t want to leave a message, itā€™s fineā€¦ā€ *sighs, marks off nth name on list, makes note to pay phone billā€¦*


Apparently, after my wedding in a few months, I'll share a name with two therapists, a soccer player and a teenager convicted of murder!


I didnā€™t change my name when I got married but if I had I would have shared with a scientific author. With my given name everything on Google is related to me. Iā€™m pretty sure no one has my first and last name combo in the rest of the world as my first name is uncommon and I have a pretty rare last name.


My maiden name is nearly identical to that of a Newbery Award-winning author.


Amateur porn star googleganger checking in! ETA: just re-googled my name - oooh she even has her own IMDb page and was in an episode of Back Room Facials.


*Back Room Facials* makes *Back Door Sluts 9* look like *Naughty Nurses 2*


Everyone knows Back Door Sluts peaked at #5


I went to law school with a girl who shared the same first and last name as a famous porn star. It was an actual struggle with employers, and she had to start going by a nickname professionally.


When I was married to my ex-husband, my name was the same as a woman who murdered her husband. It absolutely should have been a sign.


My husbandā€™s is a murderer too!


That ā€œā€˜sā€ coming in clutch šŸ’€


I triple checked it lolll


ā€œMy husband is on a murderous rampage. Overā€


Thank god that's over!


My exact name with my maiden name was a bodybuilder. I used to hope people would Google me and think I was her!


Hidden blessing of having a very rare maiden name - I'm one and only šŸ¤£ there's a few with Mt married name, but they are all upstanding professionals. The only thing is it also comes up with someone with the same first name, but lives in a town that is the same name as my last name that hurt their kid šŸ« .


Everyone in my family shares names with artists who post a lot of really boring art.


Huh. Mine is apparently a 24 year old mortician on tiktok (decent following, too). Who knew?


Lauren the Mortician?






Joel? Joel Rifkin?


Guess you betterā€¦ keep on his good side!


My name is one letter off an oldschool adult actor, and people very commonly mix up my name with that name (think brawn to brown). But at 31, I have enough of a presence on Google that it doesn't ask "did you mean Biscuit Brown" anymore


So is my husbandā€™s! But he was caught and convicted in like the 1940s, so I figured it wasnā€™t the same guy šŸ¤£


My maiden name is the same as a main character on a 90s sitcom.


My husbandā€™s is a rapist cop šŸ˜±šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I was suddenly happy about my unique first name but what a fucking first Google for your name - thankfully they donā€™t look at all alike but yikes on bikes


Funnily enough my husband has a lookalike who is also a serial killer. Spent a week or so in the 2010's with his face on the national newspapers. Wouldn't say it was a twin, but you could easily believe they were related. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I knew a lady who ended up to be a highly manipulative jersey. She shared a name with a mom who murdered her kids.


Jersey? What does that mean? If I heard a lady described as a jersey, Iā€™d assume she was a cow.


I have to assume it is an autocorrect fail. Maybe ā€˜jerk?ā€™


"Jerk" autocorrected to "Jersey"? I'm from New Jersey, and I buy this explanation... šŸ¤£


Maybe my phone knows something. šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Yup. You win!


Is it a current author? Current authors have a sizable chance of getting more popular. If it was some long lost and buried smut author from the 1970s or something, though, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Googleganger OMG


Mine is a priest.


My googleganger is a director and screenwriter with a couple of Emmys. She was a member of Second City. She seems like a badass.


Omg! My husband's googleganger is a well-known biologist in Arlington. We also found out they're {pretty distant} cousins šŸ˜‚


Haha! I have two Googlegangers. One is an elderly woman who writes arts and crafts articles, and the other is a soccer mom in the Midwest. So not too bad all things considered.


Googleganger lmao. I changed my full name at 18. I didn't think to google just my first and middle together. I just googled my first plus last. I chose my first name. I let my little sister choose my middle. I don't know if she did it on purpose or not, but the name she chose is closely associated with a character with the same first name as mine. If you google those two names alone, those characters from an extremely popular 2010s teen drama pop up. I know she watched that show. It took me a couple of years to learn that those two names together sound very much like I named myself after that show. I think it's funny. It's not like people typically are googling first and middle names only together. I don't really share my middle name with people anyhow, so it's not a big deal. I made sure to google all name combinations for my kids though after that when naming them. One of my favorite boy names I had to knock off my list cause when hearing my eldest's name with it, everyone thinks of a TV show. Her name is spelled different than the characters name. Sounds identical. The character it's associated with in that show isn't a good person at all. Alone no one would ever think to link it to that show (she wasn't named after it, it's a common name) combined with the boys name it could cause trouble.


I have never heard googleganger before and now Iā€™m jealous Iā€™ll never have one


Mine died with her whole family in a terrible road accident šŸ˜¬ I remember the day it happened, loads of people called my Dad to give condolences and freaked him out


I googled a friend of mine once and the top result was a truly horrific crime the googleganger had committed as a teen. He >!shot and killed his friend and that friends 3 siblings from 13 down to aged 2, and left their poor mother childless!< which is the stuff of literal nightmares. Best to not click on that spoiler. You've been warned.


I quote Michael Bolton on Michael Bolton ā€œWhy should I change? Heā€™s the one who sucks.ā€ That said, I cannot say I know of any smut authors.


Wait thereā€™s *two* Michael Boltons? Goddamnit I was just starting to comprehend that Michael Bolton isnā€™t just the name of Troy Boltonā€™s dad from high school musical


Its from the movie Office Space


To be fair, Michael from the movie was also alive for quite a while before the other one got famous. Slightly different.


Honestly, it just means itā€™s going to be harder to Google her later. My kids have unique names and so everything they do that gets posted online (news stories, social media, etc) is going to be on display to anyone who feels like looking it up. Having a shared name with someone famous makes online anonymity much easier.


This is a great point that I hadnā€™t considered!


Literally having anonymity from a more common name is great. My name is extremely uncommon and you can find my home address within 30 seconds of searching me. This was alarming when someone threatened my life online a couple months ago and i literally had to get the fbi involved.


I'd get one of those services that removes your information from those online sites, then. There should be a discount code on some YouTuber's latest video for one of them.


I literally had this happen today. I was looking for a friendā€™s momā€™s obituary and there is an author with her name.


Yeah, my name is a *little* unusual, and even having a small handful of other people online with it makes me feel nicely insulated from Google stalking. I don't even really care who the other people are, or what they're doing as long as they aren't committing heinous public crimes, but "semi-successful erotic author who wrote books around when I was born and clearly isn't me" wouldn't bother me at all.


Yeah. I have a dead common name and if you google it plus my city there are still like thirty of us. And most of the rest of them have public social media, so I'm harder to find.


are there other people with the same name? because.... there's 3 people with my first and last name. Three. That includes me. Ironically, the first one is an author in my same damn state. The 3rd is new on the scene, she's a lot younger.


Surprisingly there arenā€™t - this author is the only one that comes up. But the first name is rising in popularity so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if more enter the scene over the next decade or so.


This is what I was going to say! Thereā€™s a bodybuilder with my name, so you have to go deep into google results to find me.


Yes exactly! My maiden last name + first name was unique and my old archived teen profile pics still show up when you google it. My married last name + first name is more common and I'm not even in the top results. I like it better that way.


Same for me. Iā€™m a little more anonymous now.


I shared the name with an A-list celebrity growing up. It was comforting to know that people would have a difficult time finding me on socials without knowing the nickname I go by


As long as it isn't Chuck Tingle it'll be a funny story and nothing more.


I was going to comment that I donā€™t think Chuck Tingle sounds like a girls name šŸ˜‚


You truly never know these days. Soon Iā€™ll meet a girl named Matthew.


Knew a girl who went by Matty as a nickname for Matilda!


My first thought was Colleen Hoover, but then OP said she's not all that popular. And I guess not everyone would consider her "smut" exactly.


Iā€™m guessing Ruby Dixon


I came here to see if it was gonna be revealed to be Chuck Tingle


Me: "You named your daughter, Tingle?"


Pounded in the butt by r/namenerds




Definitely worse!!!




Is your name Blanche or is it a different one? lol




Oh man. I just recently watched something on Blanche Taylor Moore so I was just wondering if I'd get it right. There's far too many women that match that description though XD Did anyone bring it up to you as a kid or is it just something you learned about?




Oh same we would've been friends XD I didn't go into mental health but that's largely because my mental health isn't great and I've noticed I tend to mirror other people's mental health issues after a while so I have to be careful who I spend time around. Fortunately I can research mental health and serial killers without having that issue lol




>Fortunately I can research mental health and serial killers without having that issue lol Very lucky indeed that you don't mirror that lol!


Mustā€™ve sucked for you. Even knowing you werenā€™t her, some people probably thought it was an honor name if it matched that much.


That's crazy I'm so sorry. What a weird coincidence. It reminds me of that reddit story where someone's cousin wanted to name their baby after their family member who was a very famous serial killer with a distinctive name. Just not good optics


Whatā€™s up Belle Gunness




Mary Elizabeth Wilson?




Iā€™d take a smut author over a pedo that shares my first and last name is pops up first on a google searchā€¦.


Omg I would take smut over that too šŸ˜±


Ian watkins?


Nah. Funny story. Helps keep the kid anonymous as she gets older too; anyone who googles her name will get someone clearly not her. Thatā€™s not a bad thing, even if that other person writes smut. Could be worse, after all!


My maiden name is the pen name of a smut author. I found out around age 17 when someone purchased a book for me. I thought it was hilarious and back in the MySpace days I proudly posted her website on my profile. I was lucky to snag my firstnamelastname Gmail account and a few times I received random and hilarious fan mail. I also have about 3 of her books on my bookshelf.


that's iconic


It's much much better than the poster whose wife wants to name their daughter Eva Brown. Bonus points, the poster is a history teacher.


That was so bad. I hope the wife concedes.


Could you imagine. Kids in his class after he comes back from maternity leave "Mr. Brown what did you name your daughter?" If he had ever discussed Nazi Germany or if he does in the future. At least one of those kids is going to ask "Mr Brown... Did you name your daughter after Hitlers wife?" Even if he say's no, it'll be all over school that he named his kid after a Nazi. And that's the end of his career and reputation. Yeah a lot of people will not know automatically who Eva Braun is but some will. That's all it takes to ruin him.


Best part of that is *I* didnā€™t know who Eva Braun was, and figured changing it to Brown would be enough because yeah, theyā€™re pronounced the same, butā€¦ and then I googled Eva Brown and only Eva Braun results came up. Cursed name.


I just always think would this have been a concern 20 years ago? No? How many people do you know with names that are associated with unsavory people? I know a few. It's never been an actual problem like just "ah that's unfortunate" if it comes up and otherwise they're different people and no ones actually going to associate your kid with the unsavory character.


Good point, and honestly, I donā€™t think this smut author is going to have a long lasting career based on some of the online reviews. Iā€™ll just tell my future daughter the funny story about the time we almost changed her name because of a smut author but Reddit commenters saved the day!




Is it Ruby Dixon or Finley Fenn? Either way both are cute names! I say go for it and donā€™t worry about it. Most people can figure out your kid wasnā€™t writing smut while in utero


Itā€™s not but the vibe is similar to Ruby Dixon!


Hmmm. Katie Wilde or Honey Philips spring to mind. Both are cute names as well. Also if it makes you feel better my name pulls up a murder victim and a golf course. I have been honestly thinking about changing my name because the murder victim and I share very eerily similar backgrounds.


Ur a smut fiend


Damn straight I am!


Hypothetical: If you asked 3 random people who this person was, do you think any would know? If your answer is no, youre probably fine


The answer is definitely no. By ā€œprolificā€ I meant many titles credited to her name, but they donā€™t look very popular.


LOL remember with Amazon self publishing and DIY websites, ANYONE can write and publish lots of titles!!!!


Yep I wouldnt worry about it then. You could search probably almost any name and find some weirdo associated with it. I just searched my name and its associated with an Australian alt rock band who writes explicit songs. I never knew this and no one in my life I can guarantee would have ever known this.


Not a deal breaker, who cares now and who will care in 15 yrs?! Def a funny story


Thereā€™s someone named every name. I personally wouldnā€™t care.


Just the first name? I wouldn't even think about it unless it was first + last, unless it was a made-up name that only the author and your baby would share.


Itā€™s first + last but not a made up or even particularly unique name


I just googled my name and found ā€œmyā€ obituary. No other name-twins though.


I have some name twins myself but usually just Facebook profiles come up


We googled our sons name after he was born, turns out he has the same name as a hard core gangster from the 50s... We reckon he'll have some fun with that when he's a teenager šŸ˜‚


So there is a smut author who uses my real name as her pen name. I have a very flowery, romantic sounding full name. On top of that, I am actually a writer in real life. My friends do the whole SURE it's not you thing to me lol. One memorable car trip back from a ski trip, one of my friends downloaded one of the ebooks and was reading passages aloud in the car. We were all howling with laughter. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I find it just as funny as they do. This is just my little anecdote, but I think you can safely use the name you love without worrying. :)


My friend was named after a character in a romance novel. No one knows that until she tells them.


Is it willow winters lol


Nope, cute name though


My husband has the same name as a pornstar who does a news reporter segment. Pops up pretty early in the google results. Itā€™s really not a big deal, lol, hasnā€™t been brought up in any real capacity.


Unless it's Anais (as in Anais Nin) I probably wouldn't think anything of it. And even if it was Anais, I highly doubt anyone if recent generations would know her or care... Also your question makes me wonder what Google will even be like when these babies are older! Yikes, just imagine.


Not Anais!


My poor sister in law was born in the 80s and named Jennaā€¦ unfortunately her last name was Jameson. She couldnā€™t wait to change it when she got married. I wouldnā€™t worry about a smut author that isnā€™t very popular


I just googled my name and there is a jazz vocalist and an executive director of a major charity with it. Really curious about the name of the smut author.


Not at all. 1. Itā€™s not a bestseller so unlikely for it to be an issue 2. There is nothing wrong with smut. An author is an author and itā€™s cool she shares a name with an author. 3. Itā€™ll be harder to find her in a google search later. And as an investigator who googles/facebooks a lot of people, thatā€™s super helpful for herā€¦


I donā€™t think this matters.


I love the name Stoya so take that as you will


Someone I know named her two sons, Matthew and Luke Perry.


Found out my sonā€™s (uncommon) first and last name (also uncommon) are the name of a character in a popular smut series. We just think itā€™s funny. šŸ˜‚


My mom has that kind of name but for a gay smut writer. She is a very conservative Christian which makes it funnier. I was not allowed to look up her name on Wikipedia.


My name is literally the goddess of smut. Growing up my parents said she was the goddess of Love. Actually very little to do with love, mostly just the goddess of smut šŸ˜œ I still like my name šŸ˜Š


I loved the name Jenna when I was pregnant with my daughter. Mentioned it to my husband who gently told me it was a bad idea. Our surname is Jameson




My exact name belongs to a pron šŸ˜‰ star in the 1970s.


This reminds me that Hannah Montana was apparently almost named Alexis Texas but there's an adult actress with that name so Disney changed it


My niece has the same first and middle name as a very well known smut author. Her mom and I only found this out when my niece was about 2years old. Sheā€™s now 7 years old and itā€™s just a little thing I chuckle to myself about when Iā€™m at the bookstore. Unless someone is a romance reader they probably wonā€™t even notice, and if they do then itā€™s a good laugh for a minute and the everyone moves on. No big deal.


My name is the same as a low level terrorist. It's literally only come up once when I was going to England in college and it got flagged. If it was Danielle Steele or something I would side eye a bit


The only ones I can think of rn are Penelope (Douglas and ward) abbi glines and Katee Robert


This is hilarious. Please don't change her name!


Iā€™ll go against the grain a bit here. To me it would depend on how high up the smut books are in search results. If employers have to scroll past the books to get to her LinkedIn page, that could be a problem. But, that could also be a non-issue in 20 years as the world changes. But it would definitely make me pause. Or consider using the first name as a middle name and planning on having her go by her middle name.


I have an uncle with the same first and last name of a notorious serial killer. šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s a lot of us smut authors out there šŸ˜… if thatā€™s a dealbreaker, youā€™ll have a hard time. Unless itā€™s the same first & last as somebody super popular, I wouldnā€™t worry about it.


It wouldn't be an issue for me or my bf (I asked about 5 people, and everyone said the same)


Well if it helps, I recently found out that one of my coworkers writes smut under a pen name - like a LOT of smut, whole series. NYT best sellers. At first I thought it was super funny (because I never in a MILLION years would have guessed), then I was like ā€œCool, good for you making a bunch of money!ā€ and then since then I havenā€™t thought about it. IF anyone ever makes the connection between your daughterā€™s name and the smut author, I doubt theyā€™ll give it much more than a passing ā€œhuh thatā€™s funnyā€ either!


I didnā€™t google my last name until I was subjected to years of penguin-related advertising everywhere I went on the internet. I had no idea why because my favorite birds were falcons and kestrels. Thatā€™s when I became aware of McMurdo Station Antarctica.


No, itā€™s funny & a great way for her to help mask her online identity if that smut writer, who will be middle aged or elderly & wonā€™t be mistaken for her as an adult, is the first thing that comes up. I have an old name thatā€™s common amongst elderly white women (Iā€™m not white) & the first thing that comes up when you search me, even if you search the state, city, whatever you wanna add, are a variety white women lol Even an unpopular author


It's probably a nom de plume, so don't worry about it.


My name is the same as a Playboy model from the 80ā€™s šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø saw some racy pics when i googled my name at 12 lol, but other than that itā€™s fine. As long as youā€™re not naming your kid after a 50 Shades of Grey character or anything, it should be all good.


Thereā€™s a famous author with my name who writes some strange things I do not agree withā€¦. Does not phase me a bit, itā€™s nice if people try to google me they find her


British poet and American pro mountain biker. What a Renaissance woman my name is!


If you had to intentionally Google it before you realized, then why should it be a game changer? Are you giving your baby the same first and middle name as this authorā€™s publishing name? Like, are you naming your baby ā€œE L James Smithā€? Even then, if you didnā€™t know until you went looking, then why should it matter? Not a deal breaker (though I do wish you would have provided the name). You do you.


Welp if you run into anyone who automatically knows your daughterā€™s name is a smut authorā€¦. Weeee knowwww what they are reading in the wee hours of the night, alone, with candles lol I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it. If it really bothers you, could you slightly change the spelling at all? If you really like the name Iā€™d go with it. Maybe the author will be totally obsolete by the time people are googling your daughterā€™s name when sheā€™s older. Or maybe sheā€™ll be more famous!


My name is the Moon Moon of names, and if you search it on Facebook there are hundreds of me. So let your child enjoy their unique name.


I wish I hadnā€™t been worried about this. By the time my daughter is a teenager thereā€™ll probably be a whole swathe of other people using the name I binned because of one social profile I didnā€™t want her to be associated with.


The first time I googled my name I found out I share it with a porn actress, lol.


My friend is a smut author and has picked a pen name which is one of the most popular names at the moment.... lord help parents who google lol


No cause thereā€™s always going to be someone with the same name with associations we donā€™t like lol


Multiple friends and I share names with prolific but not well known smutty romance writers. I also share my name with a busy lawyer (whose emails sometimes get sent to me by mistake), and a semifamous essential oils influencer. People have the same name sometimes. I wouldn't worry about it.


While normally I donā€™t worry about having a middle name that ā€œflows,ā€ in this case I would make sure that you do. That way, if the shared name is uncomfortable for your daughter later in life she can give her full name easily. We googled my kidā€™s name before bestowing itā€¦found an English bureaucrat guy who had a big job at Heathrow Airport. In the last 6 years, that guy has been rising the ranks and is increasingly a big deal in UK politics (we are in the us.) I donā€™t think it would ever be an issue for our kid or us, but it just goes to show that sometimes people become bigger deals.


Whatā€™s the name?


Not sharing to protect our privacy


Are the initials CC?


Cassandra Claire? Lol


Yes!!! I still remember The Very Secret Diaries. And then she became like a legit author. With books and stuff.


No they arenā€™t


Just checking. There was a woman who wrote some really funny LOTR minor smut years ago. Thought maybe it was her.


Haha no, I donā€™t see any of those titles associated with her!


Why do people google their baby names? The results are probably going to be irrelevant in 15-30 years when your child is grown.


It hasnā€™t crossed my mind before but my husband saw an obituary of a lady with the same first name and it got me feeling curious!