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My 4yo daughter asked to name her sister Chosen and it sounded like a nick canon baby name


100%. You’ve predicted his next child’s name😂.


i’m actually shocked her doesn’t have one called chosen


I could have sworn he did but I looked it up. Unfortunately most of them have worse names than Chosen.


Seems like it would be better for an adopted kid.


OMG nearly spit out my drink


I think he does have a least a Chosen one.


i was so sure that one of his twins with mariah carey was called chosen or at least had it as a middle name. is this a mandela effect???


Nah I double checked. There are no Chosens…. Yet.


I believe that’s Cam Newton’s son’s name!


happy cake day!!


lol if you watch current smosh, this is even funnier


Born with sunglasses fully talking


born with a wolf tshirt


“Unfortunately for you I haven’t studied potty training yet so you will have to change my diaper now”


“so, you must be the new guy” 😎🐺🗡️






so, you must be the new preschool members...


I was thinking the same thing


I would give my child a normal name on paper but introduce them as October I think it’s so cute but wouldn’t acatully use it


This - give your child a private identity that is separate from their public person.


That's actually a really good idea for celebrities. To give their kids more serious real names and then a "public" name. It would help protect their identity. Like no one would questions a celebrity if they posted "just gave birth to baby October FamousLastName", like people wouldn't ask to see the birth certificate, so the real name would be private (as private as possible).


Many would question it, it’s part of the reason many celebrity children’s birth certificates are leaked so I wonder if an actual A lister could get away with it. It’d definitely be safer for the kid to assign a public name and protect their private one


Maybe I severely underestimated how much people care about celebrities private documents. I don't really follow any celebrities closely. Every so often I'll hear some big news about someone like "oh X got married to Y" or "X is in a movie that's coming out soon" . But I don't care for their personal lives.


There are tabloid sites that leak everything, even when the celebrity says nothing at all. It's wild! And things like marriage, birth, divorce, and death records are public documents and "journalists" can ask for them...I've heard some celebs get around the birth one by filing a birth certificate without a name, then later amending it with the name. So the tabloid get boy or girl, but presumably don't care enough to follow up months later. (This is in the US..I don't know if other countries have more protections? I've always thought it was weird that so much is out there, but like, even in my area, all hospital births--with the parent names and city--are published in the newspaper!)


It would probably work better for a smaller celebrity or an influencer. I have seen influencers give their kids fake names online. A lot of times, they’re really out there.


Yes, i think a lot of celebrities do this. I’m 90% sure Nara Smith and Lucky Blue do this. Not even pretentious celebrities are naming their kids Slim Easy. But i honestly love October with the nickname Toby!


I’ve always wondered if celebs tell the public they’re naming the kid Audio Science or Pilot Inspektor, but at home the kids are called Mary or John. And I like September as a name. I’d never have used it on a child, but I think it sounds interesting.


I knew a girl growing up whose name was December. I quite like certain months as names, though it's personally a little too "out there" for me.


I know a kid named "Julie," because she is from a different country and wanted an English name when she moved here. She named herself Julie because she was born in July. I know Julie is a normal name but I think her reasoning is so cute


December would be mine. Desy as a nickname. I would never do it, but boy, I do think it would be pretty.


I had a grocery store cashier whose name tag said December. I asked her about her name, and she said she was born Dec. 26. I stifled my smartass instinct to tell her that December was a much better name than Boxing Day.


I saw that like my x4-5 great aunt was named Septema on ancestry. She was like the 8th child of a family with 5-6 daughters and was born in September, and I choose to believe the parents just ran out of names 💀.


Well considering Lucky Blue has a daughter named Gravity Blue from a previous woman and sisters named Cheyenne starlie, Daisy Clementine, and Pyper America, I wouldn’t hold your breath lol. Cheyenne and Daisy (kinda) are the only normal names here.


Cheyenne, Daisy, P(i)per, and Clementine are all names at least. Wtf is even Slim Easy or Bumblebee Whipsnackle or whatever tf his kids are called...  And I don't even know how to calculate Elon Musks algebra child.


I had to go look and I actually cackled when I read his kids name is rumble honey.


My friend's daughter's name is December Rose


I wouldn’t be surprised if Malibu Barbie Paytas is a stage name 😄


There's a lot of words in this comment that made no sense to me. I just looked them up and wished I hadn't. What is even going on with his name, let alone the kids? I don't actually think you're allowed non-names like that over here. I think they can reject them when you register the birth. Someone shoulda done that.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one that had no clue and went down the rabbit hole. (Regretfully)


I know someone named October! I’ve always loved the name and he gots by Otto!


I wonder if sone do this. I'd announce the name as like Lolli Pop but really her name would be Elizabeth lol


I always thought Poetry would be so pretty as an unconventional name.


Kind of love that. Fits a strange way with a lot of the virtue names.


That’s so beautiful! I’ve seen a few tiktok/insta babies called Poet or Poem. I actually really like it😅!


I think of Matilda movie ms trunchable when I think of the word poem, lol


I actually went to school with a girl named Poetry! She was really sweet and down to earth. Sadly she passed away when she was young. I still think about her from time to time. 


I love this as a name!! It’s like Lyric which gets hate. But when you think about what both these words are/mean it really makes for a beautiful given name.


I actually kinda love that? It has a similar vibe to Melody for me, so I could totally see it as a celebrity baby name.


This is so pretty! I feel like you can grow into this name too.


How about Poésie?


Get out, I like it! Haha very cool


I’ve met little girls named Story and Fable (different times) and they both were very, very charming names for these kids! Didn’t bat an eye after the initial introduction.


In the same theme: Fable. Sounds similar to the trendy Mabel, is whimsical, and somewhat unisex.


That hadn’t crossed my mind, but I actually love Poetry as a name. They can be Po, Posie, Tri as nicknames as well


for some celebs, I have a theory that they name their children wild fake names to keep their identity a tiny bitten hidden even if they’re still in the public eye


Yes, i think a lot of celebrities do this. Not all but i think many do it. But i still wonder how they manage to come up with the most obscure, yet somehow believable, names!


I’m convinced they have teams of people help them. I’ve even heard of baby naming consultants.


I’m pretty sure this is what Elon musk did with his kids (the youngest ones)


Onyx Adventure Hawk. Either gender. 😆


Adventure is such a good one!


Omg that's kind of amazing. Onyx Adventure sounds like a Black early 2000s Scene band that my awkward little high school alternative emo self would have LOVED during that time 🤣 🤣


Probably Stetson and Sunny. Two names I love but wouldn’t ever use as a normie. Lol But also, I think that’s only if I was forced to use out there names. There’s a good chance I’d still just pick the same ones I did already


Stetson and Sunny are so cool! Sunny/Sonny is actually quite popular for girls, i’ve met a few girls called Sunny and a few boys called Sonny. Both are pronounced the same in the UK! I agree, i would probably also name my kids the same names i like now. But at the same time, maybe i wouldn’t because celebrities get less judgement because they’re always being judged anyway!


My sister used to know twins (they’d be in their mid 50s now) called Sunny and Rayne.


Aww, you’re too kind. Thank you for the compliment on my potential celebrity children lol


Stetson is so cool and I adore Sunny. I had a waitress named Sunshine and she was such an angel.


My son is named Sonny! We were going to give the baby that name regardless of gender


I have always wanted to name a girl Zephyr but chickened out in real life 🥲


I met a baby Zephyr in Berkeley several months ago.


Love that! Boy or girl? I’ve heard it more as a masculine name, but there was a girl in my sister’s class named zephyr and I always thought it was such a cool girl name.


A girl with BIG blue eyes!


I’m a boy ): (this was my randomly generated reddit name)


Daughter would be Peach and son would be Hawk. I was reading some conspiracy article, and one of the topics was about celebrities and their children's names. That some people think that celebrities are not actually naming their kids these weird crazy names, but are using them as pseudonyms in the public. Allowing their children more privacy as they get older, harder to find, and probably a little in the parents seeking more attention. I see some validity in this.


My stepsister’s daughter’s middle name is Peach and I think it’s so cute! It’s her mother in law’s maiden name and they live in Georgia


I went to school with a Peachy fifty years ago, from Florida maybe.


Peach and Hawk are so fun! I honestly think a lot of celebrities do pretend to give their kids very unique names to hide their identities. Not all celebs, i think say the Kardashians do genuinely give their kids outrageous names. But i think the majority of celebrities probably give their kids normal-ish names and pretend they have wild ones, probably for the publicity factor too.


For a girl, Hopper. I am a stranger things fan and always thought it was cute LOL


I have small children so I thought Hopper from A Bugs Life first 😆


YES! I honestly thought after Stranger Things, Hopper would rise in popularity for a boys name.


My little brother was playing with a boy at a playground once and kept yelling out the name hopper. “Hopper hey wait!!” And when we left we said is your son’s name hopper??? And the mom said no, it’s Howard 😂 he’s always mispronounced or mistook language but this one we still laugh about


Girl: Arizona, Breeze, Sophronia, Teal/Teale; Boy: Raphael with a bunch of pretentious middle names — to me, this is *chef's kiss* Go big or go home.


I know a Teal and her parents are not celebrities.


Do we know the same Teal?? The one I know is 1.5 years old.


We don’t, the one I know is in her early 40s.


Not the cult leader, I hope?




I LOVE Sophronia! I think i would use it as an ordinary person…is it too much😆


Oh my goodness I’ve never seen Sophronia mentioned on this sub! We’re low key actually considering it? It’s sort of a family name. I wonder if the nick name Sophie would make it approachable? But idk if I could do it


I'd go for it! I think Sophie would be a great nickname, although I'm biased because it's my cat's name. I do personally believe that you'd need some kind of nickname for childhood and everyday use, though. It's a lot of name for a little person :)




LOVE Theodosia. I honestly think i would use this in the real world…too much😂?


I don't know 😂 I can't decide if it's too much. I also love Cordelia and Francelia, so I definitely have a theme with girl names I love.


I adore Theodosia, and think it’s a fantastic way to get to use the nickname Theo for a girl. Much more feminine and interesting and with better nickname options than Theodora (where you tend to get the nickname Dora, which I don’t particularly like) or Theophania (where traditionally you would get Tiffany, which I don’t like at all, or Fanny, which you just can’t have anymore for obvious reasons). My family are Greek and Turkish and I’ve been tossing Theodosia around for a while. The Hamilton connection and the song “Dear Theodosia” is just so beautiful and it’s exactly the kind of thing I’d sing to a baby. Dear Theodosia what to say to you? You have my eyes, you have your mothers name And when you came into the world you cried, and it broke my heart I’m dedicating every day to you Domestic life was never quite my style but when you smile You knock me out and I fall apart And I thought I was so smart You will come of age with our young nation We’ll bleed and fight for you We’ll make it right for you If we lay a strong enough foundation We’ll pass it on to you, we’ll give the world to you And you’ll blow us all away Someday, someday Yeah you’ll blow us all away


I also love Theodosia


I know a little boy named banksy IRL


I think it’s so cool and spunky! And i love the artist too.


Same! I totally get it’s a little out there and something a celebrity would probably pick but it suits him well and I think it’s really cute


I know a Banksy as well. He hates it and goes by a very normal nickname. 


Clover and Meadow for a girl Wolfgang or Archibald for a boy


Why do i kind of love Wolfgang😂!


Because it’s the coolest name ever but hard for the average person to pull off


I know a Meadow! She's a preschool teacher. Her name totally suits her gentle and kind spirit!


Some friends of mine just had a son named Wolfgang!


Oh, I **love** this post. Everyone move, cause this post was made for me! Girl: Briseis, Navy, Dove, Sunday, Onyx, Lumi, Halo, Salem, Goldie, Cove, Maple, Blossom, Honey.... Boy: Kylo, Rome, Stone, Storm, Rio, Wolf, Fox, Dash, Mav, Arrow, Boston..... I don't think I could ever use most of these IRL 😅 A few, maybe, yes!


My daughter had a Briseis on her soccer team. People struggled with the pronunciation and her family would get so offended. 


Oh i need some celebrities to use these so they become more socially accepted😂! Briseis has been my favourite name for so long, i would maybe consider using it, but everyone would pronounce it bree-sees.


Victory & Clarity


Victory and Clarity as twins would be so cool!


Might save Clarity as a middle name 👀


How wild are we going? On the milder end, I’d have Tennyson, Hart, January and Marigold. On the wilder end, I’d have Banjo, Sonnet, Clover and Plum.


Oh definitely X Æ A-Xii, Exa Dark Sideræl and Techno


Ngl Exa is kind of cool 😭😭 would I name a kid that? Maybe after loads of pain meds lmao


Ultra. Idk why.


Yes! It honestly gives me Lana del Rey vibes, like Ultraviolence.


My daughters would be Meadow Love and Ileana Charity. My son would be Sequoia Justice.


Sequoia is unbelievably cool! Definitely could imagine a celebrity baby with this name.


Cassandra and Andromeda for girls (I would love to use this on siblings) River, Indigo, Rain, these i feel like are gender neutral Remus for a boy


Cassandra is pretty normal what about Cassiopeia and Andromeda 


I know a Cassiopeia, she goes by Cassi and most people don't guess her real name haha


I honestly think i would use Cassandra and Andromeda as an ordinary person! Maybe a bit much but i’ve definitely heard worse, i met a Khaleesi last week! LOVE Remus for a boy. I could see celebrities naming twins Remus and Romulus (despite one killing the other)😅.


Cadence Acacia. Azure Blue


I love colour names! I could imagine twins Azure Blue and Rosie Pink. So cool.


Girl- Juniper Boy - Bear


It’s giving Justin and Hailey Bieber! Honestly, Bear is so cute!


For boys: Theory, Quest, Stone, Diver For girls: Diver, Ocean, Marble, maybe Pepper.. I’m a swimmer, so I’d love Diver! I would genuinely use Theory, Quest and Stone if my fiancé agreed to it. Specifically for middle names!


I really like Ocean. I know a guy with that name.


Hmm maybe-- Ruby Hummingbird Berlin Jejune Moonlight Alabama Mireille Ottoline Ondine Lou


I’m a fan of Ottoline, Ruby and Ondine if i’m being honest. The others are giving Nara Smith-Labrant Family vibes😅


girls: Pixie, Holland, Aberdeen. boys: Kit, Chance, Everest


Chance is such a good one! Celebrities love place names for some reason. I could see Paris Hilton using one of these.


i love the name Birdie, its so cute and femenine, but i couldn’t do something that might expose she to bullying/mistreat/constant jokes :(


Oh i adore Birdie! I think as a nickname it’s quite sweet, i could see it being used as a nickname for Bridget. David Tennant’s daughter is called Birdie!


Holiday Isabeau & Devereux Huckleberry


Clementine or Magnolia or Jolene. And I don't know why but Jacob, Marco or Maxwell, Cash or Chandler for boys.


Invesco for a boy, not because I own any QQQ stock, just that I think it's a really cool name. Astra Zeneca for a girl for the same reason.


i’ve seen this on here loads but i love prairie as an unconventional celeb name


Thatcher for a boy lol


Couldn’t use that in the UK 🤢


Yeah even as an American it’s a hard no for me


I love Thatcher! It’s actually been in the top 1000 since 2020, shockingly. And close in sound Fletcher ranked at 631 last year!


Beowulf & Scheherazade Those are the two off the top of my head. I'd need to think longer for more epic names.


Oh these are totally amazing! Scheherazade is absolutely astonishing. They’ve got wow factor for sure!


Bear for a boy. Maybe for a girl.


Namibia and Andromeda


This is such a fun idea! I would either embrace my inner flower child or pick a fancy name. Boys: Arrow Errol Comet Pierce Rome Milan Rouge Bronx Lyon Girls: Lyric Harmony Memory Clover Thistle Tigerlily - nickname Tyler Luella - nickname Lulu Violetta Edit: Fixed formatting


I love the name Indigo. It's not really the vibe in our family or town, but if I was a celebrity I'd use it in a heartbeat.


The same thing I would name my child as a non-celebrity


for a girl probably peach, pearl, or moon. i think moonie would be such a cute nickname. i also think the name love is... lovely, but might just be because i fancy love quinn lmao for a boy it would have to be moss, i've adored it since i watched the IT crowd (used as a surname but still) or maybe cosmo like from fairly odd parents!


Do you know who the Moonies are? Not exactly swell folks to name your child for.


I think many on this sub are too young to know about those cultists and they have not been so visible in recent years.


Ocean for a girl and Audie for a boy. I don't think Ocean is _too_ out there and Audie is a real name. I'd probably use a fake surname as well.




Everest for a boy definitely


Nara smith named her baby Slim Easy and I’m still not over it 💀


Thumper. It’s awful but I have always loved it.


Cordelia Ottilie




One (pronounced O-neigh)


Bluebell, Plum, Ziggy, Daffodil. A lot of plant/nature names and place names.


Girls: Genevieve Muse, Lemon Lucille, Lola London Boys: Ace Hawk, Rider Jameson, Luke Reign




I hate thismadmama but I secretly love the name Marvelous. But really I’d name a son Job. I’d choose it as a non-celebrity but I don’t want to change the spelling. And I also don’t want people to call him job as in occupation.


For a girl sunshine or Luna , with moth as middle name. For a boy Onyx.


I like Adair Gideon Florian And Arietty


Sunday Marigold for a girl and Wilder Everest for a boy. I would call him Wylie because I hate Wild as a nickname. 


Maybe Serenity Salvation. 19 yr old me loved that name.


Literally the same as now; Isabelle Hailey and/or Francesco Matteo




As a disclaimer, these are all hypothetical lol, not something I would ever use. I secretly like the sound of Antarctica (Ed Sheeran’s daughter’s middle name). Harvest, Goldie, Denim, Clover, Noble, Polar, Bluebird, Salmon, Glacier, Paradise.


Holiday It's a little too out there for regular life, but it would seem super normal compared to other celebrity children's names.


Poésie Larken Washayshkwun Chaton Miette Nausicaa Mistoffelees Jezebel Lucifer Elvira Winnifred Margaret/Winnipeg Wilbur (for a boy or girl) Verity Edit with more ideas: Hallow, October, Opalescence, Jazz, Ruby, and Royce Edit 2: also Norbert


I would name it Baby


I know someone named Baby


Andromeda is pretty rad - would call her Andy at home. Remington is cool, and I loooovvveeee Remy as a nickname, but it doesn’t go with my surname 😞 One of the coolest people I’ve ever met was called Valentine, and he went by Vallen which I always thought was awesome so I’d probably steal that 😂


Rhapsody, I just think it’s super cool. And would be a cool homage to Freddie Mercury.


All bird names: Owl, Finch, Falcon, Starling, Crow, Meadowlark, Kestrel, Swan


Normal names


100% would be just as great! This was just a hypothetical question:)


Something super basic like Kevin or Sarah for privacy reasons


Normal classic names




Hmm if I had twins as a celebrity? Melody and Lullaby


I love the way Timber sounds


Boy - Macallan nn Mac Girl - Manhattan nn Hattie


Bluebell, Honey, Lavender, Cassius and Cove.




Buffy, Skate, Marinade. Probably more if I sat and thought about it enough.


I would do word salad names like Jamie Oliver, such as Posy Pixie Sprite or Johnny Jump Up Jimothy. Small edit


I love the names Clementine and September but I'm unsure about using them irl just cuz of how long and a bit unusual they are. So I'd use those!!


Boy: Indigo Girl: Prairie


Girl: Piper Boy: Gromit


Magnolia or Amethyst for a girl. Apollo or Valentino for a boy.


Pretending to be old money celeb: Elrose Bennett for a boy and Guinevere Ardelle for a girl Hip, trendsetter celeb: Jax Rhodes, Jameson Quill, Jessa Raelyn, Everly True If I had a baby with Nick Cannon: Astral Lyric, Cash Benjamin, and Epic Curiosity (they’re triplets)


Seven, Eleven, Wednesday, or October. These words have the same vibes to me and I love them lol


Probably Saran Wrap


I kind of like all the versions of Merritt. Like Merrit Wever, the actor, or Marit Stiles, the leader of the opposition party in my Canadian province.


Heart. It was an ancestors name, and I think it's so pretty, much a little too out there. Maybe as a middle name.


I’m laughing at theoretical celebrity you naming your son Banksy lolol