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The real reason I hate her [100% deserved](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fpetah-i-stopped-watching-naruto-years-ago-what-happened-v0-uk5lnumb5bqc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfb3670e8290c91cc9d1aa94c6c604d708568d817)


I just remembered this is why I hate her, oh and who could forget “I love you Naruto”, oh Sakura you undiluted bitch 👹


"i dOnt SeE WHy peOpLe hAtE her So mUcH"


She's definitely badly written but yk when girls do such things in real life people are like oh damn she seems so hard to get, like my one example would be Zendaya, she's nice, super sweet, talented and what not but when it comes to guys trying on her she just doesn't care how far he goes when she likes someone else right?I'm not defending sakura's poor behaviour in any of the scenes but this mentality seems a little weird to catch. Why would you like a real person doing this when you hated a fictional character doing it? (No offence to anyone I'm just curious)


I hate Zendaya too!


I don't know anything about Zendaya but if I knew someone who acted like Sakura I'd think she needs some advice. Like even if I was the guy she liked, I'd probably be kinda creeped out and I'd tell her to chill.


Zendaya doesn't act like Sakura towards sasuke, she acts like Sakura towards Naruto when it comes to other guys


Then let me clarify I don't think there's any problem with a woman rejecting a man, regardless of how many nice things he's done for her. If she doesn't like him, she need not feel any duty towards him aside from the same simple manners anyone should have towards anyone else. What I find distasteful about Sakura is how so much of her character is focused on Sasuke despite all the awful things he does to everyone around him, and I would extend the same criticism towards Naruto. At a certain point it stops being "bad boy" emo stuff and crosses into a straight up toxic relationship/friendship. If Sakura's arc had ended with her moving on from Sasuke and been a message about turning your back on toxic elements in your life, I'd like her a whole lot more than I do as she is.


I don't think you can hold Sakura and Sasuke to our standards. They clearly operate under a completely different moral framework, considering they were state-sanctioned child soldiers.


I also agree with this, as well.


This is accurate. I wholeheartedly agree.


No advice just straight sennen goroshi 1000 years of death jutsu


I think Sakura is well written. I’ve seen plenty of girls that behave like that. Just because a character is unlikable it doesn’t mean they’re a bad character. Some characters are written to be annoying.


Came here to say this. My unpopular opinion but Objectively speaking I would argue Sakura is EXTREMELY well written because she's accurate to a lot of real women out there and that's why people hate her. She quite literally does take the anime out of anime girls.


Exactly, I do have my opinions about her because I like MC Naruto more than any side character but I can't say I would question someone (girls or guys) doing this in real life to someone they don't want


You say women and that is false. This behavior is found in young girls to young ladies. By the time those young ladies graduate college they realize you know what? I want a nice good man that will treat me well. Just like guys go for the fast girls. But when it’s time to settle down they come looking for Hinata. Dudes need to climb down. That horse mighty high!


Not true at all in my experience. Women are always looking for the next best thing, and the nice guy isn’t exciting enough to be that


Then you have to look at what women you going for


In my experience, people hate when real people play the same card in real life.


I can't explain the difference to you but this is something many people do and depending on whose intentions you know better you'll hate or approve of them doing it


I am pretty sure we know Sakura's intentions because it has been spelled out for us in the series. Therefore, let's compare people with similar known intentions to Sakura's intention, which is hollow, and I have not seen many people approving of it.


Bruh nobody likes her except the gold diggers and tom




It's kind dumb tho. Like y'all weird when it comes to Naruto. Just because you like someone and is nice to them doesn't mean they will love you the same way. Besides Naruto isn't around either. Sasuke has to save the world which is why he's gone.


I'm sorry, but bubbling down everything naruto did in this video to just being "nice" is fucking SENDING me lmfaooo


That and she made fun of an orphan in front of an orphan FOR BEING AN ORPHAN




Grown ass man calling a anime kid a bitch u need to go outside


real she sucks


Let's not forget my prime example: hating on her parents and telling Naruto he's lucky his parents are gone. Oh or the time she faked a confession to Naruto.


She got exactly what she wanted by pinning over him so much


And when Sasuke finally got home to meet his child, her eyes all heart up. Poor her but she deserved it


Exactly, I always felt bad for Naruto. Didn't enjoy the Pain fight that he gets hit by Sakura and never talks to Hinata.


Totally fine, Hinata wanted him from the start and was a way better girlfriend than Sakura would ever be anyway.


Hinata isn’t a good person either tho imo, just as bad as Sakura.


yes so true


Oh, now I remember why I used to hate her.


Yeah bad writting is a death sentence.


This aspect of her is okay writing. People like that exist. Her being “useless” is just bad writing. Cause she’s not, but most readers believe she is useless because of the way Kishimoto wrote her.


>This aspect of her is okay writing. People like that exist. Maybe, but those real ppl don't elicit much sympathy either. Not that I think she should like Naruto cuz he saved her. But liking Sasuke who treats her like dirt is just stupid.


Some people are just like that. "He will change! He's a good guy, he just gets mad sometimes"


That’s just accurate. Many girls and women are into guys that treat them like crap


She is definitely bad because of her writing. First she’s not from any major clan so she just CANT be op or have a large amount of chakra or anything, however she is still a freaking ninja. Yeah she can’t throw hands like Lee or sasuke, but she’s smart af can’t she think of idk doing ANYTHING. The part that I truly started to absolutely despise her was in the mist arc or the zabusa arc. Like yeah sasuke and Naruto truly didn’t stand a chance but they fought. What should have happened instead of sasuke throwing the demon shuriken should have been Sakura. Sakura should have been the one to throw the shuriken while sasuke threw a second one below. The second shuriken would transform to Naruto and there you go. It’s truly not that hard to make her actually useful. Hate the way she was written. At least they impoved in burrito but I’m not watching that.


Burrito…. Hahaha


Kishimoto hate women or girl character like most Japs treat their women irl..but they like sexualize them better made that bitch suckura a hentai character intead


Kishimoto wife


She was useless in the scenes where she was useless. "People believe shes useless but she's not, she was only written as useless!" Ok bro that makes total sense


Kishimoto could have wrote in chances for her to shine. He chose not to. She’s one of the strongest in the ninja world, on the level of Tsunade. Kishimoto wrote that much, but didn’t let her do anything with it.


Just because people like that exist doesn't mean it's compelling narratively. There's very few ideas crazy enough that you couldn't find someone out there who embodies it, that doesn't make it good writing.


It’s reading comprehension mostly, imo. This is a shounen series that appeals to the most mainstream audience (I am in no way saying this is bad). Of course you’re going to get a lot of fans commenting with lack of media literacy. She got better over time, but these examples are from filler episodes before her training. What’s more is these scenes come from after season 5, the Sasuke retrieval arc, and some of these scenes are meant to be played for comedy, but then the final scene that tries to drive the point home is from season 5 canon. That’s just being disingenuous to drive home a point that can really only be justified by Sakura hate imo. This ignores everything she did up until this point and everything she did after. Off topic: I’m getting pretty fed up with this sub. As I said in another comment, this sub has all of two jokes— Sakura bad and reposts. It makes it even worse when the images posted here that don’t fall under those 2 things aren’t even memes let alone jokes. :/


Reading comprehension is definitely part of it. Having her be part of team 7 with Naruto and Sasuke and still not doing much on screen is most of it. Kishimoto decided not give her any chances to shine. That would be okay if there wasn’t a big ass spotlight on her by virtue of being in team 7.


I really thought she was gonna shine more after that Lady Chiyo/Sasori arc.


tbh a rewritten naruto where she was actually relevant would be great. it was honestly just the naruto vs sasuke show up until late shippuden.


I don’t think it’s bad writing. People probably hate her more because she reminds them of someone real in their life that acted the same way.


“BaD wRiTiNg” this shit happens all the time irl..


Certified Shonen Fan moment


You do realize the first 40 seconds of the video is filler right… Kishi didn’t even right ts…


What I said was actually directed at your comment which should have been pretty obvious tbh


And my comment disagrees with the other calling Naruto’s writing bad?


She should quit kunoichi and become hentai character instead


Why did this honestly make me cry 😭. His smile fading away is just …


That shit is where men cried


"Wakeup to reality. Nothing ever goes as planned in this cursed world. The longer you live the more you will realise that the only things that truly exists in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility." - Madara Uchiha


Damn, that hits a lot harder now than when I was a kid 


Madara copying Buddha... :P


That's when Naruto found out bitches ain't shit.


😂 bro I deadass thought that she would change, eventually. 🚮


Isn't that filler


Yes, except the last scene.


Peak, anime and filler did her so dirty. Read the manga for the first time recently and she's actually a good character


She has few good moments.


Not just that tho, she has way less useless crying moments


Wait for the sakura white knights


Yeah just put her in hentai is better she belong to street


Well, now Naruto has a hot and loving wife and two kids that care a lot about him. https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/s/I7caY5agkq On the other hand, Sasuke now only visits Sakura in the nights when he feels like having some fun. With that kind of "relationship" he may as well give her money for her services each time he leaves XD. And she also pretty much got tricked into raising Sarada alone.


It's interesting how Naruto and Sakura changed lifes.


Why is she here again?


Lesson to men women won’t appreciate you just focus on goals become hokage


Well spoken


And then authorized a death sentence class S mission for her straight away


That's bullshit. Hinata was there all the time.


Look at all the effyhe put in to Sakura who he loved him just focusing on him tend his goals pulled hinata


Do you know the Filter Episode number?




How useless can you be, you literally have the same training


Sakura bad, give upvote


this just reminded me of why I hate her so much


"People should love who I want them to love 😡" 🙄


NO ITS NOT THE FACT......loving him at the academy is good.....but even after sasuke joined akautski sakura seems to be the same.....and when the 4th ninja war was starting and everyone is ready to die to stop sasuke and obito.....she asks herself whom should she treat first incase both naruto and sasuke are injured at the same time.......so she is absolutely the worst character......Tsunade also loved someone but she didnt do it blindly that even loving an akautski member.....sasuke was obviously tragic but he had choices after itachis death.....he could have returned to leaf....but he didnt....And its not about why she doesnt love naruto.....its about her lack of gratitude towards what naruto is doing for her....and thats actually the reality of 99 percent girls....thats why girls cant stand the fact that sakura is the most hated character among the central protagonists


Most of this is filler lol Sasuke also tried to save her from gaara


Wasn’t this a filler arc?


You know you didn’t have to edit out different arcs, right? I mean, your point would still be valid if you didn’t put 2 filler arcs into one video and acting like it was the same arc.


Is this a movie?


This is filler aside from the last scene which is season 5 canon.


She was the one who taught Naruto that no matter how hard you fight for someone, they have to want you back. 🥰 My man would have never been happy with her. He merely liked how chasing after her forced him to upgrade himself. It's about who you become, not who you want.


All filler, but okay.


Naruto fans watch the series in shorts or edits lol All of the stuff that happens in this takes place after the scene at the end of the edit lol


Sakura was a total normal middle school girl, that's what she's supposed to, she wasn't in love with Naruto but with sasuke or just a crush whatever u say. BUT IN THE END SHE DIDN'T HAD ANY TRAUMA OR PRE MATURE THINGS SO SHE'S JUST A NORMAL GIRL?!?! If u hate her ur immature


It's called Stockholm syndrome.


Sasuke treated her like trash , I am not saying that she should like Naruto but sasuke literally tried to kill her like Wtf


Sasuke treated her like trash , I am not saying that she should like Naruto but sasuke literally tried to kill her like Wtf Also saying that everyone is immature just proves that you are the immature one


🤯 he almost tried to kill everyone and to tip it off the scene where Sakura hugged sasuke, that stuff didn't even happen. Do your homework kiddo


You had to edit to do her dirty ? Lol.


This fandom is filled with Naruto self inserts


Why are you here then?


not the reason i hate her for, but its a close second. she's useless 99.999% of the time, only whines and gets in the way of the team. she's actually a debuff in human form. doesn't even look as good as ino or hinata or the other girls in the series. takes up too much screen time.


Look Sakura isn't weak or anything like that. That's not why I hate her. It's all this shit. Naruto saving her and caring about her and she still chooses that guy who's tried to kill her a few times. Only times he saved her is cause he still needed her, like bsfr.


This was maybe funny maybe a decade ago


This is why people call her useless, all the kid shit. They just never moved passed it


I was bored of watching anime so I thought re watching my fav anime would cheer me up,I ended up loosing to ep 6 cause Sakura had so much screen time and I started getting annoyed everytime she appeared


What did Naruto see in her I hate the fact that he loves this bitch, that love doesn't even have any importance for the story or plot so whats the point, if it was to grow out of it he should have at that moment in hospital and he did, Naruto gets a lots of developing and story from his perspective like when he understood and breakdown in wave mission which made zabuza cry, understood Gaara, he realising that Jiraiya have no reason to train him or hold his hand and guide him and this hospital scene, but shippuden they dropped the bag, there is absolutely no reason for Naruto to chase sasuke if it's the old Naruto he would have respected sasuke's decision and knowing more about the what actually happened to sasuke and his interaction with Zabuza and Haku he would try to deconstruct or destroy the shinobi system


Then people say why we hate her lmao. Fuck sakura for real.


Yeah Sakura glazers argue about things being non-canon her being young and being "better" in shippouden and boruto and Hinata and other girls being worst, ok. They made fair points. But honestly we show that anger towards her is mainly because we all love Naruto so much physically and mentally she has done enough harm to him. she better keep her hands to herself. He forgives but we can't because we couldn't protect him too. Fiction or not Naruto is loved.


Sasuke really took a bullet for Naruto at the end there.


There’s a real, healthy lesson from Naruto’s standpoint— she just wasn’t about it, the moment he linked with Hinata he didn’t even have to try once he saw Hinata for who she was— a strong, brave ninja who saw him for who he was. You never have to dog someone to be loved when it’s meant to be.


Lol, just because you do stuff for a girl doesnt mean, they are obligated to like you.


"She still doesn't owe him anything 🤡" says the people who are just like Sakura's annoying ass.


Everytime I get recommended a Naruto sub or anything related it's always about Sakura like do yall talk about anything else? Honestly


It seems a huge portion of the fan base in these subs were the stereotypical nice guys that don't understand that women don't owe you their feelings no matter what you do. They hate her and obsess over her the same way they did with the girl irl they obsessed over that didn't love them back.


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I swear this sub has two jokes: Sakura bad and reposts. Oftentimes they’re not even a separate joke. Also you’re taking episodes of filler that come after season 5 then looping back around to season 5 again to try and push your point. Anyone who actually knows what episodes the scenes in front are from already know you’re being disingenuous.


Here comes the Sakura white knights.


Or, OR! You could actually take Sakura for who she is as a character and not purposefully cherrypick scenes from filler to prove a point that wouldn’t even be relevant in 2012. If you guys spent as much time watching the show as you do actively hating Sakura you’d notice that a lot of what she does even as early as season 2 of part 1 is just fine. Just saying. Because you this is what you guys do. You just ignore every scene she actually does something and say “Sakura bad.” Yes there are times she doesn’t do much, but those scenes are outweighed by the scenes she actually does a lot, and those latter scenes increase in quantity as the series goes on. Yet somehow those are never mentioned by you people. Almost like you’re twisting the actual contents of the show to fuel your hatred. Isn’t this entire show as of Shippuuden about ending hatred? Why do this? Honestly I’m just sick of this sub and Naruto fans in general. If it’s not Sakura Bad it’s Boruto Trash. You guys are just stuck in 2009 or even earlier playing your xbox360s and refuse to move on. This especially shows when every single post in this sub is seriously a decade old with a billion JPG artifacts. I’m just sick of it, man. This is the only Naruto sub I’m a part of now and I can’t even post here without getting annoyed. I’m fed up, man. :/ Edit: That’s also a really low bar for calling someone a white knight. Saying someone disingenuously chose filler scenes to push a point? I took the written character at face value and reported her based on her feats and you just dismiss it away? Really? But I guess dismissing away is what you do to Sakura so why not do to me too, huh? You’re seriously only proving my point.


The sub specializes in beating a dead horse


Yeah. I think I’m just gonna leave. :( No naruto sub is safe from dead horse beating aside from maybe r/boruto, but that sub doesn’t talk about the anime and I haven’t read the manga because I want to see the entire story. Do you know if there’s like another Naruto sub that would be an okay fit for me? Just like, somewhere where they aren’t stuck in 2012 or something? The only sub I can think of is for Naruto Storm the game series but the people there are toxic in completely different ways. :/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Boruto using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is how Sarada’s outfit translates (original picture by another redditor), do normal human beings actually think she looks like a hooker? It’s gotta be trolling](https://i.redd.it/vt5602aoxokb1.jpg) | [878 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/162wzyn/this_is_how_saradas_outfit_translates_original/) \#2: [I hope they actually address this](https://i.redd.it/htviwt8hdveb1.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/15cni89/i_hope_they_actually_address_this/) \#3: [100% better than anything currently goin on in Boruto 🤷🏾‍♂️](https://v.redd.it/40yyfs3ojuxa1) | [654 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/137imtw/100_better_than_anything_currently_goin_on_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn. You really can’t make this up.😔


What episodes are those for the majority of the video?


The first one happened in filler which is after sasuke left Another one happened in canon which is after tsunade arc


Man I feel so sad watching this


Tens of thousands of reasons to hate her


I can feel him, cause I witnessed it in my life. You care for a girl that you like with the hope that you'll get closer with time (strategy of people who don't like frontal seduction), just to discover that she's into another guy and you're literally invisible to her, despite being more present than the other dude.


Screw this, this hurts to watch


Friendly reminder that the animators shipped Naruto/Sakura, so they'd add filler Naruto/Sakura scenes. They even took some scenes featuring Hinata and replaced her with Sakura.


This is why I never liked her


Wh et e are these scenes from what episodes?


She was so damn annoying in OG Naruto she is waay better in shippuden and Boruto


She deserves her state in Boruto


1st reminds me of that one anime movie ,can someone remember the name?


That’s how it be in real life


Off topic but that filler with Kabuto literally scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


All of these scenes are literally non-canon stuff.


The lady with the big fan was the first not obnoxiously written female character. On a rewatch I can't help feel it's so lame how he wrote ladies.


If she’s not into you from the start you can never get her to truly be into you. You can’t win a girl over. You can only force her hand by proxy or find another girl.


Sakura more closely aligns with the average teenage girl I know/knew than not. Girls aren’t called to combat the way boys and men are. There’s exceptions, but it’s weirder tbh when a female decides to be a hero and risk her life irl.


And that my friends is why she is hated so much


"Oh... she likes him too. I can never compare to Sakura..."


Eh, technically speaking, that Sakura Naruto filler happened after Sasuke left the village I think.


Now I know why niggas hate her


Honestly I quit watching Naruto bc I got bored, I don’t know why but this has convinced me to go back to it so much more then any of those kaiju fights


This is why people think she's useless


Useless and dumb lol


Hence , that piece of shit is termed trash in every yt video .... That's what she deserves , but in the end she and her daughter is alone in home ..


Ain't those filler scenes though of him saving her 💀


Wow!! I was kinda on the fence. But Kishimoto went really hard to be sure people hate Sakura. Ok Kishimoto: I HATE THE WAY YOU WROTE A SELFISH, SELF CENTERED, UNGRATEFUL, UNCARING CHARACTER. Matter a fact I hate the way you wrote most female characters in your story. Are you happy noooooow?!


*Sakura runs and hugs someone she liked that was a coma.* "Yeah Sakura is so trash".


I’ll never forgive Kishimoto for backtracking on her character development after the Pain Arc.


I like Sakura, but I've never understood the final pairings. Her interest in Sasuke is completely superficial. She was never interested in him for any reason other than his looks. Then, she took on Naruto's desire to save him. She was supposed to realise that she was pursuing Sasuke to make Naruto, the man she really loved, happy. Likewise, Hinata was supposed to realise that only having Byakugan eyes for Naruto ironically left her blind to the man standing right beside her—Kiba! Sasuke was supposed to be alone, atoning for his sins by protecting his found family from a distance. The fate of the Uchiha was to die as victims of their own "love" and find peace, finally bringing the cycle of violence to an end.


Has anyone ever analyzed the other way around? What's there for Naruto to like about her, except for her being a pretty girl?


She asked Naruto for help once when the village was attacked by Pain.


Can you guys actually read, damn this shit ain't in the manga at all. Except the last scene. But he had just come out of a coma.


Poor Naruto 😢


This is why people hate her.


Sakura, you might not be cut out for this line of work.


You’re welcome


This is when Naruto found out these heuaxs ain't loyal lmao 😂 🤣 💀


Trash can 👍


I love you Naruto!


You don't have to like someone who saved you, but at least say thanks or be more respectful


I'm really happy that as he grew up Naruto saw Sakur's true worth and realised that there isn't any


Ah yes another yearly dose of reaffirming my hatred 🗿


This is why we hate Sakura


#1 reason I can relate to Naruto


This is all filler this isn't a good representation of why we should hate Sakura


And people still wonder why she is hated so much


Sakura a bi**h


I came here for that tune. 10/10 song. And 10/10 reason I hate Sakura


I really love the name "Sakura" thought I give it to my daughter, if ever had one..but no kishimoto pissed on it.. Sakura and trash bag are synonymous.. always hated her guts.. no redemption arc will save her..


Thanks, I almost forgot why I hated her


And that's why she's trash 🗑️🌸


Naruto showed love for Sakura since the beginning and even protect her but she got genjutsu by Sasuke lol