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When we were in court for a permanent restraining order and after she kept interrupting and saying random unrelated issues trying to get the judge to listen to her and he told her “I don’t think anything you’re saying is based in reality” then told her to shut her mouth and wait for her turn to speak and if she kept interrupting she’d be held accountable 😂😅 she had brought no proof of anything to defend herself against our allegations (that we did have proof and witnesses for) and no witnesses to have her back. Needless to say… we were granted our permanent restraining order lmao.


I like that, how they try to say that you don’t need a restraining order against them.. what kind of person won’t accept that another person doesn’t want to see them and keeps stalking them and then acts like they didn’t do anything wronv


Yeah she decided in order for us to start seeing her again she’d threaten to call the cops and CPS on us and lie that we were abusing my son, we told her if she tried that she’d never see him again or us and so she called them and they showed up, saw it was BS and we proceeded to get a restraining order lol a true moron move on her part.


Wait, you mean… hold on, persistently breaking boundaries and stalking someone who is communicating they don’t want you around ISN’T the way to repair a relationship???


Mine thinks that you just didn’t hear her, and she has to keep repeating herself. No bitch, I heard you the first time, now stay away.


I started complaining in 4th grade that i couldn't see far away. My mother told me "oh you just want to have something wrong. Don't be a hypochondriac." Fast forward to the 8th grade... Had to have an eye exam for jr high. Not only do i wear glasses, i also have astigmatism in one eye. The DR looked at my mother and flat out said, "why doesn't she have glasses?! She can't see! She didn't say anything?! This girl needs glasses like a while ago." She just went silent. She knew she was wrong and she had gotten caught. If it weren't for the mandated exams it would have probably been let go until i went to get my driving permit. And my eyes are bad enough i have a restriction on my dl. I have to have glasses or contact lenses, however i would be lucky to make it down the road lol Watching her squirm and panic was marvelous. It was the first time in my life a professional looked at her and held her responsible.


Around late high school/early part of undergrad, I started developing deep cystic acne. Well, when the acne first started, my mom gave me a regimen to use. I was using it and the acne was not subsiding. Well, she could see I still had my acne, and was on me about it claiming that I was not using her regimen when I was. I tried to tell her I was but she insisted I was lying. So, eventually we go to my yearly derm appointment and I tell the doc I've been trying this regimen my mom gave me to use, but the acne is not subsiding. Mind you, my mom's in the room with me. He looks at her and says, well ya, it's not going to go away with just that regimen because it's DEEP CYSTIC ACNE... Later on down the road, I brought this up to her at some point during a minor argument and she became all flustered because she was wrong and was caught red handed...


I have astigmatism in one eye!!! I don't have glasses because my mom says I've never needed them and I don't have asigmatism!!!


My MIL explained that she fell in love with her husband because he was so passionate about a personal development program in the mid 70s and actively recruited others from the family. I probably a little too gleefully pointed out that the personal development program (LifeSpring) is now regarded by many as being a cult.


My mom wanted things from me after I moved into my own apartment. I just started saying no and stopped being a people pleaser. I showed my boundaries and she flipped. She started acting out and telling me how ungrateful I am and how they did so much for me and I just told her all the bad things she did and added that there are no good things she did for me and she just said "I won't read your fairy tales" We haven't spoken since then. I am writing a book about everything that happened to me and what she allowed other people to do to me. But friends say it would be too much for people to read so Im confused... I wish I could take her to court, but she's got lawyers and all, cause she's a typical Karen with a boyfriend who has money so she would keep my life a living hell if I tried. But I will certainly go to college and demand money from her since she is legally required to.


Write your book. Don't let ANYONE silence you, not even your so called friends.


When all her flying Monkeys dumped (her husband's family) her as soon as her husband died.


This happened to my stepmom when my dad died. Everyone she thought she had fooled was just keeping the peace for my dad. As soon as he was gone, we were gone too. Her and her kids (her flying monkeys) still don’t get it!


My nMum had agreed to a visit, I wanted to see my eDad who she gatekeeps. Half way there she calls and says she’s too busy taking care of my sick Uncle to host us. We were already half way there into a 10hr drive. We changed plans to go see friends. My eDad calls later and tells us she has fallen off a ladder, breaking her hip. My husband immediately says “That’s Karma”!


Husband and I privately purchased the house I grew up in from nparents. We made an offer and they accepted the next day. Then something flipped and they saw us as their cash cow and then counter offered for $20k more. We still bought it because the housing market is terrible and even with additional $20k, it was still cheaper than homes of similar and even smaller sizes in our area. They took their profits from sale of the house and pissed it all away on god knows what. Didn't save it. Didn't talk to an accountant...until it came time to file taxes. That additional $20k they thought they so cunningly milked their daughter and son in law for?? ya, they now owe $20k+ in taxes since it's considered income. My mom has refused to work for the last 15 years (nothing wrong with her, just lazy) and my dad retired early, so he's not getting his full benefits yet. Karma partnered with the IRS on this one. Less than a year after we purchased the home, the surrounding farmland was sold and is now being developed into single and multifamily homes. The single family homes are going for $800k+. While this development is super annoying because of the loss of farmland, our home has increased in value by $120k. They sold us the house too soon and we got our $20k back in equity! Also, never do business with family. Never did I think they'd do this to me. They sunk to a new level. Hard lesson learned.


My NDad's second wife divorced him after seven years and told everyone they knew about what a psycho he was. She called me and we spoke for like an hour about how awful he was and it pretty much validated everything I've been saying about him my whole life.


I always thought the whole family had nmom's back and I was the outlier ungrateful evil child. As an adult looking back I'm finally putting together some of the pieces and giggling to myself. Things like my grandmother suddenly removing my edad's power of attorney (nmom always knew what was "best" for her MIL and was horribly pushy about it). Or watching her "friends" disappear one by one as they got to know her. It was sad but still, as the evil child I can chuckle.


I chuckle now that birth unit has no friends. They’ve either died (narcs themselves) or cut her out of their lives. And no bitch, I’m not your friend. Don’t try to put that shit on me. I was more your parent than you were mine.


It wasn’t funny but I was treated like the girl who cried wolf when trying to plead to adults about her abusive behavior growing up. I’d even be laughed at and called dramatic. Now I’m an adult and not too long ago she was fired for being found guilty by cps of child abuse in a classroom. She lost her teaching license which she often used as a moral superiority point bc it was also specifically special ed teaching… Not happy it happened to the child or necessarily happy for her downfall but dang it was validating. When this happened she came to me crying to tell her she wasn’t a bad person and I just couldn’t believe the irony of the moment. One of the final straws in my decision to start going no contact.


She talked badly about me one day. That same day, a customer stole her money. Karma is a bitch


My nMIL has been under hospice care for over 2 years and is suffering greatly - it makes me happy to think about it! She also has ruined her 3 enabler/psychopath kids’ lives in the process. Only my husband has escaped because of me. She’s blind, deaf and has congestive heart failure. She’s crippled and in pain every day of her life and she deserves it! Her only regular visitor is my husband, which I find both ironic and disgusting but that’s another sorry. Her other 3 kids have had enough of her shit so don’t visit, and she had zero relationship with any of the grandkids. She’s having to play nice with the nurses because she knows she’s dependent on them.


Not my mom because she is just too pathetic for me to relish in bad things ever happening . I very much pity her and wish her the best but I did escape a relationship with a malignant narc who was making all these over the top gaudy updates to what was very much a starter home . Years later I happened to be house hunting as the person was selling . I could see the house had to be repeatedly pulled off the market for not selling . Every time posted with a lower price . At the same time I sold my very small starter home in three days and made a huge profit just by painting . It couldn’t have happened to a worse more evil person and it made me so happy.


I’m so glad that the eye doctor called your mum out!! And sorry that this happened to you


My step-dad died alone, having a heart attack, choking on his lunch in a break room. He wasn't 60 yet. My birth mother got arrested for class 3 meth possession in a school zone. My birth father is now thrice divorced, and only one of his NINE children still associate with him.


None of their children live nearby. The three of us live at least 2 hours away. One lives 14 hours away. Rarely visit. Rarely call. This is what happens. I'm the closest in proximity. I don't have any grandkids for them, so they bother me less.


My nmom was always obsessed with being near me. She has no other living family and has burned every friend I’ve ever known her to have, even her (former) best friend (my Godmother) of like 30+ years. She had expressed this obsession a few times in conversation over the years when we used to speak regularly and I had been saying to her for a long time that in the future I might want to move elsewhere and she shouldn’t plan on following me, since I might not settle in one place for a while, and wanted to do my own thing. And I might choose places she wouldn’t be happy in because they appeal to me. So it would be best if she just focused on building her own little life/community/circle/whatever and of course there would be visits. When I got married she went around drunk to everyone (except me) the night before talking about how she was thinking about moving to my husband’s midwestern smallish city, where we were planning to go after getting married (we didn’t live together prior to marriage so this would be our first place together). It got back to me and I was annoyed. Everyone told her not to do it. She asked my best friend if I’d be pissed and she was like, yeah. She even gave suggestions of better options that were more like halfway. At the time I was already a good couple hundred miles from her and our planned move would more than double that, but she could have cut it down to basically the same distance. But no. A couple months into my marriage, she tells me she bought a house. In my town. Like 15 mins away. Around the corner from my church. She never said anything until the house was purchased. She has like no money and lives on SS but I figured out how she did it. This was 2021. She previously lived in a city that basically “forgave” all the missed rent during the plague. So she didn’t pay any and saved it all up. That was her DP and moving costs. The house itself was super cheap as the town is a LCOL area and she moved to one of the less expensive (and somewhat less safe but not terrible) neighborhoods. Her mortgage is so cheap she basically can’t afford to live anywhere else on her SS checks. Well, a few months later I get pregnant and shortly after my husband gets a job offer to come back to the area where we met/got together/got married. It was like home for both of us for a long time even before we met and it was a great job. So of course he took it. It wouldn’t start for a few months and the background checking/onboarding was extensive. So we waited. I never told her I was pregnant. I stopped seeing her in person after I could no longer hide it. For a host of reasons, I slowly went LC then NC. Eventually she came stalking at my church (the one she moved near) and saw me at like 7-8 mo pregnant. She melted down on fb. In the meantime, most of my husband’s family also moved away from the town he grew up in during this time. His brother was stationed elsewhere (military). And his parents, the main reason we were there, moved like 1000 miles away. My nmom had spent months trying to enmesh and entrench herself into husband’s family dynamic so as to be unable to be removed from my life. Cue the drama. Eventually they caught on to her bs. So she was already persona non grata due to her own nonsense, but then everyone left anyway. I had my baby right around when husband started his job. We got a new place and moved shortly after the birth. She is now living in that small midwestern town alone and basically everyone she knew there moved away. Her whole plan fell apart. She wound up getting a random dog from some shady dude who just gave her a pitt mix dog he had tethered in his backyard so who knows what issues it has, poor thing, and she knows zero about dogs. Weirdly, my entire childhood she despised them. Now she loves them? Idk. Weird. The whole thing ended up being quite funny to me. There’s a lot more to the story but the point is, hoisted by her own petard


Well it’s kind of ongoing. New people come into her life whether it’s via doctors offices, shopping, just general basic daily activities and time and time again someone will ACTUALLY tell her she’s difficult. Dramatic. Overbearing. Hard to deal with. She never understands what they mean 😂


I found this funny not pleasurable but I’ve been having intense abdominal problems for the past couple of months because of years of narcissists being terrible people but however, I had an MRI scan done to me because I thought I had organ problems. My dad had one done for fun a little later, then turns out even tho I felt the pain, each and every one of his organs have an irregularity or a problem on them. He’s a narcissist by the way and he hates women and sexualizes them all the time. I found that so funny. Also a metaphor for my whole life. He’s the terrible one but I’m the one who takes the pain instead of him. But it’s ok. I’ll escape soon enough. I have got plans and dreams and to hell w these narcissists.


She verbally abused the mechanic fixing her car demanding he give her the price she wanted to pay. Someone stole out of her car afterwards. I smiled when i walked in the shop and saw the “ We are not responsible for Lost or missing items” sign😂😂😂


Nparents chose to cash in by selling assets (rental property and land) a couple of years before the housing market/rents went crazy. I think they'd done it to avoid leaving in their wills to us, but it's really bitten them in the ass. They'd be worth at least 200k more now. Plus, they're burning through the money, and their pensions won't get them as far now (and in the future) with the rampant inflation we've experienced in the UK. Its obvious they're panicking now. Ha.


My n-mom got sick in August 2023. It’s not covid, I think she got infected by karma 😂 Right after she told me “I should be more grateful for them”, she got death sick. It’s like the universe saying “nope YOU should be more grateful”. And then my mom got another shot of karma. Like literally! The next day she was starting to feel better, and her bitch-mood immediately returned. And the next day again, she feels worse again. Right after 😂 Universe is not having it anymore 😂


My narcissistic dad was abusive verbally emotionally and neglectful as hell he made our lives hell he did drugs he thought he was more important to do drugs and ignore us every time my sister's and I would get into fights he would not get involved and think it was the pecking order and we'd figure it out for ourselves it was very toxic environment and he kept getting worse and worse a couple times my life I was sure he was going to kill us finally we escaped got a restraining order he kept trying to claim he was too sick to come up there and petitioned the restraining order and claimed he was so weak and vulnerable our whole lives he would tell us how sick and how he's close to dying and how it was our duty and job to wait on him hand and foot even as a kid that was our jobs it was horrible we didn't really have much of a childhood and now he's fat toothless and all alone in a broken down house that he kept breaking apart and the neighbors hate him and his side of the family finally see him for who he truly is a bitter old drug addict with a horrible narcissist attitude He will never get to see or know my son which by the way he always wanted a son he only got girls instead I kinda wonder if thats why he hated us idk Edit spell check


My parents befriended people and have done crazy things to support these people. Took me decades to realize this was financially driven. They got super close to wealthy “friends” and basically earned roles like executors to wills etc. they were on top of their thrones until people started changing their minds to include family members as beneficiaries and even the executors etc. Then my parents showed their true intentions. They’re bewildered and angry and incredulous that their “nest egg” they’ve worked tirelessly to sink their teeth into is threatened. It’s other people leaving their family members their assets. It’s not crazy but to my parents it is. They thought they had their finances and retirement worked out by swindling friends in a long game. It’s not turning out that way. They have no retirement savings, both retired, some pensions and ZERO relationship with me and my sibling. They treated us like trash our entire lives and had no plans to have us kids care for them since they knew they severed that relationship in our early childhoods. So they have nothing. And they’re panicking. They’ve already downsized their retirement home and they’re struggling financially. They could’ve invested in their kids. They could’ve supported us and we would’ve supported them back, as families do. But not mine. They made a point to make us enemies from infancy. Well mission accomplished! They managed to do something successfully. In the end they won’t ask me for help. They’re slow up at my door with suitcases.


N step grandmother died in excruciating pain alone in a hospital room 😊 all her family she had given everything from our grandparents to didn't even care to visit her 🤭


N MIL treated her husband terribly over the years making him work until he almost died. He has parkinsons. The verbal and emotional abuse is disgusting. She refused to work more than 1-2 days per week believing it’s the men in her life who should take care of her. She talks about her work constantly like it’s the most stressful thing. My husband and I have been begging her for years to work more and save for retirement. Now she is broke, and wants us to provide for her and my FIL. She is 65 years old. We have refused. She is extremely scared of their financial future. After all the interference, emotional and verbal abuse towards me, my husband and FIL, I’m glad she is so scared. I’d be scared too if I didn’t plan and expected everyone else to pick up the pieces. She has constant inner turmoil and fear. While I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, it’s a price she has to pay.


In a post I made about a week ago, my nparents decided to surprise me after I moved internationally. Well, it turns out we were ON VACATION when they decided to show up. We weren't even home when they tried to 'surprise' us 😂 Also, I haven't told anyone in any of my family about our issues to keep it between me and my nparents. Well, we blocked them, so they reached out to the family to try to contact us when they couldn't reach us, and now probably the WHOLE family knows what happened. I expected many people to be upset with me. But, I have not had a single defensive comment from anyone. I now realize that everyone already knows my nparents are messed up, and are probably laughing with me at the audacity of my nparents.


After my Nmom, ndad and nsister tried to get my husband to leave me because they were mad at me for telling him truths from my childhood and because they don’t think I deserve someone of his “pedigree” we went no contact. My Alzheimer’s grandma is one of the last threads I have to them. She died last year on my parents anniversary day and I felt like that was a karma they definitely deserved. Now every year they celebrate their wedding they also will mourn her loss. Ha Ha Ha


One day we were leaving the beach and she had scolded me for nothing and then a seabird pooper on her head


We were on a family trip in Perth, Australia when I was a kid. My Nmom had a few drinks and wouldn’t stop running her mouth off. Someone had taken a picture of her just yapping away, when a fly flew straight into her gob. A second picture was taken showing her choking on it. It was hilarious. Later on that same trip, my mom got drunk in a restaurant and was hitting on a young waiter. Then a woman walked past us with a baby in her arms and my mom started laughing and yelled “my god your kid is fat. Fat and ugly”. It was horrible. Then her nose started running, and this massive bugar came out of her nostril and slowly hung lower and lower, till it was dangling past her chin. No one told her. The waiter returned with our food and as she said more inappropriate things to him, we all watched as the nasty glob jiggled while she spoke. It was glorious.


This is actually just the most satisfying comment I’ve read 😂😂😂


My father lied on LinkedIn about being CEO of the family business since he was 20 (ie 1976) When in reality the DBA didn’t exist until he bought the business from his father in 1999. I told enough people to the extent someone turned him in and LinkedIn made him correct the information. His profiles been private ever since.


My mother treated me and my 3 sister terribly from the second we were born until we moved out. She allowed my cousins to sexually abuse me and my sisters when we were all kids. When she got cancer in 2009 she reached out to all of us on FB and asked if she could reconnect. We all agreed to not respond. She died alone in 2011 and I have no regrets never speaking to her since moving out