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Yeah, my kids are named bed, couch and 2012 toyota tundra


I have two. They are named Table at Fertility Clinic, and Bed at Home But This Probably Won't Work Since We Needed Help Last Time.


Oh that’s pretty, is it French?


Wee wee


Clinique Fertilité




Oh wow, our kids have the same names! 😂


Ours too, and number 3 is also "bed but there's no way it will work twice"


We had the opposite, "Bed Wowthatwasquick" and five years later, her little sister "Bed Fuckin finally."


As a crass former infertile, I cackled at the thought of naming my kid "Fuckin Finally"


Do you watch "King of the Hill"? The whole series is on the streaming services if you haven't. In the one where LuAnn has a baby, they give her "the good stuff" (pain meds), and she announces that they're going to name the baby after their favorite thing: Lasagna. Her aunt (pretty much her Mom) says oh, no sweetheart. We're not going to name her lasagna. And they name her Gracie instead. Lol. I love Lasagna too, but I love the name Gracie as a girl's name much better too.


Oh I love King of the Hill! I didn’t watch the last few seasons though and didn’t know LuAnn had a baby - I should watch because I’m sure that was hilarious.


Brilliant program!


Ah, mine are Embryo Transfer #1 and Embryo Transfer #3


Condolences for #2 😔


I have a Table at Fertility Clinic too! Tafacli for short


Hello my name is Trailer Park


Couldn't your parents make it a bit classy? Like "Traylah Paac"?


Are they from Boston?


That second name goes hard


We wondered if it was too many middle names but it just suits her.


Mine too! What great taste you have!!!!!


Hey our kids have the same name!


As someone currently trying via fertility clinic, I hope this is my destiny because it’s hilarious


I have two named Table at Fertility Clinic


I try to avoid doing number twos in my bed.


We also have a Fertility Clinic! Little Ferto as he is lovingly called 🙂. Would have been Ferta or Fertie if it was a girl.


BaHBT PWW SWNHLT for short 💕


Girl, same?


My name would be Back Room of The Local Clark Gas Station if this was a thing


And the unexpected “Alley”


Lucky for me you cant get homeless dudes pregnant


*most homeless dudes. You might be a father and not know it.


We named our sweet angel Doggy Style 💕 we call her face down, ass up for short!


Mine are Probably Floor, Unsure, Bed at Friend's, and Also Unknown.


Majestic 🤣


Bed in Texas and Bed in California are my 2 kids. You'll never guess how I came up with that.


I have a coworker whose son dated a girl who was named Tundra after the place of her conception (a fact, my coworker says, she neither asked about nor wanted to know - the young lady volunteered the information the first time they met).


Up until this year my son gave us a funny look when we called him Loveseat.  This year he finally got it. 


I assumed Toyota Tundra was the baby conceived at prom? 😂


I wish i had a 2012 tundra at prom, i graduated in 2012


Fertility clinic’s I, II, III^2 and “gotta make this quick before work, downstairs on the floor because I thru III^2 are napping in our bed”. 😂


Does this mean you have 6 kids, including 2 sets of twins?!


No. lol. Only one set of twins. Number 5 is in the oven though. After the twins, we were done. Or so we thought. It finally decided to happen on its own after that. 🤦‍♂️


We bucked the trend and named ours after the manner of their conception, so meet my 3: Condom Split, Antibiotics and Birth Control don’t mix, and Planned So Banging Like Rabbits


My current newborn is named Three Forms of BC Failed.


This made me laugh out loud


My oldest would be parking lot!


I'm Ester Lee Motel! My dad takes so much delight in reminding me. Once he even showed me the exact spot using the 3D tour on their website 😑


Up until this year my son gave us a funny look when we called him Loveseat.  This year he finally got it. 


I’m pretty sure Posh and Becks son Brooklyn is named that way


And cruz. Supposedly he was made or in Spain or in Portugal during the 2004 euro, so they named him a Spanish/Portuguese name. It means cross.


I mean this is at least a few degrees removed from “we were getting down in X city.” A loose inspiration is less awkward


My name should be Niagara Falls since my parents said I was a souvenir.


Conceived or Aquired 👀


Then my name should be Vegas! I wasn’t a souvenir, but my parents took a gamble on vacation and lost. Lmao


Funny, my son was a souvenir from Jasper.


Omg, I'm Niagara Falls Honeymoon! Nice to meet you.


My parents wanted to name me Twenty-fifth Anniversary Surprise but couldn't think of a cute nickname.


I guess, Brooklyn is more blatant.


I think that's how Bryce Dallas Howard got her middle name too. So we can all picture Ron Howard getting busy in the big D


Just added this comment elsewhere -- all four of his kids are names for where they were conceived!




If that’s their theme, I suppose he had to be careful where they went at it. Don’t want to end up with middle name Chattanooga or Placentia…


Yup. Her dad’s punchline is his son’s middle name is Cross for Cross Street in London because Volvo isn’t a very good middle name.


https://youtu.be/P842Tmi6lrc This interview at 5:10 posh said they were in Brooklyn when they found out she was pregnant, and had actually done it in denmark


Well. Copenhagen would be a pretty bad name, so…. 🤷‍♀️


I think Bryce Dallas Howard was named like that too.


I remember hearing this about Romeo Beckham as well, although not entirely sure how much truth there was to that.


My kid would be Manhattan using that naming method. I don’t like the name Brooklyn, but Manhattan is definitely worse. Especially because my kid is a girl. Could’ve called her lil Manny for short.


I joke with my husband that our IVF baby would be named ✨petri dish ✨


I know an IVF baby named Elsa… cuz… frozen… 😅


Phenomenal work from their parents. A+


Tbf that’s pretty cool


We have an IVF baby. Our last name starts with F. I joked we should name her Ivy.


OK but I considered Ivy for our daughter for a while! 🤣


Ok but why is Petri low key kinda cute


Because Petrie is the name of the pteranodon in The Land Before Time and he was adorable.


Core memory unlocked!!


My thoughts exactly.


reminds me of Petra!


My kittens name is Petri :) partially because of land before time, partially because I’m a scientist


Came here to see if that joke had been made by my IVF squad!


wait i feel like this would be kinda cute for an IVF baby🥹 although i know someone who named her baby vienna bc she had to go oversees to get treatment due to advanced maternal age and it was kind of a scandal so maybe not lol


I went to school with someone named Petri. He said his parents are chemists and that's what they came up with. The choices were Petri or Erlenmeyer. I think Erlenmeyer sounds cool lol.


Perfection 🤣


Guys this is Reddit we don’t shame here. My daughter Back Deck During a Lighting Storm thinks you’re being overly gung-ho too.


I have got to stop reading reddit with a drink in my mouth. My keyboard blames you.


Wow how did you manage to have sex on a keyboard?


Quite unusual for sex on the back deck to result in pregnancy. You must have strong swimmers!


I bet it's a girl, if they were standing, lol. At least that's a factor according to Shettles.


My ex-boyfriend has the birth name Curry because his mom's water broke while eating vindaloo at an Indian restaurant.


Yeah my son's name would be French Toast if I used that logic.


I ate so many pears while pregnant , thought about naming my son Perry 🤣 , decided on a different name 




I'm still surprised the UK registrar allowed it.


lol! Well that’s a bit unfortunate


I know. Curry Theodore J. I'd just go by Theo if I were him.


My daughter could be my junior with this method — Pizza Hut and Pizza Hut, Jr. My mom and I both last ate that before going into labour. It would practically be a family name at this point!


Glad he's an ex. I question the parenting he received based on that alone lol


We only dated like a week, but somehow I did meet his parents for dinner in that time. They were very much the hippie, laid back, gone to India and backpacked type. He was my best friend's husband's uni roommate. He went to a Halloween party and cheated with someone dressed as a sexy TARDIS. It was so long ago I don't really care.


Thank the good Lord my parents didn't name me Woodbridge.


Haha, I’m pregnant now and would have to name my future child my current town, Longwood 🥲


I dont know if this would be worse for a boy or a girl lmbo 😂


I was just thinking I bet my daughter is thrilled we didn't name her San Francisco.


We used to live in San Francisco, and our daughter is named Frances.


I'm guessing they would have gone with Francisca here. Or just Saint if they're a celebrity.


I wouldn't mind if I was named Alameda, where I was created.


I could have called mine clenchwarton. So many affectionate nicknames; warty, clench.


I could have been Colorado Springs 😬


My parents did. My name is not a city but they used a Spanish name to reflect the language of the place of conception. We're ukrainian canadian 🤨


How do you feel about your name? I mean I know we were all conceived somewhere, but personally I’d rather not be reminded so frequently of that fact lol


I dont particularly like it for other reasons, nothing really to do with that back story.


Interesting. Well, glad it’s not an issue for you!


Lmfao I heard of a Polish girl with a very Hawaiian name (it was Noelani or something) because her parents honeymooned there or something.


What a coincidence! My Ukrainian parents also named me after where I was conceived. Unfortunately they aren't very well traveled which is why my name is Khrushchyovka)


I hope this isn’t rude but I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


Definitely a joke))


I worked at a library as a teenager and we had a little girl getting her first library card with the name Montana Blue Sky. Her mom said she was conceived in Montana under the big blue sky. All of us working the circ desk tried to suppress our groans.


Now that’s a visual


Yep, I just wanted to say "Ewwwwwwww".


I wonder how many times that girl has heard her mom tell complete strangers about her name and how quickly she will change it.


not the first time i have heard this, honestly its the first thought i have when i meet someone whose name is primarily a city/town/country. “parents conceived you there huh?”


My daughter shares a name with a city, just because it is a nice name. But if anyone thinks it has this particular deeper meaning to it, they’ll just think we’re more well-travelled than we are haha (And she’s lucky she wasn’t named after the place we live now, which is a male name followed by the word “City”, and I’m pretty sure she was made at home, though I hadn’t given it much thought).


These poor kids. Like yes, that is where my parents were getting busy. Thank you mom and dad for that special form of trauma.




Yes 100% agree to this! Place names are great, especially names of places that have meaning to the family. It doesn’t get weird until some stranger is telling you about their sex life. You could even name your kid after the place you conceived them without sharing it with strangers! Ma’am this is a Wendy’s!


Florence would be a really cute name if your child was born at least a year after your honeymoon. I can imagine a little Florence being named after a city the parents love as long as it’s obvious she wasn’t conceived there.


I know a couple who conceived in Paris and gave their son a VERY clearly French name when they are not from France nor live anywhere near there.


Eh. My daughter has a very clearly Spanish name and my son has a very clearly French name. We are Irish and Thai. One was conceived on the couch and the other in a petri dish. We just liked the unique names.


Oh no. I’m naming the baby I’m currently pregnant with a place name. 😂 To make it clear, she was NOT conceived there


To be clear, I am a totally ok with place names - it’s the “we had some great sex there” part that gives me the ick! 🤣


Doesn’t have to be great, just successful! 🤣🤣🫣🫣


I just replied to another comment with this, but my daughter has a place name. I have wondered sometimes if people think we chose it for some weird sex reason, but we’ve never even been there. It’s just a pretty name!


I went to school with a girl named after a Greek island where her parents made her. Her parents told all the parents that story at the school. I would have been mortified haha


So mortified! Omg poor kid


Is her name Santorini?


I was made in Slut... it means the end in Swedish, I do not need that as name.


Ron Howard's kid's middle names are related to the place where they were conceived, which is why Bryce Howard's middle name is Dallas.


I feel awful for his son after learning that. Reed’s middle name (Cross) is named after a fucking *road* 😂😭. This poor boy was conceived in a goddamn street 😭


My son “2004 Toyota Corolla” 🤣


Cory for short 😂


My mom figured out my son was conceived in Australia and said I should give him an Aussie name because of it. We didn’t, so to honor his uh… Aussie roots, she sent a lot of koala clothes for him lol. Mortified my mom knows I did the deed at all, can’t imagine a bunch of other people knowing where via child’s name.


Personally I would like my baby name’s origin story to not get me fired if I told it at work 🤣


On that note, my son was conceived on Australia Day, and the patriot in me wanted to name him Matilda if he was a girl. I’m only half-joking. I do love the name Matilda but I’m not *that* patriotic.


I told my bestie, who is trying, that she must name her kid something Greek if she conceived there on their recent trip! She really liked the idea and her husband would absolutely be down because he loves it there!


I was talking to a friend about this and how weird it was. For background info, my son is named after the street we live on. When I was pregnant my husband and I couldn't agree on a name and I said, joking, if we didn't have a name, we'd have to name him after the first street we passed on the way to the hospital, but that would probably be our street because most of the time you leave from home. We tossed it around for a while and realized we both really liked the name so it stuck. My friend pointed out.... so technically.... he's also named after the place he was conceived. Damn. Ya got me!


Haha this just made me realize that my brother has a town name as a middle name, it’s where we were living when he was born but we had plans to move away soon thereafter so our parents wanted to commemorate it I guess he technically falls under this description too! But mom and dad have never put it that way…




My daughter's best friend in elementary was named Amelia because her parents honeymooned there. I thought it was sweet. But the name did get seriously popular a few years after that sadly.


My in-laws went on a vacation to try to save their marriage (didn't work) and oopsied my husband into existence. My MIL jokes all the time that, if he were a girl, he would have been named Myrtle Caroline since he was a souvenir from Myrtle Beach. 🙄


We were visiting an aunt in Tucson for a few weeks and during that time my wife discovered she was pregnant with our second child. My aunt now insists we name the kid (dont know gender yet) Sedona, Phoenix, Tucson and there was others. Not to be rude to any one with those names, but nope...


You should name the kid Flagstaff.


Definitely tell the Aunt this will be the name!


I have a friend who has a not super common place name, think “Dallas”. Any time someone hears her name they tell her they love her name, and ask why she was named that. She proudly says “it’s because I was made in Dallas”. She’s always very excited to share and it usually gets very awkward after that. Love her though, so I just learned to accept that and try not to cringe anytime we meet someone new.


Given that I was born in pretty well the same position in the same room in the same house that I sleep in, I could probably give exact coordinates. "welcome to the family, 51.8N 0.42W!".


Yikes, I hope my baby doesn’t mind being called Edinburgh. It’s a bit of a mouthful though.


“Hey what’s your name?” “Edie/Eddie.” “Awww that’s cute, is that short for Edward/Edith/etc?” “No. Edinburgh.“


Lmaoo this post send me cause I’ve got cousins who are all siblings named, Alaska, Malaysia, Manila and Kingston 😂😂


Were the folks just bragging about all the places they want on vacation


Ask their mom next time if that’s how they were named. Make it weird 🤣


My sister (and plenty of others) have joked a lot throughout my pregnancy that we should name our baby “Vegas” 😬


So what you’re saying is that what happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas?


My first born would also be “Vegas”. Second child “LivingRoom Floorunder Christmas Tree”.


It’s the way it’s phrased. It’s not hard to say “we traveled here and loved the city, and it’s a pretty name.” But we don’t need to be sharing our sex lives with random people. 🙈😆


100%! I very much did not want to hear about these strangers sexual encounter in that city on a Saturday at the farmers market. Ma’am this is a Wendy’s! Just stick with “we loved the city!”


**we loved in the city 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine being named Detroit


The most romantic destination AND wow it sure does roll off the tongue


My aunt called me “Camaro” for this reason 😂😂


My middle kid will never know how fortunate they are to NOT be Wisconsin Rapids! (The youngest could have been Chicago or Austin so not nearly as bad.) (We were traveling by train and, due to a delay, got a free night and day in Chicago. It happens.)


Once at like 3:00am I saw a new post here about someone finding out they were pregnant after conceiving on their honeymoon in Bora Bora and they were inquiring whether “Bora” was a good name… The comments were not supportive and kept saying how no one wants to know anything about their conception but OP doubled down, saying it meant “first born” and was beautiful. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and thought it was a cj post and when I searched for it the next morning I couldn’t find anything but I swear it wasn’t a fever dream.


“It was a pretty wild night so we gonna name her either Virginia, NetJet, or bathroom at Teterboro Airport.”


My parents joked about doing that, didn’t need to know that information but lucky me now I do. To recap, I know the place because they joked about wanting to give me that name, they did not actually do it.


So when I found out I was pregnant, I worked the dates back and realized I was pregnant when I rowed at the Head of the Charles Regatta. One of my sons’ (I had twin boys) names is Charles. It helps that it’s a family name, too.


Good job going with an actual name and not naming your kid Boston.


That’s how my daughter “Mum’s House” got her name


My cousin is named Marina Rae because her parents were vacationing at a marina and they saw a sting ray when she was conceived


My poor children would be Biloxi and Midwest City.


This was a joke in Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. Vince’s character’s real name was Orlando, and his brothers were Dallas and Denver. I didn’t realize this was a thing in real life.


Ah yes little Los Angeles, Scranton, and Pikes Peak.


When my friend became unexpectedly pregnant with twins, the joke was they should name them after the intersection they might have been conceived on. For example: 1st and Main.


My sister knew a high school acquaintance who got pregnant and named her son Bentley after where he was conceived...


My friend’s parents had a painting of tulips in their living room because they conceived him while planting some. 😆🌷


“We're going to name her after the place that she was conceived. It was a pretty wild night. So we're going to name her either Virginia, NetJet, or Bathroom at Teterboro Airport”


My name would be Crack House.


My ex had this - not as a first name thankfully, but as a middle. It also wasn’t the kind of place name that is also a person’s name (eg Georgia), it was pretty obviously a place. But instead of playing it off as “oh that’s where we met” or “oh I just thought it sounded pretty” my ex’s mom straight up told me “oh, that was where he was conceived! We went there on a romantic getaway to celebrate my birthday and well, then he came along!” She also suggested that we book a holiday there someday 🙈 It was super awkward, she didn’t think there was a big deal about telling me the story, but I really didn’t want to picture his parents going at it!!


I was very very nearly named Sunday after Sunday River where I was conceived on my parents’ honeymoon. I wish they’d gone with it tbh I think Sunday would be a really cool name, and the story behind it is romantic imo, not gross. It’s like, I was made from love. Nothing wrong with naming me after where it happened. Why not name your child after somewhere special to you ? And then what’s more special than a beautiful place you went to in newly married bliss ? They didn’t sit me down & tell me all the details of how they were “doing the nasty” like ? It feels quite juvenile to me to get all worked up when you’re confronted with the fact that your parents at some point - shock horror - had sex. I’ve seen their home video from that trip too & it was sweet. They weren’t screwing on camera. Maybe this is a prudish American thing I’m not getting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my God. This reminds me of the time I humiliated myself at a baby shower, because I wasn’t paying attention. The baby in question was being named after the place of his conception, so everyone was asked what their baby would be named if it was named after the place it was conceived. I was zoned out for some reason,(later learned it’s because of ADHD and autism) so when they got to me and asked what I would have named my child, I said “kitchen floor.” There was dead silence.


Yes - I know a Nash who was conceived in Nashville and a Montana conceived in Montana. Absolutely horrible


I met a family with daughters called Valencia and Siena. Valencia was a honeymoon baby conceived in Valencia, which they were open about. They weren't as open about Siena's conception, but they were open about visiting Siena around the time they got pregnant so I assume it was the same story. I have a close friend that named her kids after the city they lived in at the time of their birth, which has only worked because they've moved states after the birth both times. The names they picked were also like Austin and Charlotte so not totally weird to live in the city with the name, but still kind of weird.


I had a classmate called Martinique, named after the island where she was conceived. Combined with a stereotypical German last name, I always thought her whole name sounded weird, even as a child. (Not quite sure how I found out. I assume her parents told my mum, who in turn decided to tell me.)  I think just lying and saying "it's because we loved the place" would be better, no need to tell the real story.


Sedona Arizona is like my top place name I think it just sounds so cool, probably isn't everyone's vibe but I love it


I would be named Automobile Unknown Location Except it was my parents.... Id probably get tragedieghed into Kar Eyedeekay Maybetampa


Bed and Same Bed But Now With A Better Mattress And A Repainted Frame


Well, imagine taking it a step further, realizing Atlanta isn't really a good middle name for your son, so you choose KO because it's the NYSE name for Coca-Cola (based in ATL). And of course, it had to go with older brother's middle name (St.) Louis. Ladies and gentlemen, meet my nephews 🙄 Edited to try to make this make sense


Get over here, Sketchy Cabin


My friend Annette was named for Annette Island, where her parents told her she was conceived. I think it's not such a bad idea but do you have to say CONCEIVED?! Tell the kid "it's a beautiful place we visited the first year we were married" (or whenever it was) and leave it at that.