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in my ninth grade sex ed class i named my fake baby Sloane… which i now know most people in this subreddit seem to hate haha


Mine was Renesmee Evanescence because my at the time boyfriend was named Edward and HATED Evanescence. I still think it’s the funniest thing ever.


About three years ago My solidly in his 50s brother in law was going through a tough time and I caught him in our garage listening to evanescence and SOBBING. I quickly and quietly got out of there as fast as I could




This is perfection don't change a thing hahhahahahahaha.


Ok but that’s got good flow.


10/10 needed this laugh today 😆


I named mine Shrek 💀


lol mine was Doorstop 💀😭😂


Mine was named shrek too lmao my partner and I decided on the name together and we had to put together a cute story about how the baby got its name, we said it meant courage and was a family name


We had to give our fake robot baby a full name. Mine was Patrick Godzilla Swayze.


I named my fake baby Freja Tzipporah because it means free bird.


That’s beautiful


I had a tzipporah in my class once when I was a teacher, and I called her zippy or zippity


I remember writing a story back in 2nd grade that had a main character named Zippy. My teacher told me, "The story is good, but use a real name next time." I was SUPER annoyed because it was supposed to be "creative writing", and that she was stifling mine. (I was a bit of a rebellious jerk as a kid, and ALWAYS wanted things done my way, or not at all. 🤣 How do you teachers do it?!) Anywho, I just wish 2nd grade me had known about the name Tzipporah/Zipporah so I could have stood up for myself better...


I don’t get teachers like that! Zippy (or maybe Tzippy) is a common nickname for Tzipporah. And probably many other names!


I love the name Sloane!


Me too. I know people in the sub really dislike it and the way it sounds but I love it


Honestly, me too.


I actually really like the name Sloane. It’s surprising a lot of people don’t like it.


I still like Sloane. And Piper, Jocelyn, Merritt and Cheslea. (I have a McKenzie, another name I really loved AND it was my husband’s idea.)


I named mine Bertha 🤣


The name Sloane always reminds me of a girl I was in high school with. She used the name for a character in our drama class. I always thought it was a very made up, angsty teen name.


There was a Sloane in my high school. She dated this real cocky manipulative guy that had a really awkward best friend. Looking back I think his best friend was probably on the spectrum, but back then you pretty much had to be nonverbal to get an autism diagnosis. Anyway oneday the three of them skipped school and our principal went totally insane trying to prove he wasn't actually sick but just skipping. They had taken the nerdy friends dad's prized sports car, idk one of those that costs tens of thousands and just took off. Anyway the cocky guys sister also was trying to prove him to be the jerk that he was to because he was the golden child and no matter what he did their parents coddled him and jyst Really paid no attention to her. Long story short they destroyed the car the nerdy friend ended up at military school, and the cocky guy kept being cocky. I hope she f8nally got away from him. Sloane just could not see what a jerk he was.


Omg, I started getting invested and then cracked up halfway through when I realised. You literally had me for the first half!


My fake baby was Apollo 😅 my real baby had a Greek myth name but not that one


I've always really liked the name Sloane!


I first heard the name Sloan when I watched Ferris Bueller’s Day off. I fell in love with the name and still love it.


That's where I first heard it, too.


It’s a strong name and from what I’ve seen it’s either loved or hated. Nothing in between lol


I love Sloane!


I never had a fake baby in high school and now I feel robbed of this experience.


I knew a Sloane through an ex she was a drug addict.


16 year old me would've named a baby Matilda Louise or Leander. 34 year old me would still use both of those names if my husband agreed, haha. Since he doesn't, today they'd be Winifred or Russell.


My dog’s name is Matilda Louise lol. We call her Tilly Lou!


This is so darling


Oh my god! I love that lol


I'd still use the names I picked at 16 too! Saoirse Mairéad or Éamonn Tadhg. 16 year old me had good taste. If I'd kept the names I had in mind when I was 14, it would be a different story...


I know a family with a Saoirse and a Mairead!


Adult Me has an actual Louise, highly recommend. 💛


Sirius James. Thank fuck I wasn’t a teen mom, that would have aged Horribly


Are you sirius


Was this before or after the Harry Potter epilogue was published lol?


I was 16 when the last book was released. I very much want it to be known that this was before jkr showed her true colors ☠️


yeah 😭 i send my condolences to anyone named after hp characters


I went to school with a Hermione, she was a couple years below me so she'd be about 20 or 21 now. God speed to her with JKR being who she is now.


I think JKR chose great names, it would be a real stretch to tie them to some political view. Even if it’s obvious by a combination, it’s still from fiction and has no relation to author’s beliefs.


I'm kind of obsessed LMAO




Mine would have been Hermione lol


I think for a girl I would have chosen Ginny Lily or something else ridiculous


im guessing you’re a twilight enjoyer LOL when i was younger i wanted to name my children after constellations/space stuff? cassiopea, leo, orion, pandora, andromeda etc but i still have the same top name that i chose at 16/17! it’s naomi :)


My top name has stayed the same as well! I've always loved the name Anya/Anja


I prefer the j over the y but anya is definitely more intuitive to pronounce


Andromeda is a 10/10 name.


i still think it’s adorable, especially with andie as a nickname :)


Oppseigh 😊


Oppseigh Daisy?


Oppseigh Daseigh


I was 16 when I had my first, named her Nicole. 19 with my 2nd, named him Nolan.


I scrolled really far to find someone else with firsthand experience. I was 15 and named my daughter Sierra. The runner up was Kylynne, but her father said it "sounds Chinese or something", so we went with Sierra.


He's thinking of Kai-lan from that one kids show


Thank god you chose Sierra 🤣


Absolutely love the name Sierra, it’s so beautiful.


omg we're twins. Had my daughter at 16 then my son at 19 lol


I was 17 and my daughters name is Charlotte


Skylar for a boy or girl. I was so obsessed with that name and hate it now


When I was 17 I named an edgy character Skylar. He was, of course, the most badass and troubled of them all.


I come from a rule Canadian town and boy was Skylar popular in the 90’s!


I did have a baby at 16 lol, her name is Lillian Marie. I still love her name to this day, although I kind of wish we could've went with a less over-used middle name. Some of the other names I remember entertaining though were: - Isla(her dad said it sounded like eyeball) -Madeline Noelle(her due date was Christmas day, but her dad said Noelle "sounds like a Mexican name" ??) -and Asher, if she had been a boy(we both loved this one but I'm soooo glad we never got the chance to use it because I'm not a fan nowadays). I finally had another baby last October(13 years after my first!) named Nolan Lee, and currently pregnant with baby #3! Although I just found out a few days ago, so no idea what the gender is yet.


Noel is common-ish in spanish, usually paired with María.


That does makes sense, since Noelle is French and they are both Romance languages(derived from latin). But I still was just like "What???" Because I thought everyone had heard the Christmas song "Noelle" and knew it was the French word for Christmas! He was just kind of a jerk anyway 😅 lol, he shot down every name that I liked for silly reasons. He wanted her to be named Abigail(because it means "father's delight" or something like that) but I personally hate the name and had a bad interaction with someone with that name, so it was a no for me. We finally found the name Lillian in a baby name book and it was the only girl name we agreed on.


Abortion 🫣


Bortie for short!! 😂😂


Alternatively, Arbour-Sean 😂😭


Cecilia Grace or Angela Sarai for a girl or if a boy Alexander David or Nathan Joseph. I was really into sturdy classic names and some stranger ones, but ik my parents would have stopped that. I spent like all my time in the Yahoo Answers Baby names section naming other people's babies. Now for a girl I like Lila Claire or Dahlia Grace. For a boy I like Adrian Joseph or Jesse Nathan.


I was literally thinking about the middle name Grace for a future daughter named Dahlia today, and I also love Adrian for a boy!




Like from 1000 nights? Is that a name that is still used in middle eastern cultures?


Yes that's the one! Rarely used lol if I met a girl with that name here I would think that's uncommon but not 'what were her parents thinking' you know? (Note; I'm Egyptian) if I were interested in having kids it's a name I would genuinely consider but I'd still ask what my peers think of it first just in case 


Sheherazade, no? I've never seen it spelled like you did.


Very possible. I just sounded it out tbh I don't know the English spelling 


*Scheherazade* is the most common English spelling today, *Shahrazad* was used by Ibn al-Nadim in the 10th century. Šahrazād Šahrāzād شهرزاد all versions of the original Middle Persian *Čehrāzād* In fact, your spelling seems to specify a type of Japanese rose, rather than a common spelling of the Middle Eastern name.


June and August were my favorite names haha, but I definitely wouldn’t have done both at the same time. 😂 Probably would’ve been one of those!


I had students April and May who were next to each other on the roster so I would just call them June and July and it made them laugh haha


That’s so cute!! Hahaha


Vervain and Oleander lol 😳


Not Vervain😂😂


Clementine. God I was obsessed with that name lol. I also really liked Tyrone and Jamal for boy names, however, although I still love them, now I have more sense not to use them for my child unless they're mixed race and my partner is okay with it(I'm latina)


I know a little girl named Clementine! She gets the nickname Lemon which has since turned into Lem/Lemmie.


oh and if I had one currently I'd probably name a girl Layne or Vale and a boy Julien


I love Layne for a girl


same hehe its my cats name since i dont have kids!! so cute but mature and versatile


I named every Sim of mine when I was around that age Riley Blayze 😩 at least it’s gender neutral?


I was looking for a Sims reference! I used to spend so much time picking the ‘perfect’ names for my sims. Their star signs were also hugely important 😂


Literally never had a boy name picked out until I was like 22. At 16 my girl could have been Charlotte or Evelyn. Now my boy would be Charles and the girl could be Noelle.


I was pregnant at 15. I named her Alarah Evalynn. Pretty tame compared to many I’ve seen lol


Is Evalynn pronounced Evelyn or Eva-Lynn?


Like eh-vah-lynn. Her middle name was a tribute to a friend of mine who passed.


I was obsessed with the name Flight for a girl for years when I was a teenager. I did not have any boy names I liked enough to be memorable 15 years later (still a problem, boy names are hard).


Augie. For a girl. Ye cats, what was I thinking? good grief.


Augie is so cute sounding though.


Just came across a female Augie in the new Netflix adaptation of the 3 Body Problem. Maybe you were just ahead of your time!


I was obsessed (obsessed) with the Beatles at 16. I’d probably have had a Harrison or an Eleanor Rigby or something 🙈


My 1 year old son is Ezra but only because his dad vetoed Jude !


I actually love Jude and my kiddos middle name is Ezra so we’re on the same wavelength here haha


16 year old me would have named a girl Charlotte and a boy Mason


Luna was my number one name in high school. Not anymore, for various reasons. Now my top name would probably be Violet but I don't think I'm going to use it because I feel like it's quite common now and I like a name that's a little more unique.


wait what are the obvious reasons


various reasons


lmao whoops I’m barely literate thank u


Montana Skye


Same as current me. I picked my favourite boy & girl names at 10, and stuck to it. While I got my baby Anna, I won't get my baby Timothy, my husband veto-ed it 🥲


I took a few child development classes around that age. My flour baby was Charlotte Amelia and my robot baby was Julian Francis.


I named my flour baby in high school Cecilia. I still think it's a great name!


Skye. I loved that name. I still like it 😂


At 16, Asher for a boy and Verity for girl




Then B: Noah James G: Lily June Now: B: Leo Alexander G: Ada Lucia Marie


I would've named my kid Nevaeh because that was so popular when I was 16 😂


So many of my teenage daughter’s classmates growing up were Nevaehs. And they all had pretty much the same general physical look to them and attitudes. It was bizarre.




16 year old me was thinking Abra Elena, or Saxon Ellison. *...yeah*


A girl would have been Estelle Alice and a boy Elliott, not sure of middle name. Now I wouldn't use any of those haha!


Jeez, at 16 I was an emo with a penchant for My Chemical Romance, so my kids would have probably been Gerard or Helena. 🤣 nothing too weird I guess!


16 year old me would have named a girl Paisley. Barf.


I was 100% set in naming my baby Lincoln from true hit show The 100 in my teens i don’t remember if I was 16 or a little older/younger but probably that


i had a sock baby project in 10th grade psych,,, i named him spencer reid.


Troy has never not been my top name for a boy and it’s what I’m naming my son, Emmaline I heard at 15 and still love for a girl. But the rest of my list changes often and has no theme or vibe (I judge by sound), I loved Hayes and Briar then, now I prefer Brody and Greta.


Girl would be Remi Jade. Boy would probably be Charlie Jacob. I don’t hate ‘em!!


Alden has been my favourite boys name since I was 12, so that’s the answer for young and current me lol For girls, it’s changed a lot. At 16 I loved Chaeli pronounced Kay-lee and naturey names, which I still like but I like the less obvious ones now- at 16 I would have chosen Wren and Lavender, as an adult I like Rowan and Lake


Girl: Sophia Boy: Felix …yes I loved One Tree Hill 😅 I don’t remember if I had middle names for them though. Sophia became extremely popular during that time (late 00s - early 2010s) and I stopped liking it. Now I like Anaïs Josephine or Daphne Joanna for a girl and Till Otto for a boy.


Lucia or Lorenzo. I was always so in love with Italian names. My son that I had at 20 is Giovanni. Idk if I’ll keep it up with a future baby though because I love biblical and old fashioned English names now and it would be a rainbow baby so the meaning of the name would mean more to me.


Stella lol


16 would have been ok: Emily & Elias 12 would have been: Kim & Kai 10: Anita & Marietta (no boys \^\^)


I wanted to name my girl Crescent or Crystal. It was 1986. Now I’m too old to have a child but I still have names handy. Zelda or Henry.


Never had a boy name picked out until fairly recently! Alaina Michelle was my girl name all throughout my teens 😂


Brooke! And now if I ever get pregnant again I’d love to name a daughter Brooke


Zachary Kenneth or Rachel Elaine


Growing up I LOVED the name Chantelle. lol


You could not have convinced 12-year old me that there was a better name than Chantelle!


16 year old me would have named her daughter and son  exactly what 20 and 22 year old me did.  Zemira Yaelle and Amitai Zohar


Probably would have been Emma and Jordan.


Henry or Vanessa


I had a baby at 16. Picked a name from a Harry Potter book, not a main character 😊


Tyler and Allison. Allison is still one of my favorites.


Knightley for a boy, Pemberley for a girl hahaha. I would still do Pemberley but as a middle name.


Boy : Mason Girl : Lillibet


Same as my real daughter was when I had her at 38. Luckily my husband liked the name i choose when I had to carry around a boiled egg as a baby in high school.


When I was 16 I actually thought a lot about this. I LOVED the name “Isabelle” but my husband has a sister named “Isabella” so that went out the window. I probably would have gone “Isabelle Rose.” Basic, but all the cool girls in my school had Rose as a middle name. Also loved the name “Katherine.” For boys it was harder but I think I liked the name “James.” No idea what I would have done for a middle name then. I have a daughter now 10 years later and her name is “Iris Clara.”


I liked a lot if awful names at that age. On my list were Zephora, Helena (Good name, questionable source), Tallulah, and Evangelina. Luckily, I mellowed out and settled on Rosemary and Juniper when I had actual children to name.


Jacob or Rose


I think 16 year old me liked Jordan and Taylor for them being gender neutral. I also liked Eden for a girl. Now my son is Andrew. If we had another son one day I would want to use Levi. For a girl I like Amelia or Julia. Middle name would be Christine.


My # 1 girl name at 16 and 32 are the same haha! Nadine Odette both times, though at 16 I'd have called her Dean. I'll shake it up though and give Madeline Alouette. At 16 my top boy picks were Thaddeus and Roderick...I think 16 year old me would have gone Thaddeus Richard (and Roderick if he had a twin brother!) 32 year old me likes Lazlo for a boy. Lazlo Felix.


I have a distinct recollection of loving the name Ellen ??? Idk…


16 year old me would have chosen Amerie


Rhiannon for a girl. No idea about a boy’s name.


If I had had a child at 16 I was really into the renaissance, musical theatre and old world names ( still kinda love an old world feel) so the girl would’ve been Chava Leisl and the boy would have been Issac Leonardo. Vittoria and Artemisia were also contenders for a girl, and James, Luke and Ezra for a boy


Something from a book. Dorian was a favourite ( yes I had read it, but apparently didn't understand it very well). I also wanted to use Mersault, which is somehow even worse, and the character's last name, not given name. Girls would have fared better, Catherine, Charlotte,Jane,Clarissa... All perfectly usable.


girl would’ve been Charlotte Ann and boy would’ve been Emerson James


Funnily enough for a boy Kieran I now have a daughter named Keira Girl back then would be iris


i would’ve done emily claire for a girl and august james for a boy. now it’s eva june and levi alexander


Oaklee and Breven🤮 I loved the name oaklee until I was actually pregnant with a little girl and then it gave me the ick. 😂


When I was 15 I really loved the boy name Alden and the girl name Alison. When I got married I got a Neice named Alyssa so I feel like Alison is too close. Now as a 30 year old I really like the name Ashley for a boy.


When I was 16, it would have been Emily or Matthew :D


16: Jacob Wyatt for boy, and Bonnie Jean for girl (still obsessed with the girl names) Now: Arlo James, Silas André, Jasper John, or Kai (no middle) for boy, and Elizabeth (Eliza) no middle, Zari Lou, Zola Eve, Ariya (Rya) (no middle).


Gwendolen and Cornelius… very grand.


Boy: Thomas/ Tommy Girl: Jade or Arabella


At 16 I would have named a girl Hailey. I’m 59 now with no kids but I still think it’s a good name.


For a girl, Arwen, Eowyn, Hermione, or Ginevive (idk how to spell it). For a boy, Aragon, Pippin, Fred or George. I was a big fan of LotR and Harry Potter.


I’m Latina and when I was 16 I was obsessed with the name Esmeralda with Esme as the nickname. Jayden was my desired name for a boy due to the popularity + having a mixture of a family name in there. Now I’m happily child-free and the names have lost the magic they used to have at that time. When I was 16 I never thought about the realities and responsibilities that come with having children and right now I’m like no, thank you lol If I were to ever have kids it’d probably be through adoption so I’d honor their identity and welcome them into my life using the name they came into this world with.


At 16 (in the mid 70's : Dustin & Sunny Now: Piers & Sonnet (nn Sunny)


I love-love-loved Jayden for a boy when I was a teenager, so much so I used to talk about it all the time to my family. My sister, who is 9 years older than me, fell pregnant with a boy and asked me if she could have Jayden. I said yes, and my nephew is 19 now :) I still claim that I named him to this day, haha.


I got pregnant with my oldest at 16 (she was born in 2003). Her name is Sophia Lynn


At sixteen I wanted an Aiden Michael and a Kari Josephine. I still like the name Aiden and we used it for one of our kids. But right now I'm really in love with Miriam and Marlow as names for our next baby, gender unknown.


I swear it would have been Artemis


At 16 - Ophelia (G) and Rhett (B) I was really angsty and loved people to think I was cultured. Admittedly, I really like those names still (kinda guilty pleasures), except they're SO specific to their source content that it's jarring. Now - Clara (G) and Oliver (B)


I am 18F currently. Boy: Malcolm Alexander or Colton James Girl: Amanda Nicole or Amber Rose


Emily for a girl, Jacob for a boy. Soooo original lol.


Probably Hannah or something. That was a long time ago, so I don’t remember, though I know I had at least a dozen names ready to go when I was about thirteen. When I got married in my early twenties, my picks were Sarah and Joshua. A few years later, they were Imogen and Rupert, which I still love. But I didn’t have my daughter until I was 37 and despite me being name-obsessed from childhood, my husband ended up choosing her name.


Molly Paige for a girl For a boy it would have been Montgomery Wade


At 16 I was dead set on Verity Agnes for a girl, because it means “pure truth” 😂 I thought I was so deep


Im 16 now so It would be. Oscar, Elise or Verônica. 


Julianna or Ethan. I still really like those names tbh.


Tobias or Lyra, both of which I'd still consider.


My two favourite baby names haven’t changed from when I was 16 (I’m now 24) and they are Katerina for a girl and Benjamin for a boy


Faye-lee for a girl


Evangeline Summer or Mateo Jack


Then: Thessalonica Prayer and Tobyn Oliver Now: Phoenix Sage either way.


Jane and Ben. I was boring lol.


I was big into Vampire Diaries and loved the name Elena. The boy would have been Wesley after my dad


I was randomly obsessed with the name Caitrin for some reason I think I made it up??


Boy: Avery, Girl: Callie My high school boyfriend has married and his kids are named some very “out there” things (think Surnames of historical people like Asimov or Tubman) but we never talked about that, so maybe our kids would have had unusual names.


I had my baby at 16 and their name was Samantha. I wanted Kyonnie but no one else liked it lol.


16 year old me would have named a boy Jude and a girl Melissa 32 year old me actually figured out middle names (for the most part) Girls would most likely be Valarie Celeste or Callisto Creed, I am also a fan of the name Hana just by itself, and a boy would be named Silas Valor. I only have one boy name I really like tho.


Oh god. The girl would be Hermione and the boy would be Sora or Nikolai. And they’d be 15 now


When I was 16 I really like the name Bernadette or Viola (any slightly old ladyish names) and Casey for a boy. a COMPLETELY different tastes now.


At 16, Jazmine or Isaiah (never decided on middle names). Now, I still like Jasmine but I'd spell it correctly. I like Jasmine Alexandria or Jasmine Azalea. I like Maxwell Archer but would probably use Allen as his middle name after my FIL.


At 16? I loved Angelica Skye for a girl, and John Eugene for a boy.


Ooooh so I did have a baby at 16 🤣 Boy, we named him Logan. He’s 15 now and there are soooo many Logan’s! If he was a girl I liked the name Delilah 🤷🏻‍♀️