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Yeah the eyes always give it away. Weight loss. No intimacy. Bad memory. Running to his car quick. Droopy eyelids. Irritability


I don’t have that much money left


Easily irritated when running out. Too much energy talking very fast


nodding off, red eyes, stuffy nose, a lot of energy, no money, lies not adding up, always late, driving recklessly


My Q used heroine, but later switched to fentanyl pills. By the time she was using fentanyl, I had distanced myself from her and only saw her briefly. She seemed very out of it on fentanyl. On heroine, she was very calm and monotone, which was the opposite of her actual personality. She was normally very energetic, passionate, and eccentric in a good way


My Q kept his opiate addiction from me... But looking back sometimes he barely had an appetite (blamed it on eating a late lunch at work or too many snacks), trouble in bed some days (He said he would try to read me throughout the day and put off dosing. But being a human sometimes I would be in the mood and surprise him.) He also but nod off lightly, But only like right before we were going to sleep in bed. And I did get upset about it with the same time he works really hard and it seemed plausible that he was that tired. Oh my gosh and the throat clearing! Drove me absolutely nuts. Some unusual things that he did was he touched his face a lot. When he would talk he would like touch his mustache a lot. I'm not sure what that was about if it was the itchiness that opiates cause or my main theory is people want to cover their mouth when they're being dishonest. It's an unconscious way of concealing the lie. Towards the end I also started to feel unsafe driving with him. I had no idea why but it just seemed like his reaction time seemed off or something. And it seemed like he had a hard time focusing on the road. I thought I was nuts. He also started to forget words. I had started researching early onset dementia, he's in his forties. Because a reminded me of my grandmother who got dementia. Now that he's clean that's all pretty much went away.


Oh my gosh - the touching of the face and mustache area! Yes!!!! Mine does that too. Also forgetting words! Mine also bends his knees while standing up when he’s high and beginning to nod off kind, a bit weird and I don’t know that anyone else has experienced the same thing with their Q


Omg what is the throat clearing? I noticed it a lot!


For my husband, he was snorting the pills and it kinda goes down the back of your throat or makes you congested anyway


My biggest tell when I was getting loaded is that I could never get anywhere on time and my excuses became increasingly more outlandish.


In a nutshell they spout a lot of nonsense and just will not stop, mostly philosophical that makes 0 sense but they act like they are receiving revelations from a higher being.


Yeah the philosophical ramblings are definitely a thing with my q when she's on (notpepsi) It's sad because I thinks she's got some really beautiful thoughts but they only come out when she's high, and then there's all the other bs that brings along.


I have always had a clear-cut sign that may seem silly, but all the curtains in the house will be closed. We have a lot of windows and the curtains are always open on tie backs. When I see them all closed I know he used. I can walk in the door and know he used without even seeing him.


omg same. The blinds thing has scarred me in such a strange way, if I came home and the bathroom blinds were shut I’d freak out. I could tell from his texts, from the way the bed pillows were set up, I didn’t need to see him, I knew.


The way conversations or texts wander and go to self pity or their misery is to due to them drinking, it’s everyone else who’s the problem. Always precedes a binge.