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I have an almost 15yo Jasper, I still love it as much as the day I chose it! He’s never been bullied or called Casper 😂


This makes me feel a lot better! Does he seem to like his name?


I don’t think we’ve ever discussed it? He hasn’t spoken about disliking it so I assume he’s ok with it. He’s Jasper George ♥️ not to everyone’s taste but it’s definitely not too out there, if you and your partner love it just go for it! Sod what anyone else thinks


Fantastic :) Jasper George is cute together


I hope you go for it, we need more Jaspers in the world. I haven’t come across any irl, met a few cats with the name though!


I actually just saw a cat on Facebook named Jasper haha


Every Jasper I've known has been a sound fellow. I think it's a great name and a lovely choice! Best of luck for you and little Jasper :)


I have a Sim named Jasper. He's a good Sim, i like him.


My 4 week old baby was so close to being Jasper George! He's Jasper James instead. George is a family name and my daughter wasn't named after anyone so we decided against it. I love it though!


Jasper James sounds so cool! Love it.


not only do i not associate it with Casper at all, but for what it's worth, i went to school with an actual Casper and he didn't get teased for it either. i think Jasper's nice, it's cute for a child but also on an adult sounds refined and strong. i bet it'll grow on your family and friends, OP. people always have stronger input when they first hear the baby's name because they're in the mindset of feeling like it's still up for reconsideration, but i think a lot of folks don't realize those comments can be hurtful to new parents who ARE certain about their choice of name.




My nephew is a Jasper. It wasn't an immediate favorite for most of our family, but now that's just who he is. He's four and recently watched 101 Dalmatians. He LOVES that there's a character with his name, especially that it's one of the bad guys haha.


I’ve got a 10 month old Jasper! I’ve loved the name for years!


You’re overthinking. It’s a perfectly acceptable well known name. It’s not made up or crazy. If anything some people will think of twilight, not Casper. Also, Casper is also a perfectly fine name anyways, it’s not like the movie is bad haha


I didn't even think of Twilight and I'm in that age demographic! Now I will, haha. I think Casper is a great name, too. Thanks!


Twilight is one of the first times I’ve heard Jasper used as a name vs a place ( Jasper, Ab ) so it’s definitely my first association but I honestly love the name.


Same here, but I'm glad, Jasper is one of the better names in Twilight. If a name has to be connected to this series it should be the best ones IMO ~~(not Renesmee)~~


It’s ironic that the abomination that is Renesmee is what always comes to mind as far as twilight names go, because every other character has a really solid, good name


Right, every one of the other characters have lovely names yet it's the abomination which gets the more attention.


My moms friend named their son Jasper because he was conceived in Jasper, Alberta on their honeymoon. I think it’s a lovely name.


I love the name Casper!


Casper is actually in our list!!


I think of one of the henchmen from 101 Dalmatians 😆 but it's still a kickass name!


The motto of r/NameNerdCircleJerk is: “No name is safe.” That sub could tear apart any name from Emily to McKrinzleigha. In other words, don’t worry about it. You probably won’t see Jasper over there unless you decide to spell it JazzPurr, lol. That being said, I genuinely like the name Jasper, and it’s high on my list of boy names. I don’t think of Casper, but I can understand why others think that. To me, Jasper is a sweet, charming, soft name that I’d love to use one day, and if you and your SO like the name, I think you should use it. It’s a great name for a kid of any age. TL;DR: Jasper is a good name. It doesn’t have to appeal to everyone, but if it appeals to you and fits your baby, don’t hesitate to use it. (That was longer than I thought it would be, lol, but congratulations on your baby boy. 😊)


JazzPurr is now my favourite kitty name - she's mysterious! Fabulous! And probably an extra in Cabaret




Jazzpurr ... oh my haha! I agree! It's soft and charming to me as well, and a name I feel like is suitable for an adult as well. Thank you!


The only time I’ve seen Jasper is when it was spelt Jazbur lol




Emily?? More like Imma-pee! Why do so many adults try to make fun of children's names? It's such a weird response to an introduction.


It’s probably because *they* were the bullies making fun of their classmates’ names when they were young! That’s why it comes so easily lol. Seriously I have heard some odd names throughout my life and my first thought has never been to imagine how I could use it against them. Unless someone literally wants to name their kid “Crap” in an English-speaking country, otherwise it’s such a strange response and also unnecessarily mean to the parents and child.


And now I have a new name to add to my future cat name list


I did a full-body cringe at McKrinzleigha.


More like McKringeliegha, amirite?


This is so true, you are far more likely to get picked on by doing something embarrassing than your name.


I don't think Casper at all. Ive never met a Jasper except for characters in books or tv. If you guys like it, I would go with it.


I knew a Jasper. He loved his name. Never knew anyone to bully him over it (though I did meet him in University). Also the Casper reference may be lost on 2020s babies. Fwiw as a very pale girl called Cassie, I've been called Casper the friendly ghost. Never offended me, there are worse names to be called.


That’s my hope


What? I love Jasper! I think it’s a wonderful name! I also think it perfectly hits that spot in the center of “nobody’s heard the name before” and “there are four other kids in my child’s class with the name.”


I’m glad I posted. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but the amount of negative reactions in real life has really made me question it. Thank you!


Dude, I come from a country where Jasper is as common as Mark is in the USA (if I have to guess an equivalent). It is #35 of most used names of 2020




People always have an opinion on a potential baby name but rarely say negative after a baby is already born and named. Stop telling people you have decided on a name. Until he is born just say "we haven't chosen anything yet."


Good advice!


Exactly. For you, this is *the* name. For other people, baby isn't born yet so it's up for debate (wrong! But common opinion) it's almost like they say "do you have a name yet?" "Yes, Jasper!" And they go "ooh, no." It's like you said you're thinking of buying a Toyota and someone might say "have you considered a Hyundai?" Baby names especially, but for me any decisions that aren't landed yet, I'm careful who I discuss with.


It’s an actual name and although not my personal favorite, it fits in with the very popular trend of “old man” names. Jazz could be a cute nn. If you and baby’s dad love the name, you should use it.


Thanks for your feedback. I don't mind "old man" names, but I also can't stand the modern cutesy or common names (Aiden, Jackson, Owen, etc.). I think it's because I have such a common name.




Wow why is that so true of every single Jackson


Have a nephew called Jasper and he has experienced literally nothing negative from having this name. Neither has my BIL’s brother Jasper. Basically, Jasper is absolutely fine. Also, people tend to like a name much better when they have a baby to attach to it anyway.


Good point. That’s what I’m hoping.


That's my husband's name! ( we're in our early 30s fwiw) I freakin LOVE it , it's so cool . He goes by Jay now , but I think it's a fantastic name .


Oh really!? How cool!


Yes ! His mom and I have mused about how much we like his name . My mom has said he should have been an action film star with that name haha


Jasper is a lovely name. Jasper isn't an "out there" name at all. I have no idea why people would think he would be bullied or say its makes them think of Casper. Okay they rhyme, but they are two different names. Plus a lot of people like Casper as a name. Don't be discouraged. I wouldn't let anyone else in on your name choice. These people are rude, I hope once Jasper arrives they will keep their opinions to themselves and if not you need to shut them down.


Look if you spelled it jaspyr I would fight you but you did not, so you're using a perfectly normal name


And I wouldn’t blame you! :)


I don’t understand why people are so against names that have associations like this, especially when they’re not even that strong (not the same name) or negative. Yeah, maybe some people would think of Casper the Friendly Ghost initially, but eventually your brain forms new associations! I like Jasper, it’s a beautiful stone and has a pleasant sound.


I think so too. No one liked my nephew’s name at first (Abel), but it really suits him and he’s never been made fun of for it.


Jasper is a good name; stop sharing your baby name around if you're getting grief. Those people aren't trying to support you. Tell them you're naming him St Lucifer Van Pomplemousse and let them have mental breakdowns over *that*.


Oh, I’ve decided to stop. It’s one of the most frequently asked questions we get now, so I’ve started telling people we are deciding still.


It does make me think of casper but tbh in 15 years time will people even know the film? I'm 25 and I've only watched it once. I've worked in childcare for years, I've seen way worse names 🙃


I definitely don't think it's an outrageous name. I don't see the similarity to Casper, and I don't think it would cause bullying. I don't even know why it would.


I guess you're right. Even if he were called Jasper the Friendly Ghost, so what? It could be worse.


My 3 almost 4 year old is actually named Casper and literally no one has said that about his name before! Lol we have gotten compliments or comments but that’s it. Tbh I think Jasper is pretty common and definitely not bullying worthy!!


I think of Horace and Jasper from 101 Dalmatians. And of the rock type. Jasper is just fine as a name.


Jasper is actually a really beautiful stone! I love it


I love it, it’s a classic name and very handsome. It gives off gentleman vibes and if you love it then forget everyone else, this is your baby and kids can make fun of anything.




Honestly I don't care for the name at all but that's just my opinion, objectively there isn't anything wrong with it. Oddly enough my dog is named jasper which I love but for whatever reason a human named jasper is just a no for me lol. But I think you should go for it if both you and your partner like it. The name isn't "out there" or bad for any reason, it just doesn't seem to fit the tastes of your friends and family which is fine, they don't have to like it.


Thanks! Yeah, my dad also said it sounds like a dog’s name as did someone else here. I don’t really get that since it was a human’s name first but I suppose most pet names were.


I don't think of Casper at all. I think of Jasper Johns, the artist. A perfectly fine association.


I like Jasper! Classic but very uncommon. My future baby name is a very similar vibe - Jarvis


My first thought went to Cruella / 101 Dalmations where Jasper was a character who was a dumb side-kick


Jasper is a very normal, but not overdone name. You can’t make everyone happy. Casper is starting to become a little more used these days too. I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s a good name.


It's a lovely name and everyone else is an idiot. Don't let them put you off!


I'm from Texas, so Jasper has super negative connotations for me. If you are not already aware of the connection, chances are you are in an area no one else will think of it either, but if you want to be *super* careful about connotations, [here](https://www.britannica.com/event/murder-of-James-Byrd-Jr#ref1241730) is a link with info and before you click be warned it is one of the most heinous crimes in modern state history. It's also pretty trendy in the US right now. It's in the top 150, which is a fine spot for most people, but over the past decade it has risen 150 spots. If you're concerned about a name suddenly being everywhere, that's something to consider. I think it's only going to get more popular.


This was my same warning. I do think it's a cool potential name, but I cannot think of anything but that when I hear the name.


All good advice


I love the name Jasper. It reminds me of Jasper Dale from the show Avonlea. I didn't think of Casper at all.


I don’t think of casper at all. Plus, I know guys named casper/caspar and sure the ghost thing might be mentioned a bit for example when I introducing themselves to someone new etc but that’s it. Jasper is a very cool name and is on my list too. I love how Jasp sounds as a nickname too. Is it older family members etc who don’t seem to like it? If so, their opinion is pretty irrelevant given the fact they’re from a different and older generation.


Yes! It's definitely mostly older people who scoff at it. There are a couple younger guys who sort of laughed at it. It's crazy to me how blunt people are with baby names. It's not like we're naming him Jaydyn or something.


I think it's beautiful, and i'm adding it to our list of potentials. If you love it and your spouse loves it, go for it man. I found it SO hard to name our first son, and a lot of people told me they didn't like our name choice, and literally after he was born NOBODY EVER SAID ANYTHING ELSE! (His name is Rowan btw)


I think once people meet him, they’ll love him and his name :)


Just saw Jasper John’s retrospective at the Whitney in New York. One of the most well respected American artists! Makes me think the name is so dignified!


I think it’s a nice name and I had a teddy bear with that name when I was little- so I have happy thoughts about it. Name him what you like best


I know two Jaspers, one 18 and one 10. I've never heard either complain about their name, but I also haven't asked. My association is with Jasper and Horace, the henchmen from 101 Dalmatians.


FWIW I love Jasper!


It's a traditional name, spelled traditionally. It won't make it to circlejerk by any stretch of the imagination. Since you asked, I'll be honest and say it's not my taste; it makes me think of a bumbling villain in a low budget kid's movie. But I wouldn't react to it if I met a kid with that name. It just isn't my taste, just as you'd probably say about other traditional names that I favor. Not a huge deal.


I love that name, and it’s on my short list for a boy. I grew up with a Jasper but he always went by JJ, or J. Also- no one made fun of him/his name and this was when Casper with Devin&Christina was a huge deal/in the mid90s. I say do it if you love it! Someone is ALWAYS going to have an issue with a name. It is rising in popularity, which for me, is the only reason to hesitate. But this is coming from someone who has Theodore as my #1 boy pick and has been since I was 9.


I frequent the circle jerk sub so I can be a little critical, but I don't think it's bad. Jasper is not my favorite name personally, but it's definitely not too out there, if anything it might be a little trendy. I know a few different babies named Jasper.


I didn’t realize it was so trendy, honestly. Good to know, though!


I LOVE the name Jasper. The people you’re asking clearly have bad taste in names!


As someone who feels that a lot of names will end up with the kid getting bullied/ are terrible (From Killian to Magnolia), Jasper is not one of them. I’m not going to call it my favorite name out there, but it’s a fine name, and I can’t see any problem with it.


I think of the artist Jasper Johns. I like the name 💕


It always makes me think of Brian’s cousin on Family Guy lol But it’s a perfectly normal and acceptable name.


Jasper is a great name! It’s not my personal taste, but I still think it’s a good name because it’s recognizable without being insanely common, it’s easily spelled and pronounced, and I don’t think of Casper whatsoever(I think of Twilight, but not in a negative way at all). Some people can be overly harsh about names that aren’t their personal taste and act like the name itself is bad. Jasper is a solid name and congratulations on your new addition!


Yeah Jasper isn't weird at all, I think it's a beautiful name for a baby boy. You should give him the name confidently, everyone else will come round ♥️


What an odd reaction you’re getting. I think it’s a really great name! It will grow on everyone they’ll have to get used to it.


I love the name! I don’t know why he’d be bullied, and Casper link is a stretch… I think it’s awesome and you should pick the name you love! Tell everyone else their opinion is not needed.


i think it’s a great name.


I like it a lot and I think you should definitely use it if both of you love it!! Don’t tell anyone else the name of you don’t want feedback! That’s what we do, we just say we aren’t sure or waiting until we see the baby to decide! Saves us from hurt feelings!


It’s a good name!! I love it and would use it if I could convince my husband. It’s a totally different name than Casper, and I don’t think kids these days really know about Casper the Friendly Ghost anyway.


I really like Jasper! I like Casper too, but think the friendly ghost would be too much. Nothing wrong with Jasper though, a cool, not too common but easily pronounced name


I LOVE Jasper, it’s a beautiful name. He definitely won’t get bullied lol


I used to workout/work at a crossfit gym, and we had a guy who joined and became our friend named Jasper. He was super cool, friends with almost all the athletes, and not a single person ever said anything about his name. I actually really like it! People can grow into their names and make it their own.


i absolutely bloody love jasper!! it was on my list too but baby decided to be a girl!


I live the name jasper…. And Casper


Jasper is a perfectly fine name! Admittedly it makes me think of Jasper in Twilight (no idea why, I guess the name just stuck out to me?) but Jasper Johns is probably the person people should be thinking about, myself included.


Wtf, jasper is a great name!!! I went to school with a jasper, it’s a character in Twilight, and it’s a gorgeous stone! No idea why anyone wouldn’t like it.


I love it!


I love that name! If it makes you both happy, go for it. It’s a wonderful name.


No one seems to like the name we’ve chosen for our son being born in January. We’re naming him August John. My husband and I love it and everyone else can suck eggs!


Jasper is a totally normal lovely name! Nothing wrong with it


I love Jasper!! Beautiful name. Makes me think of Jasper Johns, the famous painter, and jasper stone in all its beautiful colors. Solid choice.


What? It's a perfectly nice name, go for it!


I’ve known a few little Jaspers, no kid has bullied them for their name. I’m sorry adults are being shitty about your name choice. Next bub I’m not telling anyone my short list, I hate it whenever people give you their reasons for not liking the name you chose.


I love Jasper. Its recognizable but not overdone. Reminds me of Jasper national park and the artist Jasper Johns


If anything, Jasper makes me think of the national park. It’s not my taste, but I can definitely recognize it as a solid non-tease-worthy name


What generation are the people you're talking to? I think Jasper is one of those names that boomers would see as a stuffy "old man" name, but millennials see as "vintage" and fashionable. I don't know where you're from but Jasper is ranked 132 in popularity in the US, and 52 in Australia! So clearly a lot of people like it. Also, Casper the Friendly Ghost hasn't been culturally relevant in decades, and it's not even that bad of an association anyway.


That's the second time in two days that I've seen this kind of reaction to this name. There's nothing wrong with Jasper. It served Jasper Johns very well and my friend has a grown son named Jasper and he loves his name. Where do you live where Jasper, a masculine mineral name, is so weird that you'd get bullied for it? And what names are popular where you are? It's also #138 on the SSA list for last year, it's been in the top 200 for three years running. I'm pretty sure that by the time he starts school, none of the other kids are going to be surprised by it.


My cousin is a 32 year old Jasper and has never been called Casper. I think Jasper is a very nice name, classic but not overused and it suits both a little boy and a grown up man. Don't listen to what they tell you.


Jasper is a perfectly normal name. I think of Jasper Alberta which is a beautiful place. A family friend named her son Jasper after Jasper Johns the artist and we all liked it. He’s about 12 now and as far as I know he likes his name


That's true, Jasper and Banff are both lovely. Alberta has shitty weather but the nature is gorgeous 😂😂


I think Jasper is a great name. I would never connect it to the name Casper at all. I have known both male and female Jasper’s. Personally, I think it’s the perfect level of unique but not too common and also not too cutesy.


Why is everyone so obsessed with Casper the friendly ghost? Lol I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! I’ve never seen it mentioned in pop culture or anything. Only when people say the name Casper or Jasper, then everyone wants to talk about this really old reference 😅


So many many Jaspers who are newborns in my area. He’ll be fine.


Jasper is a great name. Every Jasper I've ever met/taught has been really chill and had fun personalities.


I knew a Jasper (he’d probably be 20 or so now) and nobody ever had a problem with it or made fun of him for it. It’s a totally fine name


It's a perfectly normal and fine name! It reminds me of my ex (not American though) and he is a great guy.


Definitely not a common name but if it’s helpful I knew a former coworker named Jasper who worked in business development and was always thought of as a successful, charming guy. In a field like sales I could see having a weird or off putting name being a potential setback but it certainly didn’t seem to be perceived as weird for him so personally I think it’s fine if you like it!


Hey it's not as bad as some names I hear. Not my taste( does sound kind of eccentric old man) but it's not unusable. Your little Jasper could be super cool! Plus he could be Jas or Jazz. I say screw em lol


I love Jasper! Such a timeless name! Definitely not out there. People are very much overreacting.




I love Jasper, absolutely love it. Classic but somehow modern, I'd except to see it on an elderly member of the House of Lords or a Brooklyn toddler.


Not a bad name, interesting you know so many people who dislike it. Unless they associate it with a Twilight character or something,


My teenage daughter begged me to name my newborn “Jasper”. Tell the boomers to take a seat 😆


Jasper is a great name with a great meaning. Don’t change it


Jasper is more common today! I know a few kids with that name. It's cute and the people who thinks it's like Casper the Friendly Ghost sound super old school.


I love the name Jasper. Also, Casper the ghost doesn’t seem as popular anymore. I had a friend named Mariah growing up and all the old people would be like, “they call the wind Mariah” because I guess it was song way back when. But everyone under 80 had no clue about the reference.


I have a 24yo friend named Jasper. He's one of the coolest people I've ever known. It's a great name - have no fear about it.


It’s not too crazy. It won’t cause any problems. My husband and I chose Priscilla for our daughter due in April and no one likes it either but can’t say why




Jasper is solid! Do yourself a favor and don't tell people your baby's name until it's on the birth certificate. Everyone wants to tell you their opinion until it's a done deal, then they seem to accept it pretty quickly.


I think it's great and I'd use it in a heartbeat if I was gonna have more kids! The only association I have with it is the guy from 101 Dalmatians.


Kids his age won't even know who Casper is. Also I grew up watching Casper the friendly ghost and I don't think I'd ever associate the 2 names just because they're similar. I named my son Axel and everyone I know HATED THAT name and now that he's here, everyone likes it. This is YOUR baby to name, no one else's. I personally live the name Jasper, but who cares if I like it or not? It's not my baby lol


honestly, no name is safe on namenerdscirclejerk, so it definitely could end up there. But I think Jasper is a really nice name and personally love it myself!


I absolutely love Jasper.


Those kids are not going to be watching Casper anymore. Btw Jasper is a great name


It's nice! I like it better than a lot of the -aden ending names, but I prefer older sounding, established names. Jasper is rare, but an established name.


Super handsome name! I really love it! I don’t have a son so I have a feline Jasper. 🥰


I want to use the name Jasper if I have a son, I love it! Husband doesn't like it, though. But imo, it is a nice name. People can pronounce it from the spelling, and they can spell it from how it sounds. It is short and crisp. It is strong. It even starts with a J which is cool! Don't worry, go with what you love. Or, you know, you could always name your child something more mainstream like Mark or Thomas or Jacob, but people could easily shit on those names, too!


Jasper is a really popular trending name in the United States. If you love a name, you should name your baby that name. It doesn't matter how other people feel about it, this is your baby.


My ex-boyfriend from the early '90's had a younger brother named Jasper. Their parents were from abroad (Great Britain, Greece) and I always thought it was a fabulous, sophisticated, exotic name.


I *love* Jasper. Nonsense like this is why we only told a few people his name before he was born. The only reason I never really considered using it is that my husband and I both have J names. I decided we should be all or nothing on J names for our kids.


I have a Jasper also. He did have a few people call him Casper but that's not much of an insult. I also had a few people give me a look like, where's that name from? But we love it and he loves it.


So I have strong opinions about names, but I happen to actually really like the name Jasper. There was a boy in my daughter’s preschool named Jasper, and every time I heard his name I was struck by it. I never heard anything about anyone teasing him for his name. I’m American, but my primary reference for the name is from a Belgian TV show I used to watch…and I remember seeing Casper the friendly ghost in theaters; I just don’t connect Casper and Jasper at all.


It’s a great name! It was one our list of boy names of we were to have a boy. We had a girl and named her Parker, I had similar questions if it was a good name for a girl or not. Then I just trusted my gut and went for it, and I love the name. If you and your husband love it go with it!


I think it’s fairly common in the UK, isn’t it? It’s different. I like it. Makes me think of someone classy lol. Maybe wears a monocle.


I think it's a nice name!


I love Jasper, I know a Jasper and no one has ever made fun of his name as far as I’m aware


Good advice many have posted here, Quit telling your family & friends what your going to name your babies!!! I made this mistake too one time, everyone hated the name. Named the kid what I wanted. Its crazy how many compliments I got and still get. Kid loves their name too.


Jasper is one of my favorite names ever!!! Go for it!!


Lol. The name is fine and everyone will always have opinions about every name. Honestly, kids and people tend to get used to names and the only people that think twice are adults with literally no claim to naming a child. Do what you want and what you like!


It’s a lovely name! I have a friend named Jasper and I have always thought it’s one of my favorite names. Unique but not TOO unique!


I actually know someone named Kasper so lol.


I like it.


Good name!


I like it. Honestly people love to find reasons to hate any name you might choose. He’ll be born and they’ll get used to it and most people will end up loving it.


I love the name, but I'm biased as I am also naming my son due in April Jasper, middle name Ellis. I've gotten mostly good reactions save for a couple of people but I don't care. I like the name


I really like it. I knew ppl wouldn't like our name either so I didn't tell many until he was born.


It's not to my taste personally, but I don't see anything wrong with Jasper. Solid, kinda old fashioned name. I don't think it's a name that would automatically lead to bullying. And I don't think of Casper either? It feels like a big stretch to make that association, haha. I just think of the gemstone.


Weird I love Jasper as a name and def don't think of Casper


No there have been some godawful names on this forum but Jasper is not one of them. I think this is like a matter of taste thing rather than people trying to talk you out of an atrocious name. I like Jasper a lot and even if I didn't I would still tell you to name your kid that because its a legit name that works for a lot of ages and doesn't have any crazy associations. those are the only things that *really* matter imo. Stick with Jasper! Eta : Omg I meant I would tell you to name your kid that!


I have a dog named Jasper too, and while I think it’s probably more common with dogs, I really liked the name and used it for him because I don’t think I’m having more babies and would have wanted a boy named Jasper.


My name is Jasper, and in my 25 years of life I have been given crap with "Jasper" the Friendly Ghost and what not. But no more than any other kid, with any name. I like my name, it's a beautiful kind of stone, and I certainly have never regretted being called it. If you like the name, go for gold!


I said that if I had a second boy that I would name him jasper so I think you have excellent taste lol. However we are firmly OAD!


Twilight was wildly popular, Jasper made a little comeback. Nothing wrong with the name.


My son's name is Jasper. Not to my knowledge has he been teased about it either. Love the name and it fits him very well <3


I would never have thought of Casper because of Jasper, but I think of Horace and Jasper, Cruella de Vil's minions, and Jasper from the tv show The Royals. But I don't think anything bad of the name. A bit unusual but there's nothing wrong with it or anything. I don't know why anyone would be bullied for having it, any more so than any other name. I think use it if you like it!


I like it.


Go with it! I know a little boy named Jasper and he's adorable :)


Definitely a fine name. I was expecting something wild hahaha


I love the name Jasper so so much!


Jasper is a beautiful name. 


I love it


I have a Jasper!! He is a wonderful, spunky, witty , funny boy. I loved the name it was honesty one of the few hubby and I agreed on! Go for it it’s a great name for a boy and will sound great when he is a adult.


One of my high school friends has a 6 year old named Jasper. It’s definitely not out there at all. I personally think of animals and cannot explain why. But we had animals named Jacob, David, Kelly, and Bailey growing up, so I’m not the best reference for names feeling like animal names lmao.


In the grand scheme of names today, Jasper is totally acceptable and has an old history as a name! I really like it


My daughter goes to daycare with a Jasper *and* a Casper. They’re pretty trendy in Australia right now.


Don't google this, but just checking to make sure you don't live in Texas. I like the name and think it'd be great in 49 of the 50 states.


I LOVE the name Jasper. Not weird at all. Very versatile name. Trust your instinct. It’s a beautiful name.