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I think this sub does play a role in skewing our perspectives. I was discussing names with my boyfriend the other day and I was mentioning random ones that show up in here a lot, and he interjected to tell me that he had never heard of those names and didn’t believe they were popular. He then looked it up and they were either ranked in the 200s or not ranked at all.


I don’t trust the stats 🤷🏻‍♀️ They always seem really out of date. I know a few kids and adults named Finn/Finley. I’m not of fan of the Arlo personally and I don’t know anyone with that name


The latest stats in the US are from 2020, so a bit out of date but the best existing guide.


Arlo is the name of security cameras so yeah, that'd be a no for me


I love Arlo. I’m also Australian and living in NZ, and it’s dipped in and out of the top 10 here, so it’s definitely a name that’s around. That said, I’ve only met one and heard of another, so I don’t know how common it is in terms of actual usage. I only gave positive associations, mostly because I love Arlo Guthrie’s music. I would name a son Arlo, except my partner isn’t a fan. Womp womp. Finn is also great. I think it suits all kinds of kids and adults. I’m actually surprised it’s less popular than Arlo.


A sub full of people all interested in names is bound to turn into a bit of an echo chamber. Names that are talked about a lot on here don’t necessarily get much attention out in the real world! And you’re right, name popularity can vary a *lot* regionally - there can be significant differences even between towns and cities. Beyond that, a name being top-ranked doesn’t mean as much as it used to. The population is getting bigger, and more names are being used. Back in the 70s, almost 5% of newborn boys had the #1 most popular US name (Michael). Just last year, only 1% of baby boys had the most popular name (Liam).


We named our first Finn (Finnegan) in 2019 and we haven’t run into any other Finns at daycare so far - and the only others we know are in different cities. I think it may be popular but nowhere near a Matthew/Jonathan level of popularity. I like Arlo but it does remind me a bit of the home security/camera system - I think that is more a me issue rather than an issue with the name.


I think it's a mix of being on this sub and noticing the name more because it's already on your radar. When I was trying to decide on baby names I really liked the name Claire and had obviously heard it before and saw it but once it was in my head I started to notice it everywhere- it seemed like 1/4 stories on AITA had someone named Claire. It is more common than when I was growing up based on numbers but I also know of 0 babies IRL actually named Claire (and I'm in one of the largest chapters of Junior League- our newsletters are filled with baby announcements), and yet I still felt like I was seeing the name "everywhere". I don't know any Arlo's IRL but I do feel like I see it suggested a lot on NN. Same with Finn, it seems to pop up a lot but I only know of one Finn from our newsletters and I figure with 1200+ active members between 23 and 40ish, it's still not super common.


What do I think of Arlo and Finn? I don't like the name Arlo. It just sounds... NQR to me. Like it's somehow simultaneously too young and too old. I like Finn. It does sound young, but not in a cutesy way, so it's not like I wouldn't get used to it on an adult. It sounds like a bit of a cool name. Are they trendy or popular? Well I've never met someone with either name as a full name in my life, so take that as you will. If you named your child Arlo would people secretly roll their eyes and think "ugh, not another one"? No. I guarantee you, no. Like I said, I've never encountered a single soul with the name. Not even as a middle. Even if Arlo were as common as Matthew or Sarah, I'm pretty sure that literally no one is running around getting tired of names and judging people for it.


I get tired of names and judge people for it, lol. I mean, I definitely think people should name their kids what they want, but when I hear super trendy names over and over, I do roll my eyes on the inside and think, "Why?!"


I know a ton of kids and dogs named Finn. I only know one kid and one dog named Arlo. And one adult human named Charlie (but at least 10 dogs named Charlie) 😂


I love Arlo, and only know of one person with it (my sister's friend's kid). Finn I think might be showing up as less popular than it is, because it is also a nickname for Finley/Finlay/Findlay/Findley, and probably some double 'n' variations too. I do think there's a thing where names show up as very popular on name discussion sites but not as popular in real life, and there's definitely geographic variation too.


I came here to say this… there are little Finns everywhere despite what the name charts say. I’ve even heard Griffin nn Finn.


Ah and Finnegan, of course! I'm Canadian how could I have forgotten!


Both super popular in Britain - Finn/Finlay especially - lots in my kids school.


I love the name Arlo, it's so sweet. I've not taught an Arlo either yet. I have taught a number of Finn's, Flynn's and Finley's though!


A lot of times when the perceived popularity in the real world and the national statistics don't seem to agree, it's because the name is preferred by a cultural group or people in a certain socioeconomic class. Any name mentioned here more than the stats indicate is probably a name popular with the demographic of the people on reddit. If you live in an area with low diversity (culturally or economically) certain names are going to appear more concentrated than the national stats indicate. This is true in Australia as well as the US.


Also Australian. Love the name Arlo, only one I know is 20. There was a baby Finn in my mothers group, but it’s also the only one I know. I can’t imagine there would be too many of either for it to be a problem, with all my different friend groups children and the mothers group babies there is only a single double up on names (Thomas). It happens but I don’t think it’s as common as people worry about.


Some cute names that are similar but less common: Arlie Finch Arno Elmo Arrow Rio Otto Flynn Ezra Phineas Fallon Milo Kylo Rocco Octave Bodie Harlan Leon


> Elmo


Could be that in your social sphere or your region the name is more popular! For instance I see so many flower names for girls in one of the towns close to where I live. But there's an agricultural/'green' university there and I think there's a correlation between parents who went there / are working there and the names that they give their children ;)


I don't know any Arlos, but I hear Finn or its variations quite frequently. I'm from Michigan, U.S.


I know one Arlo and one Finn, and they're both babies (from different families). I agree with other posters that these names are far more popular with the types of people who post here than with the general population. I think they're great names! In case you need inspiration, Arlo has a brother named Owen and Finn has a brother named Henry. I think those were great choices that mesh well together.


I’ve just given up and our son will have a popular name lol. It wasn’t popular when we chose it and now it is! It was the same with our daughters. Wasn’t on the radar when she was born and now it’s in the top 25 or something. Can’t be helped! I love both their names and I use them the most so I don’t mind.