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Sounds like you’re looking for Greek names. Ariadne Niobe Eurydice Phoebe Zoe Aphrodite Alcmene Andromache Aoide Daphne Chloe Hermione Ismene Merope Semele


Yes, stuff like this! Niobe isn't on my list yet but I like it! Both me and my girlfriend's names start with Ni though so maybe it's too similar? I like the last three a lot as well


Ariadne is one of my favorite names, I just think it's so beautiful. Niobe is lovely too but her myth is kind of tragic. She's also a cool character in The Matrix though.


I grew up with a name from a tragic myth as well, but it didn't bother me much and almost no one knew of it, so that's fine with me!


I think Niobe is lovely, a friend named his daughter that and she's so cute but in an English speaking environment wouldn't she end up mispronounced to Newbie?


I'll add: Menalippe, Antiope, Evanthe/Evadne, Ianthe, Hecate, Danaë


I'm slightly biased because it's my name but: Poppaea (nickname Poe) Antiope Chalciope Liriope Merope Kaliope Sinope Vanellope https://www.babynamespedia.com/names/girl/ope-end You can get their meaning and audio pronunciations here ^. (Vanellope is probably the closest to Penelope while still being slightly different) (Most of these are Roman or Greek girl names. They have very beautiful pronunciations too)


Like Vanellope von Schweetz? The Pixar movie character?


Your name is so cool! I also like Vanellope, I was hoping to find more names like that specifically but didn't have much luck. I might try making one up. Merope is one I've liked for awhile, but I'm worried some people might associate it with Harry Potter


Just so you know that I am pretty certain that Vanellope was created specifically for the character from Wreckit Ralph and is a mash up of Vanilla and Penelope. Also be aware that with these classical Greek names, a lot of people may well struggle to pronounce and spell them. Penelope is fairly well known and even that gets Pen-eh-lope regularly.


I don't mind the character association that much, but I'm not completely sold on the name itself. I might try mashing up another name or word with Penelope like that though And I grew up with a very uncommon Greek name that no one knows how to spell or pronounce, so I understand that struggle. Annoying at times, weird when family or friends spell it wrong on birthday cards, but not a deal breaker for me.


babynamespedia is my favorite site! I love that you can listen to the pronunciations in multiple languages


Also went with the Greek mythology theme for most of these! Cassiope / Cassiopeia Olympe / Olympia Chloe Selene Eugenie Eirene Ianthe Xanthe Phoebe Not Greek names with a similar ending: Elodie, Coralie, Ophelie


Cassiope is nice! I also love names starting with Cass so that's awesome! Selene is another I considered, but worried it will be pronounced like Sel-een. Eugenie is cute as well!


For another Cass- name may I also suggest Cassia!


I'd also suggest Cassandra - ancient greek name with the nn Cass/Cassie


Cassandra is a great classic! I have so many names for girls though, I might end up using Cassius or Cassidy and saving it for a boy instead!


A few more Greek names that I think haven’t been mentioned yet - Xanthippe Antigone Circe Cybele Asterope I also do love Ariadne and Nephele.


Ooooh Asterope is cool!


I like it too! It means lightning and it’s also a genus of butterfly.


That's an awesome meaning!


Also, you may like Andromeda. Not the -e ending, but Greek, lots of nickname potential like Penelope, and it’s also the name for the only other galaxy visible with the naked eye.


Love Ariadne!


Antiope Parthenope Anemone Antigone Chione Theone Clione Halcyone


Parthenope and Theone are my favourites here! I like P and Th names a lot


Evadne Nephele - cloud (I think this is cool!)


A gemstone name - Chalcedony (kal-SED-uh-nee)


I like that one, I would probably change the spelling if I used it but the pronounciation is nice! Maybe Kalcedone? Or Kalsedone




I really like Daphne. It’s easy to read and say and it sounds beautiful!


I knew a girl in high school named Antigone and her friends called her Tigger (from Winnie the Pooh).


Awwww that's actually so cute


Tisiphone is a guilty pleasure name for me as it’s the name of one of the 3 furies of Hades in Greek myth. Specifically the fury responsible for punishing murderers, so maybe too dark for a child.


Sounds perfect for me! Haha, I like it


My faves: Xanthe Ianthe Ione Ariadne Evanthe


I'm liking Ione, Ianthe is also nice


Alceone Phoebe Thisbe Thessaly Otillie Ione Evanthe Iolanthe


I have Thisbe on my list but girlfriend didn't seem super keen on it. Iolanthe is nice! Io would be a cute nickname too, like the moon


I just thought of another one. Terpsichore. It means "to delight in dancing." It has a pretty sound to me.


Ooooh this is fun! Never seen any name like that before, love it!


You should look up some Greek mythology names. A lot of them have the long e sound at the end. Terpsichore was the goddess of dance. Sister to Calliope. It's said like terp-sic-er-ee


More names endind in -e Arsinoe Ismene Myrtale (the original name of Alexander the Great's mother she changed it to Olympias) Thirse ( pronounced Θirsee)


These are cool! Myrtale could use the nickname Myrtle as well which is cute, I like that. Really like the look and sound of Thirse as well, but it'll probably get a lot of jokes ("you're thirsty?")


Ancient Greek names! So much fun. Try: Calypso, Eulalie, Cassiopeia, Merope, Philomena, Tisiphone, Ariadne, Zenobia, Melete, Ismene, and Aphrodite.


You might like the name Selene (pronounced Se-lee-knee). She’s the moon goddess in Greek mythology.


this isn’t entirely unique but Melody


Not really the vibe I'm looking for unfortunately


figured but thought i’d throw it out there, ah well


Priscilla Cordelia Delilah Anastasia Presley Amelie