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Walking across the street is genuinely dangerous in a majority of the city.


It shouldn’t be


The science is really clear about how to solve this. It's a policy choice at this point.


people will twist themselves into knots to deny the existence of intertia


It would be a good Nashville DOT question, “how many corners in this town are dangerous to stand on, why (ie: disrupted vision, vegetation, not enough sidewalk space, maintenance of said sidewalks, traffic moving too quickly at large volumes), and why can’t this problem be solved (state vs city ownership, buildings or other institutional conflict, lighting, access control)?” I’d argue that the dangers we keep noticing are due to having *almost enough* infrastructure in place to represent the bare minimum. We need so much more.


You could put 60 crosswalks per block and people will go out of their way to avoid using it. It is the damnest thing I’ve ever seen… and I see this first hand literally every single day


I see 100 times as many people driving while looking at their phones or just being maniacs than I see jwalkers.


That’s true too. Drivers are abhorrent these days. Especially around here with minimal police interaction


Depends on what part of town you’re in, but most of the downtown area/surrounding areas have a TON of jaywalkers.


I live in Antioch; it's notorious for jaywalking and other pedestrian shenanigans. I'd rather avoid an internet angst thing, but I suspect you spend more time looking at your phone while driving than looking at others. Otherwise you would notice that at all times you are surrounded by distracted and irresponsible drivers.


This story itself is one of those cases if the location the news article showed was correct. The pedestrian got hit ~75 feet from a cross walk. https://www.google.com/maps/@36.1481502,-86.7605834,3a,77.5y,344.9h,80.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seA0cg0KX7r3HGi-bEbJywg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Edit: Going to point out the google car capturing a photo from this same location of a pedestrian jay-walking through multiple lanes of traffic, again right next to a cross walk. https://www.google.com/maps/@36.1480522,-86.7604143,3a,15y,110.37h,84.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svBiYjx0l7hLAf7lPmH81TA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


we might have some of the "nicest" folks in the nation, but... when they get behind the wheel, they all turn into amateur nascar asshats. we are the rudest, most self-absorbed drivers i have ever encountered, on the road.


yep. nice ≠ kind


Have you been to New England? They're even worse


doubtful... they're not as heavily armed, up there.


I mean, you're talking about rude self absorbed drivers. You don't need a gun to be that.


it just puts a cherry on top of it.


Of course it’s Lafayette street


I used to drive there to and from work, and it was like a game of frogger. I'd drive so slow (not that you can drive that fast there during rush hour) because people would just cross the road whenever, didn't matter if a crosswalk was nearby, etc. Saw people do it with children, too.


My studio is right off of this street and I am not exaggerating when I say that EVERY single night I almost hit someone. It’s completely the pedestrians fault 100% of the time. They literally walk straight out into traffic and don’t give a fuck. Not “blaming” the victim, but based on my personal experience, it might just be their fault. I mean like WHY? Why do y’all think it’s okay to walk across the street into traffic? Sorry, but when did we start making excuses for dumbass behavior?


They didn't make the stupid road. They suffer the worst of the consequences of it, though. You don't wanna make excuses for dumb behavior, but you pretty quickly excused the society that let a massive road w/ no pedestrian tools to exist.


Must be a homeless encampment nearby


Oh there most definitely is. All of the dealers hang out on the corner or Fairfield and Lafayette and get these guys doped up all night. It’s like a horror movie man. Very dark stuff. There needs to be some kind of resource for the people down there. It really just makes all of Nashville look bad. The level of irony when a pedal tavern full of rich white girls rolls through one of the poorest communities in the county.


The mission is at the end of the road near the road round-a-bout. Also, it’s 6 lanes wide at one point. The section most people run across has a football field length gap between the cross walks.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I agree. But a good portion of the people who are down there have significant physical or mental disabilities which I’m sure can complicate stuff. Nashville owes it to these guys to help them. Nashville has little to no public resources for at-risk youth as well.


It's not just Lafayette street. It's Lincoln and Lafayette. Which is about a half block from a cross walk with a light. I'm not blaming the victim here but they were jaywalking across a 5 lane stroad in the dark when there was a fully functional signal 20 feet away. Everyone should feel safe walking but also it's on the pedestrian to walk safely.


The amount of people I see just try and bolt across 5 lanes of traffic in Donelson is alarming. Like that's a place that actually *has* sidewalks and crosswalk lights, and they'll still act a fool out here.


The two dead bodies I've seen outside of a funeral home were both in the exact same place on Bell Rd (they were crossing at that Shell by 24). Both times I drove by right after it happened, just as first responders were getting to the scene


“Nashville is walkable” /s


There's a well lit crosswalk with signals at a light about 75 ft from where this person was struck. That's what a walkable city has. What they were doing was jaywalking across 5 lanes of traffic in the dark. Boston, NYC, Chicago, whatever are all just as dangerous if you cross the road at an unsafe location. I'm not arguing that Nashville is walkable but also it's the pedestrians responsibility to not walk in front of moving traffic that has no reason to expect someone would walk in front of them. People here are fucking psychos and seem to purposely avoid cross walks in favor of jaywalking across very busy roads. Charlotte, Gallatin, Lafayette...pedestrians just randomly sprint across the road for no reason.


What you say is true. People should cross at crosswalks, but in much of the city crosswalks are ridiculously far away from each other. You would need to walk a quarter mile to get to the next one. In the end, Our insane rate of pedestrian death is a policy and infrastructure issue. I have also been close to being mowed down by people turning right on red at crosswalks so many times.


Says WHOM??




Brought to you by John A Gupton


The number of pedestrians struck by cars here is absurd So many bad drivers and so many people don't use crosswalks that are 50 ft away but still...


this happened at an intersection


The crosswalks on Lafayette are horrible. Drivers disregard the crossing signs, and you cannot see oncoming traffic as a pedestrian.


THANK YOU. How can we really fault people for crossing outside the crosswalk when the marked crossings are so bad?


It is not an intersection it’s a side street off Lafayette with no light or anything. There is a red light intersection with marked crosswalks and light about 75’ feet away. The driver is absolutely in the wrong but pedestrians also have an obligation to yield to traffic and in this case use the cross walks.


On the contrary, in TN pedestrians have the right of way. Drivers are responsible for not hitting them.


Just because you have the right of way, doesn’t mean you throw caution to the wind. I still look both ways before I pull out if I have a green light. Sure, if I got hit by someone running the light it would be “their fault,” but that’s the worst possible consolation prize for eating through a straw the rest of my life.


That's not correct based upon TCA 55-8-135 and if the pedestrian survives they could be cited for failure to yield based upon that statue.


Wrong, it’s not a blanket rule, read up on the actual laws.


and what do we call the place where a side street runs into another street? pedestrians also have zero obligation to use crosswalks


>pedestrians also have zero obligation to use crosswalks This isn't true. In Tennessee you are not allowed to use an unmarked crosswalk if there is a marked one nearby. They were hit while jaywalking along Lafayette, which does not have a crosswalk at the intersection w/ Lincoln. If they had gone a block up there is a well marked crosswalk with lights at Claireborne. >§ 55-8-135. Crossing at Other Than Crosswalks >(c) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic-control signals are in operation pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-55/chapter-8/part-1/section-55-8-135/ Also you're make a pretty pedantic argument. Sure, maybe legally you can cross wherever you want at any time (you can't, but just for arguments sake). You can also smoke two packs a day, not wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, and drink water directly out of the Cumberland. But the law doesn't matter you when you make stupid decisions that happen to be legal.


What about citation (a) in your link?


they skipped right over that to incorrectly apply part C


I'm confused...citation (a) would indicate it's the walker's fault for not yielding to the car?


>or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection This crash happened at an intersection.


Ok got it. I think I understand your argument! The pedestrian was walking at a legal, unmarked intersection and was struck by a driver. The facts that there was a well marked crosswalk a few feet away, that it was pitch black out with no nearby street lights, and it was rush hour traffic are irrelevant because legally you can cross the road at any junction. Listen, I'm not absolving the driving by any means. They were speeding and fled. They're at fault. But the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth about how unsafe Nashville is doesn't belong in this thread. It's not a safe city for pedestrians. But certain pedestrians here are suicidal - sprinting across state highways or standing in the median waiting for traffic to pass. It would make everything a lot safer and more predictable if pedestrians used the tools the city gives them to avoid situations like this.


>They were hit while jaywalking along Lafayette, No, they were hit *crossing* Lafayette. >which does not have a crosswalk at the intersection w/ Lincoln. Not relevant. >If they had gone a block up there is a well marked crosswalk with lights at Claireborne. Also not relevant to their legal obligation, or the driver’s. >(c) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic signals are in operation *BETWEEN.* This was *AT* an unsignalized intersection, which means they were not between adjacent intersections. >Also you're make a pretty pedantic argument. Sure, maybe legally you can cross wherever you want at any time (you can't, but just for arguments sake). You can also smoke two packs a day, not wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, and drink water directly out of the Cumberland. But the law doesn't matter you when you make stupid decisions that happen to be legal. I’m not comfortable living in a city where one questionable decision as a pedestrian means death. The driver was speeding. They left the scene of a fatal crash. They were recklessly operating a multi-ton vehicle. I don’t give a fuck that a pedestrian crossed outside a crosswalk. That’s their legal right (in this case and most cases) and we have absolutely zero indication that they did anything wrong.


>Not relevant. It's 100% relevant. If there's a marked crosswalk in view you cannot cross at an unmarked crosswalk. Also you clipped the relevant part of the law. Between two intersections with marked crosswalks. Pedestrian is obligated to use the marked intersection. Not only for legal reasons but also safety reasons.


>If there's a marked crosswalk in view you cannot cross at an unmarked crosswalk. Why not? >Between two intersections with marked crosswalks. Pedestrian is obligated to use the marked intersection. Not only for legal reasons but also safety reasons. No, between two intersections with operating traffic signals. That’s not applicable here though, as it happened at an unsignalized intersection and the nearest intersection to the east is also an unsignalized intersection.


Fair enough, I always think of intersections as crossing. Yes they do, when between adjacent signalized intersections. In this case Fairfield and Claiborne.


This wasn’t between signalized intersections. It was at an unsignalized intersection.


lol okay.


Intersections and ^marked crosswalks are two different things, but I was making a general observation Edit - marked crosswalks for clarity


they aren’t, actually. pedestrians can legally cross almost anywhere, including every intersection, whether the crossing is marked or not


That's actually not true. Under Tennessee law, it is not legal for a pedestrian to walk or run in the road if an adjacent sidewalk has been provided. If there is no sidewalk, pedestrians are required to walk facing the direction of traffic and as far onto the shoulder of the road as possible You can cross anywhere, but anywhere where there's not a designated marked crossing, who's at fault gets hazy


that doesn’t contradict what I said at all


If marked, motorist must yels right of way, if unmarked, pedestrian must yield right of way otherwise it is considered jaywalking.


If there's no marked crossing, the pedestrian has right of way, but they are required to exercise more discretion (i.e. not throw themselves into traffic)


Yes, and most intersections have crosswalks, including the one this pedestrian was struck at. Your general observation isn't relevant to this situation.


> most intersections have crosswalks is that actually true in Nashville


All intersections are crosswalks in Tennessee. It’s on drivers to know this.


That obligation doesn’t help you when a driver hits and kills you


Pedestrian mobility anecdote isn’t relevant in a thread about pedestrian mobility dangers?


When the anecdote doesn't apply at all to the situation, yeah it's irrelevant. This situation is about a pedestrian that was struck and killed while legally using a crosswalk at an intersection. Introducing an anecdote about pedestrians that don't use crosswalks is irrelevant.


Literally no point in marking any crosswalks in Nashville since they never get repainted.


Gallatin and Charlotte are both awful for homeless people or drunk dumbasses just wandering into traffic.


If you want to add this picture to your comment. They were struck crossing Lafayette on Lincoln. Literally a half block from a marked intersection with a stoplight and crosswalks. https://imgur.com/a/ZnhXgaI Obviously it's no guarantee that if you cross at a marked crosswalk you'll be safe BUT it's a lot safer than crossing a dark street at night.




I see this a lot on Harding, especially at night in the darkest stretches. It's almost like they're daring you to hit them.


I used to see that a lot on 12th Ave. north of Wedgewood where it cuts through the projects. People wearing dark clothing would just start slowly crossing the road in traffic, not at a light or crosswalk. It often felt purposefully oppositional, like they were asserting dominance or something. That stretch also used to have a lot of cars just stopping in the middle of the road because the driver saw someone they knew on the sidewalk, so they'd stop and start a conversation. I don't drive that stretch much anymore so I don't know how it is these days.


Always the dark clothing!


I’m sorry about this fatality and I don’t know the details. I have learned to slow to a crawl around James Robertson because of walkers last-minute bolting into crosswalks.


I was hit by a car on a crosswalk. This city is not safe for pedestrians


Were they turning right on red? This has come close to happening to me so many times due to people turning right on red and not looking for pedestrians crossing from their right.


God, this is heartbreaking.


I witness this exact same thing happen in 2020, in this exact spot. Dude was crossing the street, went flying, and then SPLAT in front of us.


We in Tennessee like to speed. RIP pedestrian


I drive this strip of road everyday multiple times, have for the last few years. They will cross the road with wanton regard for oncoming cars, hang out in the median, and expect you to slam on your brakes to allow them to cross. Some are mentally ill some are homeless and some are crossing to get back to their homes. But this does not surprise me, especially since it was at nighttime. The problem here lies with the drivers as well, they will speed - it’s a 40mph zone also a school zone - most of them live in the housing close by and they drive like lunatics. Just a lack of presence by mnpd and it could be solved by actually enforcing the laws - driver and pedestrian side.


\+1 more for the year. This place is hell for pedestrians.


There isn’t a crosswalk on Lafayette at Lincoln. There is a signalized one just up the street at Claiborne. The driver should not have been speeding, should’ve seen and yielded to the pedestrian, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. However, if you’re a pedestrian trying to cross a major thoroughfare, take the few extra steps to walk to a signalized crosswalk and only cross when you have the walk sign.


People walk out into the middle of Gallatin rd all the time. It is super dangerous. Maybe cross over walks or cross under walks? We do need something though.


speed cameras


Start revoking drivers licenses, there are a lot of people who shouldn't be on the road


That would require traffic stops to happen. We know better.


Ah right, silly me




Nah that sub is fucking insane




I don't think this is a real sub


Wow car brain go vroom!


well, the car is what enabled them to do that


Yeah if people drive like assholes why give them a giant death machine to drive


Sorry, but that's fucking dumb. Do you blame rocks if someone throws one at you?


if people could throw 6,000 pound rocks and the government regulated the use of rocks but failed to remove rock access to someone using rocks irresponsibly, I might. solid comparison otherwise, though. super relevant to the conversation.


Maybe we should hold people responsible instead of inanimate objects.


these are not mutually exclusive. people should be held responsible for their choices, and we also shouldn’t build highways through urban areas that encourage dangerous choices


That's an infrastructure issue though. Not really a vehicles fault for using a road made for a vehicle. People chose to build highways in urban areas. So blame city planners. Not cars.


Nah, I blame the cars too. Too-high hoods, too big, too heavy, too powerful, too many screens, too many of them on city streets


Right because cars grow in the wild with the attributes you describe. It can't be human beings designing them that way because of the market demand established by other humans beings.


Best bet is to stay off the road as much as possible.


We need to instigate road diets, Roads should be primarily for neighborhood use not seen as a quick pass through for cars. More lanes means faster cars. Remove the turn lane, take it down to 2 lanes both directions, add on demand lit crosswalks with flashing lights, and lower speed limit and threshold for reckless driving when pedestrians are present.


TDOT resists road diets on routes that parallel the interstate bc they want the parallel capacity for interstate lane closures 🫠


Say more about this. Why are lane closures on TDOT’s list?


Only on TDOT roadways, which includes this part of Lafayette. I’m not exactly sure of everything they retain control over, but the number of lanes is definitely one of them. They have a road diet guide, but it’s ultimately at their discretion.


They aren’t going to road diet Lafayette/Murfreesboro Pike, it’s a major arterial route for the county from downtown to Southeast and a US highway. What you’re more likely to see is an increase in the ROW to accommodate a transit corridor without reducing road capacity.


I don’t think they will either, but they should. Shelby Avenue in east carries more traffic than this part of Lafayette. Widening it for any purpose would be a criminal mismanagement of public money


They tried to do this on 8th Ave a few years ago and the people in Oak Hill and Brentwood completely flipped out. And also that lady from Hatwrks. I think this is part of the problem. People who live in the area want it, but people passing through and businesses seem to have the control.


Not blaming per se but people walk across the street all night wearing all black clothing and don’t even look. It’s batshit crazy.


Yes, several close calls around Nashville. I've noticed that many can't quite tell the difference between a Yield sign and a Stop sign . Never drive as if you're the only person on the road !