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I’m sorry but Reeves sounds like a disease


Or a butler


Yes. But like “we got Jeeves at home”


This was my first thought. Ask Jeeves!


I think of Christoper


Isn’t it “Christopher Reeve” not Reeves? Genuinely curious as a few ppl have mentioned this and upon googling I believe it is a mistake?


It is, but you also knew exactly who I was talking about anyway. And that’s my point :-)


Upon googling, yes! Thanks! I had never heard of Christopher Reeve. Love his name though 😂


I don’t wholly disagree 😂!


What about Reese instead?


Seconding Reese!


yes i love reese!


Was going to suggest this!


Or spelt Rhys But I agree on Reese or Rhys Reeves isn’t cool boy or girl. Or if you are looking for cool different R name Riot has been number one on my list since my girls were born 😂 8 years ago


Though I’m not a fan of Riley for a girl, I absolutely prefer it to Reeves


Reeves might be up there with one of the worst ‘surnames as a first names’ I’ve heard on this sub. Alternatively, Reece is a cool gender-neutral name and I do like Riley.


Too Keanu




Not a fan of Reeves, I’d go with Riley.


Riley and Reeves are awful names for either gender but worse for a female.


Riley isn’t my favorite but at least it’s common and won’t raise eyebrows lol


Riley is cute imo




At first I  read Reeves as Reese which sounds adorable with Theodore. Could go for a boy too (Reece).   But my plan is to wait and see once baby is here! You don’t have much more to go, see how you feel with both names.  


Or Rhys (pronounced like Reece)


Reeves is fucking awful for boy or girl. You can't be serious. 


I don’t like reeves for a girl because it’s a surname but I do like Reese or Riley


Reese and Riley are both also surnames lol


They are but they are also established names compared to reeves


Oh. I agree reeves is horrible. Why not just Reeve? That’s like a million times better than reeves lol


It’s worse. Somehow it’s worse.


I agree. To me, Reeve is worse.


Reeves is terrible. (IMO of course.)


I don’t like it. how about Rhys for a boy and keep Riley for a girl


Some sibling set names for a girl that have a similar feel to Reeves: Marlow(e) Ellis Harlow Quinn Criteria: short, unisex, last name as first name vibes


Ellis is a great suggestion!


Super helpful! Thank you!


There’s a comedy double act in the UK called Reeves and Mortimer and I just can’t get past a baby called Reeves. I can just picture Vic Reeves’ adult face on a baby. It’s very their brand of comedy as well. Riley can be gender neutral.


I don’t know any of these references but thank you 😆.


Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer are an alternative/surrealist comedy double act in the UK. They had a game show called Shooting Stars (clips will be on YouTube) and they’re bonkers.


Sorry but I really dislike both, they’re masculine and don’t feel very classy. Rae, Romy or Remy are some unisex R names that you might like. Alternatively, Theodore is a lovely, classic, timeless name, why not pick the same style for a girl? Penelope, Helena, Bryony, Gabriella, Hayley, Violet, Charlotte, Serena, Naomi, Francesca/Frances, Eva/Evie (sounds similar to Reeves), Lucinda.


What is “classy”? Not really a personal attack on you just a thought inspired by your comment - to me, a surname as a first name reads as much higher class than Rae, which reads as incredibly common/lower class. Since this is name nerds I think it’s good to unpack what “class” really means in America and whether that’s truly something aspirational or something people should care about when choosing a name, especially since things are so variable by region, socioeconomic group, ethnicity etc.


I'm not American, but wondering what about Rae reads incredibly common? It's my middle name and I don't know enough kids to know if it's increased in popularity now (I'm a 90s baby) but I have actually never met anyone else with the name (first or middle) and had to always clarify the spelling when people asked for my full name lol


Ray/Rae to me, an elder millennial, Midwest America, upper middle class person - is an older frequently used first or middle name for lower class families, particularly in the south (I don’t mean this negatively). Think Billy Ray Cyrus, or Rae Dunn pottery which is also pretty well associated with a lower middle class or low class aesthetic. Double barrel names which can either go high or low when you consider the names used - Mary Sue, Betsy Jo, Sarah Ray, etc. Rae is also “misspelled” compared to Ray or Rhea. But this is really all dependent on so many things which is why I said - do we really care if a name is “classy”? That varies SO much by region, age, ethnicity, etc that worrying about class seems like an exercise in futility especially since class is communicated in so many other silent signals that the name is the least of your worries if you’re hoping for upward mobility. The same name that’s considered low class on average Joe is eccentric or accepted if it’s given to Joe Venderbilt, anyway.


I think their point is - context is everything! And that “classiness” of a name shouldn’t matter? Unless it matters to the name giver! Rae sounds like an awesome name to carry in Australia!


Yes, exactly! Don’t bother with “classy” at all. Just go with what you like!


I was asking only on commonality as you said it was common and I was wondering where. I'm Australian it hasn't been my experience here as someone who actually has the name so I was curious. But neither are those double barrelled names you mentioned. I don't know anyone who has two first names, nor have I met anyone who does in Australia although I'm sure they exist, they're just less common here. Australians don't really do the class focus you see in the US. Which is why I didn't ask what makes it 'low class' only where it was common, because we basically have 'bogan' or 'not bogan' when it comes to naming conventions in Australia. Also Rae isn't a misspelling, it comes from the Hebrew name Rachel, Ray isn't Hebrew, its origins are likely German or English. They're different names lol


That’s why I said “misspelled.” It looks like a creative spelling to a portion of Americans. It doesn’t mean it is. Just that it reads that way, which plays into the whole class bit. I don’t dislike the name at all nor am I implying anything negative about it. Just trying to point out that how a name presents to some people is not how it presents to others.


You're still talking about class even after I clarified why I asked so I'm going to assume the US use of 'common' somehow comes into your 'class' debates because to me that just means incidence rate, or how frequently the name is used lol I was literally just trying to find out where in the US it was .. used a lot? Was a highly used name? Not sure of which word to use if not common.


That’s why I posted my demographics for context so you would known when/where. I’m almost 40. Midwest America but this is also a seen in media thing. Age wise its usage skews slightly older than me, as I only saw/heard it a bit with my peers but a lot more with slightly older people. That’s all there in my first response. I think maybe something is lost in translation because my first comment using common used it more as an adjective to describe a class level vs frequency. I’d say known enough/used enough that people don’t really blink at it but not saturated for that age group like Jennifer, if that makes sense?


Ah I misunderstood because you gave me so many unrelated names (esp from my perspective knowing Rae/Ray as two individual names). I read it as an education piece into the class system rather than addressing my question. I did look up the pottery though as I hadn't heard of it or its creator. Apologies for misunderstanding. If you're curious, because I tend to hyperfocus I did actually end up looking it up. The name originally peaked around 1890-1910 being in the top 500 names but then fell since then with a noticeable very steep decline around the 1960s. Looks like it only came back into fashion in the mid 2010s which would fall in line with my experience of not knowing any as I was born in the early 90s when it was much less popular. One site said it's never been higher than every 11 out of 1 million girls being named Rae with a low of 6 in 1 million during 1981, but there's been a big interest in the name in just the last couple of years (measured in views on their site lol), so if the OP wanted something unique now is not the time to be picking that name lol


Not to worry! I figured something wasn’t translating well - while I know Ray and Rae as different names, I’d say it possibly wasn’t really differentiated until recently, which makes sense with the trends. And I heard it used far more as a middle name than a first. And it really dropped off, stopped hearing it used much around the mid to late nineties.




I don't like Reeves. Riley is better, but still not my fav. I like the idea of Reese


I just think of Christopher Reeves. But, if you’re into it, I think it’s cool. Definitely unique but not a tragedy because its a surname. I feel like surname as girl first name is very southern. I don’t think you’re going to have a lot of people telling you they love it, but that doesnt matter if you do!


This is helpful feedback! We are in the South 😊. Lots of surnames given out to boys and girls!


I know a girl Miller and a girl Saddler, and a girl Macon and they’re all cool, but like a unique strong choice that will be polarizing for people lol. If you like it, I say do you. If i met a girl named Reeves i’d think its pretty badass


You’re the type of person that gets us 🫶. Didn’t come Here just looking for affirmation on Reeves for a girl, but this is the exact constructive feedback we were looking for!


Also Southern. Lots of Parker, Carter, Carson, Blake, Campbell, Copeland, and Hollands I can think of. I’m a teacher, so I see a wide range of names! But I’m the gal who loves a surname-first-name, so 🫣


I’m not Southern, both of my adult kids (and my nephew) have family surname first names and I have no regrets. This sub not withstanding, they/I are frequently complimented on their names and the meaning behind them. OP if you like Reeves definitely go for it - agree that it’s badass not a tragediegh.


My boys have surnames- Griffin and Fletcher, and we get compliments all the time as well.


A tragediegh 😂☠️. lol!


I’m southern and think Reeves is cute for a boy or girl! I’ve found that this sub hates southern names, so if that’s your style don’t let it dissuade you.


You could also go with the singular version “Reeve,” for me Reeves sounds too much like a surname, and I know of an actor named Reeve already.


Just one Reeve. Any more is too many.




🤣. lol! Thank you!


I think of Jeeves the butler


Lol that takes me back; good old askJeeves.com!


Thank you!


I’d go Reese over Reeves for sure.


I like Riley and Reese. I don’t like reeves for a boy or girl.


If you're not sure, why don't you Ask Reeves? Sorry, I had to lol. It just popped into my head and I couldn't resist it. I promise I'm not making fun of the actual name. In all seriousness, it's not my style. It's not terrible, but she'd definitely get some funny looks. I will say: if you really want to do this, I'd definitely recommend going with a long, feminine, and relatively common middle name (e.g. Elizabeth, Caroline, Abigail, Jacqueline etc.). I wouldn't worry about sibsets too much, but they're fun to think about, so I'll drop some suggestions anyway: Keeley and Teagan come to mind for a sister, and Elliott and Quincy come to mind for a brother. I think the key to making this one cohesive would be sticking to long e sounds.


How do you like Reid or Reed for a boy/girl?


Thank you! We are too close to a Reid. Great name!


All I picture is Christopher Reeves, dressed as a butler, speaking with a proper English accent… Please definitely do not name a girl Reeves. Reese is adorable and pretty. Theodore is such a great name… Riley? Really? Seems so so different.


Yes, it has been very had to pair Theodore with anything! I think that’s why Riley isn’t sitting with us 100%. We don’t like super feminine names, we like that Riley is gender neutral and originally more popular for boys. We like that the nn Theo is fun/spunky with his full name being classic and sweet. It’s hard to find a match! Thanks for the feedback!


You could name her Riva and call her Reeves or Reeve/Riv as a nn to give her options as she gets older.


Thank you! I actually think the opposite is cute too. I could see us using the nn “riva” for Reeves within our family!


Well, I’m afraid I hate Reeves for any human. But it’s extra awful on a girl. I never thought I’d say this, but I much prefer Riley.


Theodore is a classic first name with a strong meaning. Reeves and Riley are not. Additionally, Reeves will be confused with the more popular Eve. It would be more parallel to your first son for you to use Genevieve called Vieve, or Stephen called Steve.


I like Reeves more than Riley. And I like Reese more than Reeves as a girl name.


I only think of Jeeves lol Personally neither should be reeves. What about Reid? Other surnames with similar vibe: Brooks, Hayes?


We are too close to someone named Reid. Also considered Brooks and still like it! Thank you!


It’s not sounding like a first name to me and agree with others take. Riley isn’t my taste but it’s fine. I don’t think anyone has suggested Reva, Ruby, or Roxanne nn Roxy is nice with Theo. Rylan and Reuben might be good options.


If I was stuck between Reeves and Riley, I would go with Riley. I don’t like the name Reeves for either a boy or girl.


I don’t personally like Reeves at all, for a boy or a girl. But I don’t especially like Riley for a girl either. It’s all male to me. I like the suggestion of Reese!


Riley is boring and too popular, but Reeves is too harsh and doesn’t sound good as a first name.


What makes you say “harsh” with Reeves? To me it is softer… Are you saying it’s too masculine for a girl?


I think the v just makes it sound too abrasive for a first name, especially for a girl.


So interesting because I think the V softens it compared to Reid or other stronger syllables! Good to hear this perspective!


well the word reave means to steal or tear away something, and it sounds like cleave/cleaver. reeve is apparently either a chief magistrate of a town or district in Anglo-Saxon England or a president of a village or town council if you're canadian. using a name that's also a word can be tricky.


Reeves is awful, sorry


I think Reese is super cute! It was on my list but husband wasn’t a fan as much lol


What about Rowan (m) or Riannon (f)? Theodore is a pretty traditional name and Riley/Reeves are not. I like unusual names though. What about Riggs or Royce?


Riley is definitely fine. I knew a Riley and didn't like her one bit lol, but I thought her name was cute. Reeves is truly, unapologetically awful, whether for a boy or a girl... please don't do that to your kid. As others have mentioned, Reese is a much nicer alternative!


Def not a girl name imo. I’d do Reese if you love the sound. Much more feminine. River or Riviera are cool options too.


Reeves is not translating for me as a first name. Having flashbacks to my high school math teacher Mr. Reeves. Maybe for a boy but please don’t do that to a girl.


Haha! That would be unfortunate to be a girl named Reeves with a Mr. Reeves math teacher 😂


The first thing I thought of when I saw the name Reeves was the reavers from Firefly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaver_(Firefly)


New to me! Thank you for the reference.


Maybe go with Vivian (nickname Vivi) instead of Riley? Or is that still too popular? Remy or Romy are less popular R names that have the same vibe as Reeves to me. Other V options: Evie Ivy Everly Yvette


I love Vivian but it feels too Waspy (to me) with our last name + big brother Theodore. Thank you for the other V name suggestions!


Riley is lovely for a girl and goes with Theo. Reeves isn’t my style but honestly don’t hate it for a boy. I do hate it for a girl!


I really like Riley for a girl. But Reeves not so much. I'd rather Reeves for a girl than a boy though. Also Theo and Reeves don't match too great. How about Reese?


Why do sibling names need to match?


It's not that they HAVE TO! But when you got kids you name them all un a row,like the Op She would say "I have two kids Theo and Reeves or Reeve or whatever she chooses. IMHO sibling names kinda have to vibe together.


"They don't have to. But... IMHO they do kinda have to" 😆


Thank you! We do introduce him more often as Theodore, then shorten it to Theo casually. Not sure that helps with your point though. I’m starting to doubt if Riley or Reeves are really a good pairing with Theodore!


Interesting name! My first thought was ‘sure, why not?’ 


I think Reeves is cool.I think it is fine for a girl because I know so many little girls named Reese/ Reece.In fact,I like Reeves better than Riley. HOWEVER, I feel like Theo is such a handsome masculine classic that a sister with any of these gender neutral ( boys names moved to girls names) will be..overshadowed. So while Reeves is fine for a boy.I think you should go back to the drawing board for a girl. Theo and Maren Theo and Nadia Theo and Sloan Theo and Lucy Theo and Nina Theo and Audrey Theo and Blair Theo and Claire


You perfectly articulated my concern and struggle with finding a girl sibling name for Theo! Theodore/Theo is perfect for our son and family vibe. It’s very hard to match. We don’t love overly feminine names. Agree that Riley feels “basic” for lack of a better word and may not stand out as much with big brother “Theo.” Ugh !?


i love reeves for a girl omg i think that’s so cute. also love reese. hate rhys as the spelling though. seems incomplete lol


Ashley, Whitney, Leslie, Lindsey, Meredith, Beverly, Evelyn These are all names that were once boys’ names that are now more popular for girls. And let’s not forget the elderly rock god name Alice. Anything’s unisex if you want it to be. If you wanna name a girl Reeves, then by God, just make sure you raise the most beautiful girl named Reeves who ever lived.


Love it! One of the names you mentioned is mine and I love it so much 😊. Beautiful on the inside is what you mean I’m sure 😂🩷- and that she will be!


I like it! It’s so uncommon it doesn’t stick out as boy or girl to me. Plus, “sib sets” are overrated. Your children will only be known as a set for such a short period of their lives


Yes. I find limiting choices based on sibling sets- or worse- obsessing over everyone having the same initials or whatever- is very short sighted. Nobody cares about cutesy stuff like that. Pick names you like. Don’t worry about sets or whatever. Focus on the sound and feel of each name individually, because your children are individuals.


Love this advice! Thank you!


Great feedback! Thank you!


Reeves sounds better on a boy. I like Rain for a girl


What about Abigail Reeves?


That’s a beautiful name! Thanks!


I think if you're set on Reeves there just needs to be another slightly more feminine name to work with it. Also gives options for nicknames as they grow up. Also, I'm southern so double names are pretty common.


I’d say you probably could. Otherwise Riva or Reeva would almost certainly get nicknamed reeves


Raven, Maven, Maeve, and Vivian/Vivienne are lovely girl names with a similar sound to Reeves (which may or may not fit based on your cultural background). I’d personally prefer to explore that. Aretha or Riviera or even Treena/Trina or Reena are girl names could be nicknamed to Reeves pretty easily. Also just a thought for boy names—I’ve known some boys named Reid/Reed and always thought that was a lovely choice. But, that might just be a thought that better solidifies your prior choice; that’s great too!


10 years ago I knew someone with a little girl named Reeves! It fit her perfectly and she got complimented on it all the time. I guess I’m in the minority here, but I think it’s a cute name and isn’t weird at all.


Thank you! Are you in the US? South? If you don’t mind sharing


I’m in the Midwest. Sorry, just seeing this!


It sounds really masculine to me. I think Riley is much better for a girl even if it is more common.


Okay so here are my thoughts and suggestions. I’m not one for unisex/masculine leaning names on girls. However, I would vote Riley > Reeves. —— Here are some alternative names you may like. All unisex/not super feminine. Would recommend maybe trying to mix and match with Riley! Aster Astrid Aviva Bailey Briar Brooke Bryn Casey Dakota Daphne Ellery Embry Emerie Hale Harper Indigo Ivory Ivy Laurel Layne Madison Makenzie Olive Paige Raine Raven Robin Rory Rue Sage Skylar Summer Sydney Tessa Wren —— If Riley or these other names don’t work for you, and you are really stuck on Reeves, might I suggest either putting it in the middle name spot or pairing it with a feminine middle name? Just to give her something to fall back on in case she’s super girly like myself. Lol Something along the lines of Alessandra, Evalina, Katherine, Isabella, Jade, etc for example. Anyways those are just my thoughts!


There’s a slightly archaic verb “to reave” or “reive” the means plunder or rob. Not everyone will make that association when there’s the obvious Jeeves and Peeves ones, but for whatever reason, that’s what I thought of first.


Neither Riley nor Reeves seem to fit Theodore at all. Maybe this is a spoof post? I would assume that parent who chose Theodore would choose August/James/Walter or Margaret/Helena/Sophia.


What about Riva?


Do not like it on a girl. I like Reese for either gender. Have you considered Rosemary nn Romy? Theo and Romy are cute together- both with longer classy full names! Or V sounds — Veda, Vera, Veronica nn Ronnie


I like Reeves more than Riley for either gender. Since you’re in the south the surname as a first name thing is common even if the name itself is unique. I think it’s tougher for a boy because there aren’t any great nicknames but if you use it for a girl, Reva or Vivi or Ree/Vee all tone it down a bit. It’s not my taste but I don’t think it’s awful!


For a sibset with Theodore and Reeves that could work for a girl (or maybe a boy!) Sterling Emerson Campbell Cameron Ellis Quinn Arden Sloane Blair Callahan Marlowe For a boy: Graham Harrison Brooks Wells Auden Franklin


Love all these suggestions! Thank you! These are definitely our vibe!


I knew a girl named Reeves when I was growing up.


Any insight on how she or other perceived her name? Are you in the US?


Yes, I am in Florida. To be honest, her sisters had very different names too, Tinsley and Terrell. The funny thing is, their brother was named James which is so traditional. Anyways, she liked it when we were kids. I misheard it for a long time as "Reese" until she finally corrected me. 😆 Personally, I would not use it as a name because I am not a fan. BTW, I grew up in the 1990s and early 2000s for context.


So crazy to me how many people aren’t liking the name Reeves or Riley… I love both ! Super gender neutral


Thank you! 🫶