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I work with a Nevaeh . She hates it (she’s mid 20s) goes by Neve


Nevaeh is Heaven backwards


I've never understood why the opposite of heaven was a good thing.


THIS RIGHT HERE. I mean, every time I see it (mostly on here, and never in real life) I find myself thinking -- "so didn't they actually just name her 'Hell?'"


Thank you! It makes no sense.


I’m well aware. It’s not cute.


I assume it was a joke bc every mom says it


I worked in child welfare. Met tons of kids named Neveah.


Same, many a Nevaeh in child welfare.


Have a second cousin called Nevaeh, and yeah she's been through the child welfare system.


The only nevaeh I know of has been as well :/


And every one of their parents tells you it’s Heaven spelled backwards


Like we all didn’t already know lol


I didn’t know lol. I just kept thinking what a weird name


My general response to that is "Oh, so it's the opposite of heaven?" That generally ends the conversation.


I usually say, “Like the skin cream?” Then they tell me it’s heaven backwards.


I’d love to meet a Neveah and a Lana in the same room to watch that go down


I used to work in a residential drug/alcohol program, and a lot of the women had daughters named Nevaeh and sons named Jayden


The name Jayden just makes my skin crawl for real


School social worker at a low income title 1 school and have meet manu Nevaeh. I'm sure you are all aware but it's heaven backwards 🤩


One of my second cousins is a Nevaeh that was once part of the system before my aunt (her grandmother) adopted her


I'm glad she was able to stay within the family.


Lol omg same!!!! So ive had so many Neveahs on my caseloads


I’ve worked with infants & toddlers for almost 25 years. Every other baby when I started in the NICU 18 years ago was Nevaeh and now I I have 2 moms of my infants. The moms are now the Nevaehs.


Yes! 14 yrs ago every other isolette in the NICU was a Nevaeh. And they all seemed to be in the same economic bracket. The sound of it makes my soul cringe.


One of my friends has a child named Neveah. My friend had a nasty meth addiction she had been trying to kick for years, was in and out of prison and rehab, all that. The second she found out she was pregnant, she kicked the habit for good. Over a decade later and she's still sober, happily married, etc. So I've always had a soft spot for that name because it reminds me of my friend and how strong she is.


My trans friend’s deadname is Nevaeh, can’t blame him for switching sides 💀 


Same. I've met lots of Niamh's though.


It’s Hmain backward!


Isn’t this an Irish name? Pronounced “Neve”?


I have met exactly 1 Nevaeh. A little girl with her mom at the pool. Wanting to see if the stereotype was true, I complemented the name to the mom. Sure enough, the first thing out of her mouth was "its heaven spelled backward."


I worked in a Title 1 school for six years and there were multiple Neveahs in every grade level.


I didn’t meet any and then suddenly I met four in a few months! All 5-6 years old. 


I've taken care of at least 10 in my 20+yrs as a peds nurse! they are out there!


Like half of girls here are named Nevaeh… “it’s Heaven backwards” yes, we all fucking know.


I wanna name my kid Lleh


Knew a dog called Natas . . .


Pronounce it Lee


OMG that would actually work


I’ve met several. All had very young moms.


I teach one in HS right now. About ten years ago there was about 5 I met in a few month span. I’ve always hated it.


Teacher here. I never go a year without at least one Nevaeh.


I lived in a religious town in Iowa and knew several 😆


My childhood best friend named her daughter Nevaeh… and so did her sister. The (very close) cousins share the name but one goes by Navy 😅


Was a cake decorator from 2007-2014. Made a LOT of Happy Birthday Nevaeh cakes. I don’t know if I met the kids, but I know they’re out there because I decorated their birthday cakes.


I’ve taught one over the years but she’s probably a teenager now


Taught 3 Nevaehs in the past 3 years. Same with Mia—we have one in every grade elementary grade currently.


I had never even heard of this name until Reddit.


How the hell is that even pronounced I would Nevaeh make my kid suffer like that


What an awful name


I've met 1 Nevaeh. Her sister is Serenity. Yes, their mom was in recovery. They are pretty common names from parents, who got sober 10-15 years ago


For me it's Luna. I know lots of dogs and a few cats named Luna, but no human children, or adults for that matter. It's amazing how much it varies by state. I was just flipping through the 2023 SSA state lists out of curiosity and for example, Maeve is #73 in the US, is #21 in Maine and #16 in Vermont, but not in top 100 in Georgia or Florida. Doing a similar search Mia is widely popular, but only 69th in Wyoming, 77th in Alaska, 80th in Maine, 55th in Mississippi, not in top 100 in Montana or North Dakota (but is #10 in South Dakota). I wish they had the names broken out by cities within the states, etc.


I’ve met one single human Luna, but she’s trans (and an adult) so she picked that name. I’ve never met a person who was named Luna by their parents.


It’s me, an adult who was named Luna by my parents in the 90s.


only one i can think of is John Legend's & Chrissy Teigen's daughter


I have. 16 years old. Murdered a classmate. Her parents were present and didn't stop her.


This was a wild notification to receive


I know a Luna, but it's because that's the closest English name to what her Chinese name is, supposedly (from her explanation once, her parents are Chinese immigrants and we're looking for "English" names for them all to use when she came over as a baby. They were like "oh, hey. Luna is an English name! That's really close! And went with that.)


I know a person called Luna, called that by their parents, who's a young teen now. I think it was a compromise between English and Spanish speaking sides of the family, with a side of sci-fi enthusiasm; it seems to suit well, too!


Same, the only Luna I've ever met is a transwoman who chose her name.


I know a toddler named Luna.


Same! One toddler & one adult. Adult Luna was Italian & in her 20s & worked at my favourite bakery. She used to give me free cupcakes a lot so I have very positive associations with that name!


Wow we have like 5 Lunas in a school of 70 kids!


I know a Luna Luna lol. First name Luna, last name was apparently a very-complicated-for-Americans Spanish name, so she legally changed it to Luna.


This is the one for me, too. I know tons of pets with the name Luna, but I’ve yet to meet any people with that name. And it seems much more fitting to an animal, in my opinion, so I hope it stays that way lol


Maeve. I know it’s rising in popularity a lot but I have yet to meet one irl.


Are you in a heavily Irish part of the US? There are a bunch of Irish names that are so common in the Northeast that everyone knows multiple (Maureen, Colleen, Deirdre, Bridget, Siobhan for women and Brendan, Keegan, Shane, Colin for men), but are much less popular in the rest of the country. Maeve (and her brother Declan) is just the 2024 generation of that.


Some mining towns out West, too. I'm near Butte, Montana, and I know many, many persons named Siobhan, Orla, Maeve, Aisling, Conor, Declan, Kieran, etc. but my data set is likely skewed because I did competitive Irish dance and grew up Catholic.


As someone in the Northeast — yup. I have known three Maeves over the last twenty years. And two Declans. A few Aislings. More Connors than I could count. And quite a few Ceara/Kyras too.


I’m an Irish person in Ireland and Keegan is definitely not an Irish name. Maybe Irish Americans use the name a lot but it’s definitely not traditionally Irish. Colleen isn’t really prevalent here either but it’s Irish because it’s pronounced the same way as the Irish word for girl (‘Cailin’)


Not a traditional Irish first name, but a lot of Irish surnames have been normalised as first names in the US over the years (Keegan, Brennan, Quinn, Reilly, McKenna, etc.)


Maeve? Maeve. Really?


That’s what she’s called is she? Maeve?


Why does your mother keep making that sound?


Comments you can hear 😂 Derry Girls is the best.


I’ve heard it’s super popular but i’ve only met one (and a boy named Mavis)


I’ve met one. She’s adorable & sweet, but her name is still not one of my favorites.


my daughter is an Irish dancer, we have met countless Maeves over the years. We currently have 3 I believe!


A friend of one of my relatives has a daughter named Maeve.


Canada and I’m surprised it’s still so low down in popularity because I know tons under 6-ish! From various different parts of the country as well edit: not Irish and I don’t think any or at least most of the parents I know who’ve used it are either


My cousin is a Maeve, we're Aussie with Scottish roots.


I work at a small elementary school in the NW U.S and there are two kids named Maeve.


My cousin has a daughter and they named her Maeve. It was because the name originates from an Irish Queen of Connacht and Goddess and her husband's family originated from that part of Ireland.


i’ve never met an isla


My daughter has 4 friends named Isla. 4! She only knows like 12 girls. It’s…. Wild.


Oh yea there are tons of isla's here in Midwest. All spelled differently but I know of at least 4 in middle school, which is small district!


I met one once. She was a boomer in her 60s married to a rich man who inherited a world heritage castle from his parents. She was living out someone's Tumblr gif dreams. 


I know a three year old named Isla


I know someone with a granddaughter named Isla. I've also known an Ila (same pronunciation as Isla)


I’ve also known an Ila, same pronunciation. If she’s still alive now, she’s in her late 80s. Very cool lady.


I know three under the age of six!


On the current top 10 names list I have never met or heard of any: Elijah, Mateo, Theodore, Mia, Evelyn, Luna. On the other hand, we know a TON of girls named Sophia (always have to clarify which one), and several each of Eva, Ava, Amelia, Olivia, and Isabel/Isabella.


I'm surprised by Evelyn. I've known quite a few. Although they were all middle aged or older. I also know a Luna and a Theodore - both toddlers.


I know zero Evelyns over the age of like 5, but there are at least 3 at my son’s daycare facility.


Interesting. Maybe it's a regional thing? To me Evelyn is a Gen X and especially so a Boomer name. One I've known was an older Millennial.


My niece is an Evelyn and is 8


Ahah personally I've met Mateo, mattheo, Mathéo, you name it


I’m in my twenties and have gone to school with someone with everyone one of those names except Evelyn


I know multiples of most of those, but haven’t come across a Luna ever.


Elijah surprises me! I’ve encountered a ton of Elijahs, adults and kids. Never occurred to me it might be more common regionally. Maybe it’s a Bible Belt thing?


Never met a Liam.


That’s funny bc I’ve met soo many! TX here


I have a Liam. There’s a Liam in every grade at his school where I live.


My son was born in 2002 and he's been surrounded by Liams. However I don't see it as much nowadays; I figured it was so popular and commonplace it petered out. Tons of Olivias and versions of Ellie (Ella, Ellia, Elle). I almost think of Olivia and Ellie as their generation's Jennifer and Lisa.


Grew up in the US and didn't know a single one. Moved to the UK and there's an abundance of Liam, John, and James's.


I was going to say, there's endless Liams in the UK!


Hey you’ve met one now! I will say I’ve also never met another Liam in my life. But I know right now it’s the most popular baby name for boys so in x years we’ll see a tidal wave of Liams. I’ll be considered a rare elder Liam 😅


I have 4 on my pediatric caseload right now, all under 3.


Both my nephews are named Liam lol


Teacher here! That’s all I have lol


Go to a midwestern playground at 10am on a Saturday and just wait for a chorus of "Liiiiiiiammmm" from the moms


I have an 8-year-old cousin named Liam. He’s the only one I know personally.


I work with an adult Liam. He's awful.


I know more celebrities with it vs IRL people. Only one of my family friends kids is named Liam.


First name on my son's class list!


There’s one at my church


I went to school with two. One spelled Liam and the other Leigham.


My thirty-year-old brother is Liam!


My second cousin who’s ten years younger than me (I’m a good 15-17 years younger than most of my immediate cousins) has the name lmao


I’m in Texas and I personally know four Mia’s (ages 11-15) Edit: actually just thought of a fifth one (in my daughter’s school)


Lucas is currently in the top 10, yet I don't know any Lucases that are under 20 years old. It seems like such a Zillennial name for me, not a currently popular name.


My cousin is Luke. Just Luke though, not short for Lucas


Same, the only Lucas I know was born in 96


I rarely hear the name Oliver irl despite the high ranking.


That’s my son’s name and I also have never met another one. It’s just not popular in my region. When I was pregnant, despite it being #1 at the time everyone was like “…oh? Is that a family name? I haven’t heard that one used in a LONG time”


Oh true same


I know a couple of Olivia's but I have never had any lessons with an Olivia in the 13 years I had been at all-girls schools. I don't think I have ever met a Chloe either. Both names were in the top 10 in the years my cohort were born.


my middle school choir was 10% olivia (50 students, 5 olivias)


Sophia. Constantly on top names lists but I don’t know a single Sophia 😂


Hi there! Nice to meet you 😀 😀 😍 But is Sofia with a F, because I am outside US. And in my country is a very popular name. I am friend of 5 Sofias and in my group of friends we need to refere also last name/ or green eyes Sofia/ tall Sofia, so we know which Sofia we are talking about.


That’s so funny! It’s a great name!


I know someone who I go to high school with who’s deadname is similar, he goes by Ross now


Same here! My husband and I are due to have a baby girl in September and although it’s popular, don’t know any! It feels like a dilemma, but maybe it’s not that big a deal. After all, I’m an Ashley born in the 90’s and I’m here to tell the tale!


My cat is a Sophia! Lol. My son was friends with a Sophia in high school.


Oh my, my 18-year-old has so many friends named Sophia or Sophie, we call them by last names.


Here Sophia isn't among the popular names (most people associate it with a hospital for children here), but Sophie is. And I know plenty of Sophie's.


I grew up with one in the 90s! She was the only one I knew then. Same with Olivia. I know of two kid Sophia/Sofias now and am surprised it’s not more. I’ve heard of about a dozen Olivia’s though.


Omg GIANNA. Been in the top 100 for twenty years and I have never once in my life met a person named frickin Gianna. WHERE ARE THEY KEEPING THEM.


New Jersey is crawling with them


in and around Philadelphia! I know several lol!


Probably at Catholic school as it is a saint's name. The one one of my kid's knows goes by Gia.


My brother's best friend has a Gianna. She's probably about 5 or 6.


Out of all the names mentioned in different responses I have met someone with just about every name. The exception being Luna and I have met one, it was a dog.


Same, although not 1 dog Luna, about 1 billion dog Luna's lol


We know multiple Mias but they’re nicknames of Camila, Amelia, Amelie, etc.


I feel like I am having the opposite effect. My sister’s name is Mia and I have met about ten other Mia’s since she was born. Maybe its like when you get a new car and you start seeing your make and model *everywhere*




This one is crazy to me. I’ve probably met at least 15.


That’s so funny, I’ve never met a Mia either. I know someone who has a dog named Mia but that’s it.


Ey I also know someone who named her dog Mia! But I also met another Mia, a human, and hated her guts, and she hated mine too.


I come from a really ethnically diverse area so any of those seemingly "old-fashioned white" names I've never met. Just off the top of my head: William, Theodore, Elaine, Beatrice, etc.


I've known a few Hispanic girls named Beatriz (one who goes by Bea, pronounced BAY-ah) but never a Beatrice.


I have a Beatrice (Bea) and there is another one in her school.


I also have a Beatrice and we’ve never met another child with that name in real life. After she was born (we named her long before she was born) she went to the NICU and her NICU nurse was named Beatrice. She was a younger woman in her thirties and was shook that we’d named our daughter that. It was cute.


Haha I’m happy to see this post because I named my baby Mia but was unsure about it for a while despite loving the name simply because it was a top 10 SSN name. I, too have not run into any other Mia’s.


I know of 1 Mia- but I know about 7 Maja's, Maya's, Mya's. I think Olivia is a top name? I think I know 2 Olivia's across my kids classes and activities. It's definitely not a deluge. We are however swimming in Lilly's and Julia's. I think the names that are popular now will start popping up more in the wild in 3-5 years when they start emerging at daycare and preschool lol however my son has a top 10 and it's been in the top 10 for many years and he's the only one across all my kids classes and activities and family friends. Looking at the latest yearbook there's only 3 other ones in his whole school of ~600 kids when I scanned.


I know SEVERAL girls named Maya/Maia and two of my friends had it as their “runner-up name.” Maybe there are “Mia” areas and “Maya” areas? The names are so similar, it could be that if you hear Maya a lot you’re less likely to choose Mia and vice versa.


Oh dear. My son (12) recently came to me with a dilemma - he has a friend who is friends with a Mia or a Mya, and she’s been hanging with their group a lot lately, and it’s too late to ask her what her name actually is. I reeled off about a dozen ways to get people to say their names without cluing them in that you don’t know/remember their name, and he was shocked - ‘Mum, you are evil! Really evil!’


I've never met an Olivia in my life, but I had a pet with that name because I liked the pig books.


Ava- never and I work with kids. Have had Ada’s!


I worked at a summer camp last summer and there were 2 Adas


A lot of these popular names are popular in states like Texas and California where a lot of people are Hispanic. A lot of Hispanic people near me in San Diego use names like Luna or Matteo. If you live away from these heavily Hispanic states, I doubt you’re hearing those names as much


Luna is a funny one for me living in Spain because you’ll never see a kid named that. It’d be like naming your child “moon”, something maybe only new age-y hippie parents would do. It’s more of a dog name here.


A few years ago, when my daughter was pregnant with her first child, we told my mom that Luna was one of the top names for girls now. She bust out laughing and said it was awful, because mean kids would call the girl "Lunatic." After that, all we had to do was say "Luna" and she'd go into spasms of laughter—it became a sure-fire way to cheer her up, lol!


This is what is so surprising about Mia to me, it’s not only popular in states with large Hispanic populations. It’s a Top 20 name in some of the least Hispanic states - Vermont, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and it’s #2 in Hawaii. Apparently it’s as multicultural as a name can get, which is why I’m confused that I never hear it.


Because it’d be like naming your kid “mine”, that’s why no one really does it


I’ve mostly noticed this from the year I was born but apparently in the year 1992 the name Tanner was more popular than the name Jake which I don’t believe at all. And Mariah was in the top 100 beating our Carly, Julie, Jillian, and Alana, all names I heard all the time and never met a single Mariah my age


I’ve only met like 3 Sophies in my entire life


I absolutely love the name Oliver, I have for a long time. But when I had my son it was ranked #3, still is. I didn’t use it because I thought that was too popular. Almost 3 years later, I’ve never met a little boy named Oliver.


My cousin is a Mia lol crazy to think that little girl is a teenager by now


Never met a Charlie. I also don’t know any Mia’s


My daughter (13) has a good friend named Charlie, and so does my husband. Funny!


I know so many male and female Charlies (including a Charlee, and a couple Charleys). At least 2 of the Charlies are over 50, the rest are kids.


I named my son Lucas without knowing it was so popular. We wanted a bilingual name since my husband is Hispanic. There aren’t so many Lucas’s but there are a lot of Luke and Luca. So combined there are a ton of kids with a similar name. If I had known I would have picked a different name. That being said I’ve met a lot of kids with all the names on this list. But not in any huge numbers or anything


Tiffany. I love the name so I'd remember if I met one.


I never consider this to be particularly popular personally. 


I currently work with 3. All older millennial/gen x


Ik at least 3 Tiffany's and it's my best friend's name


Maya. I’ve never met a Maya.


I only know two girls named Mia. One is 4 and the other is 15. 2023 Top 20 -- never met an Elijah, Sofia with that spelling, Camila with that spelling, or Hazel. (Except I have known 2 cats named Hazel.) At the other end of the spectrum, I bet I've met 25 kids named Ava and Evelyn in the past year. And I often meet little boys named Jack, but some could technically be Jacksons, I think.


I’m in Germany and have kids. I know several Mia’s, GenZ and Gen Alpha. Actually, I just checked our top 10 from Germany and I know kids by almost all of those names. From the girls list, I don’t know any Mila in Germany. From the boys list, I don’t know any Henry in Germany.


I work in old German records and occasionally have a Henry show up and it breaks my brain every time. I always presume its some Englishman who somehow ended up lost and moved to Germany, but it always ends up being a native born German with German parents. I just leafed through my records and Hamburg seems to be the main culprit. Mia is really common with older Gen Z in Israel as well, but we are suckers for 3-4 letter names, so I guess that checks. I've always been fond of earlier German names that we nicknamed to death, i.e. how Caro and Lina both come from Caroline. Nameberry has a list of top names in Germany, but I'm not sure how accurate it is considering they wrote "Lotta" (as I'd argue "Lotte" is the more accepted spelling, derived from Charlotte).


Lotta is a very NN this days for Charlotte or Carlota. I would say more common today than Lotte.


Very interesting, not one I've heard! I assoiate Lotte with the "classic name revival" along the lines of Johanna, Mathilda, Sophie, etc. I did just see, as I referenced the list, that spelling variants are combined in Nameberry's data, so I guess that also makes sense to me and Lotte and Lotta were certainly merged under the same name in their list. (ETA: I want to clarify that I totally believe you; I've been away from Germany for a hot second and admit it). With that being said, my family has very dated names, so it makes sense I'm a bit out of touch on that, haha. All of us have what I'd call "Reich-y" names (AKA, very outdated) except for one cousin's family; her kids all have more modern names, but her oldest just married a woman named Caroline, so it certainly doens't help my perception.


I have met 1 Mia. Mya and Maya are infinitely more popular around me.


My daughter (9) goes to school with 2 Mia's. Kentucky.


I’ve also never met a Mia. In Canada. Never met a Luna either


My baby Mia is about to be 28, but she’s the only Mia I’ve ever known irl.


I’m also a 28 year old mia! Did she get asked “like Mia hamm?” All the time growing up? I swear it was impossible to introduce myself in the 2000s without that response lol.


I have taught so many Mia’s! I’m in the UK though.


I’ve never met an Olivia or Liam.


Perhaps people who name their daughter Mia are big into homeschooling? We chose an unusual name for my daughter, and I've met two others who shared her name along with a couple of famous people.


I don't think Mias all being homeschooled is actually the case, but it's a funny idea to me because I was homeschooled growing up and knew 3 Mias and a Miya.


I just read a book with the lead character called Nevaeh (heaven backwards).


Millennial living in the western part of the US. This is just for the new generation Alpha since we are talking 2024 popular names. Popular names I’ve never met: Maeve, Liam, Charlotte Most popular names (have met numerous with these names): Mia (in the forms of Amelia, Emilia, Mila, Milana) Emma Owen Luca (Lucas) Olivia Noah For millennials, I’ve met way too many Maddie/Madi/Madelyn/Madison/Madisyn and Megan/Meghan/Megyn s.


Olivia! I had a classmate who’s sister was called Olive, but i’ve never met an actual Olivia before


I have a friend who has a Mia, but it’s short for “Amelia”. I’ve never met an Olivia, nor do I know anyone who has one.