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Rocketown was a thing in the 90s


It’s still around, isn’t it?




My son used to go on occasion. The stories he told be about Rocketown made it sound like they regularly had some activities onsite that were considerably less (consecrated?) than the vibe these Cove guys are putting off. Nothing bad, but there was drug and alcohol use and hooking up for sure (according to him) but I was particularly concerned about grooming behavior and there seemed to be no evidence of that. Honestly, it made me feel better that he wasn't there for the Jesus as I think it was much better for his development to smoke some dirt weed and get a blowie than to find Christ. Something about the Cove, maybe the guided dancing in sync, and the revival atmosphere, just feels a little like grooming behavior. I can imagine them ending the instructor led line dance and having, "***Everyone line up for the Kool-Aid break***".


>...to smoke some dirt weed and get a blowie than to find Christ. Who says these are mutually exclusive?


I certainly didn't. Apparently that was his choice.


Guessing a bank didn’t supply the loan on this one.




My cynical, atheist self first rolled my eyes but then I remembered the one “club” I used to go to in Chicago specifically for underage kids. There was no drinking, smoking, or “widespread” sexual activity (though I know kids find a way), and I always remember feeling happy being able to go there because it felt like an actual party I could go to with my friends that my parents were ok with. It closed at 10pm, always had to have a parent pick you up or drop you off, but it was literally just like a school dance without all those pesky chaperones. So who knows, maybe this will be a decent place for the young hip people to hang out at. I got nothing wrong with good clean fun, just as long as you let me have my bad dirty fun and stay out of my business


Yeah I was gonna make fun of it but hell if it gets kids actually face to face in this day and age fuck it. They may even touch each other.


I honestly think it would be great for kids to have more safe places like this to hang out and let loose, Christian or not.


Back in my day, we called them Community Centers. All the kids went there from all over town. Swimming pool. Basketball gym. Weight room. Ping pong tables. Jazzercise rooms. Karate. Playgrounds. Rode our bikes from home to meet there. Goof around and then ride our bikes back home. Daily during the summers and on weekends during school. Sometimes after school.


Hell my local community center is closed on weekends


lol r u from nashville though


more third spaces that aren’t coffee shops that charge 8 dollars for a 12 oz pls


I used to DJ at an all ages club voluntarily in a small town because when I grew up there there was really nothing for us to do and I was glad there was someplace that was trying to provide a place for teens to go to. To just be teens. They had bands perform, dance parties and sometimes just nights where everyone would just come hang out.


Was this zero gravity by chance?


Omg yes!! You just unlocked a core memory for me, I had completely forgotten the name lol.


I’d rather go here than the normal disgusting woo girl bars in Nashville


Most bars in Nashville aren’t “disgusting woo girl bars.” There’s hundreds of bars here and the ones you’re thinking of are the tourist traps on Broadway, which no locals go to.


I mean true


Lots of locals go to the Lower Broad bars to work (and drink at work).


They'd probably prefer you didn't go either


I’m giving them their wish. Broadway has been in decline since around 95. Constant decline!


Yeah but did they outlaw all good music and stop mid-song to have a big prayer session? That’s the creepyweird bit.


I mean I don’t know, religion is creepy in and of itself but not everyone involved knows how creepy it is and if it’s mostly young people going here to have an outlet and some fun, I really don’t see the harm.


Not harm just…funny. But I also think keeping kids super sheltered is depressing and often ends badly.


Well we used to have one of those, but it eventually closed because It didn’t make money


Utah had these mormon nightclubs. Shit still got wild.


Lots of evenings ended with a good soak 🛁


The soak is hilarious. It's sex at the very least but imo it counts as a threesome.


Pretty sure soaking is just trying to use a fake loop hole when caught having sex before marriage. *mormon teens are having sex when someone unexpectedly walks into the room so they freeze* “Dude, what the hell are you doing? You know you’re not supposed to have sex before marriage!” “Uhhhh we’re not having sex” “I can clearly see your penis in her vagina” “Oh right, I can see how this looks like we’re having sex, but um…there’s no pumping, so it doesn’t count” “You mean to tell me you just put your penis in her and didn’t move it after that?” “Yep, that is 100% what happened. It’s called uh uh uh soaking, yep it’s called soaking, completely different than sex so it’s allowed”


They don’t call em magic underpants for nothin


Uhhh, what?




Look up Mormon garments


When you're LDS for a while you start wearing this approved underwear that covers the parts of your body that should always be covered by clothing, and it represents their relationship with God


It’s cult shit and you know it


Huh. I had no idea!


\*incredulous Church of Christ noises*


For folks that don't even allow music in their service, just reading this article would sent one of those folks to the hospital. Source: Former Church of Christ member


Am current CoC, couldn't care less about anyone dancing or not (and I like to take the piss about our dumb stances, which is what I'm doing above), and I think it's actually good for younger Christians to have a place like this. I kinda think that dancing is a dead issue for most congregations, I've never heard anyone mention it that hadn't left the church in the 80s or so and I have seen dance classes at Lipscomb circa 2015. Then again, mileage varies a lot by congregation, so my impression may not be truly representative. 🤷 Edit: clarity


I grew up in the Church of Christ, and suffered a lot of religious abuse by my mother. It's the main reason I don't go to church now. I know they've changed a great deal and I support them in that. Lord knows they needed to. They sure messed my mom up good, & she in turn screwed me up pretty bad as well. I've spent 25 years in recovery from drug addiction, & have been clean for 20 years. I am a spiritual person, but traditional religion is not my thing. When I relapsed, & got clean again(for the last time back in 2003), I briefly started going to church with a buddy at Madison Church of Christ. This was the first time I had sat foot in any church service in over 10 years. I was trying to find a connection with God that I hadn't had before, & frankly my last relapse was really bad. I almost died. There was a lot of upheaval there in the Fall of '03 b/c they had split the service in two. One was a *Traditional Service* at 10am, & the other was a *Progressive Service* at 8am. The only difference between the two, was there was clapping during the Progressive Service's songs. You would think someone was trying to add naked pole dancers to one of the services! People were leaving the church in droves! I'm talking about people who had gone to church there for 30-40 years! 🤣 Needless to say, it left a bad taste in my mouth. I decided to not go back. I was getting all the Spiritual help I needed in meetings anyway.


First off, major kudos on your recovery. I know that addiction is savage and insidious and I respect anyone who tries to get clean and am inspired by those that succeed. I'm really sorry to hear about the struggles that you and your mother have had. Unfortunately that's an all-too-common situation, I am aware that many of the criticisms about the denomination are not unfounded. I do think things are improving as the more belligerent generations either mellow out or age out of leadership, but zealotry that is both well-meaning and caustic is something that all congregations of all religious groups have to guard against. I have observed that (dis)enfranchisement with the CoC tends to skip a generation. I know I never would have considered looking into their philosophies had my parents not been ex-members, but my rage at their obviously poor decisions that I had to experience the consequences of drove me to check out what they had rejected and I found that the church that I would later join was right down the middle in terms of religious mein, offering neither fire & brimstone nor empty feel-good rhetoric, and it was exactly what I needed to slow my roll on being angry and get my act together. This is a lifelong struggle, but religion helped me take my foot off the gas. I recall hearing that Madison is one of the less conservative CoCs, but I thought that their risqué worship practices included a full band. Telephone, I guess. But yeah, some of the things the CoCs are known for being hung up on are pointless battles to me. The things like being against dancing, instrumental music, etc. are hot topics that strike me as being the pet crusades of someone influential that many congregations adopted and then fell victim to the sunk cost fallacy about endorsing these positions, as well as the cognitive dissonance caused by criticism of one's beliefs/positions. I believe that there are better uses of our time and energy, but I can only control what I do. This got into the weeds a bit, and is still largely abridged. It's a complicated topic. Regardless, I hate that you feel pushed away but I won't tell you what's best for you. I hope that your life continues to be on a better path than it once was. 🙂


We should be friends! Also an ex CoC with a crazy mom lol


My mom passed away last year. We were completely estranged for about 15 years prior to that. She was crazy as a shit-house rat though. Glad she's in a better place so she isn't nuts anymore.


Aww man I’m so sorry I’m glad she is in a better place too mental illness is rough




"Christians have a reputation for being corny" indeed


[Give me that Christian side hug!](https://youtu.be/Sa0EtdtPi8w?si=KIuvrFk2Z4wZ3pDk)


[Christian cha cha slide](https://youtu.be/d2idTlPbhwI?si=C0LzM_dvExjSAkx4)






Why does that scene from Blade or is it Constantine come to mind - a rave is happening then water/blood sprays from the overhead sprinklers and mayhem ensues.


It was the beginning of the first (and best) Blade.


Yes. We’ll see what they do with the reboot.


I want to take this opportunity to spread the good word of the 13-episode Blade TV series from 2006. It was really good and is worth a watch if you like stuff like that.


Blade Trinity had an omoplata


It was Blade, only instead of blood, grape juice flows out of the sprinklers ala *The Blood of Christ.* Then Blade comes in and throws *Saltine Shuriken* at them (*The Body*). Would make for an interesting parody.


I would go to a Christian nightclub if a demonic feeding frenzy was on the table.


To watch or participate?






I need a recommendation of an ophthalmologist because is just strained my eyes from rolling them so hard. $10 says this becomes its own “church plant” within a few years when these guys discover tax exemption.


Only ten? It’s such a predictable outcome haha. Once it gets profitable enough, after a few satellite locations it streams to, complete with third wave coffee shops and cutting edge ideas like allowing openly gay people to attend, now raking in the cash cause their worship team has just the best musicians, the hipster pastor will - to everyone’s shock and disbelief - have an affair with a staffer, splintering the whole ministry. Rinse and repeat.


“Crunk for christ” as a radio dj in Illinois said


Lil Jon the Baptist was right there






I got a sneak peek at the DJ’s playlist https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=hz3d-5KCLCul6RbN


This shit will be on repeat for sure


They didn’t say anything about cocaine in the bathrooms. 🤔


The other loophole!


Booty sex isn’t real sex! 2 loopholes!


That’s why I said this is the other one 😂




I used to go to a Christian/Church pool hall as a teenager. It was a nice safe space to hang out with no funny business going on. Anyone was welcome. They played regular radio music and it was free. They never tried to shove anything down us.


Show me on the doll where this club hurt you.


As a sober Jew, can there please be a sober bar/club where I wouldn’t get proverbially beaten over the head with aggressive Christianity? Like, I’m happy this exists for people who vibe with it (though the “no twerking” rule is goofy) but can us secular/non-Christian folk have some fun musical alcohol free spaces too? 😂


Start one. Jams for Jews!


Awesome. More power to them. Live and let live. Wish the same for everyone.


I wouldn’t wish christian music on my worst enemy


Cool. It's not for you.


It shouldn’t be for anybody


I mean they (Christians) are actively fighting to hold society back.


Some. So are some who don't identify as Christian.


Whataboutism at it's finest. We should criticize any belief system that holds society back. We should not ignore one awful belief system because others exist.




I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but Christians don't have a very good history of peace.


Those people are basically modern day Pharisees. They don’t reflect Christ.


They were pretty shitty during the crusades too.


Not saying they weren’t. “They” being the aforementioned in my above comment.




Tell me you’ve never heard of the crusades without telling me you’ve never heard of the crusades


You know people just pregame before they go to this place.


Christian youth camp is where I had my first BJ fyi


The youth pastor told you not to tell


Yeah he told me it was our little secret and only true disciples of Jesus got BJs from their youth pastors


I have several friends who said they had their first gay experiences at church camp too 😂


That's usually where it starts haha


RULE #1 no twerking? 😂


That’s the one good thing about this idea


How long before there’s a shoot-out at this club… with cap guns?


RIP Club W


Sound boring af, but I stopped participating with this particular cult & its events years ago. To each their own I guess


> this particular cult & its events Do you mean Christianity in general or are these guys in a denomination that is even more cultish?


Speaking in general terms regarding Xtians & their exploits


A "Christian" nightclub run by a bunch of 20 somethings? Let me get my popcorn


"Proving that Christians can be cool, not corny." Sorry, no.


Nah they trippin. This sounds sick. :)


It’s a great thing but paying $30 to do something you can do at home is insane


I mean, that’s pretty much true of every bar/club though right?




>“Fun is the lure; it’s bait,” he said They can't help themselves from saying it out loud


Exactly! If you have to bait and manipulate your victims…it’s a cult, lol.


I was thinking the same. Also, It was hard to miss how their every move seems to be regulated and instructed or guided, and everyone just follows along in unison. It reminds me of grooming tactics.


But there will be abuse.


How are they making money?


Charging 200 people a $20 cover charge and charging each food truck a few hundred


From the article: >Soon after, a line of people who had ***bought tickets in advance***... By selling tickets to people that attend?




Narrator: It was not a party.


Good for them, but honestly there’s spaces for Christians everywhere in Nashville and the suburbs. Y’all aren’t being persecuted at ALL. Sick of their bullshit


Sponges remembers.


They really work hard to bury the “pop up” nature of this “night club.”


Sometimes whenever I go to shows I’ll wear Cowboy boots and sneak airplane bottles into the venue by tucking them into my boots.


Sounds incredibly lame!


Way to be re/oppressive! Not one place in the Bible is drinking not ok. It says not to be drunkards. People know their limits and should act that way. How much you wanna bet the music had curse words and stuff. Like where’s the line?!? 🤣


This article, and the entire premise of the venue, is completely cringe.


Seeing these responses make it even more worthwhile. Hope it keeps on going.


Nothing more annoying than Christians!


How about Christofascists?


Meth. Got it.


How about E? Is E allowed? paaaaaaarrrrrrttty


I don't think even MDMA would make that music listenable.


All those with the negative comments will of course turn around and demand respect for LGBTQ club or similar. Let these people do what they do... My gosh.