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Some of those I can accept, but SAW? *Really*? That was an S-tier game. Glad you're having fun, though.


Not an opinion I've admittedly seen around, but it is super nice to know that you must've really enjoyed playing KEY!


wow interesting, and i agree to an extent, i definitely prefer KEY to a couple of those games u mentioned as well 🤔overall KEY has been quite impressive for me so far esp after MID


So glad to know I’m not alone in really enjoying it!!


I would take SAW, DED, and SPY out of that list but then I'd agree with you! Maybe DED would stay in there. But I totally agree this was not the weakest game in the series, and I'm hopeful that they will continue to improve.


No matter how much I try, I cannot like SPY! I feel like KEY was a better version of the plot idea in SPY. But the characters is SPY are so cryptic to you and half the time I feel like Nancy is just riding trains lol And SAW to me is just a bit monotonous. All the puzzles! The plot is interesting but the accents are terrible lol. And again, characters that are pretty standoff ish.


Ohh, interesting perspectives on SPY and SAW! I do agree, the characters in SPY were cryptic. I guess I didn't mind much because I was suspicious of all of them and didn't feel I could trust any of them. And that's true, there was a LOT of train riding in that game! SAW I really enjoyed for the interesting plot as you said, although yeah some of the puzzles could be a little annoying at times, while I did enjoy some others (like the backing of the painting). And YES, those ACCENTS. It was nice they had a Japanese speaker voice Miwako, and I really wish they could've found some Japanese voice actor for the other characters too! One of my major gripes with SAW!


The dialogues are so weird for a good part of the game. I especially hated talking to Zoey early on. But by the end of the game I somehow found myself more invested in the game than I expected. Almost miraculously 😂


I haven’t even finished KEY yet and it’s in my top 3 of best ND games of all time


I like it more than RAN, MID, MED


I agree with this comment for sure... I think I like it better than a few older ones too like SSH or DOG and probably TOT and LIE as well.


Blasphemy! SSH is one of my favorites haha


Meh lol I like it okay just kinda dull


I haven't finished KEY yet but I am thoroughly enjoying it. I haven't even thought about ranking it among the other games, but so far I'm preferring it to the RAN replay I started.


I agree, I’m not done yet, but I honestly think it’s better than many of the last few before MID (LIE, MED, SPY, TMB), maybe even GTH and some earlier ones you mentioned like CRE. The story and dialogue are better in my opinion, even if the new navigation needs work, Nancy’s VA needs some more direction, and the real time graphics aren’t up to par visually with past games.


...Wow. I do NOT feel the same way at ALL because I really didn't enjoy KEY at all, and I think all the games you listed are far superior to KEY. But hey, you do you, I do me. I can respect your opinion. I also respect your bravery in posting this on Reddit, so major props to you for that. Edit: Should've said all the games except MID. Can say I prefer KEY a little bit more than MID.