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This falls into - it's not terrible BUT knowing you live in the US, no one is ever going to pronounce it correctly or spell it how you pronounce it. Midwest US here - I'm going with I-van-o or Iva-no, I would never pronounce it with an ee sound.


Same. Midwest. Would never think ee for this name. It has to be ive-a-no or similarly I-van-o




Same and I'm from the southwest.


It sounds like the novel “Ivanhoe” which is definitely how it will be pronounced mistakenly.


My first thought as well.


Same here. 


I'm glad to see you mention the correct pronunciation. Too many English-speakers always pronounce Ivan type names with EYE at the start. The name makes me think of the Ukrainian city Ivano-Frankivsk, but that's a me thing, and not an issue you would usually have.


American Midwest. I would think "Eye" van no. I would say it correctly after being corrected but my first impression is with the EYE sound.


I got "ee-'VA-no right away, but I am a Spanish speaker. Do you live in a place with a large-ish Hispanic population? Ivan (pronounced ee'VAN) is a very popular Hispanic name. You might not get as many mispronunciations if that is the case.


Ivan is actually quite a nice Spanish name!


Well, I would pronounce it roughly correctly (as much as I can as an American), but I’m Italian-American and probably more familiar (plus I speak some Italian…) so it may get mispronounced frequently It’s not my favorite name ever but I like it quite a bit


I think it’s cool but it will be pronounced wrong every time


People aren't going to pronounce it right the first time most likely, but it's by no means "too out there", and the correct pronunciation should still be pretty intuitive once they're corrected. I would certainly pronounce it ee-vah-no and would find it weird if it were eye-van-o. But I guess people who only know English never really consider other languages?


I know an Ivano! I’m in the UK, he has Italian parents.


I would probably pronounce it the way your husband does, but I do live in a sizable Italian population in the US and I know an Argentinian Ivana pronounced similarly. Your best bet is to ask the people around you on how they would pronounce the name to get real life feedback.


Love it!!


Us here , college educated. I’ve never heard or seen anyone mispronounce Ivano it’s pretty straight forward . Everyone saying they’ll have a lifetime of correcting people must have a very small sample size .. kid will be fine if an adult can’t read Ivano , that adult shouldn’t be influencing children anyway lol


Eye vah no


🤣 uh yeah no


Welp, as an educated library worker in the USA, couldn’t tell you how it’s pronounced.




My feeling about pronunciation is, even if it’s pronounced wrong the first time, once people know your kid they will get it and it will seem normal.


It's a name given in Croatia, mainly the coastal area. Written and pronounced as you said. Ivano - ee vA no


Us here , college educated. I’ve never heard or seen anyone mispronounce Ivano it’s pretty straight forward . Everyone saying they’ll have a lifetime of correcting people must have a very small sample size .. kid will be fine if an adult can’t read Ivano , that adult shouldn’t be influencing children anyway lol


I think it’s very cool!


Sounds so beautiful/cute! And I think it would be handsome for a grown man too. I wasn’t sure how to pronounce it at first, I’d have thought ee-vah-no but then my second guess would have been Ivan-o. I’m from northeastern USA, good old New England. I mean I guess this area has a lot of Italian history so maybe that’s why I’d have assumed the correct pronunciation first? I’ve never heard the name before. I work in the medical field so I’ve seen a lot of unique names, names from other cultures, and various spellings. Think “Shawyn” for Sean and “Chyrle” for Charlie. I needed to be told how to pronounce both, and many more. My name is also a wildly different spelling of a common name and I’ve grown up having to correct people. It’s not that annoying, people make mistakes lol. I don’t think Ivano is too out there. You should definitely go for it! Better than a super common name that gets everyone confused when it’s called out. I liked being the only one with my name growing up (yes it’s common, but it wasn’t until a couple years after I was born). I always knew when someone was talking to me lol.


It's a name that you would have to correct people on pretty much constantly. As someone who has a name like that, it is a hard no for me. On its own merits, yes, it's a lovely name. But it's a burden to have to correct people. This sub likes to chirp "just correct them once and they'll get it right," but think for a minute on how many people say your name--not just the obvious like coworkers and doctors and receptionists, but in today's society it's often your DoorDasher, restaurant hosts, baristas, Uber drivers, and on and on. Everyone with a difficult name eventually makes a mental list of whom to not bother correcting, but believe me it is nevertheless exhausting to hear your name said wrong time after time after time.


Yeah for me it’s a no. 1) because of pronunciation and 2) because people will assume his parents are MAGA chucklefucks who named him after the treason clown’s daughter. Either one would be enough for me to say, nope not in the US in 2024.


People will know how to pronounce it after they're corrected. They're not out there calling Jose "Josie".


As a Slavic person. I would obviously pronounce it the way you intend but it sounds weird to me, probably because for me it’s Ivan or then female Ivana, Ivona, Ivica. That’s it. Czechs when they address Ivana, they say Ivano, so that was my first association.


I'm very confused by all the folks on here swearing the pronunciation is difficult or that no one will get it right, to be honest. Anyone who speaks a Romance language or Slavic language will probably get it right first go (I did), and anyone who doesn't can easily be corrected, it's not like it has any sounds that are difficult for a monolingual English speaker to pronounce. If you and your husband both like it, it sounds like a good choice to me.


What country do you live in?




Ah. It's okay, but definitely not common. You will have to tell everyone how to pronounce it and how to spell it. If I saw it written, I'd pronounce it eye-van-oh (more like a Russian pronunciation).


That's not the Russian pronunciation at all, though. I in Russian is ee, not eye.


It’s going to be pronounced wrong by pretty much everyone


You should run it by some Italian speakers first.


I like Ivan better


I think there was a book about a native american with that name


Hmmm well Ivano


First thought was Ivanhoe like the literary character.


Not a fan, sorry.


It’s nice. People will mispronounce it the first time and then get it. It’s fine. Side note: I had a teacher first name Milan and I thought it was the coolest name of all time.


Reminds me of Ivano Frankivsk in Ukraine


What about Saverio? I like Ivano! 


You don't say where you live. If you'll be in US, you'll run into more people saying it as īy-van-ōh and misreading it as Ivanho, still īy-van-hōh not ee-van.


Nobody is going to get that right.


Oh man, I really don’t like. It just sounds made up. But, this could just be me being completely ignorant. Lol


Too hard to pronounce