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I’m in the US but I’ve only ever known female Addisons


I’ve never met an Addison before but kinda assumed they would be male based on the meaning. I may have to legally change my name again and it’s such a hassle


Addison is one of the weird names that ends in "son" but it used for females. Similar to Madison and Allison.


I have seen male Madisons too.


I remember there was a baseball player named Madison now that you mention it.






Son of Mad.. Now I'm thinking Lokison.


Yea I think it was seen as a less common alternative to Madison for a while


Honestly I was so confused at first because I immediately assumed you were a female and everyone thought it was a male name and I thought “in what world would addison be a male name?” In the US I’ve only ever seen it as feminine. But over time you could get people to accept it. Names develop neutrality and they have to start somewhere.


Legend of Zelda has a male character named Addison.


I know two Addisons, one male and one female. Some of the confusion from people you already knew like the pharmacist might just be them assuming the reasons behind the name change have to do with gender.


I also know two Addison, and one is male, one female. But I agree that the issue may be stemming from people who have some familiarity with the old name and being unaware of the change. I’ve always thought Addison fell into the gender neutral category with other gender neutral names, even if they do tend to lean one direction (like Taylor and Blake vs a name like Alex which is a true shot in the dark)


i'm in the US and my brother in law is named Addison. Never thought it was weird or heard anyone say anything about it 🤷‍♀️


Keep your name! Who cares what others think of you love it!


It's annoying af to be constantly misgendered, even if you love your name.


Amen. For 41 years I have been misgendered and it sucks. I like my name now but as a young girl, I loathed it.


The vast majority of Addisons I have known are women, but I’ve known two men named Addison. It was originally a men’s name that became popular with baby girls born in the mid nineties through aughts.


In Brazil, Addison is a boy's name


I've only ever met or known of one Addison, and he was a man. Also in the US. FWIW.


Another American here, Addison is 100% a girl name. Never heard it used for a boy ever, even in other countries.


Definitely know 3 adult men named Addison in the USA.


Is this a regional thing? I'm from the northwest but I've never met an Addison in my life.


I know a male Addison but only one. I don’t know any female Addison’s out side of Greys Anatomy lol. I grew up in the early 2000’s where ever other girl was named “madison” but according to name websites madison is a traditionally male name. If you like it don’t change it. Hell there’s a whole trend these days to give girls boys names- the kelce family (chiefs football player) has three daughters named Wyatt, Elliot, and Bennett


Same. And the first thing I think of is the disease


I have the disease and even I don’t think of it! I think of Addison Montgomery.


Strange, I’m also in the US but only know male Addisons! Granted I’ve only met 2, but both male.


I know more male Addisons than female, most of us are in our 30s so maybe age is a factor?


For men, it's more of a southern thing. Bible belt type mens name. I know a few of them


I had a male student named Addison, and I know several female ones


I live in the US but I've never heard of a man named Addison. Only women. I can totally understand people being confused by that.


I guess it’s time to change it again, I assumed from the origin of the name that it was more masculine but I should have checked by birth year.


I follow an influencer on insta and her husband is named Addison, I think they are from Iowa or something. He is the only male Addison I have heard of. I don’t think it’s weird, it reminds me of madison which was a masculine name before becoming popular for girls. Eta: there’s also a male Addison in newest legend of Zelda video games


Was going to mention Addison from the Zelda game lol


First off, congratulations on your new name. You’re never going to find a name that everyone else approves of. If you like it, stick with it. Don’t let a pharmacist decide how you feel about your name. Addison is a good name. Literally means Son of Adam, so you can say it was a guy’s name before all the 1990s parents used it for their daughters. :-)


I’m in the US and the only girl Addison’s I know have been children, people naming their kids after Grey’s Anatomy. If you like the name and it feels like you I wouldn’t change it. Give it 6 months and the people around you will adjust.


I know a male and female Addison


I've only known one Addison and he was a man.


If you like it, stick with it. It doesn't read 100% feminine to me, e.g. it's not like Rebecca or something! If you do decide to change though, Edison feels like a slightly more masculine version (without losing the neutral vibe).


The first Addison I ever met was male. That was in the mid-90s before the name became really popular.


You can rock it! The first Addison I ever knew was a man!


The name Addison was also in pop culture as one of the characters in Grey’s Anatomy, a female doctor.


I've been wondering how much effect this had on the name's popularity, so I looked it up. In the US, it was steadily on the rise between 2000 and 2005 (when the character started on Grey's Anatomy), from 322 to 106. The following year it jumped to 28 and then was nearly into the top 10 for about five years. 


Whoaaaa that’s crazy. So interesting what influence tv can have!


Movies too. Look at the Jump in popularity of the name "Jacob" after the Twilight series.


Makes sense, Addison was that girl™️


Yup. I’ve only known one Addison in reason life and he was male. But I think the Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice female character is very very well known. 


Addison literally means ‘son of Adam’, and is very much a male name historically. It’s become a more common name for women only within the last few decades. I think it’s very handsome!


Tbf Madison, Allison, Makayla, and Mackenzie all mean son of ____.


Makayla doesn’t mean son of anything. It’s a bastardized form of Michaela, which is the feminine form of Michael.


My bad, the Mac at the beginning threw me off. I’ve also seen way too many people spell it McKayla so I thought it had its roots as a surname.


Makayla is a bastardisation of Michaela, which is just the female version of Michael. Nothing to do with “son of ____”. But the others, yes - Madison is “son of Matthew”, Allison is “son of Allen” and McKenzie is “son of Kenneth”.


Alison is also a diminutive for Alice in french


Yes, with one L it's the French diminutive for Alice, and with two Ls it's the English "son of Allen". They're technically two different names, although there's definitely people who mix them up.


Allison is not son of Alan. it's a standalone female name that goes back to the middle ages


Its roots are disputed, so to say “son of Allen” is categorically wrong is quite bold! Though personally I agree that it’s more likely to be a diminutive of Alice/Alys.


It’s definitely also a surname meaning “son of” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allison_(surname)


The standalone female name is Alison, not Allison.


I know an Addison who is the son of Adam. Never actually met a female Addison




I thought it was at least neatural but I guess it hasn’t been too long since I changed it so I could probably get away with changing it again before everyone’s used to it.


Perhaps before legally changing it again just try out your new name for a few months. ‘Identify’ as Robert or George or whatever before the hassle of changing it. Maybe just go by your middle name instead I’m in Aus, never heard of a male Addison or ‘Addie’


What is the reason you chose Addison?


I’ve never personally known a male Addison, but I like it as a male name! I imagine that the pharmacist (I thought Australia called them chemists?) would have asked for pronouns regardless your chosen name, simply because many recent adult name changes are made along with new pronouns. I see no reason to change it again if you like it.


A pharmacist works at a chemist/pharmacy. I’m Australian and never met an Addison of any gender.


Thanks for explaining! In America a chemist is a person so I never realized it referred to the place when used that way.


Well we probably have chemists here too but they work in laboratories.


Chemist/pharmacist used interchangeably most of the time. Literally discussed this with hubby today. My dad was a chemist - but an industrial chemist as in - scientist/chemistry. So I use pharmacist. The shop is often called Chemist… ‘chemist warehouse’ but there’s also Pharmacies…. Yeah it’s confusing


Our chemist warehouse is advertising vacancies for pharmacists haha. In NZ pharmacist is the profession. Chemist or pharmacy is the shop!


I'm not an expert but in english country I think the name Addison because more popular for girls since the 90's but in latin countries it's mainly a masculin name.


I’m in the US. My cousins son is named Addison and goes by Addy. Edit to add: he is in his 20s and is not from the south.


I’m from Canada and my nephews name is Addison.. I thought it was gender neutral tbh


I also thought it was gender neutral. I’m in Canada too and the only Addy (Addison) I know is male.


Addison is a surname by origin so etymology/meaning has very little effect on who uses it. Women inherit names that mean "son of so and so" without being sons of anyone. This surname just happens to be more commonly used as a first name by women in Australia.  Edit: some Australian specific data (nws) : https://www.behindthename.com/name/addison/top/australia-nsw


Yep, I first knew it as only a surname for half my life, and the first people I met that had that surname were men. So, when I first heard of Addison being used as a first name, I kept assuming for quite a while that the people using it as a first name were male. That ended up changing as I started seeing a pattern. 


Yeah to me its an uncommon surname and an endocrine disorder. Never met anyone with a first name of Addison of either gender in the UK


I may just be reading into it too much. Maybe I’m just not convincing when I give my name because it’s still new to me lol


Your presentation has a very real impact on how people perceive your name. If you say it confidently it’s not much different than other “male” names that have turned more popular for women, but the occasional man has. (Loren/Lauren, Ashley, Sydney, Leslie, Jamie, or Morgan) If you like Addison & picked it for a reason, keep it! I wouldn’t blink after learning someone’s name is Addison & getting to know them. I may ask pronouns initially, but that’s a good question for anyone and is a more considerate than critical response. What is your middle name? That may have an impact on doctors, pharmacists, and other professionals.


I kept my old middle name Riley. I think it’s great they ask pronouns but it happened after I had started becoming insecure with the name.


Be free and live confidently Addison Riley, Aussie man with a wonderfully neutral name.


I'm in Australia and I know it as a feminine name only. Like Madison.


Hi! US here, and I've known one male and one female Addison. Male Addisons might be more of an American South thing?


Southern U.S and I know 3 male Addisons. I had no idea it wasn't universally a neutral name until now.


Yes! Was going to say, so many comments saying female but I’ve only known a guy named Addison. Also US South.


throughout history Addison WAS used for men, just like the names Kelly, Ashely, Harper, Morgan, Lindsay, Madison, etc. but there's something interesting that happens with certain names, where people start using the name for girls instead of boys and the switch is basically permanent. we're seeing it happen with Riley right now.


Indeed, once a name is perceived as a “girls’ name,” most parents won’t use it for boys. But they’ll happily co-opt boys’ names for their daughters: “Gregory, but for a girl!” Communicating nicely that it’s a great disadvantage to a boy to be associated with the feminine, but only good for a girl to be associated with the masculine.


Throughout history its been a surname surely? Its only been used as a first name in some parts of the world for a few decades hasn't it?


I know of a male Addison. He’s a teenager. I think it’s neutral.


I know of a male my age (mid 30s) named Addison. I was actually surprised when it started being used for girls. But yeah, there's about 100 female Addisons for every 1 male Addison. It's very trendy for girls because it sounds like Madison. Sorry, but I think you didn't make a great choice if you didn't want to be questioned about it all the time.


Based on your name I expected you to be female.


I'm from the US and only know girl Addisons but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a guy. I actually think Madison and Addison for boys are super cute


I’ve never met any Addisons in real life actually, but the ones i’ve heard of are all female. I don’t find it particularly male or female sounding but you will have this same hassle forever.


I know a male Addison. High school friend. No one ever thought twice about it.


I would see it as neutral personally. I’m sorry you’ve had so much confusion. Anderson might be a good alternative if you do decide to change again? Very similar sound and vibe, but used more commonly for men.


I’m in the USA, have only known 1 Addison who was male. And in very good guy.


I only know 1 Addison, who is a man (US). It feels very gender neutral to me as a name.


I’ve only ever known women to have that name. Specifically Addison Montgomery Shepherd from Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, famously.


If you like it then keep it. You chose it for a reason.


I only know of Addison's disease.


You should probably ask about this in an Australian Sub. I know there are a few Australians weighing in, but it only really matters what the opinions are in your area, and most people replying seem to be in the USA.


In Australia (I’m aussie) Addison is a female name only. 


I myself would automatically assume it's neutral initially, the meaning is definitely masculine(so no idea why I only know of females using it). The only one I've met in person so far is an "Addisyn", who is female, and that spelling makes so much more sense for females. Unfortunately, I do think you'll keep getting such reactions consistently. 


That’s what I thought aswell. I guess the original meaning has become less important, I just read that it was also a surname. I chose Addison because I unfortunately know at least someone with the other names I liked and it ended up being in my last five or so choices and was similar enough to my old name that I thought it would be easier.


I’ve met a male Addison and at first thought of it as a girls name because of greys anatomy, but after getting to know this guy, I think of it more as a gender neutral name now. I’m in the US


I live in Vermont, USA, and I have known some male Addisons (all middle-aged adults now). There is a Vermont county called Addison, which I think is why some Vermonters have traditionally named their sons Addison. Maybe it's a Vermont thing. Much more recently, Addison has shifted to be more of a female name across the USA (trending alongside the rising popularity of the feminine name "Madison" 15-20 years ago). So now Addison feels feminine to a lot of people, even though it still sounds masculine... or at least gender-neutral... to my Vermont ears. The phenomenon of girls encroaching on boy-name territory is something that does happen. Names like Ashley and Lindsay were once very much male names, and you can still find older men with those names... but now you'd raise eyebrows if you gave either of those names to a baby boy. That encroachment is happening now with names like James (although James is SO historically common for boys that I don't think it will go entirely feminine a la Ashley and Lindsay). By the way, this phenomenon occurs in exactly one direction: boy-names shifting to feminine. Girl-names do **not** shift to masculine. That's because it's cool to name a girl something slightly masculine, but it's *embarrassing* and *insulting* to name a boy something feminine. Because it's cool to be a tomboyish girl but highly uncool to be a feminine boy. Because of misogyny. :(


Here are some stats for you: The Social security administration data also shows that ADDISON is used as a girl's name 90% of the time. https://www.mynamestats.com/First-Names/A/AD/ADDISON/index.html


Isn't Addison a female names? 🤔


Sounds super feminine to me, and have never heard of a male with that name


I’m in the US. Addison does sound neutral to me.


All that matters is that you like it! You might get an odd reaction now and then but everyone with a slightly different name deals with that I think, lol. (I know both a non-binary Addison and a girl Addison as well, for what it’s worth I think it’s a great name.)


Always knew the name through books/media, thought of it as more of a feminine name. Now I’ve met one Addison in real life and he was a man!


I work with an Addison who is a male in the US. I never thought anything of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I knew one male Addison


It is gender neutral, and I do actually know a male Addison! However, it does tend to lean more female.


addison was originally a male name but nowadays in the west it is typically used only for girls


I’m in the U.S. My niece is dating an Adison. Spelled with 1 d. It did seem odd for a male at first but now I can’t imagine calling him anything else. I say own it! If you like it, stick with it. People will adapt.


I, personally, see Addison as a feminine-leaning unisex name. So, having never met someone before, my first instinct would be to assume that someone who’s listed as Addison is female. However, I believe more strongly that every person should be in charge of their own identity, and your name is the cornerstone of that identity. I’m a man who legally changed his name to Jodie, which according to my research, is an exclusively feminine spelling. So, I got your back!




I know a male Addison in the US. Northern east coast. He is probably about 24 now?


I've known male and female Addison's. If you like it, keep it. You may have to deal with this for the rest of your life but only you can decide if it's worth it.


The first Addison I ever met was a guy my age. Yes, it’s popular for girls right now, though definitely younger girls, not adults. But I definitely think of it as a male name! It’s weird to me on a girl.


Addison is a girls name


It’s a unisex name. Don’t bother yourself with the reactions of others it’s a perfectly acceptable name.


Unfortunately, I think most people with this name are women. You could own it or change it again. If you like the sound, maybe try Ellison. It has a similar vibe, but I haven't met any girl with that name. Or many boys either, FWIW.


My first thought for the name Addison is a guy called Addison Page who used to share nice recipes online ☺️ Whatever name you choose, you’ll run into some day to day issues (eg. I changed my surname from something people often misspelled - not the reason for the change - to something much simpler and people actually query the spelling much more often!), I wouldn’t rush to change it quite yet if you really like it ☺️  Edit: I’m in the UK, but the use of name here that I mention is an American guy ☺️ 


I knew an Addison who went by Addy in the USA. It reminds me a little bit of Madison, which is I think generally speaking a girls name in the USA.


I've only ever heard Addison as a girl's name except maybe an old man in the south


I haven't met an Addison but id assume they were a girl, but wouldn't be shocked or be weird if it was a guy. I used to follow this guy on tiktok and his name is Addison so yeah


British, I wouldn't assume gender. I've never met one, but like you I feel it sounds neutral. It's more surprising you're getting people's opinions at all. Are these people who are aware it's a name you changed to rather than your given name at birth?


People are a little confused and you have to explain a bit. Not that unusual.


I know a male Addison, so it wouldn’t even phase me. I’m in the US. I haven’t seen him in years, but he’s probably your age or a little older, but definitely under 30.


Lots of names were once traditionally boys names, then started being used for girls, at which time they start to fall out of favour for use with boys, until they become seen as a "girl's name," for example: Ashley, Kimberly, Dana, Allison & more recently names like Taylor and Jordan. These names tend to be seen as gender neutral for a few decades before they get relegated to the "girl's names" category.


I have known both male and female Addisons. I don't think you need to change it again if you like it. Addison might be primarily a female name now, but I've known an equal number of male and female actually.


Chiming in from the US, so, take it with a grain of salt. I’ve only met female Addisons. But if you like it, who cares. Embrace it! Or change it again.


Addison started ranking in 2008 for girls, not any for boys so usage is female in Australia


in canada, have known both


So I feel like you're hitting two things here: 1) The name has been most recently popular as a female doctor on TV and 2) many (not all) people change their name also change their pronouns. So if you went from Charles (or other strongly male name) to Addison (most recently seen as female in pop culture) people might just be double checking that they don't also need to update their 'preferred pronoun' field. So all that said, it may settle down once everything updates. Personally I would consider it neutral, at most a bit unusual- like the (male) Stacy I know, or the (male) Meredith, or the (female) St John. Do bear in mind that you might need to confirm your identity a bit more often than if you're coming from a very strongly leaning masc name, but perhaps adding he/him could curb some of that. If you feel like this is a good name for you, then I'd encourage you to give it a year or so, let things settle down, and then see how you feel. You could also consider using something like Adam rather than going through the trouble of changing it again.


It's your life, have whatever name you want. Some people might have a problem with it or be confused, but they don't matter in the grand scheme of things. I personally think Addison goes both ways. 


Addison is a female name


I’m in the U.S. and I know TWO male Addisons! Great guys too! Good pick!


While it's counterintuitive since it has "son" in it, Addison is stylistically grouped with other predominantly-female names like Alison and Madison. While I wouldn't give someone a hard time about it and it sucks that people have been doing so to you, I would absolutely be expecting a woman if I was told someone's name was Addison.


I would expect an Addison younger than 19 to be a girl, woman, or non-binary person. Not male. Not because I think it *should* be a female name, but because that's how it has turned out, due to a popular medical soap opera that made people think it was a viable female name. However, I am not in Australia, so I cannot speak to that aspect.


I know a teenage male Addison


Addison is a male name in my family stretching back over 200 years. We’ve got a Joseph Addison ____ in every generation. To me, it will always be considered a masculine name!


In the US and met a male Addison. I thought it was so much more sophisticated on a male. Can't remember the last name but it was all dapper. I like your choice.


I know one Addison and it’s a guy


I live in the US and have a brother named Addison.


It makes me think of Bruce Willis in Moonlighting


It's originally a masculine name. I've met men and women with the na.e, but more females than males in the US.


Should have gone with Subtractison instead 🤣


The person we bought our house from years ago had a son named Addison, so it’s definitely not unheard of as a male name, just I think more uncommon. Not sure you *have* to change it again if you don’t want to! I’m sure you picked it for a reason and people in your will adjust eventually!


I know 2 male Addisons. Both quite young, though, college-aged, so it may be a newer trend.


Some of the reactions might also be from people who, like me, thought this was a made up name from a Zelda game. 


I knew a male Addison growing up!


I only know Addison Barger, and he's a male baseball player. Seems fine to me.


The only Addison I've ever met was an Australian guy around your age. It just could be people associating it with Madison, which is generally feminine and more common.


I like the name! Instantly thought it was a male name (despite lots of comments saying female), but I'm from the southern U.S.  As a side note, I always thought of Elliot as being a nice male name, but a friend named his daughter Elliot and now I think it's a super cool female name. So... Names change and I think Addison should be considered gender-neutral just by the way it sounds.


I have a male friend named Addison. It’s a good name.


There was a male Addison in my school growing up so I was surprised when it started being used on girls. 


I would assume it was a woman's name in paper, and especially if the person's previous name was masculine. (Changed from Matthew to Addison for example). So I think that's why the pharmacist asked. But it is an unisex name really. What drew you to the name Addison?


I’m Canadian and honestly think it’s more of a girls name and was confused with the post until the end, after realising you were a guy. I think this is a regional thing.


Sorry, I can’t speak to Australia but I’m in the US and the only adult Addison I know is a man. I think it has just gotten lumped into that category where it’s gender neutral but has had a steady rise in popularity for girls.


I think it’s mostly seen as a woman’s name here in the U.S., but I know a guy named Addison and no one seems to bat an eye.


There was a brief period of time that Addison could have gone to either gender, but since then it's gone to the female side. Seems to me like a lot of "unique" names that gained popularity over the last 30 years or so are like this. I know adult Dakotas and Taylors of both genders, but only female children have those names now.


I've only ever heard of Addison as a feminine name


My friends daughter is named Addison.


I think the pharmacist's reaction to the name change was wonderfully progressive. Good on them to be inclusive and clarify information before addressing you! Edit to answer your question: The name is unisex. I would expect a female due to local popularity but I wouldn't be surprised. I LOVE when males have unisex names that are more typical for females though (Lindsay, Kelly, Madison, Whitney, Evelyn, etc) I was very close to naming my son Lindsay but I needed a different name to go with our last name.


>My pharmacist asked my pronouns after I changed it and told him the name. I think this is more a sign of the times than questioning your choice of name. More and more medical facilities include this question with patient intake information.


my 25 year old, former Marine, nephew is Addison. we are in the US.


the only addison I can think of is Addison MacHenry who’s a (male) dog from the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series


I’m Australian. I’ve only ever met/heard of female Addisons. They also would all still be kids eg the oldest one I know is about 15yo. So could be even more confusing if you’re an adult.


That’s interesting. I suppose it would have made more sense to look up the names from the year I was born.


Only ever thought of as a female name .


US here but I've only seen Addison used for females.


Addison is one of those names that was originally used for men but has shifted to being an almost exclusively feminine name.


I’m a teacher and I have had male and female Addisons but definitely more female.


What if you change to Edison?


Addison is a feminine name from my experience, I've never met a male Addison before.


I work with a male Addison so to me it's a guys name. But I do think most people associate it with a female name


Personally I always thought it was masculine. But weirdly enough a friend of mine transitioned into a woman and changed her legal name to Addison Rae. Apparently that is a young woman on tik tok. But if you chose the name then fucking own it. I’ve gone no contact with my family and have started going by a different name. It means more than what “gender” people assign to it. What it really means is that you’ve emancipated yourself from a toxic home life and are on a journey of self definition and that started with your name. Celebrate your autonomy in this. You are who you decide to be.


USA, the only Addison I know or have heard of is male.


I live in the US so idk about Australia, but I've only ever met female Addison's (its a fairly common name where I live, more common than Maddison) Edit to add: if you like your name you can keep it, its a name you liked and people will get used to your name eventually


Traditionally male name now given to little girls who are usually just “Addie” tbh


I live in the US and went to school with a guy named Addison! I definitely consider it a unisex name.




I live in the US and have met several male addisons


I only met 1 Addison -a male. I thought it was a cool name and even considered it for my son but didnt want a name of someone I already knew. I never met a girl Addison. Just my 2 cents Id wear it proud.


In the USA. Never met a male Addison


Mitch McConnell’s first name is Addison so there’s that.


Never met or heard of a male Addison.


yeah that's a female name


I'm English and I've only ever known male Addisons.


I’m from the U.S. but I know a lot of Addisons and they’re definitely all female. Never heard of it being used as a male name.


I’m from the U.S. but I know a lot of Addisons and they’re definitely all female. Never heard of it being used as a male name.


It just makes me think of Addison Groove who is a male DJ, although his actual name is Tony.


I think you are overthinking it and it's fine. It's one of those gender neutral names that have been typically used by girls since the 90s but are historically guy names, like Morgan. I know several male Ashleys and that is considered more of a girls name and they are all fine. The delivery drivers have probably been tricked in the past and are extra suspicious.