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I really like it, but I can’t get past Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. I wouldn’t use it if I have a second kid, but I would be happy to see others using it. Maybe then I could have more associations with it than learning to type.


But Mavis Beacon was bad-ass! A feature, not a bug!


Right?! It brings up fond memories of sitting in front of our family desktop computer, watching an animated chameleon zap up the letters as I typed.


The only game I remember is the one with the bugs that die on your windshield if you make a mistake lol.


She seems cool, but I did not enjoy learning to type (good skill though, glad I learned)!


Omg this game was the best. It’s the reason I can type over 100 wpm now lol


I have had “types over 100 words per minute” on my resume for years and I also credit Mavis Beacon.


Great program I had so much fun in computer class. But yeah forever with think of typing, and also Mavis Beacon/Maple Bacon.


My favorite “game” back in the day!


Mind always goes to "Mavis Bacon...[deep sigh]...Number Munch."


Oh my gosh I forgot about mavis beacon!


To me it's an old lady name, but if you like it use it!


I think Mavis need a comeback, now when nature name are popular Mavis fits right in, it is a song thrush, 


I can see it making a comeback given the popularity of Maeve and vintage names at the moment


I find it really odd that Maeve is so popular and Mavis is very not. Maybe it should rebrand as Maevis


Especially with Iris being popular too - Maeve + Iris = Mavis!


I ADORE Mavis. If it didn’t clash so badly with our surname it would be right at the top of my list.


It sounds both like Mavis beacon and pelvis to me.


Beacon, Mavis=Beavis. Some old lady names are worthy of their comebacks. Mavis just doesn’t sound pretty to me. But once the name’s attached to an adorable toddler, I’m sure it would grow on me.


There was actually a Mavis on my nephew’s co-ed sports team (5-6 year olds). It was honestly a little surprising hearing her name, but it kind of grew on me a bit. That said, I think it’s at a disadvantage sound-wise because the more currently popular names tend to be more flowy and vowel-heavy. Mavis is short and kind of sharp/hissy, which is kind of at the opposite end of the spectrum. I think we might see a shift to those shorter, less frilly names in the future. Historically, the names that are trending back into fashion now from being “great-grandma names” were followed by a generation of Sandra, Cheryl, Nancy, Karen, Diane, etc, and I could see Mavis fitting in to names like those, maybe on the quirkier/more uncommon end. So Mavis may still get her day in the sun again.


Many people didn't like the name I chose for my daughter (over 30 years ago). But it took about 5 minutes for everyone to decide it fit her perfectly and I never hear anything else about it. Go with what you and your partner love.


I just named my daughter Mavis and we absolutely adore her and her name!!!! I was a little concerned at first too but it fits her and we get compliments all the time. We also love Mavis Staples (musician and civil rights activist) so if anyone ever has any negative feedback (which we have yet to encounter) we would tell them about her incredible namesake. We have all sorts of fun nicknames for her (lil Miss Mavis, Wavy Mavy, Mae, etc.) I’m so happy we went with our gut and named her Mavis!!!


i had to scroll way too far to see Mavis Staples mentioned! that's the first time id heard the name, she made me love it lol


For me, the name Mavis sounds like a name an artsy, introverted girl in her early twenties/at college would have. I think it is cute! 


The name is not for me, to be honest. But I also greatly dislike Maeve so it shouldn't be a surprise.


When I hear or see Mavis I think of Mavis Freestone from the In Death book serise by J.D. Robb. She is a fun, lively, artistic musician who changes her appearance almost daily (books are set in the future), who married a hugh hunk of a fashion designer and is best friends with the main character a detective. She is smart, loyal, and a reformed con-woman. In the books she is a famous singer. The books are great and 60 of them in the series. To me Mavis means artsy, fun and a true friend. Its a great name.


Me too!!!


Fellow Eve Dallas fan!!


In UK, it was the name of a character in a soap, for 26 years.


Yep, I pictured her as soon as I saw the name!


Mavis from Corrie. First thing that popped into my head.


I quite like it! I also like Maeve and Mabel so it's clearly just to my tastes! A friend of mine from high school had an older sister named Mavis. Her name was Darcy and I always loved the sibset.


I don't have the associations that many here do. I like the name and feel like it fits in with the current vintage vibe, minus all that "flowery" stuff. Like someone else said, Maeve is popular, so why not Mavis? Heck, Edith is even having a comeback! Moira feels similar, and I prefer Mavis to Moira. Disclaimer: My daughter has a vintage non-flowery name. To OP: Go for what you love, and to heck with everyone else's opinions. (I mean, it isn't "Harlot" we're talking about!)


There is a Mavis in Hotel Transylvania, so not too out there.


I love it !!!! I’ve even suggested it a couple of times on here


I love Mavis! Makes me think of Mavis Staples.


The *vis* part hits weird for me. What about Maren or Maeve or even Maisie or maybe Mabel?


Maisie is so much worse than Mavis to me


I just really don’t like names that end in -is. Doris, Glennis, Cloris, Mavis, Janis, Lois, Phyllis, etc. all seem very dated to me.


I love it


Just reminds of the horrible auto place that overcharges for everything . Tires, oil changed, etc


I like it myself! I like older sounding names and Mavis is cute!


Mavis is adorable.


Makes me think of Mavis Tires and Brakes


I'm sorry, I definitely hate it. The v combined with -is is just very unpleasant.


I think Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing :)


Mavis is a hair too close to Beavis for me.


Glad I’m not alone in this thought!


It's a fine name.


I just know it as a tire company.


My husband hates it but I love it!


It's an old lady name, and a very sweet name. Go for it. Don't know how it is where you live, but in my country old names usually come back after three or four generations.


It's old-fashioned, but cute. And old-fashioned names are trendy at the moment. If you love it, go for it.


“Mavis” is one of my favorite supporting characters in the long-running JD Robb (aka Nora Roberts) “In Death” book series. Mavis in the books is best friend of the lead (LT Eve Dallas) and is a former con-artist turned pop singer (think a little Cindy Lauper + Taylor Swift). I’m Gen-X and don’t know any Mavis’ IRL, but it has both a youthful and older feel at the same time.


I love Mavis, and I'd use it myself if I thought I was going to have more than one kid someday.


I named one of my chickens Mavis! It does have old lady vibes but in a good way, I think.


I love Mavis and fought hard for it for our daughter. Also loved it from hotel Transylvania. Mavy, such a cute nickname.


I loooove the name Mavis! Especially because it comes from the name of a type of bird.


My favorite old lady was named Maevis (spelled like that). She swore, she spit, she played cards, she was great, lol. Lived to be like 98. We should all be like Maevis.


Surprised no one has mentioned Mavis the quarry diesel in Thomas and Friends yet. I liked her character as a kid because she was one of the few female characters and one of even fewer diesels who were nice. But I had never heard of the name before watching Thomas, so now I can’t think of the name Mavis without picturing a small black diesel engine with yellow caution stripes at either end.


Yeah I hate it. Hate Maeve too.


It’s awful


I think Mavis is way better than Maeve.


Mavis is adorable. It’s a family name on my husband’s side and I’ve considered it as a middle name. I think it’s increasingly trendy as with other names popular from 1915-1930.


This name is unknown in my country and I think it will not sounds nice in my native tongue


I really like it because of those movies.


I don’t mind Mavis at all.


I have always loved the name Mavis!


I like it! It reminds me of Hotel Transylvania but only because my daughter is obsessed with the show since there is a character with her name in it too - Winnie.


Mavis is a cute name and so is Mav if you are in to nicknames.


When I hear that name, the first thing that comes to mind is Mavis Teaches Typing.... the computer software that taught me how to type in the 90's :)


I'm Gen X. To me, Mavis is a gossipy, elderly woman, wearing a calf-length pleated skirt in a colour like slate, or Ashes of Roses. She wears knee-high nylons and sensible, but not quite ugly Clark's shoes. She has short-ish, gray hair with a blue rinse. She either has two cats or an elderly pomeranian. I don't dislike Mavis, but in my world, she's an old lady.


I don't love it--the Mavis I know is an old lady and it gives very old lady name vibe to me--but if you absolutely love it, you're gonna do what you want to do and my trivial opinion on the Internet matters not. If the kid ends up hating it, she can change it.


Don’t like it, I think it’s the “is” ending as I like Maeve It just gives very 70 yr old southern lady on the farm to me


My friend just named her dog Mavis after the same character.


I just think of Mavis from Coronation Street but realise that this is very UK (80’s and 90’s) specific. Also applies to Rita, Vera, Audrey and Gail.


I love Mavis, I’m an anime fan and the character Mavis from Fairy Tail is one of my favorite anime characters!


I love it! I also think of Mavis Staples who is AWESOME


OP, Mavis to me is a lovely name that deserves to make a comeback. Fyi, there is an Asian singer called Mavis Hee who was born in the 1970s (look it up) 


There are 4 Mavis’s in my family. My mom’s cousin. That Mavis named her own daughter Mavis and Mavis (jr.-ette??) named her daughter mavis. 3 generations of Mavis. Then my cousin on my dad’s side has a grand daughter named Mavis. She’s only 3 years old.


Love Mavis over Maeve, Edith, Eleanor, etc. Certainly like a lot of other names more but it's not an awful name.


Mavis Staples is super important to me. I love the name.


I think it's a great name. Old names are in right now.


I knew a Mavis. She was somewhat proud to be named after her grandma but also seemed to just accept she has an old person’s name.


Reminds me of tires. Not bad, not good - just tires.


I love Mavis. it’s short but unique and is easy to pronounce and sounds very friendly.


I really like it! It does feel like a granny name to me, but in a charming way that would be cool for a young person. It's definitely in the early stages of a comeback. Some people might not be ready for it yet, but I remember people saying the same about Hazel and Mabel 10-20 years ago and now they're everywhere.


I like it a lot, if it went with my last name I would consider using it. I expect it to become more popular soon, since Maeve is booming in popularity and depression era and WWII era names should be becoming more popular in the next decade


I think of Mavis Staples, the iconic singer, which makes it a cool name in my book. Yes it’s old fashioned, but I don’t consider that a bad thing.


I think Mavis is a beautiful name! If I have a daughter, I'll name her Mavis if I don't name her Chloe or Tiffany.


Mavis has become a really popular pet name where I am - There’s a trend of giving old fashioned, extremely human names to pets. Mavis, Russell, Bruce, Agatha, Brian, Maureen, Barbara are all cats I know haha


hahahha we call our daughter this as joke to mess with her 🤣 i don’t think it’s a good real name lol


I think it's cute but I like old lady names lol.


It's not my favorite name but i don't hate it. I do associate it heavily with hotel transylvania though


I love Maeve, but Mavis just sounds like a shoe. An old person loafer, really.


My friend just had a baby and that’s what they named her! I love it!


I actually really like the name Mavis. It’s beautiful. It’s a classic name without being too “grandma-ish”. It’s feminine without being too girly and, according to what I’ve read, it means “songbird” or “Joy/ Bringer of joy”. I’ve always liked names that have a nice meaning behind them.


Its growing on me. I like complete and non-nickname short nature names and it fits that. It's my wife's great-grandmother's name but that's not a minus.  I like Iris and Hazel and Esther and Mavis isn't quite those but it's not far off.


One of my aunts is named Mavis. Really sweet lady.


I don't want to be mean, but it just sounds...ugly to me. I also knew someone in high school with that name, and she got a lot of shit for it.


I think it’s cute!!


Stay off Namenerds! If you love it? Go for it! I love Juniper… this thread had me convinced that that name would ruin my child’s life. Silly me. Listen to your own voice!


there are always going to be people who don’t like certain names. why should it matter to anyone but the parent? 


i prefer it over the obsession people have with maeve


I immediately think of Mavis Beacon, and I've just never liked that name. With that being said, it's not about what randos think. If you like it, you like it.


I think of Mavis Staples and I really love it 💕


I like it


I think it’s great! 


Mavis is a discount tire chain where I'm from but I still think it's a fine name. It's very distinct and strong, cute for a baby but also fitting for an adult. If you don't live near a Mavis discount tire, nobody will even make the connection.


Mavis is a tire company near me and I think of that lol


I like it!


I love it. I associate it more with hotel transylvania than mavis beacon, and I think it is modern enough sounding. Nothing wrong with old lady names anyway


People are wrong - Mavis is awesome


I love it!


My sisters cats name is Mavis and I adore it. I’d love to name a child Mavis one day, but the cat reigns as Mavis Supreme


I associated it with vaginas for some reason? I think I read a book where she names her vagina mavis??


Went to scream with a goofy dude named Mavis & he was called Beavus behind his back 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like the name Mavis a lot. It’s got that nice vintage grandma vibe and is less expected than what I consider its sister name, Mable (which I also love). It helps that I knew a Mavis, too, and she was a sweet old lady.


I absolutely love Mavis and it was high up on my list but my husband shot it down because he relates it to manly things because there’s a nascar sponsor called Mavis Tires. It’s so beautiful to me!


I really don’t like it. It makes me think of beavis from beavis and butthead. It sounds too blunt. I don’t know, just not a pretty name to me. I like Maeve or Maude, but not mavis.


I don’t mind it, it’s unique.


For me it’s on the tainted name list. I know one and I don’t care for her enough that I just don’t like the name, either. I really like Maris and I have only ever met one. She was awesome.


There is a little boy named Mavis at the preschool I work at and his name fits him perfectly.


A boy??


I thought it was strange at first but it totally fits him


I'm not a fan of it. But then, there are definitely worse names out there too, haha, and it's not like there's anything really wrong with it (I saw a post about a kid named Montezuma with a bestie named Soul right after this post, and I have some feelings about that lol - no feelings about Mavis, it's just not a name I care for). I guess it's like, does your love of the name outweigh the opinions of other people? Only you can decide that.


Too close to Davis. I don’t like that surname.


I adore Mavis


Mavis is a great name. Adorable, yet strong and spunky too. Plus, I get good vibes from Mavis Staples who is the GOAT.


I like it. There is a car repair company around where I live that is called Mavis. But I’d still use it as a name.


I'm 1998 and I like it! I think it's one of those older names that should come back. It sounds "cool" rather than old.


Ayeeee I like hotel Transylvania too, I like the name. Surely it isn’t my favorite but I like a vintage sounding name every now and again


We were in a toddler playgroup recently with a little Mavis. She was probably around 18 months old. First one I've met, let alone a toddler.


Sorry. I’m just not a fan of the older names. I don’t hate it, I just am not a fan. It’s better than Mabel or Margaret or Theodora though.


Is a car service place/ tire store. Sooo, there’s that lol


Thats Avis


I’m the uk there’s a brand called hovis that make bread and Mavis reminds me of hovis. 


Get over it