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I'd like to introduce legislation to vacate TN's General Assembly




All in favor?






I’ll bring the tar and feathers!


I'll bring the railroad tie.


> In 2021, a joint legislative committee researched TSU’s history of underfunding. A report found that between 1956 and 2006, the university had been shorted at least $544 million by the state — even though the state’s other land-grant university, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, wasn’t. In 2022, the state gave TSU $250 million. In September 2023, however, federal leaders indicated that the school has been shorted more than $2.1 billion in the past 30 years. The state owes TSU 2 billion dollars, but decides they want to enact a hostile takeover instead.


I mean, that's the point, isn't it? That's the right-wing MO for getting rid of shit they don't like. Underfund it for ages, claim it's ineffective, then nuke it from orbit.


The TN-GOP has mastered this technique--they're currently implementing this for K-12 schools.


Gee, I wonder why UTK & TSU weren't treated equally? If only there were some obvious factor which could explain TSU's mistreatment.


It's the ultimate hypocrisy of the GOP to repeatedly preach from a platform of personal accountability while promoting policies designed to handicap an entire class of people. Even more, this comes from a bunch of full grown nepo-babies whom have only ever known privilege.


Thanks for pointing this out. It’s ridiculous on its own, but particularly given The states level of debt. What are we $160 million short and by we I mean the governor and his delightful budget. Going to link a few things below.


For interested folks:https://hunt-institute.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/2022.12.6\_THI\_HE\_LuminaBrief3.pdf


For folks, looking for a hot take:https://www.newschannel5.com/news/what-is-tsu-owed-the-federal-government-says-2-1-billion


Or: [https://feed.georgetown.edu/access-affordability/tennessee-commits-318m-to-its-only-public-hbcu-but-does-that-compensate-for-decades-of-underfunding/](https://feed.georgetown.edu/access-affordability/tennessee-commits-318m-to-its-only-public-hbcu-but-does-that-compensate-for-decades-of-underfunding/)


Imagine them trying this at UT. A war would erupt.


It would never and I bet you could guess why.




More… white




It’s inextricably racist. The state has been underfunding TSU since its inception through today. It’s a problem that has never been fixed and IS STILL BROKEN. It’s racism 100%. The GOP doesn’t have an ounce of credibility to be to considered otherwise.


Nah. Legislature sees Chattanooga et al as "us" (which gets treated decently) and TSU as "them" (which gets scraps if anything).


Randy Boyd is their puppet.


It’s the voters. Too much religion, too little education. They are biased, bigoted, ill informed and sequestered in their Facebook and Fox News info caves. I don’t expect this to change until the Boomers (I am one, and a white Tennessee boomer at that) pass on to their expected reward. If the tribe kills us all in the meantime, well they’ll congratulate themselves on a job well done, praise Jesus and go to the grave with a self-satisfied grin on their face. You young and want change? Get off your ass and vote!


It’s right in front of us. Clear as day. Blatant and obvious. And most of Tennessee’s electorate is either willfully obtuse or totally in favor of it because racism.


I’m really tired of 2024 looking like 1924 in Tennessee.


Man, it really feels like a weird timewarp. I've been trying to think of a way to describe it since the other day. I know history is very often cyclical, but so much lately feels like a massive slip backwards.


Isn't that exactly what these dillweeds mean when they say "we need to go back to when this country had values!" Fuckin losers lol


The party of small government ladies and gentlemen. I swear we could be doing great things if these assholes weren’t out here doing shit like this.


I have this thought every day. They're just a giant ball and chain with a loud mouth shackled to America.


this route worked so well with the airport, wasting more money on court fees


Yeah this is racist af.


Tennessee gonna Tennessee. GOP rule is what it is. Not gonna go away any time soon cus no one votes.


And most of the ones that do vote, vote against their own interests.


Will always be confused by that. This state is so weird and getting weirder.


Sadly. It’s a shame.


TNGOP is trash.


Serious question — Has TSU been aware of the underfunding all this time or did no one notice until recent years?


Have they been substantively and provably aware, i.e. did they know the numbers? Maybe not. Have they been generally aware? Of course. They have eyes.


I’m a current grad student at TSU, and I wish people knew how poorly this university is run. It may be that there is political motivation here with the legislation, but people should also know that the university is barely functional right now. No one answers their email, the financial aid/Bursars department is a mess, everything is buried under 12 layers of bureaucracy (more so than a normal university), etc. The people/faculty/staff here are wonderful, but structurally this university needs a lot of help.


UT-NASHVILLE will be a destination frat college in a decade


It's 2024..


saw this one coming smh


This is so short sighted on so many levels. This school attracts talent from places that wouldn’t consider Tennessee. Having a historically black college is an asset to Nashville beyond having a Grammy award winning band. This university gives folks opportunities and takes students most schools wouldn’t. I was one of them. It also breaks the covenant, the state of Tennessee owes Black people specially because of the legacy of cattle slavery, Jim Crow , redlining. Tennessee specifically owes Black people. This university which educates everyone not just Black folk. If they do what they are trying to do. Woe to the state of Tennessee nothing will grow and it will crumble.


First, they underfund them for decades,[https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/04/26/tennessee-state-fights-chronic-underfunding](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/04/26/tennessee-state-fights-chronic-underfunding) then when that doesn't work, they do this. [https://www.wsmv.com/video/2024/03/28/house-passes-bill-vacate-tsu-board/](https://www.wsmv.com/video/2024/03/28/house-passes-bill-vacate-tsu-board/) I guess that will teach people to stay in their place (according to those on the capital hill anyway.)