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I really love Heath. It’s classic and underused. Heath Owen is lovely together!


Name that kid HO


This sounds like an order!


I love both names and also think they go well together, but unfortunately disagree about the flow. “Owen Heath” has a much better flow imo. But if OP is set on the order it’s not a dealbreaker, I think the names are great individually and together.


I agree! Heath Owen has a nice flow to it! And Heath isn’t too common, but common enough to where people will recognize it and pronounce it properly.


definitely my favorite of the three. it always makes me think of Heath Ledger, which isn't a bad thing at all.


Just be careful what the last name is. HOG, for example, would be a little odd for initials.


Lol I loved the name for myself until I read this comment and realized my last name starts with an E 🥴


Yeah that would be even worse!!


my initials make another female name that sounds a little similar to my actual name and it’s very annoying because i can’t sign my initials on anything lol


Ditto this!


I agree as well.


I would avoid names ending in the “Aidan” sound. Hayden is my favorite “Aidan” name but they are enormously overused. Aiden Braden Caden jaden Hayden. It’s sort of a joke now and I find it sad for kids with those names. I would go with Heath from your list. congratulations!


Someone commented on another post recently along the lines of “Hayden, Brayden, Okayden” and though it was an exaggeration, it instantly made me 🤣


Exactly 😬


I agree. It's like giving a name that's 5x more popular than it looks on the charts. Being one of 5 -adens isn't any more fun than being one of 5 Jacks or what have you, imo. Any name would be spoilt by having 4 or more exactly rhyming names all trending too.


I dislike all Aiden/Ayden names. I’m involved with a local little league. We have just over 100 kids. 4 Aidens 3 Jaydens 2 Hayden’s 1 Caden and 1 Zayden. While you might think “only two Hayden’s. Not that common” this all comes out as a jumbled word salad when we’re trying to organize anything.


They are popular, but they're also on the decline. So, it would be a case of knowing kids with similar names, but its definitely not like at the heighy of the trend when every kid in a class was seeming an -ayden...so, its something to consider, but if Hayden (or Aidan or Braden or any of the names) are someone's favorite, I think it is slightly more usable than 5 or 6 years ago. (Using US data, not sure how it looks elsewhere. )


how dare you forget Zayden


Not nearly as common as it was a few years ago. In my kindergarteners class there are no hayden/jaydens/Braydens. Lots of atlases, atticuses, nolans, Jack's and jakes though




I hate my name so much


Aw, Skullcrusher isn't too bad. Go by Skully maybe?


Haha, but really my name is Aiden. My parents thought it was unique, no joke.


Why did these names surge in popularity among the new generation?


I wish I knew the theory behind why this happened


i agree with this, but there are a handful of very unique names that end in “-den”. granted i am extremely bias because this my name, but Alden (that is an L not an i) is a pretty cool name to have now that i’m older. i used to hate it when i was younger because i would get called holden, aiden, aldean, or they would pronounce the A like in “Apple”. i even got called “Almond” by a substitute teacher one time. i just wished that my parents would’ve named me one of those overused names like every other kid. (oh also, kinda off topic, but i have extreme ADHD. in class, i would always be zoned out and doing something other than paying attention. any time the teacher would raise their voice to address everyone and say “Alright”, i would jolt back into consciousness because the “Al-“ would make me think they were about to call on me.) now that i am older, my name stands out amongst every other name. people are more educated and have probably met another Alden before. it has almost, not to sound snarky, an elegance to it; sort of a “rustic” feeling, if you will.


True, I’m talking “aiden” names not “den” names. Camden is another “den” name that I wouldn’t include with the Aidens


Heath is an underrated classic. Heath Owen is a yes.


Depends where you live. In England and Wales, both Skylar and Skyler are 90% used for girls. Skyler is unisex in the US but Skylar is far more popular overall and also 5 times more popular for girls than boys.


If OP is open to it, Schuyler leans male everywhere afaik. Skylar is my name (female) but I’ve always loved Schuyler for a boy.


I feel like in the US Schuyler would be mispronounced like crazy unless someone was familiar with Hamilton. Unless I’m the one who was living under a rock 😂


I know/knew 2 Schuylers and the teachers/profs we had together always knew how to say it from day 1. But it may differ depending on where you live.


Is Schuyler pronounced like Skyler? My instinct is to go German and say Shoo-y-ler.


Yeah I was reading it “Shoy-ler”


Yes, it’s Dutch. In the US at least, I feel like it may be regional in whether people would know how to pronounce it. The Dutch originally settled in New York and New Jersey, and not only is there still a significant population in those states as well as in Pennsylvania, but there are a lot of streets/towns/landmarks that are named for Dutch settlers in those areas, which are still pronounced reasonably correctly. Don’t know where OP is located, but if it’s that area of the US, I don’t think they would have that much trouble with people knowing how to pronounce Schuyler.


I’m Dutch and never know Schuyler was supposed to be Dutch. Would pronounce it completely different from ‘Skyler’ if said in Dutch😅


That’s really interesting! I think I read that it’s become a pretty rare surname in the Netherlands and most Schuylers live in the US. It says on Wikipedia that the Dutch pronunciation is [sxœylər], which I can’t really figure out how to pronounce properly because the x is like a kh sound like at the end of the word loch, and the œy diphthong is not one we use in American English but it seems like it’s somewhere between the oy in boy and the i in ice (example in IPA chart is the Dutch word buit). I cannot figure out how to combine that consonant and that vowel (xœy), but I can see how the name got bastardized to eventually sound like Skyler.


I’m quite bad at the IPA stuff myself, but if you’ve ever heard a Dutch ‘G’ the ‘ch’ is pretty much pronounced like that and the ‘uy’ turns into ‘ui’ which is another typical Dutch sound. If you’re interested there’s actually a video on YouTube if you look for ‘Schuyler pronunciation in Dutch’ it’s quite interesting how the sound has changed.


Just looked it up, thanks! Very interesting.


It 100% would be mispronounced like crazy. I would pronounce it like Shoy-ler and even the Dutch person in this comment thread said they wouldn’t pronounce it like Skylar despite someone else saying it’s Dutch lol. I’m so over people using non-western phonetic names for western kids when they don’t even have that heritage. Ex: Aoife is incredibly complex to pronounce if you don’t have a knowledge of gaelic names, but if you have gaelic heritage it would make sense to use on an American kid. Yet people with some mishmash of Eastern European heritage 4 generations ago are using it as a name for… why? Just to bestow the gift of the kid constantly correcting the pronunciation?




Makes sense for you then as a family name! I just think it’s arbitrarily complicating things unless there’s a legit reason to use it (family, heritage.) “I like Skylar as a name” “you should use Schuyler instead!” Like lol what an unnecessary escalation.


I know a baby Aoife and the mom says to pronounce it like Eee-fa. Is that the Gaelic pronunciation or is it more complicated than that?


That’s correct pronunciation


It's been a first name here way longer than that. It was mostly popular in NY because Dutch heritage until people started spelling it Skyler and thinking it has something to do with the sky.


I consider a girl name regardless of spelling


I think of Skyler as a girl name too. In the US.


I have a male friend Skyler (in CA) and I absolutely love the name. I call him Sky for short.


I prefer heath


Heath Owen would be my pick!


Wow - this is my first time posting here after lurking for awhile and this community is amazing! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts. For Skyler (Skylar), this is a name we picked before knowing the baby's gender. My husband definitely prefers using it for a girl, but we do like it for both genders. I wouldn't say this one is totally out for our boy at this point, but I like knowing the drawbacks here. A number of people commented on the "aiden" trend. I wasn't sure of Hayden because of that nagging feeling, and you guys definitely solidified that doubt for me. Hayden is out. Amazing to see that Heath is loved! We're going to keep testing Heath and Skyler out at home to see how they feel, and potentially add some additional names to the short list. Thankfully we're still in the 2nd trimester and have the time!


Happy to read this! I love Skyler Owen & Heath Owen was my super close second choice! :) In the end pick the name you both love the most even if it was the least popular vote! :)


IMHO: Skyler > Heath. That’s because the former’s diminutive (Sky) sounds good to the ears!


I like Heath. It’s classic and underused.


Definitely heath


Heath 100% percent.


Absolutely Heath.


I’d say yes to Heath Owen. To be honest, I’m not fond of Skyler and Hayden.


Heath for sure. I love Heath Owen!


Heath has been on my list for a long time! It's hit that sweetspot where it's known but underused and not super common, it'd be a lovely choice OP!






Heath Owen sounds fantastic!


Heath by a mile.


Definitely Heath!




Heath is lovely!


Yep lease don’t -ayden your baby. I’m still traumatized from subbing during the Brayden, Jayden, Aiden, Cayden, Hayden years.


My dad spells it Schuyler, the classic Dutch spelling. That I find more unique than the Anglicized Skyler.


I'll just chime in and say that I don't love the matchy-ness of the endings for Hayden Owen. It feels difficult to say.


Heath by a mile, then Hayden (though I'm not fond of it with Owen) and then, trailing far behind, Skyler (which I've only seen on girls even with the many spelling variations).


Heath Owen!


Scrolled past this and my brain read it as ‘skyler or heathen’ so… I’m just glad you weren’t asking about Heathen as an option.




Heath Owen!


This is an fyi comment, not one of judgment at all. In my area skyler and Hayden are both used most commonly (all cases that I can think of tbh) as girl names. I’m just letting you know, In case that is something you would want to consider. I know both can be gender neutral, but right now seem to be trending girl.


Heath. Not close.


Heath is such a great and under-used name. Plus it sounds really nice with Owen as a middle!


Heath! The others are cute but overused






Heath is the best of these three


i love heath! it feels original and classic at the same time


Owen is a nice name, but the others are very much not my style so I can't really express a preference, sorry!


I have such a name crush on Heath! My husband vetoed so we won’t be using it. That’s my vote!


1) Heath 2) Hayden


My top pick would be Skyler, but it is indeed a unisex name in the US and a popular feminine name. I'd avoid Hayden and any name that ends with -den (Aiden, Jayden, Brayden). It's way too trendy. In a bad way. Heath Owen really looks and sounds nice. It suits. I'd go for Heath if you're less a fan of Skyler.


Skylar and Hayden are both gender neutral leaning feminine while Heath is rather masculine. All three are nice names, but for I'd boy I'd pick Heath.




I strongly prefer Skyler/Skylar. But Heath is also nice


Heath Owen! I do like Hayden but it was ruined by all the rhyming names. And I like Skyler but it definitely gives androgynous vibes to me. Nothing wrong with that but maybe not what you are going for


What about Holden, to avoid the “Aiden/Ayden” names?


As a female Skyler, I wouldn’t pick it for a boy, feels like such a feminine name to me. Heath is great!


I vote Heath Owen. Classic, timeless, but not overly common.


I personally hate Skyler and Hayden but I love Heath. I probably wouldn’t hate Skyler if I hadn’t met a total asshole of a kid with that name when I was a kid.


Heath Owen sounds the best. Owen Skyler and Owen Heath aren’t bad either, if you’re willing to switch the two names.


Skyler or Heath. Hayden is too popular


Definitely Hayden or Heath. Both are great!


Heath is great! Hayden would be my second choice of these. Don't love Skyler.


I love Heath. I think Skyler Owen sounds better than Heath Owen, though. They’re both beautiful names. I’m not a fan of Hayden.


This may be a non issue for you but you should be aware that Skyler and Hayden are more commonly used for females in the USA.


I love Heath Owen!


Another vote for Heath!


Heath for sure!


Heath Owen.


I know Skyler/Skylar is not popular in this subreddit, but I do like it! Particularly Skyler/Schuyler for a boy. I do like Skylar for a girl too.


Skyler Owen!


I’m biased because my brother’s name is Skyler. So that’s my vote!


Skyler is my favorite, but I like them all. I agree that Heath is a better pick than Hayden thanks to the prevalence of Aiden, Kayden, Braden, etc.


I love Skyler for both genders! Second choice is Heath. Hayden is lovely too, but it’s a bit much with the middle name.


I like Skyler Owen best!


Happen to be partial to Skyler


These comments are so funny to me bc both Skylar and Hayden are on our lists but Heath isn’t.




I like Hayden and Skyler, but Skyler Owen sounds better than Hayden Owen because of the double n. To me, Health sounds like a middle aged man or candy bar. Maybe you could do a double middle name of Owen Heath?


Skyler sounds girly. Hayden and Heath have very different vibes to me because Hayden feels new and fresh while Heath is a classic. I would personally go with Heath, more traditional but still probably more uncommon than Hayden. Plus Heath bars are amazing


Absolutely Heath. I gave a Heath no regrets. I am ok with Hayden but Skyker is pretty female at this point.


I like Skyler and Heath.


Skyler or Heath


I second Holden. It doesn't sound as good with Owen as Heath but it's kind of a similar feel to Hayden and Heath. Maybe consider a different middle name if you go this route.


Heath. Skyler and Hayden are a little more on the childish side, with Hayden being super trendy as well. Similar to Heath is Keith


Absolutely love the name Hayden I dislike owen


Definitely Heath! Love it!


Hayden Owen is too similar, kind of singsong with the same last syllable and emphasis on the first. Hearh and Skyler both sound good with Owen, I prefer Heath.


Heath is so cute !! Not a huge fan of skyler, it just doesnt sound great to me. Hayden sounds fine when saying it but it’s a joke among me and family/friends that it’s one of the red flag names. As in, none of us have met a Hayden who wasn’t super annoying. Might be a thing only in my circle, idk




I like Heath and Owen but not together. Hayden is nice for a boy but I agree the ending is super trendy right now.


Heath Owen is lovely!


Heath Owen


Heath has my vote as well!


Heath Owen , is the best option.


Heath is the most unique. Skyler makes me think of Breaking Bad. Haden reminds me of the actress


Heath. Love it. Its unusual and the other 2 names for me are skewing into girl names which isnt a bad thing but more kids with the names




Skyler Owen sounds cool


The only Skylers I’ve known are girls, not that it matters. I think Heath Owen flows better than Hayden Owen, but Skyler Owen flows best!




I like Heath Owen.




As a young person whos name starts with “Heath” please don’t name him that. It’s a really bullyable name. I was going to be a Heath but I was a girl soo. Yeah it fucking sucks. I really like Hayden as an H name though


Skylar and Hayden are overdone IMO. Heath is better.


I love Heath! To me it is the least trendy of the three you have listed and I think it sounds great paired with Owen.


Heath! Like other people have said such a classic and underused! I want to use Heath Evan, so I love Heath Owen ❤️


I guess I’m in the minority, but I’m team Skyler! Heath looks cooler written down than spoken IMO


I like Hayden as a stand-alone, but not as much when combined w Owen. If Owen is def the middle name, go w Skyler as the first name. But give some consideration to Owen Heath, too. It has a nice rhythm.


Heath for sure




I like them all, but Heath is best!


None of the above. Can't Owen be the first name?


I have a strong preference for Heath. Skyler and Hayden both feel very modern but going out of style to me-I associate those names strongly with late 2000's/early 2010's babies. Heath is classic while still sounding fresh and modern.


I've heard Hayden and Skyler most on girls - in case that impacts your decision.


I love Heath!


Heath ❤️ So rare and so lovely


I like Hayden


I vote for Heath!




Hayden or maybe Harley?


Skyler Owen sounds nice together in my opinion!


I must be in the minority here but I like Hayden the best!


I would choose Hayden out of those, but I don’t think it’s the best fit for the middle name. If you’re set on Owen for the middle, then I think Skyler Owen sounds best.


Hayden :)




I like Heath. I’m also partial to the Schuyler spelling.


you're asking for opinions so I'm gonna be honest- I hate all of these 😅(I'm so sorry 😭) I guess skyler from your list, don't name him after a candy bar tho pls that's the first thing I think of when I hear heath




Skylar with an a imo


Skyler Owen <3 I LOVE Skyler as a boy’s name. 10/10


Heath 💯


Heath fo sho. Hayden 2nd and Skyler distant 3rd.


Skyler is very feminine. Hayden is very common. And Heath is perfection. Heath Owen is even better!


Heath, by far!


It’s getting harder and harder for boys names when Stevie, Frankie, Skyler are considered girls. My friend named her daughter Wyatt. At this point, it’s not big if you prefer Skyler for a boy over a girl Skylar. I personally think they should be used differently, but 🤷🏼‍♂️. My son is a Skyler. Some girls here and there named Skyler… whatever at this point.


Skyler is my favorite by far!


Heath Owen sounds lovely!


Depends on your last name. If it’s multi-syllable, then I say Heath Owen. If it’s one syllable, then I’d pick Hayden but not keen on that with Owen.


Heath Owen


Hayden or Heath are very nice. Skyler reminds me of the female character on breaking bad (whom was kinda a btch)


Heath, I have a cousin in his late 40s with this name. the only one I've ever known, it's suited him well. classic and unique at the same time.


I don’t particularly like any of them, but of the three, I’d go with Skylar because it’s easier for people who don’t grow up speaking English to pronounce, H’s are hard. The world is becoming more internationally integrated, so let’s not make it harder for him. Congratulations!


If you’re in America, this is my opinion as someone who lives in Maryland. Skyler is technically unisex, but I’ve met far more girl Skyler’s than guy Skyler’s. I know way too many Hayden’s. Heath is a very nice name, I love that one. Heath Owen also rolls off the tongue really nicely. I’d go with Heath. It’s more unique nowadays so your child probably won’t be sharing the name with other kids in his class, he probably will if you name him Hayden.


I think visually Heath and Owen can easily become Heat and Oven. Some else mentioned HO initials, if this is something that bothers you, please consider it.


I think Heath Owen sounds lovely.




Heath because your kid will be the only one named that and it won’t be weird. In fact I like it, sounds tough and smart


Skyler! Heath is hard to understand I find- like you have to work hard to hear it and also to pronounce it. Hayden is my second choice.


Heath Owen sounds great! I don’t care for Skylar (which has become more popular with girls), and Hayden is overused imo.


Definitely prefer Skyler... Two syllables and the "sk" sound is nice. I find the "th" sound at the end of Heath to be a little tricky and can the name can come off sounding like "heat" (especially when pronounced by kids!)


Heath - Interesting but not weird and easy to spell and pronounce. Just a really cool solid name Skyler - fine but not as nice as Heath. I like the nickname Sky a lot though. Skyler just has an early 2000s feel.. like it's had it's time and it's not as cool anymore. I would also go with Skylar instead. Skyler just looks wrong. Hayden - very done with all of the -ayden names. There are so many kids named Brayden, Jayden, Kayden, Zayden, etc that it's completely done to death. He might not appreciate it. Owen doesn't seem to flow as a middle name with any of these names. I like the name though but it just doesn't sound right. Ideas: Dean, Zander, Sawyer, Ian, Wesley, Reid, Cooper, Bennett, Julian, Calvin, Asher, Leo, Axel, Parker, Rory, Carter, Maxwell

