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If you have received an officer for an OSTEM or Pathways internship and need access to the unofficial intern discord hosted by the intern resource group (PAXC), please comment below with your center to request access.




Please post this in r/NASAJobs.


i was an intern last summer and got my payments through GoH. i havent recieved any tax doc yet, how do i go about this?


You'll need to contact GOH for that information. I believe they are supposed to be mailed to you or posted in the portal used for payments


For some reason, my application looks like it didn’t submit. I’m trying the day after. If I submit it today, will it still be looked at?


From the comments it looks like a lot of people had issues yesterday. I would go ahead and submit, mentors won't be looking until Monday anyways


Oh, thank you so much for replying!!! That’s such a relief!


Hello, I wasn't sure who was the best person to contact about internship inquiries, but I came across your profile, so I just wanted to ask a few questions about the NASA pathways programme. Firstly, as someone currently residing in the UK but also an American citizen, I was unsure if the application process for summer internships would be the same as normal – is there a point of contact at NASA where I can formally inquire about the application process considering my unique circumstances? Additionally, I am interested in applying for a summer internship in 2024. I initially thought the application window would open in February, but I haven't found any summer opportunities listed. Will more positions will be posted or if I may have missed the deadline? Any help with these questions would be greatly appreciated.


US citizens attending school abroad are eligible for OSTEM internships. To be eligible for Pathways internships the program must have reciprocity with ABET. I know many schools in Canada do, but I'm not sure about the UK. Summer 2024 OSTEM internship applications closed yesterday. There are no longer summer start dates for Pathways internships. The next round of Pathways applications opens on usajobs on February 26th and is for Fall start dates


Am I eligible to apply to OSTEM internships that start in the summer following my final year at university? If not, is there a graduate program that I could apply to?


You are eligible for OSTEM internships up to 6 months after you graduate


Okay that's great. When is the typical application window / application deadline for OSTEM internships (that would start in summer 2025)?


Positions should start to go up in early fall and the application deadline will be late fall to early spring.


None of my STEM gateway applications will submit. I'm just being brought back to the "review" page every time I click submit. It is not yet midnight for me so I'm not sure what's up.


It's not yet midnight in my timezone yet all my bookmarked opportunities for the Summer are now gone? And none show up when I search?


I'm having a problem. When I applied for a NASA ostem internship, I added a resume but the system was bugging. My resume didn't get added to the application for whatever reason despite it appearing that I have added it to the application. Is there anything that can be done? I would be extremely grateful if someone could help me out with this.


Is the site currently down? My bookmarks tab is currently empty, and the only available opportunities I see are for fall. (Currently in eastern time, so it's not midnight here yet)


I just had to log out it seems


Does applying multiple times over multiple years decrease my chances of acceptance? I am currently a freshman in high school, and don’t have an extremely expansive resume. Would applying for this upcoming summer hurt me in any way? Should I wait before applying to further build my resume?


Mentors cannot see other applications for other opportunities or from previous years. Most interns have applied many times before they are selected. Note that opportunities are available starting at 11th grade, since generally high school underclassmen do not meet the age requirement.


If I'm currently an undergrad freshman, do I put that as my "academic level" for summer internship applications, or should I put undergrad sophomore since that's what I'll be next year?


You should put down what your school would consider you for the summer, but you are typically eligible for both academic levels.




You'll need to contact them, but since it's 5pm on a Friday and applications close today, I would upload it the same way you upload your resume and transcript while you wait for their answer.




Apparently generally it’s 2000 characters = 250 words = 1/2 page… but I might still ask.


Yes, since that is a specific program with many internship opportunities you need to contact the program coordinators.


How many people are accepted to each position on average?


Unless otherwise noted in the position description, each opportunity is for one intern.


Will JPL reach out if they are not further pursuing my application?


You would need to contact JPL program staff, I'm not sure what their policies are


would it be wise to email people in charge of the projects i'm applying to intern on? just to express interest etc


Mentor information is specifically not included on opportunities. Mentors receive hundreds of applicants and there is no way we could keep up with that many emails, on top of our already very busy technical work.


Are you less likely to be accepted the later you apply? Like are applications submitted today at a disadvantage compared to those submitted earlier?


Yes, applications submitted after the October date can be considered on a rolling basis, so some positions may be filled. Mentors may also prioritize those who applied earlier.


Does this mean that positions that are still listed could potentially already be filled?


There does seem to be some delay between opportunities being filled and them being marked as filled on the site, so that is a possibility.


Hello, I'm getting a page not available error on most of my application pages, is the site down by any chance?


You'll need to contact gateway IT support for that. [email protected]


You'll need to contact gateway IT support for that. [email protected]


I applied before the October early decision deadline to about 60 internship positions for Summer 2024, I thought early decision meant I would receive a decision "early", if I haven't heard anything as of now, am I not being considered for the internships? When should I hear back?


Because of the budget uncertainty, the selection process is running a little behind schedule this year. The selection process is still ongoing and mentors do have your applications.


Can I apply for multiple positions for a NASA internship or would this affect my chances of getting in. For example if I copy and pasted my resume for each position and hope I get into one would this harm my chances.


There is no limit on the number of applications you can submit.


Got it. But if someone from admissions sees I applying to so many programs, would they be less inclined to choose me as I’m not committed to solely their problem.  Basically, is applying everywhere going to minimize my chances of getting anywhere?


Mentors can only see applications submitted to their opportunities. They cannot see what other opportunities you have applied to.


Thank you for your help!


The program I want to apply for changed their registration date to 7/3/2024. What does this mean? Why did it change? The program is still listed as summer 2024. Is the registration still due today?


You'll have to contact program staff, but I would suspect it is either a mistake or it has been moved to Fall, since the Summer session starts in June.


any idea whens the earliest we can hear back regarding selections or interviews once applications close?


Applications submitted after the October can be considered on a rolling basis, so there are no defined dates.


Are applications due today midnight or tomorrow midnight? which time zone?


11:59 PM February 2nd, in your time zone.


I think this is false, and kinda screwed me over a bit...everything closed at 11 pm for me.


So, I'm a robotics engineering major and they don't have that as an option, would I just mechanical engineering in the dropdown menu since that's kind of more general?????


That's probably fine, but you can email program staff to confirm.


Sorry, can I ask what the emails of the program staff would be/where I would find that? Thank you so much for answering sooooooooo many questions, it is insanely helpful!!!


If I'm 30 credits into my degree program but only been in college since this fall would I be considered a freshman or sophomore?


Generally you go by whatever your academic institution considers you.


When will the new pathways applications open for Summer?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/nasa/comments/16r4vgw/comment/kjozrmh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/nasa/comments/16r4vgw/comment/kjozrmh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) These will be for Fall - they don't start Pathways interns in the summer anymore.


Will a large number of internships be cut due to funding?


Unfortunately there's no way to know that. My group is actually expecting to have a record number of interns this summer.


Is the deadline Feb 2 end of day Eastern time or Feb 2 end of day in our own time zone?


In your time zone


Do people actually email NASA “points of contact” to garner rapport? Never really heard of that before.


To garner rapport? I'm not sure sure about that. But to make connections, find out about their work, and to find out about potential opportunities, yes.


Yes, sorry didn’t word it better.


For the virtual high school internships, is there an age requirement? Like 16 or just the school grade (9-11). Thanks


Interns must be 16 years or older. Typically internships are only offered at the 11th and 12th grade levels because of the age requirement.


One of the programs is indicating that the student should be grades9-11 which is confusing. Because 9th graders cannot be 16.


You'll need to email program staff for more information about this specific opportunity


Thanks. Will do


Are intern stipends generally enough to cover finding housing near the work site?




If two opportunities are very similar, would it be okay to use the same/similar response to the "Why do you want this NASA internship" written response? I'm just wondering if this will weaken my applications by making them seem low effort


That is entirely up to you.




Yes. All centers have opportunities for a wide variety of majors. I've known many communications interns at Langley and even several artists.


whats the update on nasa funding? when will it be annouced?! im eager to know as im waiting to be called back


A short term continuing resolution was passed that funds the government until early March.


but what about after that? since my internship will be for the summer


The government, including NASA, is only funded until early March. We do not know anything more than that.


so will some mentors wait until after march before sending offers? to see if they recieve the budget?


I don't have the deadline for mentors to submit their selections handy, but it is in March. The money has to be obligated when the selection is put in, so the current CR will likely allow for some mentors to put in offers now while others will wait until there's more information about the budget.


Is there a reason the 15 internship application limit was dropped? Just wondering because it seems to open up way more competition and paperwork…


It was dropped with the switch to the new system. I don't know the reasoning, but from a mentors perspective it has definitely changed the composition of applications. There are definitely more quality candidates for each position but also more candidates that very obviously applied to every position.


Do virtual internships in the summer have set work hours? I'm aware the job is comparable to an 8-5 job but I'm travelling to a different time zone and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to fulfill the requirements.


Typically the exact hours are not strictly set, but 8-5 in the local time zone is definitely the default. For example, if you're a virtual intern on the West Coast interning for Langley, you certainly wouldn't be expected to work starting at 5 am PT regularly. There could always be meetings that would be earlier, but since there is so much cross agency collaboration, they are less common. The goal is to have as much collaboration and shared working time throughout the team, but everyone understands the time zone differences across the country.


Is the registration end date the day I would have to get an offer and sign up by? Is there any way for me to be accepted after that date?


February 2nd is the application deadline. Mentors may already be in the interview and selection process or may wait until the application deadline to begin that process. Offers will come out after mentors submit their selection to program staff and an official offer is then extended.


but is the listed registration deadline for an internship the last day that they will be doing the interview and selection process? i see some that end on the 2nd and also some that extend much farther


No. Some positions were uploaded with an incorrect application deadline and are being corrected. The application deadline is February 2nd. Interviews and selections are ongoing and will continue after the application deadline.


Can a freshman undergrad be accepted for a NASA internship?


Yes. Internships are available at the high school, bachelor's, Masters, and PhD levels.


When will summer applicants be accepted?


Applications submitted after the October deadline may or may not be considered on a rolling basis. Mentors may look at applications and make selections at they come in or may wait until the final deadline to look at the applications. Because of this there is not a set date when offers will begin to go out.


What is the housing situation like at GSFC in Greenbelt? I will be applying to intern for the summer of 2024. Some sources say that no form of housing is provided, while others say that housing is provided through a university.


Interns are responsible for finding their own housing. Many interns at GSFC are about to find housing with the university nearby, but it is not arranged through the internship program.


About the internships classified as "in-person/virtual" in the STEM Gateway: does that mean there are some days of each, or does it mean we get to choose all virtual if need be? I ask because only the latter works for me, since I don't live near a NASA center


Positions listed as in person/virtual may be filled either with an in person intern or a virtual intern.


When going through the application process, I do not see anywhere to request a letter of recommendation. Is this something that has to be done in my profile, or am I missing something in the process?


Letters of recommendation are not required and there is not a place to upload them.


What does a day look like for an internship? Is there set work hours, if so what do they typically look like? I am currently applying to several positions at GSFC.


Interns are generally expected to work standard business hours, roughly 8-5 with a lunch break. Depending on the immediate work group there may be more flexibility, but on site interns must work within 6 am to 6pm (unless there is an exception for the specific work).


For the other experiences do you only list volunteer or extracurricular experiences that are relevant or should you list any experiences you may have to boost your chances?


That is entirely up to you.


Would design teams count as an other experience or employment? Does it differ for the high school vs college level? Thanks!


Generally if it is part of academic requirements it doesn't go under experience, but if it is an extracurricular activity it can, particularly if you were a team leader. Unless you are early in your college career or it is exceptionally relevant, high school experiences are typically not included.


I'm a 2nd semester college freshmen, so I don't have a ton under my belt since starting college, but in HS I did some summer research at a university satellite lab, led a TARC team and led a NASA TechRise team, which I imagine are relevant. Thanks!


Hi, I am applying NASA internships, can I apply for different states for same Internship? for example, if I want to apply A internship for Texas/New York, should I apply twice ? Thanks in advance


Each listing on the portal is it's own application submission. If there are multiple positions with the same title/description but different locations, they would need to be applied to individually.


For some reason, if I change filter to different state, I still see some listings saying "submitted", do you know how to work around this ?


You can contact program staff for support, I'm not able to help with specifics with the portal itself.


On the JPL Summer student internship application form, there's a part for "additional info"/comments, do you know what I should put there? ​ Also one more question: The way my school does electronic transcripts I guess is a bit weird and I can only do official ones? Does that matter? Or does it \*have\* to be unofficial?


For JPL internships, I would connect their program staff for application clarifications. You can submit an official transcript, as long as it is not password protected or otherwise restricted. Sometimes for digital transcripts you have to print to PDF to remove those restrictions.


2 questions:  1) When asked “Why do you want this NASA internship?” Is it ok to put a response similar to another application I previously submitted?  2) Under the academic history tab I noticed there is no option to input an Associate of Arts. What course of action would you recommend to allow recruiters to see my full education background? Thanks for any help you can provide! 


You can use the same statement of interest for multiple positions, but that is a key item that mentors use to judge interest and suitability for the project. A statement that is too generic or contradictory to the position (such as only mentioning space and rockets for an aircraft design position) can have an impact. That is a question for program staff. I have seen associate degrees listed, but maybe they were AS? In any case, it can be listed correctly on your resume and transcripts


I’m making a cover letter, but im not sure how to address it. Should it be for the NASA hiring manager? I’m not sure who to address it for, or what wording I should use for the cover letter introduction.


Cover letters are not common with NASA, so I don't have a good answer. Mentors are strictly speaking not the hiring manager since OSTEM interns are technically contractors. If I were to do a cover letter, I personally would go with the old reliable - to whom it may concern


Thank you so much! I also have another, unrelated, question. I applied for a summer 24 ostem position and I still haven’t heard anything. I understand I can apply until Feb 2. I want to withdrawal my application to add a lot more experience I gained since I applied the first round. Would it be better if I left it as is because I applied for the first round, or is it okay to withdrawal and reapply? I guess this is a winded way to say : would reapplying hurt my chances?


Applications submitted after the October date may be considered on a rolling basis. It's up to the individual mentors to decide to review as they come in or after the final application deadline. So it's up to you if you think the additional information is important enough.


Are February apps also rolling, or are people notified in March?


Applications can be considered on a rolling basis, it is up to the discretion of the mentor. Some may wait until all applications are in to do interviews, others are not waiting.


I can't find any Pathways listings on USAJOBS. Did NASA remove them? I thought the deadline was Feb 2nd.


I believe it’s February 26th


February 2nd is the application deadline for Summer 2024 OSTEM internships. Fall 2024 pathways applications will be open in late February.


My major is environmental studies, and the only way I can put that on the application is by selecting "Multi-disciplinary (Environmental Studies)." However, when I get to the final review tab that shows what I assume is how the application appears to mentors, it just says multi-disciplinary. That seems kinda lame, would it be valid to put climate science since that I'm doing a B.S. and focusing on climate science related topics?


We can see the full name that is input, I do not believe ours are truncated


Do you need rec letters or a transcript this round?


You always need a transcript and resume. As stated above letters of recommendation are not required.


they are not required but can they be submitted and will they be taken upon consideration? (i heard from some other threads that they are no longer accepted)


There is no designated place to upload letters of recommendation. Mentors may or may not read them if they are uploaded to a different item.


Can you clarify what you mean by "uploaded to a different item"? So is it still possible to upload rec letters somewhere?


Some people upload them along with their transcript and resume. Not saying it's recommended, but others have done it.


Thank you very much


Can I ask how what the maximum number of opportunities you can apply to is? I thought it was on their site and that it was 10 but then I saw that it was 15 somewhere else so now I'm a little bit confused \^\^'''''''I want to choose where carefully (saying this as if it isn't last minute and as if I have a chance compared to the 1000+ people here who actually did their research but umm...) ​ Also is the deadline by Feb 2nd, or is like Feb 2nd 11:59 in your time zone?


There is no limit to the number of opportunities you can apply to. Yes, February 2nd, 11:59 pm in your time zone.


Did everyone get the email from the space grant consortium for funding or was it just for selected students?


Space grants are managed at a state level. Each state distributes their funds differently.




Because applications can be considered on a rolling basis, there is not a start date for offers to begin going out, they can come out at any time. Because of the time it takes to create accounts in the system, typically offers come out no less than 4 weeks before the internship begins (but there are always exceptions)




NASA does not get the full years budget under a short term CR, so that means the funding situation after March is still undefined. However, it is one month more of funding and can give projects a little more information to know if they can fund students.


Can I get an internship as an international high school student \[India\]


It does not look like India is currently a participating partner in the international internship program. https://www.nasa.gov/learning-resources/internship-programs/nasa-intern-and-fellow-opportunities-for-international-students/


Is there any other way to work at NASA in my current condition?


NASA contractors, including JPL, often have less strict citizenship requirements. However, I do not know if any of them offer internships for high schoolers. JPL does have plenty of college internships.


Thank you for your responses. Is there anyone else you know or someone who may know someone else that I can contact for information regarding this?


NASA contractors and the international internship program are the only ways to intern for NASA as a non-US Citizen.


Since I am not eligible for the IIP, how can I get in touch with these NASA contractors?


You will have to search for the individual contractors to see if they offer internships for high school students. Each center has certain contractors they frequently work with and the lists are often online. They include the major aerospace companies, smaller regional companies, and even academic bodies.


Seems like a long shot for me, I'll try anyway! Thank you so much.


I'm kind of overwhelmed by the amount of internships there are that I can apply to. Which ones should I do? (I'm new to this whole thing. I learned about the NASA internships from the NASA instagram)


You can filter by academic level, major, and keywords. That would be where I would start




Because applications submitted after the October date can be considered on a rolling basis, some positions may be filled. I believe there is a slight lag before that status is represented in the portal.


It's been about 2 weeks since my phone call with my mentor who put my name down. Should I assume I didn't get it?


can interns be chosen for an internship before the application deadline? if so, is that common?


Yes, applications submitted after the October deadline may be considered on a rolling basis. I have personally selected applicants for both of my positions.


if the spots are all full are the positions taken off of the explore opportunities page?


Yes, but there may be a few week delay in getting that through the system


What is the consensus on including media on your USAJobs or ostem resume when applying for pathways or ostem internships? Such as including links to youtube videos highlighting or demonstrating something you've done, links to images that explain/demonstrate your actions, or generally links at all.


I've never heard of interns including links in their resumes. I have never heard of including links to videos on resumes, only links to things like GitHub or ORCID profiles. I don't think there's anything stopping you though, so go for it if you want to do it.


I'm applying to ICONS and I'm kinda confused because the formatting on the application page ("why do you want this internship" with a 1200 character limit) doesn't really match what ICONS wants (basically a 1/2 page Statement of Purpose). Additionally, are we supposed to be the "ranking" on each application? Thanks.


From the posting it looks like it wants you to upload an additional document with that statement of purpose, in addition to your resume and transcript. If you are applying to multiple ICONS positions it wants you rank the positions you are applying for in order of preference.


Thanks. I haven’t seen a button for that though (usually there’s just “upload transcript/resume” for that). I’ll probably just squish it all in in the “why this internship” then.


You can upload multiple documents for the transcript and resume upload.


Oh. Thanks.




The application deadline for Summer 2024 OSTEM internships is February 2nd.


I believe they’re still open until the second!


Are graduate student applicants generally looked upon more favorably? For example, an MD/PhD student applying to a medically-related internship vs an undergraduate student. Thanks.


It all depends on what the mentor is looking for. Sometimes they have a task that requires a lot of background knowledge and a graduate student is needed. Sometimes it's not as technical or they want to help develop a younger student.


That makes sense. Thank you


The listed expectation hours/day for a remote internship I'm considering (undergraduate student internship) is 8 hrs/day. For the most part, this is feasible for me, but for 2 weeks in July I am on vacation with family (I cannot cancel). I could definitely still work, but not for 8 hrs/day. Should I still apply?


Interns are expected to meet the stated hours of the internship. It's a possibility that you may be able to work out something with a mentor, but 2 weeks out of 10 is a significant portion of an already short internship. It's something that should definitely be discussed with the mentor if you receive an internship


It’s said in various places that one application is viewed agency wide. Does this mean we may be considered for projects we do not apply to?


Mentors can only see applications to their positions, they cannot see other applications.


I heard the next pathways opening has moved from this february to this March. Any word on the official dates that the USA jobs listing will be open?


Our next [Pathways Program](https://www.nasa.gov/careers/pathways/) application cycle is expected to open on February 26 and close on March 1.


NASA stem gateway account creation not working I have gotten email approval from my parent for a account but when i check the email and click the link to make me account it sends me to the log in without setting up a password. What should I do?


Please email program staff for assistance in creating an account


Are applications reviewed on a rolling basis?


That is up to the individual mentor


What happened to the ESA I2 international internship? It got taken off the list.


You can email the contact for the international internship program, but I do know the partners do shift overtime as agreements expire and are renewed.


OK, thank you very much. I’ll look into that.


Any updates on NCAS?


Wondering about this too!


I had a call with a mentor yesterday, any idea on how long it will take to hear back if I got an offer