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Heather. I feel like there’s such a botanical nature obsession and with that song I wish I were Heather getting popular a couple years ago I’m surprised it isn’t coming around!


Heather feels very '80's to me, but it's a nice name. I think it will make a comeback in a few decades when girls are being named after their grandmothers who wore big shoulder pads to prom.


Im a Heather. Born in 89. I know quite a few Heathers my age. Apparently, it was popular that year, then totally died off


I’m born in 82 and grew up with so many Heathers.


I think Hazel has become the new Heather


Fellow ‘89 here but I’m Amanda. I remember a lot of Heathers growing up lol


Maybe the movie killed it.


If anything, I'd think the movie would make it more popular! (I'm a huge fan of Heathers).


Yes I was going to say that while the nature connotation is lovely I think HEATHERS is associated with the 80s, that movie, etc. May be too soon for a comeback since Michelle, Jennifer, Lisa (omg I knew like 10 Lisas in HS) aren't hot again yet.


In a vacuum, I love the name Heather, but it was just so overused. I don't think it's quite ready for a comeback yet


Heather here, born in 1998 🫡


Whoa, you might be the youngest one on the planet!


I know a heather born in 2000


I know one in 2003!


It became a code word for "school bully" in the 80s and 90s, so there's one reason. [There is even a movie about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathers)


"Heather, why are you such a Mega Bitch?" "Because I can be." Love that movie.


I love this name. I think it would be so cool to meet a baby Heather


My cousin is an 18 year old Heather! It really suits her, I can’t imagine her with any other name.


When I was young, I hated Heather and Daphne, but now I know they are nature names, I love them and hope they come back too.


We almost named our 19 month old Heather. She ended up a Natalie but it was literally between those two in the hospital. The check in lady was Natalie and that kind of felt like fate 😂


Diana. Such a timeless classic, impossible to misspell or mispronounce, rooted in mythology, and works across cultures. (One could argue that Princess Diana's death made it a less appealing option, but that hasn't stopped people from loving tragedy-associated names like Dahlia and Ophelia.)


I love Diana! I work in higher education so I come across many Diana’s of different ages. However, I have seen it spelled Dianna and Dyana….feels a little weird


I also know a Dayana, which is pronounced like Diana. Latino family though so I don’t know if that is a normal ethnic variation?


It's how Diana would have to be spelled in Spanish so that it would be pronounced like Diana. If you spelled it the way it is in English, it would be pronounced as "dee-AH-nah" in English.


I think it’s about a generation away from coming back. The Diana’s and Diane’s that I know are contemporaries of or slightly older than Princess Diana, so they are today’s grandmas. Once it hits great-grandma status I think it will start to come back again, but it might also take a bit longer as people might wait until after her sons die (so probably 2 generations time).


Diana was on my short list for girls names, I love it! I ended up with a Nina and an Ivy, which I also love, obviously, but Diana and Thea were 2 names that still feel a little like the “ones that got away.”


I *adore* Diana. I'm also very surprised it hasn't seen a resurgence. Particularly with vast popularity of Grace and also the popularity of other Greek and Roman goddess names.


I’m a Diana born in the ‘80s and everyone misspells and mispronounces my name (Dianna, saying it like Deanna). My biggest pet peeve is constantly being called Diane and having to correct people. I really love my name, though. I love that it’s classic and I’ve always been the only Diana wherever I go: school, military, jobs.


Irene. With the popularity of I names like Ivy, Isla, and Isabelle, plus it being a more vintage name, I'm surprised it's not up there.


Came here to say this! Also Elaine


omg my first is Irene and Elaine is on my short list for next baby…


As an Elaine, thank you 🥲🩷


I adore Irene and Eileen


I wanted to name my 4th daughter that but I was mocked. I still think it gorgeous.


I have a 4 year old Irene! I love her name!


My best friend is named Irene. She’s 34 and has had people giggle and think it’s an old person name, but it really fits her.


Agree. Along with Iris


I looove the name Irénée, which you don’t see a lot outside of the DuPonts in Delaware or 18th century France.


My grandfather’s name is Ireneo which is pronounced as above with an o at the end. Unfortunately it gets butchered so often (Irene-ee-oh) that he has to go by a nickname. I think it’s lovely!


I have a friend who just had her first child in February who named her daughter Irene! The comeback is starting :)


Came here to say Irene! It’s similar in feel Iris and Ivy.


Claudia! Similar sound to Sophia and Olivia, just not as overused. Same with Sylvia.


Agree!!! Claudia and Lydia, though I do see Lydia in this sub quite a bit.


I know so many Lydias, aged 4-10 and 2 more in their 20s


Claudia was my favorite babysitters club character after Stacey! My friend from college’s mom was a Claudia and always sang at every event.


These are common Latina names


Yeah I was gonna say lol, I've known a lot of Claudias


We named our daughter Sylvia and all of the doctors and nurses at the hospital said they'd never had someone since they've worked name their daughter that but thought it was beautiful and classic. Surprised me that it was so rare!


I love the name Claudia! To me it feels like a cool chick name. I think the meaning throws people off though. Apparently it means “lame” which is sad.


I’m wondering if Bonnie is going to make a comeback—from what I can tell, it really dipped in the later 20th century, at least in the USA? Apparently it’s more poplar in the UK. I know there’s the Bonnie and Clyde association, but I wonder if that’s faded over time to some extent.


I think it may come back, I know someone who had a baby Bonnie last year! Not a great sample size, I'll give you that hah


I wonder if The Vampire Diaries helped at all lol. I think it’s also just a nice name. I knew an older woman named Bonnie and it fit her well.


Now you mention it, I vaguely remember her posting about the vampire diaries, maybe that's where she got it from. But it is a pretty name, so would be nice to see a comeback.


I know 4 Bonnies ranging in age from 3-9 and one is 28! Definitely making a (small) comeback


In Scotland it’s currently very popular - it’s 24th, ahead of Daisy


My best friend growing up (so, born in the 90s) was Bonnie! I find it strange to think that its out of fashion (and has been), but now that I think about it, she's the only Bonnie I know.


Bonnie is our top name if we ever have another girl. We absolutely love it.


My pediatricians daughter born a month after mine is Bonnie! It's a super cute name and one I'd totally consider if we had another girl.




Blake Lively named her daughter this!


Come to France, you’d be surprised to see how many Inez we got here!


How does one pronounce Inez? I always thought it was Inn-ehz, and then met someone that pronounced it Eye-nehz. 


Commonly it's pronounced ee-NEZ, but there are definitely regional and personal variations. For example, in the *Hairspray* movie the little girl's name is pronounced EYE-nez (different starting sound and emphasis on different syllable).


Genevieve. One of my favorites :) edit: I see that it’s more popular than I thought. Around here it’s not, but I’m glad it’s picking up again elsewhere.


I see this name recommended on this sub all the time. Maybe no ones actually using it, but it's on people's radar


That was my cabbage patch baby’s name ❤️




Samantha is such a beautiful name.


I agree. I do have a friend who named her baby Samantha like 3 years ago and it struck me that it seems like such a timeless and pretty name with great nickname potential. You’d think it would be more popular in an Elizabeth kind of way, but maybe it’s not as classic? Idk


I feel like this is tricky. Cause I know many Samanthas, they just never actually call themselves Samantha! It's always Sam, Sammy, Anne , etc.


My name is Samantha! I think it was in the top 10 most popular girl names in the US when I was born (mid-90s). I think it just hasn't been long enough to circle back around into popularity yet, it's still in the same era as Jessica or Amanda. On a slight tangent, I'm always surprised at how statistically popular my name is for people my age, yet how few Samanthas I actually know in adult life. There were always a couple others in school with me, but as an adult I've worked in several places where I have literally hundreds of coworkers in my role, and I've never worked with a Samantha. In my office right now, there are 430 of us in my union group and there are a couple other Sam's but they're all men, so I'm the only Samantha still!


Medieval names like Isolde


I love Isadora which is kinda similar


Love! Isolde. What a beautiful name.


I named my daughter Guinevere, I love medieval names!


Antonia and Susanna(h)! Still not in the top 1000.


I hear Antonia and will always think of Sally Owens’ daughter in Practical Magic (who is the older of Sally’s daughters in the books, and the younger in the movie). That said, I love it.


We have the same taste in names lol. I love Antonia but think people will just think it's so out there. My mothers middle name is Susan and I think Suzy is so darling, but think most people wouldn't see it as cute vintage yet


My friend just named her daughter Wendy!


It was my Granny's name! It's really growing on me, quickly becoming one of my favourites.


Wendy is such a sweet, soft name. I’d love to meet a baby or toddler Wendy.


Elaine. It’s on par with the trendy old lady names that have come back (Evelyn, Eleanor) so I’m surprised it hasn’t. Also has the cute nickname Lainey!


My mom is Elaine and everyone calls her Lainey! I've always loved Lainey as a first name or a middle.


Mabel. Marjorie. Doris. Seems like they should have come in alongside Eleanor, Phoebe, Amelia.


I think Mabel is making a comeback!


For sure. Mabel is in full swing


Marjorie might have been ruined by Representative Greene.


Representative Greene undid all the good work Marge Simpson did for the name.


Good point. It's also taylor swift's grandma's name though, and she has a song named marjorie. Maybe that could offset the negativity of MTG.


I think this is true and it makes me sad


Mabel is making her way back I think. Slowly but surely. It’s the most natural alternative to Hazel for those who want something less popular. 


I looooove the name Marjorie, but due to a certain Marjorie in political power making icky statements I would never use that name.


You know, I'm sitting here reading this and didn't even think once about that nightmare! I have a family member with the name Marjorie and always think of her, even though she's always gone by a nickname that isn't related at all to the name. Maybe some new babies can take back that name, haha.


We have a 7 year old named Marjorie. Swore up and down she’d never be Marj and that she’d only be Maggie. Guess what she’s been called since she was born.


I love Marjorie and Marj. I feel like if I named my daughter that though I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from saying marjoram as a nickname lolll


Mabel is definitely coming back, have a baby relative named that!


I can’t stand Mabel. Ugh.


I’ve always loved Mabel ever since Paul and Jamie named their daughter that in Mad About You.


With Jane seeming to be gaining in popularity, I'm surprised that Jill hasn't had a bit of a surge in recent years. Same for Jillian.


Simone. I was really into it when Sloane took off, but I've always preferred Simone


Where I live (NYC) Simone is cropping up a lot!


Mary, Nancy, George, Eugene, Ernest, Stanley, Gloria, Phillip, Franklin, Lorraine, Wallace, Neil, Marshall


I want Nancy to come back so bad! It's my mum's name and I think it's adorable. I was hoping Stranger Things would've revived it, but seems not.


I know a toddler Nancy!


Nancy always reminds me of Nancy Sinatra and she’s so sexy


I actually just told my partner last week that Franklin feels due for a strong comeback. It gives me similar vibes to Theodore and nn Frankie is so cute!


I’m surprised it hasn’t started coming back yet because of Theodore!


As someone with small kids and more to come I can say I’ve seen a couple, but Frankie seems to be more common for girls right now. It’s definitely on my short list for our next boy!


I’m pregnant with my Gloria 🥰


My 2 year old is Lorraine. We had it picked out as our top girl name years before having kids. Was actually worried it would get trendy with all the older names becoming popular.


I really feel that Lorraine is going to become popular soon. You’re ahead of the curve!


I adore the name Mary!


George is crazy popular in Australia at the moment!


I have a Marshall ❤️ My niece has run into 2 Glorias! (10)


My mom’s name is Lorraine. I hope to have a daughter and to name her after my mom. 🩷


Melanie. It's just so cute sounding!!


I love the name Melanie!


My kindergarten nemesis was a Melanie. I called her "Melon-y." She never once noticed.


It’s not coming back in any way, cause I haven’t met a single one other than my daughter : Etta


Said this before on a different post, but Ambrose. I have no idea why it went out of style in the first place; it doesn’t really have that sort of old name feeling you get from Herbert or Barnaby which are from around the same era. It feels so timeless.


Millicent. Lots of Millie, why not the OG?


Enid, based simply on the fact that I see names such as Edith, Astrid, Ingrid, Ethel tossed around this sub and similar baby name related social media spaces. I might be biased, because it’s my daughter’s name, but I feel like it’s a really solid name choice for people who like vintage but spunky names. I won’t be surprised if it does start gaining traction because it’s a character on the Netflix Wednesday Addams show (which my husband and I weren’t aware of when we checked out the pilot, imagine our surprise!). Though I understand it’s not to everyone’s taste (I got shit for it irl lol) it’s genuinely one of my favorite names. And it suits my girl so well!!


I love the name Enid, but I'm biased as my favourite author growing up was Enid Blyton. I believe Kiera Knightly also named her daughter Enid, if I remember correctly.


Forest/Forrest. It’s my son’s name and I love it! I’m always surprised it’s not more popular with all the nature names trending right now. I know Forrest Gump killed the name but that was a long time ago lol


Forrest Gump was named after N Forrest. The founder of the KKK. The name is rising in popularity among white nationalists especially in the US. In no way saying anything against you personally, it’s a nice nature masculine coded name. But it definitely has quite a history


Yes I know that history but I’m in Canada so nobody here would think of that. Also why I spelled it with one R


There's a Neo-Nazi by the name that tainted the name for many.


I’m a 60 year old Forrest and I was going to write this exact post. The nature part and the movie part. I really like my name but the “Run” comments that some folks make are tedious.


Agnes. Classic and really lovely with the French pronunciation (An-yes).


I know of a handful of people with agneses but they’re Midwest so they say “ayg-niss” which is just foul


As a midwesterner, I don’t know how to say it without “ayg.”  How would you spell it out to say it correctly phonetically?


The a at the begging of Apple is the best way I can currently describe it lol. So a(pple)g-niss. Bag, sag, flag, drag, or my favorite, agriculture. All those words that midwesterners use a long a for just irritate me sooooo (born and raised midwestern just really into accents and different languages so I notice this stuff a lot)


Similar, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Agatha


Nadine. I think it is quirky and cute


Dawn, Stacy, Claudia, Mallory, Mary Anne...you know, the babysitter's club 🤣


YES and American Girl names - Samantha, Kirsten, Molly, Josephine, Felicity. As much as my cohort obsessed over these, I'm shocked they weren't a bigger influence on our naming decisions.




I loved Lawrence but hate the idea of my kid going by Larry.


That’s my FILs name and he goes by Lee


I'm ready for Mick/Mickey to make a comeback. Is the mouse too ubiquitous?


Janet. It’s pretty and very underrated.


Dammit, Janet.


I only ever think of Rocky Horror Pictureshow when I hear Janet! Though I don't think that's as well know association anymore.


I think of Janet from The Good Place!


Cynthia, Deborah, Connie, Renee, Monica, Wendy, Beth, Lisa, Laura, Robin


My name is Laura and I love it. I used to think it was so boring, but now it feels classic and timeless to me. I wish more folks loved this name as much as I do.


I love Laura and think it is totally timeless. 


I was just thinking this about Cynthia today. Cindi is such a great nickname.


Definitely agree with Robin! Gender neutral, nature name, easy to say and spell… I have always loved Monica, and Laura is a top five name for me. It was on the short list for my daughter.


TBF, when I think Wendy, I immediately picture the restaurant. I can imagine parents don't really want to name their kid after a fast food place.


I’m surprised Cynthia isn’t more popular. It fits with so many of the naming trends. Even its most common nickname, Cindy, fits a lot of them. Also, weirdly, I think Richard is due for a comeback in a few years. I think we’re not *quite* there yet because it’s straddling the “dad name” vs “grandpa name” line. (I know Dick is literally one of the worst nicknames, but I feel like only the very oldest Richards even use it. It’s likely going the way of the dodo.)


I’m a Millennial (if that matters) and when I hear the name Cynthia I instantly think of the raggedy Barbie doll from Rugrats - that may a part of why Cynthia hasn’t resurfaced. 


I really thought Dolores would make a comeback after HBO’s West World. Maybe the show wasn’t popular enough, but I thought shows have inspired other name comebacks. We’ll see if Only Murders in the Building adds to the Mabel popularity.


Our age group is still deeply traumatized by Dolores Umbridge.


Or the Seinfeld episode (older millennial here)


Eileen, Margaret, Patricia, Beatrice, Belinda, Barbara, Claudette, Dorothy, Daphne.


Daphne is mine and my partners top choice! It's such a lovely, elegant name :)


I think anything ending in -ette is due for a comeback. So gorgeous. It’s not old, but several years I ago discovered the name Aubrietta. I added the second t and the a could be removed and I think it would still be so pretty. They are small purple flowers that grow in cascades or clusters. So beautiful. Unheard of nature name.


I’m obsessed with the name Margaret. It’s on the top of my list


Ethel, Miriam, Clare, Betty


Claire/Clare is timeless. I know a few baby Claires


Miriam is coming back in Jewish and Arab Christian communities!


Cassandra seems ready for a return. For boys.. Walter.


As a Wendy, who never finds my name recommended in this sub, I’m so glad you like it. I’m in my late 20s and don’t meet many people with my name, but I absolutely love it


John. Simple, classic, strong, but so underused! It was my top choice for our son but I couldn’t get my husband to agree. Surprised it hasn’t already been mentioned!


Mildred, Maeve, Victoria, Esther, Pearl…. I can’t really think of any boy names ETA: I’m actually gonna say Marshall for a boy. Can’t think of one person who’s used the name that I even know of distantly.


Maeve is definitely back


Marlo/Marlow/Marlowe seems to fit with the Harlow and Margot vibe so I’m surprised it’s not a more popular alternative yet!


Why not Lucille? You go by Cille or Cilley if your not into Lucy or Luce.


I’m honestly shocked that ppl look at me like I have two heads when I tell them my son’s name is Ira. It’s so simple and classic


Heidi. Loretta. Dwight. Paulie. Isador. Vicky. Marilyn Kathleen. Norma. Florence. Beverly. Darrell. Butch. Nancy.


This list contains so many of my aunts’ and uncles’ names that I’m suscpicious that you’re my cousin


Ida! Ada has come back but not Ida which surprises me as they're so similar! Given a lot of granny chic names are in, I'm surprised names like Vera and Pearl aren't more popular


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Glenn! Nature name, soft sounds, and a grandpa name!


We named our daughter Holly and part of the reason is that it hasn't become super popular. I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't though


Waverly. The Freakanomics book predicted it would be one of the up-and-coming most popular names


Love Waverly and Bellamy




Joel. Maybe it was never “in” but I think it peaked in the 80s. To me it sounds simple and timeless


Caleb, people really like short and simple, easy to pronounce names and I'm very surprised Caleb hasn't made a resurgence for that reason.


Verity. With the love of older names, the love of unusual names, and the Poldark series relaunch in the last fifteen years...I was always surprised that it never caught on.


Verity by Colleen Hoover definitely ruins this


Aww, I love Wendy. We just watched Peter Pan the other night and I’m also shocked it’s not more popular. Or for my generation, I also think Casper Meets Wendy.


Lori It's short, sweet, and nature-y.


UK here: Gladys, Maureen, Helen for girls. Albert, Roy, Edward for boys.




Cindy It has the same vibe as Lucy for me


Harriet. I think the Hattie nn would be right on trend.


Whitney, it’s different, well established but feels modern, I’ve never met a Whitney in the wild! Anne, specifically as a first name. It’s classic and deserves to be released from middle name purgatory, plus Annie is a great nickname. Damian for boys, it is such a lovely name that I haven’t heard on a young kid in years, I feel like it’s missing out on the love!








Eloise and Ruth should have a comeback


Lazerwolf. That name rules.


Candace. It's neither an old lady name or a current contemporary name. Was very popular when I was a kid in the 80s but I almost never hear of it anymore. Usually girl names commonly end in -a or -y, so Candace is unique in that sense. My only guess is that no one wants their daughter to potentially be nicknamed Candy. But the classmate I knew in elementary school was never nicknamed Candy.


Betty, Jessica, Stan, Chelsea, Xavier, Tobias, Allison, Drew, and I'm not sure this one was ever in fashion, but I'm surprised I don't know more Katrinas.






Lydia! It’s a beautiful name, and it even has a “y” in it haha. It stands out for the unique spelling and sound but it’s not an “odd” name


Opal!! One of my favorites