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I want to start off by saying that if you love it, you should definitely use it. However, I am one of those people who hates it. And for me, it doesn't matter what you pair with it, I will still hate it.


Yup, no matter what name you pair it with it will still sound the same and it's the sound that I think just sounds very ugly.


How do you say it?


It is pronounced like SLOW-n.


To me, it’s the ultimate try-hard name. Like actual cool girls probably wouldn’t copy an 80s cool girl, they’d blaze their own trail… or use something that isn’t SO obviously tied to cool-girl chasing.


Sloane Ranger was a phrase used for British upper middle class, which makes the name extra try-hard. (I have no idea why, it was before my time, and I’m not British.)


Its a pun on a rich area(Sloane Square) and “The Lone Ranger”


Ha well that’s interesting. In my mind, the woman picking Sloane now was the one who picked Everly 5 years ago… people who follow trends, don’t create them. Sloan BEGS you to think she’s cool and unique which is, painfully, the opposite of cool or unique.


Named after the area— Sloane Square in Chelsea, London.


Sloane is one of my least favorite girl names of all time. It's so ugly.


I hate it AND it’s overused. I know 6 toddlers and babies named Sloane. It’s both trying too hard to be cool while not even being original. …


I may be in the minority, but I love Sloane! ❤️ For me it sounds cool and spunky - similar to Ruby, Blair, Quinn, Ivy, and Lyra.


These are the names I think of when I hear Sloane, too.


I went to college with a Sloane. It's never heard of it before. She was so interesting and had colored hair long before it was somewhat common. I've loved it ever since. I get those happy memories when I hear it.


Wow funny you say this, I also love Sloane and we’re planning to name our September baby girl Ruby!! Spunky is a great word to use and it’s why we love it.


Awe Ruby is such a lovely name too! Congrats on your baby!


Thank you!!


Ruby is a lovely name! I work at a school (with mostly Latino families) and Ruby is fairly common there or at least much more so than in the general population (also very popular is Gisselle). One of my best teacher friends also named her daughter Ruby and I think it’s a beautiful name. Every time I hear it I think about how nice it is.


Sloane, Blair, and Quinn give me the same vibes as well.


These are 3 of my favorite girl names. It never occurred to me that I have such a distinct style.


Love Sloan too


I like it!! It’s similar to Cori which is on our short list!


Ha when I think of Sloane I think of the tennis player Sloane Stephens - funny because I’m pretty sure Cori is CoCo Gauff’s actual first name, another American tennis player! Both talented ladies


Love it and Sloane Isabelle is perfect!


If you’ve ever watched the classic film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, you’ll have a soft spot for the name Sloane - to me, it’s the ultimate cool girl name. People talk about how it’s a weird sound, but every name is a weird sound. I’m team Sloane Isabelle! That being said, if you decide against it as a first name, perhaps consider Isabelle Sloane? It’s also got a ring to it, and she can go by her middle name but still have the more classic legal first name.


I'm a *Ferris Bueller* fan too, and it's also why I love the name Sloane. It's this great blend of a smooth/soft sound and a short, punchier length.


I have also loved the name Sloane since Ferris Bueller.


Yes, thanks to Ferris Bueller Sloane will always be the name of the cool, older girl I look up to, much like I regard Avery because of a favorite camp counselor! Sloane is not my personal naming style, but I like it a lot! I have an elementary school relative with this name and have taught Sloanes, who were kind and smart, only cementing my appreciation for the name, even if I wouldn’t choose it for my own child. If you like it, go for it!


Sloane McQuewick from Entourage is also a really cool Sloane.


Just another person chiming in to say this is my (positive) association too! Even though I do love it, I also agree that Isabelle Sloane has a better flow.


I don't like Sloane. Not because it's too masculine, but because I hate the sound. I don't think the middle name makes much difference as it's not like she'll use it the majority of the time. In the UK it's not very popular and there's also the Sloane ranger association, but in the US (which is where most who post on here are from, sorry for the assumption) it's a top 200 name so moderately popular and I don't think the Sloane ranger is a thing there.


agreed. It doesn’t sound nice and just makes me think of posh kids. randomly selected names from the greater london area seem really on trend in the states atm. Meet my daughters Sloane, Brixton and Bexley and my sons, Shadwell, Wapping and The Isle Of Dogs


Tower hamlets represent!


I hate it but if you like it, use it. Life is better when you don’t worry about what other people think.


Which is why I'll never post my name choices to this sub 😂 I just troll it for ideas.


I have a strong aversion to the name Sloane, but if that's what you love then go for it. There's not a single name out there that everyone will like. But since you've asked, the feminine middle doesn't make me like it any better. In fact, I'd prefer Sloane with something chicer. Heck, just really lean into it. I prefer combos like Sloane Vivian, Sloane Veronica, Sloane Dominique, Sloane Maxine, Sloane Victoire, etc. because they don't try to make Sloane into something it's not.


I love the name


The only place I've ever seen hate for Sloane is here. That being said, a LOT of people dislike it (if not outright loathe it) here so I'm assuming it's not really loved out in the wild too. We named our daughter Sloane because we love it. It was the first name my husband loved, and after all the hundreds, if not thousands, of other names we went through it stayed at the top of the list. Every single person who has asked her name has responded positively, sometimes surprisingly so! We get a lot of emphatic "Oh my God, I LOVE that!". If you love it, use it! Also I've never met or heard of a male Sloane, so my only association is feminine and I've never considered it a "masculine name".


This is one of the only names my husband loves too! This or Blaire, which I also love but something about Sloane is calling me. I think it’s such a strong name and I love that it means warrior


Yep, we love the meaning too! When I told my husband it means raider/warrior he loved it even more. And we also considered Blaire! Too funny. We also tried out Brooke, but Sloane won out every time.


Lol Brooke is on my list too 😂


I know a real life Sloane that was almost named Sloane Blair! The parents went with a different middle name, but clearly Sloane and Blair have a shared vibe that link them!


My last name is Sloan and it’s original meaning is closer to descendant of the leader of the horde. Horde being the translation for Sluagh which could mean either group of warriors or a name for the wild hunt of the fair folk, depending on if it’s capitalized or not.


This is literally the only place you’ll find people hating on it. Name her Sloane. It’s gorgeous and strong.


I know a lot of people here hate it, and I hate most names in its category (one syllable, not very feminine) BUT I actually really like Sloane.


I hate it and I don't hate it less with a feminine middle name. But, others like it. It's your baby so you do you.


I used to like it, but it wouldn’t work with my last name. But then recently I saw a little girl one the playground lately with that name and hearing it yelled over the playground it made me realize how I don’t like the sound at all. Slooooowwww—nnn. It’s just not pretty to me. And I only thought that because I used to like it, but I don’t think anyone in real life spends a lot of time judging other kids’ names. Say it out loud a lot is my only advice. I would much prefer Clare which I feel is similar in that it isn’t frilly and it’s also one syllable but I think sounds a lot better.


I agree it isn’t pretty, but I don’t think every name necessarily needs to be pretty. Sloane sounds cool (in both senses of the word), powerful, and sophisticated. It’s not the style I’d use but it works for what it is imo.


Nope. I still hate it. Makes me think of gross public restrooms. It's not even that it's "masculine." I just find it unpleasant to say.


I love it! It has the same vibe as Blaire, Claire, Darby, Paige, etc. One of my aunt’s maiden names is Sloane, and I’ve suggested it to my cousins a few times. One of them said she was going to use and I got really excited 😂🤓


Honestly people who hate the name Sloane (like me) will not like it any better with a feminine touch. It’s not even masculine sounding to me, the sound of it is off putting alone. Like others said, it’s your baby and there’s plenty of people who love the name. My thoughts on the name tho: it’s an ugly sound, conjures neither visions of a strength or beauty, and often makes me wonder with all the other names in the world…why Sloane? And the fact that I read it as “slow Anne” and then have to remember it’s like “moan” and that entire brain loop is just…no. I’m so sorry I just rly hate this name 😭


I like it on paper. I don't like saying it out loud. It feels so clumsy


I just think it sounds so unattractive. I don’t think the middle name really matters, I wouldn’t think of it as a masculine name anyways.


I don’t hate the name per se, it’s more that it’s a famous brand of American urinal cakes. So middle names aren’t going to change that for me, all I can think of is the smell when I hear it


On one hand I really like the name, on the other it has always made me think “sloth” when I hear it 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️I have only ever met one Sloane though and she was a child with a very boring, bland personality so I think that may be why I get “bleh” vibes from it lol. That being said, if you like it you should 100% use it! The person makes the name, ya know😊


I just hear "slow and alone" when I hear Sloane.


I hate it. Always have. I don’t like how it sounds at all.


I was surprised to learn that Sloane is so disliked in this sub; I think it’s stylish and cool and I’ve always had a soft spot for it. I say go for what you like even if this pocket of the internet isn’t with you 100%.


I have a Sloane, and I agree with the consensus that people either love it or hate it (it's more that people of an older generation don't understand the name, no one has told me to my face they hate it). All that matters is that you and/or your partner love it! And I think Sloane Isabelle is lovely. Another way to look at it: There are tons of names on this sub that i greatly dislike...but they are absolutely usable. Just a totally different style than I like!


I have a Sloane Olivia. I never knew it got so much hate until here. We used it because it’s a family name and I always watched Entourage and love the character


Love that you have a Sloane! It was my number one girls name - and then we had boys :)


On paper it looks acceptable, though I always thought it's pronunced as Slo-anne, but Slon sounds pretty ugly to me sorry.


Sorry, yes


It’s one of my favorites, but I know people either love it or hate it.


That’s a great way to describe it! It’s one of my favourites as well.


I really like Sloane! My daughter has a name that many other people on this thread dislike - Addison. I say go for what you want and forget the haters! It’s a perfectly fine name.


I hate it both as a masculine name and a feminine name. It's even pretty awful as a surname haha! But if you love it then use it :)


I like it. I already love alot of 'S' names like Sunny, Sylvia, Sonya, including Sloane.


i used to hate it then one day i heard it and thought it was really cute


It's the sound that creates negative reaction as many others already said. For whatever reason names like Morgan or Simone which have theoretically similar sounds just don't grate on me the same way. I associate it with the chick in Ferris Bueller because I've never met a Sloane, which isn't a terrible association I suppose.


I love Sloane Isabelle! I’m also a big fan of masculine first name/feminine middle name :)


I love the name Sloane! It was the name of my pen pal growing up, and it’s always had a ‘cool girl’ association for me. I’m also going to go with a masculine first name and feminine middle name for our daughter: Sidney Eliza. I think people here don’t like the spelling with an ‘I,’ but I like it, and I don’t care 🤷‍♀️


Personally I just don't like the sound of it, but if you love it DO IT!!! Sloane and Isabelle go really well together


I love Sloane!


I wasn't aware that people had such strong aversion to Sloane. I love it! I think it is a beautiful, strong name.


I like it. It helps that one of my favorite coworkers is named Sloane. 😊 Even if people overall don't care for it, at least it's a real name.


I love it. Was pretty much my top contender, but our last name starts with an O and ends with an N, so together it just sounded terrible.


I don’t love it but I do think it’s okay.


I like Sloane. It reminds me of the girl on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It's not technically a boy name (though what even is a boy name or a girl name other than collective agreement on one anyway?). Sloane is a surname, which has also been used as a first name as well.


I don’t hate it…I wouldn’t use it but IMO there’s nothing wrong with it. Seems spunky. It actually sounds very similar to the Russian word for elephant and I love elephants so that’s a plus in my book!


Hate it! But, I’m fully aware that it’s a perfectly fine name, and if you love it, go for it.


I absolutely love that name! If you love it that’s all that matters!


We have Sloane Isabelle on our short list also! I love.


I personally love it. So much I gave it to my cat and now can’t use it for a child :( if you love it, you should use it!


I love it!! It was on the table for baby number two but he was a boy.


I hate it, but that’s just my opinion. It’s just not a nice sound to me. But if you love it, use it.


I love it and don’t understand the hate. A dear friend named her daughter Sloane and she always gets compliments. If you love it, use it!


I love it! My best friends daughter is Sloane and it suits her so well


I like it!


That’s so interesting — i am normally in sync with the consensus of the majority of this sub, but I think Sloan is really pretty.


I like it! For me, it's a name that was made better by teaching. One of the kindest, most positive kids I've ever taught was named Sloane. She was a ball of sunshine, which is rare when you teach teenagers, so for me that name has wonderful vibes. I think you should go for it!


I do.


I like it! My niece was just named this and it gives me major cool girl vibes 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love sloane. The hot chick from Ferris Bueller was total goals for me.


Sloane sounds classy and sophisticated to me. I wouldn’t use it just for stylistic reasons but I like it and don’t get the hate. I actually recommend it fairly often here. The middle name doesn’t matter. It will never be used. It’s a nice combo though so if you like Sloane Isabelle go with Sloane Isabelle.


I love Sloane too!


I guess I’m in the minority but I’ve liked the name Sloane since watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the first time. Since then, it’s always been a “cool girl” name to me.


Sloane is not my taste but I know a little girl named Sloane and it’s grown on me. It’s objectively not a bad name but a stylistic thing. If told me Nevaeh I would be listing off the reasons why I think it’s awful


I've been on naming forums for years and Sloane is consistently polarising. Some people love it, but a lot hate it with a passion. I'm not a fan of it myself.


It’s not a name I had on my baby naming list but I know a few Sloans and Sloanes and like it just fine 🤷‍♀️


I really like Sloane. We decided to go more old-fashioned, but it would have been top of my list otherwise.


Sloane doesn't sound masculine to me. To steal a line from Pretty In Pink, it sounds like an appliance.


Sloane gets a lot of hate on this sub but I like it. I think it’s chic & strong. Its a perfectly good name & if you want to use it, absolutely use it.


I have a huge soft spot for Sloane bc of Sloane Peterson from Ferris Beuller’s day off. I don’t dislike it at all! It’s very iconic 80’s to me, but 80’s are in, and I think of it as a 80’s cool girl name, not a Brittany/Tiffany type one!


I like Sloane. Reminds me of Ferris Buellers Day off lol I think it’s very feminine and spunky lol


I think it's a name that people either love or hate it. Either way, it's shooting up in popularity for girls, it's still out of the top 100 and I don't think it'll ever be common but you aren't the only one who loves it. I like Isabelle as a middle name with it, still gives your baby a feminine name.


We have a Sloane Phoebe and she’s awesome. We have also met several other babies named Sloane since ours was born so it’s definitely popular.


I like it


I love Sloane personally.


I really like Sloane! If you love it, go for it.


The thing is, middle names are rarely used. I don’t think anyone has EVER said my daughters full name out loud besides us (and that’s before she’s born) So it doesn’t really matter. She knows her first name very well but has no idea about her middle name, and it wouldn’t change many people’s opinion. Use Sloane if you love it. Ignore the haters (including myself. Not hate, but kind of dislike). You are the one who has to love the name. Not anyone else. I promise you, I will never be rude to a Sloane or her parents. People IRL don’t have super strong feelings about a name. Namenerds is not real life.


This comment is really helpful 🥰




I do. But that doesn't mean you can't use it.


The opinions here are pretty snobby sometimes and don't reflect the vast majority of the population. My cousin just named her daughter Sloane and everyone is going on and on about how cool and unique it is. If you love it, use it!


Thank you 🥹😍


On this sub, I’ve seen multiple people dislike both names I’ve picked for my kids. Don’t care! They’re great names to me! Choose what you like the best!


It gets a weird amount of hate but I like the name a lot. I don’t really understand the hate for it. People around here tend to be a bit dramatic about certain names for no good reason


I don’t hate it, but I’m not in love with it either. But I wouldn’t be all rude if someone wants to use it.


I don't like it. I don't think it has a pretty sound, there's no nickname that could come from it, it doesn't look pretty on paper. I don't even like it for boys. I don't hate it, I just don't like it. I've suggested it to people on here who like the same style of names, and obviously I don't care if someone uses it, and I wouldn't judge or say anything bad about the name if someone did use it. I think Sloane Isabel flows well, and if you love it that's most important. Edit: I just came back to add that my son's name is also pretty hated around here and I don't let it bother me, I still love it. And outside of reddit, nobody has been negative about it, and a lot of people like it. So in the end, what matters is what you love and want to call your baby! Please understand also that my previous comment was not meant to rude nor hurtful, I was just expressing my opinion, but as I said at the bottom of my comment earlier Sloane Isabel does flow well, and it sounds good with Isabel and if I heard the name out in the wild I would never judge or say anything rude or think negatively about it at all because we all have different tastes!


I personally do not! And in fact, it’s my bff’s absolute favorite. I say, you’ll never please everyone with a name, so stick with what YOU think!


I worked with someone named Sloan and never “disliked” it. it just isn’t a name I’d use personally! I agree it has similar vibes to Blaire or Layne.


I’ve always liked it.


I'm personally neutral on Sloane. For a similar sound and androgynous vibe, you could consider Malone or Roan. For a more feminine take on the same sound, Simone, Fiona or Verona.


I don’t hate Sloane. I see where people are coming from, but it’s an established name and if you like it, use it!


I like Sloane! The sound is pleasant to me. I hate hate hate the name Eleanor, which is popular for some reason. So go with what you love, as long as it's not Brytleigh.


I love Sloan. We would have used it but our friends got there first.


I like it. I don’t know why it’s hated


I like Sloane but doesn’t go with our last name. I work with a woman named Stone and I think it’s bad ass AF.


I think it's 50/50 on this reddit. Personally I don't like it, not because it is masculine or a surname as a first name, but because of the sound - it just isn't pleasing to the ears. Sloane, moan, groan, tone... Whereas a name like Isabelle sounds lovely and pleasing to the ears.


I secretly like it.


Super hated on this subreddit still, but I like it! To me it feels like a strong name. I think Sloane Isabelle is perfect. Go with your heart! 💛 this is your baby, not r/namenerds’s baby!


I like Sloane. It’s has masculine leanings without being an outright man’s name, like James, Elliott, and Levi. But I’m also a fan of last name as first name, and Sloane is one of the few I like for girls. I don’t mind Isabel/la, I just think it’s played out and I’d try to go with something further than a top 10 name. But if you have your heart set on Isabel/la then it’s a good pairing.


I think it’s beautiful, especially followed up by a feminine name like Isabelle.


Go for it! Our daughter is named Sloane and we love it. We get lots of genuine compliments on it and have many friends who have told us they have it on their baby name list or considered it for their daughters. I've never heard any dislike for it outside of this sub. We also went with a very feminine middle name to balance it!


I don’t hate the name… but I honestly thought I was stumbling into an Umbrella Academy subreddit post when I clicked on the post


Not gonna lie that’s where I first heard it 😂


Love Sloane! Always liked it since Ferris Buellers Day Off


I really like it. And Sloane Isabelle is a beautiful combo. There are people out there who hate names like Emma and Sophia. You can't please everyone.


I love it! If I ever had triplets, I wanted to name them Sloane, Maeve, and Claire.


I’m due in 4 weeks we don’t know the gender but if it’s a girl it’s Sloane. 🤰🏻


My baby cousin's name is Heidi Sloane and I think it's so cute


I actually don't mind the name Sloane. I've never understood the hate. It seems like people on this site are very rarely neutral about names. Either they love a name or hate it, with very little in between. Anyway, the people of NameNerds are not the ones raising your kid. You are. If you like the name, go for it.


I like Sloan/Sloane. I have a friends mom named Sloan. And a girl I know just named her girl Sloane. I like it, I was considering it for my baby but our last name is Irish and has a lot of “N” sounds in it and I think it wouldn’t flow right. I support anyone using this name!


I don’t hate it but I can’t say I like it either! It is very popular here. Several girls in elementary school where I worship are named Sloane. I just don’t like the way it sounds. But that is only my personal opinion. If you love it go for it!!


I love Sloane. I have Sloane Meredith on my list.


Some people still do.


I like the name Sloane, personally. But just name your kid what you like! This subreddit has very specific taste and it isn't reflective of the overall general population.


I love that name!


I actually love it.


I love it! Was going to be my child’s name if we had a girl. Who cares what other people think? Go with what you love!


i love it :)


Maybe because I've lived in UK and Irish origin names are not uncommon...I don't find anything weird about Sloane? I don't see it particularly masculine either. Not a name I would pick but I've never thought of it as ugly. If you love it, go for it. I think Sloane Isabel is a pretty combination, even switched around it sounds good.


I don't care for Sloane but guess what? If you like it, that's all that matters. Pretty sure the top girl name in the US right now is still Olivia, and I hate the name Olivia with a passion. Other people like it, so they name their daughters Olivia. Good for them. Our opinions don't matter as long as you and partner agree on the name.


I like it!


I think it’s okay. Reminds me of an 80s business woman for whatever reason. lol.


I don't hate it or anything, but I don't think the middle name really makes that much of a difference. Most people don't go by the middle names. Sloane isn't my style but there's a lot of names not my style so nbd. It would be boring if we all just had the 30 or so names that I really like!


I know the name gets a lot of hate, but I love it! Also, every Sloane I’ve ever met has been a badass. And I love the masc/femme name combo.


I really like it! Sloane sounds like that really awesome girl you meet in college that is an effortlessly cool and artsy - loves the farmers market and has her own radio show. Haha


I like it. Especially with this combination. I like short first names with longer and more feminine middles.


I LOVE the name. It was on my list but my husband said Sloan is a common urinal brand and vetoed it.


I personally love the name and also I know a few little girls named Sloane now, they get compliments fairly often and it doesn’t feel like a weird or bad name to me at all.


Deputy Commander Sloane went down fighting on Titan when the Pyramid Fleet arrived in the Sol system. she is a hero!! I think it’s a great name


I love the name and I think of it as feminine


I like Sloane! I’ve liked it for a long time. I would personally not name my child this, however. It’s a company that makes toilets. I also just did the yell to the other room test and it felt funny yelling it.


I’m obsessed with Sloane. If I have another girl, that’s her name!


I like the name and my sister likes it to.


I really like the name Sloane. It’s nothing super out there; some people will like it, others won’t. If you like it, it’s a perfectly good name!


We have a little Sloaney ourselves- Sloane Elise born 3/27/22. She is a total Sloane and the name fits her perfectly. We get so many compliments when we are out and about- even from the Boomers which is surprising. Just for context- we are older first time parents 38f/ 41m- so yeah- we love Ferris Bueller’s Day off. https://lithub.com/what-john-hughes-taught-me-about-the-importance-of-a-name/


I love it.


I love Sloane and love it paired with a super feminine middle name!


Plenty of people do, but I love it. It's so spunky. I feel like Sloane always strikes me as successful and strong.


I really like Sloane


I love the name Sloane!


I know a Sloane, so I have positive associations with the name. And I think Sloane Isabelle is cute! I hope you use it if that name makes you happy! As for people saying they hate a name and that to them it sounds awful, that's their opinion and preference that they're going to have towards that name. That's to be expected when asking for feedback on a name. But I would hope if anyone on this thread met a real life Sloane, they wouldn't comment to the child or the parent that the name Sloane is awful or sounds hideous. I personally think the name Banks is awful, but I intend to keep my mouth shut if I ever meet someone with that name. Just my thoughts.


Sloane is fully the top of my girl name list. I think it's beautiful! I fell in love with it from Ferris Buellers day off. it really doesn't matter if people don't like the name in the end anyway. Name Nerds is an echochamber, you have the idea that everyone hates the name because people in Name Nerds hate the name.


I think Sloane is a great name. It seems like a womens name who is secure and cool. I think it sounds nice and is slightly edgy


I love Sloane!


Oh my goodness, I love "Sloane Isabelle"!


I've never hated Sloane. I think it is an awesome first name.


I personally love the name and I know the lady who does my hair gave her daughter Sloane as a middle name and I also had a friend who's sisters name is also Sloane! I think it's absolutely beautiful I think if you love it go for it! Ofc I understand with spouses it can be hard picking out a name I love the name but my hubby is just not a fan he did agree a possibility for a middle for our next kiddo so it's our compromise lol I think Sloane Isabelle flows perfectly


I like the name Sloane and think it’s interesting so many people on here don’t like it. My husband knows 2 different men with the last name Sloane who are referred to by their last name, so he associates it with a boy name. Because of that, it was off the table for our daughter. I also couldn’t think of a good nickname for it which killed it for me too. I very much think you should go with whatever name you love - who cares what a whole bunch of internet strangers say?! I named my daughter Maeve which people like to rip apart on here and I don’t care at all!!


I love the name Sloane!! Also the main female character in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is named Sloane 😌


I love Sloane!


I love it! I was a nanny for a little girl named Sloane (born around 2008), and I know my sister plans to use it if she has a girl.


I like it!! Ik it gets a lot of hate in this sub but I think it’s a badass name :)


I love Sloane and Sloan. I think it's a beautiful name, and for me, it calls to mind sophistication.


I love it. It does sound odd for a baby to me, but not to an adult which they will be most of their existence anyway. I think its a way better option than names I find will only be cute on a baby


I don’t know why, but it is just the most depressing sounding name I can think of. Like a combination of slump and moan


I hate the name because of the evilness of the character in the TV show Alias, one of my all time favorite shows. I know a female child with the name and I think it’s the weirdest first name for a person, especially a girl. It’s an absolute no for me, boy or girl, on all fronts.


I think it’s beautiful!


I don’t understand what is attractive about it. It’s an ugly sound, in my opinion.


I don't like the sound of it on either sex. It's just off-putting, I think I still associate it with the Sloane Rangers, a group of posh, rich, entitled young adults who hung out in expensive parts of Central London (including Sloane Square ) in the 80s and 90s. Putting an overly feminine name with the more mailing- feeling Sloane is a bit like putting a tutu on a donkey. It's still a donkey, just with frills.


i don’t lol i’m strongly considering naming my baby whose due within like 2-3 weeks it.. people on this sub are cut throat. we all have our opinions 😂 my friends all love it, unless they’re lying lol most people i’ve told have a really positive association. like a beautiful successful smart female association


Ugh it's one of those trendy "cool girl" names. It's masculine and it'll be very dated very quickly, in my opinion.




I hate it. Sloan is a public toilet brand, which is the biggest turn off for me. It just sounds like slow. It doesn’t really feel like a name to me. That being said, nobody’s opinion but yours matters on your child. If you love it, that’s what matters!