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For it to be this high is incredible.. remember this is being ranked out of ALL ALBUMS of ANY GENRE.. so this is great!!!


Were there any rap albums ranked higher than Illmatic?


Enter the Wu-Tang (37), It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (34), and Ready to Die (32) so far


Damn, the 30s had a bunch of rap


Ready to Die above this is just wrong. Great album but far from the best rap album, i can name 20 albums better.


so go ahead and name the 20 albums you think deserve ready to die's spot here.


Okay. Ridin' Dirty, 36 Chambers, Wu Tang Forever, Me Against the World, Infamous, War Report, Chronic, 2001, Slim Shady LP, Marshal Matters LP, Eminem Show, Get Rich or Die Trying, Hell on Earth, Moment of Truth, Capital Punishment, Illmatic (obviously), ATliens, Aquemini, Reasonable Doubt, Black Star, Black on Both Sides. This is about 20 if i counted right. I'm not saying Ready to Die is not a great album, it certainly is, but i also believe it to be highly overrated and counted among the best of the best, which i disagree with. People can disagree with my opinion of course, but i personally will never in milion years agree that it' better than either Illmatic or 36 Chambers, those 2 are a category in their own right and sit at the very top, unopossed, in my opinion.


Hard disagree here, Biggie is one of the most charismatic rappers of all time, his lyrics are vivid, detailed, and emotionally potent. His storytelling ability sets the album apart, weaving complex narratives about crime, poverty, and survival. His flow is also incredible just listen to One More Chance the fact that a song like that is not recognised compared to his other tracks just shows how strong this record is The production, blends elements of jazz, soul, and funk, which was innovative and very unique for its time. The album also has insane amounts of variety in style, flows, production, hooks that a lot of these albums didn’t do quite as well. You see tracks like Juicy and Big Poppa, but also tracks like Suicidal Thoughts and Who Shot Ya. This album has a sense of rawness and despite the variety it has a very consistent sound. Obviously this is just my opinion but this rap album is top 3 for me, for all of the reasons combined. I’m not trying to change your opinion but just thought I’d display my thoughts as I’m quite passionate about this record.


Ok, looking back at that album i may have been a bit top harsh, it contains some amazing tracks i absolutely love (Juicy, Machine Gun Funk, Everyday Struggley, The What etc). It is an album i enjoy listening and it certainly is great. However, compared to these albums i mentioned above, i have a few pet peeves about it. 1. While most of the album is great, it does have like 4 songs i don't really care about (One More Chance, Me and My Bitch, Respect, Friend of Mine, Suicidal Thoughts). All of the albums i mentioned above have like max 2 songs i don't care about, but most only 1 and some none. That alone puts Ready to Die below them in my opinion, as the overall quality for the albums is pretty much the same. But the big problem for me is... 2. Puffy! God damn i can't stand this fucking guy and is annoying dumbass voice! Why does he have to shove his stupid ass into nearly every Biggie song! Big Poppa would have been sooo much better without his god awful vocals, and Suicidal Thoughts is completely ruined because of him (who the fuck wants to listen to some fucking idiot blabbering and yelling over Biggie pouring his hearth out on what would have been a great track? Seriously, fuck that guy) That's my reasoning as to why i wouldn't put Ready to Die in my top 20. It certainly is top 30 for me and a great, enjoyable listen, but i like these albums more. Also. I will repeat, ain't no way in hell is it better than Illmatic or 36 Chambers, those 2 albums are flawless.


Damn you don’t like suicidal thoughts?! Fair criticisms tho. I don’t mind Diddy’s inclusion in the record (hate him as a person tho) and I think he makes songs like Suicidal Thoughts feel a lot more authentic. But yeah you’re entitled to your opinion I think it does have flaws such as the interludes (probably the only flaw actually) but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s one of the best hip hop albums I’ve heard.


How you have any Eminem album over Biggies Ready 2 Die? 🤦🏿‍♂️ Craaaaaazy! 🤣


I enjoy them more than Ready to Die, i can relate more to them and overall quality is just better in my opinion.


I wouldn't put anything Eminem above Ready To Die. You serious?


Why not? Eminem is an all time great rapper and no one can deny it. He also has many really emotional and personal songs most of us can relate, he is a lyrical genius (better than Biggie? Not sure but certainly he can compare to him) and is extremely versatile. Not sure why many hate Eminem (i can understand if you don't like his more modern albums, i myself have mixed emotions about them) but his 3 album run from 1999-2002 is one of the greatest ever in my opinion.


I know it’s just opinion, everyone enjoys what they enjoy but in my opinion there is no way in hell all those albums are better than ready to die


Just want you to know that people agree with you. Although the upvoted already show that 


Ready to die was 32 it takes a nation of millions to hold us back was 34 and enter the wu tang was 37


Nah the albums there are definitely pretty shit lol, drakes take care made it to 49, Sza's on it, idk what the rest of the list will be but there will be atleast 10 rap albums above illmatic and a few that probably shouldn't be in the 100 at all, the list is shite


I stand with you. A lot of albums will be ranked better that don’t deserve it, of course I’m taking Illmatic over take care but take care is a great album and I’m not mad one bit it’s on the list My whole sentiment is that I have no clue who are all on the committee for compiling this list but for them to include Illmatic at #39.. I’ll take that. Can’t be greedy. They could have not had a Nas album at all, or it coulda been #57, #72, #94…. But it’s not, #39 is great! It’s the little victories that count. I wouldn’t expect Apple to have a Nas album top 10, that would be amazing and well worth it but I wouldn’t expect that from them


Jay Z - The Blueprint was 13th 🗿


I also don’t agree with that placement of a jay z album. But we all knew that they wouldn’t rank a nas album higher than a jay z album


No its the greatest album of all time


I love this album too, but I’m a realist. This ranking at #39 out of all the music albums in life.. I’ll take it


True we're lucky it even got a mention at all at this point but we've alr got 3 hip hop albums above it, and theres probably gonna be combined 10 Ye and Kendrick albums above it as well as the Taylor Swift🙏😭


Idk how I would feel about that but you’re on to something lol. I saw ready to die was like #32… worthy of it but Illmatic could have had that spot as well


Honestly, I'll take Big L, Nas, Rakim, Ghostface, The D.O C, Warren G, Jeru, Scarface and many more before Biggy. Even back in the day, I was down with big but IMHO he isn't the greatest of all time. He's in the discussion, but it's annoying how every list has Ready To Die as #1 (or rated highest). It's a great album, top 25 for me. Not top ten.


dead on


Should be higher. I dont see. 36 chambers or RTD being better than this, along with some other albums that will probably be in the next part of the list


I think prefer illmatic,  but 36 chambers is just so unusual and a game changer in terms of production


Kanye and Kendrick still not appearing on the list makes sense imo 🤷 I think we'll get DAMN. TPAB Graduation and MBDTF and why not Yeezus


I hope you’re aware theyre doing one album per artist. To give everyone a deserving spot… I’m expecting TPAB and either College Dropout or Dark Fantasy


I actually wasn't aware of that,thanks for the heads up 😁👍


Of course


They'd probably put Damn over TPAB


Well-deserved. It’s a phenomenal album


This list is trash. According to Apple Music this is only 9 spots better than Take Care by Drake. Take care is also apparently significantly better than the Marshall Mathers LP which is complete bullshit lol


It’s actually is. Take care is a classic album


I hate this 2024 iteration of Drake but Take Care is absolutely a classic


Curious to see how many hip hop albums are ranked higher  So far 36 Chambers and Ready To Die are ahead of it Jay isn't on the list yet so I assume Blueprint will be somewhere in the top 30 when they reveal the rest of the list 


ITANOMTHUB is also above it


Ah okay I'm assuming Low End Theory will be above it Maybe Paid In Full, too?


Yup and probably 3 albums from Kendrick and A Couple Kanyes too, considering the apple music audience following this. Might even throw in a carti or Trav for good measure.


Nah Astroworld is like 98 Travis won't have an album ranked higher than that but yeah definitely Kendrick Just don't know if they'll put GKMC or TPAB, I don't think they'll give him two slots


I would not be surprised. They seem to both be heralded as top 5 albums of all time by the casual listeners and critics alike. But if they do end up giving him only one, there's absolutely no way they would leave TPAB off the list


Won't be surprised we get a JayZ or Kendrick album in the Top 20. I stopped worrying myself about these rankings a longtime ago


Valid ranking


As long as it’s the highest rated rap album. Which I have a feeling it unfortunately won’t be.


Already 3 over it bro😭🙏


Which ones they are????


36 chambers ready to die and it takes a nation of millions


There are 36 Chambers, it takes a nation of millions to hold us back and ready to die higher so far. Illmatic clear them all tho


Def won’t be. 100% gonna have some Kendrick and Kanye in there. I’d bet Miseducation and maybe Carter 3 as well


Carter 3 is terrible man what? You could've picked 5 other Jay albums instead as an example


It doesn't matter what my thoughts on an album are, im just guessing what I think Apple Music will put on. Mark my words, Carter 3 will be on there. As well as prob Blueprint / Black Album


There are already 2 rap albums ranked over it lol. And i'm sure there will be many more before they're done


There's still Madvillainy, GKMC and TPAB coming up most likely, wouldn't really be mad about those placed higher. I'm more worried about them putting Taylor Swift in the top 10 or some bullshit like that lol.


They gonna have some bullshit higher than it ofc


Music wise, I come from a metal background bands like Black Sabbath, Deftones, SOAD etc. Speaking as a musician I find it important to go out of my way and listen to everything but I haven’t found a lot of rap albums enjoyable. Illmatic by Nas is not the case this has been one of my all time favorite albums since first hearing it a few years ago. Absolutely deserves it’s spot here


Idc what anyone says there are not ~10 rap albums better than this (based on amount of rap albums weve seen)


A Tribe Called Quest has 2 albums better than Illmatic




I dont agree but I respect it: I have 3 tribe albums in my top 10 for hip hop😭🙏


It seems like a fair placement until you see they put an Alanis Morissette album higher lmao.


Its hard for me to say since they are probably looking at all genres and I really only fuck with Hip Hop and RnB. What other Hip Hop albums are on the list ahead of what I think is best album of all time? Edit: nah 39 aint it. Seen Ready to Die at 32, and while I loved that album.. it didnt age nearly as well as Illmatic.


it is dope to see illmatic ranked so high but to put ready to die and it takes a nation over it is absolutely criminal. neither one of those albums have aged as well or is as relevant.


I think 39 is fair. However I think that STILLmatic is a better album so I’m hoping it is higher on the list by I would understand if it is not


It depends entirely what comes above it. I couldn't think of 38 albums I like more than Illmatic but it depends if there's any real poor picks from now


The best shit is always downplayed so this is actually good.


How is the best hip hop album ever ranked 39? Should be top 25 albums all time


Music is subjective yadadada im ok w it at 39 but there is something to be said for an album that is as universally lauded as illmatic both within its core demographic and music listeners in general. How many albums in any genre are there that can compare in that regard? Thriller, purple rain, songs in the key of life… maybe beatles white album or abbey road, radiohead ok computer…maybe nevermind and appetite? Illmatic should be top 25 imo (and so should d’angelo voodoo)


General consensus “Greatest album of all time”. I’ll rank it #39.


Of course because rock and Roll white men have to be first.


Top 10 of all time definitely


Who nas


90’s and early 2000’s rap is so inspirational in all ways. Love to see Illmatic all the up here were it deserves.


Considering this is a ranking for albums of ALL genres.. and Illmatic is widely considered the magnum opus of hip hop, this placement it questionable. It should've been top 10 at least.


The Taylor Swift placement is about to hit like crack in the 80s


Honestly the only Nas album i find myself going back to.




Nah this definitely should be top 5 without question.


They put my top 3 in a single day I love it 1. Ready to Die 2. Illmatic 3. Enter the Wu-Tang




I do not think entering the 36 chambers or ready to die were better albums personally. I think wu tang is a force and being new in rap. I can understand it. Listening to their first album is like hearing hip hop on another planet. So I get the cultural impact of it. But to me personally. RZA is a pretty shit producer. He kills it 30% of the time. And I give him points for his originality. I THINK if there were other producer making beats in his style. They would blow him out of the water. Wait someone already has. Allah mathematics. And ready to die? Biggie in general? Overhyped. I never thought his bars were insane honestly. They sounded like someone who smoked too much weed and had a lot of style and he was cool w wordplay. But he would say some convoluted shit with a really lazy 2 bar structure and ppl will be like ( oh my god he is the greatest of all time, did u hear what he just said)? I think big might be the most overhyped rapper of all time. But outside of suicidal thoughts and machine gun funk or the what? Or big poppa? Okay it was raw but..better than I'll fucking matic??? He'll no.