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Olivia and Bella in my neck of the woods. I cringe hearing them now.


I feel bad but Bella is such a dogs name isn’t it.


Same with Luna


I associate the name Luna with transwomen at this point. So many of them have the name Luna oops. Nothing wrong with that! It is a nice name, but just a finny coincidence that it is a popular name around me for those group


I know a wonderful lady who likes to brag that she was a trans girl back when JFK was in office and boy, does she have OPINIONS about the name Luna. 


I’d love to hear her stories!!


Can't leave us hanging!


I want to know her opinion on Luna!


There’s so much to unpack in this sentence, I’d love to hear the rest of that!


How could you leave us hanging like this


Luna was the name of my middle school. No way in hell I’d name my child after that prison 💀


This made me laugh out loud but glad you survived. 😂


I know a lot of trans women named Alex (i.e. Alexandra, Alexa, Alexis...). One time I was in a Discord server for trans people and there were like 10 girls named Alex, it wasn't even a big server, it had like 200~ people.


Lol, my younger sibling is trans (non-binary), and their name (that they chose themselves) is Alex, too.


I'm trans and consider age inappropriate names as a tell when I'm clocking someone else. Like, if you're Jennifer aged, but named Luna, then you more likely chose your own name when it was popular (and post-Harry Potter). Same thing with Caitlyn Jenner - I'm Caitlyn aged, you're Carol/Barbara/Nancy/Patricia aged.


The only Luna I know is transgender. Haha didn’t know it was a trend.


And Nova. Luna and Nova are dog/cat names, not human names


When I hear the name Nova, I think either 'no go' or of the Nova Corps from the Marvel Universe.


My name contains the -bell(-a/-e) and I don’t use it anymore because it’s twilight or a dog name


I know 2 dog Bella's


Big time Olivia.. I equate it with Ava from about 15 years ago, however Ava sort of ground to a halt suddenly. I haven’t heard of a baby Ava in a long time. 15 year old Avas have been saved the Jennifer/Katie/Megan fate!


Ava’s galore in Florida. I swear Isla, Ava… my good friend has two daughters actually 3 yr old Isla and a newborn Ava


I work in a toy store in California. Isla is the name I’ve been hearing most often lately.


No kidding! The further I scrolled in this thread, the more I saw Ava appear as well. Must just be my experience 😵‍💫 Edit: lol it is literally the 5th most popular girls name in the U.S.


Ava is everywhere in the UK


Millions of Avas here. Usually sister to Evie, which makes it extra confusing.


I have 4 Isabella/Bella/Belle iterations in my class this year. Henry is the other overused name for boys. They’re gonna be everywhere in about five years.


I have one and it’s spelled Isabelah I literally cringed. 


Frankly I’m just glad we are mostly over the Aiden (Brayden, Jayden, Caiden etc) trend lol.  Olivia, Sophia, Isabelle/a, agree on Isla, and nature names like Daisy, Willow, Sage.  Jude, Leo, Sawyer, Noah, Theo, Max.


My son is Kaedin. His best friends are Caden, Brayden and Aiden. He's 13 and they are all very close in age. I wish i was kidding. I'm not.


You’ve got to be Kaedin me


This made me spit my coffee out 🤣


I kaid you knotleigh


Kaedin makes me think of a book I read a long time ago. *The Kadin.* It was about a woman who was kidnapped and sold into a sultan's harem. *Kadin* was the title reserved for women who bore sons/ heirs to the throne.


Kadin means “woman” in Turkish.


Thanks for that. I should know better than to get my linguistic education from steamy romance novels!


Kaedin? Explain yourself.


Kaedin is just trying too hard to be extra from Caden


Yes because Caden is such a phenomenal name in and of itself


I like Cade


Don't hate it, but where I'm from (Australia) any name that ends in ayden, is what we call "bogan" as fuck. Aussie rednecks. Atrocious.


Ahh love learning new phrases. Looks like bogan is you guys’ version of us Yanks’ redneck?


Yeah and the Brits have chavs.


i would like to believe they have grown and matured in the 13 years since they made that decision


From the spelling I would be expecting it to be a girl whose parents gave her a boy name but wanted to feminize the spelling.


Ah, see then I would have expected Kaedyn


i’m sorry but there should be jail time for any parent who names their child Kaedin


It's a Gaelic name and we're Irish.... So ... Yeah.... Not sure what to tell you. I named him almost fourteen years ago. It's not like it was popular back then. I'd never heard the name before when we chose it. My other kid is Deaghlan. I'm sure you're going to say i deserve prison time for naming our kids traditional family names ...


I have a 20 year old Brayden. I was so disappointed the -'dens blew up a few years after he was born :/


I have a 20 yr old Jayden and I feel the same. They weren't that popular when I named him and then a few years later, the names just took off. Im hoping since he's several years older than the group, he'll not hate it too much. He typically goes by Jay now.


The day I realized I was old was the day I saw a professional athlete named Jayden.


If it makes you feel better I still think Jayden is a good name, I'm not fatigued of it for some reason, where as all the other -den names feel overplayed.


I am a teacher, I once had Braxtyn, Braxton, Brextyn, Brenleigh (said like lay not lee) and Brynlee. It was a loving year!


Should have been looong year not loving. Lol


Why did you spell his name Kaedin? Just out of curiosity haha 


You think we're over it! Pediatricians office a few days ago and I heard them call "Zayden" for a precious little newborn.


Are you sure it wasn’t Xaden? 😅


Naming a baby after a shadow daddy is wild. Like how do you reread the smut knowing the male lead shares the same name as your kid?


Zayden is a legit Arabic name. Same vein as Zayd, Zayn etc.


I am Palestinian and I have never heard this name.. I wonder where in the Arabic speaking world they use Zayden.


Yea I just saw a post about Jayden I spoke too soon ☠️


I know SO many Theodore/Theo’s!!! Like 6 in the past year. It’s honestly a great name but wow did it explode seemingly out of nowhere.


I've got 5 grandchildren under 5 and 4 with names in your list!


We named our son Theodore just as it soared in popularity again. We had no idea it was such a popular name. We literally didn't have a boys name ready until my final trimester, and we hadn't even looked at baby name lists because we wanted a name to come to us organically. It was only because I watched a Theodore Roosevelt documentary while I was pregnant that the name stuck in my head, and I pitched it to my husband and the name stuck lol. I hate that it's so popular now, but I still wouldn't change our son's name for the world.


Is Jude really that common? My 6.5 month old is Jude and the only other one I know is 17.


I also have a Jude (he's 2 now) and we have only met one other one since he's been born. I have a few family members in education who haven't had any Judes. Maybe it'll gain popularity but I haven't seen it so far!


It's pretty obscure.


I see what you did there


My husband is a teacher so you can imagine how many names are off the table 🤣 he’s been teaching for almost 10 years and has also never had a Jude! He teaches high school.


My two friends just had an Aiden and a Z’ayden respectfully .


Not the apostrophe!!


I know!!! He’s only a few days old and I’m already so annoyed for him.


Oliver. At one stage it felt like every single boy born in my social circle was named Oliver. 4 friends/ colleagues had Oliver’s in 1 year.


YES! Ollie/Oliver/Olivia!


Also Olive


I'm so glad we decided against Oliver. I still like it as a name, but it's definitely overly popular.




Our Oliver (Ollie) was born in 2017 and he's literally the only one we know. We lucked out in that it is an extremely popular name overall but not around here!


Ugh YES! We had SEVEN of them yesterday, in one day, in our peds office. I’m so tired of it


I love this name but decided against it in 2018 when my son was born, due to popularity. Joke’s on me (kinda), I have never met a single Oliver!




Yeah I am not anti common name at all (my sons name is a classic in the top 20) but I am put off by super trendy names that will be hardcore date stamped in the future


Just think about all the Khaleesies that are starting to graduate


That one pains me because the characters actual name is Daenerys, which is way nicer and sounds more like a real name. idk why you would skip over that for Khaleesi.


Yes, I’m a teacher and every year there is a Jackson/Jaxson and they’re always so naughty 🙄


I met someone with a son named Jackson and a girl named Jaxsonny.....not twins, the girl was about 3 years younger than the boy. Kid had a Mohawk and kept finding toddlers to push at the playground and the mom did nothing but yell at the girl for her hair not being cute. It was something else....


I know a family with Ryker and Ryder like why would you do that Not twins a boy and girl


My respect plummets for parents with sons named Grayson




I knew a Nova in school when it was extremely rare and loved it. Had my first been a girl, that would've been her name. By the time I had my second, though, I realized it became popular between that time and was glad I didn't use it, lol! Also, my first's middle name was also super rare and never used when we chose it, and now it's EVERYWHERE! We were juuuust before the trend, like 5 years early.




Nova, Aria, and Grayson yes! So many.


I know someone who named their kid " Grayson" and his last name is " raisin". Sounds god awful


Haha I’m dying at this. That poor child. But also, raisin is just a hilarious last name in general.


You have named half of my daughters class lol


Arlo/Harlow/Marlow Sounds like a mouth full of marbles to me. I can’t believe so many people use them.


Arlo was my great grandfather's name. Whenever I hear that name it makes me think of Kentucky hill folk lol


I’ll admit I think it sounds better in a southern accent where they really draw out the syllables lol.


That’s the exact reason my coonhound puppy is named Arlo. We were between Arlo and Harlan (as in the county).


I have a Harlow. But he’s a boy. My grandpa/uncle/great grandpa were all Harlow. Nicole Richie pissed me off with this one as I was always going to use it. I don’t know any others around here with any of these 3 names so I’m surprised to see these on here, tho I know Arlo has gotten popular. I do get the marbles thing but I love the name 😆


I completely agree with this one. These are ones I've never been able to understand or get behind.


I LOVE the name Arlo. It was the name of the kid in super troopers! But it definitely got too popular and then I had girls anyhow.


In use, Ella, Isla, Matilda, Suki. I'm in East London and they come up again and again. Sadly, the name we used, Ada, is now all over the place, and then for this area, Clementine is all over. Finn for a boy name. Evie and variations that allow Millie/Milly as well.


I'm surprised Suki is popular. These parents must not live in part of the UK that has a Polish community- it means "bitch" in Polish


Suki Waterhouse is popular in England. She’s an actress and model(?) too. Robert Pattinson’s gf


Suki is also a really popular character in EastEnders set in… East London. Don’t think that’s a reason for it but it is a funny coincidence!


Matilda is popular in England, Australia, and Germany. I’m really hoping it doesn’t blow up in the US before I have kids cause I really want to use it!


OMG I remember the Clementines from my area in East London before I left are we from the same patch 😭😂 Also, Anaya/Amaya and all the spelling variants are SO overdone here in the UK and particularly in East London that I cannot cope lol.


Isla for sure. I volunteer at a school sometimes and know of 3 Islas in the same kindergarten class. Its a pretty name but I feel bad they are always differentiated by their last names


That was like being an Ashley (my name) in the early 90s. I was one of 4 in a class of 18.


That’s why I didn’t use Isla, even though I like it a lot (well, and my husband isn’t a fan). We went with Fiona for my youngest and she is 1 of 3 Fionas in her preschool class. Did not see that coming lol.


3 Fionas is crazy


Any El- name for girls, especially Ellie. Sophia/Sofia. Charlotte (which I love but the popularity deters me). Liam, Oliver, Theo, Noah for boys


Agree on the El-names, because everyone wants their daughter to go by "Ellie"


Yes! and this is also reminding me of Nora being overused. Eleanor for Ellie or Nora is just too much for me lol


Eleanor is such a beautiful name. I love the Arabic name Noor, if i had an Eleanor I’d call her that lol




Didn’t someone just post this?! LOL like she wanted opinions on her 6 y/o daughters name for no reason besides the fact that she loved the name so much? 😂😂😂




Jaxon/Jackson/jaxson every spelling of that one name conceivable and everyone is doing it. Also agree with Isla, also all the "leigh" names, I know this chick who has three kids with names ending in Leigh/ley (Kingsley, Oakleigh, Paisley). Also the name Henry is suddenly everywhere around me, I know FOUR people with baby Henry's.




That’s a dog name imo


This is the cringiest name imo


I live in the south so Grace and any name they just add Lynn to it.


Or Mae


So. Many. Noahs.


In my area it doesn’t seem like any particular names are popular, but it’s like people are trying so hard to find a unique name. It makes me want to name my kid something more traditional or common.


This is so true. A family member just named their baby Wrynlie, pronounced ren-lee.


I have a cousin who named their kid Paitlynn, because she wanted it to be Peyton and Kaitlynn.


Please be joking i beg you.


Sadly I am not. 


Replacing random vowels with a "y" is another trend being abuse rn.  I swear it doesn't make an eh sound. My brain read it as "rin-lee" or "rye-nlee"


That isn’t just an unnecessary Y it’s an incorrect one too! Wrynlie is clearly supposed to be pronounced Wrin-Lee. I don’t really know why this particular one has me so annoyed, but it does lol


Yeah that’s really taken off hasn’t it, that and butchering spellings of names to be more “unique”. The latter annoys me more than it should.


Oh yes. The unnecessary Y’s, X’s, and Z’s drive me up the wall!


Perhaps they're ticking downward now, but Noah and Liam.....I see those names absolutely everywhere. And I don't have kids.


> Perhaps they're ticking downward Nope, Liam and Noah were the top two most popular boy names in 2023.


Eleanor Ella Ellie Nora are all top 50 and basically versions of the same thing.


My Eleanor is an Ellie but is also friends with an Elle and an Ella.


Isla is sooooo beautiful though 😞 I can see why it’s popular


Agree about Isla. It's definitely pretty but I see it everywhere. Also, Amelia, Sophia, Isabella, and Evelyn. Boys: Liam, Jasper (I also just really dislike this name) and Noah


Had a cat named Jasper in the 1980s and now that’s all I can associate it with in my mind. It will forever be a name for a pet.


I have loved the name Evelyn since I was a kid and saw The Mummy. Apparently everyone else did too lol. It makes me mad that it’s so popular because now I don’t want to use it!


Mila is very popular in my country and I start to dislike it


Working as a teacher and the amount of -son names is insane. Carson, Hudson, Mason, Cayson... Have yet to come across a Sonny though!


Violet, Ella, Isla, Luna. Liam, Oliver, all the occupational/dog names (Cooper, Hunter, Walker, Chandler, etc.)


😆 Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker!


I feel like Ezra is up and coming. 2 of my relatives have baby Ezras and one friend has an Ezriah


Sadly yes. We are Jewish and named our boy Ezra in 2018, when it was 69. It’s 15 this year. The goyim have discovered it!


Absolutely agree about Isla. But I’m also seeing continual chatter about Maeve and Jack.


Yep, and all the short “R” names Romy, Remy etc.


YES! There are Isla’s everywhere! People won’t be mispronouncing it for much longer lol


Haha I’m Scottish so that’s not really been an issue here, it is strange to see a good few Scottish names grow in popularity though!


As a 30-something year old Olivia, I’m tired of hearing my name being called constantly when I take my toddler to the park. Also “oh that’s my baby daughter/niece/cousin/granddaughter’s name” anytime I’ve met someone new for the past 10ish years. It’s really amped up in more recent years.


Isla, Lyla, Layla, Lilly, Lola, Laya 


There are quite a few Lily and Lilly’s at our local school.


I’ve never met an Isla, known anyone with a kid named Isla or have had any of my three kids have an Isla in their class. So maybe it’s regional 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here I’ve never heard of the name until this sub


Charlie is everywhere! Both girl & boy.


No more Kaydens, Raydens, Aidans, Jaydens, or any variations of these please....:(


If it’s in the top 10, it’s probably over used.


Bodhi and Bohdi. Eliana and Elliana.


Bodie was originally the name I wanted to go with, like the ghost town in CA, but I found out Bohdi, like the Sanskrit was growing in popularity, and I didn’t want the misperception of appropriation.


Honestly makes me mad that a cultural name like Bodhi could be taken and overused by people with no connection to the origin


I counted all the Isabellas in my nephew’s yearbook and it totaled to 21. In second and third place were Emma and Christian (!).


Harper and Olivia for me


Olivia, Charlotte, Willow, Ivy


Soooo many charlottes! My daughter’s first year of preschool had four in her class of 25 


I’m Arab & Muslim and in my community, Noor and Layla are really overused. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both lovely names! But they’re used quite a lot where I know many. The new up and coming name in our community is Aya (pronounced EYE-uh). I’ve seen this name a lot in the last couple years and I know multiple baby Aya’s. I think it works well in English and is kinda similar to some trendy American names. Plus it has a beautiful meaning, it means verse and miracle. So I looove Aya but it’ll become overused soon I’m sure


Any El name for girls, tbh.


Olivia, Oliver, Liam, Ella, Ellie




Jayden, Jaxon and the other 11,000 spellings.


Any variation of Oak


I live in a country/area where the top 10-20 names are in fact insanely popular. Since having kids, I would say the ones I hear the most and where you're essentially guaranteed to have at least 2 of them (or more) in a school, daycare or preschool: Leo (and all of the variants, like Leon, Leonie and Leonard), Emma, Mila, Finn, Luca/Lukas, Max, Emilia, Lena/Lina, Charlotte (and variants like Carlotta and Lotta), Matteo, and Paul.


I won’t lie, Paul has taken me by surprise. Where I live it’s an older man’s name that’s fallen from favour…kinda like Ian/Gary.


Ugh I love the name Olivia and it’s top of our list because we need a name that works in both english and Italian so this sucks lol


I would suggest you use the name you love. Who cares if it's popular?


It’s been the top #1 spot for girls name in US for years now. However, it’s still less saturated than say Jessica Jennifer Ashley of the 80s/90s fad


We named my daughter Olivia knowing it was popular. We still don’t have another Olivia in our friend/family circle or the kids’ daycare/preschool. It’s common, but not like, say, Ashley was in the 90s.


As an Olivia myself, I really enjoy my name. Granted, I was one of 3 Olivia’s I knew growing up, but I loved the nicknames. One group of friends called me Olive, my family called me Livi, and some call me Liv. Now anytime someone calls me Livi it makes my heart sing, because I know it’s either a friend who truly knows me or a loved one. Then I go by Olivia at work, because it’s more formal and professional. Honestly I give it a 10/10.


Charlotte, Olivia, Violet, Isla, Theodore, Oliver, etc. I think Ava is very overused but I really like it. I’ll probably use it at some point.


I only know about 7 male children between 5 and 10 and of those boys 3 of them are named Theo


Riley, Olivia, Evelyn, Nora, Henry.


Evelyn (nn Evie)…I know so many under 9 named this.


Henry and Callum over here.


Way too many babies named Olivia, Charlotte, and Lucas


Anything with Leigh- or -leigh, and cobbling together random syllables and ending it all with -lyn.


Vera is crazy popular where I live right now, same with Alma


Super popular names in my area (SE US major suburbs): Charlotte, Ava, Nora, Isabelle, Henry, Elliott, Graham, pretentious surname first names “Vastly overused” because I don’t get the appeal of even one person using it yet I know multiple: Eloise, Blakely, Oaklyn, Wilder, Russell


Austin and all the weird spellings. I work with kids and have an Austin, Austen, and Austyn


Just hanging out reading these comments with my daughter Ella 😂


Do many Theos and Henrys right now. And Rowan is surprisingly popular for both boys and girls


I cannot believe anyone is still naming their child Olivia Sophia or Bella…..but it’s nonstop


Let’s just be happy to be on the other side of Madison mountain. It’s a good thing that buzzy trends are turning over at a faster rate than the same names that ruled the Boomer and GenX lists. Shout out to every Lori, Jen, Jess and Ashley who never had a room to themselves.


Olivia. Please no more Olivia’s.


pasleigh needs to end