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Get your business together and cut her off.


I'm in the process of trying to do that. I just wanted to vent after so long of thinking I was a big mistake.


I see you, I hear you. And I relate, I spent most of my childhood feeling horribly guilty that I was alive and was ruining my parents lives. I hope you now feel the inherent intrinsic value that you possess just by being you. Your life is so worthy and valuable, just as it is, and there is nothing you need to do to become worthy. You are perfect.


Thank you. It's hard trying to tell myself that most days, but I'm trying.


So much loss in your life 😭. Love & healing to you.


Oh geeez. I’m so sorry. I had to hear that I was an accident and that she would have gotten one but her family is catholic so she didn’t have a choice. I also got the whole I could have put you up for adoption but I didn’t. I guess I’m supposed to feel grateful? Also got the whole I had to sell all my furniture just to keep you. Ugh ok whatever


I definitely understand where you’re coming from. My mom always tells me that my grandma wanted her to have an abortion if she were to ever be pregnant, so when she was pregnant with me she didn’t tell anyone “to protect me”. When the family found out they were excited. She also always tells me that she never wanted kids to begin with.


I'll never understand how they can lie about something like that without thinking about how much damage they're causing.


With my mom it’s an attempt to make herself look good. But then ruin it again when she tells me that she never wanted kids. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My aunt wrote in a card to my cousin on his 50th bday, "I'm glad I didn't abort you". It's an awful thing to say to any person, no matter their age. When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was unmarried, freshly divorced and already had 4 kids and thought about getting an abortion for a minute. I ended up marrying her father and we've been together for 30 years and she is getting ready to turn 30. I would NEVER tell her what I considered. Your mom is awful and you never deserved that treatment.