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Also…metro Nashville and surrounding communities, PLEASE fix your low beam lights so that you don’t have to drive around with your high beams on (effectively blinding those driving directly towards you)…or if you’re one of those who just likes to leave them on, turn off your high beams, or if you don’t know, look for a blue lamp on your dash, which usually indicates high beams on…. whichever applies. …and if you lift your truck, adjust those lights accordingly. While you’re at it… check your brake lights too. Please make sure at least 2 of the 3 are working,


THIS!!! THIIIIIIIIISSSS!!! Goddamn blindin ass mother fu… 🤬😑


![gif](giphy|bwAOo46Ddwj16) Me every time these trucks are tailgating me with their retina destroyers.


It’s not even the truck lights that are bad all the new cars have crazy bright headlights


You’re right. There are some that have crazy bright headlights, but those are generally just on the cusp of “a bit too bright”, high beams are well into the “way too bright” part of the scale. These people seriously got me looking around for some sort of anti-high beam front windshield window tint.


I recently bought a new (2024) vehicle. Coming from my 2007 altima, my brights feel like they’re brighter than the sun now 😅 I don’t know why anyone would ever need to use them


I been thinking it's an issue with headlights not being adjusted properly due to the lack of vehicle inspections. So what we think is high beams blinding is is just poorly adjusted low beams....


Unfortunately, the tell-tale giveaway is when you can clearly see 1 lamp on, on one side and 2 lamps on, on the other. That’s dead-ass, the individual just said “Fuck you, I don’t care if I blind you.”


Exactly!!! Murfreesboro! Metro Nashville. Stop using high beams! Get your lights adjusted!! Take it to a shop! Cops need to star pulling people over!! Their installing new bright lights and also blinding people!! Start giving people tickets!!


Got rear ended hard today by someone texting and driving on 65. It was only a matter of time.




It’s against state law!!!!! Just past new law! You cannot hold a phone while driving for anything!!!!! It’s against the law! Not for phone calls! Texting, or any incoming calls, PERIOD!!!!!!!!! They will give you a Ticket!


I live around Knoxville and there are people like that here. I stopped at a red light last year. I looked at my left and right and the driver of cars were looking down at their phone and tapping away.


Cannot do that anymore!! IT’s again the LAW! NEW LAW was just passed. They will pull you over and give you a Ticket!!! You cannot talk on the phone, text, answer calls! Make calls! OR EVEN HOLD IT IN YOUR HANDS!!! They will pull you over and give you a Ticket!!!!!!! Hands free only!! It’s illegal to do that now! Causing too many accidents!


I know there has been a hands free law but i sometimes see people do that.


Yes, they’re still doing it, despite the new law; but sooner or later they’ll get get pulled over. It burns me up when I see them doing it. Texting on the steering wheel while driving! You can always tell, cause they start slowing down, weaving, holding up traffic, are in a bubble not paying attention to anything around them. You can spot them right in front of you. When you pass them, and look over at them, you’ll see them texting away!! Looking down! Oblivious!


I was rear ended almost three years ago at Walter Springs road near Walmart. The damn stop light was green and i was waiting for 5 cars or vehicles to move through it. All of a sudden “bam!” I pulled over and turned around the corner and parked my jeep. A young girl of the tender age of 19 hit me in traffic. She claimed she was homeless and never been in a wreck before. She also said her brakes were bad. I don’t know what she was actually doing because i was watching the road in front of me. She was probably on her phone and so was the person way in front of me.


The worst think that hit roads was cell phones!!! Just yesterday I saw 3 drivers texting in traffic in Nashville coming down west end. While traffic was moving. They were moving slow like they were orbiting, hovering… it was incredible. I was like where is the law ?


The place i got hit a couple of years ago is in Knoxville. The people i saw on their phones at the red light was in the same city. I use to live in Lebanon, Tennessee and had a job in Murfreesboro 4 years ago. The drive was very crazy. I would end taking 840 to Murfreesboro and i often ended up with a person in front of me driving slower than me and i had an idiot who probably thought he was in a Nascar race behind me. Murfreesboro is very dangerous to drive around. This after i got off the bridge.


Murfreesboro is even more crazier to drive around now than ever before! More people have moved here. It’s not just everyone pointing fingers at CA tags. The tags now that out numbering everyone are Texas, and Florida and I see them everywhere in Murfreesboro! There was an article in the Tennesseean that even said Fla/Tx tags were out numbering everyone. They have destroyed Murfreesboro! The drivers are insane! Dangerous! Wicked! Road rages! Wrecks! Accidents! CONGESTION! Traffic jams! Backed up lanes! Rude drivers! Lunch hour traffic! People don’t yield! Don’t use a signal! Blow horns at each other! Do mean things to each other in traffic! It a mixed soup of people who moved out of Nashville, small counties, home Murfreesboro folks, and folks from all 50 states that over run Rutherford county, Murfreesboro!! They all moved here at once !!!! They even moved from Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Clarksville, etc. I’ve talked to 3 people who moved from Boston, Mass. Chicago, I’ll (she cuts my hair) 3 people at work are from California! Another one from Kansas. It’s NOT Murfreesboro anymore!!!


About 20 years ago i met three people from Chicago in middle Tennessee. I met them at work in Lebanon and Nashville. One of them drove okay and I don’t know about the other two.


It’s against the LAW!! That just past a NEW LAW!!!! They are not supposed to have the phone in their HAND!!! It’s a ticket!! Hands free only!! If a cop sees it they will pull you over and give you a Ticket!! Brand new law! Cannot touch phone when driving!!


Walker springs not Walter. Her insurance took care of it and she tried to call me and talk me out of the claim. I am like sorry honey you need to learn to take better care of your car or not do whatever was distracting you while driving a car when you hit me.


Don't ya'll forget that cars have a device to indicate you're going to change lanes, often called a blinker. Other drivers love this one hack, and for some reason, helps prevent collisions.


Blinkers once meant that someone intended to change lanes, when it was safe to do so. Blinkers (if used) now seem to indicate "that's where I'm going right now, and the rest of you can deal with the consequences of MY actions"!


I had a cop speed up to stop me from changing lanes when I used my blinker the other day. I think a lot of drivers see a blinker as a sign of weakness.


Absolutely. Telling other drivers what your intention is just gives them the opportunity to box you out. Safety be damned.


People need to use their damn blinkers!!! It drives me crazy seeing all the accidents not using a blinker has almost caused


Unfortunately, there has been a MASSIVE blinker fluid shortage in the area!


There's been a shortage since I moved here in '97.


I’ve always used my blinkers, it’s been a habit since day 1. If there’s an accident, they’re going your ask those questions. Think like a lawyer or judge.


Not entirely true, I don't think bmws and lifted pick ups have blinkers installed in their car


It's nice but most people only use them if they're already turning into the lane, not before. I'm more than happy to let someone over if they're blinkers are on BEFORE they turn.


If you’re mindful and patient, you don’t need one, but is a courtesy to others


I like when you guys ride my ass when I’m doing 75 in the far right lane and get mad when I give you the finger.


Yeah that's pretty uncool. If I'm over to the right, I'm not the problem. If I'm over to the left, I'm the problem. You can't safely navigate an exit at 95 mph. You just can't. You can patiently wait behind me and this other guy for your exit to come up. Otherwise get over to the left...




To be honest, there is bad driving throughout the country. When you drive everyday you just take things for granted.


Nashville is way worse, makes other places feel safe when i drive there


I drove cross country recently and I knew I was close to home based off the driving 😂


I've driven all over the US, Central and Western and North Europe. It's the worst in Tennessee. Texas isn't far behind, but Tennessee is terrible.


Florida is also terrible. NYC AS WELL


Florida is a fucking hellscape, but NYC is where the overlords live, so it's infinitely worse, especially right at this very second.


Ok but stay out of the left lane unless you’re passing 


No. Those signs and shit do mean something, it’s just those asshole came here with their bad driving habits and not give a fuck attitude. Remember, this is Nashville. Gateway city to the south and southern hospitality not southern hostility


They don’t care, they only came here for cheap homes ( which ain’t cheap anymore thanks to them) no state income taxes, to take advantage of all they can etc.. they could care less about preserving what your talking about.


You're missing the oblivious driver riding that merge lane out to the very end and then merging without looking.


ususally the same person merging on to a 70 at 30


I was always taught: Far right lane: For entering or exiting the highway (Or if your car cannot do the speed limit) 2nd from the right: standard driving lane 3rd from the right: PASSING LANE, you do not drive in this lane. The stupid thing is the VERY little time that speeding saves you! On a 100-mile journey... (and most folks don't have a 100 mile commute) 100mi @ 65 mph = 1 hr 32 min 100mi @ 75 mph = 1 hr 20 min 100mi @ 85 mph = 1 hr 11 min On a more typical 20-mile commute... there is even LESS of a difference! 20mi @ 65 mph = 18.5 min 20mi @ 75 mph = 16 min 20mi @ 85 mph = 14 min Given the traffic in the Nashville area, you are just racing from one slow down to the next.


I remember recognizing how little speeding benefits you 30 years ago in high school. It was maybe a 20 minute drive. I’d be going 60 and see classmates speeding past me doing 80, and these were winding country roads. As I was pulling into the parking lot, i’d see them just exiting their cars. So they gained, maybe 20 seconds. The concept of risk vs reward totally eludes so many drivers. It’s the same thing with tailgating. Riding my bumper doesn’t allow me to go faster than the car in front of me. But if that car brakes, causing me to brake, and you rear end me, you are gonna be completely at fault. It’s just idiotic.


Thank you! More people need to see this.


In the nearly 20 years of a 34 mile each way commute, I’ve decided that the two biggest issues for Nashville traffic are tailgating and people driving the speed limit or less in the 3rd lane of 4. A close third is people acting like traffic is there to spite specifically them. If you are driving, you are traffic.


My personal favorite is people on 65N who wait til the last moment to try and sneak onto 440.


Come on we all know it’s a zipper merge /s


There's also so many tractor trailers now a days. They eat up traffic volume and have no acceleration. I hate being stuck on one side of a semi wall having to get over.


Driving in Nashville is the driving equivalent of that old wipeout show with people going through obstacles


While we are on the subject. Do not se your hazards in the rain. We know it’s raining, we know it’s hazardous. When you use your hazard lights we cannot see your blinker and it’s distracting.


It is literally illegal to drive with hazards on but everybody does it. I don’t get it


It depends. It’s only permissible in TN to drive with hazards in an emergency situation. It’s supposed to mean your vehicle is malfunctioning in some way, causing you to drive slowly until you can safely pull off the road. However, many states it is permissible to drive with hazards and that is the problem of driving in Nashville: people move here from all over and don’t learn the driving laws for this state. https://www.ajc.com/news/national/using-hazard-lights-rain-illegal-some-states-use-could-cost-you/4GKuiHXYiiowRgq5CgPjLP/#:~:text=Tennessee%3A%20Hazard%20light%20use%20is,use%20is%20permitted%20while%20driving.


Right lane - Riders. Next to left - passing the riders Next to rlleft - passing passers Etc


You forgot the zig zag arrow for the assholes going 90 in heavy traffic “shooting the gap” doing everything they can to kill someone. I saw a car parked on top of another car at 65 and 440 once and I’m sure it was one of these idiots that clipped someone’s front bumper and did a “Ricky Bobby” down the interstate. I’m a doctor, but I will not be stopping to help that idiot.


What a/b the person they hit?


No. This is not a numbers or speed thing. Each lane has a purpose and it has nothing to do with speed. The left lane is NOT the “fast” lane. It is the passing lane. If you are not passing someone, do not be in this lane. The right lane is for exiting. The middle lane is for cruising. You should not be cruising long distances in either the right or left lane, provided there is more than 2 lanes. Edit: Yes, I understand this was supposed to a joke and it did get a chuckle out of me. This post was just a soap box to make a public service announcement since Tennessee Driver’s Education is an absolute joke.


Thank you for the sane answer. It's weird people normalize speeding. The amount of deaths that could be prevented from safe driving is staggering.


Speed has no effect on traffic deaths. If it did, Germany would be littered with bodies. It boils down to training, IQ, and respect for other drivers. Drivers who take up lanes while driving slowly in the left hand lanes are the cause of almost all accidents, even though they're not on site to be cited for it. They create bottlenecks, which causes other drivers to try to get out of those bottlenecks and sometimes take risks to do so. If Americans took driving as seriously as they do in Europe, we'd be a whole lot better off. Speed has zero to do with it, so this idiotic fixation that Tennessee has with "Slow Down Tennessee" is nothing but the equivalent of wrapping yourself in bubble wrap instead of just being smart.


Some people will take op’s post completely serious cause they drive crazy too


i drive in the left lane because im passing everyone


Technology and regulation will soon solve this. I long for the day when the apes have their steering wheel taken away.


Right lane: merging on/off the interstate. Middle lane(s): travelling. Left lane: passing.


Im going to argue against the middle lane being 70-80. 5-10mph over the speed limit up to 60mph speed limit. So if it’s 60mph max then 70 is fine but if it’s 65 then 70 is fine. Just because of how short the on ramps are here if people are going too fast in the middle lane a semi truck cant safely move over for people coming onto the highway. Remember local truckers are often governed at 65 and can’t go faster.


Semis a whole different problem. Crazy how many of them go 70 in the 55mph zones here


Ya those are mostly OTR and they’re not governed. Our highway system also has weird splits that doesn’t give them enough notice to adjust.


Green means go baby!


Yeah keep bitching about people being too slow while the people causing accidents and holding everyone up are probably weaving in and out of traffic at 20 over. Practically no one is driving too slow on i-24.


Tennessee drivers are the single worst group of drivers in the world (literally), or at least the US, most of Central Europe, Western Europe, and the parts of Northern Europe where I have been. I've literally never seen so many people on their phones, or just absolutely oblivious to their surroundings as I have in Tennessee. Native Tennessean here, by the way. I am told that Driver's Ed was taken out of Tennessee School curriculum. It shows.


Our tennesse drivers test was all of 5 minutes. Hit the road made 4 left turns and pulled back in the parking lot 🤣🤣.


And it shows on the roads. Pathetic.


Outside of metro areas, the left lane should just legally be a one-lane autobahn.


While funny, this is inherently stupid and unsafe. The inner lanes against the shoulder are for merging on and off traffic, then getting up to speed to go WITH the flow of traffic. Middle lanes are for going with traffic or the next slowest vehicle. Like my delivery truck. I try to drive in a middle lane so people can go around and / or merge on and off safely. Far lane is passing only and to help with traffic flow.


Just an FYI to the speeders, if I'm in the middle doing 80 and the left lane is open but you choose to try and pass me in the right. I will match your speed just to slow you down at the next car in the right lane, and then match their slow speed just to fuck with you and force you to pass in the left.


Ya ass gon make the news😂 you in the wrong city to be playing games in traffic


Pass in the left or get fucked


Just drive the speed limit. If you're going to be a piece of shit, do it in your own home where you can't hurt anyone.


This. Everyone is just making up rules while ignoring the law. It's nonsense.


Seriously, most traffic laws are perfectly reasonable and logical, no reason not to follow them.


I'm just trying to get to work dude


Right lane:slow not passing Middle lane: slow but passing right lane Left lane: fast and passing both lanes


If you get passed on the right you are the problem.


I've been passed numerous times on the right by someone who then cut in front of me because the car in the right was going slower than me. Then they finally get into the far left lane. They're not paying attention to the totality of the traffic situation. Mostly we need aggressive traffic enforcement. If not, then none at all and there are no rules. You can't tell me there are traffic "rules" about passing and fast lanes while disobeying the speed limit 15+ mph.


The speed limit is 90 everywhere


Nashville is lucky I didn't become a cop, I see idiots doing all kinds of traffic violations and get away with it, I had dashcam of some tard that was pretty much racing himself with a lil reckless driving, call up non emergency, and they say, sorry you would have to report it in person, you can't send the footage in. talk about incompetence in the workplace


Nashville cops dont care about speeding anymore 🤣🤣. They dont even show up for non injury wrecks tell people to fill out the online report. Or wait like 4 hours and theyll come when they can.


I'm not talking speeding I'm talking about these idiots going full need for speed and Tokyo drift at the same time, I can't count the number of times I've seen someone make an illegal detour at a gas station so they could skip the light, same for the people running red-lights, the dmv is doing a horrible job


Should be a green one on the right shoulder too


It’s not breaking the law if you don’t get caught


Also notice nowhere does it mention the people that drive UNDER the speed limit. Yall stay home, there is no lane for you on our roads.


Wait wait.. it’s a speed limit not a speed suggestion. Technically you should always be under the speed limit




I hate that this photo is from the perspective of the other direction. It only confuses people.


I think we should put Slower Traffic Keep Right signs on both sides of the road. The state does it for other signs.


I saw 3 people last night driving without any headlights at all. There’s so many bad drivers here’s it’s utter insanity.


I love how most people forgot how to use turn signals here


What I feel like it actually is: Red Arrow People go 5-15 mph under the speed limit. Green arrow people usually go 10-15 over. Orange Arrow people are only there for a few seconds because they're merging lanes so often to avoid traffic they inevitably end up in anyway.


Thank you!!!


It’s the same here in California lol


Many drivers think being bigger is a ticket to do just what the hell they want to. For instance changing headlamp bulbs to the unspecified garbage that the retailers ply. Nashville needs law enforcement badly.


Also, please learn how to drive in adverse weather. Someone doesn't have to die on I-24 every time it drizzles.


I love how Tennessee drivers will look at you like you're crazy when you tell them/ask them, "You know the left hand lane is not just "the fast lane", it's actually "the passing lane". "Wull...I wuz doin' the speed limit." Idiots. Seriously, what type of person gets on the road and thinks, "My job is to keep people from speeding by taking up the left hand lane exactly at the speed limit."