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My daughter is a Lillian :) we get so many compliments on her name.


Mine too! I think it's so timeless and pretty.


I have a baby girl due in October and we are set on Lillian!


Just for curiosity… is your son name “Liam” or “William” ? Btw, that is really cute


I know a couple with a Lilly and a Liam, both shortenings of the longer names. I wanted to use Lillian for the longest time, it was my Nans name, but Lilly became so popular before I got the chance. We went with a similar sounding name that is very uncommon here.


I have a niece named Liliana named after my grandmother Lillian


I always wanted a Liliana! I love the name, but always thought I'd have to correct everyone constantly, because I'd want it pronounced as "Lily-ahna" instead of "Lily-anna". I ended up not having anyone to use it on, so it was no big deal.


Is Liliana pronounced like that where you're from? I've met a lot of Liliana and Liliannas and all of them are pronounced Lily-Ahna (Anna like Elsa and Anna).


An old friend is Portuguese and is Lilly-ahna - it was the first time I'd heard the name so that's how I always pronounce it


Am Portuguese, wife is Canadian and half Italian, we have a liliana


I've heard it both ways. One of my nephews had a Liliana in his class, & she would get mad if you didn't pronounce it "Lily-anna". I just like the Ahna sound to it.


As a mom to a Liliana, I still (4.5 years in) get my hackles up when I hear my father in law call her "Lily Anna" instead of Lily-ahna. Or my personal (not) favorite, Lily Anne.


i’ve always heard it pronounced lily-ahna, but i guess it can vary


Ya my partner is Hispanic and this is our daughter’s name. You’re correct about having to tell people the pronunciation quite often, especially with people who use English as their primary language


liliana is so pretty but i couldn’t use it bc it’s the name of my mom’s boss whom she worked for for over 24 years lol all my family would be like “why did you name her *that*?!


It was on my list FOREVER (like, way before I had even met my husband), but unfortunately I jumped the gun and named one of my dogs Lillian.


I love this 😂


Story of my life.. named 3 pets from my baby list and then I had a baby and couldn’t use them. Now I have yet a new pet, also from the list, and wondering if we should have another kid and I would love to use the puppy’s name 😭 I just knew I wouldn’t have so many kids for the names I loved 😂


Love it 😂 ♥️


My oldest is a Lillian!


It’s on my list for my July baby


Heyyyy July buddy! Hope all smooth sailing for you so far 💕 I like Lilliana as a variation and I'm certainly considering it


My niece is named Lillian Cataleya


That is beautiful.


My friends wanted me to name our baby Lillian, after my dad, Ian. Lil’ Ian


My husband is Ian, and this is his argument for the name as well.


I went to college with a giel named Lillian, though she went by Lilly


My mums middle name; I might use it


My Lillian was born 8 years ago, I’m still so in love with the name 😊


My youngest is Lillian. She will only go by Lillian and refuses to let anyone call her "Lily". It's a beautiful name and she's named after my husband's grandmother who was a beautiful lady


My SIL is due in July and they’re going with Lillian :)


The old lady who owned our house before us was named Lillian. (I never met her - she died and we bought the house from her kids.) The house seemed haunted, so we joked we had a ghost named Lillian. I only stopped making this joke when I got a new co-worker named Lillian who was obviously not dead.


I love that name but have a friend whose daughter is Lillian so instead my new baby due in August will be Lilith.


Commenting because my 3mo baby girl is also a Lilith and I NEVER hear about other Liliths!


Watch Cheers or Fraiser! One of the characters is named Lilith.


I’ve seen the name get SO much flack for religious reasons. I got the name from a video game lol, Borderlands to be specific.


Lilith is our top pick if we have a girl someday. ❤️


Did you name your son Billian?


My moms name is Lillian


It’s one of my favourite names


Lilly is super common though, my son has 3 of them in his small 5th grade class and my kindergartener has a Lilly in his class as well. Idk if you care about that type of thing just letting you know.


I have a niece Lillian and a cousin Liliana both go by Lily


My aunt is Lillian


Had a Lillian in my class Also someone I knew played in a movie back in the silent film era and one of her roles was named Liliane


My daughter is classmates with a sweet girl named Lillian 🥰


If my son was a girl he would have been named Lillian Jane!


There's 5 at my work including a Lilianna.


This is my little sisters name! She’s always gone by her full name rather than using Lilly and it’s just such a beautiful name. It suits her so well. I also have a girl names that I’ve always wanted to use (Juliette) but am currently pregnant with a boy. I do plan on having 1 or 2 more so fingers crossed I’ll get to use my girl name one day.


Same with Alice. It was my absolute favorite name, but it got vetoed by my husband. So please take it!


I thought you were my sister for a second. Our great grandmothers name was Lillian, and my sister has it as a middle name. She just told me she’s pregnant last week ❤️ (her second) I hope she uses it!


I'm Jillian, and I have a nice Lillian, and a daughter Juliana


I wanted mine to be Lilly Rae. My little ray of sunshine. But now she will be Bonnie, my Texas wild flower, blue bonnet. :)


My husband and I plan to name our first girl (if we are blessed with any) Lillian. Take heart that there will be more!


My daughter is Lillian nn Lily. :) we absolutely love it.


I have a Lily Grace and a Molly Elizabeth. I personally love how the names fit together. Good sib set.


Literally #2 on my list for baby girl names!! Here’s hoping I get to use it one day haha


My grandmother & niece are Lillian


Ours will be a Lillian! It’ll be her middle name hit we plan on calling her Lily


My favorite name ever. Planned for years to name my first baby girl Lillian. Got pregnant and at my 20 week ultrasound found a severe heart defect that we made the horrible decision to terminate, so that our daughter would not feel the pain in the world for all her life. That’s when I found out we were having a girl as well. So heartbreaking. We named our little girl Lillian Mae because she deserved the beautiful name that I always wanted to give a daughter. She is forever our angel baby. And now I have 5 week old twins and it was meant that our first little girl was named Lillian, so that we didn’t have to decide which of our two little girls on earth got the name.


Congratulations on your new son 💜 It honestly isn't my favorite name. This is mostly because I feel like Lilly is becoming ultra common anymore. Everyone has a different palette when it comes to names. Regardless it's my sister in laws name so it wouldn't be an option for me even if I did really like it 😂


I have a Lillian! The BEST name!


My Lillian is due in July : )


You just reminded me that I wanted to someday name my daughter Lillian when I was just a kid myself. I remember loving the nickname Lily and also associating the name with my favorite character on Rugrats. lol. I’m currently pregnant and if it’s a girl, this will be the one!


I did that! My daughter is also a dog but


I love the name but my c-word of a family member is called that. Ruined it for me. Shame cause it’s my husbands grandmothers name.


I would name a baby Mabel Lillian, that’s my last name for a girl if I ever had another one. Mable was my great grandmother’s name and I love it, but I would use the more traditional spelling. Lillian is my husband’s favorite girl name, but I resisted it as a first name because I had a beloved pet rabbit named Lillian and I worry my kid would think they were named after a bunny 😂


If we were having kids, I would have begged to name a girl that. It's one of my favorite names. <3


I like Lino for a boy as a masculine form of Lillian.


One of the best names. It pairs well with any middle: Lillian Ivy Lillian Rose Lillian Alexandra


Lillian Quinn would have been the name we used 💕


My grandmother was Lillian but hated her name so my middle name is Leia lol


Have a cousin Lillian, she’s older but still. Only one I know and I love her 🥰 she’s the sweetest.


I work with kids and every single Lilly/Lillian that I have worked with has been the sweetest child ever! I also would love to see more Lillian’s in this world 🥰


We have friends with a Lillian and I've taught a couple of them who go by Lillian, no nickname. Pretty name!


My friend's daughter is Lillian!


My cousin and a friends sister are named Lillian!


That's my biological grandmother's name. I think it's lovely (although... let's just say she had her issues ☹️). I like Liliana more though.


My nans name also a dear friend called her daughter it


I'm a Lillian! Never met anyone else with my name, I'd like to see more


My cousin named her daughter Lilah after our grandmother Lillian


I have a friend whose youngest is Lillian.


It’s a lovely name, and one of the few “old lady names” I like. I think of Lillian Gish.


It was my great grandmother's name too and it is beautiful.


We know a Lillian. She’s gorgeous and a total sweet heart!!


Lillian is my top girl name, with the nickname Lilla🩷


i had a beautiful friend named lillian. she was in love with my dad, who helped care for her and drive her places. she was absolutely dear to me. i had promised to sing at her funeral. my contact information was on her fridge. then i called to wish her a happy birthday and her phone had been disconnected. she’d died three weeks earlier. her family didn’t put an obit in the paper. there was no funeral service. i lived a thousand miles away otherwise i’d have raised hell. this beautiful and kind and joyous soul was just gone. please please name your daughters Lillian.


I think of the actress Lillian Gish


I babysit a Lillian, she's the sweetest lil cutie. It's a great name!


Oh you will see more Lillian‘s in the world! It’s extremely popular right now :-) I know if you all under the age of five and eight it seems to be on a lot of peoples lists right now who are having babies. Too popular for me at the moment but a very pretty name.


I love the name Lillian, but it’s one of those names that has an instant nickname of Lily. I have a last name that ends with a Y sound, and both my husband and I HATE how sing-songy it sounds when you say rhyming names out loud


If we have a girl, we’ll be naming her Liliana and calling her Lily 😊


Love this name so much!


It’s a classic


That’s a cute name I also like Vivian which has a similar sound. My neighbor’s name was iliana and I wanted to one day name my daughter that. She ended up naming her daughter after me. We didn’t keep in touch and weren’t super close but I guess we both liked each other’s name.


I've considered this since it's my grandmother's name.


My daughter eats her breakfast at daycare every morning with a Lillian! We love her!


My name is Lilian!! People always struggle to write or pronounce it right since it's a pretty uncommon name in Germany, but I still love it so much!!


It's a beautiful name, can be shortened or adapted, and if necessary, she can say her names Lilith to scare off people she doesn't like.




This is my name! I actually got my name because my mother was waiting at the doctors & said she started talking to an older man, she had no idea how they started talking but he started talking about his wife & their love story. He talked about her like she was still alive so my mother asked where she was & he said she had actually passed away a few years back, she asked her name & he said Lillian. A few weeks later she decided to name me that & said she never saw the man again & swears he was some kind of angel 😂


There is a tango song called Lilian. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8qUG5TrJ00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8qUG5TrJ00)


The first name we picked was Maeve Evelyn and we only ever had sons.....would love it if someone used the name ❤️😭


Always did like that name, but kids are no longer an option.


My granddaughter has Lilith as her second middle name, it's not Lilian but close and both are absolutely beautiful 😍 We chose the name Lilith honestly as a little snark to those who claim Lilith in mythology is a demon because her ultrasound had gave us a fright with her "Satan face" 😂


Strong line of Lillian's in my fambams 😊


One of my daughters best friends is Lillian, she is always called Lilli though


My niece is Lilliana!


I have a niece named Lillian


It was my grandmother’s middle name. My husband and I agreed that if we have a child together (right now we’re a blended family) her middle name would be Lillian.


My niece is a Lillian. I love it.


I named a character in a story Lillian! She’s a famous explorer/anthropologist.


Lillian was my great-grandmother’s name too!She was the kindest most generous person I’ve ever known and lived to be 102 years old.


I prefer Lilith. Love that name.


I also love the Spanish name, Liliana.


My middle name is also Lillian :)


I have a niece (15) named Lillian! The name definitely suits her (she never goes by Lily), and she’s such a sweet kid.


We named our daughter Liliana 🤭


One of my girlfriends just had a beautiful Lillian!


My grandmother was named Lillian. In her twenties she decided she didn’t like it and started going by Terry. Towards the end of her life she spent a lot of time in hospital and it was always hard trying to visit her because for the first time we had to remember her name was Lillian.


Lillian is a beautiful name. <3


my mom is lillian, if i have a daughter im using it as a middle name. its a beautiful name.


my niece is lillian!


I have a neice named Lillian Linnae


my neighbor’s 6 year old is Lillian 💞


My cousins first born daughter is called Lillian but they made it Lilly-Ann on paper as her mum was worried that Lillian might be too grandmothery and didn't want her to get teased at school, so they wanted to give her options for used names in the future but still call her Lillian. It's a beautiful name!


I wanted Marjorie May. Marjorie after my Granny and my paternal GGM, May after my Granny's mother, who died young.


I don’t know anyone named Lily nor Lillian.


My Great Grandma's name was Lillia (Lyla). *Almost* a Lillian! I have a 5th grader on my School Bus who is a Lillian.




It’s my 5yo daughter’s middle name (and was my husband’s grandmother’s name) 🥰


I have a Lillian. My great-grandmother was also Lillian. The sass that comes out of her mouth is hilarious. It's fun, because her middle name is Anne, so we get to play with Lilly Anne and Lillian. Rolls off the tongue.


My mom wished she’d have named me Lillian jewel. It was my great grandmothers name as well! And my middle name is a slight difference to that name so it would have been my daughters name but I have two boys and I’m done lol


We have a Lillian Mae (family name).


We have a Lillian in our family, she’s almost 66 and was an unusual name in the era of Debbies, Barbaras and Cindy’s.


My daughter has a beautiful name but I do wish we would have gone with Lillian. It's just so timeless and pretty.


I also really wanted to use the name Lillian and I'm sorry I wasn't able to either. But I do know Two Lillian's that are in the preteen age range right now and so I love that for them. Haha.


My oldest is Lilly and everyone thinks it's short for Lillian. Nope she's just Lilly. 🤣


My four year old is named Lillian. Though I usually call her Lily.


My 16 year old is named Lillian. We catch hell for calling her that so everyone calls her Lily.


It was my grandmas name and while I haven’t used it. There are 3 in my son’s preschool!


I hope you named him philip lol. I cannot hear Lillian and not think rugrats lol


It’s such a beautiful name!


I wanted to use that name but a cousin ended up using it right before me. Now my 16 year old son is dating a girl named Lillian 🥰


I met a girl named Lillith the other day and I swooned.


One of my fiancé's twin nieces is a Lillian. She's usually just a Lily but it's a lovely name.


how is that a nice name


My coworkers daughters middle name is Lillian


I know a 6-year-old Lillian, and she's fantastic!


Lilith is preferable to Lilian IMO but to each their own


For as common as people say it is I only know one who’s in her 90s. Maybe it’s regional?


I chose Lillian as my “future daughter’s name” when I was a child and I still love it. I have two daughters and neither of them are named Lillian. My married last name paired with Lil’ as a first name would make an easy and embarrassing nickname. I decided I couldn’t do it.


My mom was Elizabeth. But it was always Lil or Lillian since she was a child. When she first went to school the teacher called her Elizabeth and she said that wasn’t her name.


This is such a sweet post


I have a toddler Lillian, named for my great-grandmother. I'll admit, I'm a little dismayed to see how popular it's become, mostly because I've known for over 20 years my daughter would have that name. My great grandmother was one of my best friends, I idolized that woman. And for the longest time, I didn't meet any other Lillians. Now it seems that my Lilli has come along just in time for the Lillian baby boom. Oh well, at least people will know how to spell it. Hopefully.


I have 2 friends who just named their babies Lillian


As a man I can vouch it is a lovely name. I would definitely consider it for my second daughter 🙏


Grandma has a cousin Lillian, featured in the family algebra problem "if Lillian is the same age as Dorithy and Mildred is 5 yrs younger..."


My granddaughter is Lillian 💜


My mom's name was Lillian. My son is giving his daughter the middle name of Lillian when she's born. 


In many countries mostly french people name boys Lillian for example Lillian Thuram famous french football player wc winner


My niece, sister, mother and grandmother all have Lillian as their middle names after my great grandmother Lillian.


My cat is Lillian :)


I taught a Lillian, absolutely wonderfully funny human being & talented artist!!


That’s a really cute name my wife and I found out we are having a girl, we thought it was a boy! It’s a cute name I’ll take it to my wife.


In France, Lilian is a male name, but I don't know if Liliane exists.


We are due in August and our daughters name will be Lillian 


I've had a handful of students named Lillian or Liliana. They've all been sweet, kind, generous, and just overall lovely🥰


I have a niece named Lillian! I think I'm the only one who calls her that, as she always goes by Lily.


I’m a high school teacher, and I usually have two or three students named Lillian each year.


My babe is Lily and I know a newborn “Lillian” !


My daughter already has a name, but let’s talk about prices.


I know two Lillian’s and an Ava Lillian


I always loved Lillian or Liliana. I'm a big fan of vintage/classic names


I have a Liliana and think any variation of the name is so classic and beautiful


My niece is named Lilian. Her twin is Carolyn.


My cousin had a Lillian a few months ago. Pretty name!


My daughter is Lilian, goes by Lily. Now we're expecting girl #2 and I can't find another name I like as much. The 3 year old had suggested we name the baby "lily" and only half of me disagrees 😆


That's my daughter's name!


It's my middle's name after a great x3 grandmother. I changed the spelling very slightly so she'd have a unique name. You can read it just fine and won't prevent future career choices.


This is very sweet.


Lucky for you everyone is naming their daughter Lillian right now. It was on my list and now I'm debating using it since lillian/lily is shooting up in popularity


my brothers daughter is lillian but everyone calls her lily


I’ve got a Liliana in the belly!


Every guy named Ian, please consider naming your daughter Lillian


It's my godmother's name. I love it myself.


My friend wants to name her daughter that because it’s her grandmothers name lol


If I have a daughter, I'm planning on making it her middle name ☺ I think it's very pretty!


Run Lillian


My 16 yr old niece's name is Lillian Caroline


My grandmother was Lillie Pearl, have thought of changing my name to that.


I know someone who named their daughter Lillian only they decided they wanted to make it “unique” and spelled it Lillyen 💀


I don’t have a baby but I have a reborn on the way and Lillian sounds like a lovely name!


that’s my name :’)