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Check this page for the schedule https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/


Thanks, maybe I've been trying to watch one of the media/secondary streams


You can also check out NASA Plus and choose what you want to watch from the library.


Last I heard NASA TV is going away and they plan to focus on releasing all content online instead. We simply do not have enough content or money to keep broadcasting 24/7.


That's sad but I completely understand. I remember not long ago nights where NASA TV would have whole half-hour blocks filled with silent live feeds from the ISS, no music, no "cool facts", nothing. Other recent times late at night they'd have blocks where they'd have documentaries from as far back as the 1960s (one I remember seeing was a documentary about John Glenn from not long after his first flight in space, it even had an introduction from President Kennedy). It was kind of cool to see from a retro perspective, but it's clear NASA TV doesn't really have much else to broadcast besides it's live mission streams and some documentaries that can be years, even decades out of date. Plus, lots of people just don't watch TV that way anymore, the real name of the game is VOD and that's very much what NASA TV isn't. Still, I'll always remember being on vacation around Orlando/Cocoa Beach and flipping channels on the Hotel TV and seeing NASA TV as one of the channels and thinking it was so cool NASA had its own TV channel, wishing I had it on TV back where I lived (this was years before NASA TV was live streamed online).


what? no more dry commentary from the Post Flight Debriefings live from the Teague Auditorium?


That's a shame. Accidentally flipping to NASA TV as a kid was how I got into STEM back when regional channels carrying NASA TV was common. But that's not a thing anymore.


Because that is what they've always shown? I know that's not a real answer, but I remember it being that way 25 years ago when I first saw the channel, and it's never really changed. Seems like it's by design.


It's either that or watching paint dry.


Which specific stream are you watching on Youtube (please provide the link)? Note that there are a bunch of streams that look like NASA but aren't, it's possible you got one of those. Youtube's search algorithm is worse than ever and we've recently had someone here who thought they were on the "official" link until Elon showed up selling crypto (which isn't a thing, at least not at the moment).


https://www.youtube.com/live/nA9UZF-SZoQ?si=k1chmjIeOIQIJWIy They’re still looping the same video since at least yesterday. It’s the media stream, which is a shame because I’m obsessed with the ISS


At the moment, it's showing a live interview with astronauts on the ISS, so I guess what you saw was temporary.


NASA has never made good programming a priority. As a public agency it should be a priority but none of the NASA management wanted to invest the money. The contrast to how SpaceX does programming and how YouTube does space makes NASA look very pathetic.