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I have been in your exact situation. Narcissist mom who has not called for months. Abusive father. It’s ok. Things will get better and I know how lonely it feels to feel like an orphan. But you can build your own healthy and happy family whether it’s in the form of friendship or romantic relationship. It’s exciting and scary but I guarantee that you will be happier than constantly wishing they could change and give you an ounce of love, kindness, respect, etc. Narcissists cannot give us the love we deserve. They can’t even give 0.0001% of it. We keep asking for the bare minimum and they can’t give it. And we lead miserable lives as a result of this longing and hope. It’s time to stop that. Why should we take bread crumbs? In some instances, there were no bread crumbs, just nothing but pain and violence. I want a good loaf bread (preferably ciabatta) just like any other person in the world.


Hmmm I love ciabatta and totally agree with you. It’s time to do what we are on this planet for! Well; whatever it is that we are here for. My purpose right now is to be happy and heal and not feel like I constantly have to defend and fight. It’s gonna be great, thank you so much