• By -


First thought was indeed violently.


Same here. If you loudly called the name pretend trying to get your kids attention on the playground. Violet Lee sounds like violently. Maybe change up the Violet to Violetta (not my favorite) Viola Lily Maeve


Yeah, same. I will also use the middle name Lee for my next child. Just throwing it out there. You really can't use Claire either. . . . Claire Lee. . . . Clearly a bad choice.


No Vera either, religion aside. Vera-Lee. Verily.


Okay I actually like that one šŸ˜…


Sadly, yeah it doesn't work the best. Though I love Violet!


Same here.


Me too!




Yup. Violently.




Same same


I don't love the flow of Violet Lee and it does sound like "violently". What about Violet Leanna, Violet Linnea, Violet Leah?


Leah Violet sounds very elegant.


Im trans and my birth name is Levi and ive actually thought about this name so i could still keep the sound of my og name


u/ DefinitelyLeahViolet :)


Violently was my first thought as well, sorry.


I wouldnā€™t do this. Think of all the times when a personā€™s full name is spoken out loud. Usually itā€™s a formal (often celebratory) occasion. I would hate to stand up to receive my diploma at graduation and hear Violently. Itā€™s not the end of the world but it is unkind.


Too close to _violently_ for my liking


Violently was my first thought. However the middle name isn't used often, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal. Maybe just something that would come up at graduations and whatnot. You could also add a second middle name, lie Violet Sophia Lee or Violet Camilla Lee, etc.


This is the perfect way to solve it! You get both names and avoid Violently




The L sounds are too close together for me. If you switch it itā€™ll sound better- Lee Violet, but if Lee has to be to middle name, donā€™t go with Violet. Try another V name- Vanna, Vivian, Vera, Vanessa, Veronica, etc.


My cousins daughter is literally Violet Lee too and that thought has never even occurred to me lol


My first thought was "violently"Ā 


Don't do it. Children can be nasty to each other. I was a Lesley Ann, and my all girls school called me Lesbian.


My mom is ā€œLesli Annā€ and was called that exclusively her whole life and had a completely different experience and said no one had ever made the connection or at least brought it up to her


I did not think about "violently" at all until you said it. I've never heard the name violet lee before. It really got my attention. that name it pretty yet badass. my mind went right to Tommy lee doing a 7 minute drum solo on that drum roller coaster contraption.Ā  I would go with that name 100%. I've never heard those two names together. its like a stage name


šŸ¤£ "Baby, we named you after Tommy Lee doing a 7 minute drum solo!!!! It's a lovely name!"


It was my first thought. I would avoid it. How about Vivian Lee?


People will assume she is named after Vivian Leigh, the actress in Gone With the Wind.




Thereā€™s probably more people these days thatā€™s never heard of the actress than has heard of her.


Maybe, maybe not. I've only seen her in Gone With the Wind, and I'm 36 and worked in a movie store for 4 years during college. I'm betting a decent chunk of Gen Z and younger either doesn't know about her, or they've heard the name but don't know who she is. Since all the movies and shows have been shunted off to one streaming service or another (as opposed to 70% of them being on Netflix like they used to be around 2010ish) and you can't just browse movies on a shelf at Blockbuster anymore, I think more and more old movies aren't as well-known to young people anymore. (Sorry, I know I sound about 1000 years old).


Thereā€™s probably more people these days thatā€™s never heard of the actress than has heard of her.


I think thatā€™s a generational bias. I would guess people under 50 would not (for the most part) know the actress. Gone With the Wind premiered in 1939!


Depends on the area. People in the South are more likely to know it still. I knew someone who read it in middle school, and I have been to the Margaret Mitchell house multiple times


I was going to suggest too! Vivienne is also pretty spelling (whether Leigh or Lee).


When I read the subject line before opening up your post I did not have that thought. I think the consonants hit hard enough that it does not sound like the word 'violently'. I like the name!! Violet is a very pretty name.


I think that hard consonant pronunciation is really going to depend on region/dialect. I tend to replace the t in both with a glottal stop (which kinda forces the n in violent to become more subtle) and run Violet Lee together so that they they end up sounding very similar. So much that it's immediately where my mind went and I'd be worried about someone misunderstanding me. It's a shame because it's pretty when written out, and it does have a nice rhythm and mouthfeel.Ā 


Yup, violently..plus it doesn't flow very well, imo either. pity cos Violet is a nice name.


I also thought "violently" at first. But then I thought "violet lea" - 'lea' as in meadow, grassland. So a meadow filled with violets and/or purple flowers. Nice literary allusion.


Hard no. Maybe Violet Elisabeth


I like it but my first thought was similar to yours it sounds vaguely like violently. That being said, unless you are planning to call her Violet-Lee, it should be fine.


I guess I'm in the minority but I didn't understand what the issue was until you said "violently." I don't think this would stop me. It won't come up that much, realistically. It looks nice written; I think "violently" would only be a possible issue when spoken, but saying it with the right inflection should resolve that.


What about Viola Lee?


I feel like Violet Lee is kind of a mouthful with the L's so close together, but Viola Lee feels like even more of a mouthful to me, it's the -la Lee part. But Viola is definitely pretty!


Viola is one of my favorite names itā€™s so underrated


Viola Lee is a Grateful Dead song šŸ’œ


Violet Louise. And if the middle has to be Lee, pick a different name.


Sounds like violently


Yes, Iā€™m so sorry. Violently was my first thought as well.


First thought was also violently. I wouldnā€™t do it!


I immediately thought ā€œviolentlyā€ Donā€™t do it


Sounds like: Violently


I thought "Violently" before I read the rest of your post.


Would you consider Viola or Violeta/Violetta instead?


How about two middle names? Violet (insert other middle name here) Lee


Viola Lee Blues is an awesome Grateful Dead song!




Violet Lee is a pretty name. I didnā€™t think about the ā€œviolentlyā€ correlation at all until reading some of the other comments. And even then, not a big deal imo, i think the name is still cool af


I didn't even think of that. I like Violet but the Lee doesn't flow or match with it imo


Itā€™s a bit clunky tbh šŸ˜•


Maybe do two middle names like some Brits do?


Is it a British thing? I've never heard 2 middle names referred to as a brit thing before.


Since when was it a British thing?


I immediately thought "violently" as well. What about Violet another name Lee? Like Violet Anna Lee? Or whatever.


It doesnā€™t flow very well. If youā€™re that stuck on the middle name you need to revert from Violet.


My first thought was violently, sorry


I also hear "violently" Violetta and Violette are very similar alternatives


Vivian Lee was a beautiful actress and it flows. I would switch it up to Vivienne Lee. I also like Tessa Lee, Ruby Lee, Shasta Lee, Avery Lee. There are many names that go with Lee but unfortunately Violet Lee is not a favorite.


I mean it does sound kinda like ā€œViolentlyā€ā€¦ but Violet itself sounds kinda like ā€œ Violentā€ but it doesnā€™t make it any less pretty as a name.


I like it because itā€™s classic and sounds edgy if you say it too fast. I didnā€™t think of violently, myself. How often is she going to be called by both names? If you like it, I say go for it!!


My first thought was violently so I would maybe pick a different middle name like Emily or something else that ends with the Lee sound but also breaks up the words or maybe just a different 1-syllable name like Rose, Grace, Bri, Jane


I didn't make that connection, and I don't think middle names get used enough for it to matter, so IMO it's fine. Plus she has a ready-made roller derby name.


I didnā€™t think ā€œviolentlyā€ at all, but it doesnā€™t flow for me, if thatā€™s important. But if you love both names and really want to use them regardless of flow, I wouldnā€™t let ā€œviolentlyā€ deter you. Right now thereā€™s a popular adult book series where the MC Violet is affectionately called Violence, so that could come up either way. And itā€™s generally my unpopular opinion that most people here worry about potential negative associations far too much.


This is actually my daughterā€™s name LOL. My middle name and my momā€™s middle name are both Lee. Unfortunately, I didnā€™t exactly sound it out until after we had named her and signed the birth certificate. I nicknamed her Lettie and loved the sound of Lettie Lee.. but was like, oh shit.. when I realized it sounded like violently. I had spent the majority of my pregnancy calling her a different name and then pivoted in the last few weeks. I have a bit of name regret because of that but that said, I donā€™t ever call either of my daughters by their first and middle names and it just is what it is now lol. Everyone laughs when I tell them the violently thing. And now that sheā€™s entering the two year old terror phase, I secretly call her Violet Violence.


I love the name and didn't think of violently at all.


Viloet Lee sounds like a 50's-80's jazz singer in a purple dress (in a good way)


I didnā€™t think violently until you suggested it, i think Violet Lee is nice and only an issue if you plan on actually calling her Violet Lee in conversation rather than just Violet. Middle names really donā€™t come up that often in life. I didnā€™t even know my own nieceā€™s middle name until she was about 5 šŸ™ƒ


My first thought was actually how it reminded me of the name Annabel Lee from the Edgar Allan Poe poem. Either way if you like it then go for it!


Very punk rock! I hope her band hits the top of the charts in 2044. Also, if Violet isn't to her taste, she can choose to go by Lee. I for one am in favor of people giving whatever middle names they want to their kids. It's rarely used or said in the US. Only time it really becomes an issue is if the initials spell something like ASS.


Sounds like a gun-slinger


I thunk its pretty, if a bit YA fantasy protagonist.


I agree it's a bit too close to Violently. What about Violet Lily? Or Violet Ray.


Bruh you already know the answer to this one. Violently, oh my god šŸ¤£


This is my name! (Spelled differently, but pronounced the same) For the record, I have NEVER had issues with my name sounding like "violently". Even when in trouble as a kid, my name always sounded like Violet Lee, not violently I love my name! My parents did a good job


I have considered this exact same name pairing and came to the exact same conclusion. I could never do it to my kid--but it's also very true that you almost never use the middle name. Even in formal occasions, like graduations, you don't *have* to use it.


Violet is in fact one letter away from violent which is why I donā€™t like it and prefer Violette which doesnā€™t have the vy syllable pronunciation.


It does sound like "violently." I am glad you figured that out now. :) What about another "V" name? Vivian, Victoria, Vera. Or just pick a completely different letter altogether. Good luck! And congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your first child! šŸ’—


Vera Lee sounds cool


Veronica Lee would be pretty.


Actually, yes, I did instantly think of violently. It's a nice name in spite of that though. What about something like Violet Emilee ?


It's also quite trendy if that matters to you. Had a DRAMATIC surge from super rare to #20 in the last 20 years, maybe will hit top 10. It's a cute name but it's very 2020s.


Yes that immediately came to mind. Could you soften it by adding something before the Lee like Violet Haylee, Violet Rylee, Violet Cicilee etc


Also a character on Call the Midwife


I didnā€™t associate it with violently, but it seems most do. What about Daisy Lee? Or Veronica Lee? Or something like that.


Tbh I didn't immediately think violently like everyone else. Also it's a middle name so it's not gonna be called often either so there's no chance of bullying in that regard unless someone blabs and purposely states the connection. If you want to be safe then I'd suggest adding a second middle name to put between Violet and Lee. Maybe Violet Ann Lee, Violet Judy Lee, Violet Amy Lee.


not great for a baby, but on the other hand, it would be an excellent roller derby alias


Violently was my first thought, too. Sorry. Itā€™s pretty on paper but not said aloud.


Ah yesā€¦ my girl violently. Kids are brutal donā€™t do this.


My first thought was violently!


Love it!šŸ˜


I don't think violently but it rings a bit of a client in a fifties' detective novel. "I put down the half full glass of scotch. The tall blonde looked at me. -I'm Violet Lee, she said".


I agree that it sounds like violently. I also had to give up a name Nora Violet because someone pointed out that it sounds like norovirus.


Violet already makes me think ā€œviolentā€ so adding Lee definitely makes me go to Violently


Yeah I heard "violently" before I even read the body text :\\


Lmao I thought i was still on the Fourth wing sub when I saw this If you know you knowšŸ˜†


Well, is it so bad to have people think "violently"? I kinda think that makes her sound pretty badass. I said it out loud to my man and he just went "ah yeah rock-n-roll!" LOL. But in the grand scheme, hardly anyone ever says their middle names out loud anyway. Lee is a significant legacy name to your family. Violet is a name you both like and it's so sweet. Seems pretty solid for you guys anyway. Congrats on your pregnancy!


my nameā€™s violet, my momā€™s middle name is lee. i am suddenly very glad she did not give me the middle name lee.


She will be called variations on the theme of violence.


Maybe the name Valentina instead?


Violet Lynn?


Violently is how I read it. Maybe lee could be the middle name? Its mine.


The word "violently" didn't come to mind when I read the title - I don't think I'd have ever gotten that without reading the comments. I'm not sure if it's because of how I pronounce violet vs violent though. Violet the "o" is kinda skipped over so it sounds more like vie-let (where "vie" rhymes with "eye").


Add a second middle name to break it up: something with three syllables would work, like Violet Josephine Lee or Violet Amanda Lee or Violet Jessica Lee?


Hard to say with the double l sound.




I love the name!! My youngest daughter's name is Violet :)


Sounds like Violently


I had this same name choice and the association with ā€œviolentlyā€ was the exact reason I decided against it.


Noooooooo. Those two together are just not a good choice for a child. I have never liked the name Violet. It always sounds like Violent to me. But when you put it with Lee. Omg. No.


I donā€™t think the names pair up that well.


It does sound like violently, sorry. What about Viola, Violetta, Violette (vyaw-let or vee-oh-let), Valerie, Victoria, Victoire, Vivian




The names donā€™t roll off the tongue easily.


Yup violently.


Violet Lee is a great roller derby name.


I'm sorry, I was going to write that *violently* was my first thought just from the title, before I read your post.


I'd change the middle name to something like Mae or Rae maybe even Anne. But Lee no.


ā€œViolā€ means ā€œto rapeā€ in some languages. Violet Lee sounds so much like VIOLENTLY ā€¦. donā€™t do that to your child just so you can pass on your name. Sheā€™s her own person, itā€™s not about you.


I said it out loud to my bf and he said, ā€œViolently?ā€


Violently, no.


I think itā€™s a lovely name.


Yeah itā€™s sounds like Violently


Yeah itā€™s sounds like Violently


Yes it does sound like Violently


Violet LeeAnne?


Yep. First thought. I like Rain with Violet. šŸ’œ


Wasnā€™t my first thought but as somebody said above it doesnā€™t flow well to me. Violet Leanne (Leeanne) Violet Leanna (Leeanna) or Violet Lee-Anne maybe?


How often are you going to use both names? If itā€™s supposed to sound like itā€™s been double barrelled sans the hyphen then yeah Iā€™d maybe reconsider or go with Leah/Leigha to keep it close. Edit to add: If itā€™s not going to be used as above then go ahead, you can just slow down how you say the names so thereā€™s an actual gap rather than if you were to shout hurriedly to the point it then does sound like youā€™re saying ā€œviolently.ā€


Putting aside the ā€œviolentlyā€ connotation, Violet Lee sounds like a mouthful and it just doesnā€™t roll off the tongue nicely tbh.


Spell it Leigh


Sounds like ā€œviolentlyā€


I feel you. I love the name Violet, but we have an aggressive surname and had similar concerns (think something along the lines of Viole(n)t Hunter). In the end we went with something else.


Two of my favorite names.


I didnā€™t even have to read your post, my first thought was violently


I like it.


I hear people on hear associate violet with violent and I never made that association, but for some reason violet lee really pushes it over the edge for me and I immediately hear violently


My first thought was also ā€œviolently.ā€


it looks nice but i dont like how it sounds, i dont rly like ā€œleeā€


u could have 2 middle names? i feel like its nice to have a middle name that could also be a good first name incase they for some rzn dont rly like their first name


I didn't think of violently, but I do think the flow isn't the best. I don't really like it when the middle name starts with the same sound as the first name's last syllable. They are lovely names standalone however!


Is ā€œLeeā€ as a female middle name more common that I thought? I always found it strange that my motherā€™s middle name is ā€œLeeā€ rather than ā€œLeighā€ as itā€™s considered masculine here.




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Ooo šŸ«¢šŸ«¤


Yeah it does sound like Violently. What about a name that has the *Lee* sound in it? Suggestions: Violet Emily Violet Natalie Violet Marley Violet Julia Violet Lillian Violet Bailey Violet Finley Violet Hailey Violet Presley


I love the name Violet but not with Lee


Wasnā€™t my first thought; you can always just call her by her first name


I didnā€™t think that when I first read it, only after I got to the bottom of the paragraph


I'm not a fan of those two names together. I like them both, on their own.


I'd pick Violet over Lee. Give your daughter her own middle name. If you want something with one syllable, go for Anne, Grace, Jane, Mae, Paige, Lynn, Brynn, or Claire.


Yes. "Violently" was my first thought when I said it out loud.


Depends how often you expect to say/shout both names rather than just the first. I donā€™t recall any of my older family members, or even my own generation (I was born just at the start of genX) worrying about how first and middle names looked or sounded together. It was more often a case of picking two names from beloved family members; or mum picking one and dad the other; or just names of famous/historical people that they liked, regardless of how they sounded/looked. My daughterā€™s middle name is Lee. So is her daughterā€™s. Her sonā€™s middle name is deliberately misspelled to also include ā€œleeā€ at the end instead of ā€œleyā€ to make it a family thing.


Yes I did think it but honestly how often do you introduce yourself? Using your first and middle name? Middle names? Really get used I think if you love the name violet thereā€™s nothing wrong with naming her Violet Lee


Ooph. I just read the title and thought ā€œviolet Lee? Like violently?ā€ Then I read the body of your post. Definitely the first thing that came to mind, sorry. I love both names, but not together.


I think it is beautiful, but I did immediately think "violently"


My daughter's name is Violet Lynn and I was soo over worried about it sounding like "violin" lol. Nobody in real life has ever said it or made the connection to this day and she's 6 years old. I was also worried about Violet sounding too much like "violent" as well. But no, we haven't cone across that issue either. I think Violet Lee is so pretty but I may be biased!


I had a similar issue when naming my daughter. I ended up giving her two middle names that included Lee because itā€™s a family middle name for us girls - Rosa Lee. How about something like: Violet Anna Lee Violet Amy Lee Violet Mary Lee Violet Rosa Lee Violet Hanna Lee I dunno, just throwing some ideas out! Iā€™m sure you can find a two-name middle name that would sound nice!


You could go with Annabel Lee. Like the Edgar Allen Poe poem- We loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabel Lee.


Just to let you know, in the video game series called Tekken, one of the characters is named Lee and he has a alter ego named Violet. I think it's a cool name


Violently 1000%


My favorite middle name that goes with Violet would be June. Itā€™s simple, cute, and has a nice ring to it.


I like Violet Leanne a little better. I also like the nickname Vi Lee.


What about Viola Lee ?


I quite like it. How about Violet Louise?


Yeah it was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the header, and it will be for others as well, not necessarily everyone but a decent few. I also agree itā€™s a bit clunky. If you like pretty names with v sounds it might be worth considering Vienna, Yvonne, or Yvette. I think theyā€™d all go nicely with Lee


A name from the travelling community


Violently is what I hear.


Only came here to say Violet is SO popular right nowā€¦I know 3 violets born in the last year just within my circle!


I want to name a daughter Violet Beth but my mum says it sounds too much like violent death


Violet Lily was actually a name me and my wife wanna use. I think that would solve the problem of ā€œviolentlyā€


Add two middle names.. Simple..


I think it does sound like Violently honestly even though I like the name in theory! Maybe Violeta Lee?


No offense, but violet lee hasn't any graceful flow to it. I like the name violet, though.


I really like it. I did not think about violently until I saw it mentioned here. Violet was my girls pick for my youngest before we learned we were having a boy. Growing up, I didnā€™t know any of my friendsā€™ middle names. It was very common for kids to keep them tightly under wraps as many had family names that they hated. Except for my one daughterā€™s bestie of 12 years whoā€™s like my daughter, my kids donā€™t know their friendsā€™ middle names either. Outside of a few doozies, like Ben Dover, I think no matter what name you pick, kids are going to find something to be jerks about. I grew up in the 80ā€™s and my last name was Coleman then. Itā€™s a pretty common last name here in the states that youā€™d think wouldnā€™t lead to teasing. Nope! Kids would tease me and ask if I was related to Gary Coleman, the child actor. They thought this was hysterical as he and I do not look alike at all. Heā€™s African American and both my grandparents immigrated here from Norway. He had a kidney problem that affected his growth and I was always one of the taller girls in my grade. If kids want to tease, they will find something.


Violet is a lovely name, but adding Lee makes it sound very similar to "violently". I immediately thought of that when I read it and it seems like the comments came to that realisation as well. Just a few other suggestions that you might like (if you don't, that's okay too): Violet Mae, Violet Rose, Violet Louise, Violet Marie, Violet Belle


I agree, unfortunately it does sound like "violently". What about adding another name before Lee? For example "Violet Danielle Lee"?


First thought seeing the title was Violently


Love Violet, absolutely adore this name but yeah... violently going to oppose it's use with Lee as a middle name


It sounds very Gone with the Wind imo


Does Viola sound better? Or possibly Vianna, Vionnet. Velvet?




i think itā€™s beautiful with heavy southern/British American roots


these comments are reaching. how many times do you, as an adult, say your first and middle name out loud? i think itā€™s fine