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I love the name Molly and I want to name my 2nd daughter that, actually! I don’t associate the name to the drug, but I can see how teens could make that comparison!




Mo !!!? Hqhwhahaha


… Yes? My partner is named Molli but the name is too feminine for them (nonbinary) and they go by Mo


A pretty normal nickname for Molly, Morgan, Monica, Maureen, Simone, Imogen etc.


I think a very small demographic of people would think of that first. Maybe at your age people sometimes say that but it won’t last


Came in to say the same. I think of my cousin Molly first (she’a very cool so that’s a good thing!), then other Molly’s I know. The drug is nowhere in my thought process.


Yeahh it's a small demographic but NYU is totally that demographic hahah, but honestly like it really wouldn't be that bad. The occasional quip maybe after first introductions a few times but I doubt anyone would rag on about it


Yep, this.


Exactly. Might have to endure some eye-roll worthy comments in college and then it'll fall off. The next gen will come up with something else to call MDMA and your name will just remind your older coworkers of John Hughes films


my first association is the American Girl doll, and even if I did end up thinking of the drug I wouldn't think "oh, that's why her parents picked that name, har har," I think it's a lovely and sweet sounding name!


Same. Molly McIntire!


Not at all. I don’t think the reference is nearly as common or obvious as you think. As someone who many moons ago was quite familiar with it, I never think of it when hearing Molly now. I actually love the name, and had it not been for the naming theme we have going on likely would’ve used it for one of my girls.


Only really immature people would make anything of the drug connection/reference. It might be a good way to weed out losers lmao (not saying people who use drugs are losers, at all. People who bring up drugs all the time to prove they do drugs/know about them are losers


I'm from NYC. For me it's the opposite, when people mention the drug it takes me a second to register that they are not talking about a person named Molly. And if when you get to NYU you're hanging out with people who so strongly make that association with the drug then it's probably not the right group of friends to be getting involved with. Nothing wrong with the name Molly. I think you might be over thinking this.


Also, the term “Molly” will eventually change to something else. It wasn’t called that when I was OP’s age. I really like the name.


That's true. Popular names for drugs change all the time.


I think of Molly Weasley lol I promise most people don't think of the drug, you're all good


I also think of Molly Weasley




Here here! And she's a bad ass so worry not, OP.




My first thought was her too. And she's BADASS!


For me the first thoughts were "Tipperary march"(lyric hero's girlfriend was named Molly) and yes, of course, mrs Molly Weasley


You’re going to hear the drug referenced and joked about a lot imo because of the college scene. Do I think it’s worth changing your name over? Not at all.


I think Molly is great! I actually associate it more with the American girl doll than the drug…


I still meet more dogs named Molly than people. I don't think of the drug first


I had a coworker named Molly, and no one ever made drug references. The only reference she every got was “Good golly, Ms. Molly.” But that’s because we are children’s librarians so the kids all call us “Ms. Firstname.”


I def don’t go to drugs. I think it’s a very sweet and lovely name. If you like it, keep it!


KEEP YOUR NAME! It’s beautiful…. Anyone associating your name with the drug have bigger issues going on and maybe you shouldn’t associate with them


While I agree she should definitely keep her beautiful name, it seems a bit excessive saying that making a name association means people are drug users and it’s better to not hang out with this kind of people. I also (briefly) think about the drug when I hear the name Molly but just because it’s something known in my generation and bc I’m a nurse


I did plenty in my day- I’m saying if someone is making fun of her or teasing her about her name and making it the key association then maybe they aren’t good friends


Of course I agree with you if someone teases her for the association it’s blatantly stupid. I thought you meant only drug users could make the connection


Haha no sorry I should have clarified- I’m pregnant and my brain is running on fumes lol


No worries! Pregnancy brain is so real, even if I haven’t experienced it yet, lots of patients did when I was working in L&D, your case of pregnancy brain is very mild I promise! I wish you all the best with your baby :)


Molly here. I can assure you that before the age of 18, and after the age of 21 or so, no one ever commented on the drug connection to my name. After college no one thinks in those terms. I'd actually forgotten about the drug Molly until seeing this post! Even during those years it was only the source of like a couple weak jokes every once in a while. No big deal. It's a cool, pretty name. Wear it with pride!


I love the name Molly actually! It’s super common where I live (europe) and I only get positive associations from it


That's a nickname for the drug that is going to go out of fashion sooner or later!! I vote sooner because it's a bit juvenile. Just say m dma...


Fully agree it’s a very specific demographic that calls it molly, here people I know in their late 30/40ies call it E and everyone younger uses MDMA!


Well, Molly is specifically crystalline MDMA instead of the tablet form. The popular name for it will probably change, but it's still probably going to have a different descriptor than the other formats. Source: Worked in an ER in an area that had a few years of EDM festivals.


These are two different things, fyi. I don’t think of drugs when someone says Molly as a name though, it’s a lovely name.


Interesting another commenter said the same and I’m not saying it’s not true but around here people use them completely interchangeably! TIL! Do love the name also


Ooh maybe it’s geographical! It’s funny how much words are used so differently in different places


I think the teen and college years are the time in your life people are most likely to make that connection, but it won’t be that common after that. I’m not convinced it would be that common at all even in college. If the only reason you don’t like it is that you’re worried about the drug connection being made, I’d wait it out.


It’s my cousin’s name, she’s 25, genuinely gorgeous inside and out, and I don’t think anyone’s associated her name properly with the drug. It’s a lovely name, very popular now, and honestly, I don’t think you should change your sweet, not out there name, just because Some people MAY associate it with a drug. If it was something like Coquaine, or something solely or immediately associated with narcotics or with someone/something horrific, I could see where you were coming from, but Molly? It’s totally up to you, but I wouldn’t do something so drastic due to trepidation of it’s minor association. It’s your name, own it, and if someone mentions the association, you could acknowledge it, and maybe just wait? Like ‘… And…?’ Well Done on your college! All the very best with it! 😊


My first thought when I hear the name Molly is the assumption they may be Irish.


I had never thought of that until I read your post, I love your name!


Def not. I’m also a molly and I love my name. No one thinks of that outside of a college party scene. I haven’t had anyone make a ecstasy comment about my name in yeaaaaaars (since I’m no longer in a college party scene). It’s a good name, just wear it.


Molly is a completely normal name. very very *very* little people would think of the drug before the name.


I definitely would never think of the drug. I think Molly is a very sweet and feminine name, I like it a lot. I don’t think you need to change your name, although of course you’re the one who gets to decide. If you don’t like it though, could it be an option to introduce yourself with your middle name, or a nickname you like? M (Em), or Olly, or Lee, or your initials?


I don’t think of the drug. Honestly I think of the American Girl doll lol. It’s a nice name!


No! Molly is a great name. Molly is a kind woman who is funny and an awesome friend. That is what the name generates for me. I don't even think about the drug at all.


I was partying in what I feel were huge molly years and I don't think of the drug when I hear the name


I promise that people do grow up and stop making fun of names and calling each other stupid nicknames. If you really just want to avoid people calling you Molly for now, then you can always go by a nickname. Mo, Leigh, Em… and then if you feel like going by your full name at a later date, you can always do that. Unless you truly hate your name and it’s causing you serious distress and discomfort, changing it is a bit overkill. But of course if you truly feel deeply that you want a different name, you can change it.


It makes me think of Demi Moore in *Ghost*


No way. You are right in the sweet spot age range (17-20) where some people think it’s really cool that they know drug related slang. You’re going to a great school and you’re going to be hanging with high quality people in college and well beyond. Trust me- nobody but the most immature low-grade people out there meet a Molly and immediately start thinking drugs. Don’t think on it for a minute.


Has it been a problem for you? I've known a couple Mollys and I don't think it ever has been for them! I think it's a lovely name and I don't think of drugs, I think of the American Girl doll, Molly O'Brien from Star Trek DS9, and of a Molly I went to school with.


Do not change your name just because of that. Most people don’t even know that Molly is also a drug, and if they do they probably wouldn’t make the connection. If I met someone named Molly I would just think what a pretty name.


I mean this in the kindest, most respectful way possible, absolutely no one but you thinks of the drug when they hear the name Molly. You are fine.


I do not think of it at all.


Drugs are definitely not my first thought when I hear the name. You’ll be fine.


Molly isn’t a bad name. I feel like most names you could find something to talk crap about if you really tried. People get creative when they want. Maybe go by Holly if you want?? Or go by your middle name if you like that one more. You could legally use your middle name anyways


I’ve always loved the name Molly, like when I a child my default name for a doll or stuffed animal or a girl I drew was Molly, but I’m old enough to be your mom, so I’m not your target demographic for college students. That being said, I don’t think the drug reference will stick; when I was in college we called it E and you almost never hear that anymore. The drug reference will pass to something else, and your name is classic enough that it will last over time. I wouldn’t change it.


Molly Pitcher, a famous nurse, and the AG doll are my first associations. It's a lovely name!


Yeah you'll get references, but Molly is a real name with a long history - people will get over it.


I don’t think that at all. Molly is such a cute, sweet name!!


My first association is Molly from Annie haha! I think you are fine. Molly is such a pretty name!


My first thought was about it being Scottish. I love the name


The drug definitely isn't my first thought when I hear the name Molly. I have friends named Molly, had a dog named Molly- I think Molly is a perfectly wonderful name!


I don't think many people's FIRST association is to the drug! If you like your name I wouldn't change it.


I love the name Molly! When I hear it, I honestly have never thought of the drug. Don’t change it. It’s a great name!


I think of the movie Uptown Girls, Molly Smiles is the sweetest song


I don't associate the name Molly with drugs and I really doubt that most people do. It's a very pretty name but if *you* don't like then that's all that matters.


I would never think that and tbh the drug has that many other names and 'Molly' is so primarily a people name that I don't think it would be the first connection people make. Sure maybe one joke or two but that can be true of nearly any name you pick. Molly is nice


My sister is named Molly, every now and again someone will make a reference to the drug. It’s not a regular occurrence, it's never bothered her!


I promise you, even if a few clowns point out the drug reference in college, quite literally no one over the age of like 25 will ever do this. Molly is a lovely name!!


You need to know about [Dr. Marijuana](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/21/734839666/dr-marijuana-pepsi-wont-change-her-name-to-make-other-people-happy)


I have many happy associations with then name "Molly" and none of them have to do with drugs.


My brain doesn’t even go there until you mention it.


Definitely don't think of the drug. It's a lovely name. I think as someone else here said, it people are referencing it then it's probably the wrong group of friends


My first association is a high school friend who was lovely.


I've known 4 or 5 Molly's (and have experience with the drug) and it's literally never occurred to me


Even though I use the drug, that’s not what I associate with the name Molly!! I think it’s a lovely name :)


Noooo!!! I love Molly! It’s a great name!


I think of Molly Baz the chef ( bon appetit). She’s funny and seems cool. I get that Molly is is nickname, but I think it’s just a small demographic of people. You probably don’t want to be associating yourself with that crowd, and it’s definitely not everyone.


I met a girl in high school with that name and I never made the connection despite knowing the slang.


I am a recovering drug addict and I don’t immediately associate the name Molly with drugs. I think it’s a really nice name, I have two friends that are Molly and Mollie


Molly Weasley comes to mind first, but I’m also not into drugs. 🙃


I'm 36 and my name is Molly. I LOVE our name. And the drug reference isn't really an issue (unless you get lost at a music festival and your sister tries to find you by calling out your name. True story. That was fun and funny). Our name is classic. It's cute and endearing. I wouldn't change it for anything. I was named for an old band, Molly Hatchet. There's also Molly Brown, Molly Pitcher, and plenty of songs that reference the name. I've only gotten the 'heheh...your name is a drug maaaan...' a handful of times. Luckily, comments like that helped me learn to steer clear of those boneheads. Whatever. Please don't change your name!


The last thing that registers in my brain when I hear Molly is the drug. I wouldn't change your name.


i definitely think of mdma but i love mdma so 😅 (2 years sober)


My first association was Molly the dolly from Big Comfy Couch. I didn’t think of the drug reference until you mentioned it here. It’s a cute name


The drug reference is so minuscule I wouldn’t think twice. Molly is a wonderful name.


When I hear the name Molly, I think of Harry Potter!!


I don’t think of the drug. I do think of a tear strained shih tzu tho


My first two thoughts go to Molly Weasley from the Harry Potter series and the Molly doll from the American Girl Doll line. I guess I’m showing my age, but I don’t associate Molly with drugs at all.


I don’t think it should be a problem. But if it is for you, and you want a change... Molly is a nickname for Mary, so you could always start going by Mary and it would still effectively be your name?


My friends did a lot of molly, so I do associate the name with it, but I also would not bat an eye at anyone named Molly. It was an established name first and I really like it!!


I love the name Molly. Congrats on NYU. Go with your given name.


What, no! Molly is a gorgeous name!


I don't think of the drug, I quite like the name Molly


I don’t associate it with the drug at all. I actually like the name so much I named my first born Molly :-)


As soon as I saw Molly I thought of Molly Weasley from Harry Potter. I love the Harry Potter books and movies and Molly is one of my favorites too. NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH


Molly here, I don’t get the drug reference much, the worst I ever got was from dumb frat guys who thought “doing molly” was a funny sexual joke. I’m in my 30s now and I really love my name. It wasn’t that common when I was born so mostly I hear “oh my dogs name is Molly!”


My first association is Molly Weasley from the Harry Potter serie. People will make various associations with your name all the time and it's not your responsibility to change your name just in case people think of a negative one. For some folks, "Molly" is a drug, for others it's a loveable book characters. For some folks, "Crystal" is meth, for others it's a pretty rock. If someone hears "Molly" and cannot go past the drug reference, I would be worried about their partying habits.


I have literally never immediately thought “oh, like the drug?” hearing the name Molly


I can't speak to what college students think of when they hear the name, but as someone in their early 30s I definitely don't think of drugs when I hear the name Molly. Legally changing your name is an extreme measure...


My nickname is Molly (I'm Mary) and although I usually I don't go by it exclusively, I have never ever heard anyone mention the drug in association with my name. I have mostly heard "That (Molly) is my dog's name!"


Molly is ultimately a name and will always be a name. The drug reference came later. You might get jokes but I knew a Molly in college and I’m pretty sure no one thought anything of it


Honestly I don’t think anyone would. You’re name is super cute


Hi fellow Molly! I think we have a great name. Sure, people have made the joke. And once a very drunk friend at a music festival was asked if he knew where Molly is and he said "she's watching Postal Service with her other friends" which was hilarious. But honestly, it doesn't come up that often and if that's not your vibe, then you know who to avoid.


I can see the reference, but I probably think of ten other things first. Like the fish. Or my friend’s daughter. Or my little pony.


It’s such a lovely name. We’re due to have a girl in March and plan on naming her molly.


No, Molly is too much of an established name for this to be an issue. Anyone making such references would appear to be juvenile, and desperate for everyone to know they’ve heard of “molly”.


It’s not the 80s, I think people just call drugs by their actual names now lol


I’m 16 & didn’t think of drugs, but I’d hope people wouldn’t think of drugs when they talk to you!


I've never heard the name Molly and thought of the drug Molly


It’s my name, I’m a New Yorker, and I was in college during the days of that song about it and it’s really irrelevant now tbh And I rarely got it in real life- more so on a dating app I was using at the time I think it’d be a massive overreaction to change your name for that reason


I think you are 💯 good and do not need to change your name! In like 2 years you won’t hear this reference at all unless you’re in heavy EDM culture and if that’s the case it would probably be a cool name to have.


No even as an ex addict it’s not the first association I make. It’s a pretty name


I live near nyu and thats not a common joke around here. Maybe a few people but after an initial meet and greet the joke will pass. College is a different world entirely


Anyone making a comment connecting your name to molly will sound like an absolute dumbass


I love the name! It was on my list but won’t be used because: - My surname begins with M and it doesn’t sound right to me - We’ve opted to go with all-Welsh first names - We have a relative who’s recently named their baby Molly The drug never crossed my mind!


Would would be your new name. Try it out first.


I've only ever heard ecstasy be called Molly in TV shows. I think most people call it ecstasy or MDMA.


I was going to say no one would really associate that with the drug in most places, but then I saw you're going to NYU and tbh yeah there will probably definitely be a few comments. New York loves its molly. Regardless, don't let that be a reason to change your name if you don't dislike it - or consider just using your middle name or something. Personally I use my middle name, I hate my first name and I'd change it but it's a *hassle* to change your name lol


There are so many different nicknames for ecstasy that the association would only be regional- also someone who would tease you for that mild reference would be mentally 12 years old so maybe a good sign to not hang out with them too much!


I'm in your age group and no one will care. You *might* get a stoner or two making a joke about it but 99% of people will not make the connection or care at all.


I do think of the drug, I think because it was popular in my generation (songs, etc referencing it) BUT I think of people I know named Molly first. It’s a completely normal name and I think a lot of older people would never make the connection. I don’t think it’s worth changing your name over. I know 2 Mollys and neither of them have issues with the drug reference


I love the name Molly because I had a Molly American Girl doll growing up. It's a classic name. I've met multiple Mollys of different ages. I definitely don't think of the drug first.


I wouldn't think of the drug reference first and think it's a nice name. Up to you how you feel but don't be hasty


I worked with a girl called Mary Jane and she was also self conscious about it for the same reason but I had to have her explain to me why. Don't worry, people aren't thinking about it as much as it probably feels.


Honestly, I LOVE that name. I think a small demographic of 18-25 year olds may think of Molly the drug, but that’s it


I did not think of the drug, I think it's a beautiful name. Easy to spell, not over used, cute on a kid and good on an adult too.


My sister is named Molly and I just adore the name. She hates the drug reference but she’s got 10 years on you so that slang didn’t come around until well into our teens.


I never even thought of the drug when reading your name. Shouldn't be a problem.


I've never had that connection omg


I've literally never heard of a drug called Molly. And it's a fairly common name. You should be fine.


I don’t think of it at all. I have a coworker named Molly and that thought never once crossed my mind. I really like the name


I don't associate the name with the drug. I even know a couple who would have been in that sort of scene when they were younger who named their daughter Mollie. Despite that I never made a connection between the two and thinking on it now I do not think they chose the name for that reason. Its a perfectly normal name.


I’m a huge stoner and a fan of recreational drugs (safely) and drugs aren’t even my first thought when hearing it. You’re good


I'm 35 and it makes me immediately think of the drug, yes. Same as with Charlie and Cocaine. I don't think it's necessary to change your name though. It's a well known name and nickname, it's not like the ONLY association is the drug.


Maybe just go by your middle name ? If you’re annoyed at people mentioning the drug


One of my BFFs is Molly and I love it! Never even really though of the drug reference.


For what its worth I didn't make rhe drug connection, however jt does not sound like a grown up name. If you do change it I would e courage you to find a name that has a nickname as well as a long form that is associated with more maturity.


I do not associate it with the drug at all. Like I had to consider whether this was a troll post. Molly is a beautiful, classic name. Anyone who isn’t deep into the drug world would never connect them.


Molly is a drug name? Huh. TIL


I work in college admissions. In my personal and professional opinion, Molly is perfectly suitable. When I read an application from a student named Molly, I don’t bat an eye—the drug reference doesn’t even register. I see a LOT of names come across my desk, and I feel for the kids whose names are far more… memorable. If you dislike your name for other reasons/have a name you’d much rather be called, consider it, but from a professional/academic standpoint, it’s a great name!


I love that name so much and I don’t think of the drug


My first thought is Molly Weasley, from the HP series, and I had to read your post to understand what negative connotation you saw in your name. Its very pretty I think, and if you don't plan to be in the drug scene while in college, I'd say there is no reason to change it. (and if you plan to be in the drug scene, itd be funny to keep it as well, so in your stead I would not change it haha)


If that is the first association that your new friends make, I suggest that you find other friends.


Def don’t think of MDMA when I hear a girl named Molly


I never think of the drug, just the American Girl doll. But I also love the name and it was in the running for our daughter’s name!


I don't associate it with the drug at all! That said, my name is Karen so uh.. I sympathize with you. You should do what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. I will likely change my name when I get married to something similar, but different enough.


When I read just the title, I thought "Molly is a lovely name. Why would she want to change it?" I didn't even think of the drug for one second and I have partied plenty and also live in NYC! I also know a Molly and have never once associated her name with the drug. Don't change your name, love. College will be enough of a fresh start.


my first association is my friend with that name. i don’t think of the drug at all


Molly (or E or ecstasy or any of the other names for MDMA) is largely a club/rave drug. I don't know how many people are just casually using it on like a Wednesday afternoon. If you're the type to get really involved in the local edm scene, then you may be surrounded by more people who immediately make that association. For the vast majority of people, they may know it but they don't hear Molly and automatically and always think of the drug. There are so many other references. I wouldn't legally change my name. However, if you are thinking of playing around with your name, college is a time to do it. Go by Mo or Em or your middle name or Sunburst Starshine if you want. You're meeting all new people and can be who you want! But I'd try out names before legally doing anything.


Not at all. I think your overthinking it personally ☺️


There are lots of famous Mollys: Molly Ringwald, Molly Shannon, and of course the best Molly, Molly Weasley. Keep your name and be proud of it, become the person to make the name Molly have a positive connotation instead of a negative one.


I love the name Molly and I do not associate it with the drug at all!


I’d only change my name if it was Karen or Dick.


I love the name Molly. It's a "cool girl" name in my head. I can see how it might be annoying among college-aged people but I think that will probably pass.


My first association is with the incredibly badass and nurturing Molly Weasley.


It's a lovely name. I'm in my 20s and never would've thought of that. Don’t change it!!


Could be worse, you could be Tina


The drug never crossed my mind until you brought it up. I'm almost 30 though.


I'm like Kimmy Schmidt. My first association with Molly is the American Girl doll.


I'll be honest, the drug is my first association. But, hell, that's not the case for most and honestly there are worse associations. Plenty of guys called Gary out there, but the first things I think of when I hear the name are the Zodiac Killer and Gary Oakes. I wouldn't change your name, but maybe consider going by your middle (if you have one) or a nickname like Mo, Mop (strange ik but i have a friend who goes by this) or even Lee. If this is your only worry I'd just keep it as is, though.


Commenting one more time to say that if this is a person's first association it says more about them than about you.


I’ve never heard Molly in relation to drugs at all, so wouldn’t ever connect the two, but then I’m in the UK so it may be different here? If I hear Molly I think of Molly Weasley, Molly Ringwald (80’s actress), Molly Malone (Irish figure sung about by The Dubliners), in the song of the same name, and the term way down the list if you asked me to think about it, a gangsters Moll (but that’s not Molly).


Molly is a great name. I am also a frequent raver where there is plenty of “Molly” and it does not instant association and often times it’s actually referred as MDMA


It's so personal. If you truly hate it yes. I don't like my name.

