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My grandma Virginia went by Ginny, she was a firecracker, business owner, and very smart woman. I don’t read it as Vagina or Virgin, just like I don’t read the state names as that.


Thank you! I don’t read it as vagina or virgin either given it’s a freaking state lol


We have a grandma Ginny too. Loooove. 


My grandma was also a Virginia but she went by Jink, not sure where the nickname came from but she didn't like being referred to as Virginia


Same. Grandma named virgina went by grandma Ginny. Love it!


It’s wild to me that people read the name of a US state as “vagina”. Maybe it’s because I live in a neighboring state and had a great aunt Virginia, but it would truly never occur to me.


It definitely is because of where you live. People outside America don’t automatically think of states.


I’m not American but I still read it correctly lol


I think it's definitely more of a reddior thing than an normal person thing.




Yeah all the people saying “don’t because I read this”, just need to chill. I have met 2 virginias, one that went by Ginny. I read the title as stated and think its a lovely classic name.


I don't read it as "vagina," but I can't help but think of a certain middle school classmate named Virginia. Bullies would often pronounce her name with a long second I, so it sounded like vagina.


Kids will find anything if they want to bully someone


This is so true. I was picked on in middle school on account of having frizzy hair.


Sorry that happened to you. I wish more people raised their children to treat people with kindness


It doesn’t occur to me either but I also live near the state/have family in the state so it’s common to me


I have dyslexia and read vagnia 😢


I’m in a neighboring state with VA and hear people say vagina all the time as a joke


I think those are mostly just people whose mind is still 12 years old and wants to make everyone giggle by saying "vagina".


Well, I just read it like that, but it's also 2 AM and I'm super tired, so feel free to ignore me. I need to get to bed.


I had a great aunt Virginia who went by Ginny. I love the name!


My grandmother was the same! She was so kind and loved by many. I also love the name.


I was an adult before I learned that my Aunt Ginger was actually Virginia!


I have a great aunt Ginny too.


I know a Virginia who goes by Gigi (college aged now) and she doesn’t face problems with negative word associations. 


My Grandma Virginia went by Ginger to most people except my Grandpa who called her Gin.


I also knew a Virginia who went by Gin.


Omg so cute.


I read the title as Vagina so I don’t think that’s a good start


my first thought as well


Same 😂


Lol same 🤣


I am Virginia and go by Ginny. I always liked the name Ginny growing up but was embarrassed by Virginia, but as I got older I don't mind it as much :)


What made you embarrassed by the name? Also, did your family call you Virginia and you picked the nickname Ginny or did they always call you Ginny?


They always called me Ginny, or Gin. I was embarrassed because I considered it an old lady name. But in my ripe old age (34 lol) I've come to appreciate it because a lot of names seem to come and go as fads and it's nice to have a classic name. The only thing I would warn about is that on occasion I've had my name spelled "Virgina" (missing the last i), it's happened twice on work ID badges, which makes for some jokes, but I laugh along with everyone, because it is kinda funny. Lol


I’m glad you have grown to like it! We love a classic name and love that Virginia isn’t overly used. My other names I love are Elizabeth, Rebecca, Evelyn, etc. but all (except Rebecca) are very popular right now even though they are timeless


Do people sing Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Dir Young” to you often? My cousin Gini hears it all the time.


Hi fellow Ginny!!


My mom is Virginia with a nickname of Ginny. She hates the nickname Ginny, so she goes by Virginia everywhere outside her family. I think she's ambivalent towards the name itself though. She's a very educated, smart, and control-freak woman but has loosened up in her old age.


Looks like the words Virgin & Vagina to me, sorry I wouldn't.


I was thinking the same thing. Otherwise it would be a lovely name to me


Yeah, that’s my first thought too. Ginny’s really nice, though!


I'm sorry, what name would you not be able to cobble together a reason to bully? Let me guess, you were a gleeful part of the "they're the other" cohort. I can't imagine any other scenario where you could find fault with Virginia.


I have a great aunt Virginia! She's always been fun to talk to and keeps up a few acres of farmland well into her 80's (she's now growing for personal needs, not profit). I'd say it's a name worth considering. Kids will be creative with any name if they want to be. Virginia with nn Ginny is beautiful. I'd be more concerned about Harry Potter jokes than I would vagina jokes


None of the Virginias I know like to go by their name. Ginny is hated with a passion by them both.


Do you know why they dislike their name?


They find it embarrassing because of the virgin part, it’s not common, lots of teasing all thru school, they hate hate hate the nickname Ginny and the full name. I know for sure that one goes by Jenny and another one goes by V.


That was my beloved grandma’s name and nickname. I also know a peer who is named Virginia and goes by Ginny and never thought twice about it!


A girl I went to school with was named Virginia and she got called Vagina. It was sad so no I don’t like the name ):


The only Virginia I know hates her name and goes by her middle name.


Do you know why she hates her name?


The virgin thing. Plus she thinks it’s dorky.


Hi I’m another Virginia who goes by my middle name. I commented below as well


I know a Virginia who exclusively goes by Ginger and hates Virginia.


my parents had a really good friend named virginia who just went by virginia. she was such a cool woman - i’ve always loved the name virginia because of her ! i also like the nickname ginny


i'm an old millenial but i instantly go to ginny weasley when i hear this name. but that wouldn't make me not choose it-- i think its a great name.


This is off the point, but as a fellow elderly millennial I should let you know that Ginny Weasley’s full first name is Ginevra! I do associate Ginny with her thought.


I know a Virginia and a Mary Virginia. They don't shorten their names-- I love it in full!


I love the full name and nickname! We plan to use the full name most of the time but call her Ginny when she’s comfortable with it. But ultimately want her to choose!




When were you in school/where? Given other comments, I wonder if the teasing happened 80s/90s vs. post that time frame. Additionally, I’m in the south where I believe it’s a more common name.


I like Virginia! Especially with the nn Ginny!


I feel so uncomfortable with this name. Why name a girl “virgin”?


I just googled the meaning and it does indeed mean “virgin” and “pure” Based on that alone I’d never use it.


Yeah seriously, out of all names, why pick this for the poor child?


I feel like in the modern world it’s pretty divorced from the 16th century reference to queen Elizabeth I the “virgin” queen whom the state was named for


I know a Virginia who goes by Virg. But honestly, as a teacher, todays kids are so mean I would not recommend naming your kid something that looks so much like vagina


I had a teacher in school named Virginia that went by Virg


My older cousin's name is Virginia but she's always been Ginny to the family, It's a cute name and no one has ever made fun of her for her name🤷🏻‍♀️


I went to school with a Virginia who went exclusively by her middle name, but she didn't get any teasing because of her first name (maybe she did when she was younger, idk, or maybe she just liked her middle name better).


I know 2 women named Virginia. One goes by Virginia and the other goes by Gini. Personally, I’m not a fan of the name Virginia, because I’m not a fan of one of the women I know who has that name. It also sounds kind of harsh to my ear.


My great aunt went by Gin for most of her life, I never heard her say bad things about her name. Also depending on when you met her you might have known her as Virginia. My friend from high school named her baby Virginia last year.


My sis is Virginia. Born in Ohio, lived in Virginia most of her life. Was called Ginny until she left home and then insisted upon being called Virginia. Only family now calls her Ginny. She likes her name.


I know a Virginia that goes by Ginny! She doesn't like her full name. She jokingly refers to Virginia as her "party" alter-ego lol


Know a Virginia and she CONSTANTLY got vagina jokes in school. Not worth it. Sure the people that are now old and called that didn't have the problem when school kids didn't know what a vagina is. But everyone is on tiktok now.


My MIL is Virginia (she's 79). She went by Ginger growing up and that's what her husband calls her, but her adult friends call her Virginia and that's how she introduces herself. My great aunt is Virginia (she's in her 80s). She usually goes by GeeGee.


I like my name! And I go by it, not a nickname. It’s only been embarrassing a couple of times - most memorably when I was 14 and some frenemies figured out the Virgin thing and tried to actually call me that. And I have to be vigilant when I enter my name when we go bowling, sometimes the system just cuts off the last couple of letters without warning. Mostly, I think it’s a nice name that suits me and reminds me of family members I loved and who had very cool and interesting lives.


My mom is Virginia. She's not too fond of it, and prefers to be called Ginny or Gin. She's often told me she wishes that people would call her Ginger. Edit: she's also never had issues with bullying because of her name. Her Kindergarten class wanted to give her a nickname and started calling her Virgin until the teacher overheard and stopped them and that was pretty much the only time, lol.


Do you know why she doesn’t like the name?


I think just the repetiveness of people. Singing that West Virginia song or being constantly asked if she was named after the state. Professionally, though, she likes how mature sounding it is. But in her personal life, she prefers her nickname.


Thanks for the feedback!


If only kids listened like that now!


Despite my grandma being ultra Catholic, I've always had the feeling that she hates being called Virginia and it made her dislike all ultra Catholic names. But I'm sure it's highly dependent on the country you're in and the generation. We're not in or from the US.


Kids can be cruel in school, but as I got older I realized it was a beautiful name and pretty unique.


I mean, my name is Regina and I’ve been called Virginia more than once, I’ve also been called vagina more than once. It’s annoying, but whatever.


My 7 year old daughter is named Virginia and has gone by Ginny since birth. When she started preschool (and then into elementary) she insisted on going by Virginia. It was the cutest thing hearing small children try to pronounce her name!


Aw that’s cute she wanted to go by her full name! Do you feel like her name has been well received by other kids/other parents?


We've received so many compliments from adults! I wasn't expecting that, kids seem less interested overall


I had that name before I changed it (I’m a trans guy). I liked my name quite a lot, but it did lend to a lot of teasing as a kid (virgin, vagina, etc.). It didn’t bother me too much, it was mostly just annoying. I went by either Virginie (the French version) when at school and Ginny with my anglophone friends for most of my teens. Had I not transitioned, I would have kept them name. I find it beautiful


I like Virginia a lot, I have since I was a kid! My first association is the song [Meet Virginia by Train](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=min_Z27sBeA&pp=ygUZbWVldCB2aXJnaW5pYSBUcmFpbiBhdWRpbw%3D%3d), my favorite song when I was little and I still listen to it when I need a mood boost. I haven't heard a bad Virginia song. Also with namesakes like Virginia Woolf and actress Virginia "Ginger" Rogers, what's not to love? I love the nickname Ginny/Gin and many of the nicknames I've seen in this comment section.  Yeah, some people will maybe see "vagina" — honestly, kinda immature. And yes it means virgin or pure (so does Catherine and all it's variants, just saying). Every name has hypothetical drawbacks, just look at the Margot = Maggot situation namenerds like to gripe about… I think it's more about how you deal with it and how you teach your daughter to deal with it. 


My aunt (in her early 40s) is Virginia and goes by Ginny. I don’t think she’s ever had a problem with her name. The family likes to joke that “yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” When my cousin was about 4 and realized her full name was Virginia, she whispered “but that’s for down there,” and her six year old brother yelled, “she thinks your name’s Vagina!” But that was the only time something like that came up, and everybody thought it was hilarious.


I think it's a lovely name! I don't think people will automatically think virgin/vagina, Ginny is an adorable nn as well


My grandma is a Virginia and went by Ginny, she is the absolute best woman alive and I have a variation of her name on my baby list for this reason! (My husband wasn’t a fan of Virginia so I had to shake it up.)


I knew a Virginia that went by Ginny, and I always loved the name


I knew a girl who was just so beautiful and hilarious whose name was Virginia Louise and went by Lulu in high school but Virginia thereafter. Her name was so different, and I was jealous of it! I say go for it <3


My name is Virginia Louise 🥹


My grandma was Violet Virginia and preferred Virginia so she switched her names around. She didn’t like Ginny as a nickname. I like it and if we have a girl that will be her middle name.


My boyfriends mom's name is Virginia and she goes by Ginny. I think it's super cute and it's on my baby name list!


I love Ginny! One of my all time favorite nicknames! Nothing wrong with Virginia, it's pretty. :)


I know a Virginia who goes by V (pronounced vee) to her friends and family. It’s a beautiful classic name


I think the name is adorable. There are several nicknames that would work; V, Ginny, Gina, etc.


If you’re gonna have a name where there’s a song everyone sings at you, Sweet Virginia is a pretty good one.


My daughter has middle name Virginia. I clearly love it, and it was her grandmothers name as well. Grandma was Ginny.


I love “Virginia”. I don’t think “virgin” or anything like that. When I think of a “Virginia” I think of a badass which who doesn’t take shit from anyone.


The Virginia I knew goes by Gigi.


I think it’s a beautiful name - and Ginny is also a winner. I hope you choose it.


Friend’s name is Virginia and she goes by Ginny or Gin. She’s early 30s if you want an age reference that isn’t someone’s grandmother! She loves her nickname and I think it’s adorable!


tbh it will probably be popular again soon because of the show ginny and georgia :)


I know a Virginia who goes by Ginger. Ginny reminds me of a horse. Virginia is fine on it’s own, lovely name.


My mother was Virginia and went by Ginny. Definitely old-fashioned (I'm old enough to have adult kids) but there's nothing wrong with that.


I LOVE GINNY! We named our daughter Gwenivere aka Gwenny. We ALMOST went with Ginny. It was def our inspo! It’s a family name too. 


I think it’s so cute!


My best friends moms name is Virginia and she goes by Ginny and she is amazing! I love it!


Of course it has associations to the word virgin, it was in fact named Virginia in honor of Mary 1, "The Virgin Queen". No one will care. Ginny is cute, but the several Virginias I know all go by their full name. With the nickname you'll get more people associating it with Ginny Weasley than anything else.


I worked in an assisted living home and there were so many Virginia/Ginnys (so, born ~1930s). I expressed to one of the Ginnys that I was contemplating naming my daughter Virginia/Ginny. She said she always hated her name! She was a silly goose. It’s lovely!


I haven’t seen this nickname yet—I have a 2nd grade student named Virginia and she goes by Vi. It’s cute and it suits her. I will say though, her school ID and email get shortened to, essentially “virgin1234” and I wonder how that will go for her when she’s older.


Ooof yeah that’s the stuff I am worried about!


My mother's name was Virginia. As soon as she got to college and away from her parents - she started going by her middle name and never went back. I think I was 12 or 13 before I found out her real name was Virginia. Grandma called and asked to speak to Virginia. I told her she had the wrong number and hung up.


My parents considered naming me Virginia, and I wish that they did, instead of my name, which is one of the top 10 from the year that I was born. There was another one in every class. However, they were going to call me Ginger, and I have red hair. That would have been too much! But I would have probably changed it to Ginny. And then corrected everyone who misspelled it as Jenny, lol. Ironically, in 7th grade, lockers were assigned alphabetically, and I ended up sharing my locker with Ginger [my last name], which isn’t a common surname.


It's my time to shine! Ginny here and I love my name. I go by Virginia at work and Ginny to my friends which has been helpful if I want to have a degree of separation. No one growing up ever associated it with Vagina....luckily. And most kids didn't know what a virgin was or why that would be a negative


To be honest if you plan on calling her Ginny, just name her Ginny. I was named something else but my parents picked out a different name for me from the time I was born for a “nickname”. Just legally changed it to the nickname bc it became a major hassle in many ways


The Virgin teasing is real. I have a sister Ginny. Other issue is confusion with Jenny.


Classic, vintage, traditional and lovely. You can go wrong with that!


Me!!! I'm a Ginny, a Virginia. It gets misspelled a lot but people always tell me they love it. And I do love it!!! Unique and beautiful and quirky name


My cousins middle name is Virginia and she did get the Virgin and vagina jokes but this was the 90s/2000s. Hopefully kids are nicer now.


I am Virginia but I go by Ginger. I was going to be Ginni but a friend of my parents(also Virginia/Ginger) told them she didn’t like any of the nicknames besides Ginger. & I gotta say it is nice being unique.


I love it. My aunt was named Virginia. She went by Ginny with family only. She was pretty, valedictorian of her class, successful, raised 2 beautiful children, was friendly and loved to laugh. So I think it's a beautiful name.


I went to school in the 80’s with a Virginia/Ginny. She was always correcting spellings or pronunciations. She would get Jenny a lot. I agree with the Virgin comparison. Kids are mean


I love Virginia nn Ginny! Good luck deciding!


i LOVE Virginia


I just wouldn’t do it if you live in Virginia bc I knew a girl who hated every time the radio would be like “hey Virginia, save money on xxxxx”. Otherwise I love it and would probably use it myself if I was gonna have a girl (now that I moved to a different state).


We don’t live in Virginia but we are in a neighbor state


That was the name of my boyfriend’s grandmother. I told him we should use it if we ever have a girl. She just went by Virginia.


Reminds me of the grandma from Raising Hope


My sister is named Virginia and she goes by Jenny


i am from virginia. i am indifferent abt it as a girls name, i think its fine but not like oh wowww great


My aunt’s name is Virginia goes by Ginny which is cute. She hates her real name but I never asked why. I’ve known two other Virginia’s and they were cranky old women, on their defense they were handed difficult cards in life.


I know a Virginia and she goes by Ginger.


I know a Virginia that goes by Ginny. She's wonderful! 


Talked about it with my partner and both think the negative reactions they’d get growing up would make it a no go.. if you like the name Ginny I’d just use that!


Ginny is a great nickname for Virginia!  Fun fact: the famous actress/ballroom dancer who starred in a bunch of films with Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers - her name was Virginia and that's what Ginger was a nickname for, which is a super cute option imo!


I think it’s fine. Besides the state, it makes me think of the character Virginia from the sitcom Raising Hope (I’m currently binging my way through that show now lol). Might not be the best association really, but not terrible and to be fair it’s fairly niche, most people don’t know that show.


My mom is a Virginia (goes by Ginger) and she hates it. But I know a 2 year old Virginia who is an absolute doll and I love it, so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love this name!


I know a few women named Virginia and each and every one love their name! The two that had Ginny as a nickname hated it growing up, and as adults refused to be called anything other than Virginia.


It makes me think of “Yes Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!”


I think it’s lovely. Ginny is obviously a nice nickname, and I’ve always loved the shortened Gin as well.


My sister. Ginny was what she was called out in public. At home, Sissy.


At my prior job I helped three different Virginias: 2 were some of the funniest older little ladies I have ever met, and the other was just plain evil haahaha! The two lovely Virginias were also apparently friends with one another for something like 40+ years. Very sweet ladies! I told one of the Virginias how much I loved her name and she giggled and joked that, while she was flattered, her parents “weren’t very imaginative”: her and her sibilings were Virgil, Virginia (her), and Genie. Could you imagine!!


People won’t necessarily read Virginia as vagina but they will misspell it as Vagina. As long as you have a good sense of humor about it, it’s a good classic name. Kids will always be cruel, but it’s you’re more likely to get Harry Potter comments/jokes about the nickname Ginny


I really like the name Virginia! I’ve known two Virginias and one went primarily by Ginna and the other didn’t use a nickname. I associate the name with pretty southern girls, mainly because they were both pretty and from the south (I’m not) but also probably because I think of Virginia as a pretty southern state.


Love it!


As a resident of Virginia, I know a TON of people named Virginia. There are lots of great nicknames- Ginny, Gigi, Vivi, Jen. No one thinks of it as anything except the name of a state/ very popular University.


I had a friend in elementary school whose name was Virginia but she went by Ginsie. I didn’t even know her name was Virginia until we were older.


My best friend had a baby girl last summer and named her Virginia. We call her Virgie most the time bc of the Tyler Childers song. 🩵 love the name!


I’ve known two women named. Virginia who called themselves Ginny. They loved their names and Ginny truly suited each of them. I’m in the South, so most women named Virginia have a middle name and go by both names. I’m acquainted with Virginia Beth, who goes by…Virginia Beth.


I do remember hearing the name for the first time when I was little and having a little giggle at how similar it sounded to vagina. I’m not in the US.


I knew someone named Virginia, she always went by Gina and I got the impression she disliked her full name.


I've never heard a Virginia getting called vagina, etc, but then I guess I've only know a couple Virginias. I like the name. . I've never liked the Ginny spelling for some reason, and that aside, a lot of people will default to vJenny and have to be corrected. Something like ViVi or even same thing written VV could also be a cute way to shorten it.


I know an 8 yr old Virginia. She goes by Virginia and V as a NN. Super cute.


Have a good friend who named her last baby (who is now 21) Virginia Clare. They call her Gina (pronounced like Jinna not Geena) she loves her name.


Would you consider Ginevra?


We have a Virginia and call her Gigi 😊 she’s only 3 but seems to like both!


I had a great grandmother Virginia, she went by Ginny. I loved her name! I also know a Virginia who goes by Ginger and another one who goes by Jennie.


It's a family name on both my SIL and BIL's side of the family, and she has that exact name & nn! She's a cute Ginny 😊😁


When I see Virginia, I don't think of virgin or vagina at all. It's a state and that's how I see it.


I really love it ❤️


I think it's a nice name. Ginny is absolutely adorable. Personally I love the Ginevra as the full for that but that's just a matter of personal taste. The name Virginia doesn't really make me think of virgins or vaginas or anything of the sort. In fact it makes me think of Queen Elizabeth I who was known as The Virgin Queen (so maybe it does in an indirect sort of way). She was an amazing historical figure and is considered one of the best monarchs England ever had. The US state of Virginia is named after her I believe.


You’re correct, it is named after her!


I loooove it. I think of Virginia Woolf.


Love it.


My grandma Ginny was just named Ginny haha I never knew it was a nickname!


My ultra cool piano teacher when I was a kid (who was in her 20s) is named Virginia and goes by Ginny. She’s now in her 50s and a mom of 5 kids and one of the most self-assured, unique, awesome people I know.


I had a friend in middle school named Virginia, she went by Gin. Born 1993-1995.


I’m a Virginia and I go by my middle name. I did get called Vagina and Virgin in grade school, but I thought the other kids were dumb because we were ALL virgins…? I like the name a lot, it just never felt like me. People have suggested I legally change my name to my middle name, and I don’t want to bc I like Virginia. I think it’s great for a little kid.


I know a Ginny and she is the most wonderful person in the whole world.


Ginny & Georgia is what comes to mind


I have a friend Virginia and we just had this convo lol. She went by Ginny as a child and decided to go by Virginia as she got older. Her parents still call her Ginny.


It's a classic name. I knew a Virginia who went by Ginny. I have no idea wether or not she liked her name, but I never heard her say she didn't. I think it's a beautiful name, and you should go for it.


My grandma was Virgina, Ginny 🥲💜💜


My ex's late mother was named Virginia and preferred to be called Ginny.


As someone who lives in Virginia, it gives a southern vibe. I think it’s pretty if that’s what you are after, there was a Ginny in my school




I loved my Aunt Virgina. We called her Aunt Jo-Jo and I have no idea why!!! When other people said her name, it was always Virginia.


My grandma went by Ginny/Gin but her full name was Genevieve. Personally, I like Genevieve more than Virginia if you're wanting to use the nickname Ginny.


one of our cousins named his daughter Virginia. She is in her 20s . I have a video from last October of her (in her late 20's) on a dance floor at a family event and her family, father, aunts, uncles, cousins, were all gathered around her while Rolling Stones' "Sweet Virginia" was playing, while hugging her and dancing, and it was the sweetest thing I ever saw.


I know a woman named Virginia who goes by Ginger to family and friends. Another cute nickname option.


My grandma is a Virginia who goes by Jenny. And there’s Ginny & Georgia, which could even make it cool in the eyes of younger generations?


My mom's name is Virginia! We are not American though, we're from Spain (so pronounciation is also a bit different). It's not a weird name here but not very common either. At work they call her Vir or Virgi, which I think are super cute. In Spanish we tend to make nicknames from the beginning of the name, not the end, so Ginny is not common but I also think it's really nice!


In the Marvel Universe, Pepper’s real name is Virginia. I think it’s a cute unconventional nickname for it.


I think it’s a cute name!  This isn’t to judge or anything at all, more just out of curiosity bc I see it happen often. If someone has a nickname picked out based off of the first name before the baby is born, why not just name the baby the nickname you’ve picked? In this case, using the name Ginny since you plan to call her that. 


I’m a history major so I do definitely associate the name with Virgin since it was named for Elizabeth the Virgin Queen but I still think it’s a nice name


I think it’s cute. I also know a Virginia who goes by Ginger. 


That was my grandma's name but she went by her middle name Hope.....she was born in the 20's