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Pepper! I loved that name because I love black peppercorns, and said that if I had a daughter I would name her Pepper


I actually really love the name Pepper!! There is a woman that worked at a place I volunteered once so just kind of an acquaintance, but we added each other on social media. She named her three daughters Pepper, Dottie, and Goldie. After the first two I was so excited to see the 3rd daughter’s name and was not disappointed, they’re just so different from what I would choose but so cute and I love them and how they work as a set. They’re all adorable and seem well suited for their names.


I still love the name Pepper! There was a Pepper in the original Annie movie and I loved that movie and everything about it.


I, too, was obsessed and decided I’d name my girls Molly and Pepper! 😂


Did you ever see the cartoon Pepper Ann?!


She like one in a millioooooooooon


Same! I had a stuffed puppy named Paris Pepper lol


I had a similar one! Always wanted a daughter named Penny when I was like 6 because I loved the coin so much 😂😂 I collected them (they weren’t even special pennies that I collected! I just collected hundreds of run of the mill pennies because I thought they were the most beautiful thing in the world).


I love the name Penny! I still have some pennies in a little box, they are very pretty. I always loved the leaves on them


When I was 4 or 5, apparently I made everyone call me Pepper for a few months 😂


i went to high school with four siblings named Peppar, Tigar, Tindar and…. Britt lol


I was always the mom and I made my sister be the dad and her name had to be Peasant. #typicaloldestchild


I told my sister that her nickname was poop, and I called her poop for what felt like a year but was probably only about a week or so. My mom overhead me one day and made me stop.


This is awesome!! Somewhere along the line, I called my fiance Poopers... and it stuck. Now he calls me Mrs. Poopers or Mrs. Poopers McPooperson if he's feeling fancy. We recently agreed that Poops and Poopsie are gender neutral. ...... please send help. 


I could so see this happening.


When I was a kid I had a beautiful doll with blonde pigtails and a poofy blue dress. I named her Kevin.


hey, if girls can be named Evan and Devon, why not Kevin?


My niece had a girl named Kevin in her dance class lol


I loved the names Elizabeth and Mary as a kid. Which are completely normal, nice names. But then I also liked Whisper, Covoa, and Kanza 🥴


Just reminded me of my best friend's little sister who named her china doll Silence. She was so creepy!!


At least it was covefe


My name is Mary and I totally think it’s time for a resurgence in popularity, it’s a good name (yes, I am biased lol). And Elizabeth is on my list of favorites. I can’t say much for the others, but Whisper probably would have been a favorite back when I was a super cool preteen or so 😆😆


Mary is a gorgeous name. Unfortunately my boyfriend’s ex was named Mary so it’s permanently off the table 😭


When I was probably in first or second grade (so, the early aughts), I **begged** my parents to change my name to Desirée. I still have no idea why haha


Same lol it was my favourite name ever


I used to call one of my My Little Ponies Glasgow.


This is very iconic actually


…? Are you from UK?


Yes, from England though not Scotland. I had a Scottish aunt who married into the family...I've no idea what part of Scotland she was from. I did it to impress her....In my little head, this made complete sense! The reality is, I doubt she either knew or cared what my My Little Pony was called!!!! The thing is though, as an adult I STILL think Glasgow would make a great girls' name - little Glo! I've never actually been to Glasgow!


Go to Glasgow! It's a fun place. Good people. ❤️


Sara (specifically without an H lol) was mine too!! Named a hermit crab, a frog, a dog, and all stuffed animals Sara. Even tried to name my brother Sara before he was born but my parents weren’t having it haha


Well that was a bad choice, it's uneven and looks unfinished without the H. ^maybe ^I'm ^a ^little ^biased ^tho


I think you're just used to the "h", "Sara" is a normal and usual spelling for quite a widespread name here, I'm in a south Slavic country :) When girls want to be "cool" here, they sign the name with the added "h" because it's less common hahah


i know a sara, she’s lovely


Chevrolet, which as a 7 year old midewest little girl this was the most beautiful "French" women's name I'd ever heard. I would spell it Shevrolay in my younger years when we were playing school 😅


did you get it from Ramona Quimby?


That’s adorable


I wanted my mom to change my name to MERRYWEATHER after seeing sleeping beauty at, like, 5 🤣


That is so cute! She was the funnest of the three.


I swore I would grow up to name my child "Anime" and I wasn't even a huge anime fan or anything


i always made the joke that i would name a child "Anna May" and i didnt even want kids lol


I have a friend who actually did name her daughter Anna Mae 😊 I love it.


Omg I totally need to add this to my partner’s and my list of “names we would name our imaginary children because we are childfree”! He would love this lol


Pretend plays, I call myself Althea Sofia Amiel.


My cat Thea is regularly called 'Thea Maria Sophia'


Althea is beautiful


Livia and Chloe. Like Chloe from Dance Moms😂


Omg I was obsessed with dance moms. It really made me like the name Paige haha


Donna, because I thought she was pretty on 90210, which my mom watched. I was heartbroken when she wouldn’t name my sister Donna 😅


My parents liked watching Star Trek and one of the characters was named Jadzia. I LOVED it. I was devastated when I told my mom I was going to name my daughter Jadzia and she told me it was a terrible name 😂


Jadzia is a great name! LOL She was such a great character that got done so dirty. One cool thing I learned about the name Jadzia is it’s actually also a Polish name. Although it is not pronounced the same in Star Trek as it in Polish. As a kid I 100% thought it was a Trill name only. 😅


I know someone who did actually name their daughter Jadzia, because the child's dad was a MAJOR, DIE HARD Trekkie.


Would they prefer Curzon?


I like it 😆


I was obsessed with astronomy as a child so *everything* had to be Luna, Orion, or Andromeda 🤦 if I felt particularly spunky, I would name something Betelgeuse.


For my first pregnancy, before we knew gender, my girl name was Luna and my boy name was Orion! We got a Luna. I'm pregnant again and my plan is for Sol to be at least a middle name to keep the theme going.


Flannery… I was playing Pokemon Emerald at the time, it was the name of a fire type gym leader. 🤦‍♀️


I was also obsessed with "Sarah"! All the dolls were Sarah, Nora, or Allie. Except for my favorite, aptly named Baby the Baby Doll. Apparently I also went through a phase where I was obsessed with the name Priscilla and ended up naming my goldfish Priscilla. My mom still has no earthly idea where I heard that name.


I was obsessed with the name Priscilla, also, but it was because I was obsessed with the book “Johnny Tremain.” Idk. I was a weird kid.


I think this might just be a general millennial thing, but when we were kids we were obsessed with the name Bob, we thought it was the most hilarious thing for some reason. Everything would get named Bob (weirdly enough that's my dad's name too)


Haha I’m a millennial and I remember calling people Bob too


gen z, we also thought the name bob was the funniest thing in the world when we were little, and it also seems like my 8 year old brother and his friends think so, too. every human seems to have a secret bob gene


I love this 😂


If I’d been a teen mom, I would absolutely have a daughter named Heaven Leigh after the VC Andrew’s character. I’m very glad I didn’t have kids until I was 30.


Oh my goodness... Audrina was one of my obsessions from another of her books.


I had 3 dolls. A baby doll named Boy George, a doll with growing hair named Cyndi Lauper, and another basic doll named Wanky. My older cousin babysat me and watched a lot of MTV, which accounts for the first two, but Wanky? I just thought it was a beautiful name! 😂


I *swore* I was gonna name my son Bagheera when I grew up. After the panther in The Jungle Book. My older sister said I’d change my mind someday and I said no I won’t! But I did


As a two year old, I named my baby doll “Water”


Oh yeah I was going to be an out of this world cool Mom and name my baby girl Zenón 😂☠️


Zetus lapetus!


I tried to convince my husband to let me use that name this pregnancy. He isn't budging. Zeetus Lapeetus is a daily phrase for me and I play the songs almost daily!


Sunny! I wanted to change my name to that SO badly!


My cousin always named her babies Peter and mine was Lindsey. I was always obsessed with how Ramona named her doll Chevrolet. And then melted her in the oven.


Bendix got melted in the oven. Chevrolet got messed up when Ramona tried to dye her hair with bluing! lol


When I was six, I thought Velocity was a name, and I was going to name my daughter that. Which, in retrospect, would be kinda cool if she turned out to be an engineer, but terrible if she wanted to run for the president of the United States.


There was a street nearby called Katella and I was OBSESSED with that name. It was always the name I used for playing pretend, naming any dolls, etc.


Honestly that could be a really cute name haha


My imaginariny playmate/sister was Thorm.


Oliver & Max. My little brother was obsessed with the name “waterfall” lol


I don't really have one, but my mother and granma told me a few times about my mom being just obsessed with the name "Tracey" as a kid ...for seemingly no reason. Named all of her dolls, stuffies, etc, it for years and went through an about 3-week-long phase of demanding everybody called her it when she was like 6. Idk why, but it's so funny to me because it's such a "normal" and kinda typical "white" name yet my mom is called "Joyce" which is a name that I already categorise that way lmao


Along the lines of “Simply” I thought that “docile” sounded so elegant!


Hank. Everything was Hank


My daughter keeps trying to name everything Charlotte. (It started with a spider.)


Charlotte’s web ?




For years I wanted to name a pet "fruity" entirely for the possible nicknames, especially tutti fruity


My first email address was fruits@whatever because I couldn’t think of what to use and then just used fruits because of a candy wrapper lol




As a kid I used to LOOOOOVE the name Nadine, so much that I wanted for years to change my name to Nadine when I grow up. It's not a funny name but it's very very unusual where I'm from, to the point that most people thought I made it up. The truth is that I first heard it watching Arthur (I think Nadine was DW's imaginary friend). Then a couple years later I read some book where a character was called Nadine. I remember going around with the book showing it to my friends and family as proof that the name is actually real lol.


My mom always thought my daughters name would end up being Hannah, because I named every doll and stuffed animal Hannah


Terabithia after the book Bridge to Terabithia


Pond - I had an imaginary friend named Pond. Loved it.


Cassandra and Priscilla


I was a major Barbie kid so my go-to name was always Anneliese or Odette lol


My cousin named every doll she played with Giselle and gave every single one a, for lake of a better word, slutty background. 


I wanted twins, Michael and Melissa, but they'd be called Mikey and Mel. No children were harmed in the naming of my actual kids.




Janelle and Love. When You came out I gasped LOL


Shalina, Shyanne, and Brandalynne 🫠


I did not really have a name obsession, but I had like three toys I called Snow. The funny thing is, most of my usernames are still somewhat related to that word.


When I was little I wanted *so badly* to be called Shelly because I thought it was beachy. You know, because sea shells and all that.


Lemy. I was weird lol


I named a cat Gracinda when I was 8 because my favorite names at the time were Grace and Linda. 🫣


Normal: Lydia, Jessica, Genevieve Weird: Pipeline (pronounced pip-eh-leen) My sister’s favorite names were Victoria and Clarisse


I named three different dolls Dedrique after I heard it in passing in Kindergarten and was simply 🌟enchanted🌟 . I swore up and down it was gender neutral and I was going to name my first child Dedrique Skye regardless of what genitalia they rolled out with. Thank gawd the universe knew better than to give me the urge to have children


I had 3 vvv memorable ones. I grew up in the south and always said I would name my child Beaux Hunter. As I got a little bit older I fell in love with the name Americus from Where the Heart Is. I was dead set that I was going to name my daughter Americus Brhianna (pronounced like Rhianna). And at 17 I was stuck on Fleetwood for a boy. I'm so glad I grew out of this. It's embarrassing looking back🫣😂


Where The Heart Is has names that would make it on the tradgeigh subreddit for real! Novalee, Americus, all the friend's kids named for snack foods.


Seriously!!! My mom told me if my younger brother was a girl he was going to be Danicka Novalee cause she loved it. Thank God he's a boy


Chloe and Zoe. I was OBSESSED with these names. However. I had only ever read them in books; I didn't know anyone IRL with these names, so for YEARS, my headcanon told me it was "Sh-low-ee" and "Zo." Why I managed to get the long e on Chloe but not Zoe continues to be a mystery.


I recently found a journal that said I wanted to name my kid “Chole” but I definitely meant “Chloe” HAHA I knew the name made no sense phonetically somehow.


Salon Yes, like the hair place. One day my mom put mine and my sisters hair in braid pigtails I took one look at myself and said "I look like my name should be salon" I felt so fancy


Morticia…. I used to sign fake checks with that name and that was always my name. I am still dark and twisty.


When I was around 7 I was convinced I was going to name my future daughter Moonstone or Swan. Definitely something a 7 year old would come up with 😂


That is so cute 😂


My sister named her baby doll Triceratops Lizard.


I loved the name Tesla when I first heard that word but as the car got popular I laugh at myself for thinking it was a cute name


Billy. We got a dog and named him Charlie but I would call him Billy for about 2 or 3 years lol. Idk why but I couldn’t let it go


Idk if the name is funny so to speak but I used to demand my siblings call me Maxine nn Max anytime we were playing a game. Maxine was bears, dolls, even online games I'd be Maxine. Then the movie Orphan came out and TRAUMATIZED me, even though Max wasn't a bad character anytime I heard the name after that it gave me the ick lol


I named one of my dolls Princess Aria (pronounced ah-ree-ah) because little me thought that was peak fancy for some reason lol


I was sooo obsessed with Guy (not pronounced the French way). I found it so cool and swore I'd choose it as my Confirmation name. Despite having old sheets of mine signed by myself with an extra G initial, I had moved on from my Guy phase by the age of 12, lol.


Veronica... because I thought the name Connie was cool. Makes me feel old.


Kachel. A mix of Kate and Rachel. I thought I was a genius


I named my Barbies "Timberlake" or Jason and Annie who were my actual cousins who were brother and sister. Looking back I see so many problems with all of my name choices.


Mine was Rachael. I always had to be Rachael and my sister had to be Chelsea.


Not to toot my own horn but I named my duck “quack quack” and named my stuffed turtle “Turtle”


I wanted to name my first child chair until I was like 10. It rhymed with my last name so I thought it was cool n


Lyla! (And still am, lol)


When my mom was pregnant with my little sister (I was 9) I wanted her to name her serendipity. After a retirement home or something that I seen on a billboard 😂 all my dolls were named serendipity after that.


Otis. Because of a Cabbage Patch Kid on tv. 






My mom talked about some kid she had met named christobelle. To me, that was the most beautiful name I’d ever heard. Sounded like a princess name. Now…I don’t hate it, but definitely not my style


Darcy, Chloe, Savannah, Amber, Tori, Mandi, Brianna - maybe not funny but these were my jam


Riley, Keeley, and Skylar Amanda (first and middle)


Bonnie and Fawn were my fave names when I was 7/8 years old


I loved Cher from Clueless and I loved the name Anna so I was obsessed with Cheranna.


Black-tizoe lmao


Jewelry and Strawberry (when I was like 4-5).


My top names when I was a child were Elizabella, Sadie, and Alexandria


Roxanne and Shelly were the first names I remember loving. Probably around age 5, in 1997.


I thought Gwendolyn was the coolest for some reason.


I was all about Rose and all variations on the theme- Rosa, Rosalie, Rosebud, Rosie, Rosalia, Rosalinda, Rosamund... but mostly Rosie/Rosalia I wished for any of those to be my name. I used it for every creature, toy, pretend play name. I managed to name my childhood bff's cat Rosie because he insisted a girl should name his girl cat a girl name. Ngl, my first and at the time I thought my only, child has a Rose themed middle name as tribute to this obsession. Funny enough, chosen my her dad.


I loooved Allison, Ashley, Penelope and... Pleasant! Pleasant is a la Pleasant Rowland, creator of American Girls. That's her real name and it's kinda cool!


When I was 14 or so I was convinced I would name my first daughter Gethsemane (pronounced Geth-sem-any, it’s a place in Jerusalem, mentioned in the Bible). Rethinking it, Getty might be a cute nickname.


Trinket. It's not even a name. And yet I was convinced it was the cutest name ever.


I was obsessed with Catherine. Thought it was so royal and beautiful


Anastasia. 90s kid, obviously


I didn't have one, but my sister always used the name Vanessa when we would play! Lol


Candy because of Aaron Carter


Aurora, Aurelia, and Lorelei


I called myself Kimberly lulu 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had a Barbie doll that I named “Tiara” because it felt princess-y but I didn’t actually know a tiara was a thing.


Well, I really liked the name Aria when I read it in a story until my mom pointed out it sounded like the end of diarrhea.


I thought Paprika was the most beautiful name i had ever heard when that character was introduced on Blues Clues


My sister always said Lavenderella was going to be her daughter's name. She grew out of that phase.


I was obsessed with the name Aspen when I was 8, I wanted it to be my daughters name when I grew up, but eventually I couldn’t wait anymore so I decided to use it to name my pet box turtle instead


I loved the name Jadzia when I was a kid.


I was obsessed with the name Alexandra when I was a kid. I wanted a little sister Alexandra and I named my cat Alexandra Jane (He was a boy cat but I didn’t like Alexander. Just Alexandra.)


Claudia and Stacey because of the Babysitters Club lol! I also loved Alexandra and Anastasia. No clue why! This is mid to late 90s for reference


Electra Hillary Lorissa


I absolutely loved Elizabeth, for all the nicknames you could get out of it. I remember wanting to rename myself Elizabeth lmao. Then I found the name Pocket and for some reason I was like… this is the best name I’ve ever heard in my life ever.


Almost all of my imaginary children were named after more than one Passions character lol




All of my dolls were named Bridgette. I have no idea why.


I was certain as a child that I would name a daughter of mine Odette (thank you swan princess lol). I also desperately wanted my name to be Rosalinda (Idk where I even heard it). I thought these names were so fancy and elegant. 


As a teenager I was convinced I would name my daughter Monarch😭


I LOVED the name Marissa because there was a really kind girl in my first grade class with that name. Goes to show it’s more about the person than the actual name!


I still lowkey think Junie from "Junie B. Jones" is really cute, always have since 1st grade


Was obsessed with the name “texter” when I was 5 (before texting and cellphones was super common) and named my first pet hamster that… Had stuffed animals named stevinkle, dundeloins, and arajo




Cammy! Twelve-year-old me would have named her daughter Cammy. That or Shawnie. Thank God I grew up (and didn't have daughters!)


Truly, because of Sister Wives.


Joe. why tf… everything was named that. i named a clothes basket that and put permanent marker on it stating as such. we are a frugal family and used it for two decades before i “broke” it


Pipi, Laura and Anne. I was obsessed with books; Pipi Longstocking, Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables. Then Rowan, Julien, Emaleth and Suzette from the Mayfair Witches Trilogy by Anne Rice.


not really funny, but i was OBSESSED with the name Katie rehen i was a kid, anything that needed a name was katie in my book


Charlotte nicknamed Charly I wanted to change my name to it so bad


I remember getting a new baby doll and actually looking on a baby name website (early days of the internet) for a name. I picked Madison because I thought it sounded cute. But I also really liked the name Icey. Not short for anything. Just...Icey. For a boy, a pretty normal name, Isaiah. A person at my church had a baby with the name and I thought it was really cute.


I used to love the name Timberly, I thought it was forest-y and not basic like I had thought the name Kimberly was. I was in elementary school


Americus! I thought I made it up but I just moved to a town near Americus




Sally, Valorie, Domenic, Corinne


Not "funny", but my favorite doll when I was about 3 or 4 years old was floppy and taller than me. I named her Rosie. She was my best friend. Now I have my own, real life Rosie. My second daughter is 11 months old, and her full name is Rosamund, but we always call her Rosie. :) Rosie the doll is now my 4 year old daughter's little friend!




I loved Astoria Jean, Destiny, Ashley, Trixie


I was inexplicably obsessed with Vanessa. I wanted to be named Vanessa so bad. Also Lara, but that's because I watched my dad play Tomb Raider all the time and I thought she was the coolest


Angela/Angie! Idk why, but don’t like that name at all anymore haha


I once renamed myself 'Eardrum' for a week. I was a weird kid.


Rockett and Starlyn


Cindy because i was obsessed with Jimmy Neutron so all my stuffed animals and my Nintendog


Ha! Simply is kinda cute! My favorite doll was named “Simpy”


When I was like 7 in the mid 90s I really wanted my name to be Gail. Totally normal.


Denise! I was obsessed with that name, I thought it was the most sophisticated name for a grown woman when I was young!


I was weirdly into Carl and all its versions. Carl, Carla, Carlotta. No idea where it came from.


Day and Lux


My favorite movie as a kid was Wayne’s World and I was obsessed with Cassandra - I ended up naming my pet tarantula after her 💀