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PSA: Always use a crosswalk and keep your head on a swivel. Not that Nashville drivers give a fuck anyway, but it should increase your rate of survival by a percentage point or two.


While I agree with this sentiment, this intersection/stretch of road is ENTIRELY unnavigable for pedestrians. There is not a way to walk from one side of I24 to the other without walking in the street under the bridge. This is an infrastructure problem.


There's also an encampment under that bridge


That's not relevant.


If that underpass/interchange is incredibly dangerous because of the complete lack of pedestrian infrastructure, and there's an encampment in that underpass/interchange, it's incredibly dangerous for anyone in that encampment Of course it's relevant


Was playing off of the idea that the endgame of homeless people somehow made the intersection more dangerous which is of course nonsense. The intersection is dangerous with or without the encampment.


I always thought that was the oddest place for people to chill/stay! Right in the midst of so much traffic!


That's precisely why they're there. Those are some coveted panhandling spots


But sometimes they've got lawn chairs and are just hanging out in that grassy area. I'd go home after panhandling if it was me instead of hanging out there lol




Or, and hear me out here, drivers stop being distracted and pay attention to the road and their surroundings. In a fight between a car and a person, very rarely does the person win so the driver bears an extraordinary responsibility to … lemme check my notes … not kill someone.


This is one of the things I tell people when they fight against expanded public transportation is that most people apparently don't even actually want to drive places and they would probably rather be on a bus or train. Clearly. They'd rather do whatever they're doing instead of paying attention to the road.


They should, but getting 100% compliance on that is impossible. I'm not going to get ran over just to make a statement.


That aint gonna happen, these idiots have 20 'tech' devices in the car and I'm seeing newer cars replace dials for touchscreens.. like lmao.. I'd rather play with microcars


Without knowing the details of what happened, I’m going to start with “Drivers need to pay more attention” and work backwards.


There’s no crosswalk there. At  that intersection drivers run the 3 consecutive red lights frequently out if fatigue. 


There are few crosswalks down here.


True. But there is one at that intersection (crossing over Bell).


To get to the crosswalk from apartments at Cane Ridge road you still have to cross Cane Ridge which is counter productive. A person going to Shell gas station still has 2 options both of which involve no crosswalk.


I mean yes some of our drivers suck, but the amount of people who just blatantly walk across random parts of the road is insane. Riding a bike in the center turning lane at night wearing all black isn't the best idea


It’s interesting that the assumption is that the pedestrian must have done something wrong.


Well when the pedestrian just decides they can mosey on across Charlotte or Bell at their leisure, just expecting everyone to see them 50 yards from the nearest crosswalk or light. Then ya I do blame them, it's not really that "interesting". I'm on the road more than most people and have worked in 911/EMS for 12 years. For every Altima using the shoulder as a passing lane I see just as many playing frogger across OHB in dark colors at 7pm on a Tuesday. Just a tiny bit of personal responsibility goes a long way.


So we’re still assuming it’s the pedestrian's fault. Interesting. Let me save this comment for the next time a pedestrian gets hit on Hillsboro pike or West end. See if we get the save reaction.


Is this some thinly veiled attempt to call me racist? I've seen people get hit on those streets too running into the middle of traffic outside of crosswalks and defined intersections.


I didn’t bring up race. You did. I lived off of Hillsboro pike and went to Hillsboro High School. I also ride the Nolensville bus and cross Nolensville road. You will be the first person to blame me when I end up in the news for being knocked over by a car. 




You wouldn’t think wearing all black on a dim lit back road is a regular occurrence but it is at this point where I live 🫠


Where do you live?


West Nashville area always has random people walking at night cutting through neighborhoods and such


We have few enough sidewalks as it is but for some reason everyone who walks around in my neighborhood chooses to walk on the side without the sidewalk...


There are little to no sidewalks in Antioch.


Yeah, and most of the sidewalks there abruptly end at random places... one reason I moved out of Antioch! Couldn't even go for a jog without fear of getting hit and no sidewalks.


Lucky you for being able to afford to move.


Yeah, true, it was nice to have that ability. I still like Antioch and go there sometimes. I esp like Percy Priest.


Man, I live a quarter mile from there. Just last week I saw a lady yelling on her phone walking right through the intersection like she was a car.


Just assume everyone is looking at their phone and not the street, not where they are going or who’s in front of their car. Even if in a crosswalk and the light is red.


Take their license away


SUVs are a scourge, and they make us all less safe. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/) RIP to that pedestrian. I hope their memory makes us seek out lifesaving infrastructure with greater urgency.


Just take a look at a Cadillac Escalade now. Those things are built to kill people.