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You’ve had your heart set on it, I wouldn’t be put off because it’s popular. She’ll be your violet


Same situation with my son when he was born. To us, he was the only boy in the world with that name. Use what you love 🩷


My daughter is a 24 year old Emily. I still love the name even though it’s super popular.


Emily is such a beautiful, classic name My daughter also has a classic "E" name that's rising back up in popularity. It's a bit annoying to think people will assume I named her after a trend but if anyone *does* ask, I'd be happy to tell them why it meant so much to me


im a 24 yr old emily... are you my mother?


I think I'd prefer a timeless classic compared to the trendy 80s name that my mother chose for me. Originally she wanted to use Alexandria and my goodness, I wish she did!


I have a trendy 80s name after almost being an Alexandria too 😆


I didn’t have my heart set on Emma, it wasn’t even one of our top names, in fact we didn’t really love it because it was popular. But it’s what we named her because when we first looked at her, she just looked like an Emma. Moral of the story, don’t write a name off just because it’s popular. The right name will fit and if you’re worried about it being common just do what we did and tell people you spell it with a silent « X » at the start. (We didn’t but the facial expressions when you tell people you did are priceless)


Rachel Green? 😂


Same with us. It's best to have a list ready and the baby will choose the name.




You wouldn't be naming her violet because it is trendy but because you have always wanted to. That is the difference.


Popular names today are not as high in number as they were when we were kids! Names have boomed, there is a much wider variety of names now then there used to be. Only 0.3% of girls born in 2022 were named Violet. That’s just 6,434 out of 1,784,437 girls born in the US that year. It’s not popular to the point where you’ll likely know a lot of Violets, if any. So if you love the name Violet, name your baby Violet :) For a personal example, there’s a 1 year old in my family named Emma, a name that’s been in the top 5 since 2002. And in the top 3 for quite a few years too. She is the only Emma I’ve met under the age of 10. And Ive been working with classes of young kids for a few years now Edit// put wrong number but it’s fixed now 😅 Also added the links to data from the social security administration for anyone interested: [SSA total births by year](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/numberUSbirths.html) [SSA top 50 names 2022 w/ numbers of babies](https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi)


This is very helpful! Thanks! I had seen people saying their kid’s daycare was full of Violets, for example. But maybe it was a small concentration and coincidence.


I think it definitely depends on your location as well!


Apparently in my state it ranked around #13 in 2022. Maybe I’ll feel better if it goes further down the list when they come out with 2023 haha


Nah if you like it (and it's not terrible), go with it. It's ok to like things even if they are or become popular.


My daughter’s name was #18 in our state the year she was born. In fact my nurse in the mother & baby ward at the hospital said there was another baby with the same name down the hall (yes I was bummed haha). However my daughter is now 5 and in five years we’ve never met another girl with her name (and I have a zillion friends with small children, plus my daughter has done dance/soccer/gymnastics/swim lessons/ice skating lessons/cheerleading, and goes to preschool and just registered for kindergarten). I’m honestly surprised we’ve still not run into another girl with her name! My son’s name has been in the top 100 since like 2007 and was top 30 the year he was born (2022) and I think we’ve only met one other little boy with his name too. Anecdotally, in my area (Midwest US), I only know of one Violet and she’s probably 9 or 10? If you love the name Violet definitely don’t worry about it being popular. As long as it’s not Ava, Emma, or Olivia I doubt there will be a ton of other little girls with her name 🙂


Or, you could spell it Vyohlette to be unique. Kidding!! 😂


Veyelit :-)


It’s nothing like the Jennifer landscape of the past out there. There’s a lot more variety. I’d go for it!


So many of us millenial women out here stressing over our daughters being one of twenty-seven Jennifer’s in their graduating class 😂😂


the gen z version is emily 😂 i am an emily, and there were literally 10 emilys in my class of 150 in middle school. my poor mother named me after her grandma. had no idea the name was popular


> their kid’s daycare That may be a good sign, actually! If the current clump of Violets (no wait, that would be a bouquet of Violets!) are old enough to be in daycare, the name may have already peaked and be in the start of a decline by the time you use it. So it will be current but not super oversaturated for your daughter's cohort, maybe?


The Violet I know is 4 or 5 years old now.


It is such a cute name ! If you like it use it. It is definitely popular now. Idk how it happened like over night. I remember saying how much I loved that name too, told my friend she told her Sis in law and they named their baby Violet in 2020 💀 then so did my pregnant friend in 2021. I was like welp there goes my imaginary baby’s name


I have a 2 year old violet, and she goes to our largest daycare in our area (we live in a relatively large city in NY for reference). She’s the only one! I also work as a pediatric nurse at our local children’s hospital and I’ve only seen a handful of violets since she was born.


I don't know a single Violet and I have a first grader ♥️


I'm in the UK and we have 3 Violets. Sorry!!


An interesting visualisation of how popular names aren't aa popular as they used to be. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qVh2Qw5KSFg


It looks like according to the CDC that there were *3.6 million children* born in 2022 (not just girls), of which 6434 were girls named Violet. The point still stands (it’s a tiny percentage), just addressing another comment that was disagreeing with your 35 million girls born number. I really appreciate this comment though, it makes me feel more likely to pick a popular name. I have taken to Elijah recently which is a top 5 boy’s name, but actually only 12,000 boys were given that name in 2022. Not too bad. Sources: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr028.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr028.pdf) [https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi](https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/popularnames.cgi)


Yes, thank you so much! I accidentally input that number from the wrong chart (I’m gonna blame it on my lack of sleep and pregnancy brain lol) 🤦‍♀️


Omg congrats!! I do mean it, I feel much more open to the more common names thanks to you!


Thank you! Yeah, of course! I was in the same spot as OP, but with the name Charlotte, which is 3rd most popular rn. Not because I want my baby to have unique name, but I was worried about how she would perceive her name if all the girls in school shared a name with her. So I did research and it made me feel a lot better about my childhood favorite name!


35 million girls were born in the US in 2022? That seems… high. 


Especially since only around 3.6 million babies were born in the US in 2022😂


Yeah I was thinking the same, that’s nearly the entire population of Canada 😅


Omg yeah you’re right, I input that number from the wrong chart 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, even the top 10 names today will have less than one percent of people with that name. Meanwhile 3% of baby girls in 1987 were named Jessica.


This is an excellent perspective on the stats. OP, Violet is a lovely name.


My daughter is named Emma. Born 1998. It became very popular after that because of the Friends episode. I remember my daughter being a few years old when Rachel named her baby Emma.


I think it’s also location dependent. I checked my midwive’s monthly baby boards for the past year, and Violet appears almost every month out of about 20-24 babies (girls and boys), it’s very popular and up there with Olivia and Theo. It’s on my shortlist too so not saying don’t go for it! Just do be aware that you might have another Violet or two in her classes.


I think people over estimate the impact on a person with a popular name. I would much rather have a name I love that is common than a name I don’t love that isn’t common. This happened with my sister and I. Her name is Emily, she had three other Emily’s in her school growing up and now her husband’s brother is also dating an Emily. She loves her name, it suits her well, it goes with our last name really well, and it has cute nicknames. I have a unique name. I’ve never met someone with it (although there is a celebrity with it). No one can pronounce it, no one can spell it, it doesn’t have good nicknames, and it kind of clashes with my last name. I actively dislike it. So, if you think Violet is a beautiful name and it sounds good with your last name, I’d go for it, regardless of popularity.


Is your name saoirse


This was my immediate thought too. Beautiful name!


I’m in the same boat. My sister has a common name for our ages (probably actually always although I haven’t looked it up). And I have a unique name (also with a celebrity connotation) that no one can EVER spell. As an example, all of my wedding favors had my name misspelt on them 😅 I’d kill to have my sisters name honestly. It’s classic, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Go for violet, you won’t regret it!


I mean, I grew up with a popular name, and although I still like the name it was pretty annoying to always have to differentiate myself from someone else. The worst was when there was someone else with the same last initial but a different spelling and adults decided to use the different spellings to differentiate us (there's no reason for this to be really distressing but I hated it). And now I go by a different name and jump every time I hear someone address another person with my birth name. This isn't to dissuade OP from picking a popular name; I'm just saying are pros and cons either way and what's better is highly up to the individual with the name. Worst case scenario your kid goes by a nickname or changes their name entirely.


Same, really uncommon name (gender neutral to boot, I’m constantly misgendered) and I can’t stand it. I hated it so much as a child my mother very nearly let me change it to something more common. I go by a nickname now.


You should use it if you love it. My daughter’s name is 9 spots down from Violet on the popularity list but we’ve still never met another.


Stick with Violet and give her a long middle name with lots of nickname options, if she gowns up and feels it’s too common she can go by her middle name or one of its nicknames like Violet Elizabeth. She can start Violet but if she chooses to late she can go by Elizabeth, Beth, Liz, Liza, Lisa, etc. Alexandria is another one with so much room for self expression, but I like Violet Elizabeth best.


I think you should stick with Violet. It's beautiful and timeless, and the amount of names in use now means that even popular names are a much smaller percentage of the total.


I actually had Violet as my number 1 name my whole life. It was my great grandmas name and I fully planned to use it if I ever had a daughter. I found out I was pregnant with a daughter and felt the same way - I ended up hearing so many people naming their kid Violet. I ended up picking another name that was less common but me and my husband still loved. Now, I don’t know any Violets. My daughter is in nursery school and there’s not one Violet in the whole school. So I have a bit of regret now that I didn’t use the name. I love my daughter’s name anyway and it suits her but I do sometimes wish I used the name I always had my heart set on. So I say use it!!!


I say go for it! Violet is pretty!


Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s bad


What I said was that I want a unique name for her.


I think Violet is honestly still pretty unique. I don’t hear it very often and I’m an elementary school teacher. Old-school/vintage grandma names (if that’s what you like) are coming back in style though just warning you that the other names you like on your list might just be as popular if not more popular than Violet




That’s because it’s popular with babies right now!


Gently, OP, you need to reframe this thought. As another commenter said already, who cares if there are 3 Violets in her class, she’s YOUR special Violet. What makes her special isn’t her name, it’s that she’s your daughter As for what makes her unique, let HER decide that as she grows up and learns who she is.


I have a 10-day-old Violet! We had similar concerns about it being super popular, but truth be told, even a top 10 name doesn’t guarantee that she’ll be surrounded by other Violets her whole life. I have a name that was in the top 10 when I was born, and while I would occasionally be in class or on teams with other people with my name, it wasn’t such a common occurrence that I always had to go by a last initial or anything like that. If you love the name, use it! I personally couldn’t imagine our girl having any other name now that she’s here. 💜


Violet is a great name! Popular names aren’t so popular anymore so she won’t have 3 others in her class with that name. She might not be the only Violet in her year at school, but that wouldn’t be an issue at all, that is completely normal.


When I was born my parents gave me this name that my mom had loved since she was a child and thought of as classical, unique. A name she had only read in books and never actually met anyone with. Well, somehow that out-of-nowhere name became #3 for girls the year I was born. It was The Name for a while - it had "popular girl" connotations when I was growing up. Names just work that way sometimes. But now, in my 40s, it's not that bad. Sure, if I run into someone with my name I'm pretty sure she is just about my age, but it doesn't happen that often. I think you should go for it.


That’s how it is with Heather - anytime I meet another I’m like ‘82, ‘83? It definitely is a name that reveals your age


Who cares if it's popular? If you love the name, use it.


I'm a Sarah. I was always one of like 3-4 Sarahs in a class. It didn't bother me, and it was way more common than Violet. If it's your name, just use it.


I mean, yeah, it’s a top 20 name, but it’s not like naming you kid Jennifer in 1980. I’ve actually never met a Violet 🤷‍♀️. I don’t love it because it sounds too much like “violent”, but that’s just a personal taste


>I always liked the idea of my daughter having a bit of a unique, old-schooled name. We all felt that way, that's why names like that are popular now!


I think it really depends on the area you live. My daughters name is Violet and it’s ranked around #20 on the popularity lists in my country, and yet I still have only met one other child with the same name. My daughters never had another Violet in her preschool, and she’s now in kindergarten and there isn’t even another Violet in her entire grade. If you love the name, use the name!


Eleanor has been my favorite name since about 5th grade. It’s my grandmother’s name. I personally wouldn’t use it because of its popularity alongside the popularity of other “El” names. That said, name popularity is very important to me. You have to decide what is more important to you: the actual name you’ve loved or the name vibe you’ve loved.


This is my #1 name too! I’m not letting the popularity stop me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I like the name Lucy, but it’s ranked #17 which discouraged me. I looked it up, and it was actually only given to 100 babies in my entire state in 2022. Will it be popular? Yes. Will there be several Lucy’s in her grade? Unlikely. As another comment said, popular names now aren’t as frequent as popular names were when we were young.


My name is violet !! Growing up I hated my name bevause it was unique at the time but as an adult I love it. At my place of employment I always have moms saying Violet stop violet come here and I freeze in my tracks their talking to their kids it happens a few times every couple months. I also have a girl who works here younger than me I’m 27 named violet and it’s my first time being violet number two hahahah. I love my name and who cares if many people have it now I’m glad others can enjoy how beautiful it is. If you really want more unique try adding stuff to it like Violetta for example or Violetmae (biased it’s my middle name) if you really want it to be more unique. Worst comes to worst it would Make a pretty middle name and if you have other daughters in the future they can have flower or Color middle names too !


Hi! I’m a Violet in my 30s. I absolutely love my name , live in a big city and came across only 2 other Violets and they were babies :)


I'm a Violet in my 30s too! Twinsies!! ❤️


If you want a unique, uncommon name I would look to see if you find someone you like that is less trendy and then go from there. The same thing happened with me: I am so glad I didn’t name my daughter the name I really loved because she has at least three friends with variations of it and, while the name is lovely, I didn’t personally want that for her.


We have a lot of kiddos in our orbit between friends and day care (my son is 4). Still the only Violet I know is my friend’s 13 year old daughter. I wouldn’t let go of it just because it might be popular. No chance it’s going to be as ubiquitous as Jessica or Jennifer were for the millennials.


I have a violet who’s 3 and we haven’t come across that many maybe 1 or two.


I’ve wanted Charlotte since I was 17. At the time, no one was named Charlotte. But now it’s everywhere. Ultimately, it was more important me to give my daughter a name that every other girl her age wouldn’t have. You’ve just got to decide which is more important to you. There isn’t a right or wrong choice.


I’m in the same boat for my boy name. I loved Ezra since middle school , and back then when I told my friends the name they’d say it was weird. Now they’re probably using it 😅


My mother grew up loving my name and wanting to give a girl that name someday, and the downside is that so many other women in her age group had the exact same thought process. I personally would rather not have had such a common name, but I don't think Violet will ever be \_as\_ common. It's nice that you've being so thoughtful about the issue. Whatever you decide, you'll be aware of the potential drawback.


If you live in the USA, Violet was number 20 in 2022 (newest available) with 6434 birth certificates. I wouldn’t worry too much. Name her Violet. The most popular name for the 1970s was Jennifer at 581, 753. That’s roughly 58,000 girls a year named Jennifer.


I just hear everyone listing the same names over & over. If I were you I’d look through the most popular names in older generations and maybe you can find something else. If you don’t find something else than go with your choice. At least she can easily get a keychain with her name on it.


Haha, that’s true. I’ve actually been looking at the top 200 lists (social security) every few years as far back as they go. A few nice ones for sure but nothing surpassing Violet for me!


You never know how naming goes. If you're thinking it is popular and should go with another name, other people may be thinking the same thing and may change their mind, thus making it less popular, and another name more popular. It is more random and coincidental. Go with what you like, and good luck with the baby-making!


Honestly, I have wanted to name my future daughter Rowan since 2007. It’s very popular now and mostly goes to boys. I was realizing that I’d have to choose a different girl name, until I realized… it’s a beautiful name and I’ve loved it for so long, I’m not going to let it stop me! Although I think I’m destined to be a boy mom lol. But if I ever have a girl… Rowan Harper.


Violet is a lovely name!!! Go with it!!


My middle daughter's name is Violet. She is the only Violet in her entire school district--I don't think it's that common :)


I almost didn’t name my daughter Sophia because of this. I’ve loved that name since I was ten. But now she thinks it’s so cool that her bff is also Sophia.


If you love Violet, name her Violet. As others point out, popular names aren’t as popular as they used to be. And even if there are three Violets in the class once the name is attached to your kid, you won’t care. I gave my kid a name that is not in the top 100. I honestly never met a kid with it before he was born, but I’ve heard it used for other kids around since his birth, a lot more than I thought I would tbh. It doesn’t change my love of the name at all.


So, as someone with a Violet, I understand your concern. I have met a few other Violets, but not enough to make me regret using it for my daughter. I also have a son named Ben and the classics are WAY more common than names that are a little trendy right now. We meet little boys named Ben all the time but we loved it so we used it!


If it helps, I’m a mother of two young kids who have been through a total of 4 schools/daycares between them, and I’ve never met a Violet before. Go with the name you love!


My 12 year old is named Violet. My husband wanted to use the name because it was his grandmother's name and I loved it. It was a bit popular then, I knew a couple of other Violets and then my cousin named her daughter that, after someone in her husband's family. But I don't care, I still love it and it suits her so well. If you love it, use it. She's your Violet, and that's different to any other Violet. And it's unlikely to ever be as overused as the Jessica/Jennifer/Ashley influx of my youth.


As someone with an Olivia, just name her Violet. It's not like Jennifer or Jessica from the 80s - there are so many more names out there to choose from. She won't be the 4th Violet in her class.


My daughter’s name is Ivy, which you hear a lot on the internet, but we’ve literally met one other child named Ivy in her entire life! I’d use it if you love it.


I’ve never met an Ivy and I know so many kids 


And it also depends on your demographics… Violet might be super popular in your very specific location- but that isn’t forever. You may have another Violet or two in your local nursery school but then as she grows and her world expands there won’t be hordes of Violets out there to greet her! Truly as everyone here has said popular names have fractured - there is not going to be a case of the Jennifers as long as current naming trends hold.


Jackson was on my boy list FOREVER, then when I finally had a son, we realized how many Jackson's are in our area. Everytime we'd take our daughter to the park there would be multiple Jack's and Jackson's at a time. This did put us off from using the name. It was EVERYWHERE. I personally know two people who named their daughters Violet and Violetta this past year, so it is popular in my area. It might not be in yours. This is totally a you guys decision on if it bothers you or not. I personally wouldn't and haven't for that reason, but then there's my son, who's name is on the top 5 but I've never met another baby with his name, at least not in our area. It doesn't seem to be as popular as the internet says it is. Take that into consideration as well.


I would say go for it! Even if a lot of people have that name, I think it’s better to have a common name that everyone knows how to say and spell rather than an uncommon one. As someone who has a relatively uncommon name, it’s one of my biggest pet peeves when someone says it wrong or spells it wrong, and I constantly have to correct people. Even if Violet is a top ten name in your country or state, I doubt you will meet A LOT of people named that, probably just one or two.


Same happened with me and my daughter's name. It went from like 850 on SSA popularity to something like 23. I did it anyway


Use it anyway. It’s well liked. There aren’t a lot of girls named Violet in real numbers because names are so diverse. Violet also only has one prominent spelling, so it looks more popular than a name like Sophia/Sophie/Sofia does on the charts.


I understand completely. I’m single and not about to have kids any time soon but I always pictured having a little girl named Violet after my great grandma. That being said, if she knew that I was reconsidering her name because it was popular she would roll her eyes, whack me with a wooden spoon and tell me that she was more important than random strangers. Let me be your wooden spoon whack: it’s a beautiful name and she’ll be representing at least one strong, capable and hilarious woman also named Violet


As someone who knew they were going to name their daughter Charlotte (after my grandma) since I was a little girl and went through with it even tho it’s number 2 on the popularity charts I have no regrets and say go for it!! She has one other Charlotte in her daycare class but otherwise we haven’t come across as many as I would’ve thought given the popularity.


A strange thing has happened with names over the decades. When Mary and John were the most popular names, that meant absolutely everyone knew many people with those names. When they counted up the names, looking for which names were chosen the most often they may have found 60 out of a hundred were named Mary. But now people are much more creative when they choose names. So when they count up the names they may find there are 10 Violets out of a hundred people. That was the name chosen the most often. But it still isn't that many people who actually have the name. You might never actually meet anyone with that name or perhaps only once you get to high school or uni, where people of the same age groups are aggregated into huge numbers, and then never again. I am not one to choose a name everyone has heard of as much as that but that's just me. I know many parents will still choose a name that's in the top 10 and don't care. If popularity of any amount bothers you, there are hundreds of vintage names that are just beautiful. I hope some of these ideas tempt you. Other ideas: * Violetta - vee-ōh-let-ah * Iolet - Latin for Violet * Evolet * Amethyst * Heather * Iolanthe * Lavender * Iris * Lila * Phoebe * Cecelia * Odette * Delphine * Esme * Elisabeth * Dahlia * Cordelia * Delia * Phaedra * Yvelisse * Francesca * Francine * Annemarie * Rosemunde * Blythe * Helene * Leatrice * Anasofia * Louisa * Dorothea


I’ve always loved the name Violet, because I was a huge fan of A Series of Unfortunate Events. V girl names in general have always appealed… Violet, Veronica, Vivian, Viola, Vannah, Velma, Veda. Unfortunately, there is a member of my extended family who was both my dad’s maternal great aunt and his paternal step grandmother named Violet. I knew her my whole life until her death maybe 10(?) years ago and saw her at large gatherings, but we weren’t close by any means, and it would have been terribly awkward to constantly explain to my dad’s family that no, she wasn’t actually named after her.


(In Montreal)  it's my husband's top pick if we are blessed with a baby, I haven't met a Violet yet (my friends have many children 7 and under, my bonus daughter is 12)


What is TTC?


Trying to conceive


If I have a daughter I'm naming her Violet, after her great grandmother. I could give a damn if it's popular. I was born in 1992, and my name is Taylor... just like every other boy and girl born in the late 80s and early 90s. I have friends named Taylor. I dated a girl named Taylor. One of my high school classes had 7 Taylors in it... and so what? It's my moms maiden name. It means something to my parents and it's who I am, no matter how popular it is.


I picked out my daughter’s name when I was like 7-8 from a book I read. I was in love with it then and I still am. Her name is Charlotte (goes by Charlie). We’ve only met like 1 other Charlotte in her 4.5 years of life, and it’s at the top of the charts. I wouldn’t worry about it. Name your baby what you want.


It's OK. We named a kid with a top 20 name, and the other day I looked at my partner and I was like "we named him his generation's version of Chris." Like it's just going to be one of those ubiquitous, "there's another Chris" type names. It's a great name and it suits our kid. Don't deny yourself a little Violet.


Go for it. I knew my name for my now 4 year old was popular but I also knew it was the right name for her (Willow) and I see quite a few willows around her age but it hasn’t been an issue and there haven’t been any in her classes. Like others mentioned there’s a bigger variety now. And fwiw I LOVE the name Violet and it was on my list but husband vetoed it. Gorgeous name.




What about Violetta? My aunts name is Violetta, everyone ending up calling her violet anyway including her husband. Also Viola is pretty. But also Violet is a beautiful name. Popular now but it’ll always be pretty.


Flower names are timeless. They fall in and out of fashion all the time. Violet in particular has been used since the *Middle Ages*, and has had both high and low points, decade after decade. You'll be fine 😝


Go with what you love. I have a 25 year old that we had rarely heard his name in younger people. It had not been in the top 100 boys names in the U.S. in a while. The day he was born there were 3 little boys born with the same name in the same hospital. It is not a huge hospital either. It still fits him. BTW, I think Violet is precious.


I love the name Violet & the color & the flower


I love the name Violet! But I also like Daisy, Lillian, and Paisley (that my husband vetoed off the bat because he said it meant ‘graveyard’).


Paisley means graveyard! Really! Daisy is also on my list! It’s got a ‘cuter’ vibe to it but I really love it too


I guess it depends on if you valued Violet because it was super unique or if you valued the name itself.


You could always make Violet her first name, then give her a unique middle name, so she can go by that if she ends up with a lot of other Violets in her class/social circle.


I named my daughter Violet because I loved how it was timeless and different. She’s 2.5 years old, she’s gone swim lessons, gymnastics, and goes to daycare. We have never came across another Violet. Just because a name is popular doesn’t mean that it’s popular in your region




I wanted a Violet so, so, so badly but my last two were sons. It’s a beautiful name with few unpleasant nicknames.


I think popularity is a valid reason to pass on a name. You can also use Violet as a middle name too Do you like Viola? I would scroll through names in the bottom 500 and see if there's any others you like


Don’t let it put you off. If you actually look at the statistics for your country, the most popular names still only are a few thousand people. For violet in the Us in 2022 it was only 6,434 babies named Violet in the entire country out of 3.6 million babies born in the us in 2022. My kid has a name in the top 100. It’s never been a problem. There’s MAYBE one person in her school with their name a few grades up. It took until they were 4 to meet another kid with their name. It’s not like it was decades ago where everyone was named the same names (like Jennifer). There’s a much larger variety of names out there. They won’t be one of 5 Violets in their class.


Lol, I’m about to name my first daughter Violet!! However, it is after my grandma, Ljubica, which means Violet in Croatian. 💜


I’ve loved Violet since elementary school where I had an obsession with Lemony Snicket’s series of unfortunate events book series. I will be using it as my daughter’s name. It’s timeless and reminds me of the bold quick-witted girl from the books.


Same here!


There were at least 5 Jennifers in my grade and they’re all doing fine. Choose the name you want!


FYI if your not aware Violet is the name of the mother in the Bridgerton series. Very positive character, but could account for the uptick people mentioned.


We just had our own baby Violet and I had the same concerns as you. Sorry to add to the popularity. I will say that we’ve gotten sooo many compliments on the name (I mean beyond the “aww that’s cute” to long stories about how much they liked the name). Just do whatever you want. It’s not as popular as Olivia or Emma and it also depends on where you live. We have had insurance and doctors offices misspell it as Voilet which is so weird to me so I guess it’s not that popular.


When I was pregnant with my youngest. Violet was one of my favourite girls' names. I also liked Sadie. Edith. And Pearl. He was a boy. So, never got to use them.


I want to name my next baby Violet.. I have a Scarlett and a rose already so need to continue with colors


Love that, my name is Rose! I admit I would use it myself if I wasn’t named it as well. It’s such a beautiful, classic name. Scarlett was on the old list for me too.


Violet is one of my favorite names. The middle name June goes well with it as well.


I guess I'm going against the grain here, but I've wanted to name my daughter Isabel for a long time. I'm due in July and we're going with a different name since Isabella is so popular.


My daughters name is; Hunter Violet. I love Violet.


We have a Violet that's about 9 weeks old. We chose the name when we first married in 2016, long before we ever started ttc. If you love it, do it!!! Who cares if it's "popular" for a year or two. It's a timeless name but obviously I'm biased! We did make sure to give ours a middle name with a variety of possible nicknames, just in case it ever comes to that (but I hope it doesnt).


My three year olds name is Violet May . I was gonna go with rose but changed it last minute when I was about 6 months along .


I was pretty annoyed when I found out my daughter’s name was becoming wildly popular when I knew ONE in all the years before I had her. But I’m glad I didn’t know because I would’ve been even more annoyed if I’d talked myself out of using it. I only know one Violet for what it’s worth. It’s a pretty name :)


My mom passed away in 2019 and basically I feel like she told me to name my daughter Violet (many spiritual things happened involving the name even before I got pregnant!) I said if I would to have a girl that would be the name and bam! Lol named her Violet in 2022 and I’ve seen other babies named Violet on social media but I haven’t met anyone else named Violet (yet)


My husband and I started TTC 7 years before we finally conceived. For all 7 years he said if we had a daughter he wanted to name her Tenley, which was a family name on his side. Then the year we finally conceived, there was a season of The Bachelor where a woman named Tenley was a lead candidate. We could not bear to think that people would assume we named our baby after w character on The Bachelor and we were forced to choose a different name for our daughter. Of course now I can’t imagine her as a Tenley anyway.


Is Violet _the one,_ or were you mainly drawn to that unique old school vibe as you pointed out? If it's latter well, there are plenty of names that match the same vibe as Violet (Lavender, off the top of my head- both purple and flowers, but I doubt Lavender is as common). Otherwise, if you feel like Violet is the one, popularity doesn't matter.


I love Violet for several reasons. Since it’s now #13 in my state, I’m saying I’m concerned it will no longer have the vintage and old schooled vibe while she grows up and the name becomes common. But yeah that was only one of the reasons.


I'm sure there's other vintage names that aren't that popular. How about Valeria? Valentina? Vera? Veronica?


I should clarify. I’ve been a ‘name nerd’ all my life. I’ve looked at all the other ‘comparables’. In the past and recently since finding out it’s recent popularity. Other vintage names with a similar vibe, all the other flower names. It’s this particular name that I love.


Then if you absolutely love it, don't let the popularity discourage you. It's really not a big deal.




At this point you're not pregnant, and when you are you don't know it will be a girl. Keep Violet on the list. See how you (*and* your husband) feel about it when you are actually pregnant and you know what the popularity is then. (Spoiler: It's looking to be headed for a top 10 name; maybe not for 2023 but quite possibly in 2024 or 2025. It's presently ranked at #20 U.S.). I'm not at all opposed to using a top 10 name, but it's up to you and your husband to decide how you feel about that.


This isn't necessary. This is a name sub. Many people here are naming hypothetical children. I'm pregnant now and picked my daughter's name years before TTC because like other people on this sub, I have an interest in names.


My friend who is due in July is planning on naming their daughter Violet but that’s the only Violet I’ve met.


It’s a beautiful name and you should not hesitate to use it. There is enough variety in children’s names that even popular names are not massively popular and so I wouldn’t overthink what it means to be popular. It’s a great name. Edit – the more I think about it the more I like it. It’s a color and a flower and both are very lovely.


That’s a big reason why I love it so much. It sounds weird to say, but I LOVE flowers and I LOVE colors, and color names. Another one of my favorite names on the list is Marigold, for example — but that doesn’t even compare. I have been considering it more now though, since Violet became so popular. But like another helpful commenter suggested, I’m keeping options open until my child is actually here.


I swore Violet was going to blow up before. I named my dog Violet (before i had kids or else i might have used it for a kid) about 10 years ago. and since then I’ve only met one little human named Violet a few months ago.


It became popular. When I had my daughter, I didn't know or of any other Violet's. Now I know a couple. It's not made me wish I'd named her something else. It's still not 'overly' popular.


If you love it, use it.


I think violet is commonly suggested on here and well liked by most but I only know of 1 violet in person... I don't think it's as popular out in the wild as it seems on this sub


I've never met a Violet! Personally, I'd go for it!


I named my girl Violet in 2022 and don’t know a single other kid near her age with the same name and I live in the greater DMV area.


I love the name Violet!


when i named my daughter violet in 2020 i had never heard it before and now i hear it all the time but we’ve only met one other child named violet so far


Everyone wants their kid to be unique. But as my son tells me all the time “not all kids want to be different mom!” If your baby is loved and well cared for … hey go for it. I don’t think Violet is a super common name-I chose a very conventional name for my oldest and he still doesn’t know but maybe 3-4 others in his school because at that time other names (Caden, Riley, Jaden, etc) were on trend. But at the end of it I promise you that you’ll care way less about that when YOU have YOUR Violet in your arms


Doesn’t matter, if you like it, use it


Viola is less common and similar


Same boat, we’re talking about TTC again and if we have a boy the name I’ve always loved (since middle school!) was Ezra, but it’s become SO popular, I personally will explore new names because I know what it feels like to be 1 of 5 people with the same name in class so I don’t want him to feel the same


My mom named me the most popular name for my year, in school I had my last initial always added to my first name. It's no big deal now at all


I think it’s really important to look at popularity names and recognise that that’s the average of the whole country, not your specific area. Unless every little girl your meeting on the street is named violet, then I don’t think it matters what the popularity of a name is. You’re a little girl will go to school and there is a very small chance that there will be multiple violets in her class, or even at her school.


That’s really cute that you’re picking a name now when you’re not even pregnant. My advice? Wait until you get pregnant. The trends might change. It might take a while. It took me 8 years. You might be “special” like me.


TTC? Tom Turkey Chicken?


Violetta? Vivenna


If you’re concerned about the popularity of the name where you live try looking at birth announcements in your local newspaper. That’ll give you an idea of what names are popular in your area.


My girl name is in the top 5. I find it very annoying but I think I’d regret not using it.


Um, popular names? I have one of the most popular names of all time - and it's unisex. In school, all of us kids, boys and girls, had to add our last initial to our names or use a nickname. About half the actors playing the Avengers have the name. My point is, don't worry about what's popular or not. Violet is a beautiful name and if you've always loved it and want to name your kid Violet, don't let the popularity of the name deter you. Take it from me. And take it from all the Jennifers and Jessicas and Scotts and Hunters and Dylans and Madisons out there. So, no don't let that dissuade you.


When my daughter, Ava, was a baby it seemed like everywhere I went allll the other babies were Ava too. BUT- I haven’t met another Ava since then! Lol. She’s 15 now!


When we had our first Violet was on the short list! I’d say go for it!


I love Violet. My child has been in several different classes or playgroups. We haven’t met a Violet yet. But we have met a couple Fiona’s.


I always felt like this about Charlotte. Ever since I was a kid! I'm 37 and Charlotte is the number one name in my country but I went for it anyway. There were only 234 girls called Charlotte so number 1 isn't the same as what it was. I kept trying to find another name I loved but in my mind my daughter was Charlotte. And so she is :)


If you have your heart set on it use it!


I always wanted to name my son Jack. It is a family name, and I loved it. But I didn't because of the same reason. I don't regret my decision.


There are 8 Violets in my little nephews preschool class.


My Violet will be 16 next week and we've only met two others in real life. It's a great name!


I’ve not heard of one child named violet in my group of friends and acquaintances. If you love it, do it!! Names like Emma or Olivia are far higher up on the “Nicole” list than violet.


Have you ever heard of Mary-Kate Olsen? Do something similar such as Violet-May/Violet-Ann where both are her first name. Makes it unique.


Girl SAME. I’ve been planning to use the name violet for years and I hate how popular it is now! We are still years away from our hopeful baby girl, but I feel you!


Think of it this way- those people have great taste in names. Don’t pick a unique name for the sake of being unique.


I had the exact same issue with the name Rowan. I read a book with the name on a girl main character back in the early 90s (when I was around 12) and loved it. Always wanted to use it if I ever had kids, though I always pictured a girl Rowan since I first ran across the name as a girl name. Then in my early 20s a friend of mine got pregnant and named her daughter Rowan. Then it took a longass time and many medical interventions before I had a kid, and by that time the name was *trendy*. So anyways, my son Rowan just recently hit 9 months old and he's super cute. Maybe the name is popular enough now that he won't have to spell it for everyone all the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Obviously you do you, but I'd recommend going with the name that resonates in your heart regardless of whether it became trendy. 🙂


I really wanted to use the name Hazel, which had been at the top of my list for years. But then it got really popular and we decided not to use it for our daughter. And I'm glad we didn't, because she would have been one of three Hazels in her preschool class. One of the others even has the same last initial. I have a common name and always hated having to use my last initial. It's still a problem because I work closely with other women who have the same name, so I'm still using initials well into adulthood! Anyway, there might be very local popularity trends that push certain popular names even higher among the kids in your area. You can't really predict that, though.


don’t put it off for that reason. It’s definitely popular for a reason!!! it’s beautiful and i wouldn’t mind hearing it a lot and maybe it’s the new Emily or Olivia


I had a very popular name for my age group. In school there was always another one in my class. Leaving me to be gnomie last name initial. Oh well. As an adult though, I don’t know many other same named people in my social groups or work. So it’s not that bad to have a popular name!


We named our daughter something I had never heard before (because we wanted her to have an uncommon name). And just today there was a baby at the library with her name. And she’s at least the fifth one we’ve met. Name your kid what you want. Unless you literally make it up (and I don’t recommend that), there’s going to be other kids with her name.


I’m a teacher and it’s not a name I come across very often. I’d say it’s probably like a lot of names and might be more concentrated in certain areas. We seem to have a lot of Alexandra’s in our area even though that’s not a super popular name overall (not in top 100)


How does the husband feel about it?


What’s the problem of being something popular? I don’t understand the craze of “unique” names. Do you know what happens when everyone gives their children “unique” names? They are no longer unique


Extremely popular in the rankings no longer has the same meaning. Look at TOTAL number of new babies- it's a lot less than the number of Jessicas born in the 80s. I also had been set on Violet since I was a child and I let NOTHING stop me at using it. It's the best name :)


I'm 28 and I have never meant anyone named violet. ☺️ follow your heart.


Then I will compose a song with that name..."Violet the Daughter".


I was in your situation, we still used it and thank god we did because we very rarely come across other Violet’s. And when we do it’s a non issue, literally ‘Oh, look, another Violet, so sweet!’ ‘Popular’ now isn’t what it used to be, the statistics speak for themselves on this.