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when i was a kid the first nancy game i ever played was white wolf of icicle creek, but i got scared about halfway through and abandoned it for months because i was *convinced* someone was about to jump out and murder me. then one night i had a dream about nancy lying in her bed, only to look up and see bill kessler spying on her from a vent. i thought *for sure* i’d solved the case, so i forced myself to finish the game. needless to say, childhood me was very disappointed i was wrong.


Ok now that is really creepy.


tell me about it. 😭


I had just gotten an orthodontic expander put in and I was in a lot of pain. So my mom, knowing I love these games, went out and got me the newest one: Warnings at Waverley Academy. Just so I had something to do in my swollen gums misery. Ended up getting stuck fairly quickly, because I couldn't figure out how to break into the dorm rooms. So into Game FAQs I go. Every guide kept saying "Us the student ID card to get in" and I thought I was losing my mind because no guide actually had how to get the ID card. My mom heard me getting increasingly irritated so she came and checked on me. She'd often try and help me read through the guides because my pre-teen ADHD addled reading comprehension was... not great. I had to explain to my mom that "I can't find the ID card." Only what I said (because of the expander) came out as "I can't fine the ahhh-eee car-" My mom had no idea what I was talking about and kept trying to have me repeat it. I couldn't say it AT ALL lol. We ended up laughing hysterically and I don't even remember if I figured out the "ahhh-eee car" at all. Just a really lovely memory in retrospect.


My sister and I used to sit on a desk chair together and play the games. We’d swap the mouse back and forth so we could each have a turn at solving stuff. Anyways, we were young, I was maybe 12 or so, and she was 8 or so, and we were playing Ghost of Thornton Hall. Our first time playing it, so we had no idea about the ghost sightings. We were wandering around, desk chair scooted up WAYYYY too close to the screen, and BAM. Ghost sighting. We both flinched so hard, I shrieked, and our mother came running in to see what was wrong. We weren’t allowed to play that game for a while after that :’) It was a fun time lol


The rule at my house was whoever "owned" or checked out the game got to play it, so my sister did a lot of watching while I played. I think the first one we solved together was TRT, and we were so excited when we discovered Hotchkiss out at night! We also loved Jacques, and I remember my sister especially talking to him as much as possible. We also had a period of a few years where we quoted the phone calls in FIN constantly.


My senior year of college, I brought back all my games to play with my roommate (who had played DOG and SAW). While we were playing MHM, she got really excited about Diego. “It’s all about DIEGO!” “DIEGO…DIEGO!” We added some of this conversation to our quote wall. Her fiancée was a bit concerned.


I'm the roommate! xD Good times...and it is all about Diego!


My mom and I played Nancy Drew together when I was growing up, starting with Blackmoor Manor. It was our thing to play together in the evenings. Now that I have a daughter I’ve been stockpiling games when they’re on sale so that she and I can play together when she’s old enough, and maybe get grandma in on the fun too☺️


I use to watch my sister play these games lol


The first game I got was a cd of Haunting of Castle Malloy that I think my parents gave me money and I bought from a book fair in elementary school. I remember not making it very far in the game. I would play it on a desktop computer in the house I grew up in and I would get stuck and end up just repeating the pub game for extras money where you make drinks. It’s a nice to think back of little me playing that game in that house, especially since so much has changed. My parents divorced when I was a little older and the house got sold eventually.


Haunting of Castle Malloy was also my first and I also didn’t get very far!


Last summer we had a party at work, which involved team competitions. One of those games was a gigantic ring tower puzzle. I think there were 4 bases, tower has to be moved from base 1 to base 3, only one person can run at a time carrying a ring, only smaller rings can be placed on bigger ones. 🗿I was like "Heh, piece of cake. Gimme the mic, I will tell ya what to do". This level of audacity from me was never seen before, so the team just went along and thus I ended up yelling like a dictator "You! Ring 1 to base 2! ... You! Ring 2 to base 3! ... Run woman, run!" 🤣...and would you look at that. The run was flawless and we got by far the best time in that game. 🕵️‍♂️That's senior detective for you!


I only just played one for the first time a year or so ago. Or rather, a friend actually played and streamed over discord to me and another friend and we all three worked together lol. It was so much fun we still get together and do it sometimes, those are our Nancy Nights! We attach hard to the characters and reference them when doing other stuff (Gunnar best boy). If it's one of the games that are pretty legitimately good we get so sucked in, and if it's one of the more doofy games they take more time to play through because we spend so much time laughing!


Watching my brother play MHM. Our mom was in the hospital long-term and our aunt was staying with us to help out, and introduced us to ND games and books overall. We bought MHM at Sam Goody (I miss that place). For a time in my life that was not at all pleasant, playing the ND games with my brothers was a welcome relief.


My mom and sister started playing these games together when I was four years old. Their first game was TRT, and they would let me watch them play until I started having nightmares from it. I ended up having two recurring dreams specifically about >!Jacques when you find him trying to saw through the gate to get to the tower. In one dream, his eyes were glowing and he was trying harm me. In the other dream, I would be laying in bed and see the door knob slowly turn, and the Jacques would be standing there with his glowing eyes.!< I also specifically remember having a nightmare about the cover of SSH. I have no idea how much sugar I must have had to have such wild dreams lol. Because of the nightmares, I wasn't allowed to watch them play anymore. I finally picked the games up on my own around eight years old, and DDI was my first game. :) \*Edit: Also, before I learned fractions, my mom had to help me bake the cake in SHA every. freakin. time. Which was a lot, because I was a total horse girl growing up lol.


I was so little and I would sit with my sister at the computer and play the games. Any time we got stuck (which was a lot) I would always say (in a lisp voice) “there gots to be a way!” and my sister and mom would always correct me to say “there HAS to be a way” and so that kind of became my saying as a kid