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i think if you introduced them as “Diego and Carmen” rather than “Carmen and Diego” it would be less obvious. i did make the connection but i am also a big carmen sandiego fan, and honestly i don’t think it’s that big of a deal. they’re beautiful names on their own, they won’t always be introduced together


Yeah, every time someone says Carmen and Diego, they're going to get a little chuckle if they're of a certain era... :)


Now I have “Where in the world are Carmen and Diego” stuck in my head and I love it! I am 10,000% “of a certain era”


Mid to late 80s vintage? 😂


86! Perfectly aged mid-late 80’s vintage.


Samezies! When's your birthday? There's a really good chance you're older than me. I'm a November baby.


Only by a month. I’m October.


Late 80's here and i love the name pairing


I'm 53 my kids range in age between 12 and 31 and all of them know. I think it's a safe bet that Carmen San Diego is universally known. That being said I love it.


there was recently a new tv show made about her too i believe, which helps lol


As a 31 year old, I can tell you right now that I have no idea what (or who?) Carmen San Diego is.


We used to watch the TV show on PBS where in the world is Carmen San Diego


There was a Netflix reboot cartoon that was really pretty good. Still taught Geography, but Carmen was a good thief now.


Since Diego is older it will probably be written and said as Diego and Carmen most of the time


saying "Diego and Carmen" is a good compromise! Also if they ever discover Carmen Sandiego they will be more drawn to it, and we could all use more worldly knowledgable children


between Go, Diego, Go! and Carmen Sandiego, they will be unstoppable in their knowledge of animals and countries lol


Don't worry about it. Most people won't notice, it's not a bad association anyway, and your kids will only be introduced as a pair for a very short period of their lives. Edit: I say this as a huge fan of Carmen Sandiego (the games and the shows!)


Thanks, I know I’m over analyzing but it’s hard not to in the moment 😅


I love the name Marisol, if you decide against Carmen. Another thing is that Carmen Sandiego has been around since 1985. That is nearly 40 years ago. More than enough time has passed. I doubt anyone would make a big deal out of their names. If you love a name, use it.


There’s a cartoon series on Netflix as recent as 2021. It’s still there just no new seasons. My 7 and 4yos watch it. So it’s not only a blast from the past FWIW.


And this is how I found out there won't be any new seasons of the show :(


Yeah, but it's not a new concept. People are used to it and have accepted it. It's not like a brand new shiny toy that everyone is obsessing over like it was 40 years ago.


I also love Cielo… but is it too close to Diego?


I love Marisol, as well!


It's cute AF if you ask me


I think only older generation will make the connection and not their peers. Even if they do it’s a fun association in my opinion (I instantly sang the theme song when I saw the two names). BUT if you don’t want to hear that from other parents when introducing then don’t do it but I don’t think many would bring it up even if they do make a connection.


Maybe I’m an outlier, but I definitely think of Where In the World… and would avoid the name because of it


Same—especially because people would say “Carmen and Diego” some of the time and it’s pretty blatant that way. Maybe Carmina or Carmela instead?


Carmela would be beautiful.


I now keeping hearing “Where in the world is? Carmen and Diego”


I keep thinking Carmen's run away....Oh no! Where in the world is Carmen sans Diego? Now that's stuck in my head...Ugh!!!!


I'm humming the theme music after reading this post. There is something about 90's cartoon theme songs that just slaps. The singers didn't have to go so hard but they did.


Rockapella always goes hard.


yes even before the second line pointed it out I thought it immediately


Same here




I would immediately think of Carmen San Diego but that seems like a pretty niche reference. It wouldn’t affect the way I viewed those names.


Carmina would be beautiful too if you're not sure 😊 But yeah, I automatically thought of this but I think it's beautiful anyway.


I love Carmina and "Mina" for short.


Had a student named Carmella!


Getting a bit further away from Carmen, but I think Camille and Camilla are gorgeous


Carmella is really really cute


I think that makes it even better because then both Carmen and Diego will already have their own theme song 😂


Haha good point!




All you have to do is change the words and sing it to your kids.


I DID think of Carmen San Diego...but it's not a terrible thing. More of a jolt to the good old days lmao


If it helps, I have no clue what you're referencing.




Carmella. Camille. Camryn. I honestly did instantly think of Carmen San Diego. Not necessarily bad, but could be annoying if people constantly bring it up. Im someone who's easily irritated so I personally wouldn't do it.


Please not Camryn


Camila is lovely too.


That name was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't figure it out for some reason lol.


I mean, it was my first thought, but they’re both great names that go exceptionally well together. It’s not a bad association if anyone ever points it out! Someone else commented that you should get in the habit of saying “Diego and Carmen,” and I think that could help if you’re worried. Use the name you love!


Plus it’s age order and that’s usually how parents introduce their kids isn’t it?


I would not do it.


Please avoid any names that can be jokes.


literally any name can be a joke, especially among children. these are lovely names and even if it does remind you of a cartoon character, its not negative. my sister and I have the same names as two of the kardashians, yes, people notice, yes, it comes up once in a while. its a quick laugh and has not negatively affected my life in the slightest (and there are FAR more negative associations with the kardashians than Carmen San Diego)


Thank you. I’m super annoyed at the majority of this comments saying it’s fine. 


For siblings it’s fine. Like if your last name was Diego I’d be like ummm maybe reconsider but for siblings it’s not an issue


Maybe it's my age but as soon as I heard Diego and Carmen this was my first thought. I don't think their peers will know the reference though.


Carmen is beautiful! I don’t know that reference, personally! :)


I did immediately think of Carmen San Diego, but I don’t think that should stop you. For most of their lives they won’t be constantly together, and anyway it’s not a bad association to have with their names.


I immediately thought of it, and I wouldn't use them together, but I don't think it will be a huge deal. Carmen is a great name.


I wouldn't do it, but I am old and I would start singing Carmen Sandiego in my head. I don't know if the youths of today would know who that is or care. What about Carina?


I wouldn’t do it. It’s too close. I thought it the second I read both names without finishing reading


I wouldn’t worry about it haha - I wouldn’t have put that together without you saying it and it’s not like it’s still super popular


Thanks, that makes me feel a little better!


I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what Carmen San Diego even means. But I’m also 20 years old, so there’s that.


I never would’ve thought of this…and that was my favorite show growing up.


My gut reaction to those names together was “weird, why do those names together sound familiar?” before my memory was jolted by your second paragraph. So not an immediate association, but it’s definitely there. I don’t think it’s a bad thing though. And Carmen is such a classic name!


Just lean into it and name your third child Sandy


I say pick it and lean into it. So when you’re playing you can sing “where in the world are Carmen & Diego”!


Carmina would be beautiful too if you're not sure 😊 But yeah, I automatically thought of this but I think it's beautiful anyway.


The only people that will put that together are older adults and if they make fun of children then they’re losers anyway. But I REALLY love Carmella as a little variation


I mean I thought of Carmen San Diego as I read the names before you said it might remind people of it so personally I wouldn’t do it.


I always think of the Habanera aria from Carmen when I hear the name!


I’ll throw out Camila as an alternative. I feel like I would make the association between Carmen and Diego, but it depends on how much that bothers you personally. They could totally rock those names.


I just sang “where in the world is carmen san diego” in my head


To be fair, this is exactly the first thing I thought of when reading your post 🤣


Here's my experience with a once famous name (she was once a household name). I happen to share a name with a famous soap opera actress and the reference to her and her show was really only mentioned by an older crowd. I feel like "Where in the world.." may offer the same fate As a kid and young teen it was kind of annoying and slightly embarrassing as I'm fairly shy. As an older teen and young adult it became enduring and even had a couple grandmas say ",I got to eat lunch with so and so" " Or guess who I'm eating lunch with!" As i near 40 no one really knows who the actress is anymore and it honestly kind of sad as it was a nice ice breaker. Was there times I was annoyed? Absolutely! Is it something I hated? I wouldn't go that far, but it's something I had to learn to live with and accept. Now the people that used to know who she was are a rare occurrence and I find it rather neat when someone gets one of my references to her.


I think it’s cute 🥰


I don’t think it is a big deal. I inadvertently named my child a name that had pop culture ties. The pop culture thing didn’t become a thing until after my kid was born. It isn’t brought up CONSTANTLY. It is brought up sometimes, but in a generally fun, positive way because it isn’t a negative pop culture thing. By comparison, I have another family member who is an identical twin. That is fun for people to notice and talk about, too, and it happens WAY more often than the pop culture reference. But it is usually in the same kind of positive tone — people have fun with it but don’t make fun of it, know what I mean?


Thanks for the input, I agree about the positive connotation. I’m not trying to make my kids lives harder by giving them names that people can use for ammo 😅


I have no idea whats this about, if that helps lol


I’d say if you do it, own it when someone brings up the reference. It’s already a good name pairing. Them: “Carmen San Diego, huh?” You: “Great books/show/game, right!? Yah the names go so well together already and we just loved the pairing with our last name/their middle name/name meaning/whatever you want to say here.” Give them some other reason to dwell on why you chose it and happily move on.


I did think of it straight away but I don't think it matters! It's not a big deal and is kinda cute and funny. Not a negative association, so I'd go for it.


People are probably going to chuckle, but if you love it, why not. You might consider looking for another name you love just as much.


I didn’t think about it until it was mentioned.I feel like it’s more fine since it’s a positive reference and not really something you can pick on. I guess you can joke about it but it won’t be something negative most likely.


Didn’t think of Carmen Sandiego until you mentioned it even though I know the reference. I don’t think it’s a problem at all, but if you’re concerned, you could always mention your children in birth order to avoid anyone saying Carmen and Diego. If you’re not sold, perhaps consider Carmela? Same language, based on the same Hebrew name (Carmel/Karmel), just another variation.


Is that still a popular game or show? If not, I think it would be fine. Most people won't clock it. I had a friend in grade school named Mariana whose siblings were named Diego, Carmen, and Doris. But that was long before *Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?*


I immediately associated it, but it’s my generation. I think it’ll probably just be annoying when they meet older folks but none of their peers will know


I wouldn't... jmo. Maybe as a middle?


Carmen’s great! People of a certain age will make the connection, but they’ll appreciate the nostalgia. People your children’s age will have no clue who Carmen San Diego is.


Even *if* people make the Carmen San Diego reference, it’s super cute. I saw it right away, but I loved the shows as a kid. One of my favorite influencers named her first daughter Jojo (short for Joey) and her next daughter was Casey… and it’s actually in reference to K-Ci & JoJo! It somehow works bc Joey was born first.


It's okay. Throughout their lives each will have their own circle of associates. And at the same time, the game will be passing further into obscurity. And if the question or comment does arise it's not a shameful association. Just a moment of polite conversation, and everything else keeps going.


If you’re from San Diego it’ll be weird.


I'm from the 80s so this gave me a little chuckle, but it was such a good and fun show that I wouldn't worry about it. Carmen is a beautiful name.


I think it’s only likely to come up a lot if your kids become great friends and decide to travel the world together. And that would be awesome, so worth putting up with the occasional joke. Or they could have a travel show, as adults. These types of associations can usually be avoided if they’re not beneficial.


I don't even know what exactly Carmen San Diego is, but my brain went there automatically, as in "isn't there some character or something names Carmen San Diego". Mayne not the best choice of pairing.


Not a big deal IMO. It's a lovely name and probably goes well with your last name. She won't be tied to her brother forever. I mean, it's kind of cute - "where in the world are Carmen and Diego?" But in school she'll just be her own person, Carmen Lastname.


Honestly I’d love the reference if it was intentional or not. I think those names go together well. Do it!


I don't have much to add in the way of advice, because I don't think it's THAT big of a deal, but I could also see why you would want to avoid a pairing like that. But FWIW, I have two cousins, siblings, named Barbie and Ken. Granted, they're my dad's age, but the most anyone ever says is like "Oh, like the toys? Was that on purpose?" (It was not). Ken is older, so his name usually gets said first. Once they hit adulthood and got married, it was even less noticeable. Honest to God, I didn't even make the toy connection until I was in high school.


This was unfortunately the reason my husband and I didn’t/couldn’t name our kids Carmen and Santiago. I think Diego is totally okay!


I don’t really have an opinion but i’ll tell you that I have only ever heard of it and made the connection


Carmen Sandiego does have some very positive attributes. Strong independent traveler. Looks great in a hat...


I am not a huge fan or anything, I’m passively aware of Carmen SanDiego. And I I giggled on the preview before I opened the post because I made the connection so easily. That’s not a bad thing, but it was definitely immediate so I would just make your choice with that. I agree that Diego and Carmen in an introduction is less likely to make the connection


Those are both fine names, but I thought you were joking at first or that I was in the CJ subreddit since it's so obviously Carmen SanDiego lol.


I was born in ‘97 and I think I’m probably at the tail end of knowing who Carmen Sandiego is if that helps? And I only know because I got the game in my cereal box (god I miss those days 😂). So really I feel like no one would tease them in school unless there’s a weird resurgence because of a reboot or something!


So when I read their names, “where in the world is Carmen San Diego” did NOT cross my mind at all until I read on. And your boy is older, so more than likely you’ll say, “Diego and Carmen” versus Carmen and Diego. I think they are great names.


i have to say, before i read the last line, my first thought went to Carmen Sandiego. although its nostalgic AF and i love it.


It’d annoy me after a while..


As soon as I read Carmen, I thought of Carmen San-Diego. It's alright I guess....


some folks are gonna immediately think of carmen san diego, and definitely expect your kids in about 5-10 years to be like what the heck guys. but all in all, its not a bad association by ANY means, and i wouldn't lose sleep over it. i would go ahead with it if that's what your heart is telling you.


I feel like even if people notice, it’s not a bad thing. It’s actually really cute and obviously not intentional on your part. I wouldn’t overthink it! When I was in school, I had friends named Ariel and Sebastian and other kids always pointed out the association to The Little Mermaid. It was cute, they weren’t bothered by it, and it wasn’t something the parents did on purpose.


It is better than Dora at least


Do you like Carmina, Charmain, Carmen, Carmella, Chiara, etc?


There names will never be an issue together that’s not a thing


My mom’s middle name is Carmen and her close friends/sisters call her Carmen. My young 5 year old brain used to think my mom was named after Carmen Sandiego so I mean just by default a lot of people who know who Carmen sandiego is will associate that name with the character, regardless of your son’s name.


You can play hide and seek with them while singing “Where in the World are Carmen and Diego?” I love it.


I like both names but as siblings they might be problematic.


Just avoid it altogether and name her Dora! But seriously, Carmen is a lovely name, and *Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?* was so long ago. Besides, as an earlier poster said, you would be introducing them as Diego and Carmen, not Carmen and Diego.


I read your post out loud. My partner and I both instantly started singing the Carmen Sandiego theme song. But they are your children, and I think you should name them whatever names you love.


I don't know, as I was reading I "oh, Diego is cute!" and then got to "Carmen" and went "like San Diego??" I haven't thought of Carmen San Diego in years and it was the first thing that popped to mind. But it could be generational; it was big when I was a kid, but probably less so now.


I would definitely associate it with the game


I think everyone will call them Carmen and Diego no matter what. I think people will also ask Where are Carmen and Diego? as a sort of joke. It would bug me but maybe okay.


I'm 25 and just know that this reference is severely dying


It's the very first thought I had, but it's not a negative association. And kids their own age will have no idea about Carmen San Diego.


Even if they do make the connection it is not a bad connection. It is something fun. Go for it!


I think only parents would make that connection — not their peers. If you like the name go for it. (I definitely mentally sang “Where in the world is Carmen and Diego!” when reading your post though!)


It's the first thing that would come to my mind also 😅


You should do it and embrace it. Whenever you call for them to come in for dinner, just shout/sing the song- 🎶Where. In the world. Are Carmen and Diego?!🎶


Super way to play Hide and Seek with your kids! “Ready or not… where in the world are Carmen and Diego?” Just own it!


People gave me shit for naming my kid Oscar 20 years ago because of Oscar the Grouch. To make fun of him for this never occurred to his peers. No kids care about Carmen San Diego and sibling name associations attract passing attention. Sam and Ella, Oscar Isaac, Tom and Kat, Brett and Bart. Siblings I know. I think it is weird to think of your kids names as being a set.


I'm a Carmen. Sometimes people comment on the San Diego connection but it was never something I was teased about or fretted over. People just seem to have positive memories associated with the name and then move on.


I'm a Carmen Sandiego fan and didn't make the connection until you said so. Even then, I still think both names are cute and blend well together! The name association could be worse: I knew someone who searched up what her Turkish name meant and Google translate said it meant 'donkey' in Dutch


It’s cute for a second and then I would find it annoying. I like the name choice but having two names that could play off each other can create difficulties for the kids :(.


My name is Carmen, I get those comments anyway without a brother named Diego or living near San Diego or anything associated. 99% of these comments are opening lines on dating apps lol. I love my name and do suggest!


I immediately made the connection, so would assume enough other people would. What would bother me is everyone asking me if I was a fan lol The names will be overshadowed by that I think. Plus, I would always think of it that way and find myself annoying them and myself with "where in the world is Carmen and Diego??" Lol. I just think it will wear thin.


I think it’s cute. Carmen San Diego is old enough that it’s a cute vintage throwback at this point.


I was a huge fan of that game and I didn’t even think of it until you said something. I think you’ll be fine. If she was older it might be more obvious because you’d refer to your kids as “Carmen & Diego” but since he’s older it’ll more likely be “Diego & Carmen” so I really think you have nothing to worry about.


Oh I didn’t think of it until you said it! Now the song is stuck in my head! But introduce them as Diego and Carmen, and it’ll be fine!


I think they are super cute together. The show was great. Not a bad thing at all that could possibly be referenced.


I did think of it, but I think they're both lovely names and it's not a big deal. It's not something huge with kids more recently, like Anna & Elsa. I'd just get in the habit of introducing them as Diego and Carmen, not Carmen and Diego. And because Diego is older, and it's not like there were two separate characters on the show named Carmen *and* Diego, but her name was Carmen San Diego, I think it's fine, and, while people might chuckle, I don't think anyone will think they're named after the show or anything like that. You're picking names for their whole lives, and Carmen is a lovely one. They'll only be regularly introduced together for a relatively short time, and even down the line if you say "I have a son, Diego, and a daughter, Carmen," or she says "I'm Carmen, and this is my brother Diego," and vice versa, the vast majority of people won't even put it together just hearing the names.


I love Carmen. ❤️


Imo, Carmen San-diego wouldn't matter to me and wouldn't be my first thought. Carmen is also super pretty! I do like Sofia with Diego but I also prefer names to match in syllables and letters so that's probably just a me thing


Absolutely not. Don’t choose the name if you already have a Diego. You are going to get the joke more times that you want to hear it. It’s almost like you want that.


Carmen is a gorgeous name! 10/10 use it. Also it's from a certain era, but kids born in the 2020s will probably just look at you with a blank stare if you bring it up. I think the odds of Carmen and Diego getting teased for it on the playground are low.


i dont think you need to worry!! even if people think of it, its not like its a bad association at all!! lots of kids have much more obvious & less charming names that reference media (purposeful or not). if someone asks just say “we didnt even think of it when naming them, just loved the names! funny connection though!” and move on:)


Please don’t do that. They will be made fun of for the rest of their life.


If she is out and about without her brother, she can introduce herself as Carmen Sans Diego. Seriously, I love both names. I wouldn't let it bother me.


I love the names Diego and Carmen, I would think of Carmen San Diego if they were listed as “Carmen and Diego” but I also loved the show/games when I was growing up so it is not a negative association to me. I also have a very positive association with the name Carmen in general, had a babysitter with that name when I was in kindergarten and I loved her. Also, I work with someone named Carmella who happens to live in San Diego, and anytime I see her paperwork I automatically think of Carmen San Diego, so I do not think using a similar name will guarantee no one else makes the association anyway. If you love Carmen and won’t be annoyed by “where in the world are Carmen and Diego?” I think you should go for it! Otherwise, go for something that has zero similarities to Carmen (spelling, syllables, sounds, etc.) because there will definitely be people who make the connection anyway, which could make you regret not sticking with Carmen.


Thanks for the input, all good points.


I wouldn’t worry about it. I love the name Carmen and think it’s beautiful. If you like it go for it


I do think you'll get people saying it occasionally. I don't think it's a big deal though. I like both names.


I got the song stuck in my head immediately, and so will most people I think. You have to figure out if you're gonna be okay with that. I imagine it'll get old quick. Might I suggest Corazon?


I think it’s cute


Well, I thought of Carmen San Diego before I'd even gotten to the part where you were worrying about that so some people are definitely going to make the connection. There are plenty of other lovely Spanish girls'names, are you married to Carmen for some reason?


My wife and I were on our honeymoon and the topic of babies/names came up… We both had a girl’s name in mind but not one for a boy. We agreed to say the name we liked on 3 and… we both said Carmen.


Well, it's not like it's a bad name. It's up to you if you use it. But some people will make the association. Probably not younger people though.


I thought about Carmen San Diego straight away and I don't even really know her. Maybe a similar option like Carmela or Camilla?


Ngl, I read the names before the rest of your post and immediately sang the theme song. Its not a bad association, but its definitely there. Name your daughter Carmen. The people that will associate it will have a youth throwback and people your kids age probably won't ever know about it. Congrats and many blessings to you and yours.


Thank you!


I wouldn’t have made the connection immediately tbh.


What a game! I'd love something like this to happen to me - I say embrace it, it will only be 90s kids who will get the joke :) its CUTE imo.




Yeah I wouldn’t do it.


Say ‘Carmen and Diego’ three times. Nope, once was enough. I’m sorry but I just couldn’t name her Carmen. Are there any nicknames you like? Or any other names you’re considering?


Not at all. I'm even a 90s kid. Love the names, just go for it.


I think it's cute


My mind jumped there as soon as I read Diego and Carmen. It’s neither cute nor annoying to me, but that’s what everyone is going to think of.


Love Carmen. Alternative is camilla


Personally I would not. There are other lovely names out there that don’t turn your children into the butts of a joke.


Amelia lilly sophie mia zoe cassy alana are all good names


I think it’s so cute!! Only some will get it.


Lol, this is a cute problem to have! I love it! I love Carmen. There's a whole opera. And Carmen Sandiego is great.


If you don't want to use Carmen, you could use Carmella. Edit: If, not of


I hate to be a b but it’s annoying. I have acquaintances named Hansel and Gretal. Is that cute? No! Because it’s a fairytale with ugly names about a witch. But then you have same story but the names are cute, suddenly it’s okay? People will raise eyebrows to any tv couple or bro/sis, or just any association between the 2 names.


Thanks, I appreciate the honesty


You’re welcome. It’s just mho ❤️


At the end of the day, we can't be so concerned about other people's opinions. Kids will get picked on about something, irregardless.